Diversity in America Midterm

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___ people were murdered in the Rwandan conflict


Horrors in Rwanda were magnified by

European colonialism

___ was elected as the first black president of South Africa

Nelson Mandela

Which country has the fewest problems with dominant-minority relations?


selective perception

is a tendency to see beyond one's own observations

Apartheid was established by the ___ Party of ___

national, South Africa

park felt that intergroup relations go through a predictable set of phases that he called

"A race relations cycle"

which of the following is an example of selective perception?

(all of the above) -seeing a native American who is drinking in a bar, but not noticing the Native American who is neatly dressed in a 3-piece Armani suit -seeing the old man who pulls out on a freeway at 35 mph while ignoring the good driver who happens to be elderly -assuming the female doctor is really a nurse

"history generally has been written from the standpoint of the winners" this statement can be reflected in which of the following

(all of the above) -the history of slavery was written by slave owners, while slaves were kept illiterate by law -the history of poor workers...

Marx believed that conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat was inevitable and that the ultimate result of this class struggle would be the

(all of the above) -victory of the working class -creation of a utopian society without exploitation, coercion, or inequality, -classless society

strong norms of patriarchy determined the appropriate work for Italia female immigrants. They tended to work

-in jobs that could be done at home -in single-sex settings among other immigrant women

A study of Princeton University undergrads provided the following perspectives on the content of American stereotypes

-negative and positive stereotypes can be applied to the same group -willingness to stereotype seems to decline over the years -the attribution of some traits actually increased in the years between 1933 and 1967

skin color is an important marker of group membership in our society because it

-was selected during a complex and lengthy historical process -became important because we attributed significance to it

in US immigration law, quotas for each sending nation were established in what year?


Switzerland has a largely peaceful history, primarily due to

3 ethnic groups working voluntarily together

a major point in Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma is that

Americans learn norms of fairness and justice along with norms that condone or demand unequal treatment based on group membership

Avi was a tailor who immigrated to America in 1897 to avoid religious persecution in Russia. He settled in NYC and worked in the garment industry. Avi is an example of

Eastern European immigrant who was part of the New Immigration

The initial settlement of South Africa by the Dutch resembled the

European movement into North America

the initial settlement of South Africa by the Dutch resembled the

European movement into North America

___ put the ____ in a position to govern the ___in a classic case of divide and conquer, largely setting the stage for the massacre in Rwanda

Germany; Tutsis; Hutus

which immigrant group was the most active in labor unions during the early 20th century?


the Afrikaans created apartheid, which resembled

Jim Crow in the United States

Italian speakers, French speakers, and German speakers are the 3 major groups of

Swiss society

Emory Bogardus specified a total of 7 degrees of social distance. Which of the following is not one of them?

To my church as fellow parishioners

The Malcolm and Maria story clearly illustrates

a combination of factors, including sex, may contribute to the differences in the lives of men and women

according to Marxism, the capitalist class in the early 20th century controlled the racially mixed working class by

a strategy of divide and conquer

the family wage is

a wage paid to male workers to they can support their family

The population of the Us is currently

affected by long-standing unresolved issues, affected by rising immigration rates, increasingly diverse, increasingly multilingual

private property and the passing of wealth emerged during which period?


which concept below best describes someone who is prejudiced and does discriminate?

an all-weather bigot

separate spheres refers to

an ideology of men's place vs. women's place

The process of assimilation could be illustrated by

an immigrant learning the language of her new country

the two groups projected to increase dramatically in the US over the next half century are

asian and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanic Americans

compared to Switzerland, Yugoslavia's contact situation was


In an American Dilemma, Dr. Gunnar Myrdal suggests that there's a basic conflict (or dissonance) between

basically egalitarian values and the discriminatory behaviors simultaneously found in US culture

unrest and violence in Ireland generally evolved from

both of the above

which fact illustrates that western society places more weight on education of males?

boys are called on more in class

Which of the following are the key actors, according to split labor market theorists?

capitalists, higher-priced labor, lower-priced labor

Which two conditions of the Noel Hypothesis weren't present in the initial contact situation between Europeans and Hawaiian Islanders?

competition and power differential

The Robber's Cave experiment supports the idea that prejudice can by caused by

conflict situations between groups

The largest minority group in Canada is

cultural and linguistic

the Amish are committed to a way of life organized around farming. they maintain a culture and an institutional that is separate from the dominant culture. The kind of pluralism that best describes them is

cultural pluralism

the Bogardus scale of social distance suggests that prejudice is based on


as employment became more urbanized, women's and children's participation in the labor force


there is a ___ yet ___ gender gap in income

decreasing; persistent

In Western Europe, scientific and philosophical interest in the concept of race began

during the age of European conquest and colonization of nonwhites

marxism also explains group competition and prejudice by suggesting

elites control the means of production and also the ideas/intellectual activity in a society

which of the following exemplifies how structural mobility benefited ethnic whites in the 20th century?

ethnic whites had more opportunity for educatoin

what are two general stereotypes of minority groups?

extreme inferiority and power/status differences

all humans can choose their own forms of productive work, relationships, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without regard to their race, gender, or any other characteristic, describes the philosophy of

gender rebellion feminism

attempt to change the traditional views on what constitutes positive societal norms describes the philosophy of

gender resistant feminism

Slavery ended ___ in Brazil


In general, colonized groups are at a __ power disadvantage compared to immigrant groups


survival and success in America for all minority groups has had more to do with ___ than ___with _____

group processes; individual motivation

The postindustrial society in the US is helped by __ immigrants, whereas the secondary labor market is supplied by __ immigrant workers

highly educated; undocumented

the social or physical characteristics that mark the boundaries between groups are usually

highly visible

when entire groups are treated unfairly and unequally in the institutions of the larger society, this is called

institutional discrimination

According to Milton Gordon, integration n the secondary sector will lead to

integration in the primary sector

the 3rd type of pluralism that reversed Gordon's first 2 stages would be

integration without acculturation

social structure is divided into primary and secondary sectors. Primary sector refers to

interpersonal relationships that are intimate and personal, such as families and friendship groups

all of the following are limitations to a minority group's ability to pursue its own self-interest except

large group size

postindustrial shifts include all but which of the following?

larger families

when minority groups in a society are exploited and held in a powerless status by the dominant group, which of the following stereotypes is most likely to emerge about that minority group?


the Portuguese were ____ hostile toward people of color than other European colonial powers


which statement regarding sexual assault and the military is accurate?

males in the military have reported more unwanted sexual contact from other men than women have

the idea that racism is changing form to a more subtle way of expressing negative feelings is called

modern racism

some research suggests prejudice is declining in the United States. What suggests it might not be declining?

modern racism and hate crimes

the equal rights amendment

passed Congress but not in 2/3 of state legislatures, as required for ratification for an amendment to the US Constitution

the doldrum period refers to

post WWII period which found women in the suburban home with modern conveniences

sociologist Ruby Kennedy studied multicultural intermarriage and described a phenomenon she called a "triple melting pot" referring to the multicultural intermarriage within 3 separate groups

protestants, catholics, and Jews

which statement is true about race in Brazil?

race is seen as a series of categories that have ambiguous, indeterminate boundaries

stereotypes may vary by

race, gender, class

your book details Americans' social distance scores from 1926 to 2001. Which of the following was not found in that research?

racial minorities such as African Americans ranked above groups with origins in northern and western Europe

most reported hate crimes are

racially motivated, with blacks as the target

Ethclass is defined by the intersection of

religion + ethnic + social class

The former Yugoslavia has a complex mix of

religious and ethnic backgrounds

The right to resist child marriage and the right to access maternal healthcare are examples of

reproductive rights

Germany lost WWI and experiences severe problems with economic recession, unemployment, and horrific inflation during the 1920's. Which theory best explains the rise of the Nazi part in Germany in the 1930's?

scapegoat theories

sexual Assualt and sexual harassment crimes are often misunderstood to be motivated by

sexual attraction

societies are divided into horizontal layers (or strata) often called

social classes

according to your textbook, what factor(s) play a role in the origins of prejudice?

socialization and competition

Hartley (1946) demonstrated that there can be a generalized tendency to reject minority groups of all sorts and stereotypes can exist apart from any need to rationalize or justify dominant-group advantages when he found that

some people will express prejudice against people who do not exist

the one common factor that seems to account for the origin of all prejudice is


you hear someone say that "all women are bad drivers", "all Asians are smart" and "all Latinos drive low-riders". these are examples of


which of the following is not an example of the affective dimension of prejudice?

stereotyping and overgeneralizations (affective prejudice is based on likes and dislikes)

___ assimilation occurs when a minority group enters the secondary sector of the larger society and occupies the same public institutions such as churches, schools, and workplaces


men who achieve faster in traditional female occupations are

taking advantage of the glass escalator

The Boer War was a fight between

the British and Dutch

which hypothesis can be literally and directly applied to LGBTs?

the Noel hypothesis

All of the following events contributed to the end of the apartheid except

the election of Jacob Zuma as president

The founding of Israel was a direct result of

the horrors of WWII Holocaust

what was one expression of anti-immigrant prejudice and racism?

the national origins act of 1924

gender socialization is

the process by which kids are taught expectatoins for appropriate gender behaviors

Suggrafists initially advocated for

the right to vote and own property

which gender-related issue would a third-wave feminist most likely be concerned with?

the standard male/female dichotomy

Apartheid was ended due to all but which of the following factors?

the white minority left Africa

Which statement best explains the reasons for peace in Switzerland?

there is no history of conquest of coercion among groups

you work at the local bank as a loan processor. although you believe that whites and African Americans should be treated equally, your boss demands that you turn down any loans requested by an African American. According to your text, you are a(n)

unprejudiced discriminator

one concern with the practice of family wages employed by henry ford was that it

was based on an ideal family structure

which term is associated with the concept of intersectionality?


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