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School, business and residential zones

25 mph

Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement for 55 mph

265 ft

If you veer off the road, curved or straight, do not panic and

Gradually reduce your speed, look in the direction you want to go, slowly steer back onto the roadway.

Slow or Stop

Left hand and arm pointing downward

Left Turn

Left hand and arm pointing straight out

at the scene of a crash in which you are involved

You must stop

To make a right turn

You should be in the lane closest to the curb.You should signal at least three or four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of the turn.

Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement for 35 mph

135 ft

Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement for 45 mph

195 ft

Broken yellow center lines

mean that passing on the left is allowed in either direction when the way ahead is clear.

Passing is unlawful and unsafe:

off the pavement or shoulder of the road

As you enter an intersection or traffic circle, what must you do?

yield to traffic already in it

Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement for 65 mph

344 ft

Rural rustic roads

35 mph

You are following an emergency vehicle responding to an emergency. What is the closest distance you may follow?

500 feet when its lights are flashing

Non-rural interstate highways, public roads not part of the interstate system

55 mph

Interstate highways in certain rural areas

70 mph

Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement for 25 mph

85 ft


Before you make a U-turn, check for No U-Turn or No Left Turn signs. In business districts, cities and towns, U-turns are allowed only at intersections. Never make a U-turn on a highway.

The distance your car travels after you apply the brakes.

Braking distance

White lane arrows are curved or straight.

If you are in a lane marked with a curved arrow or a curved arrow and the word ONLY, you must turn in the direction of the arrow. If your lane is marked with both a curved and straight arrow, you may turn or go straight.

Right Turn

Left hand and arm pointing upward

The time it takes you to recognize a hazard.

Perception time

The distance your vehicle travels between the time you recognize a problem and the time you apply the brakes.

Reaction distance

The traffic lights at an intersection are not working. What must you do?

The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.

When two vehicles are approaching each other and signaling to turn left

both vehicles should turn in front of each other so that the passenger sides of the vehicles are beside each other.

Before changing lanes

check your side and rearview mirrors for traffic approaching you from behind

When being passed

don't speed up. Maintain a steady speed or slow down.

If the center lane is marked by a single broken yellow line on both sides

drivers traveling in either direction may use the center lane for passing.

If both sides of the center lane are marked by a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line

drivers traveling in either direction may use the lane for making left turns. However, they may not travel further than 150 feet in this lane.

As a driver entering an interstate from an entrance ramp, you have the right-of-way.


Braking distance is also affected by

how fast your vehicle is traveling, the condition of your brakes and tires, and the pavement condition

Yield line

is a line of triangles extending across the roadway that may be used with a yield sign to show the point at which you must yield or stop, if necessary. A yield line is often seen at the entrance of a roundabout.

Yield ahead symbol

is an outline of a triangle painted in the lane before the place where you must yield.

High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV)

lanes are marked on highways by a diamond shape in the center of the lane. HOV lanes may also be special lanes separated by a barrier or solid double white lines.

Double solid yellow lines

mark the center of the road and separate traffic traveling in two different directions. Passing is not allowed in either direction. You may not cross the lines unless you are making a left turn.

Yellow center lines

mean two-way traffic, flowing in opposite directions.

A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line

means that passing is allowed from the side of the broken line, but not from the side of the solid line.

Passing is unlawful and unsafe

on hills, curves, at intersections or railroad crossings, except on roads with two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

You are driving on an undivided highway. An emergency vehicle in the opposite lane is coming toward you with lights flashing. What must you do?

pull over to the edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle passes.

Double solid white lines

separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Most often they are used to designate special use lane from conventional lanes, as when used to separate a High Occupancy Vehicle lanes from the other lanes of an expressway. You may not cross these lines. You may enter the designated special use lane only where signs and markings allow.

Broken white lines

separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You may change lanes with caution.

Solid white lines

show turning lanes and discourage lane changes near intersections, and at other locations where lane changes might be dangerous.

When you plan to turn

signal three or four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of your turn.

Most over-correction crashes are

single vehicle crashes and are often preventable.

When approaching a stop sign and the car in front of you proceeds

stop at the sign and proceed when the way is clear.

Over-correcting occurs when

the driver turns the steering wheel more sharply than expected, causing the rear wheels of the vehicle to slide toward the outside of the turn. This may result in the loss of vehicle control.

By law, you must drive slower if conditions such as road construction or bad weather make the posted speed unsafe.


Drivers entering an interstate from an entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to traffic already on the highway


Drivers must yield to all military convoys.


If the traffic lights at an intersection are not working, all vehicles coming to the intersection must stop. The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.


It is illegal to use a radar detector in Virginia.


When two vehicles from different directions arrive at the same time at an intersection with no signs or signals, the driver on the left must allow the driver on the right to go first.


When you arrive at the roundabout, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists. You also must yield to any vehicles already in the roundabout.


ou may drive slower than the posted speed, but it is illegal to drive any faster.


When making a U-turn

turn on your left-turn signal, stop, and yield for approaching traffic. When the way is clear, proceed into the outside or right hand lane traveling in the opposite direction.

Perception time, reaction distance and braking distance are affected by

weather, visibility, and your mental and physical condition.

Passing is unlawful and unsafe:

when a school bus is stopped to load or unload passengers on a public road (unless a physical barrier or unpaved median separates traffic going in either direction) or on a private road

Passing is unlawful and unsafe:

when a solid line marks the left side of your lane

You arrive at a roundabout. What must you do?

yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists. You also must yield to any vehicles already in the roundabout.

On an unmarked two-lane road

you may pass a slow moving vehicle on the left side if there are no signs prohibiting passing. Make sure that the way is clear.

You are on a private road or driveway and are about to enter a roadway. What must you do before entering the roadway?

you must stop and yield to all traffic and pedestrians.

at the direction of a police officer. If you don't obey a law enforcement officer's signal to stop and the officer pursues you and is killed as a direct results of the pursuit, you will be guilty of a

Class 4 felony

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