DMV Motorcycles

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distance between each group of riders

Small groups of 4 to 6 riders should have 6 to 8 seconds between the smaller groups.

S.P.A.T. 4 step turning

Speed, Position, Aim, Turn.

how is the rear brake applied to stop quickly in straight line?

apply light to lighter pressure.

How to approach cross tracks in a diagonal path?

approach them at a 45-degree angle, but stay in your lane.


initiating a turn by pushing on the inside handlebar to lean a bike into a corner. Push left to go left and push right to go right.

Universal truth of motorcycling is, riding is more dangerous than driving a car.

motorcycling is 38 times more dangerous than driving a car.

distance between each rider in a group

staggered formation with at least 1.5 to 2 seconds of space between each rider.

Target Fixation

to focus on something too long; to look at an object you are trying to avoid, which may result in failing to avoid the object. Motorcycles tend to go where the rider is looking.

Shifting into Lower gear

1. roll off the throttle. 2. squeeze the clutch. 3. press down, firmly, on the shift lever. 4. ease out the clutch vary slowly.

Minimum vehicle insurance coverage in California.

$15k for injury or death of 1 person; $30k for injury or death of 2 or more people; and $5k for property damage.

What do you do if your tire fails?

1. Hold the grips firmly and ease off the throttle. Don't fight the wobble. 2. Avoid the brakes. 3. Avoid downshifting. 4. Squeeze the clutch and keep it in. 5. shift weight away from affected area. 6. Keep your eyes up and find a safe place to pull over.


A point in rider's path of travel closest to the inside edge of a curve.

Shifting into Higher gear

1. roll off the throttle. 2. squeeze the clutch. 3. lift the shift lever. 4. ease the clutch out. 5. roll on the throttle.

changing lanes

1. plan your move. 2. move to the side of lane to increase line-of-sight. 3. signal first and check mirror. 4. make a quick over-the-shoulder head check (blind spots). 5. when safe, change lanes. 6. cancel your signal after completing the maneuver.

Following distance

2 seconds minimum, room to maneuver, at low speeds on ideal conditions or a minimum of 4 seconds at higher speeds.

Maximum towing speed

55 mph

Under California law, what is considered driving under the influence?

A BAC of 0.01% or more if your under 21 years old; 0.08% or more if you are 21 or older.

what does alcohol impair?

AAA. your Awareness (clear vision), your Assessment (judgment), and your Action (reaction time).

when motorcycles collide with other vehicles are almost always injured, seriously.

About 80% of motorcycle crashes result in injury, compared to about 20% of car crashes.

How to approach an obstacle (potholes)?

Approach the object as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Maintain a steady speed.

The AAA process

Awareness (search aggressively ahead), Assessment ("what if"), and Action (adjust speed, adjust position, and communicate). defensive riding strategy.


Department of Transportation.

Lane Position

Determine your escape route, protect your lane (no share lanes), and avoid surface hazards (line-of-sight).

double double yellow lines indicate?

Do NOT drive on or over this barrier or make a left turn or U-turn across.


European union Standard used in many other parts of the world.

which brake provides more stopping power?

Front brakes provide at least 70% of total stopping power.

How many riders killed due to alcohol?

In California, 35% of the riders killed in motorcycle crashes have had alcohol involvement.

What can rain grooves cause?

It can cause the motorcycle to wiggle. Do NOT fight the wiggle, maintain steady speed and keep eyes up.

What does a wobble or weave indicate?

It's your motorcycle's way of telling you that something is wrong. wobble at handlebars and weave in the rear.

How do you shift without using the clutch?

Just match engine speed to road speed and complete the shift quickly.

20 seconds visual lead

Look ahead as far as you can to scan a 20 second path of travel, will take 20 seconds to reach.

The difference between Class M1 and M2?

M2 only permits you to operate a motorized bicycle, moped or a bicycle with an attached motor or motorized scooter NOT a 2 wheel motorcycle.


Search or Scan, Identify, Predict hazards, Decide, and Execute a move.

Rain-Soaked surfaces lane positioning

Ride in the tracks of the other vehicles. The left or right side of the lane. Oil and dirt accumulate in and upon the road surface.


They set performance standards that the manufacturers must follow by federal law.

wearing gloves with body armor in crashes

They were 45% less likely to have injuries on their hands and 73% less likely to have open wounds.

Target fixation

When eyes and brain are focused so intently on a particular object that awareness of other obstacles or hazards is diminished and the rider tends to veer toward that object.

When should you move into single file? At what distance?

When you pass other vehicles, enter or exit a highway, approach a corner, or encounter limited visibility. From a 3 to 4 seconds following distance.

Is lane splitting legal in California?

Yes, between lanes 1 and 2 with no more than 10mph faster than traffic. NOT advised on traffic 30mph or faster.

Are motorcycles allowed to be in the carpool lane?

Yes, unless otherwise posted.

How is front brake applied to stop quickly in straight line?

firmly, smoothly with increasing pressure.

Full-Face Helmets

provides the most protection through their coverage of the face and jaw.

leading causes of single-vehicle crashes

running off the road in a corner is the most common scenario in California.

Purpose of the engine cut-off switch

to be able to shut off the engine without moving your hands on right handle grip.

wearing proper jackets with body armor

were 23% less likely to have injuries and 63% less likely to have open wounds.

wearing proper pants with protective armor on the knees

were 39% less likely to have injuries and 91% less likely to have any open wounds.

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