Driver Education: Unit 5

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How to prevent a skid

-Apply the brakes in a smooth and progressive manner. -Make smooth, precise steering wheel movements. -Slow down well in advance of curves. -Maintain speeds appropriate for conditions. -Avoid shifting to lower gears in slick conditions.

Seeing and being seen while driving is affected by time of day and weather conditions. Driving at night entails what?

-You have limited visibility. -You're likely to be tired. -It's harder to see and react to potential road hazards.

What should a driver do to regain control when the vehicle starts to skid?

1. Begin counter-steering by steering in the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go. 2. Straighten the wheels as soon as you feel the rear of the vehicle begin to realign. 3. Counter-steer again if more skidding continues.

Three collisions that occur in a motor vehicle crash

1. Between the vehicle and another vehicle, an abutment, tree, or another object; causes vehicular and possible property damage 2. A fraction of a second later between the occupants and some part of the vehicle's interior 3. A fraction of a second after the second collision; the body's internal organs may strike other body parts such as the ribs or the skull

Three guidelines a driver should follow while driving to effectively manage risk/To enhance your ability to assess and manage risk in specific driving situations, you should do what?

1. Consider the chance or possibly of a dangerous situation happening. 2. Identify possible alternative actions and consider the consequences of each. 3. Prepare to change speed or direction to manage or control the situation.

If a tire suddenly goes flat while driving, you should do what?

1. Continue to look down your intended path of travel. 2. Keep a firm, steady grip on the steering wheel. 3. Maintain a straight course.

What do you do if your headlights fail at night?

1. Get the vehicle safely off the road and parked. 2. Warn other drivers of your presence. Once you are parked, do not drive again until you take care of the problem. 3. Apply the brakes and at the same time hit the dimmer switch. High and low beams are on different circuits, so one or the other may still work. If this does not help, turn on the parking lights, emergency flashers, or turn signals.

Three key entities frequently involved in providing care and preventing further injuries after a collision

1. Law enforcement personnel 2. Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel 3. Firefighters

Three methods of driving that will cause your vehicle to skid

1. Over-braking 2. Over-accelerating 3. Cornering too fast

Two important safety measures when encountering fog

1. Slow down. 2. Turn on your low beam headlights.

Why is nighttime driving more dangerous than daytime driving?

At night, your vision is reduced.

When you are driving and encounter heavy fog, you should do what?

Reduce your speed and turn on your low-beam headlights or daytime running lights.

When driving on a roadway, you notice a pedestrian on the side up ahead and an oncoming car in the other lane. What would you do to reduce risk for yourself and others on the roadway?

Slow down.

You are about to collide with another vehicle. You should do what?

Use controlled braking and steer so that you collide with the other vehicle at an angle.

Antilock breaking system (ABS)

a brake system designed to keep a car's wheels from locking when the driver brakes hard or abruptly, or applies the brakes on a slick surface

Locked doors on your vehicle are or will do what?

are less likely to open during a rollover

True or false: You have better control of your vehicle during emergency maneuvers if you are not wearing your safety belt.


During a counter steer, you need to be careful as it is not enough to correct for only the first over steer. The rear of the vehicle may swing back in the opposite direction of the first skid, which is known as what?


Approximately how long does it take a new driver to reach the driving ability of the average experienced driver?

five years

An airbag or safety belt combination helps to keep the driver what?

from striking the steering wheel and column

Differences between male and female teenage drivers

males -more at risk on the road -tend to drive more -engage in riskier driving (e.g. speeding, driving after consuming alcohol, not wearing seat belts) -likely to drive recklessly -likely to not yield to other drivers -likely to ignore traffic control devices (e.g. traffic signals, traffic signs) -tend to be involved in more severe crashes, with greater injuries, representing about two out of every three teenagers killed in motor vehicle crashes females -more likely to adhere at traffic laws -over 25 percent less likely to be at fault when involved in a motor vehicle crash -car insurance costs are generally significantly less

The main responsibility a licensed driver needs to demonstrate


Ways to minimize risks while driving in the rain

-If your headlights are not already on, turn them on. -Be sure to use your windshield wipers because they are designed to help aid visibility by swiping water off your windshield, allowing a better view ahead. -If you haven't washed your windshield in a while, you might want to activate your windshield washers as the rain begins, to help remove any dust and dirt already on the glass. -When driving in the rain, it is also important to communicate your intentions very clearly and early to other road users. They will be having a harder time seeing you, so they will appreciate your extra efforts to let them know what you plan to do next.

If your vehicle goes off the roadway, what should you do to safely handle the situation?

-Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel and keep the vehicle traveling straight ahead. -Straddle the edge of the pavement. You will need to resist the tendency of the vehicle to pull toward the shoulder if it is soft. -Resist the urge to immediately whip the vehicle back onto the pavement.

Ways to reduce the challenges to nighttime driving

-Keep your eyes moving. Don't just focus on the middle of the area illuminated by your headlights. -Look to the sides of objects. -Protect your eyes from glare. Prolonged exposure to glare from sunlight during the day or headlights at night can temporarily affect your night vision. -Avoid constant-speed driving around your usual bedtime and down times.

Driving at night presents certain challenges that may not occur during the day. What statements are true?

-Night driving makes it harder to see and react to potential road hazards. -At night, a driver's visibility is limited. -At night, a driver is likely to be tired.

How do you reduce the chances of hydroplaning when roads are wet?

-Slow down during rainstorms or when roads are slushy. -Slow down if the road has standing water or puddles. -Replace tires as soon as they become worn. -Keep tires properly inflated.

Ways to prevent hydroplaning

-Slow down when you see water standing on the surface of the pavement, especially on freeways. -Drive in the tracks or wipes left by the vehicle ahead. -Use tires with deep, open treads and be sure to inflate them to the vehicle manufacturer's recommended pressure. -Do not brake. Ease your foot off the accelerator to gradually decrease speed until your tires regain traction, and continue to look and steer where you want to go.

What is the difference between summer, all-season, and winter tires?

-The compounds in all-season and summer tires are designed to withstand the higher temperatures and road conditions of warm weather. They perform best at 50-90 degrees, but begin to get brittle as the temperatures drop. -When temperatures start hanging at 45 degrees and below, winter tires offer better traction that allow for safer braking and accelerating.

Factors you can control to reduce your risk of a collision while driving on the roadways

-driving ability -an aggressive visual search -driver education -maximized visibility of the traffic scene -time to make adjustments -allowing adequate space between you and other elements on the roadway -time management -making good decisions with information -acting on decisions -your vehicle's speed -your vehicle's position on the roadway relative to other vehicles

To avoid a collision, you can use what?

-evasive steering -evasive braking -evasive acceleration

Evasive actions to avoid a collision

-evasive steering - In an emergency situation, fixed-hand steering using the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock or 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock hand positioning can be more effective than hand-to-hand steering. -evasive braking - In some emergency situations, you may be forced to brake because there is no space to the side into which you can steer or because you have failed to identify such a space. -controlled braking - The purpose of controlled braking is to achieve the shortest possible stopping distance while maintaining directional control. In vehicles not equipped with an anti-lock breaking system (ABS), slamming on the brakes and locking the wheels can result in a complete loss of directional control. -evasive acceleration - Evasive acceleration is the emergency technique used least frequently, mainly because the dangerous event that drivers have to respond to is in front of them.

Factors that contribute to teens having a greater chance of a collision than other drivers

-increased speed -dense traffic -poor weather -distractions -stress -fatigue

What causes a blowout?

-low tire pressure -debris on the road -worn tires -potholes

Road conditions that may reduce traction

-rainy or snowy weather -ice -mud -wet leaves -chemical residue from vehicles -over-braking -over-steering -over-acceleration -hydroplaning

Overestimating your ability to assess traffic or roadway conditions can result in what?

-responding late to a situation -responding in an inappropriate manner -a failure to respond

Most common engine failures

-stalling -overheating -failure to start

Most common engine failures and how to prevent them

-stalling - Press the clutch fully to the floor with your left foot. Go into first gear. Slowly press the accelerator with your right foot until the engine starts to rev. Slowly lift the clutch until you reach the biting point. As you continue to lift the clutch, and while still pressing the accelerator, release your handbrake. Once your car starts moving, fully raise your foot from the clutch. -accidentally-moving console-mounted shift lever - In a few vehicles, a locking device to the shifting stem or the thumb side of the T-bar must be depressed below the top of the knob. In others, you might have to squeeze the handle. -unintended acceleration - Before you shift a vehicle with an automatic transmission into gear, place your foot firmly on the brake pedal. Many newer vehicles do not allow the shifter to be moved from Park until the brake pedal is depressed. If you experience unintended acceleration or the accelerator pedal sticks, shift to Neutral and apply the brakes. If you are driving a vehicle with a manual shift, depress the clutch pedal. Once you come to a stop safely off the roadway, shut off the engine. -overheating - regular car maintenance, oil changes hose and fluid checks, replacing worn belts, getting your radiator flushed, replacing your thermostat, replacing your hoses, replacing your radiator or water pump -failure to start - Check for other cars, signal, and steer to the shoulder of the road to a position as safe as possible. If your vehicle is equipped with power steering or power brakes, steer harder and apply much greater pressure on the brake pedal. If your engine begins to miss or stall, shift to neutral and safely steer off the road as soon as possible.

Three risks associated with specific driving maneuvers

1. Age 2. Gender 3. Driving experience

What do you do if your brakes fail?

1. Pump the brake pedal rapidly. You may be able to build enough brake pressure to steer off the roadway and stop safely. 2. If this does not work, apply steady pressure to the parking brake, which generally controls just the rear wheels. Be careful and prepare to release the brake if the wheels lock. 3. You can reapply the parking brake if needed.

Steps to take if a blowout happens

1. Recognize you've had a blowout. It doesn't really matter which tire is blown. The way to handle it is the same. 2. Stay off the brake. In this case, it could cause a skid, so stay off the brake. Look ahead, hold the steering wheel tightly, and concentrate on keeping the car in the middle of your lane. 3. Gradually take your foot off the accelerator. Let the car roll to a near stop at a safe place on the side of the road. Apply the brakes gently as needed. 4. Once you have the vehicle under control, turn on your emergency flashers to alert other drivers of your situation.

How do you handle vehicle failure problems like a flat tire or overheating when driving?

1. Steer safely off the roadway onto the shoulder and call for help. 2. Set out flares or other high-visibility warning devices such as reflective triangles. 3. Position reflective triangles at 100-, 200-, and 300- foot increments behind your car. 4. If you decide you cannot correct the problem, signal for help. Raise the hood and tie a white handkerchief on your antenna, door handle, or side view mirror, or place it in the window. Remain in your vehicle and call for help.

If a fire breaks out under the hood or in the passenger compartment, what steps should you take to keep you and others safe?

1. Steer the vehicle off the road. 2. Turn off the ignition. 3. Get passengers out and move away from the vehicle. 4. Call 911 and notify the fire department.

What to do if you are involved in a motor vehicle crash

1. Stop immediately - If you are driving a vehicle involved in a collision, stop your vehicle at the scene or as near as possible and try to obstruct traffic as little as possible. 2. Assist the injured - Quickly check for injured people and call 911. 3. Control the scene - After checking for injuries, take steps to prevent further damage or injury by controlling the scene. primary duties: -Exchange information with the driver and any other passengers. -The law requires you to notify the police when your vehicle is involved in a collision, submit a crash report, and remain at the scene.

Four factors that reduce visibility while driving

1. Time of day and weather conditions 2. Headlights that are turned off and dirty 3. Unclean windshield and rear-view windows 4. Non-properly working defrosters

How do you safely test for a slippery road surface while driving?

1. Wait until there is an area free of traffic. 2. After you slow to 15 to 20 miles per hour, quickly press the brake pedal and note if the tires begin to skid or if the anti-lock braking system engages earlier than when in dry conditions. 3. Accelerate to check how much traction is available. Either test should provide guidelines to help you adjust your speed and allow you to brake effectively while maintaining traction.

Approximately what percent of crashes are caused by driver error?


When you drive on wet streets, mud and dirt splashed by other cars can cover your headlights and taillights with film. Unless removed, this film can reduce headlight effectiveness by up to what percent?



At 55 miles per hour, the tires can't grip the road as well and may lose all contact with the road; When a vehicle travels between 30 and 55 mph on a wet surface, water may separate the tire from the road. When that happens, you can't brake, accelerate or turn.

At night, how can you reduce the problem of glare from the headlights of oncoming vehicles?

Avoid looking into the headlights of oncoming vehicles. Shift your eyes down to the lower right side of your traffic lane to keep the light from hitting your eyes directly.

Your first duty in the event of a collision is to do what?

Check for injuries and call 911.

If you begin to experience a skid, the best response is to do what?

Continue to look and steer where you want the vehicle to go.

When your vehicle is equipped with the antilock braking system (ABS), you will do what?

Enhance your ability to steer when braking hard.

If a fire breaks out under the hood or in the passenger compartment, do what?

Get everyone out and move away from the vehicle.

Drivers who are unaware of the risk involved in driving will tend to do what?

Insist that the crash they were involved in is not their fault.

Your vehicle has five seats with safety belts, including the driver's seat. You have six people, including yourself, who need to go somewhere. You should do what?

Leave at least one person behind.

How can locking your doors help prevent injuries in the event of a collision?

Locked doors may be less likely to open in a rollover or side collision, and can decrease the possibility of the driver or passengers being ejected.

To help prevent frost from forming on the inside of glass, what do you do?

Move the heat control to hot and allow the heat control to warm up before you turn on the defroster.

If someone is injured during a collision, you should do what?

Move them only if it is absolutely necessary for their safety.

When driving through heavy daytime fog, should you drive with your headlights on high beam?


It's raining hard, and your vision is so limited that it would be dangerous to continue driving. What should you do?

Pull into a parking lot or as far off the roadway as possible and wait for conditions to improve

If you believe your brakes may have failed, your first action should be to do what?

Pump the brakes.

To reduce the forces of a collision with another vehicle, you should do what?

Reduce your speed and try to hit the other vehicle in front of the front wheels or after the rear wheels.

You are driving about 45 miles per hour when a situation arrives and you must avoid a collision by either braking or steering. You should do what?

Steer out of danger because it will take distance.

How does the antilock breaking system (ABS) help you if you have to slam on your brakes?

The antilock breaking system (ABS) reapplies the brakes as many times as necessary to keep the wheel from locking up.

The road surface of a bridge may be more dangerous in winter because why?

There may be ice or frost on the bridge when the pavement is dry.

When your car headlights fail, you should do what?

Try the dimmer switch.

When your vision is reduced while driving at night, such as the lights from an on coming vehicle, the best course of action is to do what?

Turn your gaze to the white line on the right side of the road, or to where the pavement meets the shoulder until the vehicle goes by; Shift your eyes to the right side of the road, glancing at the white line to help you stay in your lane of travel.

A common cause of a skid is what?

braking hard

The fastest way to stop your vehicle with or without the antilock braking system (ABS) is to do or use what?

controlled braking

What is the danger of veering off on to the shoulder of the road?

could lead to a rollover crash

True or false: At night, you can detect the same visual color and contrast that you have during the daytime to help you detect risky situations.


True or false: During the winter, your vehicle speed must be high for you to cause your vehicle to skid.


True or false: If your vehicle is not equipped with anti-lock brakes (ABS), use squeeze braking. This is when you keep your heel on the floor and use your toes to apply pressure on the brake pedal.


True or false: In the winter time, it is okay to leave frost on your windshield and windows during short trips.


True or false: Successfully completing a driver education course will guarantee that you become a safe driver.


True or false: When water on the road is frozen, you can go faster as the road will be slick and you can glide to your destination.


What occurs when the water between the tires and the road builds until the tires begin to ride on a film of water, resulting in loss of traction?


It is recommended you have your headlights on any time for driving because it is easier for who?

others to see your vehicle

In an emergency situation, fixed-hand steering using the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock or 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock hand positioning can be more effective than hand-to-hand steering. Fixed-hand steering provides what?

quicker response time

If your vehicle is equipped with air bags. You do what?

still need to wear your safety belt

What is an example of a vehicle failure?

the loss of braking ability

True or false: Counter steering to recover from a skid means steering in the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go in your intended path of travel.


True or false: If your vehicle is not equipped with anti-lock brakes, use squeeze braking. This is when you keep your heel on the floor and use your toes to apply pressure on the brake pedal.


True or false: In extremely cold temperatures, your windshield wiper fluid may freeze onto the windshield if you attempt to spray fluid while driving.


True or false: Nearly half of all new drivers will either be convicted of a traffic offense or be involved in a collision during their first 12 months of driving.


True or false: The key to successful evasive steering is to have already identified an alternate path of travel to move into.


True or false: When no parking lot or rest area is available and you need to pull off the traveled portion of the road, wait for conditions to improve before moving on.


True or false: Your tires will have the most grip on the pavement when the road surface is clean and dry.


A(n) what skid occurs when your front tires begin to lose contact with the road surface?


Your tire's tread will or does what?

will help to produce the likelihood of your hydroplaning

The time of year when driving offers the most challenging road conditions for Idaho drivers is during what season?


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