Drivers Ed Final Review Worksheet

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True/False A Level One permit holder may talk on the cell phone provided it is "hands free"


True/False A dashed line means do not cross when traveling on an interstate


True/False A flashing red light means the same thing as "slow down, proceed with caution"


True/False A person can burn off alcohol with strenuous activity


True/False A police officer standing in an intersection does not supersede the laws, signs, and markings posted


True/False A right turn is always legal on red


True/False Alcohol is involved in over 60% all fatal traffic crashes


True/False All lift kits on vehicles are legal


True/False All regulatory signs are red


True/False All warning signs are diamond shape


True/False D.U.I stands for Drinking while intoxicated


True/False Driving is a right not a privilege


True/False If you are driving under the influence and it is your first offense, you will receive a warning


True/False If you are drunk you can become more sober by drinking coffee


True/False It is always legal to pass on the right of a vehicle making a left turn


True/False It is better to drive home after having one drink than call your parents and possibly get in trouble


True/False It is not required to use headlight when snowing if it is during daylight hours


True/False Minimum acceptable vision for a Delaware driver license is 20/50 with to without glasses or contact lenses


True/False Mirrors are not inspected during a vehicle inspection at the DMV


True/False The Implied Consent Law states that you do not have to take a chemical test without penalty


True/False The applicant must pay a $30.00 Class D license fee and pass an eye screening at the time of application


True/False The speed limit in a school zone is 25 miles per hour


True/False The speed limit in a two lane roadway is 45 miles per hour


True/False Where there are no signs or lane markings to control turning, you should turn from the lane that is closest to the direction you want to go and turn into the lane farthest to the one you came from


True/False Yellow means prepare to speed up


True/False You must park more than 30 feet from a stop sign


True/False Your body weight has NO effect on your blood alcohol concentration


True/False Your personal life and finances will not be affected with a D.U.I


True/False BAC is your Blood Alert Content

False (Blood Alcohol Concentration)

A warning for an upcoming railroad crossing could be: a) A cross buck sign b) Flashing lights c) Pavement marking in advance of the crossing d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Alcohol __________ a) Slows your reflexes and reaction time b) Reduces your ability to see clearly c) Makes you less alert d) All of the above

d) All of the above

All drivers are responsible for: a) Being alert for pedestrians waling along or crossing the road b) Avoiding pedestrian safety zones c) Driving defensively at ALL times d) All of the above

d) All of the above

B.A.C. is ___________ a) Expressed in percent b) Measured by the chemical analysis c) A precise way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a quantity blood d) All of the above

d) All of the above

During the second 6 month period of the Level One Learner's Permit, permit holder may drive unsupervised after 10pm when going directly to and from _____________ a) Church Activities b) Work Activities c) School Activities (provided they are on school property) d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Exemptions from holding a Delaware driver license include a) Individuals while driving or operating a road roller, road machinery, or farm tractor b) Nonresident operators, over the age of 16 years, currently license in their home state or country c) Members of the Armed Forces of the United States who are serving on active duty d) All of the above

d) All of the above

General driving rules state: a) Never back a vehicle in any travel lane except to parallel park b) Do not stop in travel lanes for any reason c) Keep right, pass left d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Guide signs provide the following information a) Distance b) Direction c) Exists d) All of the above

d) All of the above

If there are no signs or makings to control the use of lanes, what rule(s) should the driver follow? a) General rules b) Passing rules c) Turning rules d) All of the above

d) All of the above

In the state of Delaware, traffic laws apply to a) Motor Vehicles b) Bicycle riders and pedestrians c) Motorcycles d) All of the above

d) All of the above

In which situation are you as the driver legally responsible to yield to the right of way a) A police officer using a siren b) A fire engine using a siren c) An ambulance using a siren d) All of the above

d) All of the above

True/False A 1.5 oz shot of whiskey has the equal amount of alcohol as a 12 oz beer


True/False A 100 pound person is more likely to get drunk faster than a 200 pound person


True/False A driver license may be voluntarily surrendered to the Division if a favorable medical report cannot be obtained


True/False A driver must always have a license, registration card, and insurance card in the vehicle


True/False A driver must complete a behavior modification driving course when the driver complies 12 points


True/False A juvenile convicted of a D.U.I. will lose their driver's license until age 21


True/False A male signing his license constitutes consent to be registered with the Selective Service System


True/False A person who drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs is subject to both criminal and administrative penalties


True/False A river must drive defensively at all times


True/False A school bus will signal with its yellow lights approximately ten seconds before its red lights signal for vehicles to stop


True/False After the first 6 months after issuance, the permit holder may drive unsupervised between the hours of 6am and 10pm


True/False Alcohol reduces many of the important skills you need to drive safely


True/False Alcohol slows down your reflexes and reaction time


True/False All minors' driver license applications must be signed by a sponsor


True/False Any student expelled from school district will have their license suspended until the length of expulsion is complete


True/False Calculated points are credited at full point value for the first 12 months from the date of violation


True/False Death could occur if you combine drugs and alcohol


True/False Disregarding a stop sign or red light will result in 3 points on your record


True/False Drive your vehicle where others cans see you. Don't drive in another vehicle's blind spot


True/False Each drink takes at least an hour to be eliminated from your system


True/False Eating food between brinks limits the rate at which alcohol gets in your bloodstream


True/False Everyone in the vehicle must be properly restrained with a seatbelt or child restraint


True/False Fines for exceeding the speed limit in a work zone are doubled


True/False Fog lights are legal on your vehicle as long as you follow guidelines


True/False Food slowdown the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream


True/False Guide signs inform you when rest stops and gas stations are near


True/False If you are convicted of a D.U.I in any other state, your driving privileges will be revoked in Delaware


True/False If you are having vehicle trouble and have to stop, turn on your emergency flashers to show you are having trouble


True/False If you elect to be an organ donor, it will say so on your license


True/False If you get a D.U.I., your insurance rates will most likely increase


True/False If. you are under 18, you can own a vehicle with a parent/guardian signature


True/False Insurance companies are required to use a new ID card at least every 6 months


True/False It is the law to yield the right of way to a police vehicle, fire engine, ambulance, or suspension of the driver's license


True/False Never drink alcohol while you are taking other drugs


True/False Red lights are prohibited in the from of all ordinary vehicles


True/False Red lights are prohibited in the front of ordinary vehicles


True/False Registration fee for a passenger car for one year is $40.00


True/False Seat belt use is mandatory for all in the vehicle


True/False Shared center lanes are used by vehicles traveling in both directions


True/False Shared center lanes are used for left turns or U-turns when permitted


True/False Steady red means stop


True/False The best advice to give is "If you drink alcohol, do not drive"


True/False The calculated point system states that accrued points are at full value for the first 12 months and reduces to half the point value for the next 12 months


True/False The cost to register your car for one year is $40.00


True/False The graduated driver license program is designed to reduce the high accident and fatality rate of minor drivers


True/False The maximum speed limit posted in Delaware is 65 mph


True/False The parent or sponsor of the GDL will have an option on participating to train the minor


True/False The right of way law states you must yield to the right of way; it does not give anyone the right of way


True/False The safest way to drive is 100% sober


True/False The seatbelt fine is $25.000 and is assessed to the driver


True/False The speed limit in a residential district is 25 mph


True/False The vehicle arriving to the intersection first at a 4 way stop sign has the right of way


True/False Traffic control laws are needed to provide orderly movement of vehicles and pedestrians and to prevent collisions


True/False Trucks make wide turns


True/False Use your horn when a person on foot or on a bike appears to be moving into your lane of travel


True/False WALK and DON'T WALK signs are to be followed by pedestrians


True/False When an emergency vehicle approaches from the rear, a driver must pull over safely


True/False When entering a state park the sign is typically brown and white


True/False When it is raining, you need to use your lights and your wipers at the same time


True/False Who approaching a railroad crossing with no lights flashing, one should treat whites as a yield situation


True/False You must drive at or above any posted minimum speed, except when weather brother conditions make it unsafe to do so


True/False You must title/register your vehicle within 60 days of becoming a Delaware resident


True/False You should always "Look Listen Live" when coming to railroad crossings


True/False Your lien holder (bank) keeps the car title until the vehicle is paid for


True/False ZERO TOLERANCE is not the same as a D.U.I


What type of sign is this? Diamond


What is the background color of most warning signs?


What type of sign is this? Equilateral Triangle


The minimum liability insurance in Delaware is a) $20,000 - $10,000 - $5,000 b) $15,000 - $30,000 - $10,000 c) $10,000 - $20,000 - $5,000 d) $30,000 - $20,000 - $10,000

b) $15,000 - $30,000 - $10,000

What is the fee for a duplicate driver's license in the State of Delaware? a) $10.00 b) $20.00 c) $25.00 d) $30.00

b) $20.00

The cost of a Class D license for 8 years is: a) $12.50 b) $40.00 c) $20.00 d) $25.00

b) $40.00

The recommended minimum following distance behind any motor vehicle is: a) 1 second b) 2 seconds c) 4 seconds d) 5 seconds

b) 2 seconds

How many days do you have to notify DMV of a change in address a) 15 days b) 30 days c) 45 days d) 60 days

b) 30 days

A driver that reaches 16 points on his/her record will lose his/her driving privilege for ___________ a) 4 months b) 6 months c) 8 months d) 10 months

b) 6 months

You are required to obtain a Delaware driver license within __________ days after becoming a bona fide (new) Delaware resident a) 30 b) 60 c) 90 d) 120

b) 60

If convicted of a ZERO TOLERANCE violation, how long do you lose your license? a) 30 days b) 60 days c) 90 days d) Until 21 years of age

b) 60 days

When do motorcycles have to have their headlights on?

At all times

What type of sign is this? Rectangle


What type of sign is this? Pennant

No Passing Zone

What type of sign is this? Round

Railroad Crossing Ahead

What type of sign is this? Pentagon


What type of sign is this? Octagon

Stop Sign

Drinking one 12 ounce of beer, or a 5 ounce glass of wine, or a 1.5 ounce shot of whiskey, a person needs about ________ hour(s) to not have the alcohol in their system a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

a) 1

Alcohol reaches your brain in how many minutes? a) 10-15 b) 15-30 c) 50-60 d) 20-40

a) 10-15

Speeding 1 - 9 mph over posted limit results in how many points on your record? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

a) 2

What is the speed limit within a school zone? a) 20 b) 25 c) 50 d) 55

a) 20

Drivers, 18 years or older, moving from one city to another in state have _________ days to apply for a Delaware driver license a) 30 b) 45 c) 60 d) 80

a) 30

If you change your name within the State of Delaware, you have __________ days to notify the DMV a) 30 b) 45 c) 60 d) 80

a) 30

The mandatory supervision period of a Level One Learner's Permit is _______________ a) 6 months after a person receives their license b) No later than the driver's 17th birthday c) 12 months after issuance of the GDL d) 6 months after beginning Drivers Ed class

a) 6 months after a person receives their license

Although reversible lanes are not common, drivers need to know when they are able to use the lane in their direction. Drivers may use the reversible lane when they see a) A green arrow above the lane b) A red "X" above the lane c) A flashing yellow "X" above the lane d) A steady yellow"X" above the lane

a) A green arrow above the lane

As people become more intoxicated their reactions a) Decrease b) Remain the same c) Increase d) Become predictable

a) Decrease

How much alcohol gets into the bloodstream depends primarily on which of the following factors? a) How much alcohol in the drink b) Your weight c) Amount of food in stomach d) All of the above

a) How much alcohol in the drink

What type of collision is most common in Delaware? a) Rear-end b) Head-on c) Side impact d) Side swipe

a) Read-end

Which of the following is prohibited equipment on your vehicle? a) Red lights on the front b) Red lights on the back c) License plate lights d) Break lights

a) Red lights on the front

What are the three colors of the Interstate Signs a) Red, white, and blue b) White, brown and red c) Blue, white and orange d) Yellow, black and green

a) Red, white, and blue

Which of the following is an example of a regulatory sign? a) Stop sign b) Phone services c) Signal ahead d) Recreation

a) Stop Sign

A flashing red arrow means: a) Stop, proceed with caution when clear b) Slow down, proceed with caution c) Continue regular speed with caution d) Drive the posted limit

a) Stop, proceed with caution when clear

Under DE law, underage consumption of possession of alcohol, even if not related to operating a motor vehicle, can result in ___________ a) Suspension of license b) Being charged with driving under the influence c) A warning d) No action

a) Suspension of license

A driver who has been drinking will probably... a) Take more chances b) Be more alert c) Be more careful Use the IPDE process more

a) Take more chances

What is the most common the of accident occurring between a car and a motorcycle? a) The car is turning left in front of a motorcycle b) Head on collision c) Read end collision d) Sideswipe

a) The car is turning left in front of a motorcycle

When parking uphill on a street with a curb, your front tires should be: a) Turned away from the curb/edge of the road b) Turned towards the curb/edge of the road c) Pointing straight d) None of the above

a) Turned away from the curb/edge of the road

When parking headed uphill on a street without a curb, your front tires should be a) Turned towards the street or center of the street b) Turned to the right c) Kept straight d) None of the above

a) Turned towards the street to center of the street

The second step in obtaining a Delaware vehicle registration is a) Vehicle inspection b) Obtaining the Title c) Receiving a license d) Parent/guardian signature

a) Vehicle inspection

What color are the lines separating traffic moving in opposite directions? a) Yellow b) White c) Red d) Black

a) Yellow

The implied consent law states: a) You must comply with a chemical test b) You must admit guilt at scene c) You consent to a search and seizure of your vehicle d) The officer must guess your B.A.C. level

a) You must comply with a chemical test

You can renew your vehicle registration _________ days prior to the expiration date a) 15 days b) 30 days c) 60 days d) 90 days

d) 90 days

Yellow lane markings: a) Are on multiple lames of travel in the same direction b) Are lines separating trafficking moving in opposite directions c) Are solid lines along the side of the road d) None of the above

b) Are lines separating trafficking moving in opposite directions

Speeding fines are ___________ when in a Delaware work zone a) Tripled b) Doubled c) The same as in a non work zone d) 1/2 off

b) Doubled

ZERO TOLERANCE applies to whom? a) 16 & under b) Drivers under the age of 21 c) Everyone d) The elderly

b) Drivers under the age of 21

Where should the insurance card be kept? a) In your wallet b) In your vehicle c) In your house d) In your bank

b) In your vehicle

When referring to a truck's "No-Zone", you are referring to a) The area between the front and rear tires b) Its blind spots c) The area between the cab and the truck d) the area on top of the cab

b) Its blind spots

By law, ___________ insurance must be maintained on all vehicles with active registration a) Collision b) Liability c) Casual d) Accidental

b) Liability

A flashing yellow light meansL a) Stop, proceed with caution b) Slow down, proceed with caution c) Turn left d) No right turn

b) Slow down, proceed with caution

What is the only thing that will sober you up? a) Coffee b) Time c) Fresh Air d) Cold Shower

b) Time

When parking downhill, your front tires should be: a) Turned away from the curb/edge of the road b) Turned towards the curb/edge of the road c) Pointing straight d) None of the above

b) Turned towards the curb/edge of the road

In Delaware, police can charge you with driving under the influence, D.U.I, if the blood alcohol concentration is at least: a) Any reading above 0.0 b) .06 c) .05 d) .08

c) .05

An advisory letter is sent to the driver when convicted for speeding ___________ mph over the posted speed limit a) 10-14 b) 15-19 c) 20-24 d) 25+

c) 20-24

You must pass the eye test with a minimum of __________ vision? a) 20/20 b) 20/30 c) 20/40 d) 20/50

c) 20/40

The legal age to consume alcohol in Delaware is: a) 16 years old b) 18 years old c) 21 years old d) 25 years old

c) 21 years old

When a permit holder is under mandatory supervision, the supervisor must be at least: a) 18 years old b) 21 years old c) 25 years old d) None of these

c) 25 years old

The recommended following distance when behind a motorcycle when traveling over 40 mph is a) 1 second b) 2 seconds c) 3 seconds d) 4 seconds

c) 3 seconds

Speeding 10 - 14 mph over the posted limit results in how many points on your record? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

c) 4

Speeding 20 mph or more over the posted limit results in how many points on your record? a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

c) 5

A new insurance card will be issued every a) 1 month b) 3 months c) 6 months d) 12 months

c) 6 months

Most signs can be identified by shape and a) Post b) Size c) Color d) Location

c) Color

The Implied Consent Law is linked with what driving violation? a) Driving without insurance b) Driving without a license c) Driving under the influence d) Driving too fast

c) Driving under the influence

Which of the following equipment is not required for automobiles? a) Headlights b) Taillights c) Dual exhaust d) Brake Lights

c) Dual exhaust

A steady yellow light means: a) Stop completely b) Proceed when safe c) Prepare to stop d) Stop

c) Prepare to stop

All are required or legal equipment on a vehicle except a) Horn b) Seatbelts c) Tinted Windows d) Windshield Wipers

c) Tinted Windows

When is the only time you are permitted to keep moving when you see a school bus stopped with its red lights on? a) On a two lane road b) In a neighborhood c) When you are on the opposite side of a highway having four or more lanes d) None of the above

c) When you are on the opposite side of a highway having four or more lanes

A 16 year old found guilty of Driving under the Influence of alcohol or other illegal drugs will not get his/her license back until the age of: a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 21

d) 21

If you are convicted of underage possession of alcohol you license may be suspended for a period of ____________ for the first offense a) 1 year b) until 21 years of age c) 180 days d) 30 days

d) 30 days

Speeding 15 - 19 mph over the posted limit results in how many points on your record? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

d) 5

Aggressive driving will result with how many points on your record? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

d) 6

How many days do you have to notify DMV that you are a new resident? a) 15 days b) 30 days c) 45 days d) 60 days

d) 60 days

What is the speed limit on route 1 and Interstate 495? a) 50 b) 55 c) 60 d) 65

d) 65

Pedestrians have the right of way when a) Crossing a highway at an intersection and the green light to walk signal is in their favor b) Crossing within a marked or an unmarked crosswalk c) On a sidewalks it crosses an alley, entrance, or unmarked crossing d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The penalty for passing a stopped school bus with its red light flashing is: a) A fine not less than $115 nor more than $230 b) Imprisonment not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days c) Suspension of driving privileges for a period of not less than 1 month nor more than 1 year d) All of the above

d) All of the above

To be eligible for a level one learner's permit, you must ___________ a) Have a sponsor's signature b) Present a Delaware driver education certification to the DMV c) Pass an eye test at the DMV d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Which of the following equipment is required for automobiles? a) Headlights b) Taillights c) License Plate Lights d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Which of the following right-of-way rules apply at intersections a) Drivers must yield where necessary to avoid striking pedestrians who are crossing the road b) Drivers turning left must yield to oncoming vehicles going straight ahead c) At a 4-way stop, the driver reaching the intersection first, gores first (after coming to a complete stop). If more than one vehicle arrives at the same time, the vehicle on the right goes first d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Who is required to wear a seatbelt/restraint in a vehicle? a) Passengers in the front seat b) Children under 65 inches c) Those under the age of 16 d) All of the above

d) All of the above

You cannot proceed on a green light? a) When a police officer directs you to stop b) When a vehicle is in the intersection c) When pedestrians are in the intersection d) All of the above

d) All of the above

You must use your headlights... a) When you cannot see clearly at a distance of 1000ft b) Sunset to sunrise c) During a heavy rainstorm d) All off the above

d) All of the above

How many alcoholic drinks does it take to affect your driving ability? a) 1 drink b) 4 drinks c) 3 drinks d) Any amount

d) Any amount

The greater the __________ of the drinker, the greater the amount of alcohol it takes to bring their B.A.C. to a specific level a) Height b) Weight c) Shoe Size d) Both A and B

d) Both A and B

When at a railroad crossing: a) Wait until there is room for your vehicle on the far side before crossing b) Do not shift gears when crossing c) None of the above d) Both A and B

d) Both A and B

Which of the following is the best advise for a driver who has had too much to drink? a) Take a cold shower and drink black coffee b) Eat a large meal and drink water c) Take a quick nap d) Do not drive

d) Do not drive

Any drug taken with alcoholic beverages: a) Can cause trouble unless the drug was prescribed by a doctor b) Will have effects cancelled by the effects of the alcohol c) Will make you drive better d) May have harmful results making you unfit to drive

d) May have harmful results making you unfit to drive

If you refuse a chemical test, under the age of 21, you may have your license revoked ___________ a) 1 month b) 6 months c) 12 months d) Until 21 years of age

d) Until 21 years of age

The only place to apply in person for a license is at the following DMV location: a) Wilmington b) Georgetown c) Dover d) New Castle e) All of the above

e) All of the above

You may not be licensed if: a) You are less than the required age for a specific license or endorsement b) Your license or driving privileges are suspended or revoked c) You are able to understand road signs in English d) All of the above e) Both A and B

e) Both A and B

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