driving test 2

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left-edge lines. Solid yellow lines are used as left-edge lines on one-way roadways.

On one-way roads, solid yellow lines are used as left-edge lines. right-edge lines. center lines. stop lines.

do not increase your speed or change lane position. When being passed by a motorcycle, do not increase your speed or change lane position. Motorcycle riders may have to adjust their place in a lane quickly to avoid a hazard.

When being passed by a motorcycle, keep to the right. do not increase your speed or change lane position. change lane position. increase your speed.

Never Driving on the shoulder to pass another vehicle is prohibited.

When is it legal to use the shoulder of the road to pass the vehicle ahead of you? When the vehicle is making a left turn When the vehicle is stopped for an emergency When the vehicle is making a right turn Never

passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line. A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line.

A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line. passing is permitted on both sides. passing is not permitted on either side. passing is permitted on the side of the solid line, but not on the side of the broken line.

left turns only. A center lane between opposing lanes of traffic may be designated for left turns only. This type of lane is marked by parallel solid and dashed yellow lines and is sometimes accompanied by white arrows on the pavement.

A center lane between opposing lanes of traffic may be designated for passing. right turns only. left turns only. all of the above.

slow down. A flashing yellow light is used on some tow trucks and slow-moving vehicles. It warns you to slow down.

A flashing yellow light used mostly on tow trucks and slow-moving vehicles warns other drivers to pass quickly. share the lane. stop. slow down.

in open country without other vehicles nearby. Use high beams when driving in open country without other vehicles nearby. However, even high beams don't let you see as far at night as you can in the daytime. Therefore, you should still drive slower at night.

At night, drivers should use high-beam headlights in the city. on an expressway. in open country without other vehicles nearby. when they're under the influence of alcohol.

in fog, snow, or heavy rain.

At night, you should use your high-beam headlights in all of the following situations EXCEPT in fog, snow, or heavy rain. in construction areas. where there may be people alongside the roadway. on unfamiliar roads.

drivers approaching from either direction. Do not make a U-turn on a curve or near the top of a hill if you cannot be seen by other drivers approaching from either direction. Do not make a U-turn where signs prohibit doing so.

Do not make a U-turn on a curve or near the top of a hill if you cannot be seen by drivers on your right. drivers approaching from either direction. drivers ahead of you. drivers stopped on the shoulder.

neck injuries if you are hit from behind. Head restraints are designed to prevent neck injuries if you are hit from behind. Headrests should be adjusted so that the head restraint will contact the back of the head in the event of an accident.

Headrests should be adjusted so that the head restraint contacts the back of the head. This prevents tightening of the seat belt during accidents. bodily injuries in a head-on collision. accidents from behind. neck injuries if you are hit from behind.

grasp the steering wheel firmly. If you experience a sudden tire blowout, DON'T PANIC. And don't brake hard; you might lock the wheels and lose control. Apply brakes lightly only if necessary and safe to do so. Grasp the steering wheel firmly and take your foot off the accelerator to allow your vehicle to roll to a stop. Do not move onto the shoulder of the road until you've slowed down considerably. If the blowout has caused your vehicle to swerve onto the shoulder, don't try to get back onto the pavement immediately. Let the vehicle coast to a stop first.

If a tire blows out, you should keep your foot on the accelerator. grasp the steering wheel firmly. brake hard immediately. immediately move onto the shoulder of the road.

Pull over and wait for the fog to lift. When driving in fog, use your low-beam headlights and fog lights. However, if fog closes in completely and visibility is reduced to near zero, pull as far off the road as possible and stop. Turn on the four-way emergency flashers and wait for the fog to lift.

If fog or a heavy rain become so thick that you cannot see, what should you do? Drive no faster than 10 mph and turn on your hazard lights. Drive with fog lights to avoid glare. Pull over and wait for the fog to lift. Increase your following distance.

Slow down and let the vehicle pass first; then pass the bicyclist giving them enough room. Sometimes you need to deal with hazards one at a time. If you are about to pass a bicycle and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, slow down and let the vehicle pass first so that you can leave more room for the bicycle. Then move to the left to give yourself plenty of room to pass the bicycle.

If you are about to pass a bicycle to your right and an oncoming vehicle is approaching you on your left, what should you do? Stay behind the bicyclist until the next intersection. Speed up and quickly pass the bicycle; they should give you the right-of-way. Use your horn to alert the bicycle rider about your plans to pass them. Slow down and let the vehicle pass first; then pass the bicyclist giving them enough room.

turn left. A steady yellow traffic light is a warning that the light is about to turn red. If you are already in the intersection, you should make the turn and clear the intersection safely.

If you are already in an intersection to turn left and the traffic light changes to yellow, you should go straight and then make a U-turn. make a right turn instead. turn left. remain stopped in the middle of the intersection until the light turns green for you.

stop if possible. A steady yellow signal warns you that the signal is about to change to red. If you are approaching the intersection, you must stop if you can do so safely. If not, you should proceed with caution.

If you are approaching an intersection and see a steady yellow light, you must continue at the same speed. stop if possible. proceed with caution. increase your speed.

stop if possible. A steady yellow signal warns you that the signal is about to change to red. If you are approaching the intersection, you must stop if you can do so safely. If not, you should proceed with caution.

If you are approaching an intersection and see a steady yellow light, you must proceed with caution. increase your speed. continue at the same speed. stop if possible.

as far away from traffic as possible. Always park in a designated area if possible. If you must stop your vehicle on a roadway, do so as far away from traffic as possible. If there is a curb, park as close to it as you can.

If you must stop your vehicle on a roadway, do so as far away from the curb as possible. as close to the center of the road as possible. as far away from the yellow line as possible. as far away from traffic as possible.

Pump the brakes several times. If your brake pedal suddenly sinks all the way to the floor, take your foot off the gas pedal and try pumping the brake pedal to build up brake pressure. If that doesn't work, shift into a lower gear (even if your vehicle has an automatic transmission) to slow your car down. You can also try applying your emergency or parking brake, but apply it gently so you won't lock the brakes and throw your car into a skid. Lastly, you can turn off the engine. However, if your vehicle has power steering, you will lose power assist when the engine stops, which will make your vehicle harder to steer.

If your vehicle doesn't have anti-lock brakes (ABS) and your brakes fail while you're driving, which of the following should you do FIRST? Use the parking brake. Shift into lower gears. Pump the brakes several times. Look for a safe place to stop.

all of the above. Although marijuana may be legal for medicinal or recreational use in some states, it is still not legal, safe or wise to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by marijuana since it tends to distort your perception of time, space and speed.

Marijuana may impair sense of speed. sense of time. ability to focus. all of the above.

passing On a highway, the left lane should be used for passing. If a vehicle wants to pass you, you must move safely to the right. Do not increase your speed until the other vehicle has passed you.

On a highway, use the left lane for crossing over. passing. backing up. exiting.

increase your following distance. Bad weather calls for slower speeds. You should follow other vehicles at a greater distance. Rain, snow, and ice impair your ability to see ahead and increase the braking distance required to stop your vehicle. In such conditions, increase your following distance and apply your brakes sooner and more gently than usual.

Rain, snow, and ice impair your ability to see ahead and can make roads more slippery. To be able to stop safely, you should increase your speed. increase your following distance. change lanes frequently. use high-beam headlights.

approaching a stop sign or signal. Rumble strips are a series of indented elements installed on a paved roadway shoulder near the travel lane, on a two-lane roadway near the center line, or in the lane of traffic approaching a stop sign or signal. Rumble strips are intended to alert drowsy or inattentive drivers through vibration and sound that their vehicles have left the travel lane or are approaching a stop sign or signal.

Rumble strips use vibration and sound to alert drowsy or inattentive drivers that they are approaching a stop sign or signal. approaching a school zone. approaching a freeway. approaching a parking zone or playground.

a two-way left-turn lane. This regulatory sign indicates a two-way left-turn lane in the center of a roadway. Drivers approaching from either direction may use this lane to make left turns. Along with the sign, the two-way left-turn lane is marked with yellow lines and white arrows.

This sign indicates a two-way road. a two-way left-turn lane. a two-way right-turn lane. two-way merging traffic.

turn right and merge into traffic A roundabout is a one-way circular intersection in which traffic moves counterclockwise. To enter a roundabout, you must always turn right and yield the right-of-way to vehicles that are already in the roundabout.

To enter a roundabout, you must _________ whether you need to make a right turn, a left turn, or a U-turn or continue forward. turn left and merge into traffic turn left and then turn right turn right and merge into traffic turn right and then turn left

orange Work zone signs usually have black letters or symbols on an orange background.

Traffic warning signs in construction / work zones are usually

traffic already on the highway. Vehicles entering a highway from an entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to traffic already on the highway before they can move into the proper lane.

Vehicles entering a highway from an entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to traffic already on the highway. heavy trucks on the ramp. other vehicles on the entrance ramp. no one.

A school zone This sign indicates a school zone ahead. Schoolchildren may be crossing the road ahead, so slow down and proceed with caution.

What does this sign indicate? A school zone A day care center A park A library

A divided highway starts ahead. This sign indicates that the road will split into a divided highway ahead. A median or barrier will separate opposing lanes. Keep right.

What does this sign mean? There is a sharp curve ahead. The road is curved at the sign. A divided highway starts ahead. A divided highway ends ahead.

The road ahead is slippery when wet. This sign means that the road is slippery when wet. In wet weather, slow down, increase your following distance, and avoid sudden maneuvers or hard braking.

What does this sign mean? There is a winding road ahead. The road ahead is slippery when wet. A gravel road is ahead. There is a hill or slope ahead.

slow down, yield, and be prepared to stop. When approaching pedestrians who are walking on or crossing the roadway, you must slow down, yield, and be prepared to stop .

When approaching pedestrians who are walking on or crossing the roadway, you must blow your horn, slow down, and stop. use your emergency lights. slow down, yield, and be prepared to stop. accelerate and move quickly.

keep a good distance so it doesn't block your view ahead. When you spot a slow-moving vehicle in your lane, you should adjust your speed and slow down safely. If possible, change into another lane. When driving behind a large slow-moving vehicle on a rural road, you should keep a good distance so it doesn't block your view ahead. Do not get impatient if behind a slow-moving vehicle. The driver will usually try to pull over to the side whenever possible to prevent traffic back-ups. When following or passing a horse-drawn, slow-moving vehicle, avoid honking your horn or doing anything else that might startle the horses.

When driving behind a large slow-moving vehicle on a rural road, you should keep a good distance so it doesn't block your view ahead. alert the driver by blowing your horn. stop and then take a detour. pass it at high speed.

be prepared for sudden drops in pavement. When driving through a construction zone, be prepared for sudden drops in pavement. Watch for warning sign messages and obey them as directed. Drive defensively to avoid problems. Construction workers also have the authority to direct traffic in work zones and their directions should be followed even if they conflict with an existing traffic control device.

When driving through a construction zone, be prepared for sudden drops in pavement. pay attention to the barrels, signals and lane markings but disregard any construction workers using signs or hand signals. expect construction workers to give you the right of way. increase your speed to pass the zone as quickly as possible.

adjust to other traffic's speed and position. Signal and check for freeway traffic by using the vehicle's rear-view and side-view mirrors and quick glances over your shoulder. Choose a safe space to enter and then merge into traffic, yielding the right of way to vehicles on the freeway. Do not count on other drivers to let you in.

When entering a highway and traffic is heavy, you must FIRST OF ALL adjust to other traffic's speed and position. watch the vehicle right behind you. decrease the distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. turn off your signals.

shift into a lower gear. If you keep applying the brakes to control your speed on a steep descent, the brakes will fade (lose their effectiveness). Instead, release the gas pedal and shift into a lower gear (even with an automatic transmission). This will generate a braking effect to slow the vehicle, known as engine braking. The lower the gear, the greater the engine braking effect. Apply the brakes only when engine braking is insufficient or you want to stop. Never coast downhill in neutral or with your foot on the clutch. In Michigan, coasting downhill in neutral is against the law.

When going down a steep hill, you should shift into a lower gear. turn on your emergency hazard flashers. shift into a higher gear. increase your speed.

When the vehicle is making or about to make a left turn You may pass a vehicle on the right when it is making or about to make a left turn. You may also pass on the right when there are two or more lanes of traffic going in the same direction as you are. (This can be the case on a multilane highway or a one-way street.) Never pass on a hill or a bridge.

When may you pass another vehicle on the right? When passing on a hill or curve When the vehicle is making or about to make a left turn When entering a tunnel or bridge When the vehicle is making or about to make a right turn

longer distances to slow down than cars. Because of their large size, trucks and buses need greater distances to slow down than cars do. You should maintain a constant speed when passing and reentering the lane in front of trucks or buses. If you pull in front of a truck or bus and then slow down suddenly, you might get rear-ended.

When passing and reentering the lane in front of trucks or buses, you must maintain a constant speed because trucks and buses require less room to maneuver than cars. longer distances to slow down than cars. shorter distances to slow down than cars. less time to stop than cars.

slow down and drive with caution. Michigan law allows state and local road agencies to equip their maintenance vehicles with flashing or oscillating green lights in addition to the traditional amber lights. Motorists should know that when they see flashing green lights on a local or state maintenance vehicle to slow down and drive with caution.

When you see flashing green lights on a local or state maintenance vehicle, slow down and drive with caution. slow down to 5 mph. increase your speed and pass the vehicle. you cannot proceed any further.

Marijuana is legal for recreational use in all states. Although marijuana may be legal for medicinal or recreational use in some states, it is still not legal, safe or wise to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by marijuana.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? Possessing or distributing drugs will result in your license suspension. Michigan law requires driver's license suspensions for drug convictions, even if you were not driving at the time of the offense. Consuming drugs impairs your ability to drive. Marijuana is legal for recreational use in all states.

Make a U-turn at a location that is marked with a "No U-Turn" sign. You needed to find a FALSE statement. Only make a U-turn where it is safe. Don't make a U-turn on a curve or near the crest of a hill because your vehicle may not be seen by other drivers. Some towns and cities do not allow U-turns. Never make a U-turn at a location that is marked with a "No U-Turn" sign or at an intersection controlled by a traffic signal or police officer.

Which of these statements is FALSE? You should only make a U-turn when it is safe. Do not make a U-turn on a curve or near the crest of a hill. Make a U-turn at a location that is marked with a "No U-Turn" sign. Some towns and cities do not allow U-turns.

in the leftmost lane. If you are making a left turn, you must begin the turn in the leftmost lane unless signs or signals indicate otherwise.

You must begin a left turn in the intersection. in the rightmost lane. in the center lane. in the leftmost lane.

Intersections Intersections are the most likely places for car and motorcycle collisions to occur. Typically, the car driver does not see the motorcycle and turns into the motorcycle's path.

_________ are the most likely places for car and motorcycle collisions to occur. Expressways Intersections One-way roads Roundabouts

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