Drugs and Society- Final exam

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keeps the level of drug use and abuse lower than what it would be under legalization.

A defense of the punitive policy toward drug possession and sale is that criminalizing drugs:

will not rise significantly under legalization.

A major plank in the legalizer's platform is that drug use/abuse:

harm reduction

A needle exchange program, which operates in some countries of Europe and some cities in the United Kingdom, is an example of which of the following policies?

a pragmatic or consequentialist-driven proposal.

A policy of harm reduction is:

purity of cocaine has increased and its price has declined.

According to available, reliable information, over the past few decades, the:

has decreased.

According to the National Household Survey, between the late 1970s and the more recent survey, the use of cocaine by the American population:

no illicit drugs.

According to the text, a "Mr. Big" is one central smuggler at the pinnacle of a highly centralized illicit drug organization. This dealer controls and runs the entire trafficking operation of the global sale of:

keeps drugs hard to get, expensive, and increases the likelihood of arrest and hence decreases the rate of use of those drugs that are criminalized.

According to the text, criminalizing illicit drugs increases the hassle factor, which:According to the text, criminalizing illicit drugs increases the hassle factor, which:

mixed in its economic impact; some of what users spend on drugs enriches the economy, providing income and jobs for workers, while some depletes the economy through death, extortion, and suppressed earnings.

According to the text, illicit drug selling is:


According to the text, the "doomsayers" who argue that, in all likelihood, the worst-case scenario—a huge increase in harmful drug abuse—will come about under drug legalization are:

the most deeply entrenched and contentious drug trades.

According to the text, the countries with the highest rates of criminal homicide are those with:

some crime is economically productive, while some is not, some may be negative in its economic impact

According to the thinking of contemporary economists, ___________.

increased the likelihood of committing a violent crime.

After 1970, using, abusing, and being addicted to heroin:

not mentioned anywhere in the Controlled Substances Act.

Alcohol is:


Among men, as the volume of cocaine consumed increases, the likelihood of being the perpetrator of crime:


Among women, as the volume of cocaine consumed increases, the likelihood of being the victim of a crime:

about half (roughly 50-55 percent)

Approximately what percentage of the federal prison population is made up of drug offenders?

a lower continuance rate than legal drugs.

As a general rule, illegal drugs have:

positively related to engaging in violent behavior.

Consuming alcohol is:

increased their price.

Criminalizing drugs has:

divert drug offenders into treatment programs.

Drug courts:

is not, according to Drugs in American Society, a serious proposal; it has no hope of implementation at any time in the foreseeable future.

Drug legalization:

the intensification model

Drug researchers have proposed three models or explanations for the drug-crime nexus. Which one is the most adequate in explaining this link?

has decreased

During the past two decades, the price of cocaine sold on the street in the United States:

has increased.

During the past two decades, the purity of cocaine sold on the street in the U.S.:

roughly 70-90 percent.

Evaluations of drug treatment programs have demonstrated a failure rate of:

disinhibition caused by the pharmacological effects of alcohol.

Evidence indicates that the link between the consumption of alcohol and engaging in violent behavior is largely and substantially a result of:

systemic model

Evidence indicates which of the following models of criminal homicide and drug involvement makes the most sense? The:


For which of the following drugs is the market and distribution pattern most decentralized?


For which of the following illicit drugs is the total trafficked weight the greatest?

pragmatic or consequentialist in its intent.

Harm reduction is:

not substantially increase use.

In Drug War Heresies, drug experts Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter argue that it is plausible that decreasing drug penalties will:

a necessary but not a sufficient condition.

In order for drug use to take place, the availability of a given drug is:

a necessary but not a sufficient condition.

In order for drug use to take place, the predisposition to use a given drug is:

criminal behavior

In our attempt to understand the relationship between drug use and criminal behavior, which would the researcher hypothesize is the dependent variable?


In the early 1970s, which country accounted for the majority of the botanical source of the heroin used by addicts in the United States?

the crime rate has decreased, but the number of persons incarcerated in prison has increased

In the past several decades, ___________.

has slowed down.

In the short run, that is, after 2000, the race to incarcerate offenders of all crimes and drug offenders specifically:

an illicit drug market tends to sell contaminated and dangerous drugs; legalization would enforce controls on purity and potency.

Legalizers believe that:

substantially increase illicit drug use.

MacCoun and Reuter also argue that outright legalization might:


MacCoun and Reuter calculate that for which of the following substances is the elasticity index the greatest—that is, there is the greatest decrease in purchases, given a 1 percent increase in price?

a narcotic that is used to treat opiate addiction.

Methadone is:

violent offenses

More than half of all inmates in state prisons were convicted and incarcerated for which of the following offenses?


Most of the methamphetamine consumed in the United States had its origin in:

criticizing the flaws of current punitive policy.

Most of what drug legalizers have written has focused on:


On which of the following illicit drugs is the greatest total amount of money spent in the United States?

Virtually no change took place; the drug trade continued unabated because an underling stepped in and resumed the operation.

Over the past few decades, numerous major drug traffickers who were heads of huge smuggling operations have died, been arrested, imprisoned, or killed. What has happened subsequently?

become extremely decentralized.

Over the past three or four decades, the illicit drug market has:

not mentioned anywhere in the Controlled Substances Act.

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are:

are significantly more likely than the population at large to have recently used one or more psychoactive drugs.

People arrested for a crime:


Roughly nine out of ten inmates in state prisons are:

partial decriminalization.

Several states have made the possession of small quantities of marijuana a civil infraction, similar to a parking ticket. This policy is referred to as:

more potent the prohibited substance will become.

The Iron Law of Prohibition states that the stricter and more intense the enforcement of the laws against recreational drug use, the:

moderated or tempered the "War on Drugs" somewhat.

The administration of President Barak Obama has:

the longer a client remains in a treatment program the greater the likelihood of improvement.

The available evidence suggests that:

Drug Control Act (or Controlled Substances Act).

The current federal law that penalizes drug possession and sale is referred to as the:

greater for men versus women than for blacks versus whites.

The disparity in rates of incarceration is:


The distribution of which of the following drugs corresponds most closely to the agricultural model of illicit drug manufacture and sale?


The dominant current approach to the control of illicit recreational drugs in the United States is:

None of the above; there is no single ethnicity or national group that controls global trafficking.

The dominant ethnic or national group that controls the international illegal drug trade is now:

harm reduction.

The drug control policy that prevails in the Netherlands and Switzerland is:

de facto but not de jure legalization for marijuana and keeping the sale of the hard drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, illegal.

The drug policy in the Netherlands is:

relative deterrence.

The harm reduction strategy relies on the logic of:

none of the above.

The majority of drug legalizers believe and argue that:

has increased.

The number of inmates incarcerated in jail and prison in the United States between 1980 and the early 2000s:


The relationship between alcohol consumption and criminal behavior is:


The relationship between committing a crime and being a victim of a crime is:


The statistical correlation between the use of any and all illicit drugs and engaging in criminal behavior is:

partial decriminalization.

The term "decriminalization," which refers to the controls placed on small-quantity marijuana possession in a dozen or so states, should more properly be called:

alcohol, cocaine, and narcotics

The use of certain drugs is more criminogenic than that of others, that is, it is statistically more closely related to criminal behavior. Which of the following are the big three drugs with respect to the relationship between using psychoactive substances and committing crime?

There is no single region from which the majority of all illicit drugs in the U.S. originate.

Today, the majority of the illicit drugs brought into the United States from other countries originates from which of the following regions?

maintenance model.

Treating heroin addicts with methadone is more properly referred to as the:

is a Schedule I drug and may not be used for any purposes whatsoever (except extremely rarely granted experimental purposes).

Under federal law, marijuana:

Ronald Reagan

Which U.S. president renewed President Richard Nixon's "War on Drugs"?


Which of the following corresponds most closely to the mixed model of illicit drug manufacture and sale?


Which of the following corresponds most closely to the pure chemical model of illicit drug manufacture and sale?


Which of the following drugs was the majority of perpetrators under the influence of when committing a criminal homicide?

alcohol, cocaine, and heroin

Which of the following groups of drugs that appear in overdose statistics also makes a substantial contribution to the drugs-crime nexus?

the systemic model

Which of the following models most adequately explains the drugs-violence nexus?

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