
Ace your homework & exams now with Quizwiz!

The most appropriate subject for an e-mail to your Lab Instructor regarding an assignment would be which of the following?

E 115 Section 301 Reading Quiz 2

This course is ______ (Letter and number) and my individual section number is ______ (Number).

E115 301

Changing the extension of a file also changes the file type.


Linking a CSS uses a special tag that is placed in the ____ tag of the XHTML document.


What is the URL for the E 115 Website [Hint: not Moodle]?




Unordered and Ordered List

ul - The unordered list tag represents a bulleted list. ol - The ordered list tag represents a numbered list. li - The listed item tag represents an item within


is a higher-end video port. Alienware and the MAC mini were some of the first computers to come standard with these ports. This port can also handle audio input.

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) port

is the most versatile interface used on modern computers. USB ports can be used to connect mice, keyboards, printers, scanners, cameras, external hard drives, network switches, and more. There are three speed specifications for USB ports: USB 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. USB ports come in six different forms: USB A, USB B, Mini-A, Mini-B, Micro-A, and Micro-B.

Listing the contents of a directory

ls (-options) directoryyouwantcontentsofo Options are l (lowercase L, for long format) or a (all files)

Manual command

more information about commands man command

Select all of the following that go with an ordered list:

ol, li

Where am I? pwd will print the absolute pathname of the current working directory


Which of these would ensure that the same cell is always referenced, even after using the autofill function? Choose all that apply.

referencing a named cell, Adding a "$" to the row and column descriptors for a cell (example: $A$1)

Which of the following will allow you to edit spacing within a webpage? Choose all that apply.

<br />, <hr />


Computers require a grounded (three prong) power outlet for proper operation.

The Header Cell Tag - <th>

Creates a cell within a table row, which is intended to be displayed as a title. ________ are usually displayed with bold and centered text. _______ can only be used within a table row.

The cd command provides output.


Removing a cell address

For Excel 2010 Click on the Formulas tab, then click on Manager. Then you can select the name and delete it. For Excel 2013 Click on the Formulas tab, then click on Name Manager. Then you can select the name and delete it.

Apple computers, running Mac OS X or higher, use what file system as a hierarchy for its files?


Office Hours

Optional (but recommended) time where you can get help with understanding material and assignments.


Recommended Fields (Required for all E115 correspondence): - Enter a relevant heading that accurately describes the message contents.

The / directory in a NFS file tree is considered a...

Root and Parent

What type of grade can you earn in E 115?

S or U

Graph Setup

The Chart Type pane is displayed. From this pane, the format and presentation of the chart will be determined. The data selection that you have chosen will be in the Range field. If you did not highlight a range before accessing the pane, you may enter one manually in the field or use the Data Range button.

The log file contains useful information including (Hint: There are 2 correct answers):

The commands typed into the terminal window, any mistakes made in the terminal window

The ls command (with -a option) provides output.


CSS Selectors

Type, ID, Class

Does this syntax work for moving a file, assuming file.txt is in your current working directory? mv file.txt ~/MyE115




Copying files

cp (-options) file-Location file-Destination Options are r (when copying an entire directory)

The mkdir command is an important tool to help ____

create a directory


crossed out

Second offense

-10 points

1 + 1 =


Final Exam points

200 points

What is the minimum number of points needed to receive a passing grade in E 115?


How many bits are in 1 character of the ASCII system?


Structural Tag

<div> - The div tag is a generic container tag. This has no inherent semantic meaning and no visual result on the webpage. <span> - The span tag is a generic container tag, but the display type is in-line. This has no inherent semantic meaning and no visual result on the webpage. <nav>, <footer>, <section>, <main>, <article>, <aside>, <figure>, <figcaption> - These other container tags have semantic meaning, but mostly behave like the div tag. Each tag has an intended purpose, but all are displayed without special formatting by most browsers.

Inserted (Underlined) and Deleted (Strikethrough) Text

<ins> - The inserted text tag is used to denote that certain words or phrases within a paragraph (or any chunk of text) that have been inserted into a document (often to denote recent changes). This tag is often used as a way of displaying underlined text, because that is how most browsers display inserted text by default. <del> - The deleted text tag is used to denote that certain words or phrases within a paragraph (or any chunk of text) have been replaced or are otherwise defunct. By default, the browser displays deleted text with a line through it. Example: The following code: <p> Inserted text appears <ins>underlined</ins>; however, deleted text has a <del>line through it</del>. </p> Would produce the following result: Inserted text appears underlined; however, deleted text has a line through it.


=if(condition,value_if_true,value_if_false) If the given condition is true, the cell will be set to the "value_if_true." If the condition is false, the cell will be set to the "value_if_false," if "value_if_false" is left blank, the cell will be set to "FALSE" by default. Example: =if(A2>3,32,"Number too small") Reads: If A2>3 is true, then set the cell to 32. Otherwise, set the cell to "Number too small"


=sumif(range,criteria,sum_range) The "sumif" function utilizes a range and a corresponding sum_range of the same size. Each time the criteria is true, the active cell will be incremented by the value in the corresponding cell in the sum_range. If "sum_range" is not specified, excel will treat "range" as "sum_range" as well. Example:You wish to know how many hours you have spent watching television, from a database of your time spent on various activities. =sumif (D1:D230,"=television", H1:H230) If a cell in D1:D230 satisfies "=television", then increment the active cell by the corresponding cell from H1:H230. If cell D7contains the word "television," the active cell will be incremented from the corresponding cell from H1:H230, or cell H7.

Feedback Polls

A required tool that Lab instructors use to improve the material for the course.

In Excel, when you click on a cell what could you refer to it as?



An optional resource that serves as tutorials for specific topics.

Which type of absences allow for a makeup work opportunity? [Check all that apply]

Anticipated, Excused


At the core of an OS is a piece of software known as the ________. It is a program that sits between the user interface and the hardware and manages many tasks that happen within the computer. The ______- is also the defining piece of the OS: if two OS's have the same ______, they can run the same programs and use the same drivers. There are different kinds of _________, but most modern OSs (such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux) use monolithic _________. Monolithic __________ provide these six general services. Individual services are itemized below this list: Interfacing (two services)System call APIDevice driver API File system and virtual file system Process and task management Scheduling Memory management and virtual memory

I want to calculate my overall homework grade percentage. I have a range of cells which contain the percentage grades of all individual homework assignments. Which single function would be the best for me to use?


Example Website

Bare Minimums ********************************************************************************You will be given any necessary images and are NOT required to memorize the Bare Minimumsand CSS link tag In order to be XHTML5 compliant, there is a basic skeleton framework that must be in place. The purpose of this skeleton is to declare which specific version of XHTML we are using, to define some biographical data about the webpage, and to establish the requisite structural categories of the webpage. The skeleton framework below can be copied directly as a starting template - only be sure to update the content of the title tag to reflect your webpage. *Memorize Basic= <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Your title goes here.</title> </head> <body> <!-- The content of your webpage goes here. --> </body> </html>

Optional Fields:


During which week will Final Exams be given for E 115?

During Week 7 or 8 as posted on the E 115 Schedule

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: border-collapse: style

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values border-collapse: style Specifies if a table's borders are expanded or collapsed. border-collapse: collapse; separate

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: margin: amount

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values margin: amount A shorthand property for setting 'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', and 'margin left' at the same place in the style sheet margin: 10px 20px; See more here: Margin Properties

Formulas and Functions

Excel, like all spreadsheet programs, is designed to allow the user to perform calculations on large sets of data using built-in and user-defined functions.

All of these would produce the same size font: 12px, 12%, 12em


The copy command provides output.


True of False: All grade disputes must be handled in person within one week of receiving an "Assignment X is graded" e-mail.


True or False: Late work is allowed for Reading Quizzes.



In all equations, operators are needed to define the desired action. Excel asserts the algebraic order of operations on all formulas. The basic operators needed for any equations include: Equality (=) is required of all formulas. Formula cells begin with equality, setting the cell equal to the given expression. Parentheses ( ) will contain an operation and calculate the value before the remaining expression. Exponential (^) will raise the first number to the power of the second. Multiplication (*) will calculate the product of two values or cells. Division (/) will calculate the fraction of two values or cells. Addition (+) will calculate the sum of two values or cells. Subtraction (-) will calculate the difference of two values or cells.

Peer-2-Peer (P2P)

In which client/server relationship can a computer act as both a client AND a server?

Is the component listed part of the Operating System according to the Online Textbook?

Libraries → Component MS Office → Not a Component Linux → Not a Component User Interface → Component

You just realized you left your homework in draft mode and the submission deadline has passed! You make a few last minute changes and submit your assignment. Which deduction would be applied? (This is your first time forgetting to submit a draft.)

No Credit


Optional Fields: - Carbon Copy. To send others a copy of the mail, enter their email addresses here.


Optional Fields: - Blind Carbon Copy. To send others a copy of the mail without the recipients in the To: or Cc: fields knowing about it, enter their email addresses here.

Which of the following are paired tags? [Choose all that apply]

Paragraph (p), Headings (h1-h6), Title (title), Link (a)

Conditional Functions

Perform calculations on a cell or range of cells only if those cells meet a certain condition. These functions test a given range and determine if the condition is true or false before continuing. A condition can be any relational comparison: Examples: A3>14 Whether the contents of cell A3 are larger than the number 14 D5<=2 Whether the contents of cell D5 are less than or equal to the number 2 T47="cheese" Whether the cell T47 contains the the word cheese There are six types of conditional functions covered by this course. Each has a specific use and syntax.

Making shortcuts to directories

Shorter pathname is /ncsu/directory Pathname for E 115 course locker is /ncsu/e115

Recommended Fields (Required for all E115 correspondence):


The abstraction that the kernel provides for application developers is called the _________?

System call API

Subscript and Superscript

The Subscript Tag is a typographical tag used to render text which is slightly smaller with a lowered baseline. The Superscript Tag is used for text which is slightly smaller with a raised baseline. These are often useful when typing mathematical formulas or similar data, or creating footnote citations. Example: The following code: <p> When converting between decimal and binary, it is helpful to know that 2<sup>10</sup> = 1024. The number 26<sub>10</sub> (base 10) is equal to 00011010<sub>2</sub> (base 2). </p> Would produce the following result: When converting between decimal and binary, it is helpful to know that 210 = 1024. The number 2610 (base 10) is equal to 000110102 (base 2).

Broadband Internet Service

There are a few different technologies to choose from when selecting broadband internet service. Examples of these are digital subscriber line (DSL), cable, satellite, fiber optic to the home, fixed wireless, and Broadband over Power Lines (BPL). DSL and cable both provide the user with an Ethernet connection, similar data transmissions speeds, and require a modem or modulator-demodulator. A modem is a device that converts data from one technology to another - in this case, it converts data from either DSL or cable to Ethernet.

Your Unity ID is comprised of lowercase letters and, in some cases, a number or two.


Relative Pathnames

UNIX/Linux systems recognize some special character combinations known as relative pathnames. These relative pathnames can be used as shortcuts to save time while accessing files and directories. For example, ../ Dot-dot-slash refers to the directory above your current working directory (the parent directory). This can be used in conjunction with other shortcuts../ Dot-slash refers to the current working directory. Instead of typing the long (absolute) pathname, you can use dot. This is useful when working with files in your current working directory.


Under which of the following would a distribution of Ubuntu Linux fall under?

Fiber Optic

Use pulses of light that can travel very fast

PCI Express

Which connects the CPU to the Video Processor?


_________ software is distributed with a limited license. This typically means that users have a limited amount of time that they can use the program before being required to purchase the full version of the software. Additionally, _________ programs may have certain features disabled until the full license is purchased.The concept of ___________ developed from the idea that software is expensive, and most users don't want to invest in an expensive package if they don't know what they are getting. __________ allows users to "test drive" the program. These programs can be found on the internet, or they can be purchased (typically in disk form) from software stores.

Tree Network

are collections of star networks arranged in a hierarchy. Concentrators from each star network are connected to each other in a particular order to form the tree. Figure 2: Tree network Like a star network, a point of failure on a transmission line can separate a node from the network and the rest of the network will continue to work. If a concentrator gets disconnected, all connected nodes are separated from the more massive tree network. If the separated connector is still functioning, the nodes in that network will also continue to function, even when separated from the tree.

Networking Protocols

are methods for transmitting data between machines, and are necessary for the successful exchange of information. Many established protocols have been widely accepted, and build upon one another to form layers of information about the transmitted data. These layers allow the computer to use the data more efficiently. Layer Example Link Layer Ethernet Internet Layer Internet Protocol (IP) Transport Layer Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) Application Layer HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


are more advanced versions of hubs. Unlike the hubs, switches do not use a shared medium, keeping all of the connections separate. For example, if computers A, B, C, and D are connected to a switch, the switch will allow computers A and B to interact without sending unrequested data to C and D. Because the switch will not send data to unintended recipients, they are more secure than hubs. The maintenance of separate recipients and control of data between them is referred to as intelligence. Figure 3: Packet sent to switch Figure 4: Packet sent to addressed node

Sound ports

in computers can be used for headphones, speakers, or microphones. These ports are often color-coded and marked with icons that represent their use.

The X Protocol (X or X11)

is a display protocol that primarily displays and manages UNIX graphical information. The X Server program handles requests for displaying information and returns user input, such as keyboard or mouse use. This application is performing the computational work of the computer. It makes requests to the server for windows to be drawn, closed, etc. X labels itself as the server and the user as the client. In this course, X protocol is primarily used on Linux machines to access the graphical aspects of the terminal. Windows machines do not natively support X protocol.

USB Type-C

is a new port designed to use a reversible connector. Its use is not common yet and only a handful of devices have been built to use this port. One such device is the 2015 Apple MacBook.

Classic - Server

is a powerful computer dedicated to managing virtual resources. The server's only task is to control access to, and distribute, information. One example of a server is a web server, which is responsible for holding web page content and delivering it to a requesting agent. In addition to web servers, other types of servers manage databases, files, applications, e-mail, and printers or other shared components.


is a process of translating information that is legible to humans into information that can only be read by a computer. The process of translating the information back into its original form is called decryption. To properly decrypt information, a computer must know which "key" to use as reference.

Classic - Client

is the requesting agent that interacts with a server. A client can be a PC or workstation, or a server requesting information from a different server. The client relies on the information or resources that the server provides in order to complete its task. Example: When connecting to NC State's network, your computer making the connection is the client and the AFS file system acts as the server.

The DVI port

is used for video on newer monitors. There are multiple versions of DVI that have a slightly different form or pin layout.

Making a directory

mkdir directory-name

Select the digits that can make up a hexadecimal color code: (Choose all that apply)

numbers 0 through 9, letters A though F

Which of the following are used if you have two conditions and only one must be true?


Getting rid of files or folders

rm (-options) file OR DirectoryName Options are r (only when removing an entire directory) or f (force system to delete without verification)

Different Kinds of Routers: Major Traffic

routers are used in nexus points on the internet that must examine and transfer very large amounts of data.

Hard Drive

stores the computer's operating system and individual applications internally, so that they do not have to be loaded from discs each time the computer is started. These applications are accessed from the drive and pulled to RAM when needed. Saved files are also stored here, or on external drives for mobility. Hard drive storage is slower, but cheaper, than RAM. Desktop Hard Drive Laptop Hard Drive

The Table Tags

table - The table tag defines a container for a data table. tr - The table row tags define a container, which can have rows and cells, forming a table of data. th - The table header tags create a cell within a table row, which is intended to be displayed as a title. td - The data cell tags create a cell within a table row, which is intended to be displayed as non-formatted data.



Unity ID

[email protected]. The Unity ID consists of eight lowercase characters - determined by the user's first and middle initials, and the first six characters of the user's last name. In cases where the Unity ID following this format is already in use, numerals will be placed starting in the 8th spot to create a unique ID. Users must have unique IDs because file storage, e-mail, academic records and personal information are all stored by Unity ID account names. Unity IDs are assigned in the chronological order of entry into the University's system.

First offense

-5 points

Third offense

1/2 credit

Reading Quizzes points

100 points

Which of the following should you use to begin a paragraph with its text center-aligned?

<p style="text-align: center">

Formatting Tags - all of them

<strong> - The strong text tag designates text that is strongly important. <em> - The emphasized text tag designates text that is important to be emphasized. <ins> - The inserted text tag designates text that is underlined. <del> - The deleted text tag designates text that has a strike-through line. <sup> - The superscript tag designates text that is slightly smaller and raised above normal text. <sub> - The subscript tag designates text that is slightly smaller and lowered below normal text.


A mathematical expression using only the basic operators (such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide) with numbers and variables is a:


Allows the user to click on an image that takes you from one webpage to another


Allows the user to click on text that takes you from one webpage to another


Allows the user to click on text that will send an e-mail to the indicated user

Twisted Pair Cable

Also known as CAT5 cable

What type of range is A10:A242?


What technology takes control of addressing on the network?


Read-Only Memory (ROM)

Every personal computer has Read-Only Memory (ROM), which will not lose its content when the computer is powered off. ROM chips are loaded with a Basic Input/output System (BIOS) that interfaces between the system hardware and software, and enables the computer to boot successfully. Visually, the BIOS can appear as plain text on the screen displaying memory and drive checks before the OS takes control of the computer.

Microsoft Windows 10, running Putty, provides what kind of interaction with the user?

Hybrid (GUI + CLI)

Hard Drive Interfaces Historical: Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE)

IDE was used in PCs for about 20 years, and is being phased out. It is also referred to as AT Attachment (ATA) or Parallel ATA (PATA). IDE controllers have two channels, and each channel is a shared bus - only one drive can talk at a time and the drives can only talk to the controller. IDE limited computers to 4 drives without an expansion card, and is only for drives internal to the computer.

What are the three types of assignments you will typically do during an E 115 week? Choose all that apply.

Independent Assignments (typically due Friday) Reading Quizzes (typically due Wednesday) Guided Labs (typically due Thursday)


Is a piece of hardware or software that works to prevent unauthorized communications from entering or exiting the network. The firewall will use a set of rules to determine whether or not a specific piece of communication is allowed to pass. The physical firewall may be a computer or other intelligent device that filters all traffic for the network. A firewall can also be a piece of software that is run on an individual computer, typically for personal use. Figure 7: Data packets sent to node with firewall. Figure 8: Firewall allows or blocks packets based on rules.

Dual Core

Of the following, which type of processor can perform two tasks at the exact same time?

Reading Quizzes

Required Assignment that tests comprehension of week's material. Preparation for the rest of the week's assignments.


Required Fields: - Enter mail address of the person(s) to whom you are sending the message. Enter as many addresses as you like, usually separated by commas.

Guided Lab Assignment

Required assignment in which you watch a video of a lab instructor completing the assignment while you complete it yourself.

Independent Assignment

Required in-depth assignment to be completed individually.

Which of the following are considered Academic Integrity Violations, according to the E 115 Syllabus and the Policy Book? [select all that apply]

Submitting assignments from past semesters, Copying work from other students, Working with other students on assignments

Device Drivers

The kernel depends on individual pieces of software to control each individual piece of hardware, called device drivers. Device drivers contain instructions, like a manual for the kernel, on how to make the hardware perform a requested function. The OS calls the driver, and the driver "drives" the device. These software pieces exist for all hardware, and are often specialized for things like video cards, network adapters, input devices and sound cards. OSs typically use basic drivers that will simply make devices work, but not operate at their full potential. To fully use a device, the user should locate the latest available device driver (either from an included disc, or from the vendor's website). Applications System Call API Kernel Driver API Drivers Hardware

In Excel, you can change text to display vertically using via Format Cells.


Modem (RJ-11)

Was the primary way to access (dialup) networks in the 80's and 90's. With broadband (cable and DSL) networks replacing dialup, many modern computers do not come with modems


Which port was used to access dialup networks in the early days of computing?

Moving directories

cd pathnameofwhereyouwanttogo

Time savers

up/down arrows, TAB key

What type of class is E 115?

8 week, online hybrid, credit-only (pass/fail)

Example: Plain-text Link

<p> This is a paragraph. This paragraph contains a <ahref="http://ncsu.edu">link</a>. </p> Would produce the following result: This is a paragraph. This paragraph contains a link.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Can be thought of as the "brain" of the computer. A processor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations using built-in instructions for addition, subtraction, comparison, etc. Any more complicated actions, such as playing a game, are completed by the computer performing these operations at very high speeds. Processors are used to break each operation up into steps, like an assembly line, with an internal clock that tells the processor when to move to the next step in the calculation.

Secure Shell (SSH)

Developed by SSH Communications Security Ltd., SSH is a program for logging into a network computer remotely, executing commands on a remote machine, and moving files from one machine to another. It provides strong authentication and secure encrypted communications between two hosts over an insecure network. It is a replacement for rlogin, rsh, rcp, rdist and telnet. By using SSH's slogin (instead of rlogin), the user initiates an entire login session, including password transmission, that is encrypted. SSH protects against: IP spoofing - a remote host sends out packets which pretend to come from another trusted host. IP source routing - a host can pretend that an IP packet comes from another trusted host. DNS spoofing - an attacker forges name server records Interception of clear text passwords and other data by intermediate hosts Manipulation of data by people in control of intermediate hosts Attacks based on listening to X authentication data and spoofed connection to the X11 server Essentially protects against any network attack SSH does not protect against: A malicious user gaining root access to host (remote) machine A malicious user gaining root access to the recipient machine

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: height: size

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values height: size Specifies the content height of boxes height: 200%; 200em, auto, inherit

Coaxial Cable

Has a single copper conductor at its center

Expansion Slot - Advanced Graphics Port (AGP)

In 1996, AGP was created to give a 3d graphics card fast, direct access to the CPU. It was a 32-bit parallel bus that started out at 66 MHz (AGP-1x) and eventually scaled up to 266 MHz (AGP-8x). Figure 1: Slot Comparison Figure 2: A motherboard with a variety of expansion slots: three PCI, one PCI Express-x4,two PCI Express-x1, one PCI Express-x16

Graph Types

In the next pane, determine and preview which chart type to use. Not only can you select from Excel 2013 presets, but you can click the All Chart button to see a list of all graph types. Below is a short listing of the graph types. Column Graph Line Graph Pie Graph Bar Graph Area Graph X Y (Scatter) Graph Stock Graph Surface Graph Radar Graph Combo Graph (a combination of two of the above graph layouts) Once a graph type has been chosen, click Ok.

Supplemental slides

Optional, condensed versions of the information for each topic.

Hard Drive Configuration

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID: Configuration)RAID refers to a scheme, not an interface, of using multiple hard drives to create one or more logical units to gain fault tolerance or increased capacity. Historically, RAID was used exclusively in expensive server hardware, but is now affordable enough for personal desktops. There is hardware and software RAID, and they may be used with IDE, SCSI, or SATA hard drives.


SSH has the ability to "tunnel" information and applications. Tunneling is the process of enclosing private data in an ordinary, encrypted TCP/IP SSH packet, and channeling the information from the SSH session on the network connection. Tunneling is not encryption, the method used by SSH to protect information.

Campus Printing

Since Summer 2012, all printing at North Carolina State University is managed by the papercut system. Papercut is linked to users' unity accounts, and is therefore automatically synced on laboratory machines when the user logs in. This allows for immediate printing directly from the lab computer. This system can only be used while connected to the NC State system from a lab machine or wireless network. Printing from a non-NC State system (example: off-campus) is only possible using a VPN connection. Printing Cost: Documents are charged per page at a set rate. There is one fee for color printing and one fee for black and white. Please visit WolfPrint's User FAQ for more information. Main Campus Printer Rates Adding Funds: To add money to your AllCampus account online, see here. To add money in person, visit the Wolfpack One Card Office, in Talley Student Center, between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Acceptable File Types: Papercut will only allow users to print PDF (.pdf) files from personal laptop computers. Attempting to print other file types will result in an error. Below are instructions for converting files to the .pdf format for printing. From a lab computer, users can print files without having to convert them to a PDF. Converting Files to PDF: LinuxLinux users can "print to file" from within an application. These files will usually be saved as filename.ps. These .ps files can be printed by the papercut system. MacMac OS X will let you choose the print command from within the application. In most cases you can choose to "Save as PDF" (from the PDF button on OS X 10.4 "Tiger") and OS X will do the conversion for you. Windows 10While Windows does not come with its own built in PDF distiller, there are applications available that will perform the process for you. Microsoft Word 2007/2010 has a 'Save As' feature that allows users to export the document as a PDF. Steps to Printing a File: 1. Go to https://oit.ncsu.edu/my-it/wolfprint/ 2. Log in with your Unity Credentials 3. Click on "Web Print" then "Submit a Job" 4. Select the appropriate printer, then "2. Print Options and Account Selection"Hint: The building code found on your schedule is also the building the printer is located in. 5. Select the number of copies and specific account (if applicable), then click "3. Upload Document" 6. Upload a PDF file.Note, failure to select a PDF file will result in an error message and will not print. Pending and Recent Jobs: To ensure that your document was sent to the printer, click on "Pending and Recent Jobs" found on the main Papercut website. Once you do so, the following will display: Printing Issues: WolfCopy maintains the public lab printers, including adding paper and toner. Contact WolfCopy if you have problems: [email protected] (919-515-2131) or [email protected] (919-515-HELP). DO NOT try to fix the printer yourself.

Which two network topologies are the most susceptible to complete network failure following the failure of an individual node?

Star (If the concentrator fails) and Ring (If any node fails)

If you are unable to access an assignment, what is the order of steps you should take?

Step 1: → Look at the restriction information and complete the activities required Step 2: → If you have "met" the restrictions, log out of Moodle and log back in Step 3: → Contact your instructor/grader about the issue and include a screenshot of Moodle

Required Fields:


The parallel port

also known as a DB-25 port, is primarily for printers/scanners, and is often referred to as the "printer port". The parallel port is currently being phased out, with most printers interfacing using a USB port.

AND and OR

statements should be nested inside conditional statements. If they are not, the function will return either "TRUE" or "FALSE," which is not highly informative. If we replace that first part of an "if" statement with an AND statement, we can easily use "if" statements based upon multiple conditions. "AND" and "OR" statements can also be nested inside each other. =AND(condition, condition)=OR(condition, condition)

Appropriate Use Email

use "Professor" when emailing NCSU faculty (unless you know their preferred method of address) Using your NC State email for academic purposes only will help minimize the amount of spam sent to your Unity account and will ensure that important academic messages are not lost in an overcrowded inbox. Your professors will be given this email address as part of your enrollment in their course, and fellow students should use it to communicate with you regarding academics. Also, professionals and prospective employers will be more likely to contact you at [email protected] than at an address like [email protected]. The subject should have the course number, section number, and a brief description of the email contents. For a student in group 12 asking about Independent Assignment 5, the subject could look like E 115 - Group 12, Independent Assignment 5 Question. The Office of General Counsel and OIT Security and Compliance have approvedthe use of Gmail's new Confidential Mode in NC State's Google domain.Confidential Mode in Gmail allows users to: - Set an expiration date for a message. - Require an access code to view a message. - Disable options for email recipients to forward, copy, print, anddownload the message's content. In addition: - Email sent in Confidential Mode is archived for e-discovery. - Email sent in Confidential Mode is not approved for ultra-sensitive orpurple data. For additional information, including how to use, see the OIT News articleon Gmail Confidential Mode. Questions should be directed to the NC State Help Desk ([email protected], 919.515.4357). It is also good to know about the limitations of "confidential mode," and what it does and does not provide.

Firewire (IEEE 1394)

was developed by Apple Computers in 1995. "Firewire" is a trademarked term, and other companies use the same technology under different names. Firewire is used for many devices and was much faster than its contemporary, USB 1.0, but has similar speeds to USB 2.0. Firewire never reached the popularity level of USB, and has since been dropped by Apple on iPods (but not on their computers yet).

The PS/2 port

was developed by IBM to connect keyboards and mice. Computers will usually have 2 of these ports, one purple (for the keyboard) and one green (for the mouse). PS/2 was the standard for about 15 years, but is now being replaced by the USB port.

Review Assignment points

100 points

Guided Labs points

200 points

Independent Assignments points

300 points

Layered (Nested) Lists

<ol> <li>Homework</li> <ul> <li>Physics Lab</li> <li>Calculus Webassign</li> </ul> <li>Laundry</li> <li>Grocery Shopping</li> <ul> <li>Milk</li> <li>Eggs</li> </ul> </ol> Would produce the following result: 1.Homework Physics Lab Calculus Webassign 2.Laundry 3.Grocery Shopping Milk Eggs

Example: Image Link in a New Tab

<p> Click the image below to open the NCSU homepage in a new tab.<br/> <a href="http://ncsu.edu" target="_blank"> <img src="images/ncsu.png" alt="NCSU Homepage" /> </a> </p> Would produce the following result: Click the image above to open the NCSU homepage in a new tab. Click the image below to open the NCSU homepage in a new tab. Note: For this example to work, you would need an image file called "ncsu.png" to be inside of a folder called "images", and the folder called "images" would need to be in the same folder that your webpage is stored in


<p> - The paragraph tag represents a single, self-contained paragraph. <h1>,< h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> - The heading tags create a heading. The h1 heading is the largest while the h6 heading is the smallest. <br> - The line break tag inserts a line break at the current location. <hr> - The horizontal rule tag creates a horizontal rule, to be used as a content divider.

Strongly Important (Bold) and Emphasized (Italic) Text

<strong> - The strong text tag is used to denote that certain words or phrases within a paragraph (or any chunk of text) are strongly important. By default, the browser displays strong text as bold. <em> - The emphasized text tag is used to emphasize certain words or phrases within a paragraph or any chunk of text. By default, the browser displays emphasized text as italic. Caution: Some older textbooks use the tags b, i, and u to create bold, italic, and underlined text. These tags are rendered the same way by the browser, but have slightly different meanings. Using the strong tag rather than b is considered more correct, because the browser understands that it should be considered important (this conveys real meaning about the data) rather than merely bold (this is simply typographical). The same is true for the other tags. In general, do not use the b, i, and u tags. Example The following code: <p> This text is <strong>very important</strong>, while this is <em>emphasized</em>. </p> Would produce the following result: This text is very important, while this is emphasized.

Which of the following tags creates a row in a table?


Unordered List

<ul> <li>Milk</li> <li>Eggs</li> <li>Bread</li> </ul> This would produce the following result: Milk Eggs Bread

What is the correct syntax for a sumif statement?

=sumif(range, condition, sumrange)

The Data Cell Tag - <td>

Creates a cell within a table row, which is intended to be displayed as unformatted data. _______ can only be used within a table row.

Text - Property Chart: font-weight: weight

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values font-weight: weight Selects the weight of the font font-weight: bold; normal, lighter, inherit, etc.

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: max-width: size

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values max-width: size Specifies the maximum content width of boxes width: 250px; 100%, auto, inherit

Text - Property Chart: text-align: alignment

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values text-align: alignment Sets the alignment of the element's text text-align: center; right, left, justify, inherit

Text - Property Chart: text-decoration: decoration

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values text-decoration: decoration Describes decorations that are added to the text of an element using the element's color text-decoration: underline; none, overline, blink, etc.

<span> example

Example: Putting Content in a Span Container. The following code: <h2>Hello, world.</h2> <p> This is a <span>paragraph</span>. </p> Would produce the following result: Hello, world. This is a paragraph.

Backing up files is optional and not recommended.


True or False: Using something other than MS Office 2007 or higher will be allowed and carry no penalty on assignments.


ihateE115 is a legitimate University password.



Falsely claiming to be a legitimate company over the internet in order to scam the consumer is an unethical practice known as:


Falsely claiming to be a legitimate company to scam the consumer is called _______. According to Webopedia.com, many Phishing emails request usernames and passwords, or worse (credit card information, social security information, or bank account numbers), to verify that you are who they claim you are. If you receive an email that does not look legitimate, do not respond or visit the link and do not provide your personal information to unknown sources. Please note that the university will NEVER ask you to send personal information through email.

Device drivers are like a ____________ for the kernel .


Removable Disks

Removable disks are alternatives to the internal hard drive for reading and storing data. Examples include USB drives, CD/DVD-ROM/RWs and external hard drives. These drives allow data to be accessed from external and mobile sources. 1.External Hard Drive 2.USB Flash Drive 3.Laptop Media Bay Drive 4.Desktop DVD-RW Drive

Textbook Chapters

Required reading for each week, before completing any assignments.

When does the E 115 week typically start?



Star Network Tree Network Bus Network Ring Network

User Interface

The interface between the user and the computer determines the way that an individual interacts with a computer. Based on these different _________, we can categorize operating systems into a few types: Terminal-based (CLI), Text-based (TUI/TLI), Graphics-based (GUI), or a Hybrid (mix of two or three)

Network/Ethernet (RJ-45)

The port used for networking on most modern computers is typically referred to as an Ethernet port, but may also be called a RJ-45 jack, network port, or Cat5 port. The variety of names comes from the fact that most modern computers connect to Ethernet networks using category-5 twisted pair cables, which plug into RJ-45 jacks.

Not all programs and processes are small enough to fit the physical memory, so in some cases the memory management system must also provide virtual memory.


Pathnames are like addresses to where files live.


The following equation is a valid example of nested IF functions. =IF(C10="breakfast", breakfastPrice, IF(C10="lunch", lunchPrice, IF(C10="dinner", dinnerPrice, 0)))Note: "breakfastPrice", "lunchPrice", and "dinnerPrice" are names of cells that contain numerical data


True or False: Students who earn 700 or more points before the Final Exam can skip the final exam and still pass the course.


True or False: Violations of academic integrity on any E 115 assignment will result in a grade of 0 on said assignment and a report will be filed with the Office of Student Conduct.


Student ID Number

Your Student ID number IS NOT your Unity ID. The Student ID number is a unique nine digit number that is assigned to each user and is another identifier used for record-keeping across the University. Older Student ID numbers begin with 2 to 3 leading "0's", while newer Student ID Numbers begin with a "2", and some numerical sequence. Your Student ID is used for some courses, not E 115, and when you are registering for courses with your academic advisor. It is important that you understand the difference between these two items.


__________ is software that can be purchased for the full software price, and, by opening it, you are the owner of the license. __________ may not be copied or distributed to other people. In addition, _________ can usually only be used by one individual on one computer at a time. The best example of this type of license is a copy of TurboTax for your computer.

Bus Network

a set of clients is connected using a single shared connection line known as a bus. Bus networks are the simplest way to connect devices, but problems occur when two devices want to communicate at the same time. Bus networks typically use a collision detection/prevention method known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) to ensure proper data communication. Figure 3: Bus network The only equipment that is needed to add a device to a bus network is an interface card for each node and one communication line to establish the network. A bus network is well suited for quick, temporary network setups. If one node fails along the bus, it does not bring down the entire network. However, if a line break occurs on the network, the entire network will go down. Bus network lines have a limited physical distance and a limited number of allowed nodes before system usability decreases significantly.

The serial port

also known as a DB-9 port, is an older port that was used in the 1980's for a variety of peripheral devices. In the 1990's, it was used primarily to connect mice, joysticks, and modems. The serial port is almost completely phased out - some desktop computers have serial ports since they have motherboard components in common with the parallel port.

The Table Row Tag - <tr>

creates a row, which can be filled with cells. The _______ can only be used within a table tag. __________ automatically adds space above and below, ensuring that nothing else is on the same line.

The Table Tag - <table>

defines a container, which can have rows and cells, forming a table of data. ________ automatically adds space above and below, ensuring that nothing else is on the same line.

Expansion Slot - Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express

expansion slot standard was introduced in 2002 to replace PCI and AGP expansion slots (below). The PCI-E uses a high-speed serial bus to transmit small pieces of data in succession and a switched communications pathway, allowing multiple devices to talk simultaneously. A single PCI-E channel can transmit .5 GB/s of data in each direction, and up to 32 channels can be bound in one slot. For more information:http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/hardware/pcie.ars PCIThe PCI was introduced in 1992 and doubled both the width (to 32 bits) and speed (to 33 MHz) of the previous expansion slot type, ISA. PCI was a parallel, shared bus design - it used multiple wires to transmit a single large data chunk at one time, and only one device can talk at a time. Later revisions allowed for a 64 bit data path and at a speed of 66 MHz.

Video Processor

is a microprocessor, like the one that is running your computer, with more specific operations - focused on producing graphical output to a monitor. Video processors typically have dedicated memory on more expensive machines, and share the main RAM in less expensive ones. More intensive graphical applications, such as video games, will require that the video processor have more memory, or use more of the RAM.

Different Kinds of Routers: Office Network

routers are used to connect more than two computers together in an office setting. They are usually individual devices and contain some rudimentary security protocols to protect the network from low-level security attacks.

Creating a log file

script (-options) logfile-name.txt Options are a (to append an old log file) f (to record in real time)





Syllabus and Policy Quiz points

100 points

What is the correct syntax for a countif statement?

=countif(range, condition)


=countif(range,criteria) The "countif" function will increment the active cell by one each time the criteria is true for a cell in the given range. Example:You want to know how many universities have "red" as one of their school colors, and have compiled a database of schools and their colors in Excel. =countif (F1:F230, "=red") If a cell in F1:F230 satisfies "=red", then increment the active cell by one

P2P Relationship

A different method for requesting and distributing virtual resources is known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P). In this model, one machine can act as both client and server in relation to another machine. This is typically accomplished by a custom piece of software that can perform both roles, determining which is necessary for a given task. P2P implementation relies on centralized data to establish a connection to other computers, without the use of a central server for the connection. Example: BitTorrent is an example of a P2P relationship. Use of BitTorrent for copyrighted materials is illegal; however, it does have some legal applications such as OpenOffice and other open source freeware. BitTorrent is a program that initiates the P2P relationship by linking users seeking open source freeware to a distributing server and linking users uploading applications to clients.


A hub serves as a central node or device in a computer network, connecting multiple Ethernet segments, computers, and devices together and treating them as a single segment. A hub provided the first method for which computers could share a single connection to the internet. Hubs work at a maximum speed of 100 million bits per second or 100Mbps. It connects computers together through what is known as a shared medium. Only one computer can talk to the hub at a time, and that computer cannot both send and receive data at the same time. A hub cannot distinguish who or what is connected to each of its ports. When it receives data from a given connection (see Fig. 1), that data is broadcast to each connected segment/device (see Fig. 2). This method of communication is what allows the hub to resemble a single segment. It is up to the device to either accept or reject the pieces of data. However, constant broadcast of information to all parties creates data collisions that interrupt and degrade service, and poses a security risk. For example, if one connected device receives a virus, they all receive a virus. Figure 1: Packet of data sent to hub. Figure 2: Packet of data broadcast to all connected nodes.

CD Drive

A stamped CD (such as a purchased music CD) consists of a layer of plastic that has bumps imprinted into it starting from the center and radiating outward around the disc. Over the layer of plastic is a layer of aluminum. This layer of aluminum makes the bumps and lands reflective so that a laser can bounce off the surface and return to an optical pickup. The optical pickup interprets the laser reflection as a bit and sends it to the computer for use. Acrylic is layered over the aluminum to protect it, and a label is placed on top. A CD-R has a slightly different physical make up. It consists of a flat (no bumps) plastic layer, a layer of dye, a layer of aluminum, a layer of acrylic, and finally the label. The dye layer is darkened in the "burning" process. The laser then reads these darkened sections as bumps on the CD and interprets the information.

Nested IF Functions

An interesting addition to the "if" function is the ability to nest one "if" function inside of another. A single "if" function, without the use of any other functions, can only test for a single condition. A nested if statement can be more specific by testing another condition. Example:Test the condition of whether the contents of cell A2 are between 1 and 3. =if (A2>3,"Number too large", if (A2<1,"Number too small", "Just right!")) The completed function will test whether the value of A2 is larger than 3. If it is, the active cell will be set to "Number too large." If A2 is less than 3, it will be tested to see if the value of A2 is less than 1. If it is, the active cell is set to "Number too small." Otherwise, we know that the value of A2 must be between 1 and 3, so the active cell is set to "Just right!"

ID Selector

Any XHTML element can be given the ID attribute, the value of which can be any arbitrary string without spaces. In effect, this gives a "name" to an element, so that you can refer to it by name again later. For example, if you have an image at the top of your page, you might give it the ID "logo". No two elements on a webpage can have the same ID. The CSS ID Selector is used to select an item based on its assigned ID. This selector is appropriate for selecting one specific element on the page. To use the ID selector, simply type a hash sign (#) followed by the tag's ID in front of the CSS block. Note: For more information on the ID selector, view the official W3C Documentation. Example: Adding a Background Color to a Table If your XHTML contains the following code: <table id="mydata"> <tr> <td>Chrysler</td> <td>Oddysey</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dodge</td> <td>Ram</td> </tr> </table> And is linked to a CSS file containing the following code: #mydata { background-color: #00FF00; } Then the webpage will appear like this: Chrysler Oddysey Dodge Ram *imagine its green


Because XHTML gives semantic meaning to data by categorizing it, sometimes applying a tag to something doesn't actually have a visual result on the rendered webpage. One example of this is categorizing chunks of code into categories like "navigation", "main", "footer", etc. Organizing code into these "categories" (sometimes called containers) is done by using any of the many structural tags. Organizing parts of your page into containers makes styling your page (using the techniques in Introduction to CSS and Styling) easier and more flexible, and would make advanced web programming (with languages like JavaScript) easier. Additionally, a more semantically defined webpage is parsed more easily by computers - this will help search engines report accurate descriptions of your page, and will help users of disability software like screen readers to get a more accurate experience when visiting your page.

Storing the Data

Data is stored on the surface of the platter using organizational elements known as sectors and tracks. Tracks are concentric circles that surround the entire platter. Sectors are wedges that, when grouped together, form a track. Sectors contain a fixed number of bytes - usually 256 or 512 - and are grouped into clusters. Red: Track; Blue: Sector Before a drive can be used, it must be properly formatted. A low-level format is performed that establishes the tracks and sectors on the platter to prepare the disk to hold blocks of bytes. After the low-level formatting, a high-level format is performed to prepare the disc to hold files. The high-level format writes disc important structures for the operating system to the disc.

Bits and Bytes

Each binary position represents a unit of memory called a bit (b), whether that position is occupied by a "1" or a "0." An individual bit is typically too small to represent sufficiently larger values. To efficiently process information, computers handle groups of bits. The smallest group of bits processed by a computer is a byte (B), which is 8 bits long in most modern computers. Large numbers of bytes are referred to using the International System of Units (SI) prefixes, with those prefixes using a base-2 count rather than the base-10 count. This means that binary-based prefixes do not represent the same amount as base-10 SI prefixes. Prefix Standard SI amount Software amount (Bytes) kilo (k) 10^3 = 1,000 2^10 = 1,024 mega(M) 10^6 = 1,000,000 2^20 = 1024 * 1,024 giga (G) 10^9 = 1,000,000,000 2^30 = 1024 * 1024 *1024 tera (T) 10^12 = 1,000,000,000,000 2^40 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *1024 Example:How many bits (b) are in a Gigabyte (GB)? (1024^3)*8 = 8.6×10^9 b in 1 GB

Connecting to the Network

Each computer connecting to the network must be assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP) Address. This allows other computers to know where a particular machine is located on the network and how to send information to that machine. The two types of IP addresses available are static and dynamic. Static IP addresses assign an unchanging, known address to the machine, and dynamic IP addresses are automatically assigned from a list of available addresses using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) - is the current standard protocol (June 2011) used to IP addresses. It uses a 128-bit address - the earlier protocol, IPv4, uses 32 bits. The new address space supports 2128 (about 3.4×1038) addresses, vs. the 232supported by IPv4. Network Address Translation (NAT) - allows all of the computers connected to a router to share a single, public IP address. It then assigns a private IP address to all connected computers that it translates to the public address when sending the traffic to the Internet. NAT also acts as a firewall, and is widely used in home networks and small businesses. DNS (Domain Name System) - allows you to use domain names instead of actual addresses to access a computer. The most common example of this is the address bar in your web browser. DNS is what allows you to access a page by typing "www.google.com" instead of the actual IP address for the Google search engine. DNS Servers keep track of the domain name and their associated IP addresses for ease of access. DNS can refer to Domain Name System or Domain Name Server.

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: background-color: color

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values background-color: color Specifies the background color of the element background-color: #0000FF; #rrggbb (anycombination), transparent, inherit

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: border: amount

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values border: amount A shorthand property for setting the same width, color, and style for all four borders of a box border: 1px solid #000000; See more here: Border Properties

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: clear: side

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values clear: side Indicates which sides of an element's box(es) may not be adjacent to an earlier floating box clear: both; none, left, right, inherit

Text - Property Chart: color: color

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values color: color Sets the font color color: #FF00FF; #rrggbb (any combination), transparent, inherit

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: float: side

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values float: side Specifies whether a box should float to the left, right, or not at all float: left; right, none, inherit

Text - Property Chart: font-family: family

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values font-family: family Sets the prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names font-family: Arial,Times; Helvetica, sans-serif, fantasy, Courier, etc.

Text - Property Chart: font-size: size

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values font-size: size Sets the size of the text font-size: 20px; 200%, 2em, absolute-size, relative-size, etc.

Text - Property Chart: font-style: style

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values font-style: style Selects between normal, italic and oblique faces within a font family font-style: italic; normal, oblique, inherit

Lists - Property Chart: list-style-image: image *For use specifically with ul, ol, and li elements.

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values list-style-image: image Changes the default image to use as a marker list-style-image: url(bullet.gif); any url, none, inherit

Lists - Property Chart: list-style-type: type *For use specifically with ul, ol, and li elements.

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values list-style-type: type Changes the default type of listed item list-style-type: disc; circle, square, lower roman, decimal, etc.

Lists - Property Chart: list-style: style *For use specifically with ul, ol, and li elements.

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values list-style: style Changes the default way a list displays list-style: url("images/list.gif") inside; outside, etc.

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: max-height: size

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values max-height: size Specifies the maximum content height of boxes height: 300px; 200em, auto, inherit

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: padding: amount

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values padding: amount A shorthand property for setting 'padding top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', and 'padding-left' at the same place in the style sheet padding: 30px 60px; See more here: Padding Properties

Frequently Used Styling Elements - Property Chart: width: size

Element:syntax Description Ex Other Possible Values width: size specifies the content width of boxes width: 100em; 100%, auto, inherit

Storage Resources

Every individual that holds a University Computing Account is allocated a block of storage space on University provided servers. This storage space is known as the NCSU File System, or NFS. The NFS space is your primary file space when you are using a UNIX system; it is your home directory on a Linux workstation and may be available as the K: drive on a Windows workstation. Users have 20 GB of space allocated to them, and OIT has more information about quotas.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Every personal computer also has Random Access Memory (RAM). Unlike ROM, RAM loses content when the computer is powered off. RAM provides a storage location for data that the CPU can access and manipulate quickly. It also allows software and other data to run continuously without requiring access to more permanent storage - more RAM available on a computer means that more applications can be open at a given time without slowing down the system. You can increase the available amount of RAM to a computer by adding more RAM chips or replacing the existing RAM chips with ones of higher capacity (upgrading from 4GB RAM chips to 8GB RAM chips).

<Div> example

Example: Putting Elements in a Div Container. The following code: <div> <h2>Hello, world.</h2> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </div> This would produce the following result: Hello, world. This is a paragraph.

Example: Table with Header Row

Example: Table with Header Row The following code: <table> <tr> <th>Ex.</th> <th>Distance (m)</th> <th>Weight (kg)</th> <th>Color</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>4.6</td> <td>65</td> <td>Red</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>12</td> <td>36</td> <td>Red</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>32.4</td> <td>89</td> <td>Blue</td> </tr> </table> Would produce the following result: Ex. Distance Weight Color 1 4.6 65 Red 2 12 36 Red 3 32.4 89 Blue

Cell Addressing

Excel includes the capability to name or address a cell. For example, instead of having to constantly reference $A$10, the spreadsheet could reference a cell named monthly_income. To address a cell, select the desired location and right-click the cell to select Define Name. Define Names Pane Within the pane, enter a name for your cell. You cannot use any name that contains a space, or is a reserved function name. Once you have entered a name, press OK. Now you can reference your constant cell by its name. The autofill function will always reference the name of your cell if it is provided in the original formula.


Excel's autofill function allows the user to quickly fill cells with similar data and formulas. Step 1: Choose a cell with the desired data or formula, and activate it. In this, cell A2 is selected. Step 2: Click the handle, the black box in the bottom right hand corner, and drag it over the cells that you want to autofill. Excel will sometimes generate a popup "hint" indicating what it will fill the cells with. Step 3: Release your cursor. Excel will have continued the pattern of your previously selected cells. Another way to autofill: If you are applying a formula or function to a column of data, you can double click on the small box at the bottom right corner of the cell that includes the formula/function, and it will autofill down to the end of the column containing the data. Remember that autofill works differently with statically referenced data and cell addressed data. For more information about how this affects autofilling, check out the Data or Formulas & Functions sub chapters. If Excel is not filling the area the way you'd like, select the range of cells you want to fill and choose Editing ->Fill ->Series. When you release, the Fill Series window will appear. Choose the direction you want your data to fill the range (up, down, left, right). Then choose the kind of series to create. Formulas will fill in each cell of the range with the original formula. Linear will fill in each cell of the range with the next increment in the linear series (1,2,3,4,...). Growth will fill in each cell of the range with the next increment in the growth series (1,2,4,8,...). Date will fill in each cell of the range with the next increment in the calendar.

During the formatting of a hard drive, which type of formatting places the file system, to be used by the operating system, on the drive?


Graph Labels

If you go to the Chart Layouts pane under Chart Tools - Design, you can choose to edit the graph's fields. Quick Layout will show you preset layouts that could include a Chart Title, Axis Titles, Legend, etc. The Add Chart Element will allow you to add items to the graph individually. If you hover over an element to be added, you can select from the default items, or click More (insert element) Options. From there, a pane will open from the right-side of the Excel window, and you can finish editing your final product there. After the graph is created, it can be resized using the anchors. You may also use the other panes (Chart Styles, Data, Type, Location) and the three floating options (plus "+" sign, paint brush, funnel) on the upper right-hand corner of the selected graph to continue editing the graph.

Hard Drive Interfaces Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)

In 1986, another interface standard was developed, called SCSI, using a more intelligent and complicated controller to manage the bus. Up to 15 devices can be connected to a SCSI bus and some have dual controllers. Using SCSI will typically require an add-in card. Tape drives, scanners, and the first CD-ROM drives were designed for SCSI. Like IDE, only one device can talk on a SCSI bus at a time, but devices can talk directly to each other as well as to the controller.

Email Links

In addition to linking to webpages, the anchor tag can link to an email address. To do this, the value of the href attribute is set to the word "mailto", followed by a colon, followed by a recipient's email address. Clicking an email link will cause the user's email client to launch, with the "compose new message" dialogue already filled in. Note: Using the target attribute in conjunction with an email link is meaningless. Another Note: If your computer does not have a default email application, clicking the link will not do anything. Example: Email Link The following code: <p> Click <a href="mailto:[email protected]">here</a> to email Joe Schmoe. </p> Would produce the following result: Click here to email Joe Schmoe.

Criteria vs. Condition

In excel, there is a difference between a criteria and a condition. A condition is when there is an operator (such as =, <, >=, etc.) that has a value on either side (like this: A2 <= 3). A criteria is when there is an operator and only one value (to the right of the operator) with the whole criteria in quotes (like this: "=15").

Absolute Pathnames

In the previous section, pathnames were introduced as the way to navigate through the file system. These long pathnames are also referred to as absolute pathnames. There could be shortcut for an absolute pathname. For example, ~/Tilde-slash refers to your home directory. The ~ actually replaces the /mnt/ncsudrive/u/unityid


In the same way that "4" is an Arabic numeral and "IV" is the same number written as a Roman numeral; the language of computers represents the same information in a visually different form. The binary number "100" is the same number as the decimal number "4." Computers can only understand numbers, and binary is the simplest number system. It can then be converted to the commonly used ASCII codes. ASCII was initially based on 128 symbols (10 numbers, 26 letters of the English alphabet, some punctuation marks, etc.), and it represents visible characters or commands. Every 8 bits (or byte) of binary represents one ASCII code/character. The binary system is a base-2 system that uses only "0s" and "1s" to represent all numbers. The numbers that you are most likely familiar with are the decimal (base-10) system. The position of the "0" and "1" digits in a binary string represents a particular value. "1s" add the value, at that position, to the total value of the string, while "0s" indicate that the value is not counted in the total. In the base-2 system, positional values are denoted as 2n, where n is the position. "n" values begin with 0 and increase from right to left. Example: Base-2 from the 0th power to the 6th power: Taking into account the base-10 equivalent values gives: ExampleBinary string "1001": The decimal equivalent would be: 8+0+0+1 = 9 The binary string shows that there are "1s" at 23 and at 20, and the "0s" at 22 and 21 indicate that we do not include those numbers in our total. They are significant placeholders, however, and cannot be discarded without changing the value of the string: "11" in binary being equivalent to "3" in decimal. ExampleConverting decimal to binary "26": The binary equivalent would be "11010."

Network Topology - Area Networks: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Is between a LAN and a WAN in size. It is normally owned by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), the same companies who own and operate WANs, but has a lot of features like a LAN. Companies can use a MAN across a city to connect several offices. MANs are connected using a combination of routers and specialized switches.

Network Topology - Area Networks: Wide Area Network (WAN)

Is geographically larger than a LAN. WANs are usually owned and/or maintained by a larger company, which may use the WAN for corporate purposes or lease it out for communication. Telecommunication companies such as Charter Spectrum (formerly Time Warner Cable) and AT&T Inc. (formerly BellSouth) run WANs that provide a method for people and companies to join to other LANs and connect to global communications such as the Internet. LANs are connected to WANs, and WANs are connected to each other, using routers.

The Image Tag only need *Required attributes only (src and alt) <p> This is a paragraph. There is an image below this text.<br/> <img src="images/ncsu.png" alt="NCSU Logo" /> </p>

Is used to embed a digital photograph or visual graphic into a webpage. This tag is self-closing. Images, by default, are placed in-line with text. The image tag has two required attributes. The value of the src (short for "source") attribute is a path to the image file which should be displayed; this can be an absolute URL. An Absolute URL is a direct web address to the image file, beginning with "http://" or "https://" - this is useful when embedding an image that is hosted on another website. A Relative URL is a path to the image file relative to the current webpage - this is useful when embedding an image that is hosted on your website. The value of the alt attribute (short for "alternative") is a plain-text string which provides a human-readable description of the image. This text will be displayed by the browser if the image fails to load, or if the user has images disabled. This text is also read aloud by the screen-reading software used by persons who have sight issues who navigate the web in a different manner.


Items below are listed in syntax only. For examples, consult the online textbook. Items in(parentheses) or [brackets] are optional, but may be required in some specific cases. Basicsyntax is as follows:eos% command -options argument_1 argument_2Where eos% is the prompt and not part of the command, denotes a space and ALLfiles/commands are case sensitive.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Java programs, run through the ______, are similar to instructions that tell the "java" program how to run. Java use has increased significantly, both as a learning tool for entry CSC and as an online tool for having cross-platform or embedded applications.

Class Selector

Like the ID attribute discussed above, there is another attribute which can be used on any XHTML element called the class attribute. This attribute is similar to the ID attribute, but instead of assigning a "name" for a single element, it is used to assign an element to a "family" of similar elements. Unlike the ID attribute, a value for the class attribute can be re-used as many times as desired on a given page. The CSS Class Selector is used to select items based on their assigned class. This selector is appropriate for selecting a hand-picked collection of elements. To use the class selector, simply type a period (.) followed by the tag's class in front of the CSS block. Note: For more information on the class selector, view the official W3C Documentation. Example: Making Certain Elements Bold If your XHTML contains the following code: <p> This is a <span class="boldtext">paragraph</span>, and it contains a <a href="http://ncsu.edu" class="boldtext">link</a>. </p> And is linked to a CSS file containing the following code: .boldtext { font-weight: bold; } Then the webpage will appear like this: This is a paragraph, and it contains a link.

When are E 115 Office Hours usually held?

Monday - Friday, as listed on the calendar

What is the name of the learning management system that hosts the syllabus, assignments and schedule?


Network License

Most licenses are designed with the idea of one user or one computer in mind. There are special licensing schemes that are agreed upon by the software companies and the network owners for network software. For example, on Eos, we have different types of licenses for some of our different software packages. Some may only be used by a limited number of people at one time. The best example of a ___________ would be NC State University's Copy of Microsoft Office.

Network Topology - Area Networks: virtual LANs (VLANs)

NC State puts all networks into virtual LANs (VLANs), which allow nodes to be attached virtually to a LAN, instead of physically. In essence, a VLAN acts as a WAN, but at the local level.

Additional Resources

Nightly backup of user storage spaces E-mail services and delivery of personal web pages Wired and wireless Internet access Use of workstation labs with high-speed Internet in the library, residence halls, and academic buildings Use of application software in labs, classrooms, and via remote access Free access to subscription academic resources Networked printing, see http://print.ncsu.edu (you must be on ncsu Wi-Fi, or connect to it via VPN, to use this link) Help desks and e-mail ([email protected]) for remote access and support services If pre-registered for fall, students have access to all resources over the summer without paying a fee New graduates will also have access to University e-mail, Google Apps suite, and MyPack Portal Self-Service for as long as the university offers these services and the student continues to use these accounts Access to AFS space and other services will remain active for four months after graduation For more information on Student Account Procedures, please visit the Office of Information Technology

File System Heirarchy

Order is very important to a computer; just as we need maps and roads to lead us to a destination, a computer needs the same things. By storing things in a hierarchal manner, the computer can know how to search for things and store them more efficiently. For any particular file system, there is a starting point. From the starting point, we can locate files and/or directories (folders). The directories themselves can also contain more directories and files. This system of directories and files is known as a file tree. In nature, trees begin with a root and grow to leaves. In the computing world, this is the same. The root of a file tree is the beginning of the file system, and all other nodes trace back to it. The only difference is that the root starts at the top and grows down from the root in a file system. In the image below, the node labeled "A" is the root of the system. Nodes can, but are not required to, have child nodes (a node connected below another node). Nodes that have child nodes are known as parent nodes. Above, nodes B, C and D are all child nodes of A. Therefore, A is the parent node of B, C, and D. Leaf nodes are nodes which have no children. C is a leaf node. By using the terms parent, child, and leaf we can describe any position in the tree.


Processors also implement a technology called hyper-threading. This is a method of computing multiple tasks at once. To do this, the operating system addresses two virtual processors for each core of the processor that is present in the hardware, and tasks are then shared between the two virtual processors. With regards to multi-core processors, it is important to understand that a single core processor cannot multi-task. When using a computer, it may not appear this way, however, the CPU's core only executes one task at a time. This is managed efficiently, however, through CPU scheduling which 'schedules' the tasks in a manner that the computer can get the most done in the least amount of time. So, when you are listening to music, talking on instant messenger, and surfing the internet, you may appear to be multi-tasking, but the computer is not. However, this is not the case with multi-core processors, as each core can execute a separate task. As mentioned before, this is why multi-core processors are capable of running multiple programs faster but not a single program faster unless it was specifically written for a multi-core processor.


Processors used to be advertised almost exclusively by their clock speed, measured in GHz (gigahertz). As their architectures began to differ more and more, both AMD and Intel moved to using processor model numbers. In addition to clock speed, processor vendors sell based on varying amounts of cache (small but very fast memory) and thermal rating, among other things. The thermal rating is how much heat the processor generates while it is running. This is usually the main differentiator between desktop and laptop processors, with laptops requiring cooler-running processors. Most multi-core processors are dual-core; however, there are now processors available with up to 6 cores. What this means is that they have effectively put two (or more) processors inside of one. An important thing to remember is that most of the software out there has not been written to use more than one processor. While having two processors may make the computer faster when using multiple applications, it will not speed up a single application.

Hard Drive Interfaces Serial ATA (SATA)

SATA is the evolution of IDE. Adapters are available for use between the two, but they are not backwards-compatible. SATA uses a direct serial connection between the motherboard and each drive, which gives smaller/narrower connectors and cables and faster speeds than IDE. The latest version, SATA II, closed the speed gap with SCSI and kept the low price of IDE.

Laptop Expansion Slots

Since none of the previous expansion cards will fit in a laptop, a group called PCMCIA established standards for expansion slots for laptops in 1990. The expansion cards for laptop slots are the size of a credit card, only thicker. Historical: ExpressCardIn 2003, the PCMCIA standard was the ExpressCard. They can use either a single channel of PCI-E or USB 2.0. Card BusIn 1995 PCMCIA established a standard called CardBus. These had the same form as older cards and used PCI technology.

Cell Referencing

Spreadsheet programs, such as Excel, enable users to reference data from a cell or range of cells for use in calculations. Each cell in the spreadsheet has a reference, given by its column and row position. In the Formulas section above, the eventual value, 945, is located in cell A3. A3 is the reference for the value 945 on that spreadsheet. For further calculations, instead of continuously using the original value, A3 can be substituted in its place.

NFS File Tree

The NCSU File System at NC State is organized into a file tree (see the File System Hierarchy section). Understanding file trees and system hierarchy is critical to the successful navigation of the NC State NFS, including navigating to the E 115 Course Locker. We know that the beginning of the file tree is the root directory. At NC State, this directory is named / and contains all other directories and files on the network. The main child node of / that we are concerned with is the mnt directory, which contains directories for each of the various systems at NC State. The ncsudrive directory is where most user files are stored, and most of your assignments for this course will be found in the coe directory. Under the ncsudrive directory, at the next tier, there are 26 directories, one for each letter of the alphabet, with user accounts sorted by the first letter of the user's unity ID. This is the location of your home directory, which will contain all of your files and directories. For example, if your unity ID was ssrahman, your home directory would be in the s directory. In the coe directory, there is the sub directory of workspace. This is where many courses store their publicly accessible files, usually course related. For E 115, however, course files will be stored in the admin directory. Because E 115 is managed by the Computer Science Department, the e115 directory is inside the csc directory. From there, all folders and associated files are in the common directory, and this will be reiterated throughout the semester. That makes the full path name for the E115 course locker /mnt/coe/workspace/csc/admin/e115

Twisted Pair Cable

The most popular form of traditional copper-wired cables is the twisted pair cable, which can also be called a CAT# cable. Standard CAT5 cable contains 4 pairs of wires, and older phone cable is CAT3, with 2 pairs of wires. There is also CAT5E, an upgraded version of CAT5, and CAT6 which is recommended for gigabit Ethernet. Figure 1: Twisted Pair Cable These copper wires are crimped into a plastic RJ-45 connector, which is similar to a telephone cable connector. Twisted pair is susceptible to interference, therefore CAT5 can only run a maximum of 100m or 320 ft. before signal loss occurs. CAT5E can run to 350m and CAT6 to 550m.

In-Line Styling

The simplest way of applying CSS rules to an element is to simply inject the rule directly into the element's tag in the XHTML document. This is done by means of an attribute which has not been previously discussed, but which can be applied to any XHTML tag: the style attribute. The value of that attribute is a list of CSS rules, and those CSS rules will be applied to the element in question. Note: The examples below use rules which contain properties that have not been introduced. To read about these properties and how they can be used, view the Property Chart section at the end of this chapter. Example: Making a Paragraph use Bold Arial Font The following code: <p style="font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;"> This paragraph has bold text in the Arial font. </p> Would produce the following result: This paragraph has bold text in the Arial font. Example: Adding a Border to an Image The following code: <img alt="NCSU Logo" src="images/ncsu.png" style="border: 3px dashed #000000" /> Would produce the following result: *image not pictured lol cant copy and paste Note: Technically, the semicolon on the last rule in a list of rules is optional; therefore, it is common to omit the semicolon when using in-line styling to apply only one rule. Whether or not to omit it in this case comes down to personal preference. Why Use In-Line Styling? Although it is the easiest method of styling an element, in-line styling does not help achieve one of the biggest advantages of CSS: the ability to make a change in one file in order to update the style of an entire website. If an entire website were styled using in-line styling, an update would require modifying each and every page. It is introduced here as a simple way of understanding how CSS rules work, but in practical application. In-line styling is rarely used except to handle edge cases on certain pages, which are exceptions to the website's overall style.

Type Selector

There are a few different types of selectors. The simplest selector is the type selector. The type selector will select all XHTML elements on a page that use the same tag. For example, the type selector is appropriate if you wanted to select all images on the page. To use the type selector, simply type the tag's name in front of the CSS block. Note: For more information on the type selector, view the official W3C Documentation. Example: Making all Paragraphs use Blue Text If your XHTML contains the following code: <p>Hello, world.</p> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> And is linked to a CSS file containing the following code: p { color: #0000FF; } Then the webpage will appear like this: Hello, world. This is a paragraph. *imagine its blue

Network Hardware

There are dedicated pieces of hardware that make a network function effectively and efficiently. These pieces of hardware are all advancements of the Ethernet network protocol. Most network hardware today is based on the twisted pair or fiber cable connection medium. 1.Hub 2.Switch 3.Router 4.


This software is written and distributed (largely over the Internet) by an individual or a company without the expectation or requirement of compensation. Individuals can possess, use, and distribute this type of software as long as the programmers' names remain on the software and as long as the software is in its original form. _______ typically consists of tools that let users manipulate files, are compression utilities, or certain other packages that everyone needs.Individual programmers felt that because these types of programs are essential, users should not have to spend money on them - this led to the creation of ________. There is a large selection of __________ available for Linux systems, and a complete set of ___________ tools by GNU is available on the Eos/Unity system.

Accessing NFS

To access NFS from Windows 8 or 10, you must first download an application called PuTTy. PuTTy is available via the E 115 "Links and Downloads" page: Download both the application and the automatic configuration file. Run the automatic configuration file. When prompted choose yes or ok. Now simply double click on the putty.exe icon. Choose the Linux session, click load, and then click open. Make sure you are using the host name: remote.eos.ncsu.edu if it is not automatically loaded for you. Alternatively, you can try remote.csc.ncsu.edu If you have connected with this domain before and get an error saying "Warning - Potential Security Breach," there is not an issue, just hit "OK". This issue stems from a server upgrade that changed the host key that is stored in PuTTy. Common errors and their fixes associated with PuTTy are located here. Items such as "system reboot pending" are common and have an easy fix.

Formatting Data

To access the Format Cells utility, look under Format Cells in the main menu or type Control + 1. Numbers The numbers pane allows the user to define how a cell displays text and values. Number sets any data as pure numbers. Users are able to define the number of decimal places. Currency sets any data as currency. Users are able to define the number of decimal places. Date sets any data as dates. Users are able to define how the day, month, and year values are displayed. Time sets any data as measurements of time. Users are able to define 12-hour and 24-hour displays. Percentage sets any data as percentages. Users are able to define the number of decimal places. Fraction sets any data as fractions. Scientific sets any data in scientific notation. Users are able to define the number of decimal places. Text sets any data as clear text, which cannot be used in calculations.


To connect multiple devices on a home network, equipment with several capabilities may be needed: A router (probably with NAT) An Ethernet Switch A wireless access point (optional) A network based firewall (optional) All of these capabilities can be present in a single piece of hardware, known as a "wireless router." Wireless routers have a WAN port and several LAN ports on the back. The WAN port is connected to the DSL or cable modem, and the LAN ports are connected to home computers. Most home wireless routers use NAT. To set up the wireless portion of a home network, users need to establish, authenticate, and encrypt a service set identifier (SSID). Users typically set a secure password for access to the wireless router as well. An SSID is a name used to identify a wireless network. Authentication keeps others from using your network without your permission. Encryption keeps people near your home from being able to see the contents of the network traffic travelling between a computer and the wireless access point. Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) are both protocols that can be used for authentication and encryption.

Graph Creation

To create a graphical representation of a set of data, first highlight the range (continuous or non-continuous) and use the Insert Chart buttons.

Hard Drive Performance

To measure the performance of a drive, we use two main characteristics: data rate and seek time. Data rate is the bytes per second that the drive can deliver to the CPU. Seek time is the time it takes for the hard drive to start sending the first byte of data following the initial request from the CPU. Hard drives contain two important pieces of equipment that allow them to function efficiently as primary data storage. This first piece is a magnetic recording medium layered on a high-precision glass or aluminum disk, called the "platter." The second piece is called a "head," and is used to read and write information on the platter. There are two heads per platter, one on each side, and most hard drives have multiple platters. An internal motor spins the platters, allowing the heads to read the magnetically stored data. Solid-state drives (SSDs) use solid-state memory that emulates a hard disk drive interface to store data. SSDs have no moving parts, making them more durable and quieter than hard disk drives. Hard drives also have a component called the cache. If data stored in the cache is requested, it can be read directly from the cache rather than searching and reading information from the disk itself.

Formatting Tag

XHTML has a few in-line text tags that are rendered in the browser as basic text effects (like bold or italic text). These tags do not utilize CSS (although the browser could be told to render them differently via CSS). These tags are detailed below because of their usefulness in styling a webpage's content.

Fiber Optic Connections Fiber optic cables

are the fastest option for wired and wireless connections. These cables use pulses of light travelling at or near the speed of light for long distances inside small strands of translucent fibers. The translucent plastic or glass fibers form the core of the cable, and are encased in a plastic coating for cushioning. Around the cushion are Kevlar fibers that protect the cable from breaking. Beyond the Kevlar is an outer Teflon or PVC coating that contains the wire system. Figure 3: Fiber Optic Cable Fiber optic cabling is not susceptible to electronic interference like traditional copper wired connections because data travels as light pulses. Fiber optic cables can run 145km (90mi) without signal loss.


be at least 8 characters be no more than 100 characters not contain ' (for Google logins) not contain your Unity ID not contain your Unity ID backwards contain at least one digit (number) contain at least one letter not contain a word found in the dictionary with three or more letters not have 5 or more consecutive digits (ex.35127) be more than a simple case change of your old password It is recommended that your password: -have at least one special character (not a number or letter) -contain at least one capital letter -contain at least one lowercase letter


come in a variety of designs and layouts. However, many times they are grouped into families that can run the same instruction sets. Instruction sets are the languages that the processors understand. The most common instruction set is x86 and is found in all new PCs. It includes processors from Intel (Core, Pentium, and Xeon), AMD (Athlon, Duron, and Opteron) and a few smaller companies. Apple computers used to use an instruction set called PowerPC with processors from Motorola (PowerPC G4) and IBM (PowerPC G5), and then they switched to the x86 instruction set as well (Intel processors). In 2020, Apple announced that Max systems would transition to Apple silicon. There are other instruction sets out there but they are mainly used in servers, specialized workstations, and game consoles. There has also been a rise of 64-bit processors over 32-bit processors. The biggest change between these two architectures is that a 64-bit processor has integer and addressing registers (memory locations) that are 64-bits wide rather than 32-bits. A 32-bit processor can address up to 2^32 data registers, and a 64-bit processor can address up to 2^64.

The Mini-Display Port and the Thunderbolt port

have the exact same shape and size, but it is important to keep in mind that a Mini-Display Port will not work with a Thunderbolt connected device. These ports are used by Apple computers to accomplish a wide range of data transmissions including video signals, audio signals, and high speed data transfer. Apple has built a number of adapters that can be connected to this port, including Gigabit Ethernet, VGA, DVI, and USB.

Network Topology - Area Networks: Local Area Network (LAN)

is a geographically small network consisting of nodes, computers, or other devices. All of the connected devices are usually found within the same building or structure. LANs are used to segregate and organize large networks into smaller, more manageable pieces. These networks tend to be owned and operated by the same people who own the nodes that connect to the network. These networks were established for home-users whenever connecting 2 or more networked devices in their "Home Network". The devices in a specific LAN are connected via a switch.

Star Network

is a network in which computers are connected by one central device known as a concentrator. The concentrator manages and controls all functions of the network. In addition, the concentrator acts as a repeater for the network. A repeater is a device that strengthens the signal of the communication as it travels over the appropriate medium. Figure 1: Star network Disconnecting a particular node in a star network will not disrupt service on the rest of the network, and the concentrator can easily locate a malfunctioning network node. If the concentrator fails, the entire network will be disabled. Some examples of star network include Ethernet switches and hubs.


is a specialized computer that controls how data moves between networks, not within networks. While switches deliver information that they are given to specific paths, routers can determine what path that data should follow based on a routing configuration table. This table keeps track of all connections to the router and all possible paths that exist between networks. This allows the router to choose the quickest/best path for data.

The Display Port

is an alternative to the HDMI port and appears on select laptops and other devices. In addition to being able to carry video, it can also carry audio and USB data. It is backward compatible with VGA and DVI through the use of adapters. An adapter can be used to allow HDMI cables to be used as well.


is another option for organizing short pieces of information. It is especially useful for information that has a type and value (or values). A ______ has rows, and can have any number of columns within each row. Traditionally, to create a "grid-style" _______, every row should have the same number of columns. Each cell can be a data cell or a header cell (header cells are typically displayed with bold text). In XHTML, there are four tags used in combination to create _____.

The computer system bus

is the method by which data is communicated between all the internal pieces of a computer. It connects the processor to the RAM, to the hard drive, to the video processor, to the I/O drives, and to all the other components of the computer. There are three types of buses in a computer, which all flow together. The data bus allows data to flow between devices; the address bus tells devices where the data should go or is coming from; and the control bus coordinates activity between various devices to prevent data collisions. "Collisions" is a term that identifies the corruption of data resulting from simultaneous use of the data and/or address bus. Each byte of memory stored in RAM has a unique address associated with it, which are similar to IP addresses. When the CPU wants to access data that is stored in memory, it puts the data address on the address bus, and then sets the control bus to indicate that it is waiting for data. The main memory controller will place the requested data on the data bus and change the control bus to indicate that the data is ready. The CPU is then free to read the data from the data bus. When upgrading from a 32-bit processor to a 64-bit processor, both the data bus and address bus increase in size from 32-bits to 64-bits, allowing for larger data transfer through the bus. High level abstraction of System Bus

Coaxial Cable

is the second form of commonly used wired media. Coaxial cabling has a single copper conductor at its center, and a plastic layer that provides insulation between the center conductor and a braided metal shield. The metal shield helps block any outside interference from fluorescent lights, motors, or other computers. Figure 2: Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable provides good insulation and durability. This wire is best suited for long, one way connections between devices. Coaxial cable is less susceptible to interference than twisted pair cable. High quality coax cable supports a maximum length of 500m before signal loss is experienced.

The Video Graphics Array (VGA) port

is used exclusively for video, and has been the main PC-video interface for over 15 years. This port is being replaced by Digital Video Interface (DVI) ports, and DVI-VGA adapters are available.

Different Kinds of Routers: Internet Connection Sharing

is when you have several computers connected together though a hub or a switch, but one of those computers is connected to the Internet in addition to the hub or switch. That computer can share its Internet connection with the other computers, and then acts as a router for the rest of the computers.

If John Q. Public wanted to e-mail his E 115 lab instructor about a Homework question, which e-mail address should he use?

[email protected]

Moving or renaming files

mv (-options) file-Location file-Destination Options are r (when copying an entire directory) You can only move a file from a directory you have permissions to

Ring Network

nodes are connected in a circular configuration. Data can travel either clockwise or counterclockwise around the ring, but all data must travel in the same direction. For information to be sent from one node to another, it must be sent around the ring and through each node until it reaches its destination. Figure 4: Ring network Since all nodes have equal access to the network, there is a minimal impact on the performance of the network as devices are added. However, if one device fails on the network, it is likely that other nodes will also fail, or the network may stop working entirely.

Different Kinds of Routers: Home Broadband

routers are used to connect multiple computers together in a home setting. They are individual devices and have specialized software just for routing data between the home network of computers and the Internet. These devices can have other features built into them, such as wireless connectivity hardware, software to perform NAT, or firewall software.


use of a semicolon to execute several commands in one line■ command1 ; command2

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