E115 Final Exam

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a unity id must always have a number true false


Match each description with the given piece of hardware.

firewall: controls communication authorizations to or from a computer or network. switch: central node that connects multiple devices and can distinguish between devices hub: central node that connects multiple devices, but cannot pinpoint another single device router: controls the movement of data between networks

Gain access to backups

fs mkm BACKUP users.jshmoe.backup

un-mount the BACKUP

fs rmm BACKUP

Setting ACL rights

fs sa ~/ unityid rl

The kernel is responsible for?

handling interfaces, the file system, process management, scheduling, and memory management

Parent nodes

has children Always is also a child • (except for root)

The Mini-Display Port and the Thunderbolt port

have the exact same shape and size, but it is important to keep in mind that a Mini-Display Port will not work with a Thunderbolt connected device. These ports are used by Apple computers to accomplish a wide range of data transmissions including video signals, audio signals, and high speed data transfer. Apple has built a number of adapters that can be connected to this port, including Gigabit Ethernet, VGA, DVI, and USB.

Text-based User Interface/Text Line Interface (TUI/TLI)

his interface was developed to run DOS programs TUI/TLI displays using text only (usually with different colors) but allows for mouse input rather than relying on a command language

what does ~/ stand for?

home directory


increment the active cell by one each time the criteria is true for a cell in the given range. Example:You want to know how many universities have "red" as one of their school color =countif (F1:F230, "=red") If a cell in F1:F230 satisfies "=red", then increment the active cell by one.

unordered list

is a list presented as a series of bullet points <ul> <li>Milk</li> <li>Eggs</li> <li>Bread</li> </ul>

list item

is merely an entry in a list. <li> </li>

system bus

is the method by which data is communicated between all the internal pieces of a computer. It connects the processor to the RAM, to the hard drive, to the video processor, to the I/O drives, and to all the other components of the computer.


is the process of enclosing private data in an ordinary, encrypted TCP/IP SSH packet, and channeling the information from the SSH session on the network connection.

ID Selector

is used to select an item based on its assigned ID. #mydata { background-color: #00FF00; }


list directory Options: • -a : all. shows all files, including hidden ones • -l : long. shows files in long format plus details

what command lets you see a list of the files in a directory along with their sizes?

ls -l

If the instructions say: "Create a directory", which command would you use?


To read a text file

more or less NOT PICO

What does OS stand for?

operating system

Name Selector

p { color: #0000FF; }


remove rm location/file.ext Options: • -r : recursive. used for folders and its contents • -f : forced. deletes without asking permission

The / directory in a NFS file tree is considered a...

root and parent

"Create a log file", think: script

script -f logfilename


specialized computer that controls how data moves between networks, not within networks.

Which of the following devices has more control over which computers receive which data?


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

thought of as the "brain" of the computer. A processor is designed to perform The Carithmetic and logic operations using built-in instructions for addition, subtraction, comparison, etc.

not all programs and processes are small enough to fit the physical memory, so in some cases the memory management system must also provide virtual memory. true false


what feature of SSH makes it a good choice as a standard in today's industry?



type in the word clear to clear your terminal screen. This may be useful if there is too much information on your screen and you wish to have a clearer view of the terminal. You will not lose any information already typed, it will just scroll your prompt up to the top of the screen.

inserted tags are used to __________

underline an element













Match the wireless standard with its max speed:

802.11 = 54 Mbps 802.11 g = 54 Mbps 802.11 b = 11 Mbps 802.11 n = 450 Mbps

XHTML comment

<!-- -->

which of the following is the correct syntax for commenting out a paragraph?

<!--<p>This is a paragraph.</p>-->

Tags with Attributes

<a href="http://google.com">Google Homepage</a> <img src="puppies.jpg" alt="Puppies playing." />

Self-Closing Tags


Heading Tags

<h2>Hello, world.</h2> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> The h1 heading is the largest, the h6 heading is the smallest.

Adding a Border to an Image

<img src="images/ncsu.png" alt="NCSU Logo" style="border: 3px dashed #000000" />

Making a Paragraph use Bold Arial Font

<p style="font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;"> This paragraph has bold text in the Arial font. </p>

Nested Tags

<p> Hello, <br/>World. </p> <p> Hello, <span>World</span>. </p>

Paired Tags

<p>Hello, world.</p>

The Paragraph Tag

<p>Hello, world.</p> <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

table tag

<table> </table>

table row tag

<table> <tr> dgf dfgdg </tr>

table data cell tag

<tr> <td>2</td> <td>12</td> <td>36</td> <td>Red</td> </tr>


=if (A2>3,"Number too large", if (A2<1,"Number too small", "Just right!"))


=sumif(range,criteria,sum_range) utilizes a range and a corresponding sum_range of the same size. Each time the criteria is true, the active cell will be incremented by the value in the corresponding cell in the sum_range. Ex:You wish to know how many hours you have spent watching television, from a database of your time spent on various activities. =sumif (D1:D230,"=television", H1:H230)

unzipping a file

unzip zipfile unzip -d pathname zipfile


up/down arrows,TAB key


A firewall is a piece of hardware or software that works to prevent unauthorized communications from entering or exiting the network. The firewall will use a set of rules to determine whether or not a specific piece of communication is allowed to pass

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)

A form of broadband internet, which operates over the same signals cell phones use.


A hub serves as a central node or device in a computer network, connecting multiple Ethernet segments, computers, and devices together and treating them as a single segment

Which of the following does SSH NOT protect against?

A malicious user gaining root access to host (remote) machine. Then SSH can do nothing from malicious things that spawn from the host.

In your own words, explain the difference between the client and server in a classic relationship.

A server controls the access towards information, and it also distributes the information. The client requests for information from the server. To do what it needs to do, it receives what is given from the server.

Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO)

A type of "smart antenna" technology implemented in the 802.11n wireless standard.

autofill formulas/functions

A3 will reference A2, and A4 will reference A3, and so on. Autofill will follow this formatting horizontally as well. To perform a calculation on a constant value, users will need to signify the constant value. To do this in Excel, place a $ between the column and row reference (=A$1+1).


Alienware and the MAC mini were some of the first computers to come standard with these ports. This port can also handle audio input.


Allows for short ranged wireless networks to be established, and is used most often to establish networks between devices and a computer, or a similarly controlled device.


Buyware is software that can be purchased for the full software price, and, by opening it, you are the owner of the license. Buyware may not be copied or distributed to other people.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

CLI's were used by some of the earliest Operating Systems, such as UNIX and DOS These Operating Systems work primarily through a command line (text input) via a keyboard and generally do not display graphics or utilize the mouse

What type of range is A10:A242?



Create Pattern, then drag pattern down using little black box. • After, a blue box should appear asking you to fill series, etc.

the NCSU File System, or NFS.

Every individual that holds a University Computing Account is allocated a block of storage space on University provided servers.

A Unity ID must always have a number. Select one:


All operating systems use exactly the same file system. Select one: True False


As an NCSU student, having antivirus software is optional. Select one:


Backing up files is optional and not recommended. Select one:


In the NFS File Tree, the topmost node is known as the home directory. Select one: True False


The move command provides output. Select one: True False


This is an appropriate absolute pathname: ~/MyE115/Test_3 Select one: True False


Unordered lists use ol tags, while ordered lists use ul tags. Select one: True False


iams@f3! is a legitimate University password. Select one:


Graphical User Interface (GUI)

First commercially used by Xerox, then Apple, Microsoft was one of the last of the major OS to deploy the GUI A GUI presents the user with a full graphical display (images, buttons, scrollbars, etc.). These systems allow the use of a mouse or some other pointing device to click, select, drag, and manipulate objects

Kernel- file system

From an OS viewpoint, a file system is a piece of software that keeps track of data on a drive. Related data into collections known as files and directories. The VFS is similar to a driver API, in that it allows different file systems to "plug-in" to the kernel, and it tells the kernel how to access disks in a certain format

Leaf nodes

Has no children • Always is also a child


IF =if(condition,value_if_true,value_if_false) =if(A2>3,32,"Number too small")

Advanced Graphics Port (AGP)

In 1996, was created to give a 3d graphics card fast, direct access to the CPU. It was a 32-bit parallel bus that started out at 66 MHz (AGP-1x) and eventually scaled up to 266 MHz (AGP-8x).

P2P Relationship

In this model, one machine can act as both client and server in relation to another machine

Which is an example of an operating system with only command line interface?


Network License

Most licenses are designed with the idea of one user or one computer in mind. There are special licensing schemes that are agreed upon by the software companies and the network owners for network software

• Root node

Only one per tree • Has no parent • Always also a parent

secure shell (SSH)

SSH is a program for logging into a network computer remotely, executing commands on a remote machine, and moving files from one machine to another.


Switches are more advanced versions of hubs. Unlike the hubs, switches do not use a shared medium, keeping all of the connections separate. For example, if computers A, B, C, and D are connected to a switch, the switch will allow computers A and B to interact without sending unrequested data to C and D


The 802.11 standard specifies an over-the-air interface between a wireless client and a base station, or between two wireless clients

Graph Setup

The Chart Type pane is displayed. From this pane, the format and presentation of the chart will be determined. The data selection that you have chosen will be in the Range field. If you did not highlight a range before accessing the pane, you may enter one manually in the field or use the Data Range button.

Absolute Pathname ex

The E 115 Course Locker /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/courses/e/e115 Your Home Directory /afs/unity.ncsu.edu/users/*/unityid

Wired Connections: Fiber Optic Connections

The fastest option for wired and wireless connections


The hardware abstraction provides an interface to the hardware and eliminates complexity by hiding the specific hardware details. The abstraction that the kernel provides for application developers is called the system call API

Memory management

The kernel uses memory management to give each process its own region of memory to store code and data. The kernel keeps track of which region belongs to each process, and restricts that process to accessing its own memory.

Graph Creation

To create a graphical representation of a set of data, first highlight the range (continuous or non-continuous) and use the Insert Chart buttons.

In Excel, you can change text to display vertically using via Format Cells. Select one: True False


Ranges can either be continuous or non-continuous. Select one: True False


Random Access Memory (RAM)

Unlike ROM, RAM loses content when the computer is powered off. RAM provides a storage location for data that the CPU can access and manipulate quickly.

Cell Phones

Use the same protocols as computers when accessing a network, but the physical network they connect to is different.

TAB Completion

You can use the TAB key to complete long filenames. Example:I have a file called "this_is_a_very_long_filename" in my home directory. I would like to edit this file with Nedit. I can type "nedit this_is", then hit TAB and the name fills automatically.

what would be the result of the =IF(A3>=750,"Go to Orlando",IF(A3>=400,"Go to the Beach",IF(A3>=250,"Go Home","You have no money"))), if A3=$75?

You have no money

Child nodes

a node connected below another node

Which of the following is valid usage of the COUNTIF( ) function?

a. =COUNTIF(E10:E29,">10")

What is the core of an operating system known as?

a. Kernel

Which of the following is a form of a wireless connection, as discussed in the E 115 online textbook? [Hint: there are 4 correct answers] Select one or more: a. WiMax b. Multiple Input Multiple Output c. Wireless Fidelity d. Broadband cell phone microwaves e. WireFree f. Bluetooth g. Bluegold

a. WiMax b. Multiple Input Multiple Output c. Wireless Fidelity f. Bluetooth

When you place one or more IF functions inside of another, it is referred to as _______ ?

a. nesting

In-line styling uses the ______ attribute to add style.

a. style

Control + 1.

access the Format Cells utility, look under Format Cells in the main menu or type

Which of the following are used if you have two conditions that must both be true?


Strong text tags are used to ____

b. bold an element

style elements

background-color: width: height: max-width: max-height: border:

This port is being replaced by DVI.

c. VGA


copy cp location/file.ext newlocation Keeps original NO OUTPUT cp source_path destination_path


counts the number of cells in a range when the range contains any kind of data


counts the number of cells in a range when the range contains numbers

The script command is used to ____

create a log of everything displayed in the terminal window

Using the software amount, one (1) Megabyte is equal to:

d. 8,388,608 bits

Which of the following are ways to change your font size? Select one: a. em b. px c. % d. All of the choices

d. All of the choices

Of the following, which type of processor can perform two tasks at the exact same time?

d. Dual Core

What does MAN stand for?

d. Metropolitan Area Network

What type of memory is loaded with your computer's BIOS?

d. ROM

Self-closing tags

do not have a beginning and an end; they represent a single, self-contained element which cannot have elements inside of it. As a result, self-closing tags do not come in pairs. <br/>

Which of the following is the correct syntax, using a function, for determining how much a given range adds up to?

e. =sum(E10:E29)

What is the correct order of the following sections of a hard drive fromsmallest to largest?

e. Sector, Track, Platter

Which command would you use to make your current working directory the E 115 course locker? Select one: a. mv /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/lockers/admin/csc/e115 b. cd e115 c. mv E115 d. None of these e. cd /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/lockers/admin/csc/e115

e. cd /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/lockers/admin/csc/e115

Assuming you are in your home directory, what is the correct syntax to copy the file e115_text.txt, located in the E 115 course locker, to a subdirectory inside your home directory named e115?

e. cp /afs/eos/lockers/workspace/e/e115/e115_text.txt ~/e115

Basic Unix Syntax

eos$ ls -al ~/

Where backups are

eos$ quota

Basic syntax is as follows:

eos% command -options argument_1 argument_2


use ofa semicolon to execute several commands in one line cd ~/ ; pwd ; ls

which of the following is actually a type of hard drive configuration rather than hard drive interface? -SATA -SCSI -IDE -these are all interfaces -these are all configurations -RAID



Shareware software is distributed with a limited license. This typically means that users have a limited amount of time that they can use the program before being required to purchase the full version of the software.

Making shortcuts to directories

Shorterpathname is /ncsu/directory Pathname for E 115 course locker is /ncsu/e115


Syntax -- 12%


Syntax -- 12em


Syntax -- 12px

Wired Connections: Twisted Pair Cable

The most popular form of traditional copper-wired cables is the twisted pair cable, which can also be called a CAT# cable


This software is written and distributed (largely over the Internet) by an individual or a company without the expectation or requirement of compensation. Individuals can possess, use, and distribute this type of software as long as the programmers' names remain on the software and as long as the software is in its original form

According to XHTML standards, tags must be written with lower case letters. Select one: True False


Anchor tags require the href attribute. Select one: True False


It is possible to open a .jpg file with a text editor, but you will likely corrupt or destroy the image. Select one: True False



Used for determining the user's current location in the file tree output: the absolute pathname of the user's current directory

Client/Server Relationship

When connecting to NC State's network, your computer making the connection is the client and the AFS file system acts as the server. Client interacts with server

Which of these would not be considered a server in the classic Client/Server relationship?

a. An internet browser

Which is the most inappropriate subject for a question on Homework 1 from an E 115 student? Select one: a. Homework 1 question b. E 115 Homework 1 Question c. E 115 Section XXX Homework 1 Question d. Section XXX HW Question e. They are all equally appropriate

a. Homework 1 question

Select the digits that can make up a hexadecimal color code: (Choose all that apply)

a. numbers 0 through 9 c. letters A though F

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

allows users to access resources from any machine running Microsoft Terminal Services, which enables the graphical user interface (GUI) of the operating system on the remote machine to display on your machine. At NC State, RDP will allow users to remotely access machines on the Virtual Computing Lab (VCL) without requiring that the user have the same operating system as the remote machine.

Display Port

an alternative to the HDMI port and appears on select laptops and other devices. In addition to being able to carry video, it can also carry audio and USB data. It is backward compatible with VGA and DVI through the use of adapters. An adapter can be used to allow HDMI cables to be used as well.

Process Management

an instance of a running program. Programs are stored on the disk as files containing information about the program, as well as the initial data and executable code. When you run a program, the kernel finds the program in

Active cell:

any cell that you have selected and highlighted in the spreadsheet

a ring network can travel...

any direction, as long as it is only one direction

attach a file

attach /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/courses/e/e115 New shorter pathname: /ncsu/e115

Which of the following tags creates a table?

b. <table>

Which of the following can be added to a computer in an expansion slot? Select one: a. PCI b. All of these c. PCI-Express d. None of these e. AGP Feedback

b. All of these

Which of the following would consider buying a Network License? Select one: a. Government Agency b. All of these c. Corporate World d. None of these e. School/University System

b. All of these

What kind of selector allows us to identify a specific tag by its name?

b. Type

The Line Break Tag

br <p> Hello, world.<br/> This is a paragraph. </p>

Which of the following will allow you to edit spacing within a webpage? Choose all that apply. Select one or more: a. <hr> b. <br> c. <br /> d. <hr />

c. <br /> d. <hr />

Which of the following is a valid usage of the SUMIF( ) function?

c. =SUMIF(G10:G29, "=Monday",D10:D29)

Which of the following can be added to a computer in an expansion slot? Select one: a. PCI b. PCI-Express c. All of these d. AGP e. None of these

c. All of these

Which of these would ensure that the same cell is always referenced, even after using the autofill function?

c. referencing a named cell

what would you enter into the terminal if you wanted to go to the e115 directory (you can assume you are currently in the users directory)?

cd /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/courses/e115


change directory /afs/eos.ncsu.edu/courses/e/e115/common/EosLabs NO OUTPUT

what is the term used to identify corruption of data resulting from simultaneous use of the data and/or address bus?


The Horizontal Rule

creates a full-width horizontal gray bar, to be used as a section divider between pieces of content. <h2>Hello, world.</h2> <hr/> <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

In Excel, what must always be placed at the beginning of a formula or function?

d. =

What does NAT stand for?

d. Network Address Translation

match the appropriate piece of software to its compliment as seen in the Computer Hardware Analogy supplement.

fDevice Drivers: Instruction Manuals RAM: Counter Space CPU: Head Chef Hard Drive: Pantry Graphics Card: Sous Chef Removable disks: Tupperware Device drivers: Recipes or Instruction manuals

If you need addition RAM, you can always download it online.


The X Protocol (X or X11)

is a display protocol that primarily displays and manages UNIX graphical information. The X Server program handles requests for displaying information and returns user input, such as keyboard or mouse use.

ordered list

is a list presented as a series of numbered points <ol> <li>Homework</li> <ul> <li>Laundry</li> <li>Grocery Shopping</li> </ol>


is a process of translating information that is legible to humans into information that can only be read by a computer.

Ctrl + c

is used to abort the currently running processes in terminal and return you to the command prompt if the system is "hung up." This command will also abort any log file you may be working on, so avoid using this while the script command is running.

Ctrl + z

is used to stop a running application or process, and place it in the background. You can go back to the application by running fg

The ncsudrivedirectory

is where most user files are stored

tx.ncsu.edu is which of the following? -leaf -root -parent -child

leaf, child


mkdir location/directory mkdir MyE115 Used to create a new directory NO OUTPUT


move files/renames files mv location/file.ext newlocation/newName.ext Deletes original NO OUTPUT

Video Graphics Array (VGA)

port is used exclusively for video, and has been the main PC-video interface for over 15 years. This port is being replaced by Digital Video Interface (DVI) ports, and DVI-VGA adapters are available.

if you were to buy a new laptop and you received a free trial version of Microsoft office, what kind of license would that be?


The ls command is used to _____

show you the contents of a directory

Device Driver

software pieces that are like a set of instructions for the kernel on how to make hardware perform certain function


to exit press q man commandname output: contents of manual page

CSS uses a separate document that includes a majority of the formatting. true false


Solid-state hard drives emulate a hard drive disk interface to store data.



used for video on newer monitors. There are multiple versions of DVI that have a slightly different form or pin layout.

Paired tags

used to denote content which has a clear beginning and an end. As suggested by the name, these tags are always used in pairs: an opening tag is always eventually followed by a closing tag, with content in between <p> </p>

OS Components:

user interface libraries - collections of common routines kernel device drivers


was introduced in 1992 and doubled both the width (to 32 bits) and speed (to 33 MHz) of the previous expansion slot type, ISA. PCI was a parallel, shared bus design - it used multiple wires to transmit a single large data chunk at one time, and only one device can talk at a time. Later revisions allowed for a 64 bit data path and at a speed of 66 MHz.

The PCI Express (PCI-E) expansion slot standard

was introduced in 2002 to replace PCI and AGP expansion slots (below). The PCI-E uses a high-speed serial bus to transmit small pieces of data in succession and a switched communications pathway, allowing multiple devices to talk simultaneously.

the coe directory.

where most of your assignments for this course will be found in

mnt directory

which contains directories for each of the various systems at NC State.

type selector

will select all XHTML elements on a page that use the same tag. p { color: #0000FF; }

zipping a file

zip zipfile.zip file1.ext file2.ext zipping a folder -r

Relative Pathnames

~/ Home Directory ../ Parent Directory ./ Current Working Directory

Unity ID Exceptions

• Common last names • No Middle names • Short last names

Absolute Pathnames

• Exact location of a file, basically an address • ALWAYS starts at the root /afs/unity.ncsu.edu/users/j/jshmoe

ID Selector

#mydata { background-color: #00FF00; }


(New Technology File System).


-Innermost part of an operating system -Manages Device Driver API & System Call API -process and task management -Creates the File System -scheduling -memory management and virtual memory


-family: -weight: (thickness) -size: -style: (italics) -color:

which of these features can be implemented in order to automatically categorize incoming emails through your NCSU gmail account? [hint: there are 2 correct answers]

-labels -filtering

Class Selector

.boldtext { font-weight: bold; }




/mnt/ncsudrive/h/hknguye2 ~/

Student ID Numbers

1 Component • Comprised solely of numbers • Usually a 9 or 10 digit number with 2 or 3 preceding zeros • Incoming and transfer students have a 2 at the beginning

Passwords Requirements

1. be at least 8 characters 2. be no more than 100 characters 3. not contain ' (apostrophe) 4. not contain your Unity username 5. not contain your Unity username backwards

Password Recommendations

1. have at least one special character (not a number or letter) 2. contain at least one capital letter 3. contain at least one lowercase letter

Unity ID Components

3 Components • First initial of first name • First initial of middle name • First 6 letter of last name

Passwords Requirements

6. contain at least one number 7. contain at least one letter 8. not contain a word, longer than 3 letters, found in the dictionary 9. not have 5 consecutive digits 10. be more than a simple case change of your old password

The Anchor Tag: Email Link

<p> Click <a href="mailto:[email protected]">here</a> to email Joe Schmoe. </p>

The Anchor Tag: Image Link in a New Tab

<p> Click the image below to open the google homepage in a new tab.<br/> <a href="http://ncsu.edu" target="_blank"> <img src="images/ncsu.png" alt="NCSU Homepage" /> </a> </p>

Inserted (Underlined) and Deleted (Strikethrough) Text

<p> Inserted text appears <ins>underlined</ins>; however, deleted text has a <del>line through it</del>. </p>

The Image Tag: Absolute URL

<p> This is a paragraph. There is an image below this text.<br/> <img src="http://brand.ncsu.edu/img/2x1-brick.png" alt="NCSU Logo" /> </p>

The Image Tag: Relative URL

<p> This is a paragraph. There is an image below this text.<br/> <img src="images/ncsu.png" alt="NCSU Logo" /> </p>

The Anchor Tag: Plain-text Link

<p> This is a paragraph. This paragraph contains a <a href="http://ncsu.edu">link</a>. </p>

Strongly Important (Bold) and Emphasized (Italic) Text

<p> This text is <strong>very important</strong>, while this is <em>emphasized</em>. </p>

Subscript and Superscript

<p> When converting between decimal and binary, it is helpful to know that 2<sup>10</sup> = 1024. The number 26<sub>10</sub> (base 10) is equal to 00011010<sub>2</sub> (base 2). </p>

table header cell tag

<table> <tr> <th>Sample No.</th> <th>Distance (m)</th>. <th>Weight (kg)</th>. <th>Color</th> </tr>


A processor core can only run a single process at any given point in time. That means a dual-core processor can only run two processes simultaneously. Scheduling allows users to have more processes open, providing an illusion of multitasking by rapidly switching the processor core(s) between tasks. The kernel handles scheduling automatically, but some system calls imply that the kernel will switch to a different process, such as calls that quit a running process or wait for user input.


AND - =IF(AND( ) OR - =IF(OR( ) NOT - =IF(NOT( ) ex: =IF(AND(A2>0,B2<100),TRUE, FALSE)

Wired Connections: Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cable is the second form of commonly used wired media


Every personal computer also has Random Access Memory (RAM). Unlike ROM, RAM loses content when the computer is powered off. RAM provides a storage location for data that the CPU can access and manipulate quickly. It also allows software and other data to run continuously without requiring access to more permanent storage


Every personal computer has Read-Only Memory (ROM), which will not lose its content when the computer is powered off. ROM chips are loaded with a Basic Input/output System (BIOS) that interfaces between the system hardware and software, and enables the computer to boot successfully

Read-Only Memory (ROM)

Every personal computer has Read-Only Memory which will not lose its content when the computer is powered off. ROM chips are loaded with a Basic Input/output System (BIOS) that interfaces between the system hardware and software, and enables the computer to boot successfully.

Graph Labels

If you go to the Chart Layouts pane under Chart Tools - Design, you can choose to edit the graph's fields. Quick Layout will show you preset layouts that could include a Chart Title, Axis Titles, Legend, etc. The Add Chart Element will allow you to add items to the graph individually. If you hover over an element to be added, you can select from the default items, or click More (insert element) Options. From there, a pane will open from the right-side of the Excel window, and you can finish editing your final product there. After the graph is created, it can be resized using the anchors. You may also use the other panes (Chart Styles, Data, Type, Location) and the three floating options (plus "+" sign, paint brush, funnel) on the upper right-hand corner of the selected graph to continue editing the graph.

types of routers

Internet Connection Sharing Home Broadband routers Office Network routers Major Traffic routers

campus printing

Papercut is linked to users' unity accounts, and is therefore automatically synced on laboratory machines when the user logs in. This allows for immediate printing directly from the lab computer. This system can only be used while connected to the NC State system from a lab machine or wireless network.

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Live Virtual Machine Lab 2.1: Module 02 Defining Networking Devices

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