Early childhood education

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A newborn's _______ is blurry at birth

Palmar grasp reflex

After touching the infants palm his or her hands will gripped tightly


An automatic body response to a stimulus


An infant will ______ and hit with objects to learn how they work

Cognitive development

Answers routine questions


Behavior show that infant care for and respond to certain people who are important to them

Cognitive development

Can point to body parts

Cognitive development

Can understand the pronoun we

Cognitive development

Counts to five

Physical development


Social - emotional development

Does not like to share toys

Cognitive development

Follows a three - step command

Cognitive development

Gives "just two" on request


How actively involved a child is with his or her surroundings

Physical development

Hurls a ball

Rooting reflex

Infants turn their heads toward anything that brushes their faces

Social - emotional development

Is patient and generous

Physical development

Jumps in place


Language is a change of behavior that occurs because of _______ and maturation

Physical development

Marches to music


Most infants can roll over from stomach to back at about ___ months of age


Most infants can sit up right at __ - __months of age


Newborns do not have very refined ______ at birth

Moro reflex

Occurs when the baby is startled by noise or sudden movement

Social - emotional development

Recognizes the voice of a parent

Physical development

Rides a tricycle

Social - emotional development

Says "no" just to see what happens

Social - emotional development

Smiles at a similar face


T or F ~ Attachment refers to the quality and intensity of emotional reactions


T or F ~ Crawling is the movement in which infants support their way on their hands and knees


T or F ~ Differences in infant's temperaments can be observed during the first few days of life


T or F ~ Early attachment behaviors include gurgling, clinging, laughing, and cooing


T or F ~ Infants will gaze longer at patterned objects then they will at solid colors


T or F ~ New movements tend to develop in fingers and toes and move inward


T or F ~ The first signs of separation anxiety appear at about three months of age


T or F ~ When normal reflexes are not present in infants it may be a sign of brain or nerve damage

Cognitive development

Tells original stories


The average newborn infant measures ____ inches


The average weight of a baby at birth

Deferred imitation

The child plays with kitchen toys after watching his mother cook. This is an example of _____ ______.


The concept of object permanence begins to develop at __-__ months of age

Babinksi reflex

The infant fans his or her toes out when his or her feet are stroked

Motor sequence

The order in which a child is able to perform new movements


The tendency to feel distressed

Object permanence

The understanding that objects exist even if you cannot see them


The way a child reacts to his or her environment reflects the child _________.


Two main forces heredity and ________ influence a child's cognitive development

Cognitive development

Understands same size

Cognitive development

Understands smaller

Physical development

Uses index finger to point

Separation anxiety

When a child is unhappy because the caregiver is leaving

Telegraphic speech

When a child uses the phrase "mommy go"

Sucking reflex

When placing a finger on the lips or mouth the infant will suck

Stepping reflex

When the infant is placed on his or her feet his or her legs move in a walking motion


Which is not an attachment behavior


Young infants tend to show two main emotions - distress and _________.

Activity patterns

______, or levels of movement, very in infants.


_______ is still used to show distress between three and six months


_________, foresight, and self - awareness are developed between three and six months of age

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