Earth Science - Chapter 10 - The Theory of Plate Tectonics - Foret

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Convection is the movement _ material due to differences in _ that are caused by differences in temperatures.

rift valley

The narrow valley that forms where the plates separate is a _ _.


The three types of plate boundaries are _ boundaries, _ boundaries, and _ boundaries


When two plates that are made continental lithosphere collide, the colliding edges _ and _, which cause uplift that form large _ ranges.


As the _ material moves, the _ tectonic plates move along with it.


As the hot material _, the cooler, denser material flow _ from the hot material and _ into the mantle to replace the rising material.


Magma rises to the _ and cools to form the warm, light rock that sits higher than the surrounding sea floor because it is _ dense.


Plate edges at a transform boundary _ against each other in a series of sudden spurts of motions that are felt as _ earthquakes.


Plates are often bordered by major surface features, such as _ ranges or deep _ in the oceans.


Scientists _ plate boundaries primarily by studying data from _.


Tectonic plate boundaries may in the _ of the ocean floor, around the _ of continents, or even _ continents.


The lithosphere forms the thin outer shell of Earth and is broken into several _, or tectonic plates.


The location of _ can also help identify the locations of plate boundaries.


The movement of tectonic plates is part of the mantle _ system.

subduction zone

The region along this plate boundary is called a _ _.


The tectonic plates ride on the asthenosphere in much the same way that blocks of wood float on _.


When oceanic lithosphere _ with continental lithosphere, the denser oceanic lithosphere _ subducts, or sinks under the _ dense continental lithosphere.

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