Eco Final

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critique of advertising

-manipulate peoples tastes - impedes competition -faces a less elastic demand curve, can increase its profits by charging a larger markup over marginal cost

The model of competitive markets relies on these three core assumptions

1. There must be many buyers and sellers—a few players can't dominate the market. 2. Firms must produce an identical product—buyers must regard all sellers' products as equivalent. 3. Firms and resources must be fully mobile, allowing free entry into and exit from the industry. The first two conditions imply that all consumers and firms are price takers. While the third is not necessary for price-taking behavior, assume for this problem that a market cannot maintain competition in the long run without free entry.

Suppose that there is only one provider of a service in a state. Because this provider experiences economies of scale, the government does not want to break it into smaller pieces, but it does want the provider to supply the efficient quantity. Which of the following policy options might most effectively enable the government to achieve its objectives in this situation? A. Regulate the firm's pricing behavior. B. Turn the company into a public enterprise. C. Do nothing at all. D. Use antitrust laws to increase competition.


Which of the following solutions could ensure that the recreational wildlife game area is sustainable in the long run, assuming that the regulation is enforceable?A. Outlaw intensive hunting. B. Convert the recreational wildlife game area to private property, and allow the owner to sell hunting rights. C. Develop a program that entices more hunters to move to the area.

A & B

An oligopolistic market structure has the following characteristics:

A few large sellers Either similar or identical products Mutual interdependence Difficult entry


A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market

a tit-for-tat strategy

A means of encouraging cooperation by at first acting cooperatively but then always responding the way your opponent did (cooperatively or competitively) on the previous trial

Which of the following statements about expenditures on advertising is true? A. If a firm knows its product is of low quality, it will be willing to spend large amounts of money on advertising. B. When a firm spends a large amount of money on advertising, advertising can be construed as a signal of quality. C. When a firm spends a small amount of money on advertising, this signals that the quality of the good is high.


Which of the following statements are true about both monopolistic competition and monopolies? Check all that apply. A. Price equals average total cost in the long run. B. Price is above marginal cost. C. Firms are not price takers. D. Firms earn zero profit in the long run

B & C

Which of the following generate a negative externality? A. Kevin has planted several trees in his backyard that increase the beauty of the neighborhood, especially during the fall foliage season. B. The local airport has doubled the number of runways, causing additional noise pollution for the surrounding residents. C. A microbiology lab has published its breakthrough in swine flu research. D. Your roommate Ana has bought a cat to which you are allergic.

B & D

If the firms decide to collude, what strategies will they end up choosing?

Both firms will choose not to advertise.

price effect

By lowering the price at which each unit is sold, the price change has a negative effect on total revenue

Suppose that both firms start off not advertising. If the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing? A. Both firms will choose not to advertise. B. Expresso will choose to advertise and Beantown will choose not to advertise. C. Both firms will choose to advertise. D. Expresso will choose not to advertise and Beantown will choose to advertise.


Which of the following describes why most economists would disagree with this policy? A. The environment isn't worth protecting. B. Reducing methane emissions is desirable, but whatever levels of pollution firms decide to emit privately are already efficient. C. The opportunity cost of zero pollution is much higher than its benefit. D. Society would not benefit from lower air pollution.


Which of the following generate a positive externality? A. Your roommate Gilberto has bought a bird that keeps you up at night with its chirping. B. The city where you live has turned the publicly owned land next to your house into a park, causing trash dropped by park visitors to pile up in your backyard. C. Charles has planted several trees in his backyard that increase the beauty of the neighborhood, especially during the fall foliage season. D. A leading electronics manufacturer has discovered a new technology that dramatically improves the picture quality of plasma televisions. Firms of all brands have free access to this technology.

C & D

Which of the following statements are true about this natural monopoly? Check all that apply. A. The cable company is experiencing diseconomies of scale. B. The cable company must own a scarce resource. C. The cable company is experiencing economies of scale. D. It is more efficient on the cost side for one producer to exist in this market rather than a large number of producers.

C & D

An oligopolistic market structure is distinguished by several characteristics, one of which is either similar or identical products. Which of the following are other characteristics of this market structure? Check all that apply. A. Neither mutual interdependence nor mutual dependence B. Market control by many small firms C. Market control by a few large firms D. Difficult entry E. Mutual interdependence


the socially efficient outcome will be reached, regardless of who has the property rights; as long as bargaining costs are low enough, assigning property rights to one party will efficiently solve the problem of externalities

Coase theorem

The government orders every factory to adopt a new technology, which reduces carbon-dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Commandand-Control Policy

natural monopolies

Companies that provide public utilities, such as natural gas


Consumption of the good by one person decreases the ability of other people to consume the good

The government agrees to reimburse all factories that purchase new, emissions-reducing technology in order to provide cleaner air.

Corrective Subsidy

The government charges factories $340 for every ton of carbon dioxide they emit.

Corrective Tax

Suppose the government knows the optimal quantity of pollution as well as how much it costs a particular polluting firm to reduce pollution at each quantity. If this is all the information the government has, which solution to reduce pollution is appropriate?

Corrective taxes & Tradable permits

Fishing in the river will likely lead to the Tragedy of the Commons because of which of the following reasons? A. Nobody will enjoy fishing because of the lack of private contributions to the maintenance of the river. B. All fishermen will choose to fish in the stream believing that there are more fish there. C. All fishermen will choose to fish in the river because of the limited access to the stream. D. Anyone can fish in the river, and one person's fishing activity decreases the ability of someone else to fish with success.


In the natural gas industry, low average total costs are obtained only through large-scale production. In other words, the initial cost of setting up all the necessary pipes and hoses makes it risky and, most likely, unprofitable for competitors to enter the market.

Economies of Scale

product variety

Entry of a new firm conveys a positive externality on consumers because they get some consumer surplus from the introduction of a new product


Entry of a new firm imposes a negative externality on existing firms because this causes other firms to lose customers and profit.

The Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) formerly controlled all U.S. sources of bauxite, a key component in the production of aluminum. Given that Alcoa did not sell bauxite to any other companies, Alcoa was a monopolist in the U.S. aluminum industry from the late 19th century until the 1940s.

Exclusive Ownership of a Key Resource

At the national level, the Federal Communications Commission licenses only a certain number of radio and television stations in each geographic area.

Government Created Monopolies

monopolistically competitive market

Many sellers Product differentiation Free entry

Product differentiation

Monopolistically Competitive Market

The government has granted a patent to a pharmaceutical company for an experimental AIDS drug. That company is the only firm permitted to sell the drug.

No, no free entry

There are hundreds of colleges that serve millions of students each year. The colleges vary by location, size, and educational quality, which enables students with diverse preferences to find schools that match their needs

No, not an identical product

A few major airlines account for the vast majority of air travel. Consumers view all airlines as providing basically the same service and will shop around for the lowest price

No, not many sellers

perfect price discrimination

Occurs when a firm charges the maximum amount that buyers are willing to pay for each unit.

Government created monopolies

Patent and copyright laws Higher prices Higher profits

Total surplus is maximized

Perfect Price Discrimination

Total Revenue

Price x Quantity

Total revenue

Price x Quantity

There is deadweight loss associated with the profit maximizing output.

Single-price Monopoly

Which of the following scenarios would cause the survey used by the college administrators to yield misleading willingness-to-pay data?

Students believe they will eventually be charged their willingness-to-pay

Profit is equal to


efficient scale

The quantity where the average total cost is minimized


Those who are unwilling or unable to pay for the good do not obtain its benefits.

The government limits total carbon dioxide emissions by all factories to 160,000 tons per decade. Each individual factory is given the right to emit 130 tons of carbon dioxide, and factories may buy and sell these rights in a marketplace

Tradable Permit System

Of the four cells of the table, which gives the greatest combined benefits to Neha and Teresa?

When both Neha and Teresa contribute to the botanical garden

Dozens of companies produce plain white socks. Consumers regard plain white socks as identical and don't care who manufactures their socks.

Yes, meets all assumptions

prisoners' dilemma

a certain payoff structure and an inability of players to collude, provides insight into the difficulty of maintaining cooperation

The recreational wildlife game area is an example of

a common resouce

the fish in the river are an example of

a common resource

payoff matrix

a diagram used to describe all the elements of a game

If a good is both excludable and rival in consumption, then it is

a private good

the fish in the private stream are an example of

a private good

It's important to note that sometimes private solutions to externalities do not work. For example, this occurs when communications barriers or social customs are important enough relative to the potential gains involved that

a private solution is not feasible.

Nash equilibrium

a set of strategies (one for each player) in which each player's strategy is the best option for that player, given the chosen strategy of the player's opponent

dominant strategy

a strategy that is best for a player, regardless of the strategies chosen by the other players

the marginal cost curve intersects the average total cost curve

at its minimum

Total cost is equal to

average total cost x quantity

A good that is nonrival in consumption and excludable is a

club good

A cabana along a beach that is open to the public

common resource

Price taker

competitive market

Free entry

competitive market &Monopolistically Competitive Market

Price equals average total cost in the long run

competitive market &Monopolistically Competitive Market

Suppose that a flower nursery benefits from having a butterfly farm located only a few miles away, because the presence of the insects greatly improves flower pollination. Lawyers for the two companies meet to draft a legal document specifying the number of butterflies the farm promises to maintain in exchange for payments to be made by the nursery. Which of the following types of private solutions to the externality of pollination has occurred in this case?


corrective tax

discourages behavior that has negative external effects

The level of production corresponding to the lowest average total cost is called the firm's

efficient scale

corrective subsidy

encourages behavior that has positive external effects


equal to total revenue minus total cost

The wages and utility bills that Lorenzo pays


The wholesale cost for the guitars that Lorenzo pays the manufacturer


Marginal revenue

extra revenue from the sale of one additional unit of output

when the marginal cost curve is below the average total cost curve, the average total cost must be


True or False: Assuming implicit costs are positive, each of the firms operating in this industry in the long run earns negative accounting profit.


True or False: The river will remain polluted, regardless of who has the property rights.


in the long run

firms will neither enter nor exit.

Because the estimated benefit is _____ than the cost, the college administrators _____ undertake the beautification initiative

greater, should

The rental income Lorenzo could receive if he chose to rent out his showroom


The salary Lorenzo could earn if he worked as an accountant


Exclusive ownership of a key resource

is a potential but rare cause of a monopoly.

The fish cannery will make the most economic profit when

it has property rights to pollute the river

deadweight loss

loss of surplus

The _____ occurs at the intersection of the private cost curve and the private value curve.

market equilibrium quantity

output effect

more units are sold when the price decreases, which has a positive effect on revenue

An externality arises when a firm or person engages in an activity that affects the wellbeing of a third party, yet neither pays nor receives any compensation for that effect. If the impact on the third party is ADVERSE, it is called a

negative externality

For the students of the college, the visual appearance of the campus is

non-rival and non-excludable

a public good is

non-rival and non-excludable

In this case, the failure to maximize total social utility by funding the botanical garden means that the market is

not efficient

If Teresa decides to contribute to the botanical garden, Neha would maximize her benefit by choosing

not to contribute to the botanical garden

if Teresa decides not to contribute to the botanical garden, Neha would maximize her benefit by choosing

not to contribute to the botanical garden.

Tragedy of the Commons

occurs when people consume more of a common resource than society would desire

An externality arises when a firm or person engages in an activity that affects the wellbeing of a third party, yet neither pays nor receives any compensation for that effect. If the impact on the third party is BENEFICIAL, it is called a

positive externality

A new drone that you take turns flying with your friends

private good

At the current short-run market price, firms will___in the short run


A large, beautiful clock in a town square

public good

Explicit costs

refer to all costs that require an outlay of money by the firm

implicit costs

refer to all costs the firm incurs in production that do not involve any monetary transactions

command-and-control policy

remedies an externality by legally limiting a specific behavior by a specific entity

tradable permit system

remedies an externality by regulating general behavior

when the marginal cost curve is above the average total cost curve, the average total cost must be


The fish in the private stream are considered

rival in consumption and excludable

the fish in the river are

rival in consumption and nonexcludable.


secret agreement or cooperation

The _____ at the intersection of the social cost curve and the social value curve.

socially optimal quantity

free rider

someone who receives the benefit of a good but does not pay for it

Marginal cost

the cost of producing one more unit of a good

single-price monopoly

the monopoly charges a price above its marginal cost, so not all consumers who value the good at more than its marginal cost are able to buy it

Price discrimination

the practice of selling the same good at different prices to different types of customers

pollution rights

the right to emit a given quantity of sulfur dioxide

average total cost is equal to

total cost/quantity

economic profit

total revenue minus total cost, including both explicit and implicit costs

Accounting profit

total revenue minus total explicit cost

True or False: This indicates that there is a markup on marginal cost in the market for shirts.


True or False: Without government regulation, natural monopolies can earn positive profit in the long run


Suppose the hiking lodge has the property rights to the river. That is, the hiking lodge has the right to a clean (unpolluted) river. this case, assuming the two firms can bargain at no cost, the fish cannery will _____ the recycling method and will pay the hiking lodge _____ per week.

use, $0

Now, suppose the fish cannery has the property rights to the river, including the right to pollute it. In this case, assuming the two firms can bargain at no cost, the fish cannery will ___the recycling method, and the hiking lodge will pay the fish cannery ________

use, between $800 and $1,200 per week.

Total economic profit is highest when the recycling production method is


constant returns to scale

when it can increase production without changing long-run average total cost

economies of scale

when long-run average total cost falls as it increases production

diseconomies of scale

when long-run average total cost increases as it increases production

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