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d. smaller species than for larger species

Among mammals, the home range is usually larger for a. carnivorous species than for herbivorous species of the same body size b. females than males of the same species c. immatures than for adults of the same species d. smaller species than for larger species

d. individual growth rate decreases

As the density of a population increases, the a. survival rate increases b. reproductive rate increases c. intensity of intraspecific competition decreases d. individual growth rate decreases

a. delta N/delta t = rN = 0.2 * 10 = 2 b. N(t) = N(0)e^(rt) = 10*e^(0.2*4) = 10*e^(0.8) = 22.2554

Assume an initial population size of 10 individuals at time = 0 and over-lapping generations with an intrinsic growth rate of 0.2 individuals per year, and exhibits no density dependence. a. What is the population growth rate at time = 0? b. What is the population size after 4 years?

d. temperature

Density dependent factors include all of the following except: a. competition b. disease c. predation d. temperature e. None of the choices are correct

c. the number of individuals per unit area

Density is defined as a. the number of individuals within a population b. abundance c. the number of individuals per unit area d. the distribution of individuals within a given area e. None of these choices are correct

a. III

Frogs that produce thousands of eggs would be best represented by which of the following survivorship curves? a. III b. II c. I d. V e. None of the choices are correct

c. growing

If the age distribution diagram is bottom heavy or pyramidal in shape for a species with a type I survivorship curve, this indicates that the population is a. stable b. declining c. growing d. cannot be determined

c. Death, emigration

Individuals may leave a population through ____________ and _____________ a. Birth, emigration b. Immigration, emigration c. Death, emigration d. Death, immigration e. Birth, immigration

e. S-shaped

Logistic population growth produces a ____________ population growth curve with time. a. J-shaped b. K-shaped c. N-shaped d. R-shaped e. S-shaped

a. dispersal

One way to reduce density dependence is a. dispersal b. via reduced resources c. via increased density d. via increased stress

d. Neutral interactions

Random distributions of individuals are a result of which process or processes a. Attraction between individuals b. Clumping of an essential resource c. Antagonistic interactions between individuals d. Neutral interactions e. A and B

b. maximum sustainable population size for the prevailing environment.

The carrying capacity refers to the a. minimum amount of resources needed to sustain a finite population with zero population growth. b. maximum sustainable population size for the prevailing environment. c. minimum number of individuals in a population required to assure reproductive success. d. maximum growth rate of a population in which resources are unlimited.

e. demography

The statistical study of populations is called a. density b. fecundity c. dispersion d. mortality e. demography

Asexual: pros - produces offspring that are adapted to the local environment, potential for high population growth cons - loss of genetic recombination (increases variation among offspring) therefore pop. responds more uniformly to change in environmental conditions Sexual: pros - produces genetic variability (each ind. is genetically unique), broader range of potential responses to environment cons - individuals require reproductive organs that have no direct relationship to ind. survival; producing gametes, courtship activities, and mating are energetically expensive

What are the pros and cons of asexual and sexual reproduction?

d. at half the carrying capacity

When intraspecific competition is occurring, population growth rate is highest a. at the carrying capacity b. when the population is lowest c. when time equals 50 d. at half the carrying capacity e. It's impossible to tell with the limited info in the question

d. dispersal rates

Which of the following cannot be determined using a fecundity schedule combined with a life table? a. per capita rate of increase b. net reproductive rate c. mean generation time d. dispersal rates e. geometric rate of increase

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