Econ exam

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ceteris paribus

"other rings being equal"

increase increase

a decrease in rent will cause a _____ in supply and a _____ in quantity demanded


a graph of a function

efficient, equal to inefficient, greater than

a market is economically _____ when the price is _____ the marginal cost


a measure of what must be given up in order to obtain something else

increase increase

a new advance in production technology will cause a _____ in supply and ______ in demand

perfect competition

a price ceiling set by the government will most likely make which market structures less economically efficient

perfect monoploy monopolistic oligopoly

a price floor set by the government will most likely make which market structures less economically efficient

inferior good

a product whose demand decreases when the price of a normal good decreases

positive relationship

a relationship between two variables in which they both increases or decreases in conjunction

indifference map

a set of indifference curves with each successive curve lying outside the previous one and in the northeast direction on a Cartesian Plane


a situation in which economic agents or aggregates of economic agents such as markets have no incentive to change their economic behavoir


a situation in which economic agents or aggregates of economic agents such as markets have no incentive...

explicit cost

a specific amount of money given up in order to obtain something else

long run

a time period in which no factors of production are fixed

shift in a curve

a variable that is not directly represented on the graph changes, subsequently causing a change in the way that the X-variable and the Y-variable relate to one another


a visual representation of the collection of all ordered pairs (x,y) of a function

indifference curve

a visual representation of the locus of combinations of the amounts of two goods such that an individual does not prefer any one combination over any other combination

more more

according to the law of increasing opportunity costs the ______ you try to benefit from something, the ______ it will cost you to get another one.


amount of funds, goods, or services received by an individual, corporation, or economy in a given time period

decrease decrease

an increase in rent will cause a ______ in supply and a _______ in quantity demanded

decrease decrease

an increase in wage rates will cause a _____ in supply and a ______ in quantity demanded


any context in which the sale and purchase of goods, services, or resources takes place

normal good

any product whose demand decreases when income decreases

variable cost

costs that change with the quantity of output

fixed cost

costs that do not change with the quantity of output


dependence between two quantities, one of which is given (the independent variable) and the other produced (the dependent variable)

break even analysis

determines the output level at which zero profit (accounting or economic) is earned

break even analysis

determines the output level at which zero profit is earned

demand curve

downward sloping curve

demand curve

downward sloping function on a market graph

normative economics

economic analysis which provides prescriptions or statements about what should be rather than what is

marginal social cost=marginal social benefit

economic efficiency is maximized where

ceteris paribus

employed to indicate that outer things remain unchanged when considering the effect of varying one or a few independent variables

technical progress

enables more output to be produced for unchanged quantities of the inputs of the factors of production to the production process


examines the behaviors of individuals households and businesses

transaction cost

expenses other than price which are incurred in a market exchange

increase increase

for a normal good an increase in consumer income will cause a ______ in demand and a _____ in quantity supplied

factors of production

general term used in economics to describe all the resources of society that are used for production

law of diminishing marginal utility

if increasing quantities of a good or service are consumed by an individual or household, then the amount of satisfaction received from additional units of the good or service will, after some point, begin to decrease.

law of diminishing marginal utility

if increasing quantities of a good or service are consumed by an individual or household...

enter decrease

in the short run, if firms in a monopolistically competitive market are earning economic profit, then in the long run, firms will ____ the market and economic profits will _______

exit increase

in the short run, if firms in a monopolistically competitive market are experiencing economic loss, then in the long run, firms will ______ the market and economic profits will ______


numerical value assigned to the market exchange of a product

average total cost

per unit cost of production

average fixed cost

per unit fixed cost of production

average variable cost

per unit variable cost of production

diminishing marginal utility

phenomenon whereby the additional satisfaction attached to consuming an extra unit of any good decreases as more and more

diminishing marginal utility

phenomenon whereby the additional satisfaction attached to consuming an extra unit of any good decreases as more and more of that good is purchased and consumed

total revenue

price x quantity


process of creating goods and services


produced goods used as factor inputs for further production

normal good

product whose demand decreases when income decreases

inferior good

product whose demand decreases when the price of a normal good decreases

total cost

profit - total revenue

variable cost

profit - total revenue - fixed cost

marginal rate of substitution

refers to the amount of one good that is required to compensate the consumer for giving up an amount of another good such that the consumer has the same level of utility as before

marginal rate of substitution

refers to the amount of one good that is required to compensate the consumer for giving up an amount...


related good whose changes in demand are directly related to the price of another good


related good whose changes in demand are inversely related to the price of another good

negative relationship

relationship in which one variable decreases as another increases


represents the dependent variable


represents the independent variable


revenues minus costs


something that might be expected to have different values over time or between individuals

positive economics

that part of economic science which concerns itself with statements that are capable of verification by reference to the facts and testable by reference to empirical evidence

marginal cost

the additional cost from producing one more unit of output

marginal revenue

the additional income received from selling one more unit of output


the amount of funds, goods, or services received by an individual, corporation, or economy in a given time period


the degree to which consumers think that a good or service is in style or "cool"


the end product of creating goods and services

marginal utility

the extra satisfaction obtained from an extra unit of any good

competition monopoly increased

the government implements and enforces anti-trust laws to encourage _____ and inhibit _____. This usually results in ______ market efficiency.


the law of increasing opportunity costs and the law of diminishing returns are basically the same thing

more more

the law of increasing opportunity costs suggests that the _____ you do something, the _____ it will cost you to do it.

average total cost


average variable cost


average fixed cost


production possibilities frontier

a bounding line that represents the limit of the capability for transforming resources into goods & services without contradicting the circumstances

budget constraint

indicates what combination of goods and services a consumer can buy with a given income

budget constraint

indicates what combinations of goods and services a consumer can buy with a given income

monopoly perfect competition

monopolistic competition is more like _____ in the short run and more like _____ in the long run in terms of how much economic profit is earned.

quantitiy supplied

the number of units of a good or service which a firm is willing to produce at the ruling price

quantity supplied

the number of units of a good or service which a firm is willing to produce at the ruling price

quantity demanded

the quantity of a good or service which an individual or group desires at the ruling price

short run

time period in which at least one factor of production is fixed

total revenue

total receipts from sales of a product or series of products produced by a single firm or industry


total revenue - fixed cost - variable cost


total revenue / price


what is a factor of production that collects and organize the other factors of production in order to produce goods and services


what is a factor of production that is created by using other factors of production


what is a factor of production that uses knowledge, skills, and abilities for producing

monopoly monopolistic competition oligopoly

what market structures are economically inefficient

economic efficiency

when a firm is producing the maximum output possible with the available resources and technology

demand quantity supplied

when income increases for people in general, there is likely to be an increase in _____ followed by an increase in _____

movement along a curve

when the Y-axis variable changes, resulting in a subsequent change in the X-axis variable


when the government sets a price floor in a free market, the result is likely to be _____ of output in the market

perfect competition

which of the following is the most economically efficient market structure

monopoly monopolistic competition oligopoly

which of the following market structures produces a deadweight loss


which of the following of oligopoly is more similar to perfect competition than the two others?


which of the following theories of oligopoly is most like monopoly

set a price ceiling

which of the following would be most appropriate for decreasing the deadweight loss produced by inefficient market structures


widely construed in economics to be synonymous with "welfare" economic welfare, satisfaction, or happiness


willingness and ability of sellers to sell different quantities of a good or service at different prices

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