Education 2110 Final

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Identify an accurate statement in the context of use of computer-based technologies in schools

Computer-based drills and tutorials in science, social science, and math may be effective in helping students show increased performance on standard multiple-choice tests.

What was the significance of the Serrano v. Priest(1971) ruling of the California Supreme Court?

It struck down the state's financial system as unconstitutional

The influence of the business community in America's schools can best be characterized as _____


Which of the following pairs of states, besides Texas and California, have the most influence on textbook creation and adoption?

Florida and North Carolina

Cases such as Goss v. Lopezthat deal with the proper procedures involving the disciplining and suspension of students would fall under the:

Fourteenth Amendment

During classroom discussions, Juan never names a student before asking a question. He always asks a question first and then names the student whom he wants to answer the question. According to Kounin, this is an example of:

Group alerting

According to Donald McCarty and Charles Ramsey, authors of The School Managers: Power and Conflict in American Public Education, a school board in a community dominatedby a few powerful figures will seek out a superintendent who _____.

Has a functionary style

Influential teacher organizations are cautiously supportive of a merit pay plan. Provided that certain conditions are met, they would be more likely to support it. Which of the following is one of those conditions?

Local teachers should be involved in planning

Participation in the extracurricular activities has been connected with:

Higher student self-esteem

Andy was teaching a unit on Tennyson in his British Literature class, and he came across an essay about the poet that would really "bring the man to life." He made copies of the essay and distributed them to the students. Based on the information presented here, did Andy violate copyright laws

No, because he can do so under the fair use policy for up to nine instances per class per semester.

Who is most likely to be considered part of the "hidden school government"


Which of the following represents a way in which a teacher might informally influence curriculum

Paula decides to include literature from the African continent in her high school English class apart from the prescribed texts from American literature.

the _____ is collected through payroll deductions, money deducted even before one receives salary

Personal Income Tax

The chief state school officer is responsible for

Planning school activities

When teachers and principals have to remedy antiquated buildings, they give higher priority to _____.

Repairing lights and air conditioners

What case led to the advent of Robin Hood reform?

Serrano v. Priest

Identify an accurate statement about open enrollment

Students become eligible to enroll in any public school with available space

Which of the following statements regarding zero-tolerance policies is true?

Students who are removed from school are at increased risk for low achievement and of becoming permanently entangled in the "schools-to-prison" pipeline.

According to a survey, by the nonprofit Education Sector, most teachers:

Support educational reform and change

Direct teaching model of effective instruction is:

Teacher presentation of new material followed by student practice and feedback

Which of the following is an argument used to support character education programs?

The core attributes of a moral individual should be directly taught as part of the school curriculum

As a student in college, Luisa was shocked at some of the things she was learning in her Survey of American History course. Although she had studied American history before, her teachers had completely omitted many of the things that she was learning for the first time. Luisa's experiences most closely reflect the effects of

The null curriculum

According to the Fourteenth Amendment, which of the following is an accurate statement in case of suspension of a student for indiscipline or misbehavior?

The student is entitled to tell his side of the story in self defense

Identify an accurate statement about using a student's test score to assess the teacher.

This a flawed approach because one test score is an inadequate measure of student growth, much less student effectiveness

Students were often very distracted in Agnes's classroom. Whenever they seemed to engage in an activity, she would just seem to say or do something totally random that had nothing to do with the lesson assigned. For example, during a review game for the test the following day, just when the students were getting into the activity, she blurted out, "Does anyone know who we are playing this Friday night"? Well, of course, the interruption stopped the game while all the students answered her question. Agnes's behavior would best fit the phenomenon of:


Most school board members view themselves as ____

Trustee representatives

Which statement is true regarding voucher programs?

Voucher programs have been less effective than expected and their impact sounds better in theory than it is in fact

Which of the following comments is most likely to be made by an opponent of censorship?

"I really feel that, while schools should protect children from blatantly inappropriate ideas, 'inappropriate' is a pretty subjective term."

Which of the following examples of a teacher's speech would most likely be considered a "matter of public concern"?

"I was reading some of the environmental data on the site where our new school is being built. It sits right next to a chemical cleanup zone controlled by an environment protection agency. I think people need to know about this"

Identify the best example of a teacher praising a student that is more likely to boost student achievement.

"Melanie! Your answer demonstrates a good approach toward critical analysis.

Which statement would most likely be made by a proponent of Common Core Standards?

"What is great about the Common Core Standards is that students will encounter more demanding assignments, and the end result will be a less superficial and more in-depth education in America!"

The next major growth area in technology-enabled education appears to

hybrid or blended courses delivered neither completely online nor entirely face-to-face.

After having attended a workshop on problem-based learning, you decide to try it out.You realize that a key teacher role in this approach is to:

identify activities that fuel a student's interest.

Courts have ruled that a teacher's right to academic freedom:

is not absolute as students should learn only appropriate subject matter.

For-profit schools are a good idea because they will:

offer focused programs and investor oversight will lead to academic success

Differentiated instruction:

offers multiple options for instruction and assessment

School boards determine educational policy, and majority of their members tend to be _____


At a recent schoolboard meeting, a group of parents spoke out on the issue of the poor quality of the district's schools. They demanded the formation of charter schools that emphasized a rigorous, traditional curriculum and teacher-centered classrooms. These parents most closely resemble:


A scientific theory, such as the theory of evolution, is:

a well-founded scientific explanation

The most frequent teacher reaction is:


You have just been assigned to teach a class that has several management problems. A good strategy to reduce or eliminate these problems would be to

actively teach procedures, routines, and rules along with the academic curriculum

Mastery learning is based on the premise that:

all students can learn—if given the right tools and the opportunity to work at their own pace.

Value added refers to

assessing and rewarding the value a teacher adds to a student's education.

School boards are often criticized for:

being in the backseat when it comes to educational change and reform

Lower order questions:

can be answered through memory and recall

Intelligent design:

credits an unnamed intelligence for aspects of nature unexplained by science

School teachers who participate in strikes are

prohibited from doing so in over 30 states, but are rarely prosecuted or penalized

Title IX of the Education Amendments (1972):

prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex

Silver Springs middle school was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a green ribbon school. The school earned this distinction for:

promoting environmental and sustainable education, offering healthier environments with clean air and water, and promoting outdoor activities.

to raise money for schools, colonial towns and districts assessed a(n)_____ tax


In response to an informal complaint, a school librarian quietly removes a book from the library shelf and pretends that the book is out of stock. This is an example of:


Commercialism promotes ____


The study of the "saber-tooth curriculum" brings us to the conclusion that:

slavish devotion to the content of past times can result in a curriculum obsolete in the face of contemporary realities

Alexis is a teacher who feels strongly about the importance of preparing students to live in a democracy. She tries her best to teach civic learning to students, at par with other academic subjects. Alexis's ideas conform with those of

social democratic reconstructionists

Some studies on school size have determined that:

students in smaller schools are more likely to pass their courses, and to attend college.

On the subject of teaching creationism, evolution, or intelligent design in schools, a large segment of the public feels that

students should be exposed to competing theories in school

When students, parents, and teachers were asked to rate goals of schooling in a study by John Goodlad:

vocational, personal, academic, social, and civic goals were all rated "very important."

Molly is a recent college graduate, who is giving an interview for a job at the same elementary school where she was a student. Which of the following questions would be appropriate for the principal to ask Molly during the course of the job interview?

"What made you decide to major in early childhood education in college?". NOT: "Are you planning to settle down and start a family in our community?" "I remember that your family belongs to the First Church on Main Street. If you move back here to take the job, will you transfer your membership back to that church?" "I recall that you had ADHD when you were enrolled here. Do you see your ADHD as being a potential challenge to working with students in your class?"

Which statement would most likely be made by a critic of schools' efforts to transmit culture?

"When schools transmit culture, they tend to transmit a narrow perspective about other cultures and chauvinistic feeling of cultural superiority."

Which of the following statements best reflects the beliefs of James Coleman?

"When we carefully analyze private schools, we can clearly see that they do a better job than public schools. Perhaps private schools are the way to fix education."

The current reform efforts in education can be traced back to:

A Nation at Risk

Imagine a school where teachers do not have daily contact with one another and act independently, the school administration does not give due importance to effective communication with the students' families about the school's goals and expectations. They are vague about the goals of the school and focus on maintaining the status quo. This represents afailure of which element of the "five-factor theory of effective schools"?

A clear school mission

Identify an accurate statement about the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).

A high-stakes testing culture was created

Which of the following is an accurate statement with reference to the term in loco parentis?

A school official can search a student's locker if there is reasonable suspicion that it contains something illegal and dangerous.

Which of the following cases best demonstrates the U.S. Supreme Court's position on the "separation of church and state"?

A student decides to start a Christian club that will meet on school grounds and is given permission by the school administration, which also offers space on school grounds for non-religious clubs and other student groups to meet.

Which of the following examples of student expression would be protected under the First Amendment

A student protesting the war in Afghanistan wears a black armband to his classes and refuses to speak during the course of the day.

Pickering v. Board of Education case.

A teacher's right to freedom of speech as a citizen, regarding matters of public concern is protected due to the holding in the:

A child who is expelled for bringing a penknife to school is probably feeling the consequence of:

A zero tolerance policy

In Alice's classroom, the great majority of her students do well academically. When she is asked about why she feels she is such a successful teacher, she says that she structures her instruction in such a way that her students can do well either way, working with her directly or on their own. She says that her students often do even better working on their own than with her. Alice's classroom best exemplifies:

Academic learning time

Define Robin Hood Reformers

Activists who took funds from wealthy districts and redistributed the monies to the poorer districts were call

Teachers should ask higher order questions when students:

Are involved in a creative or affective decision

Bella feels that her students deserve a safe, orderly classroom in which they can learn. She lets her students know her rules and the consequences for breaking those rules. When students do misbehave, she enforces her consequences quickly, fairly, and with minimal disruption to the class. The main focus of her model of classroom management is

Assertive Discipline

Lisa, Paul, and Jay were given an assignment at the end of their first unit in Spanish I. They were asked to prepare and act out a skit where they had to assume the roles of students visiting Argentina during Spring Break. They were to enter into a restaurant, order a meal, and pay for the meal, all in Spanish. The students knew they were being evaluated on how theyperformed these tasks, so they made an effort to do a good job. This sort of task is an example of:

Authentic Assessment

The phenomenon represented by the test-tampering scandal in Atlanta, Georgia, is most closely associated with

Campbell's Law

Which of the following is a characteristic of charter schools?

Charter schools can be closed down if they do not meet expectations

When a teacher is breaking down (or "chunking") information to explain the concept more effectively to students, he is engaged in:


According to Bloom's revised taxonomy, the highest level of questions is:


The development of common core state standards that have been adopted in most states reflect the influence of:

Education commissions and committees

A teacher asks a student to grade her own research paper and to justify her grade. Identify the level of this task on Bloom's taxonomy.


Gina teaches at the middle grade. Joey is her student. She has noticed that Joey comes to school wearing the same clothes every day: a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. He wears this outfit even on days when it is very cold outside. Recently, Joey seems to be more withdrawn, he keeps to himself and avoids eye contact largely ignoring his friends. Based on Gina's observations, she should:

Immediately file a report with her principal or counselor, since Joey could be suffering from abuse or neglect.

By beginning a lesson with a challenging riddle or an anecdote, a teacher is trying to:

Inspire motivation

In the first step of the pedagogical cycle, a teacher

Introduces the topic

According to educator Hilda Taba, learning in school is different than learning in life because the former:

Is formally organized

Textbook publishers are under pressure to dumb down textbooks. Hence, authors are asked to avoid the use of difficult words and long sentences. What is the consequence of dumbing down books in this manner?

It can make books harder to read rather than easier to read

Identify an advantage of being a textbook adoption state

It provides for a common statewide curriculum

Why have many courts rejected educational malpractice lawsuits?

Many factors affect learning and the school system cannot be solely blamed for failure to learn.

The state with perhaps the purest example of adequate education approach is ______


One of the founders of the school reform movement, the economist, who argued that competition creates better schools and weak local public schools existed because neighborhood families were a "trapped" clientele was:

Milton Friedman

Which of the following is most likely to conduct educational research and development?

State department of education

What is the foundation program?

States have used different programs to try to equalize funding. In the ____ program, the state provides funds to ensure that each student receives a minimal level of educational services

Identify an accurate statement about the Buckley Amendment

Student grades do not become private and part of students' educational records until they are recorded in a teacher's grade book.

A new principal is concerned with the increasing incidents of cheating and plagiarism occurring in her school. She wants to take effective measures to reduce such incidences. Which of the following actions might be the most effective?

Teachers will help students to develop the skills to synthesize and summarize information, use citations properly, and develop their own insights.

What was an outcome of the San Antonio v. Rodriguez (1973)ruling of the Supreme Court?

The court stated that preserving local control was a legitimate reason to use the property tax system


The failure to act when one should. Example: Paul Pratfall was a young teacher who meant well, but could be easily led off task—especially, when it came to afternoon hall duty. When the schooldismissal bell rang, Paul's job was to make sure that the children walked safely and in a disciplined manner from the classrooms on his hall to the waiting school buses just beyond the front entrance. During Friday's duty, one of Paul's colleagues called out to him. "Hey, Paulie, come in here and check out the article in the paper about the big game tonight. You gotta see it!" At first, Paul hesitated, since he was on duty. Then, he went into his friend's classroom to read the article. After all, he figured that he would only be a minute or two. Paul had just begun to read the article when he heard a loud crash and an anguished cry. He and his colleague ran into the hall to find little Jeannie lying on the floor with her leg obviously broken. Based on this scenario, Paul would most likely be guilty of:

What are categorical grants?

The federal funds directed at specific categories and targeted educational needs of schools are known as __What is guerrill

Which constitutional amendment isat the heart of the controversies surrounding intelligent design, creationism, and evolution?

The first amendment

Why are first classes important for teachers?

The first class creates a first impression

What is geurilla marketing?

The marketing technique that involves selling things in unconventional and unexpected places is known as ____

Andrew is a student in the class Rebecca teaches. While Andrew is not in the lowest percentile of the class, he isn't in the highest, either. In fact, Andrew could go either way in terms of passing or failing. Rebecca will spend:

The most amount of time on him because he is a 'bubble kid'

In the context of the report from the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, titled The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools, identify an accurate statement.

The nation's gross domestic product would be $1.3 to $2.3 trillion higher if achievement gaps did not exist

When a teacher's private life is called into question by the courts, a governing principle that determines whether or not the teacher may be dismissed is often based on whether:

There is a substantial disruption of the educational process

Which of these statements best describes the attitude of Americans toward inequities in school funding?

They believe that an individual's circumstances are merely obstacles to be overcome

Which of these is an accurate feature of virtual schools?

They provide learning over long distances by means of television, the internet, and other technologies

Elaine was homeschooled for most of her life before heading to college at a state university. Based on what is known of homeschooled students in college, we can conclude that Elaine is most likely to:

be well-thought-of by many of her professors because professors describe homeschooled students as more self-directed and willing to take risks.

When schools move away from traditional autocratic teaching styles, students embrace "Habits of Goodness". To develop these habits teachers should:

develop the list of rules together with their students and ensure that rules are few and fair.

For students, the problem with an "okay classroom" is that the teacher

does not provide specific feedback, which is not the best way to enhance student achievement

The Abbottcases in New Jersey contributed to a new line of litigation focusing on _____

educational outcome

The Supreme Court Case Franklin v. Gwinnett County Public Schoolswas important because it:

extended the reach of Title IX, so that students could sue a school district for monetary damages if they were sexually harassed.

A teacher who suspects that a child is the victim of child abuse

has an ethical and legal responsibility to report the suspected abuse

Who is the most powerful education officer in the school district?

he accurate statement about school superintendent

Which of the following is true of adequate educational guarantees, the educational clauses present in the constitution of different states?

hey guarantee that every student receives an efficient, sound or thorough education

The student who is typically given the most wait time by a teacher is the:

high achieving white male

Chapter 09-Purposes of America's Schools and the Current Reform Movement9-19Copyright © 2016 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.19.Jean and Stephen were concerned about the quality of education that their son, Galen, was receiving in the neighborhood school. They believed it would not be sufficient to impart religious and moral values to their son. Hence, they chose to homeschool Galen for the rest of his educational career. This religion-based motivation on the part of Galen's parents to homeschool him is a characteristic of:


Define municipal overburden

in funding schools, urban areas struggle the most, suffering not only from lower property values but also from the need to use those limited resources to fund more police officers, hospitals, subways, and other services than their suburban counterparts. This phenomenon is known as _____

The role of state governments in curricular decisions has:

increased through state standards and tests, and frameworks for all schools to follow.

In the context of Mary Budd Rowe's research on wait time, teachers should

learn to increase their wait time from one second to three to five seconds.

Schools that offer high-quality programs for talented students and have been used as a method of voluntary racial desegregation are known as:

magnet schools

Alyssa was a senior at Local High School (LHS). Although she was a brilliant student, Alyssa had a mischievous streak that frequently landed her in the principal's office. In order to get into the college that she wanted to, she needed a recommendation letter from her counselor, Mr. Todd. On the day that she went to see him to ask for the letter, he told her to close the door. "Ever since you came here as a freshman, I've had my eye on you. It's amazing just how pretty you've become. I'll be glad to discuss your letter over dinner at my apartment, around eight tonight. Be sure to wear something really pretty. And let's keep our little date to ourselves. After all, we wouldn't want something to happen to that letter, would we"? Based on the dialogue, Alyssa is experiencing

quid pro quo sexual harassment

Full-service schools

remain open most of the day and 11 months a year.

In the cooperative learning model of effective instruction

rewards and recognition are based upon student performance.

Economic reconstructionists believe that

schools are tools of oppression

As an economic reconstructionist, Paulo Freire claimed that:

schools often miseducate and oppress the poor

In the context of classroom behavior management, a teacher who is a good behavioral manager should

teach standards or norms of student behavior actively and directly

The call for accountability in financing of schools means that _____

the public wants to see academic progress for their tax dollar

One of the primary reasons that the No Child Left Behind Act was revamped was that:

there was little consistency in student performance from state to state.

A textbook covers twentieth-century U.S. history without mentioning the continuing struggle for civil rights; and pictures throughout the text portray only harmonious relations between the races. This is an example of a form of bias known as


Generally, courts have ruled that teachers may be fired for:

using profanity and abusive language toward students.

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