Backup reserve
Also called Cold Standby Reserve
Spinning reserve
Also called hot standby reserve.
Diversity factor
Always greater than unity.
Demand factor
Always less than unity
Load factor
An index to the proportion of the whole time a generator plant or system is being worked to its full capacity.
Electronic meter
Contains no moving parts and can determine the numerous electrical parameters
230kV to 765kV
Extra High Voltage
Contingency reserve
Generating capacity that is intended to take care of the loss of the larger synchronized generating unit or the power import from a single grid interconnection, which is higher.
34.5kV to 230kV
High Voltage
Chronological appearance
If this load on the power supply station is plotted against the time periods in which these loads occur, it gives rise to what is known as the ___ ___ of the power demand and the time sequence.
Is the rate of doing work
Load factor
It is always less than unity.
Load duration curve
It is the curve for a plant showing the total time within a specified period, during which the load equaled or exceeded the values shown.
Below 1kV
Low Voltage
1kV to 34.5kV
Medium Voltage
Most frequently expressed in terms of real power
One of the essential components of power systems
Capacity factor
Ratio of actual energy produced to the maximum possible energy that could have been produced during a given period.
Plant operating factor
Ratio of average load for a given period of time to the operating capacity in actual service only.
Plant operating factor
Ratio of duration during which plant is in actual service, to the total duration of the period of time considered.
Demand factor
Ratio of maximum demand of a system to be ts connected load is termed as demand factor.
Diversity factor
Ratio of the sum of individual maximum demand to the simultaneous maximum demand on the power station.
Backup reserve
Refers to a generating unit that has fast start capability and can synchronize with the grid to provide its declared capacity for a minimum period of eight hours.
Load demand
The ___ on a power system is governed by the consumers and for a system supplying industrial and domestic consumers, it varies within wide limits.
Demand factor
The actual maximum demand of a consumer is always less than his connected load since all the appliances in his residence will not be in operation at the same time or to fullest extent.
Spinning reserve
The component of contingency reserve, which is synchronized to the grid and ready to take on load.
Load duration curve
The curve which shows the variation of load on the electrical power station with respect to time.
Load factor
The ratio of the average load to the peak during a certain prescribed period of time.
Utility factor
The ratio of units of electricity generated per year to the capacity of the plant installed in the station.
Utility factor
The ration of maximum demand of plant to the rated capacity of the plant.
Capacity factor
The ration of the average load on a machine or equipment to the rating of the machine or equipment, for a certain period of time considered.
Daily, monthly, weekly or yearly
The variation of load can be considered as ___, ___, ___ or ___.
765kV to exceeding
Ultra High Voltage
___ load factor is desirable quality.