Election of 1892
Income Tax - Unconstitutional
1894. Supreme Court declared income tax unconstitutional (Article 1, Section 9). Voided the income tax part of the Wilson Gorman Bill.
Omaha Platform
A group of men known as the Populists met in Omaha, Nebraska and wrote the Omaha Platform. The Omaha Platform called for free and unlimited coinage of silver (16oz silver to 1oz gold)
Jacob Coxey
Coxey's Army - Led group of unemployed men to Washington to demand creation of jobs
Foreign Affairs
Europe problems, Triple Alliance, Monroe Doctrine
Triple Alliance
Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary. They agreed to give military support to one another if they were attacked by France or Russia.
What is special about President Cleveland?
He is the only President to serve split terms.
Problems in Europe
Kaiser Wilhelm II was the leader of Germany. Germany was a member of the Triple Alliance.
Homestead Strike
Major and violent strike that made me aware that unions were bad. Even called in the Pinkerton Guards - many were shot and killed.
Graduated income tax
More money, more tax
Domestic Affairs
Omaha Platform, income tax, government ownership, repeal of Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Coxey's Army, Homestead Strike, Eugene V. Debs, Wilson Gorman Bill, income tax unconstitutional,
Who were the candidates during the Election of 1892?
Populist - James Weaver (Received 22 electoral votes) Republican - Harrison (Renominated) Democrat - Cleveland (Renominated) This was this first election where there was a 3rd party candidate and the first where the candidate received electoral votes. Cleveland won!!! (2nd Term)
Wilson Gorman Bill
Replaced the McKinley Tariff Bill. Created a lower tariff and included an income tax. Cleveland vetoed, but Congress overrode his veto.
Repelled Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Required the government to purchase a certain amount of silver
Monroe Doctrine
Secretary of State (James Monroe) stated that if any European country colonized in the Western Hemisphere, then we would consider it an act of war.
Eugene V. Debs
Socialist. Led a strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company. Strike members overturned many of the expensive train cars because of low wages and long hours. Got arrested, began to read Socialist material, ultimately became a Socialist.
What did the government have ownership over?
Telephones, telegraphs, and railroads
How did the British violated the Monroe Doctrine?
When Britain wanted to move the boundary of British Guyana, they took some of Venezuela. We saw that as a new colony and threatened war with Britain.