Employability in Graphic Design

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Common Graphic Industry Programs • Include: - Adobe® Dreamweaver® • standard web design • concepts of designs, codes and publishing websites - ________________ • animation and special effects design • video effects and editing from animations of logos, movie titles and animations of inanimate characters - ______________ • standard image editing and storage • photo enhancing and easy storage for photos

Adobe® After Effects®, Adobe® Lightroom®

Common Graphic Industry Programs • Include: - ________________ • sister program to Illustrator® • concepts of cropping, editing, color -correcting and re-sizing - Adobe® Illustrator® • sister program to Photoshop® • concepts of paths, groups, layers, text, color and visual effects are required - _____________________ • standard desktop publishing software • print materials such as fliers, brochures, magazines and books

Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® InDesign®

Technical Competence • Refers to knowing how to use any technology required in the career - for instance, a graphic design should be proficient in utilizing a variety of design programs as well as design technologies • programs such as _______________, Adobe® Illustrator® and Adobe® InDesign® are common in the graphic design industry • being capable to work on either a ______________ operating system as well as utilize items such as design tablets and styluses are also good skills

Adobe® Photoshop®, Windows® or Mac®

Designing Multiple Versions • Allows the client to have options • ___________________ about the design and can be used to create a final design by incorporating aspects of ______________ into one • May be difficult and time consuming, but can lead to creating a design in which both the client and designer are content

Facilitates communication, different designs

Teamwork • Is the act of cooperating and collaborating with a group of individuals to ______________ • Can be characterized by: - recognizing the strengths and capabilities of each team member - distinguishing roles and responsibilities of team members and ____________ for their fulfillment - expressing appreciation for the contributions of all team members

accomplish a shared goal, being accountable

Teamwork • Refers to the ability to cooperate and collaborate among people to _____________________ • Requires unified behaviors including: - recognizing strengths and capabilities of each team member - distinguishing roles and responsibilities and _______________ for their fulfillment - sharing and organizing resources efficiently - expressing appreciation for the contributions of all team members

accomplish a shared goal, being accountable

Enthusiasm • Refers to the ability to show )_______________ and excitement as well as a readiness to become involved • Is exemplified by: - taking the initiative to recognize and complete tasks - investing completely in workplace tasks and assignments - committing to optimized performance and continued improvement - maintaining a _________________

active interest, positive attitude

Professional Standards • Can refer to soft skills such as: - the talent of communicating with a professional attitude to clients - the ability to _______________ to meet deadlines • Can also include knowledge requirements such as: - occupational awareness - understanding of the _______________ - technical competence

adeptly manage time, design process

Learning New Programs & Skills • Is important for career _________________ in a graphic design careers • Can be done by: - tutorial videos - _____________ - classes/courses

advancement and relevance, workshops

Competence • Is the ability to _______________ and skills to complete a task or job properly • Can be characterized by: - possessing the knowledge needed to complete a certain task - having the necessary ____________ to complete a job

apply knowledge, skills and abilities

Dress Codes • Are guidelines put in place to ensure employees dress in a manner which is ____________ - can help to ensure employees look professional • Can be very specific such as wearing a company uniform or more general such as "__________" - specific regulations vary from profession to profession

appropriate for their job, business casual

. Problem-Solving • Refers to the ability to produce an _____________ when a problem arises • Requires behaviors such as: - assessing all aspects of a problem and all possible solutions - thinking quickly and being able to ___________________ which are made

appropriate solution, justify decisions

Work Ethic • Is a set of principles centered on the importance of doing work and the determination to work hard • Can be shown by: - accomplishing tasks _____________ - working to exceed expectations - turning ideas into actions, then actions into results - ______________ from obstacles or disappointments - having a desire to succeed

before a deadline, bouncing back

Workplace Behaviors & Skills • If used properly, can ensure success in a _______ • Include: - reliability - enthusiasm - integrity - ethics - flexibility - work ethic - time-management - ________ - dependability - problem-solving - critical thinking

business setting, competence

Graphic Design Careers • Are great _____________ for individuals who possess the following skills or personality traits: - communication skills - passion and drive - creativity - teamwork - openness - ___________ - patience

career options, problem-solving

Tips for Enhancing Verbal Communication • Include: - annunciating clearly - asking for ___________ - conveying messages concisely - encouraging others to share input - paraphrasing to show understanding - receiving criticism without defensiveness - selecting language which is appropriate for the audience - speaking ___________________ - tailoring messages to different audiences

clarification, calmly and confidently

Tips for Enhancing Written Communication • Includes: - writing short, easy to read sentences and paragraphs - utilizing proper grammar, spelling and punctuation - being ___________ - identifying and correcting any potential misunderstandings - using a friendly tone - ______________ for errors and tone - knowing when verbal communication is a better option to convey a message

clear and concise, proofing and double-checking

Graphic Design Careers • Involve working with: - clients - ________ - other designers • Require individuals to possess certain personal characteristics or personality traits as well as have certain professional skills

co-workers, personal characteristics

Employability Skills • Are attributes which improve an individual's ability to gain employment and be effective at their job • Are often linked and ______ - many contribute to one another and when one improves it may positively influence others • Focus on personal and _______

complementary, interpersonal traits

Problem-Solving • Refers to the ability to address and find a solution to a ______________________ • Can be shown by: - seeking from other industry professionals - seeing design through the eyes of the target audience - listening to the _______________________ - focusing on the big picture when little details are causing the issues

conflict or issue, client's opinions and views

Writing Skills • Can be valuable for a graphic designer to have when enhancing an invitation, postcard, brochure, book, etc. - designers can expand their work to include _______________ • Include: - proficiency in editing programs such as Adobe® Illustrator® and Adobe® InDesign® - basic understanding of the ___________, use of pronouns and promotional advertising - sense of marketing and public relation trends

copywriting, target audience

Choosing Design Details • Includes the following: - _____________________ - software of choice - scaling content - distribution options • Should be completed _________________ to best meet the client's needs and method of distribution Exporting documents with the correct extensions and resolutions as well as using RGB and CMYK appropriately is a necessity.

correct color format, prior to designing

Passion & Drive • Are vital in order to be successful in __________________ such as graphic design - being a designer can involve working odd hours, developing many drafts and varying workloads which ________________ and commitment - these characteristics can help designers to work through the difficulties which may occur

creative industries, require enthusiasm

. Fulfilling the Distribution • Includes: - coordinating the proper _____________ • printing, electronic, etc. - contacting other companies if in need of their assistance • for example, contacting a print shop if the designer does not have those capabilities - ___________________ approval of the end result

distribution technique, following up with client

Interpersonal Skills • Are abilities which enable _____________ with others • Include: - leadership - teamwork - __________ - communication

effective interaction, collaboration

Photography Skills • Can be valuable for a graphic designer to have when ___________________ - designers can expand their work to include their own images • Include: - proficiency in photo editing programs such as Adobe® Photoshop® and Adobe® Lightroom® - basic understanding of raster images, cropping, repairing, resizing and ________________ - sense of editing trends

enhancing images, color-correcting techniques

Integrity • Is the quality of being honest and adhering to ________________________ consistently - regardless of the situation or possible consequences • Can be shown by: - upholding high standards for acceptable behavior in all aspects of work and life - being transparent and ________________ - admitting mistakes and using them to improve - giving recognition and credit to others when appropriate

ethical and moral principles, open to critique

Interpersonal Skills • Are developed continuously during __________ in a person's life - good and bad habits are formed over time • Can influence professional and social aspects of an individual's life - good __________ lead to better relationships

every social interaction, interpersonal skills

Communication • Refers to the methods used to ___________ • Is vital in every workplace • Includes: - verbal - __________ - written

exchange information, nonverbal

Video Production Skills • Can be valuable for a graphic designer to have when designing animations or special effects - designers can __________________ to include designing these for videos • Include: - proficiency in motion graphic programs such as Adobe® After Effects® - basic understanding of how ________________ - sense of video animation trends and special effects

expand their work, movement is illustrated

Web Design Skills • Can be valuable for a graphic designer to have when designing graphics - for their own website or when looking to ____________________ to include designing websites • Include: - proficiency in web design programs such as Adobe® Dreamweaver® - basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript - sense of ___________________

expand their work, web trends and layouts

Communication Skills • Refer to the methods of communicating between the designer and their client(s) - including the use of nonverbal and verbal communication • Require techniques such as: - ability to _________________ and philosophy - understanding client expectations - ability to take criticism - taking direction to _______________ - willingness to hear others' ideas

explain design elements, improve work

Interpersonal Skills • Can be improved by: - maintaining a ____________ • smile and be happy to help boost others' moods - developing ____________ • understand one's own emotions, the emotions of others and how emotions affect attitude and behavior - practicing continuously • socialize often and consider every interaction an opportunity to strengthen abilities

good attitude, emotional intelligence

Artistic Skills • Can be valuable for a graphic designer to have when looking to expand their work to include ____________ • Include: - proficiency with drawing technologies such as a design tablet and styluses - basic understanding of how colors, lines and positioning can effect a graphic image - sense of _____________

hand-drawings, creativity and individuality

. Nonverbal Communication • Is the transfer of information to an audience ______________ the words spoken • Can be used to punctuate, reinforce or emphasize certain points of verbal communication • Is conveyed through: - body language and posture - facial expressions - eye contact - tone of voice - physical space - ______________ - touch - appearance

in addition to, speed of speaking

Gathering Information • Involves gathering the ideas and wishes of the client • Includes: - knowing the final use for design • including the dimensions - researching the target audience - understanding the specifics • who, what, when, where, why - developing a color scheme and rough outline with information and _____________

including the dimensions, visual content

. Occupational Awareness • Refers to understanding and adhering to the needs of a specific profession • Is shown by: - complying with _______________ for conduct, knowledge, skills, certifications, etc. - actively participating in professional organizations through meetings, conferences and ______________ - understanding industry terminology - constantly learning new techniques and program tactics

industry standards, training sessions

Critical-Thinking • Refers to the process of analyzing information to develop a ____________ • Requires behaviors such as: - developing the factual truth from a myth or misconception - identifying _____________ which lead to a reasonable answer - being able to objectively evaluate complex subjects or situations

logical response, key factors

Time Management • Is the ability to use planning and organization to ________________ • Can be shown by: - establishing routines and good habits for smart use of time - prioritizing goals and tasks - organizing resources for ______________________ - utilizing scheduling tools such as calendars, software and digital applications

maximize efficiency, efficient access and use

. Patience • Refers to the ability to accept and tolerate delay, interruption or ____________ without displaying annoyance and frustration • Can be shown by: - listening to everyone respectfully - approaching conflicts with a calm, constructive attitude - avoiding ________________ when experiencing difficulties - considering all options and perspectives before acting

misfortune, personal irritability

. Flexibility • Refers to the willingness and ability to readily adapt as circumstances and expectations change • Is exemplified by: - modifying work style based on the demands of the situation - incorporating and recognizing successful techniques of coworkers - __________ without sacrificing quality of work - offering to work overtime or __________________________ to accommodate the needs of the workplace

multi-tasking, change work schedules

Creativity • Refers to the ability to effectively generate ____________________ in a more exciting manner • Can be shown by: - having an eye for design - incorporating a client's ideas into the design - improving and editing previous designs to better please the client - looking at a variety of items for ___________ - completing projects such as crafts, paintings or others which serve as a creative outlet

new ways to present information, inspiration

Openness • Involves being _______________ and willing to try new things • Can be shown by: - being accepting to the client's feedback - learning new skills through different software - attempting new design styles - listening to details and responses carefully - taking a _______________ on a design

open-minded, different viewpoint

Reliability • Is the ability to be depended upon to _________ • Is characterized by: - being consistent and predicable - following through on commitments - fulfilling obligations promptly - concentrating on details and correcting errors - __________ - complying with workplace policies

perform consistently well, following instructions

Technology • Is an important resource in the workplace, however, many workplaces have ________ which specify how it can be used - inappropriate use of technology is typically considered when ________ is utilized for purposes which are not related to work • for instance, checking a social media account on a cell phone during work hours could be prohibited by the

policies, technology

Workplace Behaviors & Skills • Can be improved by: - noticing ________ in others and modeling their behaviors - asking for advice when appropriate - identifying necessary areas of improvement by maintaining selfawareness - finding situations requiring traits and using them to practice • get out of the ____________ to work on improving traits which have been identified as areas in need of improvement

positive traits, comfort zone

Workplace Etiquette • Can be improved by: - understanding__________ • discuss with other professionals in a similar field what the typical expectations are - following workplace dress codes and technology guidelines - seeking advice when needed - practicing skills and ___________ in front of other professionals - implementing skills into personal life

professional expectations, communication tactics

Tips for Communicating with Clients • Include: - taking in their feedback ___________ - listening to details - understanding their viewpoint at all times - applying their requests - being open to all ideas, comments and suggestions - incorporating their ____________ into the design

professionally, personality

Ethics • Is the application of moral principles, standards of behavior or set of values regarding _____________ • Allow individuals to distinguish between right and wrong • Are characterized by: - being accountable for personal actions - understanding and _______________ and regulations - setting a positive example in the workplace

proper conduct, abiding by laws

Professionalism • Refers to the way a person conducts their behavior in a business setting • Can be shown by: - treating everyone with _______ - having civil relationships with other coworkers - maintaining poise - remaining trustworthy - ___________ - holding to a punctual schedule - being accountable under all circumstances - being mindful of others needs

respect, dressing professionally

Graphic Design Process • Combines art and technology • Is important for designers to understand to establish their ____________ for clients • Includes the following steps: - gathering the information - choosing design details - _________________ - fulfilling the distribution

routines and deadlines, designing multiple versions

Workplace Etiquette • Is a set of rules governing the expectations of ___________ in the workplace • Can vary from workplace to workplace, but in general includes: - professionalism standards - __________ - technology guidelines

social behavior, dress codes

Tips for Enhancing Nonverbal Communication • Includes: - establishing eye contact when speaking to others - relaxing when speaking to others in order to not convey _______________ - standing or sitting up straight when speaking - avoiding sighing or speaking in a ____________ - speaking calmly and at an even pace

stress or unhappiness, high-pitched voice

Verbal Communication • Is the sharing of information ___________ • Is used in the workplace when: - answering phones - having _____________ conversations • Can be used to convey information clearly and effectively if good verbal communication skills are utilized

through speech, face-to-face

. Written Communication • Is the transfer of information ______________ • Is a common and effective mode of communication which is permanent • Can ___________ based on how written communication skills are shown in e-mails, text messages or even social media posts

through written words, influence people's opinions

Leadership • Is the ability to manage, support and guide a group ________________ • Is shown by: - being accountable for all actions - contributing a significant amount to group efforts while encouraging _____________ among members - setting an example for others

to accomplish goals, equal participation

Collaboration • Refers to when ___________ individuals work together to achieve a common goal through shared ideas and skills • Requires behaviors including: - brainstorming and _______________ which will support the overall performance - remaining open to all comments from co-workers

two or more, contributing ideas

Graphic Designers • Should possess additional skills to meet any additional requirements on their position: - ______________ - video production - photography - writing - artistic skills • Can utilize these additional skills to either expand their current careers or to _____________

web design, embark on new ventures

Graphic Designers • Can be asked to: - create designs for a variety of mediums such as ______________ - photograph images to be used in a design - write copy to be included in designs • Can also enhance their skills by practicing more traditional art techniques - drawing - ________ - crafting

web or video, painting

Dependability • Refers to the ability to be trustworthy and reliable • Can be shown by: - arriving to _____________ - meeting deadlines - completing work at a consistent level - being __________________ - paying attention and being detail oriented

work on time, responsible

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