Energy Conversions

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Why are Energy Conversions important?

Because we need to convert primitive energy forms (nuclear, solar, gravitational) into more useful energy forms, which our industrialized society requires (e.g., electricity, work, etc.).

Are Energy Conversions inefficient?

Conversions always create losses, typically in the form of heat, sonic waves, light, etc. Friction is the major source of the heat and other losses, but not the only source. These losses cannot be captured and used; so they are considered entropic energy (SE). So if the total energy of a system is TE = HE + SE; where HE is enthalpic, useful energy and SE is entropic, useless energy, then, by definition e = HE/TE = HE/(HE + SE) is the system's efficiency. As SE > 0 always, e < 1.0 or e < 100% always. QED

What are the types of Energy Conversions?

Energy Forms and States Demonstrations (Day 1) - Demonstrations explain the concepts of energy forms (sound, chemical, radiant [light], electrical, atomic [nuclear], mechanical, thermal [heat]) and states (potential, kinetic).

What is Energy Conversions?

Energy conversion is the process of transforming energy from one form into another. The main article for this category is Energy transformation.

Energy Conversions real life examples.

1. A toaster transforms electrical energy into thermal energy. 2. A blender transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy. 3. The sun transforms nuclear energy into ultraviolet, infrared, and gamma energy all forms of electromagnetic energy. 4. Our bodies convert chemical energy from food into mechanical and electrical energy to allow us to move. 5. A natural gas stove converts chemical energy from burning into thermal energy used to cook food.

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