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No real candles

Their marriage and interactions are fake. His wife is diligent yet she hadn't prepared for emergency with real candles. Just like she hadn't been diligent with her marriage or time with her husband.


To My dear & Loving Husband , the way the woman in the poem talks about how loves her husband was amazing. "Thy love is such I can no way repay", towards the end of the poem it mentions when we live no more their love is long lasting

"Nothing here but kitchen things"

Trifles: The sheriff and the attorney general were looking for clues on how Mrs. Wright killed her husband. They were checking the home to see what they could find. Although they didn't find anything, the saying "nothing here but kitchen things" was pretty bias. It made a statement that the kitchen is only for women. In the story, it was also a place she liked to stay in the house. It was like her women cave.


____________________ in many female orchestrated pieces are symbols for delicate, fragile life forms. many forms of this symbol take shape. Birds can be strong, motherly (like in nervous conditions), beautiful, providing, and also caged. This is why female authors use this symbol, so often females are looked at as prizes and things to acquire. Stories of escaped bird or even strangled birds like the one in "trifles" show the view of women and how it translates into life.


a person who is holy or christian, one who believes in God with strong spirtuality. In the selfless abstractions their bodies became to the men who used them, they became more than "sexual objects," more even than mere women: they became Saint


a piece of fabric worn by women over the shoulders or head or wrapped around a baby, something magical, a piece of protection.The garment that was used to cover Madga, Rosa's baby. The shawl gave her nourishment for 3 days and 3 nights, she sucked on it. Stella was jealous and wanted the shawl.


also refers to Jane in The Yellow Wall-Paper". It was thought that the cure for her illness was bed rest. She was locked away upstairs in a room which had bars on the windows. She was essentially left all alone with very minimal contact from her husband or anyone else who lived in the house. The__________________, I believe, drove her to insanity.

fat gold watch

birth, expensive, and kicking off time


colony of humans who escaped Earth and settled on _______________ planet. They remove eggs from Lomas and plants them in an animal. T'Lics can't survive on their own. The Terrans need T'Lics to survive.

"Contrary Instincts"

due to all the struggles and pressure against them, women could not write poetry. Yet, because she did try to use her gift for poetry in a world that made her a slave, she was "so thwarted and hindered by . . . ________________________


extremely hungry; famished


from the poem Red Riding Hood throughout the poem it has many different stories but they all something in common and that is _____________________. The first part of the poem, a woman was in the grocery store shopping for dog food. As a reader I just assumed she was married. Towards the end of the first part of the poem she left the store to meet her "lover" in the Congregational Church parking lot.The second part of the poem talks about two seemly respectful women ________________________convinced an old woman to give them her life savings on an act of faith promising they would share the booty with her but they did not return. The third part of the poem a man who is a party who seems very happy but deep down inside he is depressed and have a breaking heart. The fourth part of the poem she built a new home an figured nothing haunts a new house but her own past was haunting her house she built. Lastly the classical little red going visited her sick grandmother but was___________________ by the wolf. The wolf ate the girl up and the grandmother up. Towards the end the huntsman shot the wolf and the girl and grandmother was alive again.


genre of Antiguan and Barbudan music -A term used in Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl" to describe one of the many things the girl should not do to keep her husband happy and not become the slut her mother already assumes she is. After researching Benna, I learned it was a musical way to spread gossip or promiscuity in secret. Which explains why the girl's mother would not want to her to sing benna at all, especially in church; for this would not be becoming of a lady.


in Angela Carters "The Company of Wolves" a wolf is someone sneaky and dishonest. They hide under a persona but once the mask is taken off you see them for who they are. They prey on those that are weaker and more vulnerable.

Passage: Wolf

is another one of my favorites because I enjoy the spin off to the usual and popular Little Red Riding Hood story. In this story, the "wolf" is a man who is a sexual predator. The girl in this story smokes and swears. She lives in a toxic environment and finds the urge to run away to her grandmother's house/ Her mom's boyfriend is a toxic man, which is why she wants to leave. "I had been planning on leaving, but I didn't want to lose my mom and I knew the only way I could get her to leave him was if I told her what he did. That was out of the question, not only because of what he might do to me but what he might do to her." She is very protective over her mom and wants to be with her. She doesn't want to leave her side, but also she doesn't want to be around her boyfriend anymore. The grandmother ends up killing him because he was trying to kill them.

Let the wind have its way

letting the wind have its way is stating that you should worry less about the duties you feel as though you have to do. Don't work so hard on unimportant matters. Worry about yourself.

"Saints" - Alice Walker, "Our Mothers Gardens"

refers to "Our Mothers and Grandmothers" is defined as someone that is holy or close to God. Someone with great virtue. In "Our Mothers Gardens", the women are described as strong and willing to withstand anything. They always seem to find a way to persevere.

"Coming of Age"

refers to Gan in Bloodchild. "My last night of childhood began with a visit home." His rite of passage began when he experiences grubs being extracted from Loma's stomach. Gan eventually decides to be implanted with T'Gatoi's eggs to protect his sister from experiencing such a horrifying event. The implantation can be viewed as his loss of virginity. Gan lose his innocence and enter adulthood in which he gains responsibility and knowledge.


represents the power of persuasion and enticing young vulnerable girls that don't seem to know better. It shows that giving into the _______________ can harm you because the sister that gave in began wasting away.


similar to a knife; another object that shows penetration; the girls speak out losing their virginity to a ____________________rather than to a man since there would be no bragging rights with a tampon


statements that are exaggerated and should not be taken literally. I connect this term with a line in, "Girl". In the text it reads, "always eat in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach." This statement is very much an exaggeration because it is not literal.


term used in Nerve Condition by Susan Glaspell. ________________________________ was used to describe Tambudzai's religious belief. The people at her school felt that she was in______________________because she didn't believe in Christ. To her peers, Christ symbolized light and since she didn't believe in Christ her life was full of _______________________________.

Rest cure

this is when someone is ill mentally or physically and needs to remain inactive in order to get better. I connect this term with the text "Yellow Wallpaper" because it is about a woman whose husband believes she is depressed, therefore coming up with the idea of having her rest. She is not able to write, which she enjoys.

barehead in the sun

"Girl":____________________________means to put something on your head to protect you. It means that the sun can really mess with you if you just take it without any covering.

Passage: To My Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet

"If ever two were one, then surely we,..."

Passage: Nervous Conditions

"It's only a book, and I'm only reading it" __________________showing Nyasha's disdain for having her book taken away. She grew up during the sexual revolution in England, these works are not foreign to her. Her parents took it away because in their culture they believe it to be to sexual for someone her age. The clash between cultures and upbringing is prominent.


"Marriage" - Mary Elizabeth Coleridge I chose the term marriage which is also the title because the poem pretty much shows us what happens when a woman gets married. Her "partying" ways are over. Not a literal party, but some of her freedoms such as not having to tell anyone her every move, compromising or just doing as she pleases is going away.


"Mrs. Peters: It was an awful thing was done in this house that night, Mrs. Hale. killing that man while he slept, slipping a rope around his neck that the choked the life out of him. Mrs Hale: His neck. Choked the life out of him. (her hand goes out and rests on the bird-cage)" This interaction between Mrs Hale and Mrs Peters speaks volumes to the story portrayed in Trifles. The women indicate the horror of a man being murdered, but the undertone also tips its hat to the implied message of the life the bird (the woman of the story) had lived. The implications of this conversation are never talked out in the piece read, however it can be infered that these women understand that the implications of what kind of life the widowed woman had may have been much worse than the "sudden death" of her husband. There could be implied sympathy or even implied justice of the situation. This man died as attonement for the way he treated his wife. This is a huge allegation even in mere concept of written words, but with mmore investigation and symbolism of the murdered bird it is hard not to feel a sense of justice as implied by this interaction. The bird broke free and even so is at peace.

Passage: A Letter to her Husband

"My head, my hear, mine Eyes, my life, nay more, My joy, my Magazine of earthly store." This quote expresses how much she loves her husband. Her husband is her everything; her heart, her head, her eyes. These are vital organs one needs to survive, such is the case with her husband. She truly loves him and needs him to survive.


"She UnNames Them", Many people have only heard of Adam and Eve. _____________ is also another name refferred to as the first woman of Adam in the bible. (Christian Bible)

Little Red Riding Hood - Olga Broumas

"Stick to the road and forget the flowers, there's wolves in those bushes, mind where you got to go, mind you get there."


"The Mortal Immortal", a person who studies or practices________________. His friends did not want him to return to _______________________mode.


(A Mother to Her Waking Infant) - To hoist or hold up is what this means. In the poem it is quoted, "uphoisted arms and noddling head." If you have kids or have been around new born babies you tend to see this a whole lot. It's almost like the ultimate baby stretch but only in the arms.


(Advice to Myself) - ____________________ serves as a form of protection between things. It's like you having a very powerful energy and then something horrible happens but some how you remain to have insulation so your were able to not let that horrible thing bring your energy down because you keep your positive energy guarded. It quotes from the poem, "the insulation between yourself and your experience."

"savage mementos"

(Advice to Myself) : Described as things kept to remind someone of a person, a past event, etc. "Your heart, that place place you don't even think of cleaning out. That closet stuffed with savage mementos." The narrator is relating her heart to a closet saying how there are many things to remind her of someone or something but its okay to let it go and forget about it and to move on to new things.


(The Yellow Wallpaper) : Described as when a woman has an uncontrollable over emotional feeling. The narrator can't seem to do much activities because of her sickness. Her sickness drove her to _______________________ after being instructed to take on the "rest cure". It made her have a very unsettling feeling because she needed to know more about the wallpaper. "I don't like to look out of the windows even-- there are so many of those creeping women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wallpaper as I did." The narrator becomes obsessed with the wallpaper and feels like part of her is resembled in the wallpaper.


- Ursula K Le Guin, "She Unnames Them" The ______________that the main character is giving back to her husband and his father is her name. She talks about what they would think of her after she gave back the __________________. This story has a lot to do with identity, not being categorized, and being free. After un-naming all the animals, the main character sympathizes with them because she realizes that they were given an identity by someone else.


- refers to Francesca Lia Block's work. "I kind of wished that he'd been on top of me then because it might have have scared him and made him feel retribution was at hand, but I seriously doubt that." The wolf is represented as a predator and rapist. It shows that a wolf comes in many forms, not just as a four legged animal that seeks out the first tasty human that they come in contact with but as a man who seeks out and takes advantage of young children.


- refers to Mrs. Wright in Trifle. The Wrights live on a remote farm. She does not have children and have not had visitors in quite some time, which leads her neighbor to assume this is the reason that she has a canary, which fills that void. Her isolation is the cause of the unhappiness in her marriage. Mrs. Hale even feels some responsibility for Mrs. Wright's isolation. "But I tell you what I do wish, Mrs. Peters. I wish I had come over sometimes when she was here. I wish I had." I believe Mrs. Wright killed her husband but not due to only isolation but other factors which led to her isolation which drove her to kill.


-A term used in Toni Morrison's "Recitatif" to describe what Twyla's mother spent her nights doing instead of taking care of her duties as a mother. If it weren't for _____________________________ Twyla would not be in the orphanage. It is evident that Twyla resents her mother for __________________________

Passage: "I've been looking for an apartment and I've found one."

A quote from Jhumpa Lahiri's "A Temporary Matter". This quote was significant to me because it was the last secret Shoba shared in their game of truths. It was a game changer as well and a shock to Shukumar whom I am more than sure was under the impression that they were patching up their relationship and finally getting back to a place of togetherness. This was also the first secret shared that was not in the past. Shoba moving out was very much in the present.

The mule of the world

African american women carrying all of the burdens of the world because it seems practical. Black women are called, in the folklore that so aptly identifies one's status in society, "the mule of the world," because we have been handed the burdens that everyone else-everyone else-refused to carry. We have also been called "Matriarchs," "Superwomen," and "Mean and Evil Bitches." Not to mention "Castraters" and "Sapphire' Mama."


An imagined state in which everything is perfect. This is the opposite of dystopia. None of the stories we read seemed to be utopian.


An imagined state in which everything is unpleasant. An example of this in the short story Bloodchild by Octavia Butlet. In her story, humans are thought of as animals and are basically used as surrogates of these creatures. They are called "host animals". Bloodchild is a dystopia of present day.


Described as a thing of little value or importance. The main characters in Trifle, were pretty much trifles. They did not take the main event going on in the story as something serious and seemed like it was not a big deal to them. "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles." One of the main characters, Mr. Hale, says how women are worried about silly things unlike the important things. I don't agree with this statement because I feel like women think about realistic things and worry about things that need to be worried about.

"Bad fruits"

Goblin Market, Laura grew curiously towards the market and grew addicted to the ______________. Her sister Lizzie warned her it was not good for her and that she would end of like one of the other women in her town. In the passage the fruits wasn't actually fruits although that's how it was describe. The fruits was symbolized as a sexual meaning.


In many literary pieces________________is used as a symbol for penetration and victimization. Anne Sexton wrote, "so he took a ________________ and began cutting open the sleeping wolf." Anne Sexton writes, what many female writers display in great number of other works as well, a phallic symbol normally for justice of unwanted penetration. In some circumstances it is written in a way that a female is raped and the female stabs the offending male. This is a classic example of symbolic justice for female victims.


Morning Song by Sylvia Plath---used to describe the mother's physical and maternal state to nurture her new born.


Morning Song) - Now this one I must say was a hard one to understand so to the best of my ability of understanding what I get from the word in this poem is that it means there's some type of change, transformation. So in the poem it quotes, "I'm no more your mother than the cloud that ___________________a mirror to reflect it's own slow." So what I got from that is basically her love and thoughts about her new child is changing slowly but surely.


Mrs. Wright, like most woman, is trapped in the house like a bird trapped in a ____________________________.

Passage: Girl

Passage "Always squeeze bread to make sure it's fresh; but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?" In the story, a mother is trying to explain to her daughter specific instructions to not follow the mothers footsteps towards bad decisions. The mother of daughters just simply wants her girls to follow the rules and wants them to be respectable young women in the eyes of men. But as long as the daughters are doing good, the mother shouldn't care what other people think of her children.

Passage: Mary Elizabeth Coleridge- Marriage

Passage: "All for her sake the maiden must die".I chose this piece because it has some to little truth I agree with. I believe once married you must give up a few of the ways or doings of a single person, But I aslo believe we should not change who we are once we marry. Women are held to a standard when marriage is involved. Example no more hanging out with the single girlfriends, or partying, etc... while men can continue to behave just the same!

Passage: The Mortal Immortal- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Passage: "And the more I live, the more I dread death, even while I abhor life. Such an enigma is man- born to perish- when her wars, as I do, against the established laws of his nature" He believes he should have lived life naturally. He feels he has made a mistake when he went against the laws of nature. He fears dying because he fears the consequences of his choice.

Passage: The Yellow Wall-Paper by: Charolotte Perkins Stetson

Passage: "But I must get to work. I have locked the door and thrown the key down into the front path. . I don't want to go out, and I don't want to have anybody come in, till John comes. I want to astonish him. I've got a rope up here that even J ennie did not find. If that woman does get out, and tries to get away, I can tie her! very gently and slowly, and said it so often that he had to go and see, and he got it of course, and came in. He stopped short by the door. "What is the matter?" he cried. "For God's sake, what are you doing! " I kept on creeping just the same, but I looked at him over my shoulder."

Passage: Goblin Market.

Passage: "For there is no friend like a sister In calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, To fetch one if one goes astray, To lift one if one totters down, To strengthen whilst one stands." Laura and Lizzie are sisters who would go down to the river to collect water. On their trips, Lizzie warns Laura against becoming involved with the "goblin men" who would shout out to the women to try their delicious fruit. Lizzie reminds Laura about their friend Jennie who tasted the fruit of the "goblins" and started wasting away and eventually died. However, Laura does not heed the warning and and buys the goblin's fruit with a lock of her hair. Over time, Laura starts to waste away just like Jennie and Lizzie can't stand to see her this way and can't bear the thought of losing her sister. Lizzie subsequently goes out to seek the "fruit of the goblins" in order to make Laura better. This quote sums up the connection of sisters. Sisters will go to the ends of the earth in order to protect or help each other. They have a bond like no other. One sister went against her morals in order to "revive" her sister.

Passage: The Yellow Wallpaper- Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Passage: "I don't like to look out of the windows even- there are so many of those creeping women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wallpaper as I did?" This line shows how insane this lady has become. In the earlier "journal submissions" she seemed to have some wits about her. You see how she transforms into complete insanity with the "rest cure".

Passage: "A Temporary Matter

Passage: "Our baby was a boy" in is a quote that stood out because it may have been something that would bring Shoba and Shukamar closer at a time when they were drifting apart. They were playing a game which required both of them to say some of the things they never knew about each other. Once Shoba told her husband that she found an apartment, Shukamar confessed to her that they had a baby boy, which during the pregnancy no one knew the sex of the baby. The story doesn't explain his intentions, which some readers would conclude that it was payback for her saying she was moving out. However, I think he was looking for something to save his marriage. Maybe they never really talked about losing the baby, so with the electricity out they had all the time in the world to talk about some things and work them out. The story doesn't say that Shoba was moving out for good, only that she needed some space, so once they have a moment to talk about what happened, it'll ease the pain that they both feel and bring them closer together.

Passage: Francesca Lia Block's "Wolf

Passage: "They don't believe me. They think I'm crazy." also stood out because a lot of times victims who have been sexually assaulted aren't taken serious and no one believes them. Because of this, they tend to stay quiet and don't say anything about the assault. In _____________________________, the main character never tells her mother about the assault because she fears that her mom won't believe her, but she does think that her mom should already should know. Keeping something like this inside and not telling anyone has a tremendous toll on a person, causing them to have severe mental health problems in the future.

Passage: To My Dear & Loving Husband

Passage: "Thy love is such I can no way repay; the heavens reward the manifold, I pray." This shows her deep, passionate love for her husband. She is very much in love with him. If loving him will give rewards in heaven, then it is definite that they both will get them there. This quote from _______________________________shows how selfless she is to bring attention to the way her husband loves her. She describes his love as so passionate and true that she cannot reward him on Earth for the love he shows to her. His love is so amazing that she is prays that when he gets to heave he will be rewarded for the way he loved his wife on Earth.

Passage:Jamaica Kincaid- Girl

Passage: "dont eat fruit on the streets, flies will follow you. This story is telling women how they should act at any given time.Different mannerisims and actions will lead to different outcomes. Although I believe one should express themeselves the same always, but the soceity we live in will not allow it. Therefore, I do think some of these actions are necessary.

Passage: "Girl"

Passage: "you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?" (I like this final line because as parents, we constantly tell our kids things that are important, and they have a tendency to ignore what we are saying until it is too late.

Passage: Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

Passage: )"Never shall we see thee, thine eyes glistening, flashing with laughter and wild in glee" ________________signifies that after marriage you can no longer be innocent and childish and full of laughter. It isn't proper.

Passage: "Don't patch anything. Don't mend. Buy Safety pins."

Passage: A quote from Louise Erdich's "Advice to myself". This line which is so opposite of what a woman would normally do is a way of the author telling herself to let loose. Don't waste your time on little things, or "womanly" behaviors. These things will always need to be done or can be undone. Instead, Concern yourself with more necessary things.

Passage: A Room of One's Own

Passage: A woman must have money and ____________________if she is to write fiction". I think this quote is self explanatory. If a women has a room that is specifically designated to writing in order for her to be productive.

Passage: "someone who is already a floating angel"

Passage: Cynthia Ozicks' The Shawl"someone who is already a floating angel" describes how Rosa already feels dead as she is walking to the concentration camp with her infant daughter and niece. This quote shows rosa's awareness. She knows she is going to die, it's just a matter of when, and her body is already feeling this sense of emptiness.

Passage: Bloodchild

Passage: Lein, I would like you to have what's left of gan's egg." "the eggs are for the children," my mother said." I particularly like this quote because it shows potential for many things. In this society the humans are given an unknown substance that supposedly sedates them. This could be looked on as a social control or even concern for their wellbeing. It speaks to a bigger picture of what I think is a mix of pity and malicious control. This story is a love story by the author's dictation, however, what does this sedation symbolize? in a relationship does one partner sometimes need to be kept in the dark, controlled even? This could be an implication of what the author thinks or has experienced. This is a large scale story in such a way that in this society it is normal to be drugged constantly. This could show implications of how governments show their control to their people with different vehicles. Even if it is meant on a large scale it still implied this state of being as ignorant and sedated.

Passage: Company of Wolves

Passage: The forest closed upon her like a pair of jaws." The forest is presented as a place of fear. The simile shows a supernatural comparison to the wolf and the forest.

Passage: "A Tempory Matter"

Passage: They wept together for the things they now knew." In_______________as they continued sharing their "secrets" it became more significant. The truths came out and they felt relief and pain. They wept together because the information they now knew would changed their perspectives of each other and could change their lives.

Passage: "A Mother to Her Waking Infant

Passage: was one of my favorite ones because it discusses how a mother's love is formed. At first she doesn't really know if she likes the baby, even though she loves it. She talks about how it has no personality, but just does nothing all day. However, she begins to fall in love with it and people around her who don't even like babies like it. She then talks about how once it grows up it will take care of her like she has taken care of it, but not to think about it now, just focus on being happy when growing up. "But see, the sweepy spinning fly upon the window take thine eye. Go to thy little senseless play thou dost not heed my lay."

Passages:. Goblin Market

Passages: "To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift if one totters down, To strength whilst one strands" this quote shows how the sisters never gave up on each other.

Passages: Red Riding Hood

Passages: deceptions-- "Rocks climb and it only make the sea shore". That is basically saying that being an deceiver can only take you so far.

suburban matron

Red Riding Hood: A _______________ is a older married woman who has a high social status in society. In the story of Red Riding hood by Anne Sexton, the suburban matron, is a woman who buys groceries for the home, is married, and has a family. In southern homes, you see plenty of these. To me they are usually the grandmother of the family, but they are the ones who hold the family together, keeps the traditions alive, things of that sort.


She wants to fly. She wants to get away, but her grocery list is grounding her. It is grounding her in the sense that she went there with a list of exactly the items that she needs, and when she is done she will leave. The ________________ also represents that her stomach is like a balloon, and she would also look pregnant. Her belly that would get her pregnant will be filled and moving her way. She is going to meet her lover and will be filling her stomach in a different way.

Broken fruit jars

The jars were broken due to the cold temperatures of the house. The preserves symbolize fruitfulness, youthfulness, and sweetness. When fruit is preserved the sweetness is supposed to stay inside for an unlimited amount of time. Glass is a very strong material, but the coldness broke the glass, and the preserves were ruined. The coldness is a symbol of the coldness of the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Wright that eventually brought her to a "breaking point


The large amount of female orchestrated written pieces there is a coming of age. Girls being awakening to women hood by a physical change can be a prominent change in a story as the girl's perspective and world changes. Many indications of this type of change can be observed. In "Little Red Riding Hood" the girl wears a red hood symbolizing her period, thus she can venture into the world with her new perspective.


The mothers and grandmothers are called________________because they create beautiful things such as gardens or quilts.

"Rest Cure"

" - refers to Jane in The Yellow Wall-Paper. She suffers from an illness (possibly a nervous condition or postpartum). Her doctor and a her husband who is also a doctor prescribes her the rest cure in hopes of curing her. "So I take phosphates or phosphites-whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise, and I am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again." She is not allowed to write, which is her favorite thing to do. I don't think the ___________________proved effective because I think it drove Jane to insanity.

Advice to Myself- by Louise Erdich

"Don't keep all the pieces of the puzzles",

Coming of age

"No more sleeping alone, no more waking alone."



Passage: Advice to Myself-Erdrich's

Passage: "Accept new forms of life and talk to the dead who drift in though the screened windows, who collect patiently on the tops of food jars and books." This makes me think of my sweet Benjamin. If I can imagine him as still here even as specks of dust, then my days may be easier to deal with. If I can remember to talk to him even when I can't see him then I won't be so lost without him.

Passage: Christina Rossetti, "Goblin Market"

Passage: "We must not look at goblin men, You should not peep at goblin men."- I like this quote because they are warning the girls about the men, something that we do as a precaution to our teenage girls.

Passage: Wolf by: Francesca Lia Block

Passage: "When I got off the bus and lit up, I saw that the picture was me--except way prettier than I think I look, but just as sad as I feel. And then it was too late to do anything because the bus was gone and so was he."


The French form of recitative. A musical term that switches from song to normal speech. I think this term is used as her title for this short story because she switches up Twyla's and Roberta's characteristics that lead us guessing their races. Throughout the story their character roles flow back and forth.


term was used in Little Red Riding Hood by Olga Broumas. _____________________ symbol of protection and guidance that kept Little Red Riding Hood on the path her mother told her to stay on.

Passage:"Advise to Myself,

would have to be my first top two picks. I love everything about it. I feel like after I read this I just felt like everything is going to be okay when things don't get done and to just stop to take a break for myself sometimes. It's okay to do nothing sometimes and still be okay. My favorite line would be, "leave the dishes." This line kicks off the poem and it had me intrigued because I absolutely HATE washing dishes!

Passage: "A Temporary Matter,"

would have to be my second favorite. Because It really shows what the title of this story really means. Everything is so temporary in life. Everything. A quote from this work says, "THE NOTICE INFORMED THEM that it was a temporary matter: for five days their electricity would be cut off for one hour, beginning at eight P.M. A line had gone down in the last snowstorm, and the repairmen were going to take advantage of the milder evenings to set it right." This is exactly what I mean when I say the title really projects the meaning of what it is that they are saying. Things are forever temporary. Bad things don't last forever.

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