english 11b - final exam

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which sentence from the passage best reflects the emotional change mrs. mallard experiences in the passage?

XXX "there was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully." (paragraph 10)

what does the line reveal about the speaker's feelings for her husband?

XXX she knows her husband cares about her despite his teasing, and she loves him without question.

part a: which statement best explains how a point of view about the way women were looked upon in 19th-century society is revealed in both passages? part b: select the pair of details from the two passages that best supports the answer in part a.

part a: XXX the use of satire reveals that women were ruled by their senses, rather than their intellects. part b: XXX mrs. summers is described as feeling a little faint "on this particular day," while the wife in "the yellow wallpaper" notes how "exhausted" opposition makes her feel.

part a: select the sentence that best reflects how the author unfolds two main ideas of the story. select a detail from paragraphs 11-13 that supports the answer to part a.

part a: at the beginning, the main character believes she must carefully plan how best to spend the money, but at the end, she chooses to re-assert her identity. part b: "...abandoned herself to some mechanical impulse that...freed her of responsibility..." (paragraph 12)

part a: in what way does the love the speaker of the poem has for her husband differ from the love mrs. mallard has for her husband? part b: select two quotations, one from the poem and one from the passage, that best support the answer to part a.

part a: the speaker's love is strong and constant; mrs. mallard's is not. part b: "my love is such that rivers cannot quench...." ("to my dear and loving husband," line 7) part b: XXX "...the face that had never looked save with love upon her..." (from "story of an hour," paragraph 12)

which quote from the passage best supports the idea that mrs. mallard is experiencing a new beginning?

"...she would live for herself." (paragraph 13)

which detail best supports the idea that the narrator's husband's attitudes reflect those of their society?

XXX "john is practical in the extreme..." (paragraph 6)

why does the speaker use the word recompense in line 8?

XXX to stress that her husband should repay her for the love she shows him

how does the author's choice of words in paragraphs 13 and 14 most contribute to the story's meaning?

by suggesting that mrs. mallard's love is compromised by the oppression she feels in her marriage

select four main ideas of the passage and place them in order to create a summary.

correct: the narrator worries that there is something odd about the old house's atmosphere. incorrect: the narrator reveals that her ideas sometimes conflict with those of her husband. incorrect: the narrator implies that she suffers from a nervous condition brought about by too much isolation. incorrect: the narrator expresses her enjoyment of many of the manor's features. (keep in mind that it has to be categorized in order but i got the last three wrong)

how does the phrase you may whistle for me in the last line of the poem impact the poem's tone?

it reflects the speaker's anger at her husband's attempt to diminish her.

how does the narrator's question And what could one do? help the reader understand her character?

it suggests that she feels powerless to assert herself.

how does the author's choice to use alliteration in paragraph 7 most contribute to the meaning of the passage as a whole?

it underscores the temptation mrs. sommers feels to give in to her desire

which sentence includes two themes that interact in the poem?

love is a powerful, binding force that can transcend death.

part a: how does the author's choice to mention mrs. mallard's "heart trouble" at the beginning of the passage most impact the meaning? part b: which evidence from the passage best supports the answer to part a?

part a: XXX it introduces the main character in a way that emphasizes her physical frailty. part b: XXX "into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body...." (paragraph 4)

part a: what does the expression better days mean as it is used in the passage? part b: select a detail from the passage that best supports the answer to part a.

part a: XXX mrs. sommers preferred the life of a single woman. part b: "the needs of the present absorbed her every faculty." (paragraph 4)

how do millay's choices concerning how to structure line 9 contribute to the overall meaning of the poem?

she uses jarring comparisons and alliteration to help emphasize her plan for how to deal with her husband

write a brief response in which you analyze how the last line of the poem has an impact on its meaning. cite evidence to support your analysis.

the last line of the poem impacts the meaning of love by suggesting that she and her husband should love each other so strong that they can live forever by their love. in line 7 says, "then while we live, in love let's so persever," shows the meaning behind the last line. while they are alive, they should love each other no matter what to love stronger to live forever in love.

which statement best expresses what the house, as the setting for the story, symbolizes in the passage?

the narrator's feelings of entrapment

select two statements that best reflect themes developed in the poem and place them in the boxes provided.

true, abiding love requires mutual respect. a woman's intellect should not be repressed.

what is the meaning of the word tumultuously as it is used in paragraph 11?

with strong emotion

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