English Exam review

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A descriptive phrase used to communicate a characteristic about an individual.

Taming wild animals was a failure but teaching the animals how to read and write was a success.

Animal Farm: Explain the successes and failures happening in the area of educating the animals.

Napoleon believed that the animals should work on increasing their food production and that the windmill was a waste of time.

Animal Farm: Explain the windmill controversy from Napoleon's point of view.

Snowball believed the windmill could be completed in less than a year and would, in the long run, save the animals lots of work.

Animal Farm: Explain the windmill controversy from Snowball's point of view.

Boxer grew weak because of all the work he was doing. One day, he fell to the ground and could not get up. The animals decided to take him to a hospital. However, he was actually taken to a slaughterhouse.

Animal Farm: Explain what happens to Boxer.

He had a strange dream and wanted to tell the other animals about it. He also wanted to pass along his wisdom to them before he died.

Animal Farm: For what purpose did Major call the meeting of the animals?

The story is third person, sometimes third person omniscient.

Animal Farm: From whose point of view is this story being told?

None of the animals had retired.

Animal Farm: Has anyone retired?

Old Major

Animal Farm: He was a middle white boar, his real name was willingdon Beauty, all the other animals respected him.

Snowball acted as if dying in war was a good and honorable thing. However, when Boxer realized that he had killed a man, he grew very sad and became full of regret.

Animal Farm: How are the responses of Boxer and Snowball to the battle casualties contrasted?

The dogs he had trained since their youth sprang up at his command and chased Snowball off the farm, never to be seen again.

Animal Farm: How did Napoleon get rid of Snowball and gain full control of the animals?

He said that "leadership is pleasure" and that "Napoleon believes that all comrades are equal."

Animal Farm: How did Squealer justify Napoleon's take-over to the others?

They ran after the van screaming did not tolerate his death well.

Animal Farm: How do the animals react to Boxer's death?

They live and sleep in the farmhouse. Clover did not think that was right and checked the seven commandments just to be sure.

Animal Farm: How do the pigs violate the original seven commandments? What is Clover's reaction?

He told the pigs to casually mention to him that rations were increasing instead of decreasing. He also put sand in the grain barrels underneath the grain to make it seem like the barrels were full when Mr. Whymper came on his visits.

Animal Farm: How does Napoleon deceive Mr. Whymper?

The pigs said they had work to do on papers and files

Animal Farm: How does Orwell make fun of bureaucracy?

He said that Snowball sided with Mr. Jones all along and was with him at the battle of Cowshed fighting against the other animals. That was not the way it happened, Snowball was on the animal's side.

Animal Farm: How does Squealer's tale of the Battle of Cowshed differ from how it really happened?

Napoleon and Snowball seemed to order the other animals around at the end of the chapter. Maybe in the future they would take over the farm.

Animal Farm: How does the behavior of the pigs foreshadow their eventual leadership positions?

The animals praised him for every little thing. Napoleon enjoyed special meals and a special room in the farmhouse. Also, Maximus wrote a poem about him that was inscribed on the barn wall. A portrait of Napoleon was painted next to the poem.

Animal Farm: How is Napoleon becoming more and more like a typical dictator?

Pigeons were sent out to other farms to tell the animals about Animalism and teach them the Beasts of England song.

Animal Farm: How was the message of Animalism being spread to neighboring farms?

He gets up 45 minutes earlier than the other animals to work, and in his spare time he drags stones from the quarry to build the windmill.

Animal Farm: In what ways does Boxer work harder than the other animals?

Napoleon thought that educating the young was more important

Animal Farm: Interpret Napoleon's ideas about education.

no animal can trade, drink alcohol, kill another animal, live in a house, sleep in a bed, wear clothes, or smoke tobacco

Animal Farm: Major summarizes his points for the animals to remember on page 11. List each below

Mollie was missing because she was hiding in her stall, afraid because a gun had gone off.

Animal Farm: One character is noticeably absent at the battle of Cowshed - who is this? Why do think this is the case?

Squealer used threats to command the other animals.

Animal Farm: Paying particular attention to Squealer's message at the end of the chapter, how is language (verbal communication) used as an instrument of social control?

all two legged creatures are enemies, all four legged creatures are friends, no animal shall wear clothes, sleep in a bed, drink alcohol, or kill another animal. All animals are equal.

Animal Farm: Summarize the Seven Commandments.

Snowball had researched Julius Caesar's campaigns and had planned the entire battle expecting Jones to come back.

Animal Farm: The Battle of the Cowshed gives the animals a big success. What was Snowball's part in this battle?

They were disagreeing with each other. This represents nations lacking the ability to get together.

Animal Farm: The humans believe they could easily retake Animal Farm if they wanted to. What prevents this happening? What does this represent in political terms?

It symbolizes the building up of the Animal Farm military. It showed that the Animal Farm should not be challenged.

Animal Farm: We will see the gun a few times in the story. What does the gun symbolize? What is the significance of the gun's placement at the foot of the flagpole?

The animals were suffering from food shortages, cold winters, and hard work.

Animal Farm: What are living conditions like for all of the animals except the pigs and dogs?

The quarry was full of snowdrifts so it was hard to gather stones for the windmill. The animals were always cold and hungry.

Animal Farm: What are some of the problems that the animals face during the winter?

sneaking into the farm at night and stealing corn, trampling eggs, and gnawing bark off of fruit trees.

Animal Farm: What are some of the things for which Snowball is blamed?

The animals called him "Our leader", "Comrade Napoleon", "Father of all animals", "Terror of Mankind", and so on. This showed that he had risen to a position of power that was far above the other animals.

Animal Farm: What are some of the titles the pigs gave Napoleon? What do those titles say about his position?

They called it Animal Farm now instead of Manor Farm, and they did not hate it any more but just assumed that one day it would go bankrupt.

Animal Farm: What are two ways the humans have come to accept Animal Farm?

He ended the Sunday meetings and all discussions and debates. Any problem would have to be settled by a committee run by him. Voting was eliminated. He also added a seven day work week.

Animal Farm: What changes does Napoleon make after his dogs chase Snowball off the farm?

The meetings became more like debates because Snowball and Napoleon never agreed with each other. The meetings were moved to the barn because there was a bitterly cold winter that year.

Animal Farm: What changes have been made in the weekly meetings over the last year?

Many of the animals who lived before the rebellion had died, the windmill and a threshing machine had been completed.

Animal Farm: What changes have the years brought to the farm?

mysterious files and documents

Animal Farm: What do the pigs have to work on, according to Squealer?

Benjamin was so old that he remembered what life was like before the rebellion.

Animal Farm: What does Benjamin remember about the past?

The milk was mixed into the pigs' feed and the apples were taken by them. Squealer said that in order to keep the pigs healthy, they must eat all the milk and apples. He said that if the pigs lost their strength, they could not lead all the other animals and Jones would come back.

Animal Farm: What happened to the milk and apples? How did Squealer rationalize that?

They did not get any rewards.

Animal Farm: What has happened to the animals' promised rewards?

It is a song that Major's mother taught him when he was young. It is about animals mustering the strength to overthrow humankind.

Animal Farm: What is "Beasts of England"? For what does it stand?

Boxer thought that the problems had existed because the animals weren't working hard enough. So, Boxer planned to get up an hour earlier every morning to work, showing that he has a tremendous work ethic.

Animal Farm: What is Boxer's solution to the bloodshed and what does this say about Boxer?

At first, the other farmers thought that the animals in Animal Farm were rapidly starving to death. When they realized that the animals were still alive, they concluded that they were practicing cannibalism and regarded the farm as "a great wickedness" that went against the laws of nature.

Animal Farm: What is the effect in the neighbouring farms of the new organisation of Animal Farm?

The pigs were acting exactly like humans and that was against Animalism.

Animal Farm: What is the final irony at the end of the novel?

The dogs are Squealer's close friends and followers. If any animal would oppose Squealer or Napoleon's power, the dogs would put them in their place.

Animal Farm: What is the importance of the dogs' accompanying Squealer when he comes to talk to the animals?

it said "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

Animal Farm: What is the new commandment and how has it been true from the beginning? How had the commandment "All animals are equal" been changed?

They both neglect their animals, drink too much, and do not follow their responsibilities.

Animal Farm: What is the similarity between Napoleon and Jones?

Frederick brought fifteen men all armed with guns.

Animal Farm: What makes the battle against Fredrick's men different from the Battle of the Cowshed?

to "brainwash" others to follow the way of Animalism

Animal Farm: What might be the purpose of the Re-education Committee?.


Animal Farm: What motto does Major give the animals?

He taught them "four legs good, two legs better."

Animal Farm: What new song does Napoleon now have Squealer teach the sheep?

Animal Farm had become a republic and wanted to elect a president. Napoleon was the only candidate and was elected unanimously.

Animal Farm: What political changes have happened on Animal Farm?

Mr. Jones became depressed and a drunk after losing money on a lawsuit. He neglected taking care of his farm and his animals. One night the animals were so hungry that they lashed out and chased Mr. Jones, his family, and his workers off their land.

Animal Farm: What precipitates the rebellion?

To motivate the animals to keep working.

Animal Farm: What purpose is served by the productions figures Squealer reads to the animals?

Mollie was late for work all the time. Clover saw her talking to one of Mr. Pilkington's men from a neighboring farm. The pigeons said they saw her on the other side of Willingdon being taken care of by a farmer.

Animal Farm: What qualities does Mollie demonstrate that eventually make her run away from the farm? Who sees her talking to a neighbour? With whom did the pigeons report seeing her later?

Snowball and Boxer were given the "Animal hero: first class" award for their military contributions. The sheep who had died was given a proper funeral for giving her life for the animal farm. she received the award "Animal hero: second class."

Animal Farm: Which animals are rewarded for their contribution to the victory? Why are they rewarded?

It had been changed to say "No animal shall kill another animal without cause."

Animal Farm: Which commandment has been altered? In what way has it been reformed? How had the commandment "No animal shall kill another been changed?"

The animals do not know who was responsible for knocking the windmill down. An "animal hero: second class award" and a basket of apples would be given to the animal who found the traitor.

Animal Farm: Who do the animals believe is responsible for the Windmill? Do you agree with them? Explain. What reward is offered for anyone who would put the traitor to death?

They did not know how to read and write

Animal Farm: Why are the animals so easily fooled, even when they find Squealer with a ladder and paintbrush?

Trade was one of the things that humans do that the animals stated they should not partake in when they founded Animal Farm.

Animal Farm: Why are the animals uneasy about Napoleon's plan to trade?

Almost all the animals had been wounded and none of them felt like they had been victorious.

Animal Farm: Why did Boxer question the victory that Napoleon claimed at the Battle of the Windmill?

Originally, it was his idea to build the windmill in the first place. He just pretended to be opposed to it because he wanted to use it as a tactic to overthrow Snowball.

Animal Farm: Why did Napoleon in fact change his mind and decide to have the animals build the windmill?

He did not want the other animals, other than him, to drink it. He did not enforce this because he himself and some of the other pigs were drinking it.

Animal Farm: Why did Napoleon make drinking alcohol punishable by death? Did he enforce this law?

They rebelled to escape hunger and the whip, not to cause a time of bloodshed and fear like they were experiencing now.

Animal Farm: Why did the animals originally rebel against Mr. Jones?

They were recognized as being the cleverest of all the animals.

Animal Farm: Why did the pigs get the job of teaching and organizing?

The hens rebelled because they were ordered to produce 400 eggs a week. They rebelled by flying up to the rafters of the barn and laying their eggs there so that the eggs would fall to the ground and crack. Nine hens died of disease.

Animal Farm: Why do the Hens rebel against Napoleon? How do they rebel? What happened as a result of having their rations cut?

They wanted to get rid of anything "human" that reminded them of Mr. Jones.

Animal Farm: Why do the animals throw certain items such as bits, nose rings, chains and knives down the well?

to keep the animals at peace and give them a "religion" to hope in.

Animal Farm: Why does Napoleon allow Moses to return and to tell his stories about Sugarcandy Mountain?

To show the traitor that he could not spoil their plans.

Animal Farm: Why does Napoleon insist the windmill must be rebuilt immediately?

When they tried, one of Napoleon's dogs started growling under his breath, putting all rebellious comments to silence.

Animal Farm: Why don't the other animals protest Napoleon's decisions?

The pigs did not like him because he told tales and did not work and tried to persuade other animals to believe in Sugarcandy Mountain (an allegory for heaven and religion.)

Animal Farm: Why don't the pigs like Moses' stories about Sugarcandy Mountain?

Jones has the power to slaughter all of them, and his anger and drunkenness could destroy them if he came back.

Animal Farm: Why is the danger of Jones returning to the farm a valid threat to the animals?

"I will work harder." "Napoleon is always right."

Animal Farm: With what two maxims does Boxer answer all of his problems?


Animal Farm: a large fierce looking Berkshire boar.


Animal Farm: a pretty white mare, liked to flirt and show off the red ribbons in her mane.


Animal Farm: brilliant talker with round cheeks and a shrill voice.

the animals who had previously been indifferent to Frederick as an enemy now felt extreme rage at the destruction of their work.

Animal Farm: describe the feeling on Animal Farm that corresponds to the windmill's destruction?


Animal Farm: more vivacious than Napoleon, sharp and inventive.


Animal Farm: one of the cart horses, a stout motherly mare in the middle of her life


Animal Farm: one of the cart horses, had a stripe running down his face, extremely large and strong.


Animal Farm: the donkey, the oldest on the farm, spent time with Boxer never speaking, liked to make cynical remarks.


Animal Farm: the raven who was Mr. Jones pet, a spy, and a clever talker.

They saw the waves rippling and full of blood. They thought that it was Beowulf's blood and that he had died. The Danes left.

Beowulf: How do the Danes who are observing at the lake react to what they see? Why do they react this way?

He saw a massive sword hanging on the wall. He ripped it off the wall and struck Grendel's mother.

Beowulf: How does Beowulf kill Grendel's mother? What was the exact weapon he used?

Beowulf ripped off Grendel's arm.

Beowulf: How does Beowulf mortally wound Grendel?

He contemplating fleeing from Beowulf but fought anyway when Beowulf grabbed him.

Beowulf: How does Grendel respond to the idea that Beowulf will be a real challenge to his fighting skills?

They became sad because they thought they would never see their warrior ever again.

Beowulf: How does the Geats react to what they see at the lake?


Beowulf: King of the Danes who built a mead hall named Herot.

She killed Hrothgar's best friend and carried him back to her lair. She also took Grendel's arm.

Beowulf: Name 2 things Grendel's mother carried back to her lair from Herot.

Cain and the fallen angels

Beowulf: Name a specific ancient ancestor(s) of Grendel.

Hrothgar's land, Geatland, land of the Danes

Beowulf: Name the country or land from which Beowulf travels.

He snuck into the dark room, killed thirty men and took their bodies out.

Beowulf: Summarize Grendel's attack. How many did he kill?


Beowulf: The mead hall that Hrothgar built.

He hung Grendel's arm on the wall of Herot . He did this to show the people what he had done.

Beowulf: What act of triumph does Beowulf perform after Grendel escapes? Why did he do that?

driving five giants into chains and swimming in the night hunting monsters.

Beowulf: What are two accomplishments of Beowulf?

To go to Grendel's mother's lair and defeat her. Ancient treasure would be his reward.

Beowulf: What do the Danes entreat Beowulf to do? What would be his reward?

They built a tower (lighthouse) for Beowulf as his tomb and buried the treasure inside of it.

Beowulf: What do the Geats do to honor the wishes of Beowulf?

He asks the Geats to build him a tomb on the water's edge.

Beowulf: What happens to Beowulf's body? What request did he make of his soldiers?

Grendel's mother bit holes in it.

Beowulf: What happens to Beowulf's helmet?

His sword broke and failed him. The dragon's breath injured him.

Beowulf: What happens when Beowulf strikes his final enemy with his sword?

Grendel became greedy because the men were sitting in the mead hall after partying, fast asleep.

Beowulf: What irritates Grendel and becomes his motive for attacking Herot?

Beowulf tells him to go quickly and find the dragon's treasure. After Wiglaf found the treasure Beowulf told Wiglaf to be the next ruler.

Beowulf: What is Beowulf's request of Wiglaf?

She was bent on revenge for her son's death.

Beowulf: What is Grendel's mother's motivation for going to Herot?

Wiglaf was to be the next ruler of the Geats.

Beowulf: What is the fate of Wiglaf?

He avoided Hrothgar's area because it was protected by God.

Beowulf: What part of the mead hall did Grendel avoid? Why?

a chainmail shirt.

Beowulf: What protects Beowulf from Grendel's claws?

That he and his men may purge all evil from the mead hall without any weapons

Beowulf: What specific request does Beowulf make of Hrothgar?

Grendel did not expect to be seized himself as he tried to attack Beowulf.

Beowulf: What surprises Grendel when he comes in contact with Beowulf?

He took Grendel's head and his broken helmet

Beowulf: What two items does Beowulf carry with him back to Herot?

He wanted fame from the defeat.

Beowulf: What was Beowulf's motivation in killing Grendel?

Beowulf used his own bare hands.

Beowulf: What weapon does Beowulf use in the battle?

In the deep, muddy depths of her pond.

Beowulf: Where does Beowulf find Grendel's mother?

Wiglaf, he was Wexstan's son. He encouraged the rest of the men that they were to be faithful to Beowulf.

Beowulf: Who is Beowulf's lone loyal soldier? How does he show loyalty?

the warrior king of the Geats and Beowulf's uncle.

Beowulf: Who is Higlac and how is Beowulf related to him?

Grendel had put spells on his skin so that it could not be punctured by a sword.

Beowulf: Why could the men's swords not harm Grendel?

he went to help Hrothgar when Grendel attacked

Beowulf: Why did Beowulf travel across the sea to the land of the Danes? Specifically, who has he come to help?

So that the people would remember his name forever.

Beowulf: Why did Beowulf want to be buried in a tower?

they knew he would be victorious

Beowulf: Why did Beowulf's kinsman urge him to go and help Hrothgar when Grendel attacked?

Grendel would eat up all their bodies so there would be nothing to bury.

Beowulf: Why wouldn't the Danes have to sew shrouds for the Geats if Grendel triumphs?

Good vs. evil Bravery and courage

Beowulf: state two themes which seems to have been presented in the story of Beowulf.

He was doubtful at first but eventually found the motivation

History of the English Church and People: How did Caedmon respond to the request to write poems and sing?

Caedmon influenced many others with his poetry

History of the English Church and People: This incident about Caedmon's "conversion" seems minor in a record of history such as Bede's. Why does he include this event?

To write and sing religious poems

History of the English Church and People: What was Caedmon asked to do in his vision?

hiding in a stable because he didn't want to sing at a party

History of the English Church and People: Where was Caedmon at the time of his dream?

Caedmon's vision that inspired him to begin writing poetry and singing

History of the English Church and People: Which details of Caedmon's life does Bede emphasize to present him as a positive role model?

He was warned in a dream not to kill him, so his conscience should have been telling him not to. Also, Modred was his son.

La Morte de Arthur: King Arthur does not show any internal conflict about killing Modred, the usurper. Why might Arthur be expected to show such a conflict?

He thought it was too late to sue for peace. He thought that either he or Sir Gawain must die before peace is attained.

La Morte de Arthur: Why did Arthur refuse Lancelot's offer for peace?

SIr Lancelot and King Arthur wanted to make peace with each other, but Sir Gawain did not allow it because Sir Lancelot killed Gawain's brothers and Gawain was bent on revenge. Arthur is reluctant to follow Sir Gawain's terms because Sir Lancelot is "dear to him."

La Morte de Arthur: Why does Sir Gawain have a conflict with Sir Launcelot? How does that Arthur to experience internal conflict?

The old man told them that if they are looking to defeat death they will find him at an oak tree. The men went to the tree and found oodles of gold treasure.

The Pardoner's Tale: After leaving the tavern, the rioters meet an "old, old fellow." What information does the old man give them and what happens when they do as he says?

An old friend was killed by a "plague". (death was the plague)

The Pardoner's Tale: At the beginning of the Pardoner's story, what terrible news do the three rioters hear at the tavern?


The Pardoner's Tale: What could the old man be symbolic of?

He tells others that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, however he is making a living out of collecting the money of others for "forgiving their sins."

The Pardoner's Tale: What does the Pardoner mean when he says, "And thus I preach against the very vice I make my living out of-avarice"?

The younger two plan to take the treasure out of the ground and carry it away. They also plan to share the gold amongst the two of them and not give it to the youngest rioter. They plan to attack and wrestle the youngest one and kill him. The youngest rioter planned to poison the other two.

The Pardoner's Tale: While the youngest rioter goes back to town for food and wine, what do the other two plan? What does the youngest rioter plan?

He had met her in a "mystical way" and figured that it must be right. The old woman told the knight that his life is safe. Also, the queen may have wanted to have sovereignty over her husband.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: How did the knight know that the old woman's answer would please the queen and her ladies?

All the people he talked to disagreed with each other so he did not get a straight answer.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: How does the knight fare in terms of finding an answer to his question?

When the knight looked at her she had changed into a beautiful, young woman who was also faithful to her husband.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: How is the old woman changed at the end of the tale?

The punishment he ultimately received (a marriage with an ugly old woman) taught him that it is better to be a faithful husband than an unfaithful one.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: Was the punishment the knight receives for his crime fair? Explain why you think as you do.

He said that it would harm his family and rank ,she was poor, he said it was an unsuitable marriage, she was too old and plain.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What are the knight's four reasons for not being able to love his new wife?

The knight's wife told him that he could have an old but faithful wife or a young pretty wife who might not be so faithful.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What choices does the knight's wife give him?

The knight saw a woman walking alone and attacked him. The Queen was to choose whether he would be convicted of his crime or not. The Queen asked him "what is the thing that women most desire." She gave him a year to find the answer. If he could not answer his punishment would be death.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What crime does the knight commit, and what does the queen require of him?

He says that if she tells him what women most desire he will pay her money.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What deal does the knight make with the old woman he meets, and how does he fulfill his bargain with her?

She said that friars are the reason that there are no fairies because they have blessed everything in the land and scared them away. She also said that friars are the only thing that is sent to harm women.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What does the wife of Bath say about friars?

She listed off many desires that women may have such as wealth, honor, gorgeous clothes, flattery, and freedom. .

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What does the wife of Bath say about women's desires?

Jesus chose a life of poverty,people who are poor are happy,there is no shame in poverty,poverty is a great incentive to a livelihood, gives you an understanding of who your friends are and brings one to God.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What five proofs does the old woman use to note that her poverty shouldn't matter?

(women are flawed and make mistakes.)

The Wife of Bath's Tale: What is the point of the story about the Wife of Midas which begins in line 127?

The wife of Bath

The Wife of Bath's Tale: Who narrates The Wife of Bath's Tale?


anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong.


any imaginative adventure concerned with noble heroes, gallant love, a chivalric code of honor, daring deeds, and supernatural events.


What family of languages did English come from?

Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians

What four groups of people migrated to Great Britain?

bon mot

a clever remark; a witticism.


a close friend you have worked with, been in the military with, etc, used as a title for a member of a communist party.

medieval romance

a dramatic verse or prose narrative that usually involves adventurous heroes, idealized love, exotic places, and supernatural events.

Historical Writing

a systematic, real, objective factual account of the past of a nation or group of people, often in chronological narrative form incorporating anecdotes to illustrate a point.


a trick or plan for deceiving an enemy or for achieving a goal.


a type of writing that relates a series of events written in verse.


a well known phrase that expresses a general truth about life or a rule about behavior


a word or phrase that expresses a rule that a particular person or group follows.


a work with two levels of meaning, a literal one and a figurative one

The Exeter book

an Anglo- Saxon book of poems and riddles from which Beowulf comes


an alleged purpose or motive, an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention.


an elaborate speech delivered in a formal and dignified manner


an expression of great sorrow or deep sadness.


the act of blaming or condemning sternly. ( a legal term.) An official reprimand.


the act of helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way.


the appearance of a person's face. , a person's expression.


the laboring class of industrial workers who lack their own means of production and hence sell their labor to live.


those who own a business or property.


to act against something or to cause something to have less of an effect or to have no effect at all.


to be very successful.


very bad or dishonest; marked by grossness.


very serious, unhappy, and quiet.


causing disgrace or shame


cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others.


exploiting the hospitality of the rich and earning welcome by flattery.


following or occurring after death


going through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit orders or support.


happy and lively in a way that is attractive.


harmful things that are done usually secretly to a friend, you own country, etc.


ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government etc.

Venerable Bede

lived in Wearmouth Jarrow


narrative poems originally intended to be sung


new ideas, devices, or methods.


organized and willing to do good things for other people.


taken out of a grave or tomb


tending to be quiet, not speaking frequently.


punishment for doing something wrong.

Venerable Bede

raised by a monk


refusing to change your behavior or ideas


said in a very strong, clear, and definite way.


something that comes first in order to prepare for or introduce the main part of something else.


something that is improvised. created or developed without previous preparation


spreading through all parts of something. existing in every part.


a person who currently holds a particular office or position.


A way of organizing a society in which the government owns that things that are used to make and transport products and there is no privately owned property.

Napoleon plans to trade with other neighboring farms to obtain them. A Mr. Whymper.

Animal Farm: Explain Napoleon's solution to the shortage of materials. What is the name of the "solicitor"?

Whoever tells the best story would receive a stay at his inn.

The Canterbury Tales: At the end of the prologue, what plan does the Host of the Inn propose to the Pilgrims?


The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer describes her as such: "Her nose was elegant, her eyes glass-grey. Her mouth was very small...her forehead...fair of spread." Chaucer also mentioned that she was a large woman.

He had a woman (affair) in each town he visited.

The Canterbury Tales: Irony in the description of the Friar?

He sent his prisoners "home" by making them walk the plank.

The Canterbury Tales: Irony in the description of the Skipper?

leaders in the church do not always live the kind of life they are expected to live.

The Canterbury Tales: Reread the descriptions of the Monk and Friar (lines 168-279). What is Chaucer saying about the Church?


The Canterbury Tales: The merchant had a "forking beard","motley dress" a "Flemish beaver hat" and "daintily buckled boots." He sat high on his horse so he was proud of himself.

The monk did not follow the way of life taken by most monks. A monk that was "pale like a tormented soul" would be pale because he was hungry and fasting because his soul was tormented over sin. This monk was not living like that and enjoyed eating. He also took his horse and dog out on hunting excursions.

The Canterbury Tales: The narrator describes the Monk as "fit for exhibition" and "not pale like a tormented soul." What is surprising or unusual about the Monk's way of life?

The parson cared for his "sheep" and was a model for how they should live. He watched over them and did not leave them like a mercenary more concerned with making money.

The Canterbury Tales: The narrator focuses on the Parson's relationship with his parishioners. He writes, "He was a Shepherd and no mercenary."(Line 524) What does the narrator mean by that?

Boxer was an overachiever. He worked hard when Mr. Jones was around, but even more so that the animals were in charge. He would get up early to work and do extra volunteering.

Animal Farm: Describe the work habits of Boxer


A metaphorical compound word or phrase used especially in Old English and Old Norse Poetry.

Frame Story

A literary technique that sometimes serves as a companion piece to a story within a story, whereby an introductory or main narrative is presented, at least in part, for the purpose of setting the stage either for a more emphasized second narrative for for a set of shorter stories. The from story leads readers from a first story into another, smaller one or several ones within it.

Animal Farm was now to be called Manor Farm, Old Major's skull was buried, and their flag was changed to a solid green.

Animal Farm: At the conference with neighboring farmers, what new changes does Napoleon point out?

he refused to stop working.

Animal Farm: Describe Boxer's attitude when his hoof was giving him lots of pain.

they were weekly meetings set up by Napoleon to celebrate the triumphs and struggles of Animal Farm. It usually involved a parade, praise of Napoleon, and a firing of the gun. The sheep enjoyed them.

Animal Farm: Describe the Spontaneous Demonstrations. Who seems to enjoy them?

Technically, it is not a volunteer program because if the animals did not do it, their rations would be cut in half.

Animal Farm: Describe the Sunday afternoon volunteer program. What happens if they don't "volunteer"?

The pigs were drinking the whiskey in the farmhouse that had previously been banned. Orwell made this humorous because the pigs were doing exactly what they forbade the other animals to do, and the idea of pigs drinking alcohol seems somewhat ridiculous.

Animal Farm: Describe the Whiskey incident. Why would Orwell make this scene somewhat humorous?

They were in awe of all the human objects inside of it

Animal Farm: Describe the animal's tour of the farmhouse.

It was an old green tablecloth. A hoof and horn were painted on it in white. The green was to represent the green fields of England, the hoof and horn represented the future Republic of Animals that would arise after humans would be overthrown. The flag would be raised on Sundays.

Animal Farm: Describe the animals' flag.

Napoleon and the neighboring farmers were making peace and being friendly toward each other.

Animal Farm: Describe the conversation at the card game.

the animals were overjoyed at the completion of the windmill.

Animal Farm: Describe the feeling on Animal Farm that corresponds to the completion and naming of the windmill

Napoleon and Snowball disagreed whenever they could. They also were competing for power.

Animal Farm: Describe the relationship between Napoleon and Snowball.

Napoleon was unsure whether to sell it to Pilkington or Frederick. Eventually, the animals began to think that Frederick was planning a secret attack on them. However, in the end Napoleon sold the wood to Frederick even though he had a friendship with Pilkington.

Animal Farm: Describe the sale of the stack of lumber. How does Napoleon outwit himself?

He found another monster who had attacked the Geats and also killed him.

Beowulf: After Beowulf kills her, what does he do before leaving the lair?

Beowulf's warriors slept at a different place so they were not at Herot when Grendel attacked Herot.

Beowulf: After celebrating Beowulf's victory, what occurs at Herot?

Beowulf believes that God and fate will control the outcome of his efforts.

Beowulf: After reading this section, who or what do you believe that Beowulf feels determines the outcome of all of his efforts? (I believe there is two answers to this question)

the marsh, hills, and bogs

Beowulf: From where does Grendel come

Beowulf and Wiglaf together wounded and killed the dragon.

Beowulf: Give details as to how the dragon was defeated.


Beowulf: Higlac's follower and the strongest of the Geats.

Sailors told him stories

Beowulf: How did Beowulf hear about the wrath of Grendel?

They saw Beowulf get injured and ran for their lives.

Beowulf: How do Beowulf's comrades respond in this last battle?

Caedmon received the gift of composing beautiful religious poems and became famous

History of the English Church and People: Describe the changes that took place in Caedmon's life as a result of the dream.

the narrator was fond of both of them

The Canterbury Tales: What does the description of the Knight and his son, the Squire, show about the narrator's opinion of them?

King Arthur cared more for the lives of his knights than his own life.

La Morte de Arthur: Give an example of a character or characters showing loyalty to a principle rather than a person.

Arthur had commanded Sir Bedivere to take his sword and throw it into the waters of the lake. Twice Sir Bedivere did not do it but the third time he did. A hand reached out of the water, grabbed the sword, and disappeared under the water with the sword.

La Morte de Arthur: Briefly summarize the events in lines 338-359 that relate to Arthur's sword Excalibur.

Both Beowulf and Le Morte d'Arthur both deal with themes such as death, heroism, and loyalty. However, Beowulf also deals with more supernatural events and Le Morte d'Arthur is more realistic.

La Morte de Arthur: Compare and contrast the traits of medieval romance shown in Le Morte d'Arthur to the traits of honor shown in the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf.

He had a dream that he was sitting in a chair on a scaffold with an abyss of deathly creatures below him. All the sudden, the scaffold tilted and threw him into the abyss.

La Morte de Arthur: Describe Arthur's vision before the final battle with Modred.

The First two times sir Bedivere did not throw his sword into the water as King Arthur asked.

La Morte de Arthur: Describe one or more cases in which a knight in this narrative shows a lack of loyalty to King Arthur.

He was put in charge when Arthur was away and had false letters written announcing the death of King Arthur and convinced the parliament that he should be king.

La Morte de Arthur: Explain how Modred obtains the throne.

It says "here lies Arthur, the once and future king." This is significant because it acknowledges the fact that he was a king. It is also mysterious because it says "the future king," suggesting that Arthur will reign again.

La Morte de Arthur: Explain the significance of and the mystery surrounding the inscription on Arthur's tomb.

He is going on a pilgrimage to the Canterbury cathedral. He is rejoicing in the beautiful spring weather and the fact that they had made it through the winter alive.

The Canterbury Tales: Where is the narrator going on his journey and why is he travelling there? About what is he rejoicing in the first 19 lines?

I think that Chaucer is mocking the wife of bath in this section. He mentions some insulting things about her, like the fact that she had five husbands, gap teeth, and wide hips.

The Canterbury Tales: Which of the following words, best describes Chaucer's tone toward this character: admiring mocking objective. Explain why you think as you do.


The Canterbury Tales: was "twenty years of age" with "locks as curly as if they had been pressed." He was "of moderate length with wonderful agility and strength."


to move or attack alongside the right or left of a military formation.

I think it is ironic that the wife of bath told a story about a young knight who got punished for committing adultery and learned his lesson when she has had five husbands and one half as old as she is.

The Wife of Bath's Tale: Geoffrey Chaucer is hailed as a master of using irony. Choose one instance that you see as ironic and explain the irony.


The contrast between expectation and reality

Anglo-Saxon and Medieval period

What time period is this? 449- 1485 a.d.

William the Conqueror

Which king built the tower of London?


a period of fourteen days or two weeks.


a fictional place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives.

Breton lai

a genre of romance that originated in the region of Brittany in northwestern France. These lais were short narrative poems involving knights, ladies, and supernatural creatures and events. The Wife of Bath's tale is inspired by the Celtic folklore motif of the "loathly lady," in which a young knight must kiss or marry an ugly old woman, upon which she transforms into a more desirable form.


a group of people who are sent to a place to represent other people.


a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.


a rhetorical device that is defined as a short tale, narrative, or anecdote used in literary pieces and speeches to illustrate a doctrine or emphasize a moral point They are generally in the forms of legends, folktales, and fables. Clarifies and proves a point.


a scheming or crafty action or artful plan intended to accomplish some usually evil end.


a short story that usually is about animals and that is intended to teach a lesson.


a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected.


a state of very great happiness.

moral tale

a story exhibiting a struggle between good and evil and offering a moral lesson.


a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation.


able to work or continue for a very long time without becoming tired.


acting as a mediator


to move or hide in a secret way especially because you are planning to do something bad.


bad or immoral behavior or habits.


develops characters by describing their physical appearance, making direct statements about them and allowing them to express their personalities through dialogue.


distrustful of human nature and motives.


to firmly place or hide someone or something, to conceal.


to get possession of, obtain by particular care and effort


to make a line as a scratch or incision with or as if with a sharp instrument.


to make someone more friendly or less angry. To gain goodwill by pleasing acts.


to remain still or concealed.

Venerable Bede

wrote hymn 171

Venerable Bede

wrote the 1st history of the English church and people

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