English III-Help

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What form does "advocate" do in this example sentence?

"Advocates" is a verb for making recommendations where she did and the boy admitted it.

What does the verb "states" do in this sentence?

"States" is a verb for making a claim. Where as here in the example template X is claiming/stating that steroids should not be banned from sports.

What does the verb "suggested" do in this sentence?

"Suggested" is a verb for making a claim. The sociologists claim that X's work has several problems.

What does the verb "they celebrate the fact that" do in the sentence?

"They celebrate the fact that" is a verb for agreeing. They all agreed that he did the right thing in admitting what he did.

What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word relating towards a noun and connects them as well as pronouns.

What is a Example?

A sample of something to show what the whole thing is like. Example: When learning a new math algorithm, the teacher shows an example to solve the algorithm.

What are examples of common prepositions?

About, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, and before are common prepositions.

What are example words of an adverb of place?

Abroad, in, there, anywhere, nowhere, underground, and downstairs are example words of adverbs of place.

What are example verb words for expressing agreements in a summary and quotes?

Acknowledge, admire, agree, celebrate the fact that, corroborate, and do not deny are example verb words for expressing agreements.

What are these adverbs?

Adverb or manners, places, frequency, and time.

What does an adverb describe?

Adverbs describes verbs, other adverbs, adjectives, and phrases.

What is an adverb of manner?

Adverbs of manners describes how something happens.

What is an adverb of place?

Adverbs of place describes where something happens.

What are verb words for making recommendations in a summary and quotations?

Advocate, call for, demand, encourage, and exhort are verb words for making a recommendations in a summary and quotations.

What are adverbs of time?

After, already, and during are example words of adverbs of time.

What are adverbs of frequency?

Always, rarely, every, and seldom are example words of frequency.

What is an adverb?

An adverb is a modifying part of speech.

What is an adverb of frequency?

An adverb of frequency describes how often something happens.

What is an adverb of purpose?

An adverb of purpose describes why something happens.

What is an adverb of time?

An adverb of time describes when something happens?

F.I.R.E.S, what does this do?

An effective strategy to improve your writing by further develop paragraphs and substantiate your claim, thesis statement and topic sentences.

What is an Incident?

An occurrence that is a separate item of experience, an action likely to lead to grave consequences, something dependent on something else of great importance.

What are example verb words of making a claim?

Argue, assert, believe, claim and emphasis are example words of verbs for making a claim.

What are balanced sentences and parallelism?

Balanced sentences use PARALLEL elements; words, phrases, and sometimes whole clauses, to create interest and emphasis.

The words; behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, and down, are examples of what parts of speech?

Behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, and down are examples of common prepositions.

What are adverbs of manners?

Carefully, patiently, correctly, quickly, eagerly, and quietly.

What does the prepositional phrase sentence change to?

Change to: After the attempt on his life, the pope did not restrict his travel.

What does the adverb sentence change to?

Change to: Cautiously, the doctor approached the patient with a needle

What does the verbal phrase sentence change to?

Change to: Sacred that someone might steal their sculptures, the artists shoved them in their closets.

What does the adjective sentence change to?

Change to: Tired and lazy, Edward collapsed on his bed

What are example verb words for questioning and or disagreeing in a summary and quotations?

Complain, complicate, contend, contradict, deny, and deplore the tendency to, are verb words for disagreeing and or questioning in a summary and quotes.

The words; easily, and well, fast, and loudly, are what parts of speech?

Easily, and well, fast, and loudly are also example words of adverbs of manners.

What are end loaded sentences?

End loaded sentences are to create suspense and emphasis by placing the main idea or some part of it at the end of the sentence.

Endorse, extol, praise, reaffirm, support, and verify are example words for what?

Endorse, extol, praise, reaffirm, support, and verify are example verb words for expressing agreement in summaries and quotations.

What is an example template for introducing what "they say"? (I filled in the blanks for an example)

Ex: A number of sociologists have recently suggested that X's work has several fundamental problems. It has become common to dismiss ____X's work____. In their recent work, Y and Z have offered harsh critiques of ___X's work___ for ___lying____.

What is an example template how not to plagiarize with quotations? (I filled in the blanks for an example.)

Ex: According to X, "_____some steroids just help an athlete keep themselves awake in order to have energy.___"

What is an example of a end loaded sentence?

Ex: After having spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours renovating the townhouse, the Petersons sold it.

What is the example template for backing up the evidence with quotations? (I filled in the blanks for an example.)

Ex: As the prominent philosopher X puts it, "___some steroids are not bad for an athlete.____".

What is an example of a front loaded sentence?

Ex: Dr. Zhivago is a typical David Lean film, with panoramic scenes, larger-than-life characters, and universal implications.

How do we begin with adjectives in an example sentence?

Ex: Edward, tired and lazy, collapsed on his bed.

What is another example sentence of using adverbs of purpose?

Ex: Ethan accidently broke his friend phone.

What is an example sentence using adverbs of time?

Ex: Finally I made it to Las Vegas.

What is an example of a balanced/parallelism sentence?

Ex: Freud examined dreams, collected narratives, analyzed the accounts, and found patterns of meaning. Some dreams contained flying, running and floating, while others contained drowning, restricting, or imprisoning.

What is an example sentence using adverbs of purpose?

Ex: In order to avoid falling, Samuel walks carefully.

What is an example sentence of an adverb describing another adverb?

Ex: Mike worked very carefully on his paper.

What is another example sentence using adverbs of place/prepositional phrase?

Ex: My friend and I have live in the city since September.

What is an example sentence using adverbs of place?

Ex: My friend and I wanted to go outside.

What is an example sentence using adverbs of frequency?

Ex: Rose rarely gets a ride from her brother.

What is an example template for introducing summaries and quotations? (I filled in the blanks for an example)

Ex: She advocates a radical revision of the juvenile justice system. They celebrate the fact that _____he shoplifted at the mall_____, he admits.

What is an example sentence using adverbs of manners?

Ex: She decided to clean her room quickly.

What is an example sentence using no adverbs?

Ex: She decided to clean her room.

What is an example sentence of an adverb describing an adjective?

Ex: She is nearly ready to go.

What is an example sentence using adverbs of manners?

Ex: She quickly decided to clean her room.

What is an example of a tired word?

Ex: So, Like, Basically, I think, In this essay, I will explain, It is my opinion that......., Good, a lot, said, and says.

How do we begin with verbal phrases in an example sentence?

Ex: The artists, scared that someone might steal their sculptures, shoved them in their closet.

How do we begin with adverbs in an example sentence?

Ex: The doctor cautiously approached the patient with a needle. .

What is an example sentence of an adverb describing a verb?

Ex: The dog quickly chased the squirrel.

What is another example sentence using adverbs of frequency?

Ex: The dog usually stand by the door and waits for his/her owner.

How do we begin with prepositional phrases in an example sentence?

Ex: The pope did not restrict his travel after the attempt on his life.

What is another example template for quotations?

Ex: X himself writes, "_____________________." A person will then write word for word what X wrote.

What is an example template for introducing quotations? (I filled in the blanks for an example.)

Ex: X states, "___not all steroids should be banned from all sports__."

What is an example of a statistic?

Example: 70% of water covers Earth.

What is an example of a reason.

Example: Explaining why a student was absent.

What is an example of a fact?

Example: Humans are mammals. There is articles that have been proven.

What is an example of an incident?

Example: Two people were shot.

What is a fact?

Facts are information that is accurate, true and proven.

What does F.I.R.E.S stand for?

Facts, Incident, Reason, Examples, Statistics.

The words; Finally, just and last, are example words of what adverb?

Finally, just and last are example words of adverbs of time.

What are front loaded sentences?

Front loaded are used to present the subject and the verb in the initial position, followed by a variety of modifying phrases.

What do we use to vary rhythm and create emphasis?

Front loaded, end loaded and balanced sentences vary rhythm and creates emphasis.

How is the adverb of manner describing the subject?

Her decision of cleaning her room was quick.

The words; implore, plead, recommend, urge, and warm, are what verb words in a summary and quotations?

Implore, plead, recommend, urge, and warm are verb words for making recommendations in a summary and quotations.

Insist, observe, remind us, report and suggest are example words for what?

Insist, observe, remind us, report and suggest are verbs for making a claim.

The words; intentionally, in order to, and purposely, and because, are example words of what adverb?

Intentionally, in order to, and purposely, and because are also example words of adverbs of purpose.

Most adverbs of place are also used as what?

Most adverbs of place are used as prepositions as well.

How is the adverb describing the adjective?

Nearly, the adverb, is describing how ready she is.

The words; Never, sometimes, often, and "and usually" are example words of what adverb?

Never, sometimes, often, and "and usually" are also example words of adverb of frequency.

Does a person have to quote the book when introducing a quotation from it?


What is a Statistic?

Numerical data.

The words; Off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside, over, past, since, and through, are examples of what parts of speech?

Off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside, over, past, since, and through are examples of common prepositions.

What is a tired word?

Over used words and they shouldn't be used.

Qualify, question, refute, reject, renounce, and repudiate are example verb words for what?

Qualify, question, refute, reject, renounce, and repudiate are verb words for questioning and or disagreeing in a summary and quotation.

How is the adverb describing the verb?

Quickly, the adverb, is describing how the dog chased the squirrel.

What is a Reason?

Rational ground or motive, a statement offered in explanation or justification.

What are adverbs of purpose?

So, since, so that, accidentally, and to are example words of adverbs of purpose.

How is the adverb of manner describing the verb?

The cleaning of the room was quick.

What is the prepositional phrase in the adverb of place sentence?

The prepositional phrase in the sentence is "in the city".

Why the quotations?

The quotations is evidence a person extracts from a book to make the evidence back up the persons claim. The quotations signify that a person isn't plagiarizing.

So how do we continue in the example template?

Then you have to back the claim with evidence as seen here with the boy referring to X.

So, then what do "they say"?

They being the sociologist, and Y and Z are making claims that X's work is not trustworthy nor correct information to follow nor does he have examples or statistics to back up is claim.

Why do we use Sentence Variety?

This will enhance the flow of ideas, intensify points, and sustain the interest of the reader. Varying the length, rhythm and structure of sentences are three ways to create variety and interest in your writing.

What are more example words of common prepositions?

To, toward, under, underneath, until, up, upon, with, within, and without are examples of common prepositions.

The words; upstairs, out, here, outside, home, and somewhere, are examples of what kind of adverb?

Upstairs, out, here, outside, home, and somewhere are also examples of adverbs of place.

What can we use verbs for?

Verbs can be used for introducing summaries ad quotations.

What part of speech express agreement?

Verbs can express agreement.

What can make a claim?

Verbs make a claim as well.

How is the adverb describing the other adverb?

Very, the adverb, is describing/ showing how carefully he worked.

What do we use to vary sentence beginning with different parts of speech?

We can vary sentences by starting with adverbs, adjectives, prepositional phrases, and verbal phrases.

Is there more common prepositions and if so, what are they?

Yes there is. During, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, and of are examples of common prepositions.

Are there multiple adverbs?

Yes there is. There are multiple adverbs of parts of speech.

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