English Language Arts and Reading: Research, Phonemes & Reading

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By the end of first grade, a student should be able to:

use complete sentences.

How does a student's level of oral vocabulary impact their decoding and reading abilities?

A student with a large vocabulary is more likely to recognize whether or not they have decoded a word correctly.

Which of the following best describes the impact of decoding skills on reading comprehension?

A student's ability to accurately and quickly decode words improves fluency and student comprehension

Which of the following is an example a primary source?

"first hand" eyewitness accounts of an event

A sixth-grade teacher is determined to help her students become more proficient spellers. Which of the following strategies would be least effective in promoting students' spelling abilities?

- Have students write all their spelling words at least thirty times.

Which of the following is one reasonable way for a teacher to assess a student's phonological awareness?


Mr. Glaser, a kindergarten teacher, is looking for ways to assess his student's ability to summarize or retell reading material. Which activities could he use to help assess this skill? Select all answers that apply.

- Ask students individually to act out a scene from the text. - Ask students to draw what happened in the text.

Which of the following are the best ways for a teacher to help students develop independent reading skills? Select all answers that apply.

- Facilitate peer conversations about their reading. - Provide in-class time for students to choose independent reading books and some time for quiet reading.

Mrs. Tockert notices that her third-grade student, Selene, is having a difficult time following oral directions. Following complicated directions is a benchmark Selene should have reached by the end of second grade. What intervention strategy/strategies could Mrs. Tockert use to help Selene pass this benchmark? Select all answers that apply.

- Give Selene only one directional prompt at a time. - Give Selene a written copy of the directions for her to read and cross off when completed

Mrs. Howes recognizes that a few of her first grade students are struggling to spell basic first grade words like "back," "but," or "pig." In what way(s) could she help her students develop phonemic awareness and improve spelling skills? Select all answers that apply.

- Have students generate a list of words that rhyme with their struggle word. - Practice identifying phonemes one-on-one with the teacher.

In what ways can parents help solidify to their young child the importance of writing? Select all answers that apply.

- Read and write in front of their child. -Ask their child to write for them or read to them. -Point out to their child different forms of writing while out of the house.

Mr. Howell's first-grade student is struggling to capitalize correctly in his writing. Which intervention strategy would be the most effective way to help this student reach this benchmark? Select all answers that apply.

- Review when capital letters are necessary, specifically after end punctuation. - Ask the student to explain why capital letters are important in writing.

Henrique, a low-intermediate level ELL student from Mexico, is having trouble with his writing skills. His parents have an advanced level of English and want to help him, but they aren't sure what to do. Which of the following should his teacher recommend? Select all answers that apply.

- Spend time each evening reading together with Henrique. -Encourage Henrique to keep a journal and write about topics of his choice. -Encourage Henrique to tell them simple stories as they write them down.

An author who has strong skills in clarity of writing will be able to do which of the following? Select all answers that apply.

- Use precise language specific to his audience. - Organize information and use transitional words.

Based on TEKS Benchmarks, a third-grade student could be expected to do which of the following while writing? Select all answers that apply.

- Write with organization and details.

A second-grade teacher reads a poem aloud to the class and has the students write all the rhyming words on their paper. The students are then asked to underline the beginning letters of the rhyming words. Which of the following does this activity best promote? Select all answers that apply.

- building on word families - recognizing segmentation - increasing spelling abilities

When reading and analyzing informational texts on the same topic, which element(s) might students compare? Select all answers that apply.

- facts and opinions - quality of evidence -author bias

Which of the following would best promote collaboration between a student's family and their elementary teacher to promote the student's alphabetic development? Select all answers that apply.

- have a Bingo Alphabet game sent home to play as homework -require weekly home reading logs to be signed by parents

Early childhood learners that have not developed phonological and phonemic awareness may: Select all answers that apply.

- have a learning disability. - be English Language Learners. - have had less time in practicing the skill set.

When considering fine motor skills and writing, students need to be taught which of the following? Select all answers that apply.

- how to hold a pencil - how to properly space letters and words - D where on the paper to begin writing

Before beginning a unit on writing compound sentences with his second-grade class, Mr. Stevenson needs to assess whether his students can do which of the following? Select all answers that apply

- identify simple sentences - identify conjunctions

A fourth-grade English Language Arts teacher, Mr. Menchaca, is being questioned by a few parents about the amount of time he spends on a daily basis reading aloud to his students. They want more independent reading time. Mr. Menchaca communicates to parents on a regular basis with an email newsletter. In this week's newsletter, he explains many of the positive effects of reading aloud to children. Which of the following should Mr. Menchaca list? Select all answers that apply.

- improving their listening skills, including listening for specific purposes and literary forms - increasing their vocabulary development - gaining new information

Transitional words and phrases are helpful in both spoken and written communication because they: Select all answers that apply.

- indicate the flow of time and events. - link ideas to each other.

Since very young children (birth-four years old) learn oral language through family and friends, the early childhood teacher should first establish a common language among all the students. This can be achieved through which of these TWO strategies? Select all answers that apply.

- pointing to words while reading picture books -labeling items throughout the room

A kindergarten teacher incorporates the use of Big Books into the daily lesson, pointing to each word as she reads. Which of the following would this activity best reinforce? Select all answers that apply.

- print orientation skills - graphophonemic skills - grapheme skills

To continuously enhance the alphabetic principle, an elementary teacher would: Select all answers that apply.

- provide numerous oral readings with emphasis on certain words while pointing to those words. - utilize playdough letters or have students trace letters with their fingers, then give the sound of the letter. - play "Word vs. Letter" games in print form.

Which of the following are possible challenges faced by a student who speaks and writes in Spanish at home but is learning to write in English at school? Select all answers that apply.

- spelling - punctuation

Why is incorporating multiple types, genres, lengths, and styles of writing into the classroom important for student writing success? Select all answers that apply.

- writing with different styles, genres, and types allows students to practice writing skills in authentic and meaningful ways -to show students that school is not the only place where writing occurs

How many phonemes are in the word "hat"?


How many phonemes are in the word "thought"?


How many phonemes are in the word "spit"?


Ms. Smith is trying to help her student's distinguish between fact and opinion. She assigns an article and asks them to underline facts and circle opinions. What instruction could she give to help her students distinguish between the two?

A fact is something that could be proven true or false, even if the supporting evidence isn't included in the text

A student is researching various medical professions to decide which one would make her most happy as an adult. Which resource would best serve as a primary resource for this paper?

A memoir titled "Why I Quit Medical School."

Ms. Smith is planning to incorporate active listening instructions and expectations into her daily routine. Which of the following would best reinforce actively listening in class?

After giving instructions for an activity or assignment, have each student summarize or paraphrase the instructions for their neighbor.

Which of these is NOT a key component in oral language development?

All of these are components.

Ms. Winski, a second-grade teacher, notices that her newest English language learner is struggling to communicate with his peers. Which option below would best encourage her new student to practice speaking to and interacting with his classmates?

Allow time before and after activities for students to chat with their deskmates.

Mrs. Jones is teaching her students how to use graphic organizers to assist with understanding different texts. Which of the following would be the least effective activity?

D using a timeline to show the sequence of events in a persuasive text

Which of the following would be a secondary source for a student researching the Holocaust?

An article written and published by the Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Students in Mr. Jones's fifth-grade class are working on maintaining eye contact during a presentation. Which activity would most help students practice this skill?

Ask students to give short, impromptu speeches on silly topics they are confident in.

A fifth-grade teacher has decided to repeat a novel she taught the year before but is hoping to improve the way she structures instruction with the first portion of the book. The first chapter contains long paragraphs that describe the setting and introduce many characters, and this seemed to frustrate and confuse her class. It wasn't until the characters and conflict were well established that they enjoyed the book. The teacher would like to minimize the negative initial responses this year. Which of the following activities may help her students get off to a better start?

Ask the students to draw visual representations of the setting and/or characters described in the first chapter.

Based on current research, which of the following best describes quality English Language Learner instruction?

B ELL instruction should create a meaningful framework of related skills instead of teaching all skills in isolation.

Based on current research, what is the best way for ELL students to be grouped in a content area class for a discussion activity?

B heterogenous English-language levels and content-area knowledge

Pragmatics is:

B the study of language in its use.

To support vocabulary development, which of the following activities would be particularly helpful to English Language Learners when assigning a text related to a new instructional unit?

B use visual images when pre-teaching unit vocabulary

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. Which question stem would encourage students to cite textual evidence to support a prediction for the next chapter of the reading?

Because the character said _____, I believe s/he will _____.

Students are about to begin a research report on a randomly assigned topic. Which of the following steps should the students perform first in order to successfully research and write the report?

Brainstorm a list of what is already known about the assigned topic.

Mr. Rick's classroom just received a new student from China. She speaks some English but her main language is Chinese. Her parents speak both Chinese and English in the home. Which accommodation would help her build her English oral language skills and ease the transition into an English-only classroom?

Bring material into the classroom that relates to her Chinese heritage.

A new student has arrived in Mrs. Turner's class. She is an English language learner and is showing some shyness and trouble communicating with both her classmates and Mrs. Turner. The student is doing well with written communication, so Mrs. Turner would like to focus some instruction on oral communication. Which strategy would be most beneficial for Mrs. Turner to use to encourage more oral communication skills?

Build in multiple partnering activities so the new student can meet and interact with her peers.

A fifth-grade teacher reads a short story to the class. After the reading, the teacher projects a paragraph on the board that contains an argument between the two characters. The teacher models how she analyzes the text in order to make inferences about the characters' motivations in the excerpt. Next, she projects the paragraph from the end of the story where the character's conflict is resolved. She asks the students to work in pairs to similarly analyze the new paragraph. In what way is this activity designed to impact student literacy?

Build student independence in close reading a text.

Mr. Davies has a diverse class with ELL students from China, Mexico, Germany, and France. He has noticed a pattern in which his ELL students from China struggle the most with decoding English words. What is the most likely cause of this?

Chinese languages are not represented by an alphabetic script.

A language arts teacher is providing instruction on the proper use of capitalization. Each student will write a three-paragraph essay and then exchange their papers with other students for peer editing. What is the best tool for the teacher to provide to students for peer edits?

Conduct a mini-lesson on capitalization rules and how to use proofreading symbols for capitalizations; then, post the proofreading symbols on the board while students make peer edits.

Mr. Slater has assigned his class a research project on South America. Each student will research a specific region or people of South America, write a paper, and then present their findings to the class. Mr. Slater wants the parents to be aware of the project and the assessment criteria for the project. Which of the following would be the best strategy to ensure parents are aware of the assessment criteria for the project?

Create a detailed checklist of assessment criteria for each phase of the project and share it with parents.

Which of the following activities will best help students identify various features of texts?

Create a scavenger hunt for students to find various features using different kinds of texts.

Mrs. Shields notices that some of her students are having trouble interacting with their peers during group projects. Which of the following will best help students learn more appropriate oral language skills for group project interactions?

Create a script that rehearses positive group interactions and have students replicate and analyze productive conversations.

Which of the following would not be beneficial in improving a 5th-grade student's note-taking skills?

Create the expectation from the beginning of school that there will be a grade taken on students' notes at least once a week.

Mr. Daniels has assigned his class a group project and wants to ensure the students understand the project as they complete it. Which of the following would be the best strategy to monitor student understanding during the project?

D Walk from group to group while observing the students.

While assessing a student's reading fluency, the teacher has her read aloud from a text while documenting errors and reading speed. At the end of the text, the student seemed to have read the passage easily, made very few errors, and has read at a reasonable rate, but she was unable to correctly answer the reading comprehension questions. Which of the following is a likely cause of the disconnect between the student's oral fluency and her reading comprehension?

D limited vocabulary

After a student has mastered letter-sound correspondences, what is a likely next step in their reading instruction?

D phoneme blending

A teacher divides her class into groups and ask the students to work together to identify the last sound in each group member's name. What skill has the teacher asked her students to practice?

D phoneme segmentation

A teacher writes the letter H on the board and makes the /h/ sound. She asks the class to name as many words as they can that start with the same sound. Which of the following is this activity most focused on improving?

D phonemic awareness

How can a teacher best use reading to foster cultural awareness in their classroom?

Deliberately choose reading materials that explore a wide variety of cultures.

Which of the following would NOT be appropriate instructions in an editing activity for a third-grade class?

Designate that a writing template should be used.

When students are given two texts on the same subject, one persuasive and one informative, what approach would be most helpful to determining purpose?

Determine whether each topic sentence is a claim or factual statement.

Johnny is a new student in Mrs. Clark's class. She notices that he is struggling to complete his assignments. After assessing his oral language skills, she places Johnny in the beginning level of language proficiency. Which activity could she ask Johnny to complete and expect him to do with success?

Draw a picture to answer questions.

Mr. Sanchez's sixth-grade class is currently working on a research project about world cultures. Each student has been assigned a different culture to research and present their findings to the class. Mr. Sanchez notices many of his students, who are classified as English language learners, are nervous about their upcoming presentations because they are uncomfortable speaking in front of the class. Which of the following recommendations would be most appropriate for Mr. Sanchez to the students?

Each student practices in a small group and uses the feedback from the small group to improve their presentation.

Research assignments typically have many steps and last longer than most other assignments. What would be the best way to collaborate with parents at home to ensure student success?

Email parents and guardians the goals for the project and a tentative calendar for the research process. Follow up with updates if the calendar changes, provide examples if possible, and encourage parents to contact you with questions.

Which of the following ideas is supported by current research on emergent literacy?

Emergent literacy skills begin developing prior to formal schooling.

Which of the following would be the best way to assess a student's knowledge of phonics?

Evaluate the student's spelling when they write, especially when it includes unfamiliar words.

An English teacher has her ELL students write a persuasive paper on a school policy they feel should be changed. The students choose to offer more juice options in the school vending machine. In writing the essay, which of the following strategies would be the most effective for supporting their argument?

Explain how other schools have implemented similar changes and highlight the positive effects in those specific campuses.

Every day, midmorning, the teacher gives her class an opportunity to walk around the room and visit with friends for 3-4 minutes, often telling them to "get it out of their system." After hearing the phrase a few times, a student comes up to ask what she means by that sentence. What should the teacher do to best support her student's understanding of this idiom?

Explain the meaning in a more literal way.

A kindergarten teacher is creating a unit on tigers to focus on the letter "T". Which of the following activities best contributes to the students' understanding of this alphabetic principle?

Giving students a collection of pictures and having them label only the objects that begin with the letter "T".

Which of the following should a teacher do before giving the first science textbook reading assignment to a class?

Go through the text with the class pointing out headings, pictures, key words, definitions, and other assistance available on the page.

A fourth-grade student loves to read, but typically only picks graphic novels that are written below grade level. Which of the following best explains one reason the teacher might suggest more variation in his independent reading?

Greater variety in reading level and genre will support greater vocabulary development.

Which of the following is the best approach to creating collaborative groups?

Group students heterogeneously.

Maria, an English language learner, tells the teacher she is concerned the class will not understand her presentation because of her inability to pronounce words perfectly. Which of the following would be the most appropriate recommendation for the teacher to make?

Have Maria write out notes that indicate the correct pronunciation of the words.

Paula is an ELL student from Mexico. Her mother, Natalia, is a fluent English speaker and is concerned with Paula's reading fluency. She asks Mrs. Dilbert, her ESL teacher, about the different ways that she can help Paula to practice at home. Mrs. Dilbert recommends all of the following except:

Have Paula read "frustration level" texts, or texts that she can read at less than 90% accuracy, aloud at home to challenge her.

Which of the following would be the best activity for students struggling with phonemic awareness?

Have struggling students practice phonemic activities specific to the area in which they are behind.

Mrs. Pfeiffer is looking for a way to get her fifth-grade student's writing visible to the community. Which option would be the best way to give students an authentic writing experience and benefit the community?

Have students create informational nature signs for the local city and county parks.

Ms. Ader reads a book aloud to her students. She introduces unfamiliar words during the reading and wants to promote the students' vocabulary development after the reading. Which of the following activities would best support Ms. Ader's goal?

Have students draw a picture that illustrates the definition of unfamiliar words.

A teacher wants to help her students understand how a written text can be improved through oral language. Which of the activities below would best help her students understand this concept?

Have students read a story silently and then listen to the teacher read it aloud with animated gestures and expression.

A second-grade teacher wants to develop her students' skills in understanding new texts. Which of the following activities would best help students develop an understanding of a new text?

Have students record mental images that are generated from reading the story.

Students in a sixth-grade science class are studying biomes across continents. What would be the most appropriate instructional strategy to help students recognize types of biomes, plants and animals in each biome, and vocabulary words associated with each?

Have students take virtual field trips using video clips of biomes and complete a cloze activity using a graphic organizer.

Mr. Hendrix, a third-grade English Language Arts teacher, wants to support his students in becoming self-directed critical readers. Which of the following activities would best help Mr. Hendrix accomplish this goal?

Have students use a Venn diagram to identify and compare the character traits of the protagonist and the antagonist of three different narratives.

Which of the following activities would best help a teacher assess a student's understanding of the alphabetic principle?

Have the student use letter tiles to create words.

Follow-up activities are crucial to enhancing elementary students' listening skills. After listening to a story, which of the following activities would be most appropriate for a class with many English Language Learners?

Have the students perform a skit about the events in the story.

To best develop sentence-building and syntax skills, a second-grade teacher would implement which of the following?

Have word banks to create sentences.

With direct teaching and guidelines on the group process, the fourth-grade students are divided into groups to write a story about an experience of a frightening storm. Each student is assigned a part of the narrative to write within their group, after the group agrees on the type of storm they will write about. They later share the group stories with their classmates. The teacher encountered one stubborn student and several challenges with the group progress, but all of the groups completed the task successfully with teacher facilitation. In order to improve future small group activities, what teacher strategy should be used?

Help the students evaluate their group's performance and generate guidelines for future group work.

Of the following, which is the most likely group structure for promoting English proficiency among English Language Learners?

Heterogeneous in English proficiency

What question could be asked during literature circles to encourage students to evaluate the author's word choices?

How did the descriptive language used in this chapter help you visualize the setting?

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. The range of the American bison extended over about one-third of the entire continent of North America. Had the bison remained for a few more centuries in undisturbed possession of his range, and with liberty to roam at will over the North American continent, it is almost certain that several distinctly recognizable varieties would have been produced. The buffalo of the hot regions in the extreme south would have become a short-haired animal like the gaur of India and the African buffalo. The individuals inhabiting the extreme north would have developed still longer hair, and taken on more of the dense hairiness of the musk ox. In the "wood" or "mountain buffalo" we already have a distinct foreshadowing of the changes which would have taken place in the individuals which made their permanent residence upon rugged mountains. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the passage?

If the American bison had been allowed to continue as they were, various distinct varieties would have emerged.

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. What question could the literature circles ask to encourage students to make connections to the text?

In what ways is the main character relatable to yourself or someone you know? How does this likeness help you understand his motivations and actions?

A fourth-grade teacher wants to improve the students' ability to revise, edit, and publish their written work. Which of the following activities would best address this in preparation for future writing modes?

Instruct and allow practice in word-processing technology using a track-changes feature.

Mrs. Scott notices that several of her second-grade students are having problems using gestures appropriately while speaking to the class. What is the best course of action for Mrs. Scott to take?

Intervene with appropriate lessons and activities to teach gesturing.

A teacher assigns a writing project in which students focus on their own unique characteristics. She encourages her students to focus on something that makes them different or that might be seen as a negative thing by peers and describe the positive aspects of it. What is the greatest benefit of this project?

It allows students to practice their writing skills while focused on a personal issue.

Mrs. Sanchez, an English teacher, has her students write a few sentences outlining the purpose of each writing assignment and how they will try to achieve their writing goals. Which of the following is the greatest benefit of this practice?

It allows students to think about and develop a framework to guide their writing.

Mrs. Ling, a sixth-grade English teacher, is introducing an instructional assignment to promote her students' writing skills. Before she provides the writing assignment, she asks each student to think of a person they view as a role model and then list five characteristics they like about their role model. Once each student has completed the activity, she instructs her students to construct a three-paragraph essay about what makes a good role model. Which of the following is the most beneficial reason for the teacher to ask each student to list five characteristics of their role model?

It allows the teacher to identify a foundation to help the students begin their writing activity.

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the impact of learning conventional spelling on writing development?

It helps students understand grammatical rules.

Mrs. Thorpe is an English teacher who is working with her students to promote their vocabulary. One of the activities she assigns her students is to create a self-made dictionary from the weekly vocabulary list. What is the greatest advantage of a student self-made dictionary over a standard dictionary?

It is composed of definitions that the individual is more likely to recognize and remember.

A reading teacher has built 50 minutes into her weekly schedule each week for students to read a book of their choice. What is the biggest benefit of using class time for student-led independent reading?

It promotes the idea that reading is pleasurable and enjoyable.

A sixth-grade teacher uses the following excerpt as part of an activity to expose her students to various forms of informational text. If you look at a map of the World, you will see, in the left-hand upper corner of the Eastern Hemisphere, two islands lying in the sea. They are England and Scotland, and Ireland. England and Scotland form the greater part of these islands. Ireland is the next in size. The little neighbouring islands, which are so small upon the map as to be mere dots, are chiefly little bits of Scotland,—broken off, I dare say, in the course of a great length of time, by the power of the restless water. After reading the excerpt together once, the teacher asks her students to read the paragraph again on their own and create a rough sketch of the described map. In what way will sketching the map support student comprehension of the text?

It requires the student to reread and visualize the image being described by the text.

Mrs. Mendez explains to her sixth-grade students that she wants them to start using technology for specific reasons as they do more oral and written presentations. For this week's assignment, they are to do a brief written report about their recent social studies unit of study. They will then find related pictures on the computer and print them off to attach to their reports. They will also need to identify the sources of their information. Which of the following best explains why Mrs. Mendez would have them identify their sources?

It will help establish an understanding of the need to document websites and other sources for their work.

A first-grade teacher is assessing a student's reading fluency. After listening to the student read a passage aloud, which of the following describes the best way for the teacher to assess the student's reading comprehension in this setting?

Listen to the student give an oral summary of the passage.

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. In what way can literature circles build reading proficiency in students?

Literature circles allow students to discuss what they've read, providing students with both verbal and reading opportunities to comprehend literature.

Mr. Duke wants to break up his class into small groups for a discussion after a multimedia presentation. Mr. Duke has multiple English language learners in his class. Which of the following is the most important criteria for placing English language learners into groups?

Make sure the English language learners are placed into various groups to promote vocabulary development.

Mr. Brand is wanting to promote the vocabulary development of his students. Which of the following strategies would best align with current research on promoting vocabulary development among students?

Mr. Brand should introduce new vocabulary words by incorporating them into multiple aspects of instruction and in various contexts.

While reviewing her notes, Mrs. Welsh notices that Fred has never volunteered to read aloud to his peers. She suspects he may be avoiding reading because he struggles to pronounce unfamiliar words. What strategy is best for Mrs. Welsh use to help Fred become more confident and improve his oral language and reading relationship?

Model using phonemes to sound out new words while she reads to the group.

Which of the following activities would most help Mr. Hanson's students work on inferential comprehension skills?

Mr. Hanson asks various students to explain possible effects of different events in the narrative.

Which of the following is a primary source for a research project on Jane Goodall?

My Life with Chimpanzees by Jane Goodall

A fifth-grade class is beginning a research project in which the students will be independently reading information about an assigned topic. Which of the following reading activities would best support student comprehension of this new information?

Paraphrase difficult sections of the text.

Which of the following statements about phonemic awareness is most accurate?

Phonemic awareness is an early indicator of students becoming strong readers.

Mrs. Morgan has been working to teach her students alphabetic principles. Monday, she began by describing the sound made by the letter s. Which of the following would be the most logical next step of instruction?

Point out examples of "s" in familiar words and names.

In order to help her students with their overall study skills now and in the future, Mrs. Gibbs, a fourth-grade reading teacher, decides to teach a variety of strategies. Which of the following would be the least effective strategy for Mrs. Gibbs to include in her activity?

Practice answering literal questions at the end of the chapter after reading about a topic.

Sixth-grade students will be giving formal speeches at the end of the month. Which activity would best help students prepare for presenting to the whole class?

Practicing delivering a section of their speech to a peer and receiving guided feedback about the content and presentation skills.

A kindergarten teacher is preparing to teach a unit about trees. Which of the following strategies will help students to gain background knowledge before beginning the unit about trees?

Prepare a sensory table with leaves, bark, branches, and pinecones to teach new words and parts of trees.

Mr. Otwinowski is working with his sixth-grade students on why dialogue needs to be punctuated in written text. Which activity would best illustrate the need for dialogue punctuation in written text?

Present students with multiple sentences that could be misunderstood without dialogue punctuation.

A fifth-grade teacher provides a challenging primary source letter considering the causes of the American Revolution. Which of the following will best help students to follow the causes and effects of the events while reading?

Provide a graphic organizer for students to complete while they read.

A teacher's goal in a vocabulary lesson is to have the students learn some particularly challenging words that will be key to their understanding of a challenging whole class reading assignment. Which of the following activities best addresses the goal?

Provide a graphic organizer, such as concept maps, and ask students to complete one for each word.

Mrs. Cates has assigned a group project that requires students to create multimedia presentations about a historical event that was an effect of the Civil War. The students' presentations contain many graphics and large fonts but lack quality content. Mrs. Cates decides that for future projects she will need to make an adjustment to the project requirements and expectations. Of the following, which would be the most effective strategy to promote quality content among student projects?

Provide a rubric with clear expectations and requirements. This the best answer option because establishing a rubric with clear expectations, especially regarding expectations of content, will communicate clear project priorities to the students.

Mrs. Gomez wants to promote writing skills among her pre-K students. She communicates with parents about various at-home activities they can do with their children to promote writing skills. Which of the following activities would best promote writing skills among students?

Provide opportunities for activities such as coloring, painting, writing, drawing, etc.

Mr. Proctor, a fourth-grade teacher, notices that several of his students are shy and hesitant to speak in class. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in motivating students' participation in class while enhancing their listening and speaking skills?

Provide students opportunities to share and listen to stories in a small group.

Mrs. David wants to teach her students to ask and answer literal, inferential, and evaluative questions. Which of the following would best support Mrs. David's class in asking and answering these types of questions?

Read a text as a group and then use Bloom's Taxonomy pyramid to help form different kinds of questions and answer them in the group.

A teacher wants to model for students how to pull the main idea(s) from a nonfiction text. Which activity below would be the most effective way to demonstrate this for the students?

Read a text that's projected for the class and take notes in the margins while reading.

Mr. Mather is approached by a parent about how to encourage reading and improve reading skills for their child at home. Which of the following is the most effective recommendation for Mr. Mather to make?

Read aloud books with the child at home.

Which of the following activities would best allow students to practice expressive and clear speaking in front of an audience?

Read aloud in front of a small group.

Mr. Blaschke wants to develop his students' fluency while reading. Which activity would best help him achieve this goal?

Read short excerpts of poetry, demonstrating how to pause and add proper inflection.

In what order should a literary analysis be conducted?

Read the text, choose an area to analyze, collect textual evidence, write or speak a summary of the analysis.

Mrs. Harper is assessing her students' word awareness. Which of the following activities would best demonstrate word awareness?

Reading a sentence aloud and asking the student how many words were in the sentence.

A third-grade teacher is facilitating literature circles for her class with books that tie into their current social studies unit. The class will be allowed to choose a title from a set of books that she has pre-selected. The teacher introduces each option by showing the front cover, reading the title, and reading the back of the book. Once students choose their book and begin reading it, they will be given opportunities to meet with other students who are reading the same book. All group members are encouraged to use direct quotes from the text to support the ideas they share with their group. Which of the following describes a reason the teacher encourages her students to read aloud from the text instead of allowing them to paraphrase the relevant information?

Reading aloud is shown to positively impact reading fluency.

Which is an accurate statement about effective reading instruction?

Reading comprehension is increased when reading fluency is increased.

Which of the following statements accurately represents an aspect of phonological awareness related to literacy development?

Reading new words requires a student to be able to sound out words by breaking them into simple forms.

Mr. Martin provides all of his students with a wide variety of listening and speaking activities and provides purposes for each of these activities. Which of the following would be an appropriate speaking activity for the entire class, including ELL students?

Reading to a small group or a partner

A fourth-grade student is an avid reader and is constantly asking to go to the library to pick out new books. The student only chooses fiction adventure stories to read independently. Which of the following best explains one reason the teacher should encourage the student to explore other genres?

Reading various genres will improve vocabulary by exposing him to different words, and it will help him become a stronger reader of all genres.

A third-grade teacher has been reading one chapter aloud to her class each day from a book that occasionally includes challenging vocabulary. One morning, as she reads the day's chapter, the teacher realizes that many of her students do not understand the use of the word "hysterics" in the book. Which of the following would best support the student's future vocabulary development while also clarifying their understanding of the day's reading?

Revisit the sentence in the text and facilitate the use of context clues to infer the word's meaning. Provide an opportunity to compare their inferred meaning with a denotative definition.

Mr. Glanz is preparing a lesson on adjusting tone to match your audience. Which activity below would be most beneficial in having students practice this skill?

Role play with a small group where the speaker changes what he says based on pretend audience members.

A third-grade teacher would like to provide practice with structural analysis for her students. In which of the following sentences is structural analysis most helpful to determine the meaning of the italicized word?

She was distrustful of the dog ever since it bit her foot.

Which of the following is the most appropriate way for a teacher to help students develop an understanding of parts of speech?

Show example words and example sentences to help analyze/explain how each part of speech functions within a sentence

A sixth-grade teacher is demonstrating to her students the importance of conventional spelling and its relationship to success in reading and writing. Which of the following is a good strategy for her to use with her students?

Show examples of how spelling mistakes can confuse the meaning of sentences.

Mrs. Kwasny is ready to begin a unit on public speaking. What way could she most effectively demonstrate and introduce good presentation skills?

Show short videos on topics the students are interested in that demonstrate good speaking and presentation skills, and then follow up with a discussion on what the speaker did well.

Mateo and his family moved to the United States from Colombia last year. Mr. Daniels, Mateo's third-grade ESL teacher, is a bit worried about Mateo's reading comprehension skills and thinks that he would benefit from additional practice at home with his family. The problem is that he doesn't think that Mateo's parents speak any English. What should Mr. Daniels do?

Speak with Mateo's parents about the importance of reading aloud with Mateo and the value of discussing stories, whether in English or Spanish.

In what way should phonetic instruction be different for ELL students than for native speakers?

Special focus should be given to sounds that are different or are not used in their native language.

Mrs. Hamilton is reviewing her students' writing development and observing their current writing skills. Mrs. Hamilton observes the following: Student 1: The student spells most words as they sound. Student 2: The student writes all letters in lowercase without any spacing. Student 3: The student makes marks on the paper that resemble a drawing. Student 4: The student writes letters and words but sometimes forgets to properly space the words. Based on the observations above, which of the following students displays the most advanced stage in their writing?

Student 1

In what ways do small-group conversational activities help improve oral language development?

Students can respond to each other and learn to formulate arguments and critique other's responses.

What is a benefit of providing a rubric for self-evaluation of an oral presentation?

Students can understand what they could have done to earn the next level.

Mrs. Spears wants to incorporate regular silent reading into her weekly schedule. Which of the following ways should Mrs. Spears incorporate this practice to provide the best conditions for the students to improve their individual reading skills?

Students have scaffolded silent reading for 20 minutes every day while Mrs. Spears consults with individual students about their reading progress.

Which of the following describes what happens in the transitional stage of writing?

Students learn to explain different purposes for writing.

Which of the following statements about the stages of writing development is most accurate?

Students learn to write in foreseeable phases, but the pace and mastery of learning will be different for each student.

Which of the following statements best aligns with research-based vocabulary instruction practice?

Students should learn a selected amount of age-appropriate vocabulary words in multiple contexts.

An English teacher is assessing the effectiveness of a class discussion on a recent reading topic. Of the following features, which should be cause for the most concern?

Students were not responding to other students' comments but rather repeating their own.

Ms. Ader wants her students to develop an understanding of how to write for different audiences. Which of the following writing activities will best address this goal?

Students write to a friend about their school experiences so far. Students then rewrite the letter for their teacher.

A sixth-grade student is researching the Civil War and has read two conflicting secondary sources about the motivations of Abraham Lincoln in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. He asks the teacher how he can find which secondary source is most accurate in the matter. Which of the following responses by the teacher would be most appropriate?

Suggesting to the student to read the primary sources quoted by the secondary sources so the student can draw an independent conclusion

Ms. Sanders is frustrated by students consistently using "u" instead of "you" and other shorthand in their writing. Which of the following would be the most effective way to encourage change in her classroom?

Teach a lesson about formal and informal writing, comparing academic writing to text message writing.

Which of the following is an example of alliteration?

The cow couldn't catch the flies with her curly tail.

A preschool aged child points to the sign that says "Target" and identifies the letters in the word, but tells her mom that the sign says "store." What does this demonstrate about the child?

The child has developed print awareness.

A third-grade teacher is facilitating literature circles for her class with books that tie into their current social studies unit. The class will be allowed to choose a title from a set of books that she has pre-selected. The teacher introduces each option by showing the front cover, reading the title, and reading the back of the book. Once students choose their book and begin reading it, they will be given opportunities to meet with other students who are reading the same book. All group members are encouraged to use direct quotes from the text to support the ideas they share with their group. Which of the following best describes the teacher's motivation for choosing books based on the current focus of their social studies curriculum?

The cross-curricular focus will both provide students with applicable background information for the text and extend their understanding of the topics being discussed in social studies.

Mrs. Lewis is a bilingual teacher and frequently encourages her students' parents to talk a lot with their children at home whether during chores, daily tasks, or shopping to help build their children's vocabulary. A parent contacts Mrs. Lewis wondering how increased conversation will help their child read. Which of the following would be the most appropriate response by Mrs. Lewis?

The development of a student's language skills are intertwined, and increasing the student's vocabulary will allow students to recognize more words while reading

Which of the following is an example of hyperbole?

The line for the sale was two miles long.

Which of the following statements describes an emergent reader?

The student knows some of the letters of the alphabet and recognizes common words in the community.

Which of the following is a reason that paired student discussion of a text would improve their reading comprehension of the text?

The student must clarify their own understanding in order to explain it to someone else.

A teacher is working to help her students learn the names and shapes of the letters in the alphabet. Which of the following activities would best support this goal?

The teacher names a letter and writes it on the board, and the children use playdough to form the shape of the letter at their table.

Mrs. King tells her fifth-grade students that she is going to explain and model a strategy that should help them learn how to self-monitor their own comprehension. Which strategy would be most effective to introduce this strategy?

The teacher starts reading aloud as she is displaying the text on a slide or students are following along in a book; the teacher then pauses and asks a question aloud to herself about what she is reading.

In explaining a group problem-solving task, the teacher should always be sure to motivate and encourage students to be risk takers and use their creative thinking abilities. Which of the following lesson elements would be the most effective in achieving this goal?

The teacher states that in this scenario, there may be many good answers. There would not be one specific correct answer, but each group's creative response to the scenario must be grounded in facts as well as evaluated with the rubric by the whole team.

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. Which question stem would encourage students to use context clues to increase their vocabulary?

The word "_____" means ______. I know because in the text it says, "_____."

Which of the following is the greatest educational benefit of using collaborative learning groups and active learning activities in the classroom

These methods address a variety of learning styles and allow students to take ownership of their learning.

The teacher creates mixed-level groups to read and discuss a short story. Who is NOT benefitting from this grouping?

They all benefit from mixed grouping.

Which of the following is the primary benefit of requiring students to give oral book reports?

They encourage students to share reading experiences and model how the book was enjoyable.

How does identifying transition words help readers construct meaning?

Transition words clarify how ideas relate to one another.

Mr. Harris wants to create a writing assignment that allows students to write with an authentic and meaningful purpose. Which one of the following assignments would best accomplish Mr. Harris' goal?

Use Word to type a letter to an elected official about a student-chosen need in the community. Print and send the letters.

Mr. Crusher's students have completed researching their topics and are ready to begin writing. What would be the best way for Mr. Crusher to prepare the students to begin writing?

Using an example guiding question and research notes, model for the class how to write a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea and support it with evidence from the research.

Mr. Simmons wants his class to compare and contrast information about a subject using a variety of genres. Which of the following instructional strategies should Mr. Simmons use?

Venn diagrams

Precise language usage is generally more important for written communication than verbal communication. Which of the following is not a reason why?

Visual cues are available to help the reader determine meaning with written text.

A sixth-grade classroom is working on a unit about perspective and active listening. The teacher needs to design an activity that will help students understand how emotional response to the speaker can influence how the audience listens and responds. The teacher plans to show multiple video clips and ask guided questions after the viewings. Which activity below would meet this goal?

Watch video clips of speakers with varying purpose, emotional level, and mood. For example, a news clip about a natural disaster and an interview with someone who survived the same disaster.

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. Which question stem would encourage students to relate their own lives to the reading?

When ____ said _____, it reminded me of when I _____.

A teacher wants to model for students how to determine the meaning of words within a nonfiction text. Which activity below would be the most effective way to demonstrate this for the students?

While reading aloud to the class, the teacher pauses to define vocabulary terms using context clues.

Which of the following represents an expectation of a 4th-grade student for study and inquiry skills as described in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)?

Write brief compositions that convey information about a topic.

In order to practice the drafting stage of the writing process, a teacher might ask her students to do which of the following activities?

Write for five minutes about a teacher-designated topic without worrying about structure or grammar.

Which of the following syllable types is the first syllable of the word "excellent"?

a closed syllable

A sixth-grade teacher is planning a lesson on the Constitution. Which of the following would be the most appropriate primary source to use when presenting the lesson?

a copy of the Constitution

Which of the following is the best example of a primary source?

a diary entry

The teacher provides students with squares of carpet and asks them to trace the letter shapes onto the carpet with their finger. For which of the following students is this activity most appropriate?

a student struggling with correct letter formation

Which lesson could Mrs. Swanson use to help her sixth-grade students learn to write complex sentences?

a lesson where students take example compound sentences and turn them into complex sentences

A second-grade teacher has both native English speakers and English Language Learners in the class. The teacher informally assesses each student for language skills. Which of the following should be selected for further evaluation by the teacher?

a native English speaker who cannot clearly verbalize ideas in conversations with peers

Which of the following is the best example of expository writing?

a research report

Mr. Kirkpatrick is beginning a unit on morphology with his third-grade class. In order for his students to be most successful in using and manipulating morphemes, he should begin his unit with which activity?

a review of basic morphemes like /ing/, /s/, or /ed/

Which could be used as a secondary source when teaching students about the American Revolution?

a section about the Taxation Act from a history textbook

(1) Determining which foods are junk and which aren't can be confusing. Is fast food junk? What about high-calorie or convenience-store foods? Think of it this way: If the food has very few vitamins, minerals, (3) and other nutrients that you need to be healthy, it's probably junk. The main principle to remember is that food classified as junk will have a lot of sugar, fat, and/or salt. (5) The effects of junk food are no laughing matter. Junk food can lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. But you may not realize how much it can immediately make you feel like, well, junk. The fat in (7) those foods can build up on your blood vessel walls, Dr. Harold Jayne explains, which "makes it harder for your blood vessels to circulate blood around your body." That buildup can quickly effect how (9) well you are able to perform during sports and other exercise. Which of the following is the best definition of the expression "no laughing matter" as it is used in line 5 of the selection?

a serious issue

A teacher says aloud 2-3 words and asks the students to identify whether or not the words rhyme. Which of the following describes a student who would best benefit from this activity?

a student just beginning to develop phonemic awareness

Students are presenting oral reports on books that they read over the summer. Which of the following would be most appropriate for students to include at the conclusion of their oral presentation?

a summary of the main points

Students are reading a nonfiction article about the events leading up to WWII. Which of the following graphic organizers would most likely help them comprehend the article?

a timeline

Which of the following syllable types is the first syllable in "eating"?

a vowel team syllable

Which of the following syllable types is the last syllable in the word "rename"?

a vowel-consonant-e syllable: A vowel-consonant-e syllable has a vowel controlled by a silent "e." An example of a vowel-consonant-e syllable would be the last syllable in the word "wake." The syllable "ake" has a long-vowel /a/ followed by a consonant and ending in a silent "e." Another example is found in the word "rename" in the question; the "ame" syllable has a long /a/ because of the silent "e" at the end of the word.

Listening activities are extremely helpful in students' literacy development. Which one of these activities is inappropriate for emergent readers to do as a follow-up activity after a listening experience?

a writing activity in which students paraphrase the story

A fifth-grade teacher is planning a vocabulary lesson for her class. Which of the following describes the best source for these vocabulary words?

academic or topical vocabulary from their upcoming unit

Which of the following is least important for reading comprehension?

accuracy when required to read aloud to class

Fluency is measured by which three criteria?

accuracy, prosody, and speed

The English teachers at Anytown District want to promote pragmatic language use among elementary students. Which of the following is the best activity for them to use?

acting out everyday situations and role-playing different conversations

A third-grade teacher is assigning an informational text that compares the education system in the United States to that of another country. Which of the following would be a useful strategy to use while they read the informational text?

add details to a Venn diagram

A student demonstrates weakness in story retelling. To improve the student's story retelling, the next step the teacher should take is to:

administer further assessments to determine whether the weakness is related to decoding issues, vocabulary issues, or general comprehension issues.

Mrs. Rowl teaches a fourth-grade class that contains several students who are English Language Learners. After assessment of these students, Mrs. Rowl has been told that she needs to provide extra help for these students with syntax. Her class is one of mixed ability, and she has realized from ongoing assessments that other students also need help in this area. This means that she will provide additional instruction and time on helping students:

all of the above.

Read the following excerpt and identify the literary device being used in the underlined portion. Hear the loud alarum bells - Brazen bells! What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells! In the startled ear of night How they scream out their affright! -"The Bells" Edgar Allan Poe

alliteration:Alliteration is the repetition of the same starting sound. The words "tale," "terror," "turbulency," and "tells" are an alliteration of the T sound.

Which of the following texts would be the most likely to contain a bar graph?

an article discussing graduation rates in local school districts

Mr. Everett is having his students research a historical figure and present their research to the class in a ten-minute oral presentation. Which of the following resources would be the best primary resources to begin with?

an autobiography

I tried to throw a surprise party for my mom, but my dad let the cat out of the bag when he left the event reminder pulled up on their shared computer. What type of figurative language is included in the above example?

an idiom

An example of evaluative comprehension is when a reader:

analyzes the word choice of the author.

A teacher wants to create a vocabulary list from the magazines and newspapers students use during instruction. Which of the following would be the most effective method to create the vocabulary list for students?

asking students to identify words they do not know during their first reading of the article

One of the objectives for fourth-grade science includes the expectation that students understand the history of science and the contributions of scientists. In order to meet this objective effectively, the teacher might:

assign pairs of students a scientist to create an infographic.

A kindergarten teacher assesses a student by asking questions based on scenarios. The teacher says, "Listen to me as I say some words very slowly. If I say /c/ /at/, you know the word is 'cat'. What would the word be if I said /d/ /og/?" What skill is this teacher assessing?

blending phonemes

A third-grade class is learning the steps of the writing process. The students are currently writing sentences and paragraphs. Which of the following steps of the writing process have students already completed?

brainstorming ideas on a topic

To effectively conclude an oral presentation of a persuasive argument, a student should:

briefly restate the main point of their speech.

A fourth-grade teacher is beginning a unit on grammar and parts of speech that contains vocabulary not regularly used by students. To best draw on students' experiences in a manner that helps them develop a deeper understanding of the unit's terms, the classroom teacher should:

build a language rich environment.

Which of the following would be a reasonable way a student writing a persuasive essay could benefit from peer discussion during prewriting?

by identifying counter-arguments

Which of the following literary elements must be included in an epic poem?

characters and plot

Which of the following terms best describes the turning point of the main conflict in a story?


Ms. Garcia works with teachers, principals, and older students at her school to have them help guide the reading instruction once a week. After the reading, Ms. Garcia and the person with whom she collaborates have a discussion with the students and work to make a collage of the story's theme. Which of the following is the most likely primary goal of the activity?

collaborating with other members of the school community to increase learner engagement and improve students' reading comprehension skills

Before reading a literary piece, an elementary teacher will ask the class, "What do you know about...?" Which of the following best describes the purpose of this question?

connect to the student's schema

A second-grade teacher conducting a phonics lesson reads the words "kite," "bike," and "recite" aloud and has students write and discuss the use of these words. The greatest benefit to this strategy is it:

discusses vowel rules in a realistic context familiar to students.

Which of the following is the most appropriate technique to promote students' development of oral language skills?

creating classroom time for students to talk with their classmates

Students in fourth-grade begin doing various kinds of research and learn to use appropriate study skills. The teachers in this grade begin to model and teach a variety of these skills. Which of the following would be the least effective student activity to develop research skills?

creating visual representations of information

A second-grade student typically spells most words accurately in her writing and is able to read familiar words, but she struggles to read new words accurately. Which of the following would best support this student?

decoding skills

A student who is typically a strong reader and specifically loves to read fiction narratives struggles more with content specific informative texts. The teacher regularly implements pre-reading and during-reading activities for the class as a whole, but which of the following strategies would be the most helpful for this specific student when reading the more challenging informative texts?

decrease reading rate

A fourth-grade teacher reserves time each day for her students to write about their reading in their reader's notebook. Today, she asks them to answer the following three questions: What is one event or idea from your reading that connects to another text you have read? Explain the connection. Describe a chapter, paragraph, or sentence from your reading that reminded you of a personal experience. Explain the connection. Think about your reading. Identify one aspect of the book that has impacted the way your see or understand something in the world, outside of things you have personally experienced. Explain the connection. This activity is designed to:

deepen the reader's understanding of the text by considering the idea in a larger context.

Mastering which of the following skills would demonstrate that the student is most likely ready to move on to explicit phonics instruction?

deleting, adding, or replacing individual sounds in words

Mrs. Tockert assigns a four-paragraph essay asking the students to write about a favorite memory associated with a favorite season. The rubric requests that at least 5 sensory details be included in each paragraph. Which type of writing will the students be doing?


While previewing a text, a fifth-grade student identifies the words "because," "then," and "therefore." Which of the following comprehension skills is the student primarily using?

determining text structure

A student needs to be able to fluently read a text in order to refocus their attention on which of the following tasks?

determining the main idea

A preschool teacher asks her class to share their favorite foods. As the children share, she writes the foods they say onto the board. Next, she goes through the list with the class to see if there were any repeat foods and counts how many times each item was repeated. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this activity?

developing an awareness that speech corresponds to writing

Based on common standards for early readers, an intervention is most appropriate for students who have which of the following difficulties?

distinguishing between letters and words

A third-grade teacher plans a lesson that consists of the following activities: Students will feel a sample of polar bear fur, ice, and down feathers. After reading the book Animals in the Tundra, the students will be asked to create an outline for an essay about polar bears or snow buntings. The students will exchange papers and read for any extraneous information followed by the writer making appropriate changes. The teacher will then take a daily grade for the revised essay with the corrections of any grammatical errors. The unit omits which one important step in the writing process?


During the writing process, fifth-grade students need to be able to organize information and build on ideas by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy which might include sequence of events, cause and effect, or compare and contrast. Which of the following best describes this practice?


A young child is writing strings of letters that do not spell any actual words. This child is in which stage of writing development?

emergent stage

All of the following activities are likely to help kindergarten students develop familiarity with phonological processing EXCEPT:

encouraging students to look for cognates when reading and listening to texts.

A teacher is presenting a unit about propaganda to her students. The teacher shows various propaganda advertisements and asks the students to detect faulty reasoning among the advertisements. Which of the following levels of reading comprehension is primarily being targeted in the lesson?


After the flowering time come the vivid green crowns of leaves that at least please the eye. Lizards make their home beneath them, and many a yellowthroat, taking advantage of the plant's foul odor, gladly puts up with it herself and builds her nest in the hollow of the cabbage as a protection for her eggs and young from four-footed enemies. Cattle let the plant alone because of the stinging acrid juices secreted by it, although such tender, fresh, bright foliage must be especially tempting, like the hellebores, after a dry winter diet. Sometimes tiny insects are found drowned in the wells of rain water that accumulate at the base of the grooved leafstalks. Which of the following best describes the excerpt?


Below is an excerpt from Song of Solomon 2:3 As an apple tree among the trees of the forest so is my beloved among the young men. With great delight, I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. The last line of the poem uses which type of language?


When reading and analyzing fiction texts, which element(s) might students compare? Select all answers that apply.

figurative language use

A student who can read with accuracy and expression is in which stage of literacy development?

fluent reader

Antonio is an ELL student who moved to the United States two years ago. He is interested in learning more about American culture, especially stories that are passed down from generation to generation that teach about morality and may have elements of superstition. Which type of book should his teacher suggest?

folk tales

A kindergarten student should be able to do all of the following by the end of kindergarten EXCEPT:

follow three-step directions the first time.

A first-grade student had struggled with decoding skills that were impacting her ability to read and understand grade level texts. While the student's decoding skills have significantly improved, the teacher has not seen the same improvement in her reading comprehension. When she reads aloud, her reading is choppy and disconnected. Which of the following activities would likely be the most impactful to build upon the student's improved decoding skills and support similar improvements in reading comprehension?

frequent practice reading aloud of both familiar and unfamiliar texts

In order to accurately individualize instruction, a teacher should:

frequently assess students' strengths and adjust lesson plans to mirror students' knowledge.

A classroom teacher divides the class into pairs and gives each student a folder containing a picture of a recognizable person like a fireman or a doctor. They do not show the picture to their partner and describe the image in detail until their partner is able to correctly identify the person. Which of the following describes one of the goals of this lesson?

further developing oral language and listening skills

A third-grade teacher provides ongoing assessment for various listening activities that are going on in her classroom, since she clearly understands the importance of effective listening. What are some of the key purposes of effective listening?

gain new information, solve problems, and/or increase the students' own enjoyment

(1) Americans spend about 1.5 billion dollars a day on groceries, but supermarkets and grocery stores want shoppers to spend even more. A typical grocery store has about 50,000 products to sell to customers. Grocery stores have found creative and clever methods to squeeze more pennies out of each customer. (2) Some stores use heat maps to track which aisles customers linger in, looking at products. This helps supermarket owners and managers figure out where people spend the most time in the store. Many stores provide discount cards that not only offer reduced prices to shoppers but also can electronically track products that customers purchase. At the checkout counter customers will be offered coupons for items similar to their purchases. One supermarket has started giving customers a handheld self-checkout device linked to the store's discount card. This device alerts customers to sales as they walk by or scan certain products. This may sound convenient, but researchers like Joseph Turow of the University of Pennsylvania worry about customer privacy and the possibility of stores selling the shopping details of their customers to other companies. (3) Store owners know that milk and eggs are common items on many grocery lists, so these items should be at the front of the store, right? Actually, most stores place those items deeper into the store so that shoppers have to pass tantalizing products on their way to get the needed items. Florists, bakeries, and produce sections are usually at the front of the store because the items in them will appeal to shoppers' senses, enticing customers to make purchases. Managers know that red signs get the attention of shoppers and that yellow and white signs have a calming effect. They also know that the human eye is likely to focus on products that are at eye level, so that is where the most expensive products are placed on the shelves. Less expensive products are placed higher or lower. Some companies negotiate with the supermarket to ensure that their products are in prime locations to make them more appealing than a competing brand's products. (4) While the customer is trying to spend the shortest amount of time and the least amount of money while shopping, the supermarket is trying to encourage the shopper to do the opposite. A study by a food marketing group showed that about 60% of the items bought at the supermarket were not on the customer's original list. If it sounds sneaky, it is! But an informed customer can see through these gimmicks and avoid coming home with extra items. Which of the following is the best definition of the expression "squeeze more pennies" as it is used in paragraph 1 of the selection?

get customers to buy more goods

Which of the following genres could specifically help a reader compare the purpose of dialogue to narration?

graphic novel

To enhance sixth-grade students' abilities in the area of oral communication and literacy development, a teacher might do all of the following EXCEPT:

have students engage in a computer game that reads aloud and assesses comprehension.

Mrs. Radcliffe, a first-grade teacher, wants to support her students' vocabulary development. Which of the following activities would best support her students' vocabulary development?

have students listen to a fictional story and an informational text that use the same vocabulary

(1) Have you ever seen a homeless person? (2) Chances are, you have. (3) Homelessness is an issue that has become an epidemic, affecting people of every age and in every country. (4) This issue is especially evident in societies where people live a hand-to-mouth existence, living from paycheck to paycheck. (5) If you walk down the street in many big cities in the United States, you might notice people sleeping on the sidewalk or begging for food or money. (6) These individuals are very visible to passersby, and it is difficult to ignore them. (7) However, there are also homeless people who do not sleep on the streets. (8) They are not as visible to the public eye, but they are also homeless. (9) These people often spend their nights sleeping in shelters, which provide food, rooms, and often a variety of social services (like daycare). (10) We might not see these people on the streets, but it does not mean that they aren't suffering. Which of the following is the best definition of the expression "hand-to-mouth" as it is used in sentence 4 of the selection?

having nothing to spare

A teacher wants to develop reading fluency in his first-grade class. Which of the following would be the most effective activity to enhance the students' reading fluency?

having students reread stories that were used during a guided reading activity

An ESL teacher finds that many of her students, despite showing improvement in the classroom, don't do very well on formal assessments. She thinks it's because they get nervous when they know they are being tested. She wants to find another way to assess them. Her colleague should recommend:

having the students keep journals or learning logs.

A student who has mastered phonics is able to:

hear individual phonemes and manipulate those phonemes into new words.

A sixth-grade teacher presents the class with the following description of a fictional confrontation between a middle school principal and a middle school student: The student was sent to the office due to a dress code infraction. The secretary provided the student with a different pair of shorts to wear for the remainder of the day. The student refused to wear the shorts, explaining that she did not believe her shorts were too short or inappropriate. The principal and the student discuss, disagree, and the student ends up receiving an after school detention. The teacher then randomly provides each student with either the email that was sent to the parent of the student or the text message that the student sent to her parents after school. The students are placed in pairs to evaluate how the content of the principal's email varies from the student text message. This activity is most likely designed to teach the students:

how an author's point of view can impact the account of a particular event.

Mr. Ortega has assigned his students a research paper. He wants to ensure students do not plagiarize their work and that they give proper credit to their sources. Which of the following would be a good discussion topic to address Mr. Ortega's concern?

how to properly cite sources

Reading skills begin developing:

in young children, well before formal schooling begins.

As a rule, the larger and coarser ferns grow in moist, shady situations, as swamps, ravines, and damp woods; while the smaller ones are more apt to be found along mountain ranges in some dry and even exposed locality. A tiny crevice in some high cliff is not infrequently chosen by these fascinating little plants, which protect themselves from drought by assuming a mantle of light wool, or of hair and chaff, with, perhaps, a covering of white powder as in some cloak ferns--thus keeping a layer of moist air next to the surface of the leaf, and checking transpiration. Which of the following best describes this type of writing?


A first-grade teacher designed a word wheel where only the beginning letter of the word changes when students spin the wheel. This activity best assesses which of the following?

initial blends

A new science unit is being introduced and has many unfamiliar words. During introductory activities, the teacher reads a passage and pauses to have students repeat vocabulary words. They practice pronunciation and discuss the meaning before moving on. This method is referred to as:

interactive reading.

Use the paragraph below to answer the question that follows. Sammy the seal couldn't move very quickly on land, but he was a rocket in the water. As a young seal pup, Sammy was taught by his mother to quickly get to water whenever a polar bear was in sight. This way, if the bear attacked, he would be able to shoot through the water to safety. This paragraph would most likely be used as the text in a lesson to teach students which of the following skills?

interpreting figurative language

Which of the following skills is not part of phonological awareness?

letter awareness

Which of the following would an elementary teacher be assessing when they require students to identify select letters on a newspaper?

letter identification

The most effective strategy to enhance a first-grade student's ability in following oral directions would be:

listing the order of learning center activities and instructions before the class begins the activities.

Which of the following would best promote the increase of students' reading vocabulary?

make time for students to engage in independent reading

Individual expository reading in the fourth-grade classroom often requires students to use which of the following strategies to promote their success as they are reading content information?

mapping information from the text

Which of the following activities best promotes students' understanding of how oral language relates to literacy?

modeling the writing of words or phrases

Mr. Jameson notices that one of his English learners almost always adds the suffix "ion" when he wants to change a word to a noun, often resulting in made-up words. This student could use some extra practice with:


"Sick" by Shel Silverstein (1) "I cannot go to school today," (2) Said little Peggy Ann McKay. (2) "I have the measles and the mumps, (3) A gash, a rash and purple bumps. (4) My mouth is wet, my throat is dry, (5) I'm going blind in my right eye. (6) My tonsils are as big as rocks, (7) I've counted sixteen chicken pox (8) And there's one more--that's seventeen, (9) And don't you think my face looks green? (10) My leg is cut--my eyes are blue-- (11) It might be instamatic flu. (12) I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke, (13) I'm sure that my left leg is broke-- (14) My hip hurts when I move my chin, (15) My belly button's caving in, (16) My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained, (17) My 'pendix pains each time it rains. (18) My nose is cold, my toes are numb. (19) I have a sliver in my thumb. (20) My neck is stiff, my voice is weak, (21) I hardly whisper when I speak. (22) My tongue is filling up my mouth, (23) I think my hair is falling out. (24) My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight, (25) My temperature is one-o-eight. (26) My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear, (27) There is a hole inside my ear. (28) I have a hangnail, and my heart is--what? (29) What's that? What's that you say? (30) You say today is. . .Saturday? (31) G'bye, I'm going out to play!" Which of the following is an example of a simile?

my tonsils are as big as rocks

Most students in Mr. Powers' kindergarten class can identify two or more words that rhyme. Which of the following phonemic skills is most appropriate for the teacher to address next?

naming the beginning sounds in words

In the publishing step of the writing process, it is important that students' writing is:

neatly written or printed from a word processor and that it is clearly understood.

I had a little Nut Tree, Nothing would it bear But a Silver Nutmeg And a Golden Pear. The King of Spain's daughter Came to visit me, And all for the sake of My little Nut Tree. Based on the structure and rhythm, this selection would best be described as a

nursery rhyme

Once the class has chosen an initial research topic, they are asked to refine the topic to make their research more narrowly focused. If a student has chosen the topic of whales, which of the following does not narrow the focus?

ocean mammals

Which of the following is most important in promoting reading comprehension across all content areas?

oral reading fluency

Amanda is a first-grade student learning to read and is practicing the following words in her reading this week: slide hate pine crime lane nope After learning these words, Amanda is able to read the words "slime," "fate," and "rode" simply by visually recognizing the pattern. Which of the following best describes the processing system that Amanda is using to apply her learning to the new words?


A third-grade classroom includes several students who are English Language Learners (ELLs). The students are reading a novel, and the teacher has introduced a list of vocabulary words on a bulletin board. The ELL students are not currently reading on grade level. Which of the following strategies could help them to learn the vocabulary words? Select all answers that apply.

pair the vocabulary word with a picture and simple definition

When students take turns reading appropriate-level texts with a fellow student, which of the following strategies is being used?

partner reading

In 1983, Harold Washington was the first African American elected mayor of Chicago. The following is an excerpt from his acceptance speech. (1) Tonight we are here. Tonight we are here to celebrate a resounding victory. We, we have fought a good fight. We have finished our course. And we have kept the faith. We fought that good fight. We fought it, with unseasoned weapons and with a phalanx of people who mostly have never been involved in a political campaign before. This has truly been a pilgrimage. Our government will be moving forward as well, including more people. And more kinds of people, than any government in the history of Chicago. Today... today... today, Chicago has seen the bright daybreak for this city and for perhaps this entire country. The whole nation is watching as Chicago is so powerful in this! Oh yes, they're watching. (2) Out of the crucible... Out of the crucible of this city's most trying election, carried on the tide of the most massive voter turnout in Chicago's history. Blacks. Whites. Hispanics. Jews. Gentiles. Protestant and Catholics of all stripes. Have joined hands to form a new democratic coalition. And... and to begin in this place a new democratic movement. (3) The talents and dreams of our citizens and neighborhoods will nourish our government the way it should be cherished and feed into the moving river of mankind. And we have kept the faith in ourselves as decent, caring people who gather together as a part of something greater than themselves. We never stopped believing that we were a part of something good and something that had never happened before. (4) We intend to revitalize and rebuild this city. To open its doors and be certain that its babies are healthy! And its old people are fed and well-housed. We intend, we intend that our city will grow again and bring prosperity to ALL of its citizens. In paragraph 3, the speaker employs which figurative language device in the first sentence?


A student is writing a letter to his school principal about why each grade should have at least one field trip per year. Which of the following types of writing would be best suited to this goal?


Which of the following phoneme related skills would be taught last?

phoneme manipulation

Which of the following competencies is demonstrated by identifying the four sounds that form the word "help"?

phoneme segmentation

The smallest individual sounds in a word are called:


Which of the following concepts involves understanding that spoken words consist of a sequence of individual sounds?

phonemic awareness

A first-grade student writes the following sentence on the board: "Mi mom maks soop for us wen it is kold outsid." Which of the following does the student's sentence best demonstrate?

phonemic spelling

The following sentence was written by a kindergarten student. I am betr at soker than mi frend. Which of the following best describes this student's stage of spelling development?

phonemic spelling

Songs, poems, and children's stories that contain rhymes are important to literacy development because they contribute to:

phonological awareness.

Which list below includes the steps in the writing process, in the correct order?

planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing

A first-grade teacher notices several students are having difficulty understanding and mastering phonological and phonemic awareness skills. Which of the following assignments would best provide opportunities for students to work on these skills at home?

playing word games and sound games with family members

A first-grade teacher tells her students to pick out a book from the library specifically to be taken home with instructions to ask a parent or older sibling to read it aloud to them. After reading, the student and their parent or sibling will discuss a few questions asking them to identify the main problem and determine if and how it was resolved. Which of the following would this homework assignment promote? Select all answers that apply.

plot analysis

Which one of the elements below is not a part of an expository text?

plot, setting, and characters

Emelia is an ELL student with a high level of English language proficiency, but she is struggling to comprehend the text her English teacher assigned her. It does not follow a typical sentence structure and contains a great amount of figurative language. Emelia is most likely reading a:


A four-year-old likes to mimic her mother writing a shopping list, but the child is actually only making scribbled shapes on a paper, occasionally making a mark that looks like a letter. Which of the following does this child's writing best demonstrate?

precommunicative spelling

Writing development has predictable stages. Which of the following answer options best describes the stages of writing development?

preconventional, emergent, transitional, conventional, and proficient

A third-grade teacher reads the following passage from a story: "As Jimmy was brushing his teeth before going to bed, he heard a terrible roar come from the garage. Jimmy didn't know what could be making that terrible noise, but he left a light on in the closet while he slept that night." The teacher then asks students questions about their thoughts on the events of the passage and what might be happening. Which of the following would this activity best promote?


In the word (un)reliableness, the underlined part is the:


A teacher has the students do the following: Determine a writing audience. Identify a purpose. Provide a list of writing topics. Based on the list of activities, which stage of writing are the students most likely working on?


A sixth-grade teacher allows her students to choose a persuasive text from a few preselected options. Regardless of the article they choose, each student will receive the following post-reading questions: What is the topic of the article? What is the author's opinion or perspective on this topic? What reasons does the author present to support his perspective? Does the author provide any evidence? If so, where did the author find the evidence? Do you find the author's perspective, reasons, and evidence persuasive? Why or why not? When viewed collectively, what is the instructional purpose of the post-reading questions?

promoting close reading of expository texts

Henrique is an ELL student from Mexico. He really wants to improve his reading fluency. His parents ask his teacher for advice, and she informs them that while Henrique has strong reading accuracy and a fast reading rate, he is struggling a bit with his use of intonation and phrasing in reading. He thinks that Henrique would benefit from some additional practice with his:


A student has shown proficiency in the ability to read a test with appropriate inflection. Which of the following skills has the student demonstrated?

prosody:Prosody refers to using the appropriate inflection and rhythm when reading a sentence aloud. It is one component of fluency.

A teacher is providing direct instruction of the alphabetic principle. She introduces the letter S by writing it on the board and telling the students the sound the letter makes. What would be the most effective instructional next step?

provide multisensory practice with the letter to reinforce the letter-sound correspondence

An English teacher is teaching a group of beginner English Language Learners (ELLs) common school vocabulary (pencil, book, chair) and useful phrases ("May I use the restroom?"). She has been pointing to the vocabulary words, saying them, and then having the students repeat them back orally and write them in their notebooks. The students seem to be getting words confused when they try to use them in the classroom environment. Which of the following support strategies would be most appropriate to help students internalize and use the vocabulary they are learning?

provide pictures of each vocabulary word and sentence stems for writing and speaking

Which of the following is the biggest benefit of requiring oral presentations?

providing practice in pronouncing clearly, controlling grammar, and clarifying information

Which of these strategies is the LEAST effective for developing student vocabulary?

providing weekly word lists for students to study and memorize

When a speaker speeds up or slows their speaking speed to best fit their message and audience, they are adjusting their speaking:


Mrs. Loucks is planning a unit on argumentative writing. In which order should she present the information to students to ensure they are the most successful while composing their assignments?

read example papers, teach thesis statements, discuss finding and citing sources, review outlining, review the writing process, write rough drafts, publish final drafts.

A student who is struggling with phoneme blending would be unable to:

read the phonemes /th/ and /irst/ and correctly say "thirst."

Mr. Hernandez is concerned about his son's reading fluency. He feels that his son has a solid understanding of English, strong grammar, and a limited accent, and he doesn't understand why reading is so difficult for him. His ESL teacher explains to Mr. Hernandez that reading fluency takes time, and while the factors that he mentioned are important, the three components of fluency that his son needs to work on are:

reading accuracy, automaticity, and prosody.

Which of the following is not a specific step of the research process?

reading comprehension

A second-grade teacher expects students to consistently read at home and also asks that they spend time reading aloud to an adult or older sibling. Which of the following is a skill the teacher hopes the students will further develop due directly to reading out loud?

reading fluency

A third-grade teacher reads a fictional story to the class and bases activities on one character of the story. The teacher assigns the same story to be read that night with parents/guardians and provides questions based on another character. Which of the following would this lesson best promote?

reading for a purpose and fluency

A teacher wants to promote students' vocabulary development. Which of the following would be the best approach for the teacher to utilize when selecting texts to read aloud to students?

reading from a wide variety of genres and texts

A teacher has introduced a research project. One resource the teacher will require the students to use is a website. Which of the following activities would best help students differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information?

reading, identifying, and highlighting information in articles that contain pertinent information to the subject being researched

A fourth-grade teacher has assigned the independent reading of a section from the social studies textbook in order to evaluate her students' ability to comprehend informative nonfiction texts. Of the various reading comprehension skills, which of the following will be specifically important for comprehending this text?

recalling key details from the text

The teacher begins by asking a student in the class to share the first letter of their name. She repeats the letter, writes the letter on the board, then says the student's name with extra emphasis on the first sound. Next, she asks the class to practice making the sound with her, pointing to the letter on the board each time they make the sound. Which of the following best represents the skill focus for this activity?

reinforcing the relationship between phonemes and letters

The development of reading comprehension skills is important in elementary students. Which of the following is the LEAST important strategy in promoting reading comprehension among elementary students?

relate oral language to semantics

A student who is struggling with phoneme substitution would be unable to:

replace the letter /o/ in "dog" with /i/ and correctly say "dig."

English Language Learners may:

require direct, explicit instruction in phonological and phonemic awareness.

Which of the following would not be in the conventional process of spelling stages?


Mrs. White has planned a field trip to a nearby history museum at the end of the month. Her sixth-grade class is made up of about 40% English Language Learners (ELLs), and the majority of the class will not have visited a museum before this trip. In order to best prepare her students for the trip and success with navigating the museum, which activity should she incorporate into her classroom activities?

role-playing activities

It is essential that fourth- and fifth-grade students have a good knowledge structure about listening, speaking, reading, and writing in order that new skills can be more easily learned. This process is called:


A fourth-grade teacher incorporates reading fiction and nonfiction passages aloud to her class regularly. When she reads a particularly dense or confusing paragraph, she will comment on it to the class, something like, "Whoa, that was a lot of information." Then she will try to paraphrase and go back to reread if necessary. What skill is the teacher modeling for her students?


When ELL students hear phrases such as, "It's raining cats and dogs outside," or "This is just a drop in the bucket," they may be confused, as they probably need to have specific instruction in:

semantics: Semantics is the study of word or symbol meaning. It is important because one word or sentence might have multiple meanings or have a meaning that is figurative rather than a literal meaning.

Lisa is struggling to comprehend grade-level texts during independent reading and her oral reading is jerky and irregular. Mr. Harris wants to improve Lisa's reading comprehension. Which of the following instructional strategies should Mr. Harris focus on?

sight-word automaticity

When addressing a large audience in a large auditorium, a teacher should encourage a student to:

speak more loudly and more slowly than normal.

When introducing new material and scaffolding for student's oral presentation skills, a teacher should be sure to:

start with the easiest skill and build up to the most difficult.

A student in a third-grade class is attempting to determine the meaning of the word "scrawny" in the following sentence. There was Sam, ten years old with long, skinny legs and equally scrawny arms, but he had a smile that lit up any room he walked into. Which of the following would best support the student in an attempt to infer the word's meaning?

syntactic analysis

A teacher reads a non-fiction passage aloud to her class. She occasionally stops and asks questions that relate the text to concepts taught in the previous week. The students are using the skill known as:


Self-evaluation of oral presentations can be more effective and informative when combined with:

teacher assessment of the same item.

Which of these abilities is the weakest connection between strong oral language skills and strong writing abilities?

the ability to decode new words in a text

Which of the following is NOT a goal of teaching phonics and word recognition skills?

the ability to use metacognition to self-monitor reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is:

the process through which a reader creates meaning and understanding from a text.

Which of the following syllables types is the last syllable in "star"?

the r-controlled syllable

Which of the following would NOT be considered when determining whether a student is a fluent reader?

the student's ability to infer unfamiliar word meanings

Which of the following would be a component of effective vocabulary instruction?

the study of roots, prefixes, and suffixes

Which of the following is best promoted by allowing students to write to each other or family members during class time?

the understanding that there are real-world purposes for writing

Which of the following best describes the alphabetic principle?

the understanding that words are composed of letters that represent sounds

When helping students improve their essay writing skills, corrective feedback should be given:

throughout the writing process.

Students in a fourth-grade classroom are having difficulty with their oral language skills. The teacher provides the students with many opportunities to speak aloud in order to develop these skills. The teacher does this for all of the following reasons EXCEP

to create situations where students can develop schema.

Ms. Simpson is beginning a research project with her class. What is one of the first things she should teach her students?

to develop a focused, open ended research question

A teacher is preparing her class to independently read an article about a new telescope being built by a group of scientists. During their pre-reading activity, the teacher purposefully includes challenging or unfamiliar vocabulary like "Magellan," "precision," and "resolution" in both the class discussion about telescopes and their anticipation guide. Which of the following best explains the teacher's reason for incorporating these words into their pre-reading activities?

to encourage student recognition of the words and improve their ability to connect their oral vocabulary to their written vocabulary

What is the most important reason a speaker needs to plan for his specific audience before giving a presentation?

to ensure that subject matter is explained using terms and details the audience will understand

After a student has chosen a topic for their research essay, the next step is:

to find research about their chosen topic.

Which of the following is a developmentally appropriate objective for an average second-grade student?

to identify the main idea of a text

Below is a sample of a student written narrative. Last week my dad was out of town and my mom dragged me all over the place to run errands instead of letting me stay home alone. She should let me stay home alone because I am smart and responsible. I know how to call 911 if there is an emergency. I even knew how to make my own eggs if I get hungry and I won't get hungry because she isn't even gone that long and I can wait a really long time to eat if I need to. She could even just leave snacks for me like granola bars or chips. It is not like she buys me food when I go with her anyway. I would lock all the doors and be safe and follow all the normal rules. The student writing sample be fits the characteristics of which writing purpose?

to persuade

A third-grade teacher reads a book aloud to the class. After reading, they discuss as a class how the main character feels at the end of the story. Collectively deciding that the character feels happy, the teacher asks each student to reread the end of the book in order to pick one sentence that best proves the character is happy. Projecting an image of the excerpt, the teacher then highlights each different sentence that is chosen. Finally, the class decides on one sentence that most clearly demonstrates happiness. Which of the following best describes a possible reason for highlighting and comparing the sentences?

to provide an opportunity for students to evaluate the quality of the evidence

Ms. Johnson has implemented small, homogeneous, intervention groups in her class to provide instruction to students who have similar needs. This allows Ms. Johnson to invite individual students to join the group to work on a specific set of skills. Which of the following would be the best use of these intervention groups by Ms. Johnson?

to provide instruction to a minority of students who have not demonstrated mastery of a specific content objective

Even though her students cannot yet read, a preschool teacher labels each of their backpack hooks with their names, labels commonly used items around the room, and has an assortment of books available for them to access independently. Which of the following best explains why this teacher has prioritized making her classroom a print rich environment?

to support....

While reading a piece of fiction writing, a teacher asks her class to select a short passage and rewrite the story from a different character's point of view. What is the most likely goal of this writing activity?

to understand how perspective and point of view impact a text

A teacher provides her students with a list of word pairs where one word is spelled correctly and the other option is spelled phonetically. For example, "tough" and "touff." Students are asked to select which word is correct. In order for students to successfully choose the correct spelling, they would most likely need to be in which stage of spelling development?


A second-grade student writes the following sentence on the board: "My dog nose triks and is my best freind, but my sister prefers our pet cat." Which of the following does the student's sentence best demonstrate?

transitional spelling

The use of technology can promote the development of communication skills in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

typing and allowing the computer to suggest grammatical and spelling mistake corrections.

Inferential comprehension is when a reader:

understands information that is not stated explicitly.

A preschool-aged child scribbles on a piece of paper and calls it her grocery list. On the back, she draws a picture of her and her mom in the grocery store. At the store, she pretends to read food items off the side containing the scribbles, asking her mom to buy various items. This behavior suggests that the child:

understands that text functions differently than pictures.

A candidate for class president begins his speech by sharing a short story of his first week at their school. What element of effective oral communication is the student incorporating into his speech?

using anecdotes relevant to the audience

Mrs. Jones is a fourth-grade reading specialist and has been asked by a number of teachers how to enhance the comprehension skills of their students, especially with expository text. Mrs. Jones checks for the teachers' understanding of various comprehension strategies. Which one of the following responses is NOT a comprehension strategy?

using phonological awareness skills

Which of the following will best enhance reading comprehension in a sixth-grade classroom?

using various graphic organizers to compare two reading selections

For a warm-up activity each morning, a teacher will post a word in front of the class. In response to the word, the students must write a synonym and an antonym, provide a student-created definition, and use the word in a sentence. Which of the following skills is the teacher most likely trying to promote using this warm-up activity?


A kindergarten teacher reads a story in a big book aloud to the class. Once she has completed the story, she rereads the last page of the book and asks the class to clap once for each word. They repeat this activity a few times as students begin to grasp the idea. Which of the following skills is the teacher promoting with this activity?

word awareness

Which type of technology would be most beneficial to use while students practice drafting a new piece of writing?

word-processing programs

Li Min, an ELL student from China, is having some trouble learning to read because of her lack of familiarity with the English alphabet. Her teacher, Mr. Rushmore, has suggested that she practice at home with her parents. When he calls her parents to inform them, her parents ask him what type of words they should focus on first. He replies that when teaching ELL students to read using the alphabetic principle:

words that follow the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern and contain all continuous sounds should be taught first.

Mrs. Kulasa is working with a small group of students who are in the second stage of writing development. These emergent stage students should be given an activity that develops their ability to:

write strings of letters in a row.

Mrs. Meyers is teaching a lesson to students who are in the second stage of writing development. The writing activity she has planned for her students should focus on developing their ability to:

write strings of letters in a row.

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