english midterm

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"double walker" Septimus and Clarissa are doppleganger. Helps with an understanding of male and female mind. Shows parallels between characters.

What are the 6 major influences on modern fiction?

1) Double Challange A)create a new system of values B)Convince audiences of this new value system's validity 2)New view of time: Time as a continuous flow 3) Multiplicity of conciseness 4) Role of psychology "stream of consciousness" 5)Role of mythology 6)Modern Dilemma: Fear of isolation

2. Examine the character of Peter Walsh: 1) see the above four queries. 5) what weighs upon is mind? 6) why does he feel guilty? 7) how does he regard Clarissa following their reunion, as he makes his way to Regents Park?

1) He is having a sort of midlife crisis, he feels he has wasted his life, but he doesn't think he is old yet. (polar opposite to Richard Dalloway). 2) He is unsure of his own feelings, he tries to convince himself to feel or not feel certain things. He cares a lot about what other people think of him. "bad boy" 3) He is motivated by trying to find his own identity and to be seen as a success by other. 4) he is concerned that he has wasted his life, he strives to get over his heart break by Clarissa. 5) his memory of being rejected by Clarissa stays on his mind. 6) He feels guilty for annoying Clarissa with his unannounced visit and for crying in front of her. 7) He thinks she has grown stiff and sentimental. He thinks the rich life has changed her.

7. Examine the character of Sir William Bradshaw: 1)his personality? 2) his character traits? 3) what motivates him? How does Woolf view him?

1) He is somewhat condescending and manipulative. 2) He likes to be right and to control the situation. He likes to be in control. 3) power, professional reputation, money, and the social norm motivates him. She is a political activist. 4) Woolf parallels him to a colonizer. He forces people to conform to social norms

3. Examine the character of Septimus Warren Smith: 1) see the four queries of #1 above, 5) what is his function in the chapter/book? How do you respond to him on a human level?

1) In this part of the story he doesn't seem to have a personality. 2)He has PTSD (shellshock), he doesn't trust the world. Constantly thinks of Anthony Cleo Patra. 3)He is motivated by his memories, but he is also motivated by his doctor and his wife to try to get better. 4)He sees the world as a rotten place. 5)He is another character in the book and inspires pity and sympathy from the reader.

5. What facets of Woolf's style herein are noteworthy. Why does she utilize it? Is it effective, from your perspective? Why are there no chapters in this novel?

1) She doesn't do chapter breaks which makes her writing a lot more fluid. It adds a certain level of satisfaction while reading.

1. Examine the character of Clarissa Dalloway: 1) her personality? 2) her character traits? 3) what motivates her? 4) what are some of her major concerns?

1) She is independent but feels like she is only seen as the wife of Richard Dalloway. 2) She isn't satisfied with how she is and tends to think of things in hindsight a lot. She's apprehensive. 3) Others opinion of her is what motivates her. She puts herself in a position where people have to look at her with gratitude. 4) Aging, the loss of time, she is unhappy (she has anxiety and stress), she is unhappily married.

11. Examine the character of Miss Kilman. (See the four queries in #1 above.)

1) She is jealous of Mrs. Dalloway's "rich life". Due to her German background, she feels like a stranger (even changed her last name to see more normal). 2) She seems extremely high strung. She is resentful of the upper class. 3) She is very religious. Her jealousy drives her, and she uses self-pity as a weapon. 4) Elizabeth not liking her is a major concern. As well as people looking down on her. 2) Miss Kilman signifies the German stigma that still exist in England from WWI. She also embodies the lack of religion in the upper class.

10. Examine the scene wherein Clarissa watches the elderly lady across the way go about her daily routine. What do we learn about Clarissa from this passage?

1) She is not religious and doesn't seem to believe in love too strongly.

8. Examine the character of Lady Bruton: 1) see the above four queries.

1) She is rich and high class, yet she seems panicked when she has to write an important letter. 2) She thinks she has to solve the problems that the British empire faces. She is masculine in a way. 3) Her obsession with Canada and exporting the unemployed to Canada. 4) Woolf demonstrates her as high class, but though her character tries to seem like a caring person, selfishness is behind her

4. Examine the character of Lucrezia Warren Smith: 1) see the four queries of #1 above. How do you respond to her on a human level?

1) She wants her husband to get better, but she has slowly started to resent him. 2) She used to teach Shakespeare. She is Italian. 3) She is motivated to get help for her husband. She wants children, but her husband doesn't. 4) The reader can relate to her hopefulness, even though she feels helpless in her situation.

13) Examine the character of Elizabeth Dalloway (17), using the four questions from #1 above.

1) Somewhat resentful of her mother for being controlling and projecting her past onto Elizabeth. She has a thirst for adventure. 2) She likes the country. She like animals and is considering becoming a vet. 3) adventure and being her own person motivates her. 4)

6. Note some of the facets of Modernism evident in this first section.

1) The constant changing of thought demonstrates the stream of consciousness (ie how the thought of peter interrupting Clarissa and Sally actually replaces the memory all together with memories of Peter). 2) Peter is a biblical name. 3) There are no chapter breaks so there is a continuous time. 4)Modern dilemma is shown by the story taking place right after the war (a period of isolation) and Clarissa is somewhat trapped in her own consciousness and is isolating herself, and her sleeping by herself. 5) Peter feels he has wasted his life, but he isn't old at all. This demonstrates the multiplicity of consciousness. 6) New value system is that life should not only be appreciated but should be made vital and lived fully. Value friendships and relationships.

21) Analyze the following as symbols: 1)flowers, 2) the sea, 3) "fear no more the heat of the sun," 4) images of tossing and or plunging, 5) birds.

1) The flowers are mainly associated with Clarissa and Septimus. (also, a little to Sally to show she isn't traditional) 2) Sea imagery almost always with Clarissa (also a little with Septimus). Images of tossing and plunging. 3) . Once one is dead they need to fear no more the unpleasant facets of life. 4) Mainly Septimus and Clarissa. An image about choice/goes back to the sea a little. When she broke up with Peter they were by a fountain. She "tossed peter away." 5)

9. Describe Clarissa's marriage to Richard Dalloway, as seen in this section. Are they "happily married?" What, to you, might seem lacking in their relationship?

1) They aren't unhappy, but they do not seem satisfied with the relationship. Richard couldn't even tell her that he loves her after the brunch, even though he had planned to do it because Peter was back in town. There is no passion or romance in the relationship.

What does Bobinot bring for his wife?

A can of shrimp

What kinds of effects upon Marlow and upon us do the scenes have regarding the man-o-war shelling the bush, and the dynamiting of an apparently impervious mountain? HoD

A feeling of insanity about blindly firing into the jungle. Purposeless violence.

What is stolen in Two Gallants?

A gold coin

What instrument do they pass in the stream in Two Gallants?

A harp

Lyric novel-

A lot of her pros seem to be poetic b/c of her consistent use of imagery. A poem that is relatively brief that contains many musical components, but the major influence on a reader in a lyric poem is an emotional one.

Who is Corley's girlfriend in Two Gallants?

A maid for a wealthy family

20) What is/are this novel's theme(s)? What are some of the ways that the novel fills the bill for a Lyric Novel? Cite facets of Modernism present herein.

A theme for this story could be communication v. privacy. Throughout the story we see people not only struggling to communicate their thoughts and feelings, but also the struggle to keep privacy and finding a balance between the two.

How did the husband die in The Story of an Hour?

A train accident

Who is the ex boyfriend in The Storm?

Alcee Laballiere

Where are they going to elope in Eveline?


Where did Calixta and Alcee vacation in The Storm?


Who is the son in The Storm?


Where is Alcee's wife in The Storm?


The father/husband in The Storm?


What is the name of the husband in The Story of ab Hour?

Brently Mallard

Marlow must cross the Channel to a city that always makes him think of a Awhited sepulchre. Any guesses as to its identity? HoD


The mom/wife in The Storm?


What is Alcee's wife named in The Storm?


Who is the mastermind in Two Gallants?


Where does Eveline end up at the end of Eveline?


19) Examine Richard and Elizabeth's relationship as seen at the novel's end. Are they close? What is Woolf's point therein?

Elizabeth is closer to Richard than Clarissa. This reiterates the fact Richard cannot show emotions well. He couldn't tell Clarissa he loves her earlier in the novel, and now he cannot tell Elizabeth that he's proud of her.

Who is the protagonist in Eveline?


14) What makes Septimus Warren Smith's death doubly tragic?

Even though Septimus showed several indications of suicide, Dr. Homes acts like it was an impossible to predict event. This also took place right after a beautiful moment of clarity with his wife.


First used in music by German composer. Association of music/imagery with a character.

What is the name of Eveline's lover in Eveline?


Freddy Malins and Miss Ivors are both interesting characters: how so, and what is their significance? The Dead

Freddy is a drunkard "loose cannon" who's defensive and speaks his mind as well as Molly Ivors who is an Irish nationalist

What does Louise Mallard keep muttering in The Story of an Hour?


There is much dramatic irony during the coach ride to the hotel. What is the nature of this irony? The Dead

Gabriel thinks Gretta is thinking about him, but she is actually thinking about Michael.

What is Eveline's brothers name?


Next, examine the 4th paragraph so as to see what Conrad is about therein. Then move to the 7th paragraph and then do the same. Do you see a progression? HoD

He describes the nature as something that can swallow and suffocate them. "nature is king" In the 7th paragraph, he describes the blindness he can feel navigating the ship

At the work site Marlow seeks the solace of shade only to find what? HoD

He finds people dying

How is the manager interesting? HoD

He inspires uneasiness and "he was neverill"

How is the brickmaker interesting? HoD

He is a "spy" waiting to climb rank

How is Mr. Kurtz interesting? HoD

He is the head of the best outpost and the "manager" sees him as a threat and doesn't like him

How is The Company's chief accountant interesting? HoD

He keeps up his appearance "It takes backbone to do that"

Why does Marlow lie to Kurtz's intended? HoD

He lies to her because the truth would be too dark, and he promised Kurtz he'd protect his image.

Upon hearing the whole story about Michael Furey, and watching his wife cry herself to sleep, Gabriel is left alone (or is he?) with his thoughts. What are the conclusions drawn by him, and what is the significance of the snow at the tale's end? The Dead

He said "one by one turning to shades" thinking about the dead and how even if Michael is dead, he still lives on the Gretta's mind

When Gabriel first hears that a seventeen-year-old boy died for Gretta years ago, he asks, "What was he?" Why? The Dead

He thinks to dehumanize Michael and try and figure out their relationship

What happened to the former captain, Fresleven, and is it important? HoD

He was stabbed with a spear for beating a tribes chief with a stick. It shows that the company doesn't care about its men and how savage the area is.

How is the beaten worker interesting? HoD

He was used as a scape goat for the fire

White, blue colors and black branches are associated with Clarissa

Her room is a form of imagery. Gives her privacy and security. Gives a nun-like image; also associated with virginity. Could show a withdrawal from life.

How does Charlie Marlow get his position as skipper of a river steamboat? Is that significant? HoD

His aunt helps helps him secure the position. It shows he doesn't quite know what he is getting into and isn't prepared for it.

His battle with it parallels his battle with what else? Who won? HoD

His battle with nature parallels with his internal conflict of losing his morals. The darkness won.

Cite some of the interesting facets of the office's location and its inhabitants. Are there any mythic facets to this episode? HoD

It is surrounded by large buildings but is a smaller run down building. 3 fates are sitting in the office knitting black wool (Rhelm of death)

2. Since Christmas and New Year's Day seem already to have passed, what might be the occasion for this annual dance party? The Dead

It is the Feast of the Epiphany.

The story's climax occurs when Gretta, descending the stairs, hears Bartell D'Arcy singing the old air "The Lass of Aughrim." In what way is this scene climactic? The Dead

It sets the wheels in motion for the discussion of Michael Furey, which later leads to Gabriel's epiphany.

What is the name of the sister in The Story of an Hour?


Describe Gabriel Conroy's characteristics. Are we to see him in a positive, negative, or neutral light? What is the point behind the episode concerning the "goloshes?" What is his profession? The Dead

Kind of self-centered, quick to temper, controlling, cares most about what people think

Right on the heels of this Aaction scene we see Conrad's handling of time again as Marlow talks about the Kurtz he feared he'd never find and the fear he felt upon finding him. What was Kurtz's initial purpose in going into Africa's heart? HoD

Kurtz initially just wanted to sell ivory and help civilize the natives.

Who is the sidekick in Two Gallants?


What is the name of the woman whose husband died in The Story of an Hour?

Louise Mallard

Why does Conrad's narrator refer only to Marlow by name, and to the others by occupation? HoD

Marlow is the protagonist

What effect did Marlow's helmsman's dying look have upon him? Is there a connection? HoD

Marlow realized this sense of shared fate and he had a fondness for the helmsman

In the long introductory paragraph starting Part II, we see Kurtz through Marlow's eyes, as he apprehends him at that time, and from the manager's perception. How do their views differ? HoD

Marlow says he could be a fine fellow who stuck to his work for his own sake, viewing him as a good man. The manger views him as arrogant and a possible threat.

examine the opening paragraph of Marlow's narrative, bearing in mind that Marlow's tale is a Atale-within-a-tale, framed by Conrad's anonymous narrator's tale. What does this device achieve? HoD

Marlow sees life at sea as gloomy and gives the reader the chance to choose a stance on colonization/imperialism

How does Marlow view his aunt, when he goes to thank her for her help? Is this important? HoD

Marlow vies his aunt as priveldged and sheltered.

What are some important features of the native's attack upon the boat that you remember? HoD

Marlow views the "attack" as the natives trying to scare them away. He sees "sticks" flying.

Who are the dead, anyway? The Dead

Michael Furey and the rest of Ireland

If we view nature as emblematic of The Outer World, what are some of her characteristics as portrayed herein? HoD

Nature is uninterested in what they want

Gabriel's after-dinner speech is extremely important. How so? The Dead

Part of the speech is meant to embarrass Miss Ivors. We Gabriel's his hypocrisy. He is very flattering of his aunts, but he considers his aunts as ignorant in his mind. The irony of the speech is that he is just as bad as Miss Ivors and uses insults that completely describes him.

What is the name of the friend in The Story of an Hour?


What are some of the ways that this tale is a Modern work? The Dead

Self-sacrificial love is valued, past is never past, references to mythology/biblical references.

Marlow's description of the striking native woman is painstaking. What should we gather from it? HoD

She is sad to see Kurtz go. She was his mistress. She represents native wealth and is a mirror image of nature.

How does Gabriel regard Miss Ivors, and she him? The Dead

She regards him as a traitor to his country and family (born Irish, moved to England). They regard each other as opposites.

16) Examine Clarissa's thought process regarding Smith's suicide. What does it tell us about her? How is the imagery therein significant?

She was happy for him that he found his peace, but she was upset at the Bradshaws for bring "death" to the party. The imagery of flames and burning parallel with Septimus, who describe the same thing earlier in the novel. They are both also compared to bird. She also feels her preserved something.

What are Eveline's two jobs?

Shop worker and nanny

Who is the maid in The Storm?


What is the Russian's significance in the context of the overall tale? HoD

The Russian gives a new look at Kurtz and he is like a Jester to Kurtz.

What is this business with maps that Marlow goes on about, reminiscing about his childhood? HoD

The blank spots influenced him to go to the congo and shaped his curiosity of the area. Also, represents the darkness of the area.

What is important about the painting made by Kurtz that Marlow saw hanging in the brick maker's quarters? HoD

The blindfolded torch hold represent how Europe think they are doing good in Africa, but are blind to the darkness they bring. It is a twist on justice and ironic liberty.

It a great moment when Marlow finds Towson's book on Seamanship. Why does it have such an effect upon him? HoD

The book gives him ties to home. It also refreshes his sense of right and wrong

To what does this darkness equate at this point in the story?

The darkness can equate with death, ignorance, and hopelessness

At the end of the 4th paragraph in Part III, Marlow sees the heads on the stakes. What do they mean? HoD

The heads on the stake bring to light Kurtz's brutality that had been hidden before. Kurtz sees himself as a god.

Upon arriving at the end of Chapter 1, one might be forgiven for certain feelings of misgiving. Why? What has Conrad succeeded in doing as a Modern writer in this disquieting embarkation? HoD

The idea behind what they are doing is right even though what they are doing is wrong. A change in value system.

"The Lyrical Novel" by Ralph Freedmen

The idea of a lyrical novel is a paradox. Moral choices of dramatized.

Look at the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th paragraphs for significant imagery. What is Conrad doing therein? HoD

The imagery sets a dark tone and symbolizes the imperialism and colonization of the east.

Why isn't the narrator named? HoD

The narrator doesn't need a name because it takes away from Marlow being the protagonist

What was his postscript to his report? HoD

The post script said "exterminate the brutes"

17) Look at the scene wherein Clarissa's sees the elderly lady across the way prepare for bed. Some critics see this as the climax of the tale. How so?

The use of going to bed insinuates a turning point. Many nods to death and withdrawal.

What has she in common with Kurtz's Intended, as we see her in the last part of the tale? How are they different? HoD

They are both grieving Kurtz. Kurtz wasn't considered rich enough for his intended; while he was considered extremely rich by the native woman.

Critics generally perceive Gabriel and Michael's names herein as symbolic. What might they represent, and how does that fit into the theme of this story? The Dead

They are names of Angels from the Bible, the Angels each have similar characteristics to the people with the names. Gabriel guards the gates of heaven and is associated with new life. Michael is a warrior angel and the angel who leads new souls to the place of judgment. Gabriel in the story is about to start to change his life and that matches the angel.

What is significant about Marlow's physical exam? HoD

They are testing for madness

18) Compare Lady Rosseter with Clarissa as they are now at the party. Have they changed since those old days at Bourton

They've both changed appearance wise, but the still feel a strong bond of friendship (not sexually).

What is the significance of the holiday to the Aran Islands (in the west of Ireland) planned by Miss Ivors, the thought of which so excites Gretta? Why is Gabriel not interested? The Dead

This is a chance for Gretta to go back to Ireland and to be with her people (and learn the language). Gabriel has no desire to be with his Irish people, and he doesn't like Miss Ivors.

What are some things established herein by Conrad? HoD

This is a story within a story, they are sailors, and they are waiting for the river to calm down

1. In what part of Dublin do the Misses Morkans live, and what might be its significance? The Dead

Usher's Island, the house was the same one Joyce himself lived in.

What occurs at the end of Part II, only to be resumed at the beginning of Part III? Why do you think Conrad breaks the story there? HoD

We are about to meet Kurtz and the Russian is preceding that. Its a climax

What are some additional things we learn about Peter Walsh in this section? Does he still love Clarissa? Would they have made each other happy if they'd married?

We see Peter gain a sort of self confidence in this section. We learn that even though he doesn't believe he is good for Daisy, he likes the idea of her dependency on him. Peter does still love Clarissa, but I don't think they would be happy together. She wouldn't be able to be dependent of him how Daisy is. She would still want to be the party host, which is something he ridicules her for.

Did Kurtz regard the wilderness as an antagonist? Was it? HoD

Yes; it was

How is the leader of El Dorado interesting? HoD

he is the uncle to the manager and is there to plunder Africa

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