English Quizlet Fahrenheit 451

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Find and write down one quote that shows Faber is a coward. Be sure to include the page number.

.I am a cowardly old fool

Montag wonders if the teens in the car were the same ones who killed Clarisse. Do you think they were? Explain your answer..

.I think they did killed clarissa because they could have been messing around and hit or driving super fast and they hit her

According to Faber, how long ago was the last liberal arts college shut down? Why did it close? Would you enjoy an education where your only classes were based on STEM, science/technology/engineering/math? Why or why not?

40 years for the lack of students and patricage and nobody would go to college anymore .

According to Clarisse, how is Montag different from the other firemen? What evidence is given that shows Clarisse is right

He can put up with her and makes time for her .He tries the rain because she said it tastes like wine .

Faber says he bears some responsibility for the dismal state of the world. What is the source of Faber's guilt? Do you share his opinion or think that he's being too hard on himself? Explain.

His source is guilt and ability to act .He is hard on himself and if he did proteste to say anything because of cowardness and shyness .

As he flees, Montag thinks Beatty wanted to die. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Explain your answer

I agree with Montag because if Beatty did not want to die he would not have just stood there and let a person walk around him and the man was armed.

After Montag escapes to the river, cleansing himself both physically and symbolically, he thinks about the sun. According to Montag, how is the sun like a fireman

It means it burns time and an fireman also does not stop burning .They fireman does not care and do not care and the sun it goes up and comes down and we mark our time

At first, Clarisse tells Montag that she's 17 and, later, she admits that she'll be 17 next month. She says, "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane." First, decide whether you think her uncle is right - is there a special kind of insanity in 17 year olds? Explain your answer. Second, given the world that Montag and Clarisse live in, how might the uncle's advice be seen as practical and wise? Explain this answer, too.

It means she could be pure and being seventeen and crazy because her thinks she is crazy because he thinks she is odd because he may feel like she belongs or he thinks she is mental or normal because she can do odd things

How old is Montag? How long has he been a fireman?

Montag is 30 years old and been working as a fireman for 10 years.

Why does Montag stash his remaining books at Fireman Black's house? What do you think of Montag's decision to do this?

Montag stash them at the fireman's black house .To frame the fireman and they could get in trouble .He would stashed the coworkers house

What phrase from a children's fairy tale likely raises Capt. Beatty's suspicion that Montag has been illegally looking at books?

Once upon a time .

What entertainment happens every night at the firehouse? What does this show the reader about the firemen? About Montag?

The fireman played cards

Describe a typical day at Clarisse's high school. Be sure to include specific details from the text.

They do not learn a lot and they do not socialize and the teachers just give them work and do not help them and the whole time they are in front of screens and information is just getting thrown .

The men who arrive in the night to pump Mildred's stomach have a casual indifference about their work. How many cases like this do they handle each night? What does this show you about this world?

They feel very sad and lonely because they said they do this 9-10 times a night and they really do not care about anyone but themselves and it so fast pace and themselves .This means this world is so sad because people are committing suicide every night .

After school, what do most teenagers do for fun? What do these activities show us about this society?

They go to Fun Park to bully people and they go to car wrenching to wreck the cars and smash windows and race cars very dangerous .The teens are very careless and reckless and the parents do not care and they just do destructive activities instead doing something that can better you or help you learn

Do flying cars exist in this world? How do you know this

Yes they do because it says they were in the air and then they land on the ground turning into a beetle and then back up in the sky.

From the scene in the old woman's home, find and write down one sentence that includes a simile. Then, explain the symbolic significance of what that simile is supposed to add to the scene for the reader.

a century old if was day .That means the house was really old and not go looking as it was before .

How many days a month does Mrs. Bowles, one of Mildred's friends, spend with her children? How do her children feel about her? How do you know this?

3 days a month with her children and feeling poorly they would sooner kick me than kiss and if they kick me I will kick them back .They do not have a great relationship and are imbalanced . Mildred's other friend does not like kids and said nobody in their right mind would want kids .

What evidence exists that shows us the story begins in late October

?It was cold and the voice says it is november and montag 1234567 days would be the end of october .The leaves in the trees are brownish-gold color and she says it smells like cinnamon .It fall

Look back over the opening sequence before Guy Montag meets Clarisse McClellan. What two adjectives would you use to describe this man? What textual evidence leads you to this conclusion?

Curious he went to go look about this strange feeling ,Alert to aware of his surroundings ,

Clarisse says that she's not like the other teens, primarily because she was taught to be responsible for her actions and even "spanked when I needed it, years ago." Where do you stand on the issue of spanking children who misbehave? From this passage, what do you think is Bradbury's stance on the issue?

He is saying that it is okay because if a child is being bad they need to discipline .I think spanking is not the only option because you can take things away but sometimes some things but it depends on the situation .

When Montag visits Faber, he's told that there are "lots of Harvard degrees on the tracks between here and Los Angeles." What does this mean?

He is talking about the people who will help and use the train tracks and to follow train tracks .There are people who are on the side with Montag and will help him .

Earlier in the book, Montag is more of a student, learning from the wisdom of others such as Clarisse and Faber. Toward the end, though, it's clear that Montag has changed and now has become a leader. What evidence supports this statement?

He is trying to remember to know the books and working hard and trying to save the world .The professors are letting walk even though montag said y'all van go but they said it is fine you can stay in the front

Right before Beatty is killed, he quotes a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Look closely at that passage and then explain the irony of Beatty's words.

He pretended to not read the books and he isn't a very honest person.

Capt. Beatty says the beauty of fire is that it "destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets too burdensome, then into the furnace with it." Explain how this line is an element of foreshadowing

He saying the fire is great and when you do not want a big just burn but beatty is the problem montag burns him and lits him up

Montag realizes what made Clarisse so likable. What was it

Her favorite subject was not herself and the people around her and cared about people more than herself .

After Montag's disastrous attempt to enlighten the women with his reading of "The Sea of Faith," he tells Faber, "I made them unhappier than they have been in years, I think...Maybe they're right, maybe it's best not to face things, to run, have fun. I don't know..." What do you think? Is ignorance really bliss? Explain.

Ignorance is bliss is not to know than to know

According to the professors, is it better to have a book you can physically hold or a book that's committed to your memory? Explain why

It better to have in your memory because it can be dangerous and you can lose it or get caught with books and hanging out in the woods .It also consider weird to hang out outside and getting caught with books will be very bad

At the end of the novel, Montag remembers these lines from the Book of Revelation, "And on either side of the river was there a tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Symbolically, what might the fruit represent?

It could talk about the bombs and could represent the society break up or the socitey breaking up.The it the idea there is still hope in the world and healing is something before everything in those needs .

Describe Faber's television

It is a small tv and it said it is a size of iphone and it is smaller than ipad and travel size .He has it hidden and would not know the tv is even in the room .

Find and write down one quote that shows Faber is brave. Be sure to include the page number.

Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damn mistake.

On the first page of the book, author Ray Bradbury uses several metaphors to describe Guy Montag as he completes his job. Find and write two of the metaphors, explaining the effect Bradbury is trying to create with each metaphor choice.

Metaphors (great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world(To show how powerful it is and dangerous) ,His hands were hands of amazing conductor playing all the symphonies (He made want to seem elegant even though it not supposed to be ,(His eyes are all orange flame )He is so ready to burn the books and reflecting into his eyes ,(flapping pigeon -winged books )To give an emotional connection to give to the books that are burning

Although we can't be certain, what do we think has happened to Clarisse? What does the uncertainty of Mildred's report do to Montag? What does it show us, the readers?

Mildred says the girl is dead and she died by getting run over by a car.He was in denial and he was really upset and that small interactions were his happiest because he interacted her and can actually talking without screens

Give at least three concrete examples that show Mildred is an awful wife.

Mildred was not listening to her husband as he was explaining something to her as he watched a lady that burned herself because her books and mildred did not care at all and just brushed it off Guy was saying he feels bad or he does not want to be a fireman anymore and mildred did not care to listen and mostly yelling because of the things she would lose instead of listening or taking care of him while he is sick The Clarisse when she said she forgot to tell someone that she died shows she does not really care about anyone but her electronics after their neighbor just passed away

While on the subway, Montag struggles to absorb the Biblical passage of Matthew 6:28, which implores readers to forget about material possessions and to "consider the lilies of the field," beautiful blooms that grow wild on their own. His reading is interrupted by an incessant jingle for Denham's Dentifice, a teeth-whitening product. What point is the author trying to make in this scene?

That everything is loud and repeating and he is trying to unlearn everything the society tried to force them and he is trying to let go of everything it keeps being jam in his face

According to Beatty, why do smart kids, the "intellectuals," get picked on at school? What is his opinion of this?

That they were not equal and sees books as a threat and that is why smarter kids get picked .That everyone is not as equal as the constitution says

Why, according to Clarisse's uncle, aren't porches built on homes anymore

That were people socialized and they can talk to each other

Find the section where a car is racing down the street, aiming to hit Montag. Author Ray Bradbury uses repetition in this section, starting seven short sentences with the same two words. First, what are the two words that Bradbury uses? Second, what effect does this technique have on the scene and on the reader?

The beetle; it causes more suspension

What is more important, Mildred or the Bible? Explain

The bible is more important than mildreds and had to go through a process to duplicate the bible and he would do not for mildred and he is choosing their bible instead of his marriage

Toward the end of the book, Montag realizes that fire is not necessarily bad. Describe the moment where he realizes that fire can be a good thing

The moment he realized because he realized that fire is not only for burning but warming and it gives and takes .

According to Granger, what's the difference between a man who cuts a lawn and a gardener?

The difference is the gardener is touching the ground and the guy who cuts the lawn is not touching .The gardener cares and the guy who lawn .The gardener will last longer or a lifetime and the lawn guy does not last .The fireman is not gonna have a good mark in the world but the people who remember the book even after they are gone

Explain what "wall" exists between Guy and Mildred.

The family members he is talking about the people on the tvs and it feels so real that they are actually family .The tv walls he is talking about .

Montag is horrified to realize that the speeding car is not a police car but is actually filled with joy-riding teenagers amused by the idea of killing a pedestrian. What's the most likely reason the teen driver avoided hitting Montag at the very last moment?

The high speed could have flipped the car over and all of them may have been dead.

In the moment that Montag first sees Clarisse, what is the main color that Bradbury wants us to associate with this girl? What, symbolically, is significant about this color choice?

The main color is white because the dress is ,face and pavement .Ghost and spirits.Peace,innocence ,She does not what is happening and does not know very much about and she is clueless

As Montag reads and Mildred blankly stares on that cold November afternoon, what color does Bradbury use to describe the silent viewing parlor? What color does he use to describe the park where Montag met the old man a year ago? What's symbolically significant about these color choices?

The parlor is gray and the green park .The gray was very dull and nothing really happens .The green park is very lively and happy

Based on what Mildred and her friends say about politics, why did Winston Noble win the presidency? Do you think voters in our world today focus on this same criteria? Explain

The president won based on his looks or his speech and our world does not focus on looks they mostly worry about their actions and what they can do better for our country

According to Faber, the loss of books themselves isn't what's ruined this society. Instead, he says it's the loss of three specific things. In your own words, explain what three things are missing from these people's lives.

The things is missing quality they do not have imagination to what could be in the world ,Leisure-they are just there and living lives ,Caring the right act-They are not choosing anything to happen and they are just there and living how the government wants them to live

The title of this section of the novel is "The Sieve and the Sand." "Sieve" is another word for strainer or colander. In this story, what does the sieve symbolically represent? What does the sand represent?

The title of this guy he remembering being the beach and he could recall could he read to fast and the sand is the truth and he could hold and retain it

Although a bomb has leveled the city, there's evidence in the last few pages that humanity can regroup and life can be better. Find and write one sentence from the last few pages that includes a hopeful tone for the future. Explain why you chose this line

There is a fried pan and even though it is a small breakfast they are still helping each other and socializing.

Why is Faber heading to St. Louis?

There is an retired printer and who help put backs into society

According to Beatty, firemen are actually the "Happiness Boys." What does he mean by this? Do you agree with Beatty that happiness is the aim of life? If not, what should be the aim of life? Explain your answer.

They did not want to make anyone unhappy .They do everything to try to make others happy .I think so because staying in a positive mindset gets you better in most things and would rather the most happiest memories then the saddest ones

How long have Guy and Mildred Montag been married? Where did they meet? What's significant about this detail?

They have been married for 10 years .They do not know where they met .It shows neither of them cared about the big details and shows do they really care about their marriage are they really in love

In Bradbury's version of the future, how have roadside billboards changed? What does this detail show the reader about this society?

They were once twenty feet long because the cars are going faster and they are much longer so they can be when the advertisement is seen .They are not paying attention and they are rushing and things have to be bigger so it can be seen by the world .The small details are not important because they don't really care about small details

Later in their conversation, Faber says, "Those who don't build must burn. It's as old as history and juvenile delinquents." What does he mean? Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Explain.

This means they are building or burning books and you can not be in neutral because you are a rebel or government side and you cannot be neutral if you want books to burn .If you see something bad and you did nothing to stop then you are just as bad as them .

What metaphor does Bradbury use to describe the earbuds in Mildred's ears? What should alarm the reader about this description?

Wasp in a pink warm nest .It gives us that it is stuck and I can not come out or take it out .Like she is never there mentally and she needs music to help sleep and calls the seashells .

Granger, one of the professors, has a unique perspective on why we grieve loved ones when they die. Explain his thoughts on this topic.

We miss the person but also miss the things he did with his grandfather and miss his jokes and nobody can do things like his grandfather.

In the first sentence of this section, the fire at Montag's house is described as a "carnival." What does the use of this word show you about Montag's neighbors?

When he says carnival he means that everyone is watching him like it is an entertainment show .

As Montag discusses his discomfort around the Mechanical Hound with Fire Captain Beatty, he thinks about the "ventilator grill in the hall at home and what lay hidden behind the grill. If someone here in the firehouse knew about the ventilator then mightn't they 'tell' the Hound...?" We're not told what Montag has hidden, but take a guess. What item/s do you think Montag has stashed behind the vent in his home?


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