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the exchange rate for converting the U.S dollar into other currencies is continuously adjusted depending on the laws of supply and demand. This shows _____ exchange rate


advocates of the floating system argue that

floating rates help adjust trade imbalances

For JCB, foreign direct investment in India was initially preferable to exporting because

India had high tariff barriers

The ______ was created to maintain order in the international monetary system

International Monetary Fund

a country that introduces a currency board commits itself to converting its domestic currency on demand into another currency at a fixed exchange rate


a resource-transfer effect of FDI is that it can result in a positive contribution to a host economy by supplying capital and technology which boost the country's economy


spot exchange rates change continually


a country that imports more goods than it exports experiences a

trade deficit

During the Bretton Woods negotiations, there was a consensus among the countries represented that fixed exchange rates were preferred


Supply and demand of one currency relative to another helps determine exchange rates.


The Bretton Woods system could work only as long as the US inflation rate remained low and the US did not run a balance of payments deficit


The U.S. dollar, EU euro, Japanese Yen and British pound are all free to float against each other, which means their exchange rates constantly fluctuate


The attractiveness of exporting is reduced when a product can easily be produces in almost any location


The flow of foreign direct investment refers to the amount the of FDI undertaken over a given period of time.


The foreign exchange market is the vehicle used to convert the currency of one country into that of another country.


The process of dollarization occurs when a country abandons its own currency and adopts another currency- typically the U.S dollar


When companies wish to convert currencies, they typically do so through a bank.


If the firm is facing the threat of trade barriers such as high import tariffs or quotas and the firm has proprietary technology, the firm should consider

foreign direct investment

Dipper Donuts licenses its brand name to foreign firms as long as they agree to run their places on exactly the same lines as Dipper Donuts places elsewhere in the world. In return, the foreign firms have to pay Dipper Donuts a percentage of their profits. This is an example of


The view argues that international production should be distributed among countries according to the theory of comparative advantage and countries should specialize in the production of goods they can produce most efficiently

free market

JCB's joint venture in India with local conglomerate Escorts

is an example of foreign direct investment

Assume that the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen is $1 = ¥150. A book that retails for $100 in New York should sell for ¥15,000 in Tokyo, if there are no trade barriers and transportation costs, according to the

law of one price

a country that relies on the pragmatic nationalist view would say that

FDI should be allowed so long as the benefits outweigh the costs

arises when two or more enterprises encounter each other in different regional markets, national markets, or industries

Multipoint competition

JCB operates several factories in India employing more than 5,000 workers. Which best characterizes JCB's impact on India?

India benefits from employment effects

Assume that the exchange rate between the euro and the dollar is € 1 = $1.50. Jenna is an american tourist in Italy buying a leather wallet whose price is 60 euro, How much in U.S dollars will Jenna have to pay to buy the product?



Bretton Woods

according to the _______ there is a strong relationship between inflation rates and interest rates

Fisher effect


Gold Standard


Gold loss


Jamaica agreement


Smithsonian agreement

Which of the following has contributed to the problems Vietnam is facing with its coffee revenues?

Vietnam's currency is pegged to the dollar

Which of the following statements is true of how the strong U.S. dollar has affected the global coffee market?

Vietnamese coffee farmers are reducing coffee production and investing in alternative crops

Which of the following would be most beneficial for Vietnam's coffee growers?

a depreciation in the value of the U.S dollar

JCB's joint venture in India with escorts can best be described as

a greenfield investment

as part of its 2016 agreement to borrow $12 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Egypt agreed to

allow its currency to float against other currencies.

Freeman Fabricators International purchased securities in London Stock Exchange and then immediately resold them on the New York Stock Exchange at a higher price. The profits from this transaction were used to buy new equipment for the company. This company engaged in


a country is said to be in _____ when the income its residents earn from exports is equal to the money its residents pay to other countries for imports

balance-of-trade equilibrium

The crisis in Egypt that required the country to take $12 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2016 can best be described as a(n)

currency crisis

a(n)_______ refers to the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates.

currency swap

When a nation puts government-backed insurance programs in place to cover major types of foreign investment risk, it has the effect of

encouraging outward FDI by a home country.

If your household goods can be efficiently produced through economies of scale, it would be a good idea to use a(n) _______ strategy.


The effect of bulky or heavy products on transportation costs can make _______ an inappropriate strategy.


If your proprietary know-how of "green" processes is difficult to transfer to other firms, the most effective approach would be

exporting or foreign direct investment

As the only currency that could be converted into gold, the British pound weakened the system of fixed exchange rates established at Bretton Woods and caused it to collapse


Assume that the euro/dollar exchange rate is €1 = $1.20. If it costs $36 to buy a European product, the stated price of the product would be €36.


Pegged exchange rates are most popular in larger, developed nations


The eclectic program is based on the idea that intellectual property is of considerable importance in explaining in the direction of FDI


When a firm enters into a spot exchange contract, it is taking out insurance against adverse future exchange rate movements.


an efficient market exists when countries enact tariff barriers to minimize imports.


as an investor studying the gold standard, Kareem knows he would need more than 1,500 euros to purchase one ounce of gold. These euros represent the

gold par value

Shreya is the chief financial officer for Home Safe Security Inc. Her company is interested in investing in a facility in Indonesia, but she is worried about unpredictable fluctuations in future exchange rates, which could cost her company millions of dollars. One way to ensure against this exchange risk is for Shreya to use


If a firm's know-how, skills, and capabilities can be protected by contract, and if tight control over foreign operations is not vital to remain competitive, and there are reasons to believe that additional costs through transportation or tariffs would be high, the most effective approach would be


Internalization theory is used to explain why a company prefers FDI over as a way to enter a foreign market.


a(n) ________ system refers to one in which a country's currency is nominally allowed to float freely against other currencies but in which the government will intervene, buying and selling currency, if it believes that the currency has deviated too far from its fair value.


Hudson Oil and Gas Inc., based in Houston, has a plant in Norway that builds cargo ships used to transport the company's product around the world. Each year this plant has been profitable, but Houston Inc is not able to convert the profits into U.S dollars and take them out of the country. What type of convertibility does this represent?


What type of exchange rate regime is present in Vietnam?


prior to intervention by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2016, Egypt followed a ______ exchange rate policy


The rate at which a foreign exchange dealer converts one currency into another currency on a particular day is the

spot exchange rate

a weakness of the Bretton Woods system was that it could not work if

the U.S dollar was under speculative attack

Under the fixed exchange rate regime established at Bretton Woods ______ served as the reference point for all other currencies

the U.S. dollar

a dirty-float system differs from a clean-float system because in a dirty-float

the central bank will intervene to maintain the value of the currency

Brazilian coffee farmers have benefitted from

the drop in the value of the Brazilian real

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