Enviromental Science

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When you are emigrating from somewhere you are moving out of the area. Which of the following is a consequence of emigration out of a country.

The country population decreases

Around 10,000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution occurred. What was an important part of this revolution?

The cultivation of wheat

Surface impoundments are open ponds that store hazardous waste, which means earthquakes could cause the waste to seep into the groundwater or contaminate other areas. For this reason, what is one MOST important considerations we must make when deciding where to build a surface impoundment?

The geological activity of the area

where does the energy for geothermal energy come from?

The heat energy of the earth

Populations cannot grow if they do not have what the members of the population need to survive. Which of the following is something that might limit the speed at which a population can grow?

The lack of available shelter

The gulf of mexico receives pollutants from which waterway?

The mississippi River

Where does New Orleans get the majority of its drinking water?

The mississippi River

When there are not enough resources in an environment they are limiting.. What happens when the resources in an environment are limited?

The population size decreases

When the resources in an enviorment are at optimum levels what can happen?

The population size grows

What does it mean when a population has a 0% growth rate?

The population size is staying the same

what does it mean when a population has a negative growth rate?

The size of the population is decreasing

what does it mean when a population has a positive growth rate?

The size of the population is increasing

When grasslands are overgrazed the grass cover is often removed. what is a negative impact of removing grass cover from the soil ?

The soil can be eroded much faster by wind and water

The nutrient levels in rainforest soilds are concentrated at the surface of the soil. because of this what happens once rainforests are cleared?

The soilds deteriorate quickly

What does it mean when a species is threatened?

The species is likely to become endangered

Endangered species are typically large and have low reproductives rates, which means they either wait until late in life to reproduce or have few offspring each time they reproduce. What is another characteristic that is likely to make a species endangered?

The species is useful to humans, but only dead (example: as food)

water has high specific heat capacity. Why is this an advantage?

The tempature of water changes very slowly.

What concept describes when commonly-owned resources are depleted because a few people take more than their "fair share"?

The tragedy of the commons

by regulating public lands and waters, what are we helping prevent?

The tragedy of the commons

Which country might have an age structure pyramid that looks similar to the one shown?

The united states

Grazing can have negative impacts on grasslands like when the livestock eat too much grass and increased wind and water erosion from overgrazing. What is another negative impact of grazing?

The weight of the cattle compacts the soil

Abrupt changes in temperature can cause what?

Thermal track

Due to increased awareness, laws, and technology, how are nations water compared to 50 years ago?

They are LESS polluted

incandescent light bulbs use the most energy of all types of light bulbs but they produce 95% heat and 5% energy. What is a positive of these bulbs?

They are cheap

Specialists are very particular in their food habitat and ecosystem requirements. What does this mean?

They are especially vulnerable to changes in their environment.

What can we say about Earth's systems?

They are interconnected

Fossil fuels like gasoline coal and natural gas are considered finite. What does this mean?

They are nonrenewable

LED lights bulb produce little to no heat and are great calue over the long term. What is another positive attribute of this type of bulb?

They are the best value over the long term

Genetalists are not particular about their food habitat and ecosystem requirements. What does this mean?

They can easily adapt

When nonnative species arrive in an area they do not have any predators. Why might this be a benefit for the nonnative species?

They can out compete the natives

Non-native species are not from an area. This means that they do not have any natrual competitors or predators in the area. Why is this a problem?

They can out-compete native species

Developed nations tend to have better healthcare, greater wealth and more education. Because of these three factors, what can we also say about developed nations?

They have a higher life expectancy, lower crude birth rate, and lower total fertility rate.

developing nations tend to have poor healthcare, less wealth and fewer educational opportunities, especially for women. Because of these three factors what can we also say about developing nations?

They have a lower life expectancy, higher crude birth rate and higher total fertility rate

Why are hunter-gatherer population unable to raise crops and animals in a farm?

They move around too much

CAFO are farms that have large numbers of animals raised close together for meat. Why are these a problem?

They produce large amounts of animal waste that can affect surrounding areas

Which BEST describes greenhouse gases?

They stop SLOWER radiation from leaving the atmosphere.

When conducting a population sampling study what do you expect to happen after you release the tagged individuals?

They will spread evenly and do not die

How do you get trash into the incinerator?

Through the hopper

There are several methods for dealing with waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and throwing away. Which type of waste strategy requires the MOST amount of energy?

Throwing away

There are several methods for dealing with waste: Reduce, Reuse,Recycle and Throwing Away. Whoch type of waste strategy is WORST for the environment?

Throwing away

What term means the total number of children a woman will most likely have during her reproductive years?

Total fertility rate

Which act regulates the chemicals used in mining and elsewhere?

Toxic Substance control act

What is one of the main ADVATAGES of incineration as method for dealing with waste?

Trash burn easily

When one organism is removed and it causes effects in the ecosystem beyond what is expected it is known as what?

Trophic Cascade

Ozone is a BAD thing in which layer of the atmosphere?


The layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the earth is known as the "weathersphere" because the weather is located in this layer. Which layer of the atmosphere is known as the weathersphere?


The curve labeled B in the graph shown is known as __ survivorship..

Type 2

The department of interior controls the bureau of land maanagement and the national park servicec. What other agency is under the department of the interior?

US fish and Wildlife service

Which type of UV light is 95% of the UV light that hits the surface of the earth?


Which type of UV radiation is the LEAST energetic and thus LEAST harmful?


Which types of UV Radiation are MOST likely to cause skin cancer?

UV-A and UV-B

As the ozone layer os depleted, which type of UV radiation hitting the earths surface INCREASES dramatically?


Which type of UV radiation is somewhat blocked out by the ozone layer and is responsible for tanning?


Which type of UV radiation is the MOST energetic, and thus, MOST harmful?


Which type of UV radiation is the most damaging and is completely filtered out by the ozone layer?


Alleopathy occurs when one organism releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of other organisms. keeping their immediate area free of competitors. with plants this can create areas where plants are evenly spaced in the enviroment. What type of population pattern would alleopathy be an example of?


Many desert plants use allelopathy to minimize competition and to keep other organisms away. What type of dispersal pattern does this cause among the plants?


The 3 types of biological dispersal patterns are random clumped and


Which country did not sign the kyoto protocol?

United states

How many ozone molecules can be broken by 1 chlorine atom?

Up to 100,000

What do we call it when people move out of downtown areas leaving only the poor reducing beautification and public services which are paid for with taxes?

Urabn Blight

There are several diffrent infectious agents that can pollute water. Some examples are the bacteria that cuase cholera and the parasite known as giardia. What is another type of infectious agent that can be found in water?


Vocs are air pollutants. What VOC stand for

Volatile Organic Compounds

We can combat noise pollution in a variety of ways. Some example of this are designing building that can absorb sound and well-planned landscapes. What is another way we can combat noise pollution?

Walls along freeways

Compared to the outside which would BEST describe the inside of a greenhouse?

Warmer and increased plant growth

Which substance can exist naturally as a solid, liquid, and gas on Earth?


hydrogen fuel cells are a type of alternative energy. These cells are expensive but they produce no air pollution. What is the major by-product of hydrogen fuel cells?


Biomass energy can be a sustainable carbon-neutral source of energy. How do we use biomass for energy?

We burn it (combustion) or chemically convert it to biofuel.

What do we call the SHORT-TERM variations in precipitation and tempature?


What does it mean to extend the efficency of an energy resource?

You extend the life of the energy resource.

A company is constructing a building for a recording studio. Which of the following would be the LEAST HELPFUL in reducing road noise in the studio? A. reducing the number of trees on the property B. sound-proof windows C. carpet D. sound-dampening ceiling tiles


A group of Right Whales are moving from the coast of Nova Scotia to the coast of Georgia. What are the Right Whales doing? A. emigrating from Nova Scotia B. hibernating in Nova Scotia C. immigrating to Nova Scotia D. remaining in Nova Scotia


A group of organisms that are all of the same species living in the same area and interacting with each other is called ___________ A. a population. B. an organism. C. a biome. D. the lithosphere.


A pesticide is a poison used to ______. A. kill pests B. stop pest reproduction C. kill only the eggs of pests D. hurt, but not kill, pests


A population with a growth rate equal to zero is _________. A. stable B. gaining members C. increasing in size D. decreasing in size


A system in which individuals live and interact with the non-living portion of the environment is called _______. A. an ecosystem B. the lithosphere C. a habitat D. the troposphere


AC units produce heat that intensifies the urban heat island effect, causing residents to use their AC units more frequently. This is an example of which type of feedback loop? A. positive feedback loop B. negative feedback loop C. upside down feedback loop D. sideways feedback loop


According to this age- structure diagram, what is happening to this population? A. It is declining over time. B. It is not changing. C. It is growing exponentially.


Arrange the following from LEAST amount of energy used to MOST energy used. A. Reduce --> reuse --> recycle B. Reuse --> reduce --> recycle C. Recycle --> reuse --> reduce D. Reduce --> recycle --> reuse


Arrange the following types of UV radiation from LEAST to MOST energetic. A. UV-A, UV-B, UV-C B. UV-B, UV-C, UV-A C. UV-C, UV-B, UV-A D. UV-C, UV-A, UV-B


As plates slide past each other at a transform fault boundary, such as the San Andreas Fault, they _____________ A. have a tendency to stick and build up energy that will result in a future earthquake. B. cause rock to melt and act as a lubricating agent which prevents any earthquakes from happening. C. form new crust, causing a divergent boundary which then moves an opposite direction and apart. D. cause the formation of large volcanoes.


Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasitic worms are examples of ____. A. infectious agents B. sediment C. organic chemicals D. thermal pollution


Based on this food web, which primary consumers eat mostly phytoplankton? A. Bivalves B. Bald Eagle C. Tundra Swan


Besides severity, what other important factor qualifies a risk? A. probability B. time C. dangers D. preoccupations


Biodiversity is defined by 3 things: 1: ________ Biodiversity 2: Ecosystem Biodiversity3: Genetic Biodiversity A. Species B. Biome C. Habitat


Biotic potential increases a population's ability to survive. Which of the following would be considered a factor for biotic potential? A. generalized niche B. low reproductive rate C. small food supply D. inability to hide from predators


City, state, and national parks are owned by _____. A. the public B. private individuals only C. large private corporations only D. small private businesses only


Climate change is a great example of which type of feedback loop? A. positive feedback B. negative feedback C. neutrality


Combustion is associated with which type of renewable energy? A. Biomass Energy B. Tidal energy C. Hydro-Energy D. Wind Energy


Country B has a high birthrate and low life expectancy. Which of the following would MOST likely also be a characteristic of Country B? A. high death rate B. low death rate C. long doubling time D. low total fertility rate


Deer are herbivores, which means they eat plants. Which term also means herbivore? A. primary consumer B. carnivore C. producer D. heterotroph


Developing countries tend to have low life expectancies. What causes this? A. lack of available healthcare B. low infant mortality C. better education D. easily available vaccinations


Diluting a pollutant over and over until it is very difficult to detect is known as which of theses processes? A. serial dilution B. oxidation reaction C. reduction reaction D. incredible dilution


Emperor penguins lay a single egg. Both parents care for the egg and chick. Based on this, emperor penguins could be considered ____-selected. A. K B. s C. J D. r


For every __________ in an environment, there is an upper and lower limit that governs the growth of the population. A. factor B. plant C. person D. rock


France has a growth rate of approximately 1%. Calculate the doubling time.Doubling time = 70/growth rate A. 70 years B. 88 years C. 99 years D. 170 years


Fungi are detritivores. Detritivores feed on ____________________. A. dead and decaying organisms B. primary and secondary consumers C. rocks D. autotrophs and producers


Greenhouse gases are gases that can increase the temperature of Earth when they accumulate in the atmosphere. Which of these is considered a greenhouse gas? A. Carbon dioxide B. Helium C. Oxygen D. Argon


Grouper are a type of fish that often wait until they are around 20 years old to reproduce. Based on this, grouper could be considered ____-selected. A. K B. s C. J D. r


How much of the sunlight entering the Earth eventually leaves? A. All B. Some C. None D. Most


If a population has MORE biotic potential than environmental resistance, it will ___________. A. increase B. decrease C. remain stable


If a power plant uses 100 units of energy to create electricity and the output is 5 units, where does the 95% of the energy input go? A. lost as heat B. lost as gas C. escapes the system as potential energy


Impervious surfaces do not absorb water very well. Which of these would be considered an impervious surface? A. parking lot B. sandy beach C. grassy hills


In 2010, an oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico. This oil spill has become known as the ___. A. Deepwater Horizon B. The Great Spill C. Atlantic Empress D. Sea Star


In 2016, a country had a doubling time of 10 years. Calculate the growth rate.Doubling time = 70/growth rate so Growth Rate = 70/doubling time A. 7% B. 18% C. 50% D. 99%


In nature, organisms rarely fulfill their ____________ niche. A. fundamental B. climatic C. genetic


In the 1950's, it was discovered that the Minamata Bay in Japan was contaminated with ____. A. mercury B. argon C. arsenic D. iron


In the United States, east coast pollutants get blown to ___. A. Europe B. California C. Hawaii D. Montana


In the winter, what levels of dissolved oxygen would you expect compared to the summer? A. Higher levels of dissolved oxygen in the winter B. You cannot compare dissolved oxygen between summer and winter C. Lower levels of dissolved oxygen in the winter D. Equal levels of dissolved oxygen


In this type of succession, weathering and erosion needs to break down the rock into usable soil. A. primary B. aquatic C. tertiary


Indoor air pollution is usually a ___ threat to human health than outdoor air pollution. A. greater B. similar C. significantly smaller D. lesser


Industries produce approximately what percent of solid waste in the United States? A. 10% B. 25% C. 30% D. 50%


Integrated Pest Management allows for chemical control as long as the pesticides are ______. A. nonpersistent B. sprayed every day C. sprayed monthly D. sprayed every other month


List the types of UV radiation from least harmful to most harmful. A. UV-A, UV-B, UV-C B. UV-A, UV-C, UV-B C. UV-B, UV-C, UV-A D. UV-C, UV-B, UV-A


Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitos. What would you expect to happen to the range of this disease as the planet warms? A. increase B. decrease significantly C. maintain the same level D. decrease slightly


Municipal solid waste (MSW) is waste that is produced in residential areas and accounts for very little of our total waste. Approximately what percent of all solid waste is MSW? A. Less than 2% B. Over 95% C. About 50% D. Around 25%


National Forests and National Grasslands are managed by the _______. A. National Forest Service B. National Weather Service C. Bureau of Indian Affairs D. Department of Justice


Nigeria is considered a developing country. Which of the following would MOST likely be a characteristic of Nigeria's population? A. high birth rate B. low death rate C. easy access to healthcare D. long life expectancy


Normal biogeochemical cycles are ______________ feedback loops. A. negative B. contamination C. neutral D. parallel


Nuclear power has a ____ probability of accidents. A. low B. 100% C. zero D. extremely high


Organic waste is also known as ________ waste. A. oxygen-demanding B. explosive C. radioactive D. corrosive


Organisms with long generation times will struggle to adapt to climate change because it will take them a long time, possibly too long, to adapt to changing conditions. Compare this to organisms with short generation times - how will they be able to adapt to climate change? A. Organisms with short generation times will face a similar struggle to adapt. B. Organisms with short generation times will all die. C. Organisms with short generation times will not have to adapt at all.


Overall, garbage burns ___. A. easily B. with much effort C. with difficulty D. by requiring large amounts of additional fuel


Significant increases in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane first occurred with what major societal event? A. the Industrial Revolution B. the Black Plague C. the San Francisco earthquake D. World War II


Solid waste is ___. A. nonhazardous B. clean C. 100% recyclable D. produced mostly by individuals


Substances that can catch on fire are considered ___. A. ignitable B. corrosive C. stable D. toxic


Surface impoundments are pond-like areas that are used to hold liquid hazardous waste. Surface impoundment sites should have ___. A. a heavy, plastic liner that keeps waste from leaking into the soil B. many earthquakes C. no liner D. streams that flow into and out of them so that the waste can move downstream into local rivers


The ability of a species, over time, to become less susceptible to the effects of pesticides is called __________. A. resistance B. bioaccumulation C. persistence D. biomagnification


The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the maximum number of individuals of a certain species the ecosystem can support. Which of the following can change the carrying capacity of an ecosystem? A. habitat loss B. no change in predator populations C. no change in prey populations


The end community that develops at the end of secondary succession is known as _____________. A. a climax community B. biodiversity C. the inertial community


The human body is made up of several systems. Each of these systems works together to maintain homeostasis in the organism. For example, the respiratory system takes in oxygen and the oxygen is transported through the body by the cardiovascular system. The human body is an example of ___________ A. an open system. B. a closed system. C. a neutral system.


The largest component of the municipal solid waste stream is ____. A. paper and paperboard B. yard trimmings C. food D. plastic


The law that states that mines cannot impact surface and ground waters is called what? A. Clean Water Act B. Clean Air Act C. Occupational Health and Safety Act


The surface mining method that removes tops of mountains and allows the debris to fall to the valley below is called ___________. A. the Mountaintop Removal Method B. the Pollution Method C. the Death Trap Method D. the Placer Method


This is the type of succession that occurs when the soil has been removed by a significant event and has to be rebuilt. A. primary B. eutrophic C. tertiary


This soil conservation measure provides government subsidies to farmers for not planting in environmentally sensitive areas, such as a wetland or riparian zone. A. Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) B. Endangered Species Act C. Dust Bowl Act


This type of area is an area that does not allow water to penetrate, percolate and recharge the aquifer. A. impervious surface B. pervious surface C. repercolation area


Tube worms live deep in the ocean where no sunlight can penetrate. They get their energy from chemical compounds in the surrounding waters they are___. A. chemotrophs B. autotrophs C. heterotrophs


Waste-to-energy facilities ___. A. burn garbage and create energy from the heat B. compact waste so it takes up less space C. sell trash for people to burn for energy in their homes D. create batteries from garbage


What air pollution standards provide public health protection, including protection of the health of sensitive populations? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Legislative


What can cause a reduction in dissolved oxygen levels in an ecosystem? A. an increased load of animal waste B. there is no exact cause C. fewer pesticides in the water D. improved water health


What do we call it when farmers regularly alternate the crops planted in an area? A. crop rotation B. wind breaks C. contour cropping D. agroforestry


What does CFC stand for? A. Chlorofluorocarbons B. Clearly Fixable Chemicals C. Closely Fragmented Chemicals D. Color Flecked Chemicals


What does the bottom layer of an ecocolumn represent? A. a lake B. homeowner water well C. urbanization D. a grassland


What does the science root word "synthesis" mean? A. to build or make B. to spin quickly C. to make incorrectly/fake


What happens to interspecific and intraspecific competition as habitats decline? A. competition increases B. it depends on the habitat C. competition remains the same


What happens to the atmospheric PRESSURE in the various atmospheric layers as you move away from the surface of the earth higher into the atmosphere? A. It decreases. B. It increases higher and higher until you go out into space where it is the highest. C. It does not change, at all. D. It increases until it hits a new layer then it decreases but increases later.


What is the term for when people move away from cities in large quantities and spread out to rural areas? A. urban sprawl B. migration to inner cities C. smart growth D. suburban contraction


What keeps the atmosphere close to earth's surface? A. gravity B. the asthenosphere C. opposing pressure from the sun D. tidal forces


What reacts with water in the atmosphere to form carbonic acid to make regular rainfall slightly acidic? A. carbon dioxide B. lead C. helium D. argon


When ice melts, it exposes more land, further decreasing the earth's reflectivity, causing the earth to warm further and more ice to melt. This is known as a ___. A. positive feedback loop B. horizontal feedback loop C. negative feedback loop D. vertical feedback loop


When people share a common resource without agreement or regulation of its use, ________________. A. it is likely to become overused B. it will last forever C. it will never be overused D. the possibilities are unknown


When substances bioaccumulate, they are MOST likely to build up in the ___. A. liver B. heart C. skin D. brain


When the climax community has been disturbed, the process of repair that begins is known as ________________. A. ecological succession B. ecological biodiversity C. ecological accountability


When the sun's rays enter Earth's atmosphere, they are ___ than they are when they are leaving Earth's atmosphere. A. traveling faster B. traveling at the same speed C. less energetic D. longer wavelengths


Where is ozone considered a pollutant? A. troposphere B. away from Earth's surface C. stratosphere D. mantle


Which BEST describes acidified soils? A. They are LESS likely to hold nutrients. B. They are MOSTLY water-logged. C. They have NO heavy metals. D. They have MORE healthy decomposers.


Which act uses taxes on mines to pay for reclamation of older mines? A. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act B. Solid Waste Disposal Act C. Safe Drinking Water Act


Which chemical was used frequently as a pesticide until scientists realized that it persisted in the environment, biomagnifying up the food chain? A. DDT B. Radon C. Roundup D. Phosphate


Which color absorbs the least energy? A. white B. red C. blue D. green


Which federal agency establishes standards for drinking and surface water in the United States? A. the EPA B. NASA C. HUD D. the USPS


Which gas is LEAST potent as a greenhouse gas? A. water vapor B. methane C. argon D. nitrogen


Which is the correct sequence of energy transfers in a typical coal fired power plant? A. chemical-thermal-kinetic-mechanical-electrical B. electrical-kinetic-mechanical-thermal-chemical C. kinetic-thermal-electrical-chemical-mechanical


Which is the main reason for crop rotation? A. to conserve soil nutrients B. to create more work for the farmer C. to keep the soil from being too wet


Which law helps protect species and their habitat from harassment in the United States? A. Endangered Species Act B. Marine Mammal Protection Act C. CITES


Which law of thermodynamics states that "energy in = energy out"? A. 1st B. 10th C. 3rd D. 4th


Which law protects federal land from mining operations? A. Federal Land Policy and Management Policy Act B. Clean Air Act C. Safe Drinking Water Act


Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to the surface of earth? A. troposphere B. stratosphere C. mesosphere D. thermosphere


Which marine organisms are MOST likely to be affected with a decrease in the ozone layer? A. photosynthesizing plankton B. whales C. deep-sea organisms D. tuna


Which method of dealing with hazardous waste involves plants? A. phytoremediation B. landfills C. injection wells D. surface impoundments


Which of the following IS a reason that people cut down rainforests? A. to grow crops B. to protect ecosystems C. to increase biodiversity D. to create National Parks


Which of the following are classified as multiple use lands? A. National Forests B. National Wildlife Refuges C. National Mall D. National Historic Sites


Which of the following can start a succession? A. forest fire B. lack of disturbance C. planting some trees


Which of the following could help DECREASE deforestation around the globe? A. decrease human population growth B. build more houses C. increase food production D. let everyone take as many trees as they want


Which of the following energy resources are considered to be "finite" (nonrenewable)? A. gasoline B. solar C. wind


Which of the following helps people grow or harvest for a profit? A. Department of Agriculture B. National Weather Service C. Department of Transportation D. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Which of the following helps private corporations make a profit while extracting natural resources from the lands they manage? A. National Forest Service B. Department of Justice C. National Weather Service D. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Which of the following is BEST for the environment? A. reduce B. reuse C. recycle D. throw away


Which of the following is NOT a strategy for controlling water pollution? A. hiding storm drains B. sewage treatment plants C. water treatment plants D. maintaining coastal wetlands


Which of the following is NOT an example of particulate matter? A. carbon monoxide B. smoke C. soot D. dust


Which of the following is a NEGATIVE impact of increasing human population growth? A. increase in number and strength of diseases B. people will live longer C. improved air quality D. stronger economy


Which of the following is a benefit to free-range agriculture? A. decreased prevalence of disease B. increased prevalence of disease C. increased use of antibiotics D. increased numbers of animals in cages


Which of the following is a chemical that can bioaccumulate in the environment? A. mercury B. oxygen C. hydrogen D. argon


Which of the following is a group that is especially susceptible to air pollution? A. asthmatics B. people in their 40's C. high schoolers D. marathon runners


Which of the following is a major air pollutant? A. carbon dioxide B. zinc C. copper D. hydrogen peroxide


Which of the following is a point source of pollution? A. effluent from a factory B. runoff from agricultural lands C. sediment from construction sites D. acid deposition


Which of the following is an INTERNATIONAL agreement between 127 nations to phase out, ban, or reduce 12 specific chemicals? A. the Stockholm Convention B. Endangered Species Act (ESA) C. the Superfund Act D. National Park Service (NPS)


Which of the following is an example of a primary pollutant? A. carbon dioxide B. ozone C. sulfuric acid D. PANs


Which of the following is an example of the tragedy of the commons? A. cattle grazing on public lands with no regulations B. cattle grazing on private lands with specific agreements on how many cattle can graze C. cattle being raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) by commercial growers D. cattle grazing on corporate lands


Which of the following is critical in almost every ecosystem, including ecocolumns? A. exposure to sunlight B. excess fertilizer C. high pH D. abundant hydrogen peroxide


Which of the following is easiest to regulate? A. effluent from factories B. runoff from agricultural lands C. sediment from construction sites D. acid deposition


Which of the following is heavily regulated in the United States? A. liquid waste (effluent) from factories B. runoff from farms C. runoff from parking lots D. acid deposition


Which of the following is likely to increase in livestock as the ozone layer is increasingly depleted? A. skin cancer B. heart disease C. kidney disease D. brain cancer


Which of the following is only applicable in the United States? A. Clean Air Act B. Paris Agreement C. Kyoto Protocol D. Montreal Protocol


Which of the following is the BEST reason to reduce pollution rather than trying to clean polluted waters? A. cleaning polluted waters is difficult and expensive B. reducing pollution is easy C. cleaning polluted waters is very cheap D. reducing pollution is cheap


Which of the following pieces of legislation has been in service the longest? A. Clean Air Act B. Paris Agreement C. Montreal Protocol D. Kyoto Protocol


Which of the following statements is accurate? A. You can never get more energy out of a system than you put into a system. B. The energy out of a system is always MORE than the energy input. C. The energy out of a system is always EQUAL to the energy input.


Which of these agencies classifies hazardous materials into 9 primary classes? A. Department of Transportation (DOT) B. Endangered Species Association (ESA) C. National Park Service (NPS) D. U.S. Forest Service


Which of these can disrupt solar energy from leaving Earth? A. Clouds B. grass C. Soil D. Snow


Which of these is a product (something that is produced) of cellular respiration? A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen C. Sunlight


Which of these terms describes a pesticide that does not break down easily or quickly in the environment? A. persistence B. bioaccumulation C. biodegradable D. biomagnification


Which of these types of light bulbs use the MOST energy? A. incandescent bulbs that get very hot B. CFL C. fluorescent bulbs that are very cool D. LED


Which one of the following is an INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT? A. the Montreal Protocol B. the Clean Air Act C. the Endangered Species Act D. the Clean Air Act


Which organism is MOST likely to be affected by increased turbidity? A. plants B. frogs C. alligators D. worms


Which organization helps to regulate and manage natural resources to help species such as the Gorillas in Uganda? A. the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) B. the World Health Organization C. the Centers for Disease Control


Which piece of legislation designated the seven criteria air pollutants? A. Clean Air Act B. Endangered Species Act C. Kyoto Protocol D. Clean Water Act


Which pollutants are emitted directly into the air? A. Primary pollutants B. Secondary pollutants C. PANs D. Ozones


Which type of UV radiation is responsible for immediate tanning? A. UV-A B. UV-O C. UV-G D. UV-D


Which type of heat islands have higher surface temperatures in urban areas compared to rural areas? A. Surface B. Canopy C. Boundary D. Rural


Which type of soil makes it MOST difficult for plants to thrive and decompose organic material? A. acidic B. water-logged C. moist D. sandy


Which type of species below would BEST describe the population discussed in the paragraph to the left? A. r-selected B. J-selected C. K-selected D. S-selected The curve labeled C in the graph shown is typical of populations that have many offspring, but few of those offspring survive into adulthood. An insect would be an example of a species with this type of survivorship.


Which type of species will have the easiest time adjusting to climate change in the future? A. generalists B. specialists C. moderates


Who primarily regulates the transportation of hazardous materials? A. Department of Transportation (DOT) B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) C. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) D. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)


Why are most public lands administered by the Department of the Interior but National Forests are administered by the Department of Agriculture? A. Our National Forests produce a crop called "trees". B. Congress made a mistake that they didn't bother correcting C. Farmers paid off the government so that this could happen. D. The answer to this is not known.


Why is it ineffective to constantly spray the same population of pest with the same amount of pesticide? A. The population will become resistant. B. They will die from bioaccumulation. C. The organisms will be strengthened by their persistence. D. Their population will increase due to biomagnification.


You have been working in the garage, adding a coat of varnish to a piece of furniture. You wipe your hands on a shop rag. Because varnish, is flammable, which waste category does the rag now belong to? A. ignitable B. corrosive C. reactive D. toxic


What is one important characteristic of modern landfills?

a plastic liner

If a sound is very, very loud, how long can you hear this sound without hearing loss

a short time

A green plant is a type of producer, also known as a (n) _________. A. autotroph B. heterotroph C. chemotroph


A single stage of succession in any given ecosystem is technically referred to as a __________ . A. sere B. trophic level C. step


Based on this food web, which primary consumers eat mostly phytoplankton? A. Bivalves B. Bald Eagle C. Tundra Swan


In North America, where would you expect to find a temperate rainforest with lots of rainfall and changes in seasonal temperatures? A. along the west coast in northern California, western Oregon, and western Washington state B. along the Gulf of Mexico C. in southern Texas D. in the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico


In nature, organisms rarely fulfill their ____________ niche. A. fundamental B. climatic C. genetic


Nature has ways of keeping the nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus cycles in balance. However, run-off from animal operations and fertilizers in our waterways can result in _________. A. cultural eutrophication B. erosion C. cleaner drinking water D. an increase in water temperature


On a time vs. population graph, as populations approach the carrying capacity, the population growth rate often ________. A. slows B. explodes C. doesn't change D. stops completely


The most stable community in an ecosystem at that time is referred to as ______________________ . A. the climax community B. the end of the road C. the final destination


Using the 10% rule when studying trophic pyramids, if the producers produce 10,000 Joules of energy, how much energy is passed on to the primary consumers? A. 1000 Joules B. 150 Joules C. 10 Joule


What is the major factor that distinguishes primary succession from secondary succession? A. the absence of soil B. the presence of an invasive species C. the absence of an aquatic community


When energy moves from a state of higher concentration to a state of lower concentration, scientists refer to this as ____________ . A. entropy B. electrical energy C. nuclear energy


When the climax community has been disturbed, the process of repair that begins is known as ________________. A. ecological succession B. ecological biodiversity C. ecological accountability


Which environmental principle states that when two species occupy the same niche, one species will out-compete the other and ultimately one species will be excluded? A. Competitive Exclusion Principle B. Native Species Principle C. Invasive Species Principle


Which organism directly eats Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in this food web? A. Herbivorous Duck B. Osprey C. Bivalves


what do we call it when we interplant trees and crops?


How much of the sunlight entering earth's atmosphere eventually leaves?

all of it

Traditional agriculture is powered by which energy source?

animals and humans

what do we call things that are made by humans?


What determines whether pollutants get blown away or trapped locally?

atmospheric stability

92% of the energy produced in the United States is from this source of energy. A. non-depletable B. non-renewable C. renewable


A benefit of using genetically-modified crops is _________. A. that seeds must be purchased annually B. that they produce a greater yield C. that they require more pesticides D. increased pesticide use


A river is being polluted with fertilizer runoff from a neighborhood of houses. This is considered ___. A. good B. nonpoint source pollution C. heavily regulated water pollution D. illegal


A species that is thought of as r-selected will have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT ________. A. many small offspring B. high parental care C. early reproductive age D. high population growth rate


About what percent of Americans get their water from wells? A. 100 B. 50 C. 0 D. 5


Albedo is the reflectivity of a surface. Surfaces that are very reflective, have high albedo. Which of the following has the LOWEST albedo? A. high clouds B. soil C. snow D. ice


All of the characteristics below are typical of r-selective species, EXCEPT _________ . A. smaller in body size B. stable population size C. have many offspring with no care given to the offspring


An arrow is pulled back, waiting to be shot. Then, the person holding the arrow releases the arrow and the arrow flies through the air. What happens? A. solar energy is changed into potential energy B. potential energy is changed into kinetic energy C. power is changed into potential energy D. power energy is transferred into kinetic energy


An environmental act that is passed in the United States is legal in which arena? A. worldwide B. United States and U.S. Territories C. United Nations Countries


An old plowed farmer's field begins to recover after being abandoned. This is an example of which type of succession? A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary


Approximately, what is the energy efficiency of the human body? A. 0-5% B. 20-25% C. 90-100%


As a sound gets louder, what happens to the amount of time you can be exposed to the sound before experiencing hearing loss? A. it increases exponentially B. it decreases C. it is extended D. the amount of time has no bearing in this situation


Because of the oil embargo of the 1970s, __________________ . A. gasoline prices in the USA dropped B. gasoline prices in the USA increased significantly C. gasoline prices remained unaffected


Calculate the doubling time for U.K with its growth rate of 0.60% doubling time= 70/growth rate A. 11.66 years B. 116.67 years C. 1.16 years


Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used for which of these? A. as an additive in bottled water B. as refrigerants in air conditioners and refrigerators C. to heat water D. as agricultural pesticides


Earth's surfaces reflect some of the sun's energy. About how much of the sun's energy is reflected by Earth's surfaces? A. Exactly 0 percent B. Less than 10 percent C. About 50 percent D. Exactly 100 percent


Energy Efficiency =Useful Energy Output/Total Energy Input x 100 (%)If a power plant uses 100 units of energy to create electricity and the output is 35 units, what is the energy efficiency of the power plant? A. 100% B. 35% C. 45%


Environmental resistance can be _______. A. abiotic only B. both biotic and abiotic C. biotic only D. neither biotic nor abiotic


Habitat loss is a major reason for the loss of biodiversity. Habitat loss is directly related to which cause? A. overharvesting B. human population growth C. hunting/gathering of species


Hydrocarbons are a by-product of _______. A. agricultural dust B. burning fossil fuels C. the atmosphere D. the troposphere


If all of the large, dead trees were removed from the ecosystem, what would happen to the barred owl population in that ecosystem? A. The barred owl population in that ecosystem would stay the same size. B. The size of the barred owl population in that ecosystem would decrease. C. There would be no change in the barred owl population. D. The amount of barred owls the ecosystem can support would increase.


If you can hear road noise from your backyard, what is something you can do to reduce this noise? A. service your lawnmower B. plant trees at the edge of your property closest to the road C. install hardwood floors in your house D. keep your car serviced


In 1948 in Donora, Pennsylvania, a temperature inversion caused pollution to build up so high that several people ___. A. decided to have a spontaneous cook out B. died C. decided to stay outside for long periods of time D. decided to never drive to work again


In 1989, an oil tanker spilled 11 million gallons of oil in Prince William Sound, Alaska. This disaster has been named after the tanker, the ______. A. Titanic B. Exxon Valdez C. Queen Elizabeth D. Sea Star


In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was proposed to decrease carbon emissions worldwide. Which country did not ratify (sign) the treaty? A. Canada B. The United States C. Mexico


In a certain ecosystem, eagles prey on fish. If the food supply of the fish decreases, the ___________________. A. carrying capacity of the fish population will go up B. carrying capacity of the eagle population will go down C. carrying capacity of the eagle population will go up D. carrying capacity will be unaffected


In general, dark surfaces ___ reflectivity. A. slightly increase B. decrease C. have no effect on D. greatly increase


In the 1950's, tall smokestacks for large factories were constructed and pollution was released higher in the atmosphere where winds were stronger. The motto during this time was "Dilution is the solution to _________". A. motion B. pollution C. evolution


In the term "autotroph", the suffix "troph" means ___________. A. environment B. feeding level C. meal


In this type of tilling practice, the farmer harvests his crops but he does not openly till the soil in order to replant a new crop. A. industrial agriculture B. no-till agriculture C. subsistence farming


In which of the atmospheric layers is the ozone layer located? A. troposphere B. stratosphere C. mesosphere D. thermosphere


Industrial agriculture is most common in _____. A. Nigeria B. developed countries C. Ethopia D. South Africa


Jared Diamond was part of the debate in the 1970's that suggested that a single large reserve was preferable to several smaller reserves whose total areas were equal to the larger. What is the acronym or name of this debate? A. POPP B. SLOSS C. TSA


Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This is known as the __________. A. Law of Conservation of Heat B. Law of Conservation of Matter C. Law of Conservation of Organisms


Modern landfills are required to have ___. A. no liner B. a plastic liner C. a mesh liner D. a sand liner


Natural gas is mostly formed from _________. A. water B. marine mud C. sand D. old trees


Once a landfill is full, ___. A. it is watered heavily to increase runoff B. a plastic cover, dirt, and grass seeds are added C. it is left open so the smell can permeate the area D. the entire landfill is burned


Organisms that are distributed in small groups have a _______ dispersal pattern. A. uniform B. clumped C. random D. cyclic


Pests destroy approximately what percentage of all food crops? A. 1/20 B. 1/3 C. 9/10 D. 3/4


Photovoltaic cells are associated with which type of renewable energy? A. Fossil Fuel Energy B. Radiant Solar Energy C. Hydro-Energy D. Wind Energy


Public lands in the United States are owned by ______________. A. only people that live in the Western United States B. every citizen of the United States C. every U.S citizen of voting age D. only those U.S citizens who use them


Rangelands are dry, open grasslands. Who manages grasslands in the United States? A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration B. Bureau of Indian Affairs C. Bureau of Land Management D. National Weather Service


Solar power is considered to be which type of energy resource? A. non-renewable B. renewable C. depletable


Standing water carries less dissolved ______, than water that moves or flows. A. nitrogen B. oxygen C. ozone D. copper


Substances that can rust or decompose are considered ___. A. ignitable B. corrosive C. radioactive D. toxic


The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that in every energy transformation some energy is lost, usually in the form of ________. A. ions B. heat C. liquids D. plasma


The Bureau of Land Management falls under the which larger federal department? A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration B. Department of Interior C. The State Department D. Department of Commerce


The Cane Toad was an invasive species to which country? A. Hawaii B. Australia C. United States


The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes of 1992 established laws to govern all water that transect the U.S ____________. A. and the Bahamas B. and Canada C. and Hawaii D. and Russia


The Dust Bowl was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American prairies during the 1930s. Which of the following was NOT a major cause of the Dust Bowl? A. over tillage of land B. severe flooding C. severe drought and windy condition


The Himalayan Mountains, marking the boundary between India and Asia, lie on a convergent boundary. What does this mean? A. India crashed into Africa. B. India crashed into Asia. C. North America crashed into Europe. D. South America crashed into Africa.


The Marianas Trench is _______ A. the shallowest point in the ocean. B. an example of a subduction zone at a convergent boundary. C. an example of a divergent boundary. D. an example of a transform boundary.


The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the maximum number of individuals of a certain species the ecosystem can support. If ecosystem A has MORE resources than ecosystem B, the carrying capacity will be __________. A. the same in ecosystem A and ecosystem B B. lower in ecosystem B than ecosystem A C. unaffected


The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the maximum number of individuals of a certain species the ecosystem can support. Which of the following does NOT impact carrying capacity? A. reduction in food supplies B. competition remaining stable C. a change in the environment


The connection between Doubling Time (DT) and Population Growth Rates (PGR) is called a(n) _________ because as a PGR increases, its DT decreases. A. Neutral Relationship B. Inverse Relationship C. Random Relationship D. Inconsistent Relationship


The countries that produce the most oil are located where in the world? A. Europe B. the Middle East C. South America


The major by-product from a hydrogen fuel cell is mostly which of these? A. helium B. water C. argon D. lead


The majority of the nutrients in the ocean comes from which source? A. from tsunamis B. from nutrients that wash into the ocean from the continents C. from the atmosphere


The melting of permafrost is occurring due to climate change. Where is permafrost located? A. in the desert B. in the tundra C. in deciduous forests


The process of photosynthesis occurs when plants take in carbon dioxide and water to create which molecule? A. Enzymes B. Glucose C. Sodium chloride


The total amount of matter of all of the organisms in an ecosystem is referred to as: _____________. A. biodiversity B. biomass C. population numbers


The tragedy of the commons occurs when a shared, limited resource becomes ______ because people act from self interest for short term gain. A. popular B. depleted C. sustainable D. overgrown


The way that organisms are spread out is known as their ________. A. location B. dispersion C. climate D. community


This type of ecological relationship is negative for both species. A. parasitism B. competition C. predation


Using the 10% rule when studying trophic pyramids, if the autotrophs produce 100 Joules of energy, how much energy is passed on to the herbivores? A. 15 Joules B. 10 Joules C. 0.1 Joule


Water is most dense at ________. A. 20 degrees Celsius B. 4 degrees Celsius C. 95 degrees Celsius D. 50 degrees Celsius


What are the two main driving processes of the water cycle? A. ossification & perspiration B. evaporation & precipitation C. dissolution & solidification D. condensation & perspiration


What characteristic of water causes it to change temperature very slowly? A. transparency B. high specific heat capacity C. the depth of the water D. the density


What class of water pollution can reduce visibility underwater, reducing photosynthesis? A. Irradiated B. Sediment C. Explosive D. Thermal


What do aquatic organisms need to breathe? A. dissolved nitrogen B. dissolved oxygen C. dissolved argon D. dissolved carbon


What does the introduction of an invasive species do to the competition within an ecosystem? A. It decreases competition. B. It increases competition. C. Competition remains the same


What happens at a convergent boundary? A. Nothing. B. Plates move towards each other. C. Plates move apart from each other. D. Earthquakes become nonexistent.


What is a popular phrase regarding water pollution? A. "Do or do not. There is no try." B. "We all live downstream." C. "Hard work pays off." D. "More good times."


What is one of the problems with indoor air pollutants? A. they can easily blow away B. they can build up to high concentrations C. they exist in small quantities D. they can't build up


What is the 2nd most significant reason for the loss of biodiversity, after habitat loss? A. fires and floods B. overharvesting/overfishing C. pollution


What is the energy efficiency of a typical incandescent light bulb? A. 60% B. 5% C. 100%


What is the name of the technique by which carbon emissions are captured, liquified and injected underground? A. Carbon Emission B. Carbon Capture and Sequestration C. Carbon Adaptation


What is the rule of 70?(HINT: r = growth rate) A. doubling time = r x 70 B. doubling time = 70/r C. doubling time = 70r D. doubling time = 70 + r


What part of the incineration facility feeds into the burners? A. the tipping floor B. the hopper C. the landfill D. the leachate collection system


What reacts with nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere to form acids that return to the surface as either dry or wet deposition? A. chlorine B. water vapor C. helium D. argon


What reacts with sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere to form acids that return to the surface as either dry or wet deposition? A. chlorine B. water vapor C. helium D. argon


What term do we use to describe when organisms accumulate pollutants in their organs at levels greater than those present in the environment? A. persistence B. bioaccumulation C. resistance D. biomagnification


What would happen to food costs if we stopped using ALL pesticides? A. remain the same B. increase by 50% C. decrease by 75% D. triple


When did the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change take place? A. In the 1970s B. In the 1990s C. In the 2010s


When one organism is removed from an environment, causing ecological effects beyond what we would expect, it is known as a(n) ______. A. eutrophic event B. trophic cascade C. energetic cascade D. food chain event


When you only grow excess food to sell or trade, it is known as _______ agriculture. A. subsistence B. intensive C. biological D. Neolithic


Which U.S. law provides the greatest protection for endangered species? A. Antiquities Act B. Endangered Species Act C. Federal Land Policy and Management Act


Which act primarily regulates hazardous waste? A. the Safe Drinking Water Act B. the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act C. the Endangered Species Act D. the Clean Water Act


Which act regulates the handling of tailings from mining operations? A. Endangered Species Act B. Solid Waste Disposal Act C. Occupational Health and Safety Act


Which biome has the least amount of precipitation? A. temperate deciduous forest B. desert C. tropical rain forest D. grasslands


Which fossil fuel is extracted as a solid? A. petroleum B. coal C. natural gas D. propane


Which impurity can lead to acid rain in the atmosphere? A. mercury B. sulfur C. lead D. arsenic


Which of the following is MOST likely to be a direct environmental effect of air pollution? A. extended visibility B. acid deposition C. increased turbidity D. eutrophication


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an invasive species? A. non-native B. economically helpful C. out-competes native species


Which of the following is NOT a strategy for reducing runoff from parking lots, streets, and agricultural fields? A. increasing coastal vegetation B. decreasing absorptive surfaces by covering them with pavement C. creating more green areas that have trees, grass, and shrubs D. increasing absorptive surfaces that can absorb rainfall


Which of the following is a DISADVANTAGE of using coal for energy? A. it is energy dense B. it releases pollutants and greenhouse gases when it burns C. it is cheap D. it is easy to transport


Which of the following is a NEGATIVE impact of increasing human population growth? A. reduced life expectancy B. loss of habitat C. improved healthcare for ALL people D. stronger economy


Which of the following is a principle of smart growth? A. extra shopping malls B. walkable neighborhoods C. few housing choices D. expanded highways


Which of the following is a problem with monoculture crops? A. They require little water. B. Genetic diversity is lower and one disease could impact the entire crop. C. Trophic cascades are easily avoided. D. The crops are worth more than other crops.


Which of the following is a strategy to reduce indoor air pollution? A. poorly ventilated cooking fires B. new building techniques that push air outside C. store cleaning solvents in the kitchen D. use paint with high VOCs


Which of the following is an example of a SECONDARY pollutant? A. carbon dioxide B. photochemical smog C. sulfur dioxide D. carbon monoxide


Which of the following is an example of all countries of the world working together to protect the environment? A. Clean Air Act B. Montreal Protocol C. RAD program D. "GreenChill"


Which of the following is equal to 10% concentration? A. 10:10,000 B. 1:10 C. 5:200 D. 20:1000


Which of the following is the BEST reason why the Bureau of Land Management SHOULD raise grazing fees? A. BLM's fees are already so high, hardly anyone pays them B. BLM's fees are lower than the fees for private lands C. They know people won't pay their fees because their land isn't very good D. BLM has too much money


Which of the following is the largest cause for endangered species? A. invasive species B. habitat destruction C. pollution


Which of the following pieces of legislation ONLY applies to the United States? A. The Paris Agreement B. Clean Air Act C. Kyoto Protocol D. Montreal Protocol


Which of the four ways of using land below is LEAST like the others? A. mining B. conservation C. drilling D. resource extraction


Which of the four ways of using land below is LEAST likely to cause environmental harm? A. forestry B. conservation C. drilling D. construction


Which of these could be a depletable energy resource? A. Tidal energy B. Forests C. Solar


Which of these focuses on all waters actually or potentially designed for drinking use either above or below ground? A. Marine Mammal Protection Act B. Safe Drinking Water Act C. Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act D. London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution


Which of these has the highest BTU content when burned? A. paper B. plastic C. glass


Which of these is a NOT an invasive species? A. Burmese Python B. European Honeybee C. Cane Toad


Which of these is a major DISADVANTAGE of wind energy? A. no technology exists for capturing wind efficiently B. wind does not blow consistently in all areas of the earth C. wind turbines are cheap to build D. the production of electricity from wind turbines causes too much air pollution


Which of these is a primary pollutant that forms nitric acid in the atmosphere? A. hydrogen peroxide B. nitrogen dioxide C. ozone D. carbon dioxide


Which of these is a type of mining that is done underground? A. Strip mining B. Subsurface mining C. Mountaintop removal D. Placer mining


Which of these sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius? A. Clean Water Act B. Paris Agreement C. IUCN Red List D. Occupational Health and Safety Act


Which of these was established to protect the quality of drinking water in the United States? A. Lacey Act B. Safe Drinking Water Act C. Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act D. London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution


Which organism has a narrow niche in an ecosystem? A. Generalist B. Specialist C. Raccoon


Which part of the power plant converts mechanical energy to electrical energy? A. incinerator B. generator C. burner


Which species are especially vulnerable to changes in habitat and habitat loss? A. generalists B. specialists C. moderates


Which type of UV light increases dramatically as the ozone layer is depleted? A. UV-A B. UV-B C. UV-C D. UV-D+


Which type of biological population growth explains a seasonal swarm of locust? A. Stable B. Irruptive C. Irregular D. Predator and Prey


Which type of heat island is present in the air layer from Ground LEVEL to the tops of trees or buildings? A. a sub-surface heat island B. a canopy heat island C. a fast-moving heat island D. a rural heat island


Who regulates hazardous materials in the workplace? A. Department of Transportation (DOT) B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) C. National Park Service (NPS) D. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)


Who sets the standards for pollutants? A. NOAA B. EPA C. GHG D. CFC


Why are cities hotter than rural areas? A. They have lots of vegetation. B. They have lots of impervious surfaces. C. They have lots of farm animals. D. They have many aquatic areas.


Why do many companies fight to have substances classified as solid waste rather than hazardous waste? A. hazardous waste is cheap B. hazardous waste is expensive C. solid waste is expensive D. solid waste is heavily regulated


Why does an increasing population require more resources? A. decreased food production B. increased food production C. decreased pollution D. decreased energy use


Why is the Endangered Species Act considered such a powerful law in protecting biodiversity? A. It provides a fine for killing species. B. It protects the HABITAT of species in trouble. C. It encourages people to quit harming wildlife.


Why is the replacement level fertility 2.1 instead of 2? A. because some people have twins B. because of infant mortality C. because some people get married more than once D. we don't know why the math works out that way


You have a car from the 1960s and get in a car accident. The car is totaled and is sent to the junk yard. What, if anything, must be done to the air conditioning unit in the car? A. nothing B. any ozone-depleting substances must be removed C. the ozone-depleting substances must be released into the atmosphere D. the old unit must be transferred to a new car


You should wear ear protection for which of the following activities? A. eating dinner at a restaurant B. mowing the lawn C. walking in your neighborhood or nearby park D. watching movies at home


A deer and squirrels are competing for the same acorns in a forest. What type of competition would this be? A. intraspecific B. interspecific C. invasive species


An unusual biome that is found in coastal, hilly areas is the ___________ biome. A. tropical rainforest B. Mediterranean/chaparral C. grassland D. tundra


Biotic potential is anything that increases the survivability of a population. Biotic potential can be __________. A. abiotic only B. both biotic and abiotic C. biotic only D. neither biotic nor abiotic


Consumers are organisms that must ____________. A. photosynthesize B. eat other things to obtain energy C. use carbon dioxide to make energy


Developing countries tend to have short doubling times. Why? A. Death rates are higher than birth rates. B. They have high population growth rates. C. Their growth rate is near or at zero. D. They have a more educated population which leads to very low growth rates.


Several factors determine the distribution of biomes on the planet. Which two are considered the major determining factors? A. soil and mountain ranges B. precipitation and temperature C. altitude and proximity to the ocean D. presence of mountain ranges and temperature


The main function of detritivores/decomposers/detritus feeders is to A. capture the sun's energy for the ecosystem. B. release and return matter back to the ecosystem. C. do nothing as they are not an important part of the ecosystem. D. organize the ecosystem


The process of photosynthesis occurs when plants take in carbon dioxide and water to create which molecule? A. Enzymes B. Glucose C. Sodium chloride


The red line on the graph represents A. J (exponential growth) B. K (carrying capacity) C. C (population limit) D. S (logistic growth)


The ultimate source of energy for nearly all ecosystems on Earth is ______________. A. plants B. the sun C. water


This type of ecological relationship is negative for both species. A. parasitism B. competition C. predation


Who is the secondary consumer in this food chain? A. hawk B. mouse C. grass


The clownfish and sea anemone protect each other from harm. What type of relationship do they have?

b. mutualism

Radon seeps out of the ground. Where is it most likely to accumulate in homes?


What term is used to describe an increase concentration of toxic chemicals as we move up the food chain?

bio magnification

what is a problem with mono culture crops?

biodiversity is decreased

Factors in an ecosystem that are helpful to the population and can cause the population to grow are known as what?

biotic potential

Factors in an ecosystem that are helpful to the population and can increase the carrying capacity of the population are known as what?

biotic potential

Which pesticides are the least persistent


Which type of heat island is located in the areas above rooftops and trees, extending upwards as much as one mile?

boundary heat surface

"You can never do just one thing." What does this quote mean in reference to biodiversity on Earth? A. One species can die off and it will not affect anything else. B. Species are not connected to each other. If one disappears, it will not affect others. C. Species are connected to each other. If one disappears, it will affect others.


"Zero Population Growth" or "ZPG" indicates that birth rate, emigration, death rate and immigration are all ___________. A. rising exponentially B. increasing C. balanced D. unaffected


A grocery store is giving away free cake samples. Which of the following would cause this scenario to become a tragedy of the commons? A. the store limits the samples to one piece of cake per person B. each person takes only one piece of cake C. each person takes as much cake as they want causing the store to run out of samples D. the store doesn't allow anyone to have a cake sample


A major goal of using pesticides today is to A. eradicate every pest on Earth. B. contaminate food stocks. C. keep pests below an economical threshold level. D. cause pests to interbreed resulting in less dangerous pests.


A possible effect of water pollution is ___. A. intact food chains B. clearer water C. bioaccumulation of pollutants D. more favorable temperatures


A species that is thought of as K-selected will have ________. A. adapted to unstable environments B. small adults C. most offspring survive into adulthood D. most individuals die early


A student wants to save energy and reduce the amount of waste she creates. Which of the following would you recommend? A. use disposable plastic straws and throw them away B. use disposable plastic straws but wash them after each use C. use reusable silicone straws and wash after each use D. use disposable plastic straws and recycle them


A substance with a pH above (higher than) 7 is considered ___. A. acidic B. neutral C. basic


According to the EPA, there is what kind of link between noise and health? A. impossible B. miniscule C. direct D. unlikely


After electricity leaves the power plant and heads out for use by humans, it goes into the _________. A. inner core of the earth B. ocean C. electrical grid


Agriculture can contribute to depletion of aquifers because ___________. A. we wash our produce before eating it B. pesticides can runoff into oceans C. irrigation water often comes from groundwater D. animal waste runs off into surface waters


Albedo is expressed as a percent, which can range from 0-100. Therefore, albedo can range from ____ percent. A. 0-1 B. 0-10 C. 0-100 D. 0-1000


An increase in turbidity (cloudiness of the water) will have the MOST immediate impact on which aquatic organisms? A. water turtles B. aquatic snakes C. aquatic plants D. fish-eating birds such as eagles


An increase in turbidity (cloudiness of the water) will have what effect on the amount of sunlight penetrating to the bottom of bodies of water? A. greatly increase B. not change C. decrease D. slightly increase


Another name for Crude Death Rate is _______. A. fecundity B. birth rate C. mortality D. infertility


As doubling time decreases, what happens to the population growth rate? A. It becomes negative. B. It remains stable. C. It increases. D. It become equals to zero.


Biodiversity is changing on Earth. Which of these BEST describes how biodiversity is changing currently? A. Biodiversity is increasing all over the planet. B. Biodiversity is not changing. C. Biodiversity is declining significantly.


Calculate the doubling time for India with its growth rate of 1.13% A. 0.619 years B. 619 years C. 61.9 years


Canada has a growth rate of approximately 1%. Calculate the doubling time.Doubling time = 70/growth rate A. 0.014 years B. 35 years C. 70 years D. 100 years


Carbon Capture and Sequestration is a technique used to sequester which greenhouse gas emission? A. Ozone B. Nitrogen C. Carbon Dioxide


Chemicals that stay in the environment for a long time are known as ___ A. unstable B. reactive C. persistent D. corrosive


Cleaning water before we use it and after we use it requires _______. A. very little energy B. very few chemicals C. chemicals and energy D. only UV light


Conventional incandescent light bulbs work by sending electric currents through _________ materials. A. conductive B. voltaic C. resistant D. gaseous


Creating biosphere reserves are important for species conservation. Which of the following is an important feature that should accompany the creation of these reserves? A. prey-proof fences B. signs asking visitors to please feed the animals C. protected migration routes that lead to and from the various preserves


Developed countries such as the United States and Spain tend to have low birth rates. What is one cause of this? A. a total lack of healthcare B. a high infant death rate C. a more educated population with greater access to healthcare D. no vaccinations


Emigration is when individuals are _____ a population. A. migrating towards B. migrating into C. migrating out of D. remaining in


Environmental resistance decreases a population's ability to survive. Which of the following would be considered a factor for environmental resistance? A. high reproductive rate B. generalized niche C. low reproductive rate D. ability to migrate to other habitats


Greenhouse gases are gases that can contribute to the continued warming of the planet. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas? A. atmospheric oxygen B. sulfuric acid C. carbon dioxide D. nitric acid


Hazards are anything that can cause ________. A. anticipation B. hesitation C. death D. fear


How does climate change cause ocean acidification? A. Oxygen is driven out of warming ocean water resulting in a higher pH. B. Warming ocean waters decay more detritus resulting in a higher pH. C. Increased carbon dioxide in ocean water increases carbonic acid formation resulting in a lower pH.


If a natural resource is replaced at a constant rate, regardless of how much is used, it is considered to be ______________. A. non-sustainable B. non-renewable C. non-depletable


If a power plant uses 100 units of energy to create electricity and the output is 95 units, what is the energy efficiency of the power plant? A. 10% B. 30% C. 95%


In 2016, Afghanistan had a growth rate of approximately 3%. Calculate the doubling time.Doubling time = 70/growth rate A. 7 years B. 30 years C. 23 years D. 10 years


In some instances, layers of warm air form above cold air. They trap pollutants closer to Earth's surface and are known as what? A. precipitation elevations B. haloclines C. temperature inversions D. temperature striations


In the ppm lab, the dilution began with (Beaker 1) at what level of concentration? A. 5% concentration B. 20% concentration C. 100% concentration D. 50% concentration


In the summer, the thermocline is very deep. Why is this? A. The air temperature is very cold, which makes the surface of the water cold. B. The air temperature is very cold, which warms the water deeper than it does in the winter. C. The air temperature is very warm, which warms the water deeper than it does in the winter. D. The air temperature is very warm, which allows the surface of the water to stay very cool.


In which decade did the Oil Embargo take place in the United States? A. 1950s B. 1920s C. 1970s


Liquid leaking from a landfill is a big problem because it can contaminate ___. A. sewage B. the mantle C. groundwater D. the atmosphere


Many livestock are being grazed on public lands because the fees to graze on public lands are cheaper than the fees for private lands. If we aren't careful, what can this cause? A. owners moving their livestock TO private lands B. increased fees for private lands C. overgrazing on public lands D. overgrazing on private lands


Measurement of several of the air pollutants by the EPA includes an amount measurement as well as a _________ measurement. A. scent B. length C. time D. width


Plants, especially slow-growing trees, have difficulty responding to climate change because they ___. A. move quickly B. migrate from areas they cannot survive in C. cannot adjust fast enough to changing climates D. reproduce quickly


Rocks release mineral content through three types of weathering. Changes in temperature along with wind and water abrasion is considered what type of weathering? A. biological (weathering caused by living organisms) B. chemical (weathering caused by chemical reactions) C. physical (weathering caused by physical forces)


Select the MOST COMPLETE response.During the 20th century, the once densely-forested Black Forest in Germany suffered grave deforestation as a result of human-caused _________. A. extreme rain events B. intense heat C. acid deposition D. coal-mining


Soil is BIOLOGICALLY weathered with the help of which of these? A. temperature changes B. water and wind C. tree roots and lichens


Solar energy is considered to be which type of energy resource? A. non-renewable B. depletable C. renewable and non-depletable


The 10% Rule states that only 10% of the available energy is passed on to the next trophic level. If the producers have 10,000 kcal of energy available, how much is passed on to the primary consumers? A. 1 kcal B. 150 kcal C. 1000 kcal


The Green Revolution was characterized by _________. A. lower yields B. very small amounts of chemical pesticides C. increased yields D. fewer fertilizers


The breakdown of pollutants, water purification and soil formation are valuable services provided by: A. earthquakes B. the tides C. ecosystems D. global warming


The energy of motion is _______________. A. solar B. geothermal C. kinetic D. static


The largest number of identified species (other than plants) in the world belongs to which of the following? A. Echinodermata B. Molluscs C. Insects


The tragedy of the commons explains that the tendency of human beings to behave selfishly in regards to the use of common resources. This selfish behavior can lead to _______. A. long-term rewards for the resource B. short and long-term rewards for everyone C. short term rewards for those that use the resource D. long-term rewards for everyone


This is a type of tillage practice that follows the curve and layout of the landscape to avoid erosion. A. intercropping B. wind breaks C. contour tillage


This picture shows two plates sliding past one another. This is what type of boundary? A. a divergent boundary. B. a convergent boundary, C. a transform fault.


Using co-generation to create electricity can help improve efficiency in power plants to as high as __________%. A. 25 B. 10 C. 90


Wave collectors in oceans do which of the following? A. slow the erosion of coastal areas B. increase coastal biodiversity C. convert kinetic energy into electrical energy D. modify the tides in estuaries


What can the top layer of an ecocolumn represent? A. a river B. the ocean C. a golf course D. a spring


What characteristic of water allows it to evaporate, continuing the water cycle? A. transparency B. the density C. ability to change to a gas below its boiling point D. ability to act as a universal solvent


What do we call it when agricultural land is plowed parallel to the curves of the land? A. crop rotation B. wind breaks C. contour plowing D. agroforestry


What does this information tell you about the population? A. The population is the same size. B. The population size is declining. C. The population size is increasing. D. The population is in equilibrium.


What is NOT allowed on multiple use lands? A. hiking B. mining with a permit C. mining without a permit D. fishing


What is a great way to reduce the need for pest control? A. spray crops with DDT B. plant only one crop species C. keep plants as healthy as possible D. spray pests every month, even if you have no pests


What is something public lands have done to counteract nonnative species invasions? A. created habitats for nonnative species B. encouraged visitors to bring nonnative species with them C. spent money to try and remove them D. decreased the amount of time spent removing nonnative species


What part of a car will reduce noise from the vehicle? A. catalytic converter B. transmission C. the muffler D. air conditioner


What property of the atmosphere most determines whether pollutants get blown away or become trapped locally? A. moisture B. color C. stability D. turbidity


What should you add to your ecocolumn to create the decomposition layer? A. only sand B. mosquito fish C. dead or decaying leaves and plant matter D. water and soil


What was a negative consequence of humans being hunter-gatherers? A. they needed to stay in one location for food B. they cultivated their own food C. they had to move around to find food D. they had to have large families to help on the farm


What would happen if an aggressive invasive species of fish is introduced to the pond described in the passage? A. The predators would kill all of the non-native fish. B. The females would stop reproducing. C. The invasive species would out-compete the native species.


When someone feels ill in association with the interior of a building, what term applies? A. Indoor air pollution syndrome B. Healthy building syndrome C. Sick building syndrome D. Smelly building syndrome


Which Department in the United States is charged with managing invasive species? A. Department of National Parks B. Department of Health C. Department of Agriculture


Which component of the ecosystem is responsible for returning nutrients back to the food chain? A. herbivores B. rocks C. detritivores D. the sun


Which greenhouse gas lasts the longest in the atmosphere? A. water vapor B. methane C. CFCs D. carbon dioxide


Which law requires mining companies to repair mined lands back to its original state? A. Occupational Health and Safety Act B. Clean Air Act C. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act


Which of the following BEST describes recent carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere? A. UNDER 100 ppm B. BETWEEN 100-200 ppm C. OVER 400 ppm but LESS THAN 500 ppm D. Well OVER 500 ppm


Which of the following could suffer from the tragedy of the commons? A. a homeowner's backyard B. a forest owned by a private company C. international ocean waters that belong to everyone D. an aquaculture facility owned by a private company


Which of the following is MOST difficult to regulate? A. liquid waste (effluent) leaving a factory B. liquid waste (effluent) leaving a power plant C. runoff from agricultural lands D. water leaving a sewage treatment plant


Which of the following is MOST likely to be a health effect of air pollution? A. kidney damage B. giardia C. asthma D. cholera


Which of the following is NOT a negative consequence of increased visitors to national parks? A. traffic jams B. increased greenhouse gas emissions in parks C. increased money from entrance fees D. habitat degradation from so many visitors


Which of the following is NOT a recognized effect of noise pollution? A. sleep disruption B. high blood pressure C. cancer D. depression


Which of the following is NOT a type of renewable energy? A. solar B. biomass C. nuclear D. geothermal


Which of the following is a problem with CAFOs? A. plant only monocultures B. have very few animals C. produce animal waste that can impact surrounding areas D. use large amounts fertilizer


Which of the following is the BEST reason why the Bureau of Land Management DOESN'T want to raise grazing fees? A. BLM's fees are already so high, hardly anyone pays them B. BLM is the most heavily funded federal agency C. pressure from livestock owners that are trying to make a profit D. BLM is researching the tragedy of the commons


Which of the following risk situations should definitely be addressed FIRST to protect public health? A. a risk with zero probability and low severity B. a risk with high probability but low severity C. a risk with very high probability and very high severity D. a risk with very low probability and zero severity


Which of the following types of mining is MOST likely to cause habitat disruption on the surface of the earth? A. long wall method B. room and pillar method C. strip mining D. below ground mining


Which of the following was MOST responsible for the turn-around in water quality in Lake Washington? A. adding additional fertilizers to the lake B. adding excess pollutants to the lake C. regulations on sewage treatment D. addition of pollution-eating bacteria


Which of the following was NOT common practice during the Green Revolution? A. using large amounts of manmade fertilizer B. using large amounts of water C. decreased frequency of cropping D. using large amounts of pesticides


Which of these endangered species benefited from a captive breeding program? A. the Passenger Pigeon B. the Gray Whale C. the California Condor


Which of these factors would cause an INCREASE in a prey population? A. poor climate B. a lack of precipitation C. increased biotic potential D. an increase in predators


Which of these is not a strategy for preserving biodiversity? A. habitat protection B. species protection C. human preservation


Which of these programs helps recover ozone-depleting substances from old refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers? A. Clean Air Act B. Kyoto Protocol C. the RAD (Responsible Appliance Disposal) program D. Clean Water Act


Which of these protected areas are most closely associated with areas that involve water all or part of the time? A. National Mountain Areas B. National Grasslands C. National Wetland Areas D. National Historic Sites


Which of these statements best describes the current state of major hydroelectric projects in the United States? A. more and more large dams are being built each year B. many large dams are removed annually C. few, if any, large dams are being built D. people have stopped using lakes for electrical energy production


Which organism in a food web is the same as a heterotroph? A. primary producer B. autotroph C. consumer


Which type of UV radiation is completely filtered out by the ozone layer? A. UV-A B. UV-B C. UV-C D. UV-D


Which vocabulary word could explain a decrease in population growth? A. biodiversity B. island biogeography C. emigration D. immigration


Why are fossil fuels considered nonrenewable? A. because they can reform under the right conditions B. because we have an unlimited amount C. because we are using them faster than they can form D. because they are made from sunlight


Why are fossil fuels considered to be non-renewable even though they can be made again over time? A. they won't be made from the same material B. they cannot be made again C. it takes a very long time to make fossil fuels


Why do we discuss crude birth and death rates in environmental science? A. it is too difficult to calculate the regular birth rate B. it is too difficult to calculate the regular death rate C. allows us to compare the populations of different countries D. because that's the way we've always done it


World-wide sea levels are expected to rise mostly due to which process? A. increased rainfall B. increased hurricanes C. thermal expansion of ocean water


In a food chain, which refers to an organism that eats both plants and animals? A. primary producer B. autotroph C. secondary consumer


Small grasses are usually the first plants to appear in an area after a disturbance. These grasses are an example of which type of species? A. invasive species B. endemic species C. pioneer species


To calculate the results of a Tag and Recapture sampling, a researcher needs to identify _______________. A. only the percentage of those recaptured B. the percentage not caught C. the ratio of averaged captured to the ratio of averaged tagged over a period of, at least, 8 trials


What is the source of energy for the producer in this food chain? A. hawk B. grass C. sunlight


What starts the ecological succession process? A. the species richness of an area B. the climax community C. a disturbance


When conducting a population sampling study, we want to recapture ___________. A. only the females B. specific individuals C. random individuals D. only the non-marked individuals


Which organism breaks down dead and dying waste in an ecosystem? A. omnivore B. herbivore C. detritivore


The african watering hole metaphor is an example of which type of dispersal pattern?

c. clumped

which type of heat island is present in the air layer from the ground level to the tops of trees or building

canopy heat islands

During the industrial revolution, we started burning fossil fuel, which release greenhouse gases when burned at a higher rate. Which greenhouse gas has increased since the industrial revolution?

carbon dioxide

Which surface is more likely to absorb sound?


The red line on the graph represents

carrying capacity

IPM includes biological control, cultural control and what other type of pest control?

chemical control when warranted

why do garages usually have low air quality?

chemicals are stored in garages

Which pesticides are the most persistent?

chlorinated hydrocarbons

which legislative act was the first air pollution mandate and established air quality standards?

clean air act

Organisms cannot survive if they do not have resources they need to survive Therefore population tend to cluster around resources. What type of dispersal pattern is this an example of?


What is the most common dispersal pattern? A. uniform B. clumped C. random D. cyclic


Sulfur dixide is implicated in acid rain. Burning which fossil fuel releases the MOST sulfur dioxide?


which fossil fuel releases the most carbon dioxide when burned?


When conducting a population sampling study what are you expected to do each time you collect individuals?

collect individuals randomly each time

A remora fish follows a shark around to get scraps of food left over after the shark feeds. The shark is neither harmed nor helped by this relationship. This is an example of


Noise pollution comes from 3 primary sources, two of which are transportation and industry. What is the 3rd primary source of noise pollution?


Why does water vapor condense at higher elevations?

cooling causes condensation

Air pollution can cause reduction in visibility and acid deposition. What is another effect of air pollution?


What do we call it when agricultural land is plowed parallel to the curves of the land?

countour plowing

What do we call it when a farmer alternates the variety of crops that gets planted each year in order to maintain soil fertility?

crop rotation

What do we call it when farmer alternates the variety of crop that gets planted each year in order to maintain soil fertility?

crop rotations

what type of agriculture feeds most people?


In this graph the prey and predator populations periodically increase and decrease. This is an example of which type of population growth?


A closed system: A. exchanges matter and energy with other systems. B. exchanges information and energy with other systems. C. is the most common type in nature. D. exchanges no matter with other systems.


A farmer is experiencing an approximate 5% loss of his crops due to pests. According to IPM what should he do? A. give up farming B. heavily spray his crops C. destroy his crops D. since the loss is below the 10% level, the farmer should do nothing at this time


A greenhouse is ___ on the inside than on the outside. A. colder B. drier C. more toxic D. hotter


A pest is any organism that occurs where it is not wanted or that occurs in large enough numbers to cause ____________ damage. A. global B. minimal C. atmospheric D. devastating economic damage


A word that describes the movement of people out of a country is _________. A. migration B. immigration C. irrigation D. emigration


ALL of the following are applicable only in the United States EXCEPT ___. A. Clean Water Act B. Safe Drinking Water Act C. Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act D. London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution


According to EPA guidelines, solid waste LEGALLY can be found in all of the following states of matter EXCEPT ___. A. solid B. liquid C. gas D. plasma


According to the United nations which of the following is a characteristic of developing nations? A. lower Crude Death Rate B. greater wealth C. longer life expectancy D. greater Total Fertility Rate


Albedo is the reflectivity of a surface. Surfaces that are very reflective, have high albedo. Which of the following has a HIGH albedo? A. oceans B. soil C. cities D. ice


All of the following elements are known to be involved in the depletion of the ozone layer EXCEPT ____. A. Chlorine B. Carbon C. Fluorine D. Gold


All of the following have been identified by the EPA as health effects of noise pollution EXCEPT: A. high blood pressure B. hearing loss C. severe depression D. Blue Baby Syndrome


An element that can bioaccumulate and lead to biomagnification is ___. A. hydrogen B. oxygen C. argon D. mercury


Another name for Crude Birth Rate is ________. A. death rate B. sickness C. fecundity D. natality


Burning coal-especially "dirty" coal-releases _______ which has been implicated in the production of acid rain. A. hydrogen peroxide B. dihydrogen monoxide C. mercury sulfate D. sulfur dioxide


Energy's pathway in an ecosystem is as follows: A. mechanical -> light -> technical -> manual B. mechanical->manual->heat->light C. mechanical -> heat -> technical -> light D. light->chemical->mechanical->heat


Environmental resistance causes populations to _______. A. grow B. remain stable C. increase D. decline


Habitat loss due to the increasing human population has caused _____. A. the number of extinctions to decrease B. reductions in endangered species C. biodiversity to increase and become more dense D. decreased biodiversity


Human disruption of the carbon cycle has been implicated in _______________ . A. increased precipitation B. global cooling C. reduced wind over the oceans D. climate change


If a population has a positive growth rate, it is ____________. A. increasing in death rate B. decreasing in size C. increasing emigration D. increasing in size


If all factors for a population were at their optimum levels, then the population would be _______ at the fastest rate. A. stabilizing B. declining C. eroding D. growing


In the 1970's, what element was removed as an additive from gasoline? A. copper B. zinc C. palladium D. lead


In this graph the prey and predator populations periodically increase and decrease. This is an example of which type of population growth? A. exponential B. explosive and irruptive C. declining D. cyclical


Increasing grassy surface areas that absorb pollutants would reduce which type of water pollution? A. treated sewage from sewage treatment plants B. thermal (heated water) pollution from power plants C. point sources of water pollution D. runoff pollution from parking lots and roadways


Malta has the following population statistics: Crude birth rate = 1% crude death rate = 1% immigration = 1% emigration= 24% A. 2% B. 11% C. 41% D. - 23% (declining 23%


Mercury tends to build up in fish tissues, and is present in larger quantities in large predatory fish than in small, herbivorous fish. This phenomenon is known as ___ A. corrosivity B. non-persistence C. bioremediation D. biomagnification


Most species that grow early in the successional process are considered ___-selected species. A. L B. m C. B D. r


On a time vs. population graph, carrying capacity is represented by the letter(s) ____. A. CC B. CarCap C. C D. K


Ozone depleting chemicals are MOST LIKELY to belong to which group on the periodic table? A. Alkali Earth Metals B. Noble Gases C. Rare Earth Metals D. Halogens


Regular rain is already ___. A. slightly basic B. neutral C. basic D. slightly acidic


Setting maximum levels of pollutants has improved the quality of our nation's waters. However, there has been a drawback. What is a NEGATIVE consequence of these standards? A. the water quality improved B. the cost of tap water went down C. habitat destruction was reduced D. the price of tap water went up


Strategies for Reducing Ozone Depletion A homeowner has an old air conditioning unit from the 1970s that has stopped working. Which of the following BEST describes what the technician MUST do? A. The technician can simply replace the CFCs with CFCs. B. The technician can throw away the unit and replace the old unit for free. C. The technician can allow refrigerant to escape into the atmosphere. D. The technician must trap the illegal refrigerant so it cannot escape into the atmosphere.


The Black Plague, the epidemic that devastated the European continent during the 1300's, is an example of: A. exponential human growth B. stable plague growth C. biotic potential for humans D. environmental resistance for humans


The Green Revolution was characterized by __________. A. decreased crop yields B. few pesticides C. only natural fertilizers D. high-yield monocultures


The decommissioning of nuclear power plants is _____. A. easy B. cheap C. basically free D. expensive


The main reason for illegal dumping of hazardous waste is ____. A. the lack of laws B. lack of enforcement of waste laws C. the considerate nature of hazardous waste producers D. the cost of legal disposal


The method of sub-surface mining that involves the excavation of cavernous rooms while creating large pillars to support the rock and soil overhead is called _____________ . A. the Best Mining Method B. the Death Trap Method C. the Mountaintop Removal Method D. the Room and Pillar Method


This international treaty protected the ozone by phasing out the production of numerous substances believed to be responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer. A. The Clean Water Act B. The Endangered Species Act C. The Marine Mammal Protection Act D. Montreal Protocol


This type of lightbulb uses the LEAST amount of energy. A. incandescent B. CFL C. fluorescent D. LED


Traditional agriculture is ________-powered. A. coal B. solar cell C. petroleum D. human or animal


What class of water pollution includes live, disease-causing organisms found in human waste and animal waste products? A. soil and silt B. plant nutrients C. inorganic chemicals D. infectious agents


What do we call the day to day fluctuations in temperature and precipitation? A. Climate B. Biodiversity C. Meteorology D. Weather


What does the "multiple use" philosophy of National Forests allow? A. complete removal of all forests B. burial of hazardous wastes C. eradication of all predators D. hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, tree harvesting, mining


What happens to tropical rainforest soils when the rainforest is cleared? A. crops can be grown for many, many years without nutrient supplements B. the soils are far more productive than other ecosystems C. the soils increase in quality D. the soils deteriorate quickly and are progressively less productive


What is NOT allowed on restricted use lands? A. bird-watching B. hiking C. sight-seeing D. logging forests for timber


What is the specific heat capacity of water? A. the ice required to cool a mass of water by one degree Celsius B. the temperature of the water C. the density of the water D. the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a specific mass of water


What is the term that describes an element that is "locked away" (perhaps deep underground in a deposit) and unable to enter a biogeochemical cycle? A. eutrophication B. biodiversity C. cellular respiration D. sequestration


What property allows water to dissolve a variety of other substances? A. It is transparent. B. It has a high specific heat capacity which means it changes temperature very slowly. C. It can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. D. It has the ability to act as a universal solvent.


What should you add to your ecocolumn if you want to test the effects of nutrients on your ecocolumn? A. grass seeds B. mosquito fish C. leaves D. inorganic fertilizer


What uses the MOST amount of energy? A. reduce B. reuse C. recycle D. throw away


What was one positive effect of the Oil Embargo? A. Americans exponentially increased their energy use. B. Americans decided to never import oil. C. Americans chose to drive LESS energy efficient vehicles. D. Americans began to use energy more efficiently.


When conducting a population sampling study, on the second capture attempt, we count ______ captured individuals. A. ONLY the total number of B. NONE of the tagged C. ONLY the untagged D. BOTH the tagged and total number of


When factors are in a range in which an organism CANNOT survive, which zone is represented? A. optimal tolerance B. optimal growth C. sub-optimal growth D. intolerance


Which act was passed in response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill? A. Clean Water Act B. London Dumping Convention C. Safe Drinking Water Act D. Oil Pollution Act


Which federal entity oversees MOST public land use in the United States? A. Department of Transportation B. National Weather Service C. Occupational Health and Safety Administration D. the Department of the Interior


Which of the following does NOT manage lands? A. National Forest Service B. National Park Service C. Bureau of Land Management D. National Weather Service


Which of the following is NOT a common source of air pollutants? A. coal-fired power plants B. burning yard waste in your back yard C. driving a car that runs on fossil fuels D. applying fertilizer granules to your yard


Which of the following is NOT a legal method of dealing with hazardous waste in the United States? A. injection wells B. underground storage C. surface impoundments D. dumping into waterways


Which of the following is NOT a practical solution to noise control? A. buildings designed to absorb sound B. well-planned landscapes C. walls along freeways D. installing commercial speakers in cars.


Which of the following is NOT a step in risk management? A. risk assessment B. risk reduction strategy C. risk identification D. refusing to reduce the risk regardless of the outcome


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of nuclear power? A. large fuel supply B. much lower carbon dioxide emissions C. low probability of accidents D. high environmental impact from accidents


Which of the following is NOT an ecological effect of mining? A. habitat disruption B. loss of biodiversity C. acid mine drainage D. increased biodiversity


Which of the following is NOT biomagnified through a food chain in the environment? A. DDT B. mercury C. lead D. nitrogen and oxygen


Which of the following is NOT one of the four most dangerous indoor air pollutants as identified by the EPA? A. tobacco smoke B. volatile organic compounds such as paint and varnish C. radon gas D. oxygen gas


Which of the following is a HUMAN HEALTH problem associated with agriculture? A. monocultures reduce biodiversity B. agriculture can increase biodiversity on the planet C. invasive species outcompete native species D. pesticide residue can remain on food and get into our food chain


Which of the following is a good reason for moving out of cities? A. It's easier to walk from neighborhood to neighborhood or to essential stores in the surburbs. B. More urban sprawl leads to less intact natural habitat. C. The population density of humans is greater in the suburbs and exurbs. D. The cost of living is higher in cities than in the suburbs and exurbs.


Which of the following is a problem with monoculture crops? A. they require little water B. there are a wider variety of species planted as crops C. trophic cascades are avoided D. one disease has the potential to kill the entire crop


Which of the following is a recognized effect of noise pollution? A. influenza B. measles C. cancer D. depression


Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE of using coal for energy? A. it has lots of impurities B. it produces lots of ash C. it releases lots of carbon dioxide D. it releases lots of heat


Which of the following is an advantage of nuclear power plants? A. they have inexpensive start-up costs B. they are easily decommissioned C. the waste can remain radioactive for 10s of 1000s of years D. they produce much lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels


Which of the following is an environmental issue faced by public lands? A. too much money B. traffic jams C. paying park staff D. nonnative species invasions


Which of the following is true? A. Renewable energy is over 90% of the energy use in the United States. B. There is NO renewable energy used in the United States. C. Renewable and fossil fuel energy use is about equal. D. Renewable energy use counts for less than 10% of the energy use in the United States.


Which of the following is used only as a last resort in IPM? A. biological control B. cultural control C. varied farming methods D. chemical control


Which of the following pieces of legislation is an INTERNATIONAL agreement that applies to all countries that signed it? A. Clean Water Act B. Safe Drinking Water Act C. Clean Drinking Water Act D. London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution


Which of the following provides for the liability of people responsible for the release of hazardous waste? A. Department of Transportation (DOT) B. National Park Service (NPS) C. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) D. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)


Which of the following should have the LOWEST dissolved oxygen? A. A lake with a waterfall B. a swiftly-moving stream C. a beach with heavy wave action D. a small, calm pond


Which of the following temperature ranges (in degrees Fahrenheit) best describes the desert biome? A. -70 to +50 B. 0 to +40 C. -65 to +70 D. -30 to +120


Which of these is the most valuable end-product of waste incineration? A. burned rocks B. fly ash C. charred steak bones D. recyclable metals


Which pesticides are the LEAST persistent? A. chlorinated hydrocarbons B. organophosphates C. carbonates D. botanicals


Which species below would BEST describe the type of population discussed in the paragraph to the left? A. ant B. cockroach C. song bird D. giraffe


Which state is MOST likely to have rangelands? A. Rhode Island B. New Hampshire C. New York D. Nevada


Which vocabulary word could explain an increase in population growth? A. biodiversity B. island biogeography C. emigration D. immigration


which country might have an age-structure pyramid that looks similar to the one shown here that depicts very fast growth? A. Canada B. Italy C. Spain D. Somalia


An acronym to assist in remembering the 6 major micro-nutrients is ____________________. A. CITES B. PORK CHOP C. P-CHOP D. N-CHOPS


As matter is recycled in our ecosystems, __________ is lost. A. oxygen B. nitrogen C. carbon D. heat energy


Before you can calculate the estimated population size from a population sampling study, which of these is the MOST important data point to find? A. the type of tag used during each trial B. the preferred food of the species C. the largest individual in the population D. average number of tagged individuals caught over all trials


In which biome do herds of caribou and reindeer migrate in and out? A. tropical rainforest B. desert C. Mediterranean/chaparral D. tundra


Walking through a forest you encounter fallen leaves, dead organisms, a rotting stump. All of these can be described as ________________ A. autotrophs. B. primary consumers. C. trophic levels. D. detritus.


What is the term that describes an element that is "locked away" (perhaps deep underground in a deposit) and unable to enter a biogeochemical cycle? A. eutrophication B. biodiversity C. cellular respiration D. sequestration


what is the unit sound levels?


tall smokestacks were built due to the theory "dilution is the solution to pollution" It caused local air quality to improve, but what problems did it cause?

decreased air quality downwind

we can increase our efficiency which has the same effect as doing what?

decreasing our energy use

As the human population increases what is expected to happen with deforestation?

deforestation will also increase

national forests produce trees which are a type of crop. Therefore they are under which federal department?

department of agriculture

92% of energy in the united states is produced from fossil fuels that we are using faster than they can be replaced. What term can we use to describe fossil fuels?


Industrial agriculture is known for using large amounts of pesticides, water and energy. Where does this type of agriculture Primarily occur?

developed countries

You can measure the pH and tempature of your ecocolumn. What else can you measure in your ecocolumn?

dissolved oxygen

The rule of 70 states that if you divide 70 by the growth rate as a percent, you will be able to calculate which value?

doubling time

Due to wind patterns where does acid deposition fall?

downward of pollutants

Mining extracts resources from the environment which often harms the enviroment. What is another human activity that harms the enviroment when it extracts resources from the ground?


which of these activities carries the greatest risk in the United States?

driving a car

What do we call it when an organism leaves an area?


What is the capacity to do work


Factors in an ecosystem that can hurt a population growth are known as what?

environmental Resistance

Factors in an ecosystem that can hurt a population growth an can decrease the carrying capacity of the population are known as what?

environmental resistance

In the formula (AVG number tagged)/X what does "X" represent.

estimated population size

which BEST describe the cost of building a nuclear power plant?


the human population as experience explosive growth in recent years as seen in this graph. Therefore our population growth looks like which type of growth?


What is a term to describe something that will not last forever


Some suggest that we could reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture by stopping the use of all pesticides. Why is this unlikely?

food cost would increase by 50%

The national forest service allows resources to be extracted, which helps private corporations make a profit. Which type of ecosystems are managed by the national forest service?

forest and grasslands

which type of fuel formed from anaerobic decomposition of prehistoric organisms?

fossil fuels

The urban heat island effect can be caused by impervious surfaces (like concrete) and air conditioning units. Which of these also causes the urban heat island effect?

fuel combustion

what do we call it when scientist modify the genome of an organism for medical or industrial use?

genetic engineering

When conducting a population sampling study what are you expected to do each time you collect individuals?

get the same amount of people each time

visitors to public lands provide more money to these lands through their entrance fees. However, they cause problems for these lands. like increased emissions. what is another problem with more visitors to public lands?

habitat degradation

During the green revolution farmers used large amounts of water and large amounts of pesticides. Using all of these we were able to produce what type of crops?

high- yield monocultures

According to the United Nations, which of the following is NOT a characteristic developing nations?

higher life expectancy

The urban heat island effect can cause increased greenhouse gas emissions and warmer storm water runoff. What else can the urban heat island effect cause?

increase energy use

Which of these factors would cause an Increase in a prey population?

increased biotic potential

The green revolution occurred during the 1950-1970. What was a hallmark of this revolution?

increased crop yeild

buiding techniques that push air outside reduce whet type of pollution

indoor air pollution

which is the greatest risk for most people?

indoor air pollution

which type of farming raises excess food to sell or trade

intensive farming

What do we call it when two or more crop species are planted in the same area to promote a synergistic interaction?


When an organisms environment is out of the range of tolerance for the organism the organism cannot survive. What is another term for this phenomenon?


Some populations experience large growth and then they die for no known reason. These populations seem to have no observable pattern in their growth/die-off. What type of population growth is this?


Locust populations typically explode very quickly and then die out just as quickly. What type of population growth is this?


biomass energy is a type of energy production that uses the energy from formerly living things such as plants and trees. What is an advantage of biomass energy?

it can be carbon neutral

natrual gas produces much less air pollution than air pollution, such as methane a powerful greenhouse gas. What is a problem with the methane released from natrual gas?

it can escape to the atmospherre

Cattle eat a large amount of plants which causes them to release large amounts of methane. Why is releasing methane a problem?

it is a green house gas

coal is a very dirty fossil fuel but there are several advantages to using coal as a fuel source. For example, coal is energy dense and it is easy to transport. What is another advantage of coal production

it is cheap

Petroleum is a useful fossil fuel and a convenient source of energy for vehicles. It is also easy to transport. What is a disavantage of petroleum?

it is easy to spill

What are two DISADVANTAGES of reducing pollution?

it is time-consuming and expensive.

what do we mean when we use the term economic?

it relates to money

what do we mean when we say something is enviromental?

it relates to the ecosystem

For many years biotic potential and environmental resistance were equal. What happened to the population during this time?

it remained stable

During every energy transformation some energy is lost as heat. What does thid mean for the amount of energy produced from a system?

it will be less than the energy put into the system

Doubling time is how long it takes a population to double. If the population is growing quickly, what will the doubling time look like for that population?

it will be short

What is the primary goal of pesticide use?

keep pests below the threshold at which farmers would not make a profit

Wave collectors are a promising alternative energy source in coastal areas. How do wave collectors work?

kinetic energy to eletric energy

Ice is very reflective. As global tempatures warm, ice is melting, reducing the amount of permanent ice present on Earth's surface. What happens when there is less ice present on Earth?

less reflection of heat

Most of the energy in the united states is produced from fossil fueles. However there is some renewable energy use in United states. How much of our energy use is renewable?

less than 10%

Grain produced by industries require large amounts of water. Who is primarily fed from this grain?


Which of these indicated a flowing ecosystem?


Nuclear power plants have several advantages such as a large fuel supply and lower carbon dixide emissions. What is another advantage of nuclear power?

low probability of accidents

Organic waste is especially problematic becuase it uses large amounts of oxygen whhen decomposing. What is an example of organic waste?

manure from livestock feeding operations

Electricity moves from the power plat to the grid. Within a power plant the turbine uses what type of energy?

mechanical energy

Natrual gas is formed from marine mud. What is the primary component of natrual gas?


What do we call sources of pollutants that are moving?


legislative acts are only applicable in the united states and treaties/protocols are applicable internationally between all of the countries that sign the document. The paris Treaty and kyoto protocol areexample of international legislation. Which is another example of international legislation,

montreal protocol

the department of agriculture is in charge of which service?

national forest service

Which of the following is a public land?

national park

Which type of public lands have restricted use

national parks

Which type of public land has watere all or part of the time?

national wetland

coal and oil are fossil fuels. What is another fossil fuel?

natrual gas

Fossil Fuels are nonrenewable resources that come from the remains of prehistoric organisms. Coal and oil are fossil fuels. What other energy source is considered a fossil fuel?

natural gas

Surfaces can either absorb or reflect. Black surfaces can absorb a lo of heat, which is why a black shirt is very hot on a sunny day. Do white surfaces ABSORB much heat?


Surfaces can either absorb or reflect. White surfaces can reflect a lot of heat, which is why a white shirt is cooler on a sunny day. Do white surfaces ABSORB much heat?


What do we call a type of farming where a farmer harvest his crops but does not openly till the soil in order to replant a new crop?

no-till farming

What term do we use to describe when a resource is replaced at a constant rate, regarddless of how much of that fuel is used?


what truly acceptable solutions nuclear waste?


According to IPM pesticides should only be used as a last resort and should be what type of pesticide?


A source of pollution that cannot be traced becauase it comes from many, dispersed sources is what type of pollution?

nonpoint source of pollution

Fossil fuels take millions of years to form, which means we are using them faaster than they can form. What term do we use to describe these fuels?


Environmental resistance reduces the size of the human population. Which of the following is an example of environmental resistance?

not enough food

Fossil fuels (coal oil natrual gas) are not renewable. Energy sources that are no fossil fuels are called alternative emergy sources. Which alternativ energy is not renewable


What chemical formula of ozone?


coal is extracted from the earth as a solid. Which fossil fuel is extracted from the earth as a liquid?


Most of the energy in the united states is produced from fossil fuels. How much energy production is from fossil fuels?

over 80%

what were the causes of dust bowl?

over-tillage of land, severe drought and windy conditions

What do we call the level of risk that the public THINKS exists?

perceived risk

What do we call any organism that occurs where it is not wanted or that occurs in large enough numbers to cause economic damage?


Pesticides are used to increase crop yields by reducing the damage caused by pests. But this can have a human health impact. What is the impact of pesticides on human health?

pesticides can remain on food

which fossil fuel must migrate into pockets in order for humans to extract it?


What is the greatest source of indoor air pollution in less-develope countries?

poorly ventilated cooking fires

In urban areas people turn on air conditioning units, which realease heat, making the air warmer, which makes people use more air conditiong. What type of feedback loop is this?


coal is a cheap fossil fuel. What type of energy source is coal?

potential energy

What do we call it when there is scientific evidence demonstrating a plausible risk from a chemical, it must be further tested to prove that it is safe before it can continue to be used?

precautionary principle

Carbon diocide carbon monoxide and sulfur and nitrogen oxides are pollutants that are released directly from a source. What do we call these types of pollutants?

primary pollutants

Solar energy can be used to produce eletricity for cities. What is another use for solar energy?

provide energy for homes

Which of the following reason for the growing availability of free-range meats?

public demand

What is the abbreviation for growth rate? A. g B. pgr C. r D. k


This type of reproductive strategy involves small generalists with many many offspring and little parental care.


tobacco smoke and formaldehyde are dangerous indoor pollutants. Which of these is also a dangerous indoor air pollution?

radon gas

Acid deposition is a process that kills organisms very slowly. Soils that are acidified from acid deposition release aluminum to surrounding waters, which can cause what types of problems in the waters?

reduce the ability of the waters to support sensitive aquatic organisms

What are some negative consequences of sediment pollution in water?

reduced visibility and photosynthesis

even though public lands struggle with a lack of funding. those in charge of these lands typically spend money on what?

removing non-native species

What term is used to describe the ability of a species to become less susceptible to the effects of a pesticide over time?


Conventional incandescent light bulbs work by sending electric currents through what type of material?


What do we call the probability of suffering injury disease death or a loss as a result of exposure to a hazard?


what can reduce the urban heat island effect?

rooftops covered with plants

upon what do we base the standards for pollutant?

scientific studies

Ozone the pollutant and sulfuric acid are pollutants that are NOT released from a source but form in the atmosphere when they react with other molecules in the air. What do we call this type of pollutant?

secondary pollutant

sulfruc acid is formed in the atmosphere when water and sulfur dioxide meet. What type of pollutant is sulfruc acid.

secondary pollutant

Erosion on land is MOST likely to cause what type of water pollution?


what do we call it when the interior of the building causes illness?

sick building syndrome

Normal rain, which has not been contaminated by pollutants, has what pH?

slightly acidic

According to the age-structure diagram shown the population is experiencing ____.

slow growth

What do we call a principle for community planning that focuses on strategies that encourage the development of sustainable healthy growth?

smart growth

Some population experience zero population growth, which means the population doesn't in size either. What type of population growth is this?


What type of mining occurs when the overburden is stripped and coal is removed?

strip mining

What do we call the large holes left in the ground after mining?

strip pits

long wall mining and room and pillar mining are done underground. What do we call underground mining?

subsurface mining

what is the most common impurity in coal that can lead to acid rain?


Burning coal realeses which pollutant?

sulfur dioxide

Carbon monoxide ozone and carbon dioxide are all air pollutants. Which of the following is also an air pollutant?

sulfur dioxide

What is an advantage of clear water for rooted plants?

sunlight can reach them

which type of heat island has a higher surface tempature in urban areas compared to rural

surface heat islands

When mining disrupts the ecosystem it has the most negative ecological effects. Which type of mining will have the MOST ecological effects?

surrface mining

alternative energies can be used without running out. What do we call this type of energy production?


What do we call it when you can repeat a process indefinitely without using up or contaminating a resource?


This population pyramid is that of a developed country with a small population growth. Which of the following countries might have growth like this?

the United States

When air pollutants are measured by EPA, the amount of pollutant is measured. In addition, what else is measured?

the amount of time

What do we call the maximum number of individuals an ecosystem can support?

the carrying capacity

There are many reasons people move out of cities such as cheap automobiles and a good network of highways in and out of cities. What is another reason to move out of cities?

the cost of living is lower in the suburbs

When you are immigrating somewhere you are moving into that area. Which of the following is a conseqence of immigration into a country?

the country population grows

Livestock owners do not want the Bureau of land management to increase their fees. How do we the fees for public lands compare with the fees for private lands?

the fees for public lands are much cheaper

Nuclear accidents are rare but they can happen. How can we describe the environmental impact of nuclear accidents?

the impact s very large

The payback period for the equipment required for an alternative energy is how long it takes you to make up the cost of the equipment in eneergy cost savings. If the price of energy in your area increases, what happens to the payback period?

the payback period decreases

Setting water quality standards improved water quality. However what was negative effect of water quality standards

the price of water wet up

what happens in the troposphere as you increase in altitude.

the tempature decreases

What does the term fertility mean?

the total number of children a woman will have in her lifetime

wind power is the fastest growing alternative energy source and is ultimately produced from the sun energy. However, there are some disadvantages. What is a disadvantage of wind power?

the wind does not blow consistently across the united states

when visitors come to public lands they typically arrive by fossil fuel powered vehicles. why is this a problem?

they cause increased air pollution in these lands

Pesticides can have large-scale negative environmental impacts, yet we still use them on our crops. why?

they increase profits

The replacement level fertility for a couple is 2.1. what does this mean?

this is the number of children they must have in order to replace themselves.

public lands are natrural areas that are protected in some way. These lands struggle with funding and invasive species. what is another thing these lands struggle with?

too many visitors

Ozone in the stratosphere forms the ozone layer and is beneficial. Where is ozone a pollutant?


Ozone in the stratosphere forms the ozone layer and is beneficial. Where is ozone pollutant?


What do we call the type of survivor ship curve that involves the organism having few offspring that typically survive well into adulthood?

type 1

What do we call the type of survivorship curve in which organisms do not die early in life or late in life?

type 2

What do we call the type of survivorship curve that involves the organism having many many offspring because most offspring die early in life?

type 3

Due to allelopathy this pattern of biological population dispersion is commonly found in desert environments.

uniform pattern

Smart growth involves sustainable healthy growth like mixed land use and encouraging stakeholder collaboration. What is another benefit of smart growth?

walkable neighborhoods

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are both primary pollutants. What do they react with to form an acid?


Which substance is known as the universal solvent becuasse it can dissolve many other substances, including pollutants, chemicals and contaminants?


hydrogen fuel cells are atype alternative energy. These cells are expensive but they produce no air pollution. What is the major by product of hydrogen fuel cells?


Which greenhouse gas has the SHORTEST residence time in the atmosphere?

water vapor

There are several hydroelectric dams in the united states. However most of these dams are older. Why are there few new dams in the united states?

we are not building very many dams

whay are fossil fuels considered nonrenewable?

we are using them FASTER than they can reform

As we continually increase our food production, what does that mean for the environment?

we use more resources

What do we call it when trees and shrubs are planted in a linear fashion designed to enhance crop production by protecting the soil people and livestock from effects of the wind.

wind breaks

The human population was very stable for many years and did not change. this is known as ________ population growth.


Lebanon has the following population statistics crude birth rate = 10% crude death rate = 8.0% immigration= 6.0% emigration = 4.2% What is the growth rate of population in lebanon?


A certain country has the following population statistics: Immigration= 1% crude birth rate = 2% crude death rate= 1% emigration rate= 4% what is the population growth rate of this country?


Crude birth rate = 1.43% crude death rate = 0.43% immigration = 4.15% emigration = 12.7%


Lebanon has the following population statistics crude birth rate = 1.43% crude death rate = 0.43% immigration= 4.15% emigration = 12.7% What is the growth rate of population in lebanon?


if the quantity of parts per million were expressed as time what would it be?

1 second every 11 days

Lebanon has the following population statistics crude birth rate = 11% crude death rate = 8% immigration= 2.1% emigration = 3.9% What is the growth rate of population in lebanon?


Scientists expect that there are many millions of species on the planet. However, we've only identified a small percentage of these species. About how many species have been identified so far?

1.7 million

According to IPM farmers want to keep their losses to what percentage or less?


What percent of solid waste in the United States is agriculture


What percent of solid waste in the United States is industrial?


the global human population is now over 7 billion. In what year did the population first reach 1 billion?


The Montreal Protocol was an internationa; treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the productiom of substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion. How many nations signed this protocol?


Lead is an air pollutant. When was lead removedas an additive from gasoline?


Concentrations can be expressed as a ratio. For example if a solution has a 10% concentration the ratio would be 1:10 which represent 1/10=10% what is the ratio for a solution that has a concentration of 1%


Which law of thermodynamics states that the energy out of a system?


Which century had the hottest 136 year average?


At what tempature does liquid water turn into steam

212 degrees Fahrenheit

During every energy transformation some energy is lost as heat. This means that the energy leaving a system is always less than the energy that entered the system. What lawn of thermodynamics describes this?


Which law thermodynamics says that during an energy transformation some energy is lost as heat?


A certain country has the following population statistics: Immigration= 1% crude birth rate = 2% crude death rate= 1% emigration rate= 4% what is the CBR / Immigration of this country?


How many pounds on average is produced by each person in the United States per day?

3 to 5 pounds

An incandescent light bulb is approximately 5% efficient at producing light which is less efficient than a coal-fired power plant. What is the efficiency of a coal-fired power plant?


At what temperature is water most dense?

4 degrees celsius

Historically what was Earth's albedo?


What is the efficiency of a steam turbine


A certain country has the following population statistics: Immigration= 1% crude birth rate = 2% crude death rate= 1% emigration rate= 4% what is the CDR / Immigration of this country?


Approximately how many humans are living on earth?

7 billion

What is the minimum level decibles

70 db

What percent of solid waste in the United states is from mining?


Unit 8 Review Landfills are advantageous for waste disposal for many reasons. Which of the following is an advantage of landfills? A. They have cheaper disposal fees. B. They are very expensive. C. They are high maintenance. D. They produce little to no smell.


What could the top layer of the ecocolumn represent?

A heavily fertilized golf course

The ICUN regulates species worldwide and maintains something called a "red list". what is the redlist?

A list of worldwide endangered species.

During eutrophication, there is an increase in biological oxygen demand due to algal blooms, What does this increase in biological oxygen demand cause?

A reduction in dissolved oxygen

Increased turbidity can cause what in aquatic ecosystem?

A reduction in sunlight

Which of the following is corrosive?


Mining can have a variety of ecological effects, like habitat disruption and a loss of biodiversity. What is another negative effect og mining?

Acid mine drainage

When forest are removed the bidiversity in the area usually decreases significantly which industry is the LARGEST cause of deforestation worldwide?


Which term means mixed air?


How do we qualify a risk?

Analyzing the severity and probability of the risk

Where does the water for irrigation come from?


Which group of people are extremely susceptible to air pollution?


Photovoltaic cells are associated with which type of renewable energy? A. Fossil Fuel Energy B. Radiant Solar Energy C. Hydro-Energy D. Wind Energy


Many people move out of cities because cities are ecpenive. However there are some negative consequences of migrating out of cities. For example, building up suburban area can cause habitat disruption and a loss of biodiversity. What is another negative effect of moving out of cities?

Beautification of cities decreases

DDt lasts a long time in the environment. It can magnify up the food chain, which means if a small animal eats small animals with DDT, there will even be more DDT in the larger animal. What term that we use to describe this phenomenon?


what term is used to describe the accumulation of a toxic chemical in the tissues of an INDIVIDUAL ORGANISM?


What term do we use to describe the variety of species in an area?


What is removed from sewage after it is treated?

Biological contaminants

Factors in an ecosystem that are helpful to the population and can cause the population to grow are known as what?

Biotic potential

If a baby drinks water with high nitrate levels, it can lower the blood's oxygen- carrying capacity, resulting in which illness in newborns?

Blue Baby syndrome

Which of the following BEST describes renewable energy? A. It can be used up. B. There is a limited supply. C. We cannot run out of it. D. There is only so much on Earth.


which act is also known asa Superfund and requires reporting of hazardous substances released to the environment.


Which greenhouse gas lasts the LONGEST in the atmosphere?


A risk assessment requires at least 3 things. Two of these are hazard identification and calculating the probility of risk. What is the third thing needed for a risk assessment?

Calculating the consequences of risk

The Burmese python is a snake that is invasive to Florida which means that it is not from Florida and is causing problems in Floridian ecosystems. Which of the following is invasive in Australia?

Cane Toad

During the industrial revolution, we started burning fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gases when burned, at a higher rate. Which greenhouse gas has increased since the industrial revolution?

Carbon Dioxide

Which pollutant is a deadly colorless and ordorless gas that is a by-product of incomplete combustion?

Carbon monoxide

This population pyramid is that of a developing country with a large population growth. Which of the following countries might have growth like this?

Chad and Nigeria

Which act regulates air emissions and authorizes the EPA establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)>

Clean Air Act

What do we call the LONG-TERM variations in precipitation and tempature?


Which of the following will disrupt solar radiation from leaving Earth's atmosphere?


Which population dispersal pattern is the most common?


What do we call it when we protect land while still allowing sustainable use?


Sewage treatment plants and water treatment plants help control water pollution. What is another way we can control water pollution?

Construct manmade wetlands

what do we call the tillage practice that follows the curve and layout of the landscape to avoid erosion?

Contour Tillage

What do greenhouse gases do?

Contribute to the warming of the planet

Some population experience periods in which the population increases and then periods in which the population decreases. The defining factor of this type of population growth is that they increase and decrease in size at fairly regular intervals. What type of population growth is this?


There are several chemicals that can last for a very long time in an environment and can biomagnify in the envrionment. Agent Orange and PCB are examples of these types of chemicals. What is another example of one of these chemicals?


Which pesticide was popular in WW1 and WW2 until people realized it could have large scale negative environmental impacts?


Which is one of the main causes of decreased bio diversity?

Decreased natural habitat

Free-range agriculture is when animals are allowed to roam while being raised as livestock. What is an advantage of this method of raising livestock?

Decreased prevalence of disease

What was the name of the 2010 oil rig that sank in Gulf Mexico causing a very large oil spill?

Deepwater Horizon

Which department manages invasive species in the United States?

Department of agriculture

Which federal department oversees MOST public lands in the United sates?

Department of the interior

Who sets the standards for pollutats?


The dodo bird is now extinct. When humans first arrived in it's habitat, it did no recognize humans as predators. What do we call this phenomenon?

Ecological naivete

Climate Change can have an effect on global productivity. For example farming and raising livestock can be reduced becausse areas that were ideal for raising these crops and animals may no longer have a climate supporting those species. What is another type of productivity?

Energy production

An ecosystem with unfavorable conditions will negatively affect the populations growth. What do we call these factors in an ecosystem that can hurt a population growth?

Enviromental resistance

What could the sediments in the ecocolumn represent?


Air masses travel from west to east. This means that air pollution from the United States will produce acid rain in which location?


When water changes to a gas at temperatures below the boiling point, what is this called ?


If a risk exists, we can do several things to manage that risk. For example, you must asses the risk and create a strategy to reduce the risk. What else must you do?

Examine the financial commitment

What are some negative consequences of inorganic nutrient (ex: nitrogen and phophorous) water pollution?

Excessive growth of algae in waterways and depletion of dissolved oxygen

What was the name of the 1989 oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska?

Exxon Valdez

Resources in an ecosystem that determine the upper and lower limit of a population growth are known as what?


Where is the most polluted part of river?

Farthest downstream

Which type of light bulb has a delay when it is turned on?


Agriculture and grazing livestock are similar industries because they both focus on raising crop from the land. What is another industry that also raises a crop?


Municipal Solid Waste is a term we use for trash from non-industrial and non-agriculture sources. Which of the following is NOT part of MSW?

Gaseous waste

There are three types of biodiversity. The first type of biodiversity and the most common is species biodiversity, which refers to the variety of species in an area. The second is ecosystem diversity. This is the diversity of ecosystems in an area. What is the third type of biodiversity?

Genetic Biodiversity

Which material will NOT burn in an incinerator?


What will it require to make a noticeable reduction in pollution?

Global cooperation

Rainforests are cleared for many reasons such as to create places for housing and grow crops. What is another reason rainforest are cleared?

Grazing of livestock

What is the name of the EPA partnership with food retailers to reduce refrigerant emissions and decrease their impact on the ozone layer and climate change?


What occurs wen incoming solar radiation hitting the earth and slowing down results in the radiation not being able to escape the earth's atmosphere due to greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse effect

What occurs when incoming solar radiation hitting the earth and slowing down results in the radiation not being able to escape the earth's atmosphere due to greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse effect

When calculating the double time. wwe use the rule 70, which is doubling time = 70/r, What does r stand for in this equation?

Growth rate

The acronym HIPPO is used to help us remember the reasons species become endangered and/or go extinct. What does the H in HIPPO stand for?

Habitat Loss

Which type of chemicals deplete the ozone layer?


Which group of chemicals are known as "ozone depleting chemicals"?


What do we call anything that can cause injury disease death to humans damage to personal or public propery or deterioration or destruction of part of the environment?


What do we call the process of examining evidence and linking a potential hazard to its harmful effects?

Hazard Assessment

Noise pollution has a direct link to human health. It can cause depression, high blood pressure, and sleep disruption. What else can noise pollution cause?

Hearing loss

Nuclear power plants are an alternative energy source but they have several disadvantages such as thermal pollution, high environmental impacts from accidents and a low net energy yield. What is another disadvantage of nuclear power?

High construction costs

What is the largest cause of habitat loss?

Human population growth

When sucessful decomposition happens in the decomposition layer of the ecocolumn the tempature of that layer will increase. What do you put in this layer to improve decomposition?

Humus and decaying organisms

Which air pollutant is by-product of burning fossil fuels?


Solid water floats on liquid water. Why does this happen?

Ice is less dense than liquid water

All organisms on the planet are interconnected. What does this mean?

If one species dies, other will also be affected.

What do we call it when an organism enters an area?


Ran the types of lightbulbs from the type that uses the most energy to the type that uses the least amount of energy.

Incandescent> CFL>LED

In order to reduce runoff. you can regulate discharge from known sources and maintain shoreline vegetation. What else can you do to reduce runoff?

Increase the amount of absoptive surfaces

Which two industries produce the MOST waste

Industry and agriculture

All of Earth's systems are


The acronym HIPPO is used to help us remember the reasons species become endangered and/or go extinct. What does the I in HIPPO stand for?

Invasive species

When there is no pattern to a populations growth it is known as _____.


in the 1970 the middle east had an oil embargo against the united states where they refuse to sell oil to the United States. During this time, which country was our ally?


why do we care about crude birth rate and the crude death rate in environmental science?

It allows us compare the populations of different countries.

What is a major environmental PROBLEM with leachate?

It can pollute groundwater.

What is one of the main environmental DISADVANTAGES of incineration as method for dealing with waste?

It causes a lot of air pollution

Albedo is a measure of reflectivity. If a surface has a high albedo, what does that mean?

It is VERY reflective

What is one of the main economic DISADVANTAGES of incineration as method for dealing with waste?

It is expensive

What is a problem with leachate that is collected in the landfill?

It must be disposed of somewhere

The endangered species act was enacted in 1973 and applies in the United States. It is one of the most wide-ranging acts protecting species. Why?

It protects the species and their habitat.

During every energy transformation some energy is lost as heat. what does this mean for the amount of elecrical energy produced from a power plant?

It will be LESS than the energy stored in the fuel

This population pyramid is that of a developed country with a negative population growth. Which of the following countries might have growth like this?


which country might have an age-structure pyramid that looks similar to the one shown (showing declining growth) A. Canada B. Italy C. Spain D. Somalia


The green line on grapgh represents a type of growth is often called - cruve growth.

J (exponential growth)

The human population has experienced exponential growth, as seen in this graph =. Therefore, our population growth looks like which type of growth?


When a population grows quickly it experiences exponential growth. What is another term for exponential growth?


When a population grows quickly it experiences exponential growth. What is another term for exponential growth?

J-curve growth

What letter do we use to abbreviate carrying capacity


what letter is used to abbreviate carrying capacity?


Which reproductive strategy is described below? This type of reproductive strategy involves large specialist with few offspring and a large amount of parental care. These organisms are also more likely to become endangered,


Which type of species below would BEST describe the population discussed in the paragraph to the left? A. r-selected B. J-selected C. K-selected D. S-selected The curve labeled A in the graph shown is typical of populations that have few offspring and high levels of parental care. Typically, the offspring of these species survive well into adulthood. A gorilla would be an example of a species with this type of survivorship.


What is water level in an ecocolumn supposed to represent?


A famous case study in the United States describes how a very polluted lake was able to be recreation by many people. Which lake was this?

Lake washington

DDT is "persistent" in the environment. What does "persistent" mean?

Lasts a very long time

What do we call the liquid that is released from a landfill?


What is the MOST common reason that people illegally dump hazard waste?

Legal disposal is expensive

In areas where the ozone layer is thinner, people have developed more cataracts and increased numbers of skin cancer cases. What are they noticing in plant populations in these areas?

Less Photosynthesis

Earth's average tempature have increased due to the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere. About how much has the tempature increased above 20th century averages?

Less than 1 degree C

What percentage of sunlight hitting earth's surface is reflected?

Less than 10%

What percent of solid waste in the United States is municipal solid waste in the United States is municipal solid waste?

Less than 2%

Chemicals bioaccumulate in the body. However, there IS an organ that can help filter these toxins. Which organ filters toxins?


Which of the following is an international attempt at worldwide cooperation against dumping waste into the ocean?

London Convention on the prevention of marine pollution

Organic farming has lower yields than industrial farming. What are some advantages of organic farming?

Maintain the health and ecology of the local envioronment

Which group has the MOST endangered species?


What is the cause of endocrine disruptors in aqatic ecosystems?


Which element can biomagnify and bioaccumulate in ecosystems?


Which of the following is considered toxic?


As trash in the landfill decomposes, a greenhouse gas is produced and leaks from the landfill. We install gas detection units at various location around the landfill to detect this gas as it is released. Which gas is released?


Yellowstone National Park is a biosphere preserve. What does this mean?

Migration routes are protected

What was the name of the ecological disaster in Japan when waste containing mercury was released into the bay?

Minamata Bay

What must you do with trash before you can burn it in an incinerator?

Mix it

The crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people. What is another term for crude death rate?


Which type of surface mining removes the top of mountains and allows the debris to fall to the valleys below?

Mountaintop removal

If an animal is affected by climate change and it reproduces and changes quickly, like a virus it can adapt to climate change. If not, what can the organism do to avoid dying?


which piece of legislation regulates forests are managed?

Mulitple Use sustained yeild act

Which acronym do we use to mean that people need and want landfills, but that they don't want to live near them?

NIMBY- not in MY back Yard

The crude birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 people. What is another term for crude birth rate?


Which type of public land is considered multiple use land?

National Forests

Which public lands are afforded the highest level of protection?

National wilderness area

this type of public lands has the highest protection meaning that you cannot drive resources but some hunting and fishing is allowed. Wht type of land is this?

National wilderness area

Which type of public land is moderatley restricted?

National wildlife refuges

There are two typed of feedback loops. One continuously brings the system back to "normal". What is this type of feedback loop?


There are two types of feedback loops. One continuously brings the system back to normal. What is this type of feedback loop?

Negative feedback loop

Noise can be problematic for both humans and animals. What do we call it when noise is problematic?

Noise pollutions

Which of the following BEST describes MSW?


What is the cheapest way of dealing with hazardous waste?

Not producing it at all

Some types of power plants can produce radioactive pollution. Which ones produce radioactive pollution?

Nuclear and coal-burning power plants

how can we describe the amount of carbon dioxide produced in a nuclear power plant compared to fossil fuel plants?

Nuclear plants produce less carbon dioxide

When the oceans absorb extra carbon dioxide it forms carbonic acid reducing the pH of the oceans. What is this process called?

Ocean acidification

Which act was passed in response to Exxon Valdez spill?

Oil pollution Act

Monoculture crops are genetically identical. What is a problem with monoculture crops?

One disease can wipe out the entire crop

Where is the ozone layer located?

Over the entire earth

The acronym HIPPO is used to help us remember the reasons species become endangered and/or go extinct. What does the O in HIPPO stand for?


A tempature inversion forms when warm air forms a "cap" on top of the cold air below it. Which pollutant often gets "stuck" below a tempature inversion?


Which of the following comprises MOST of our domestic trash?


what do we call the global action plan to avoid dangerous climate change by attempting to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees celsius?

Paris Treaty

Dust soot and smoke are air pollutants that consist of very small particles. What do we call this group of air pollutants?

Particulate matter

what term is used to describe a phenomenon in which pests become resistant to a pesticide over time = making farmers apply more and more pesticide each time they spray?

Pesticide treadmill

Solar energy is a promising alternative energy source. What is a common method of collecting solar energy?

Photovoltaic cells

Sometimes, plants are planted with the express purpose of removing hazardous waste from the soil. What is this process called?


What do we call the type of mining where stream beds are mined?

Placer Mining

A reduction in sunlight will affect which organisms the most


Which material has the highest BTU content when burned?


A source of pollution that comes from one, identifiable place is what type of pollution?

Point source of pollution

The acronym HIPPO is used to help us remember the reasons species become endangered and/or go extinct. What does the P in HIPPO stand for?

Pollution and human Population

One type moves the system farther and farther away from "normal". What is this type of feedback loop?


Climate change can cause hotter and wetter weather. This weather is perfect for insects who are known vectors of several diseases, which means that the prevalnce of insect-borne diseases will increase as the planet continues to warm and precipitation increases. What type of loop is this?

Positive feedback

What is the most comon source of thermal water pollution?

Power plants

What do we call it when we protect land before it can be degraded?


What provides public health protection from air pollution?

Primary air pollution standards

If you want to do your best to preserve biodiversity, What should you do?

Protect the species AND their habitat

What is the name of the program that helps recover ozone-depleting substances from old refrigerators freezers air conditioners and dehumidifiers?

RAD program

When populations are scattered about and there seems to be no "method to the madness" what type of population pattern would this be an example of?


The Bureau of land management is in charge of which type of public lands?


What lands are located in the Western United States and are managed by Bureau of land Management?


What can you NOT do with Styrofoam when you are finished using it?

Recycle it

There are several methods for dealing with waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and throwing away. Which type of waste strategy requires the LEAST amount of energy?


There are several methods for dealing with waste: Reduce, Reuse,Recycle and Throwing Away. Whoch type of waste strategy is BEST for the environment?


They Kyoto Protocol and the Montreal Protocol were international treaties signed for very different reasons. The goal of the Kyoto Protocol was to decrease carbon emissions worldwide. What was the goal of the Montreal Protocol?

Reduce ozone depletion

deforestation can have many negative effects on the environment such as increased erosion and icreasing climate change, What is another negative effect of deforestation?

Reduced Biodiversity

Cultural eutrophication can cause what in aquatic ecosystems?

Reduced dissolved oxygen

which of the following would increase noise pollution?

Removing all of the trees from an area

What term do we use to describe when a resource is replaced at a rte equal to or faster than the rate at which it is used?


What type of sub-surface mining involves the excavation of cavernous rooms while creating large pillars to support the rock and soil overhead?

Room and pillar method

When a population grows exponentially and then the growth slows. It experiences logistic growth/ What is another term for logistic growth?


Dust from agricultural processes and construction cause what type of air pollution?


Which act focuses on all waters (above or below ground) actually or potentially designed for drinking use?

Safe Drinking Water Act

Which process clans water before it is discharged into waterways?

Sewage treatment

The ___ the wavelength the more harmful the radiation.


which type of deforestation is most commonly used when clearing for agriculture?

Slash and Burn

What is one of the biggest problems with excessive irrigation?

Soil salinization

This population pyramid is that of a developed country with a zero population growth. Which of the following countries might have growth like this?


What does the worldwide treaty known as CITES protect?

Species that are traded

Some populations experience zero population growth, which means the population doesn't get larger, but doesn't decrease in size either. What type of population growth is this?


Ozone is a GOOD thing in which layer of the atmosphere?


What is critical in almost every ecosystem?


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