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What was the U.S. foreign policy as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin American, and middle east?

in African contribute humanitarian aid, trade relation with Asia, in the middle east our government wants to maintain stability because of terrorist attacks in Latin America USA wants free elections and trade

how has immigration policy and attitudes towards immigration changed since 1950's?

in the 1960's Johnson pass the immigration act of 1965 which supported victims of political. persecution and abolished the old immigration quotas. more immigration was allowed to come in the united states from Africa, Asia and Latin American countries.


information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause

Settlement Houses

institutions that provided educational and social services to poor people

West Expansion

it drove Indians out of there homes

Yellow Journalism

journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.

what nonviolent and violent approaches were utilized by various groups achieves civil rights?

kings, South Christian coo. conf were nonviolent, black power movement were more violent

Knights of Labor

labor union that sought to organize all workers and focused on broad social reforms

New Technology of WWI

machine guns, tanks, planes, poision gas, gas masks

Yellow Press

made people more interested in the war by publishing sometimes untrue articles that inflamed opinion and anger

how did the U.S. government prepare the nation for world war 1?

mobilization of industries, and draft

what were the causes, course and consequence of the United States involvement in WW1

nationalism militarism imperialisms system of alliance the assassinations' of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria/hungry prince, and so they punished Serbia.

Farmers' Alliance

network of farmers' organizations that worked for political and economic reforms in the late 1800s

what was the impact of U.S. foreign economic policy during the 1920's?

new restrictions on immigration lack of membership in international organization (league of nation, world court) focus on domestic issues, and affairs

13th Amendment (1865)

no more slavery


northern whites who moved to the south and served as republican leaders during reconstruction

what experience did African American, Hispanic, Asians, women, and conscientious objectors have while serving in Europe?

not excepted as fighting equals, faced racial slurs and discrimination

what were the cause for post-world war 2 prosperity and it's effects on American society?

over production of goods, jobs and a strong Economy

Lusitania (1915)

passenger ship sunk by Germany to get US involved in WW1


policy of increasing the amount of territory a government holds

identify the political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century their impact.

political concerns were the totalitarians government around the world. established free trade and less oppression of people.

What social problems needed to be addressed In the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

poverty, and no homes

analyze the attempts to extend new deal legislation through the great society and the successes and failures of these programs to promote social and economic stability?

president Johnson tried to established a great society were everyone would be excepted through education jobs, and laws. it failed because of lack of funding that saw most of Johnson program come to an end

Who were the significant people or groups of Reconstruction and what were their goals?

radical republicans' 13th, 14th, 15th Amendment radical in republicans' (voting rights for people of color amendments.)

Railroads and Westward Expansion

railroad opened up the American West to more rapid development. The railroad also facilitated westward expansion, escalating conflicts between Native American tribes and settlers who now had easier access to new territories.

Ida Tarbell

reporter who exposed illegal actions committed by the Standard Oil Company.

why were the effect of sharecropping and debt peonage as practiced in the united state.

sharecropping profit any thing that the owner 50% sharecropping profit made blacks become indebt, and become a slave again (sharecropping and debt peonage made black people and other

Cross of Gold

speech given by Bryan which advocated free coinage of silver and inflationary economic policy

what were the causes, course, and consequences of the of the great depression?

stock market crash in 1912. bank failure, drought, high tariffs overproduction of good

trace the significant foreign policy events during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations and and evaluate their successes and failures.

successes: all of these president follow the policy of containment to stop the spread of communism failures: policy of containment failed during these president administration


support for the concerns of ordinary people

what new technology was used in world war 1 and what impact did it have in warfare?

tanks, airplanes, mechanical weapons, and mustard gas impact : high casualty on both sides

What role did the Supreme Court play in the expansion of civil rights during the 1960's and 1970's?

the Supreme Court had a few voting rights act of 1965 the 24th amendment pass. Supreme court was not productive on the civil right could have done better

agriculture surplus

the amount of food grown by a society that exceeds the demands of its population

what effects did the black codes and the Nadir have on freed people?

the black code restricted to control the blacks (black codes restricted black people from having rights.)

How did the United States change as it shifted from an agrarian(agricultal) to an industrial society?

the farmers move to the cites because they could earn more money.

how did the holocausts impacts Jews as well as other group during WW2?

the killing of 6 million Jews


the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization

how did the war impact German Americans, Asian American, African American, Hispanic American, Jewish American, native American, women, dissenters in the United states?

the minorities took advantage jobs opportunity (many volunteers on the Homefront and other wore military uniforms and served overseas faced racial disclination open opportunity.) positive : the war allowed jobs for a lot of these minorities

Suffrage Movement

the movement organized around gaining voting rights for women

how has foreign and domestics terrorism affect the American people?

the patriot act was inacted the USA makes no concession or deals with terrorist and brings them to justice for their crimes. also giving the government searches power

What was the impact of political machines on U.S. cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

the political machines looked to immigrants because immigrants could vote to keep them in power and elected.

states' rights

the right of states to limit the power of the federal government

Explain why support for the Ku Klux Klan varied in the 1920s with respect to issues such as anti-immigration, anti-african american, anti-Catholic, and anti-Jewish?

they did not like blacks, immigrants, catholic, Jews, and women. also unions about 1 million member KKK march group Washington (the KKK had had over a million members because Americans believed that immigrants were taking over their country, that Catholics and Jews would change their religious, and that unions were too liberal) in my opinion:[KKK wanted things that was in the past]

how did Jim crow laws influence life for African American and other racial/ethnic minority groups? (Jim Crow Laws)

to separate to segregate the race and restrict minority's {laws that separated the races and restricted minorities} (Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites)

How did the U.S. assist the allies prior to entry in WWII?

transporting goods and supply

Analyze the use of atomic weapons during WW2 and the aftermath of the bombings

two bombing were dropped on japan, japan surrender to the U.S.A.

what was the rationale for the formation of the united nations, including the contribution of Mary McLeod Bethune?

uneffaced of the black combined in 1937 end discriminations and lynching. founded Bethune - Cookman university.

Child Labor

using children to work in factories and businesses

how does the united states participate in global economy (trade agreement, international competition, impact on American labor, environmental concerns)?

we trade with Europe and Naveta, all other concerns concerns are hard to regulate

compare the relative prosperity between different ethic and social classes in the post-world war 2 period?

whites prosperity was high, ethic groups left behind.

how did the status of women changed in the united states from post-world war 2 to present?

women demanded more equal rights, in the work place and in society, ERA.

how did society show support for and resistance to civil rights for women, African American, native American, and other minorities?

women played a crucial in galvanizing the civil rights movement. while resulting legislation such as the civil rights act and the voting rights act was a win for African Americans and both genders.

Panama Canal

(TR) , The United States built the Panama Canal to have a quicker passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic and vice versa. It cost $400,000,000 to build. Columbians would not let Americans build the canal, but then with the assistance of the United States a Panamanian Revolution occurred. The new ruling people allowed the United States to build the canal.

what were the causes and consequences of the civil war?

1. states right 2. territorial expansion 3.economy the consequence of the civil war was secession between the states.

What was the Red Scare and how did the public react to it?

1.) 1920's red scare communisms group of government American arrested them communisms 2.) 1950's accuese everyoun in the being communist (this red scare occurred in the in the 1920's, it was a fear of communism. in the 1950's McCarthy was a senator who began to irrationally accuse people of being communists, which was called McCarthyism) (government raided radical organization arrested thousands and deported many. communist ideology.)

what impacts did the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution have on African Americans and others?

13Am: end of slavenly 14Am: equal safety 15Am: right to vote all common = for Black rights in American.

Homestead Act

1862 - Provided free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it. Encouraged westward migration.

Homestead Act

1862 law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate it for five years

Henry Ford

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents.

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 law that barred Chinese laborers from entering the United States

Interstate Commerce Act

1887 law passed to regulate railroad and other interstate businesses

Dawes Act

1887 law that distributed reservation land to individual Native American owners

Sherman Antitrust Act

1890 law banning any trust that restrained interstate trade or commerce

Pullman Strike

1894 - nonviolent strike (brought down the railway system in most of the West) at the Pullman Palace Car Co. over wages - Prez. Cleveland shut it down because it was interfering with mail delivery


1906 - Journalists who searched for corruption in politics and big business

Gentlmen's Agreement

1907 agreement between the U.S. and japan to limit Japanese immigrants.

Great White Fleet

1907-1909 - Teddy Roosevelt sent the Navy on a world tour to show the world the U.S. naval power. Also to pressure Japan into the "Gentlemen's Agreement."

how did the united states expand or contract rights for various populations during WW2?

300,000 Mexicans and 25,000 Native Americans joined the military and served in integrated units.African and Asian Americans were placed in segregated units and not allowed to serve in combat.Eventually, these units were allowed into active combat. Women at Home: As more workers were needed for war industries, the government encouraged women to work outside home. Women found themselves doing jobs that had traditionally been considered men's work. African Americans at Home: Many moved from rural areas to cities to look for work. They faced discrimination in hiring. With the "Double V" campaign, African Americans advocated for victory in the war overseas and victory against discrimination in the U.S. Executive Order 8802 was issued to guarantee fair hiring practices in any government-funded job.

Social Gospel Movement

A 19th century reform movement based on the belief that Christians have a responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate poverty

Entangling Alliances

A defensive alliance when each member pledges to come to the assistance of the other if attacked


A policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

A policy that the Germans announced on January 1917 which stated that their submarines would sink any ship in the British waters

Sussex Pledge

A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to sever ties, to stop sinking their ships without warning.

Ku Klux Klan

A secret society created by white southerners in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights.

Granger Laws

A set of laws designed to address railroad discrimination against small farmers, covering issues like freight rates and railroad rebates.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country


A system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.

Roosevelt Corollary

Addition to the Monroe Doctrine asserting America's right to intervene in Latin American affairs

Compromise of 1850

Agreement designed to ease tensions caused by the expansion of slavery into western territories

Who were the significant inventors and what did they invent during the Industrial Revolution?

Alexander bell - telephones Tomas Edelson - lightbulb Herny ford - car henry bessemer - pureify steel

Platt Amendment

Allowed the United States to intervene in Cuba and gave the United States control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay.

what were the economic, military, and security motivation of the united states to complete the panama canal as well as major

America, wanted the canals so we paid the panamas to start a revolution. the USA wanted to for access the pacific ocean for travel trade.

how did Vietnam affect the government and people of the united states?

American people began to demonstrate and protest the war

Neutrality in world war 1

Americans wanted the United States to stay out of the conflict, supporting President Woodrow Wilson's policy of strict and impartial neutrality. "The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try men's souls


An improvement of an existing technological product, system, or method of doing something.


An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.

how did the Allies attempt to promote international justice through the Nuremburg Trills?

By executing the guilty parties

14th Amendment (1868)

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

Freedom Doctrine

Douglas said this was a way to not overturn pop sovereignty but not except the dread Scott decision- said slavery can be outlawed if the states themselves don't enforce it. This doctrine gave him 0 support in the north

Treaty of Portsmouth (1905)

Ended the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905); signed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire after negotiations brokered by Theodore Roosevelt (for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize).

identity the key figures and organizations in shaping the civil rights movement and black power movement?

Floyd McKissick, martin Luther king, Stokely Carmichael leaders of civil rights. black power movement. Malcom x, Stokely Carmichael, Huey newton and Bobby Seale

Alfred Mahan

He believed that the future of military power lay in the navy. Wrote Influence of Seapower on History

American Inventors

Henry Bessemer, William Kelley, Edwin Drake, Abraham Gesner, Thomas Alva Edison, Christopher Sholes.

what influence did Hollywood, the Harlem renaissance, fundamentalist movement, and prohibition have in changing American society in the 1920's?

Hollywood through silent movies Harlem renaissance revival of African culture jazz and dance fundamentalist's movement religious group going to go prohibition era stop selling booze for society (Hollywood influenced society with the movies it produced) (the Harlem Renaissance was a Renaissance was a revival of African - American culture, specifically jazz, the blues, and different parts of their culture) (the fundamentalist's were religious people who returned to their religion after abandoning it.) (the prohibition was meant to save the society by removing American's rights to drink which increased crime and alcoholism, and mafia) (movies, art, music)

Spanish-American War

In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence

how did westward expansion influence the lives of native americans?

Indians lost there land, they fought for the land, and put on reservation agents there own will.

Homestead Strike (1892)

It was one of the most violent strikes in U.S. history. It was against the Homestead Steel Works, which was part of the Carnegie Steel Company, in Pennsylvania in retaliation against wage cuts. The riot was ultimately put down by Pinkerton Police and the state militia, and the violence further damaged the image of unions.

Reservation System

Lands reserved for Indians and never protected because whites kept coming west.

Jim Crow Laws

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites

Gettysburg Address

Lincoln's speech to honor fallen soldiers

how did the red scare affect united states domestics policy?


Bessemer process (steel)

Method of making steel. Improved on iron because it did not rust and was lighter. Enabled the construction of skyscrapers and railroads.

how did Watergate affect the government and people of the united states?

Miss trust in government and lack of confidence in the system.

Great Migration

Movement of African Americans from the South to the North for jobs.


Movement of individuals into a population

How did different non-governmental organizations and Progressive's work to shape public policy, restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life?

NAACP: worked to improve working, and living conditions social gospel movement: they applied Christian ethics to social problems settlement houses: an institution in an inner-city area providing educational, recreational, and other social services to the community. night school: for immigrants for all colors to teach them new skills set. Americanization: process of making a immigrant an American.

conscientious objector

Person who refuses to enter the military or bear arms due to moral or religious reasons

Radical Republicans

Political party that favored harsh punishment of Southern states after civil war

Emancipation Proclamation

Proclamation issued by Lincoln, freeing all slaves in areas still at war with the Union.

government regulation of food and drugs

Pure Food and Drug Act halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling

Railroads - Second Industrial Revolution

Second Industrial Revolution Railroads allowed cheap transportation of materials and products, which in turn led to cheap rails to build more roads. Railroads also benefited from cheap coal for their steam locomotives.

Ostend Manifesto (1854)

Secret negotiation attempting to acquire Cuba as a slave state from Spain

Black Codes

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves


Spanish colony in the Pacific whom the US helped free from the Spanish, but soon after took as their own colony

Dred Scott Decision

Supreme Court ruling that declared slaves were not viewed as citizens but as property

Big Stick

Teddy Roosevelt's use of military power for diplomatic reasons and foreign policy

African Americans migration

The Great Migration was the movement of some six million African Americans from rural areas of the Southern states of the United States to urban areas in the Northern states between 1916 and 1970. It occurred in two waves, basically before and after the Great Depression.

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.


The development of industries for the machine production of goods.

Teller Amendment

This Amendment was drafter by Henry M. Teller which declared that the US had no desire for control in Cuba & pledged the US would leave the island alone.

Zimmerman Telegram

This was sent by Germans to encourage a Mexican attack against the United States. Intercepted by the US in 1917.


Turning point of the Civil War

Vicksburg 1863

Turning point of the Civil War in the West. Northern troops led by Ulysses S. Grant gained full control of the Mississippi River.

15th Amendment (1870)

U.S. cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed

what were the causes, course, consequences of the Vietnam war

USA wanted to stop the spread of communism in south Vietnam that led to American involvement

Anaconda Plan

Union strategy to defeat the Confederacy

Haymarket Riot (1886)

Violent uprising in Haymarket Square, Chicago, where police clashed with labor demonstrators in the aftermath of a bombing.

Business Monopoly

When a company has total control over an industry

Yellow Fever

a disease transmitted by mosquitoes: its symptoms include high fever and vomiting

American Federation of Labor

a federation of North American labor unions that merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1955

Everglades National Park

a huge area of wetlands in southern Florida

Urban Centers

a large and densely populated urban area

Kansas-Nebraska Act

a law that allowed voters in Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether to allow slavery

Henry Flagler

a partner in standard oil who also became the top railroad constructor/owner in Florida.

political machine

a strong party organization that can control political appointments and deliver votes

Debt Peonage

a system in which workers are bound in servitude until their debts are paid

How were the social movements (Native Americans, Hispanics, Women, anti-war protesters) of the 1960's and 1970's similar?

all of these movements were looking for freedom rights to be part of society, race, job opportunities, social justice and equality

How did the building of coalitions between African Americans, whites, and other groups assist in achieving integration and equal rights?

all these groups had a common cause by demonstrating and protest marching it brought awareness to the American people.

planned economy

an economic system directed by government agencies

marcket economy

an economic system that determines what, how, and for whom goods and services are produced by coordinating individual choices through arrangements that aid in the buying and selling of goods and services

labor union

an organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.

First Industrial Revolution

beginning in Great Britain in the 1780s, which gave rise to textiles, railroads, iron, and coal

identity 1960's era president and evaluate their failure and successes domestcally

betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem leaders of the era movement attention to women cause squid not pass ERA amendment

Compare the views of Brooker T. Washington, W.E.B DuBois, and Marcus Garvey relating to African American Experience?

booker T. wanted to teach African American to trade WEB wanted to teach them Marcus to not rely on the whites, only the blacks. {Booker T. Washington} (wanted to teach African-American trade) {W.E.B. Du Bois} (wanted to educate African American) {Marcus Garvey} (wanted to put all the attention on African American and not rely on whites)

what were the causes, course, and consequences of the Spanish

cause: America wanted Spanish out of Cuba and Puerto Ricco consequences: we took over cuba

What were the causes, course, and consequences of the labor movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

causes: long working hours low pay bad working conditions course: to stop child labor, and provide aid to injured workers consequence: the workers joined tighter to form a unions to improve how they work in there jobs.

how did the proliferation of nuclear technology affect the United States and the world?

communist was not able to spread in south Korean

Compare and contrast the experience of European immigrants in the East to that of Asian immigrants in the West. (the Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentleman's Agreement with Japan).

compare: they were both immigrants. they're were poor. looking for jobs. no ones speaks English. different: how they were treated Ellis island Europe treated them nice since they look like Americans angle island Asian treated different because they do not look like Americans so they were discriminated. Europe immigrants went to Ellies island Asians immigrants went to angle island

what were the issues that divided republicans' during the early reconstruction Era

dividing the emancipation(freedom) and racial justice


domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region

what were the major factors that drove the united states imperialism and acquisition of new territories?

economic competition political competition military competition cultural superiority

How did the Entomic boom during the roaring twenties change consumers, businesses, manufacturing, and marketing practices?

economic doing well we made important that we think that are gold need and want are different (the economic boom mad companies look are the common man people are consumers and only produced things that they wanted instead of what they instead of what they needed) (After the war consumers were ready to buy all. kinds of goods appliances, cars reduces prices because of mass production)

what were the economic challenges to American farmers and how did famers respond to these challenges in the mid to late 1800's?

economic former challenges in the west plowing there fields, and finding water, and contraction homes out of sod {they were not supported by the government}{respond education, new technology, for there farming. and this is when there were supported}

compare and contrast the first and second industrial revolution in the united states.

england and american industal revolution common machiens make product different: the American product we were making were new product the product for England were making old products but much faster

what were the cause, course, consequences of WW2 on the U.S. and the world?

failure of peace efforts with Germany, fascism axis powers, German aggression treaty Versailles, militarism, nationalism.


farmers' organization formed after the Civil War

Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890

government to buy silver to back money in addition to gold


group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area

national women's suffrage association

group set up in 1869 to work for a constitution amendment to give women the right to vote.

what were the economic outcomes of demobilization?

high level of products demobilization. we stopped because of the war was over, don't need our products. economy went down. economy slowed after the war and people lost their jobs. (led to economic depression during the 1920's money was loss after contracts were canceled.)

what were the causes, course, and consequences of the early year of the cold war?

high tensions between soviet and the USA, threating nuclear war

how has immigration policy and attitudes toward immigration changed from 1990 to present days?

immigration policy have changed that requirement are so much more difficult to get into the U.S.. most American feel that immigration are a economic threat to their jobs and safety issues are big concern. building of the border wall has been a big controversial issue i America.

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