Obesity CVD Risk Factor Criteria
Body mass index >/= 30 kg/m^2 or waist girth >102cm (40in) for men and >88cm(35in) for women
What is the current physical activity/exercise desired intensity of all individuals based on?
CVD risk factors Presence of CV, metabolic, and/or pulmonary disease
Cigarette Smoking CVD Risk Factor Criteria
Current cigarette smoker or those who quit within the previous 6 months or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
Family History Age Dyslipidemia Diabetes Cigarette Smoking Hypertension HDL-C Obesity Physical Inactivity
What is the defining criteria for "Diabetes" in FADD-CHHOP?
Fasting glucose >/= 126 mg/dl or 2 h plasma glucose values in OGTT >/= 200 mg/dl or HbA1C >/= 6.5%
Exercises the enhance muscle strength also does what for bone mass and bone strength?
Increases bone mass and bone strength of the specific bones stressed and may serve as a valuable measure to prevent, slow, or reverse the loss of bone mass in individuals with osteoporosis
What is the relationship between physical activity and risk of CVD and premature mortality?
Inversely related (dose-response relationship)
What is the defining criteria for "Dyslipidemia" in FADD-CHHOP?
LDL >/= 130mg/dl or HDL-C </= 40mg/dl or total serum cholesterol >/= 200 mg/dl
Exercise Preparticipation screening description
Low, moderate, high intensity classification scheme. Makes general recommendations for medical clearance versus specific recommendations for medical exams or GXT. Does not automatically refer pulmonary disease patients for medical clearance
Metabolic Equivalent
Is medical clearance needed? A 22-yr-old recent college graduate is joining a gym. Since becoming an accountant 6 months ago, she no longer walks across campus or plays intramural soccer and has concerns about her now sedentary lifestyle. Although her body mass index (BMI) is slightly above normal, she reports no significant medical history and no symptoms of any diseases, even when walking up three flights of stairs to her apartment. She would like to begin playing gold
Physical Inactivity CVD Risk Factor Criteria
Not participating in at least 30 min of moderate intensity physical activity (40%-59% VO2R) on at least 3 day of the week for at least 3 month
What is the health screening tool currently used to asses whether or not medical clearance is necessary for exercise
What are some things higher levels of muscular strength are associated with?
Significantly better cardiometabolic risk factor profile, lower risk of all-cause mortality, fewer CVD events, lower risk of developing physical function limitations, and lower risk for nonfatal disease
Elevated Blood Pressure
Systolic 120-129 and Diastolic less than 80
High Blood Pressure Stage 1
Systolic 130-139 or Diastolic 80-89
High Blood Pressure Stage 2
Systolic 140 or higher or 90 or higher
Hypertension CVD Risk Factor Criteria
Systolic blood pressure >/= 140 mmHg and/or diastolic >/= 90 mmHg, confirmed by measurements on at least two separate occasions, or on antihypertensive medication
Hypertensive Crisis
Systolic higher than 180 and/or Diastolic higher than 120
Normal Blood Pressure
Systolic less than 120 and Diastolic less than 80
Physical Fitness
The ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and meet unforeseen emergencies
What are the most common anatomical sites for musculoskeletal injury?
The lower extremities especially the knees followed by the foot and ankle
Is resistance training or aerobic training more effective in the management and treatment of T2D and in improving blood lipid profiles of individuals who are overweight/obese
They are equally as effective
Is medical clearance needed? A 45-yr-old former collegiate swimmer turned lifelong triathlete requests assistance with run training, His only significant medical history is a series of overuse injuries to his shoulders and Achilles tendon. In recent weeks, he notes his workouts are unusually difficult and reports feeling constriction in his chest with exertion - something he attributes to deficiencies in core strength. Upon further questioning, he explains that the chest constriction is improved with rest and that he often feels dizzy during recovery.
Is medical clearance needed? A 50-yr-old nonsmoking male was recently invited by colleagues to participate in a 10-km trail run. He reports currently walking 40 min on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - sometimes he has done "for years." His goal is to run the entire race without stopping and he is seeking training services. He reports have what he describes as a "mild heart attack" at 45, completed cardiac rehab, and is asymptomatic. He takes a statin, ACE inhibitor, and aspirin daily. During the last visit with his cardiologist, which took place 2 years ago, the cardiologist noted no changes in his medical condition
Is medical clearance needed? A 60-yr-old woman is beginning a professionally led walking program. Two years ago, she had a drug-eluting stent placed in her LAD coronary artery after a routine exercise stress test revealed significant ST-segment depression. She completed a brief cardiac rehabilitation program in the 2 mo following the procedure but has been inactive since. She reports no signs or symptoms and takes a cholesterol-lowering statin and anti-platelet medication as directed by her cardiologist.
ACSM-AHA PA Recommendations
-All healthy adults 18-65 should participate in moderate intensity aerobic PA for at least 30 min on 5 d/wk or vigorous intensity aerobic PA for at least 20 min on 3 d/wk (combinations of both can be used) -Moderate intensity aerobic intensity can be accumulated to total the 30 min minimum by performing any length bouts of exercise -Every adult should perform activities that maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance for a minimum of 2 d/wk
How many min/wk of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity is recommended for Americans
150 min/wk of moderate intensity 75 min/wk of vigorous intensity or a combination of the both
Light intensity
2.0-2.9 METs, 30-39% HRR or VO2R, RPE 9-11
Moderate intensity
3.0-3.9 METs, 40-59% HRR or VO2R, RPE 12-13
How many min/wk of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity is recommended for Americans to obtain additional health benefits
300 min/wk of moderate intensity physical activity 150 min/wk of vigorous intensity physical activity or a combination of the both
What is the defining criteria for "Age" in FADD-CHHOP?
45>/= men, 55>/= women
What is the defining criteria for "Family history of MI" in FADD-CHHOP?
55</= men 65</= women
Vigorous intensity
>/= 6 METs, >/=60% HRR or VO2R, RPE >/= 14
HDL-C CVD Risk Factor Criteria