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continental crust density: 2.7/2.8 g/cm3

Layers of earth

crust, mantle, outer core, inner core - increasing density into the core


depleted by biological processes, but never becomes limiting for biological activity

New oceanic lithosphere forms at

divergent boundaries - mid ocean ridges


oceanic crust density: 2.9/3.0 g/cm3

Physical state of matter

solid, liquid, gas, plasma


The soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats. Hot, plastic, upper mantle


The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core. Hot, plastic, strong, lower mantle


The study of the history of oceans in the geological past - using environment nodes with different proxies

Sound travels ___ times faster in the water than air


___% of the world population lives close to the ocean


terrigenous covers __% of all ocean floor


divergent boundary

two plates move away from each other - make new lithosphere - mid Atlantic ridge

transform boundary

two plates move past each other in opposite directions - conserve lithosphere - San Andreas fault

convergent boundary

two plates move toward each other. - destroy old lithosphere (subduction) - trenches, Himalayas

Biogenic covers ___% of all ocean floor


___ % of earth is covered by water


Mantle density

3.3 g/cm3

Oozes contain __% of biogenesis material


The average salinity of the ocean is ___

35 PSU (35 g/kg)

Science uses what system of measurement?

(SI units) international system of units


- chemically bonded atoms

submarine canyon

- erosion through shelf and slope - transport sediment from rise out into abyssal plains

Proposal 1

- from the inside Water originated from inside the watch. Primary source is volcanic outgassing

volcanogenic sediment

- generate along active margins and around large volcanic ocean islands

covalent bond

- molecular - sharing electron pairs between atoms - stable balance of attractive and repulsive force between them

Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD)

- more CO2 can dissolve in cold water which makes it more acidic—> makes more calcium carbonate —> which dissolved calcium carbonate in deeper waters

manganese nodules

- most significant authigenic sediment - metal rich sediments - pebbles or stones

Challenger Expedition

- on the HMS challenger - circumnavigated the globe - was a scientific exercise that laid the foundation of oceanography

How many magnetic plates are in the lithosphere?

-14 major plates - 50 total


-concentrated in few "strips" of lines near surface (cracks or boundaries between ridges areas) - at trenches earthquakes get deeper with distance

gyres: convergence

-in areas of downwelling -change in sea surface height induces pressure gradient force directed from high pressure to low-pressure -balance of pressure gradient force with Coriolis force leads to circulation motion around high pressure system

Gyres: divergent

-in areas of upwelling -changes in sea surface height induces pressure gradient force directed from high pressure toward low pressure -balance of pressure gradient force with Coriolis force leads to circular motion around low pressure system

Proposal 2

-introduced by meteoroid impacts Water arrived from outer space via meteoroid/asteroid impacts

density of pure water

1 gram per cubic centimeter

bond strength

1. Ionic 2. Covalent 3. Hydrogen bond

Hydrogenous (authigenic) covers __% of all ocean floor



A Greek Philosopher and scientist - first recorded observations in the distribution, organization and habits of marine life


A measure of the amount of dissolved salts in a given body of water - affects density of water - more salty, higher density


A negatively charged ion


A positively charged ionic


Affected by non biological processes

Thickensss if the sediment depends on

Age of seafood since formation and sediment rate

continental drift

All continents fit together as a single land mass (Pangaea)

Isostatic Balance

Balance due to density lithosphere pieces balanced in asthenosphere

Scientific method (empirical)

Based on observation and measurements

submarine landslide

Burden of sediment breaks and rushes down continental slope - generates rapid response of sea level (tsunamis)


Cannot be brown down into simpler parts by chemical means

polar covalent bond

Between two atoms where electrons forming bond are unequally distributed - cause slight electrical dipole - one positive, one negative

biogenic ooze

Biochemical material (shells and skeletons) destruct (dissolve before burial) and mix with terrigenous sediments (bilution) - uncommon near continents due to few nutrients


Cold, strong, crust and upper mantle

polyatomic molecule

Consist of different atoms

Diatomic molecules

Consist of two of the same atoms

Scientific Method (Accurate)

Consistent and non arbitrary

Lithosphere is consumed at

Convergent boundaries (subduction) Deep sea trenches

abyssopelagic zone

Deeper than bathypelagic - abyss


Depleted a lot, becomes a limiting factor for biological activity


Distinct layer of sediment different from the layer below or above

Cori okie effect

Earth is spinning on axis - Northern hemisphere: deflection to the right (counterclockwise) - southern hemisphere: deflection to the left (Clockwise) - no deflection on the equator

Charles Darwin

English natural scientist -5 year voyage on H.M.S beagle


Form independent of tectonic plate boundaries - fed by underlying mantle that is hot - Hawaiian island chains

continent-continent convergence

Forms giant mountain ridges, volcanic island arcs

Biogenic Sediment

From biological sources - dead algae, fecal pellets

Chemogenic Sediments

From precipitation of minerals - authigenic

volcanogenic sediment

From volcanism - volcanic ash


Help lithosphere Recycling - (heat transfer by moving "fluid")

Convection loop

Hot air rising at equator, travel to poles - low pressure at poles - high pressure at equator

Sea surface height

Increases as you go west

Melting temperature

Increases dramatically as pressure increases with depth

Alfred Wagner

Initiated the plate tectonic theory - advocates the existence of continental drift - explained location of most earthquakes, volcanoes etc

Metallic core

Iron rich inner part of the planet

Luigi Marsigli

Italian scholar and natural scientist - wrote the first oceanography book


Kelvin (K) or Celsius

Earth's magnetic field

Made by convection in outer core - dominantly dipolar (opposite charge) - magnetic poles reverse locations

Marine snow composition

Made up of aggregates of smaller particles held together by sugary mucus transparent extracellular polysaccharides (TEPs)

What is the deepest tench

Mariana Trench

bimodal distribution

Most of earths surface is elevated either a little above sea level or 2-6km below sea level


Negative charge - little mass, occupy the most space

bathypelagic zone

No sunlight at all - midnight

latent heat

No temperature change with added/subtracted heat

Major gyres

North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian Ocean

Fridtjof Nansen

Norwegian explorer who observed ice in the Arctic Ocean moving to the right of the wind direction Was on expedition that attempted to travel to the north pole. Went on ship called the Fram - predicted there is an ice drift


Not affected by biological activity

ocean-continent convergence

Ocean subduct under continent - forms mountains and volcanoes

ocean-ocean convergence

Ocean subducts under ocean - forms volcanic island arcs, trenches

Cosmogonies sediment

Outer space - cosmic dust

Pebbles, sand, clay

Pebbles: hard to transport Sand: middle Clay: easy to

Ocean depth zones

Pelagic zone


Plants and bacteria make simple organic compounds (sugar) from H2O, CO2 and light energy


Process whereby a mineral or sedimentary rock deposit is generated where it is found or observed - forms during sedimentation by precipitation or crystallization

Passive margins (Atlantic style)

Produced over geological time. Mark the sites where continents have rigged apart to become seperated by an ocean - broad flat shelves


Proton (+ charge) Neutron (uncharged) - high mass, small

PH scale

Quantify how acidic a solution is - lower number= more acidic

Why is the ocean blue?

Quantity of light changes; it decreases with depth - wavelength decreases and energy increases as you move from red to violet light across the spectrum


Rapid density change per depth


Rapid salinity change per depth


Rapid temperature change per depth - thin layer in the ocean


Refers to the local origin of the sediment (from land)

Silicate rock

Rock mantle

What do we use to map the ocean sea floor?

Satellite altimetry or multi beam sonar

terrigenous sediment

Sediment eroded from the land/continents - rivers, dust, icebergs


Share one electron

Speed of sound in water

Sound waves can travel through any substance - water particles are closer together and can transmit quickly creating vibration energy

Archimedes' Principle

States that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by an object. - any object in a fluid displaces the amount of fluid equivalent to its mass

Factors influencing density

Temperature, salinity

Ekman transport

The balance between friction and Coriolis effect

hadal zone

The deepest zone of the ocean - trench

seismic waves

The energy in an earthquake that move outwards from the focus and make the ground quake

epipelagic zone

The lighted, or photic, zone in the ocean. - sunlight zone

Fram Strait

The passage between Greenland and Svalbard


The point in earths interior where earthquake energy is released


The process by which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain.


The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.


The process that formed the sediments (by biological)

Thermal convection in water

The transfer of heat from one place to another by the movement of fluids - important in ocean circulation as water is cooked at the pokes and heated at the equator

How is sea floor formed at mid ocean ridges?

Through uprising hit mantle material at spreading zones of ocean plates

Nansen's Fram Expedition

To to reach the geographical North Pole by using the natural East-west current of the Arctic ocean

Subtropical Convergence

Trade winds going parallel and opposite direction of westerlies - cause winds to converge

thermal converters

Transport heat through the movement of liquids

Ekman suction

Upwelling from equatorial diverge from trade winds Meant to replace water that is diverging from equator

mixed layer

Where active turbulence has homogenized some range of depths - shallowest at equator

Active margins (pacific style)

a continental margin that coincides with a plate boundary - narrow shelf adjacent to a deep sea trench

marine snow

a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper layers of the water column - exploiting energy from the light rich photic zone to the aphotic zone below

polarity of water

has polar covalent bonds; H is partially positive, O is partially negative


kilogram (kg)

Mid ocean ridges

longest chains of mountains on the ocean floors


meter (m)



Continental crust vs. oceanic crust

oceanic crust is denser so it will sub-duct under continental crust. - the continental crust (granite) is lighter (less dense) but thicker than the oceanic (basaltic, more dense (thinner) crust

geostrophic current

oceanic flow in which the pressure gradient force is balanced by the Coriolis effect

heat capacity

the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of an object exactly 1°C - water has a high heat capacity takes a lot of energy to heat up compared to other systems

Ionic bonds

the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms - generate two oppositely charged ions

sensible heat

the heat we can feel and measure with a thermometer


the state of gravitational equilibrium between Earth's crust and mantle such that the crust "floats" at an elevation that depends on its thickness and density

Oceanic crust

thinner, more dense, younger crust making ocean floor

mesopelagic zone

where light can penetrate, yet without the intensity to support photosynthesis - twilight zone

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