Essentials of communication

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A first impression is not always important


If errors were made in an introduction, you should not correct them.


It is not important to understand your audience before you start researching your speech.


It is okay to be more familiar in an e-mail than you would be in person.


Language that is not based on fact cannot be damaging to other people or causes?


Listening is a passive activity


Paralanguage always reinforces verbal messages, unlike metton language


The same rules apply to business emails that apply to personal emails


These five methods of organization are the only ways to put a speech together


Unrestrained self-disclosure will strengthen a developing relationship.


When speaking to a passive audience, the speaker must make special effort to capture attention.


When two people of the same culture speak the same language, they always understand one another


Women do not need to stand when being introduced to someone



Flexible portable tool for brainstorming

Which small group format allows members of the audience to respond to the speakers?


Which of the following are personal-social relationships? Select all that apply

Friendships and family


Gets the audience's attention

Preview statement

Give the audience a reason to


Grammatical arrangement of words or phrases


Graphical arrangement of words and phrases

Which of the following can be classified as organizations:

Greenpeace he Boy Scouts of America The Parent Teacher Association


Gridlock + Deadlock


Gridlock is like getting stuck into a hot smelly closet

Operational definition

Gridlock is what happens every day when tens of thousands of cars crowd onto the freeway

Discussion Management

Group discussions sometimes get off track because agenda subjects trigger new ideas. Another responsibility of leadership is to keep a discussion focused on the problem or issue that is before the group. To accomplish this, a leader might reinitiate the discussion of relevant issues, ask relevant questions of other members, offer issue-based evaluation, or encourage the effective contribution of others. At times, the shift may have to be more direct as the leader reminds everyone to get back on the topic

Two people greet each other with a handshake

Culturally influenced

Seven steps to problem solving

Define the Problem Analyze the Problem Develop Creative Solutions Identify Possible Solutions Select a Solution Implement the Solution Monitor the Effects of the Solution

The steps you must complete before you start your skeleton outline are

Developed a thesis statement, gathered information, and organized the main points

people begin to pursue outside interests


That car is the worst one on the market no one should buy it


Which area of individual competence is most important for accurately perceiving group members?

Effective thinking



Holding up an index finger and middle finger to show the peace sign


Fighting words are a type of. language


Which of the following might a speaker do in a speech meant to persuade? Select all that apply.

Encourage action. Convince voters. share beliefs

Which of the following are group building and maintenance roles? Select all that ap

Encourager Follower Gatekeeper

Site well-respected authorities

Endorsements by famous people grab attention

communicate with each other


Steve always enjoyed performing in front of crowds. He decided to write a humorous sketch about the funny and awkward things students do on their first day at school. Steve's general purpose would be to



Equitation illustrator overall point

asking questions to clarify initial perceptions


If you receive criticism that you feel is unjust, what should you do?

Explain to the other person in private why you feel the criticism is unjust

Which of the following supporting materials would you use if you needed to make a vivid comparison to illustrate a point


You've been invited to participate in the annual American history Festival. On this day you and your partner will react and debate between Lincoln and Douglas


small group format generally selects members because they are experts on the issue being discussed?

Panel discussion

Emphasis influence interpretation


Today, I was driving to school and this guy like totally cut me off. I mean what's up with that?


Is the following a social organization or a task-oriented organization? college sorority


a support group for people who have lost loved ones in car accidents


Identify the three types of group norms.

Social Procedural Task


Something that represents something else

I. Great Britain overtakes Ii. Great Britain captures


people go through the motions of being committe


A keyword outline allows speaker to

Stay on track and and Engage The Audience through eye contact


Summarizes facts and statistics

Which small group format has very little interaction between members?


If you heard someone say Blue Sky the is which language system would account for the problem?


Culture May influence our language is interpreted


A systematic approach to problem solving enables groups to conduct profitable discussions.


Is the following a social organization or a task-oriented organization? American Cancer Society


Is the following a social organization or a task-oriented organization? NAACP


A mission briefing for NASA astronauts

Technical language

Supposed you are giving a speech on the importance of family spending time together which of the following would be a good way of grabbing audience's attention

Tell the audience about a family vacation where your parents taught you to fish, ask the audience what moments do you remember best, and then from the audience of children whose families eat dinner together at least 3 times a week do better in school


Tending to schedule only one activity at a time

Polychronis stick

Tending to schedule several activities at a time

end of the relationship


Which of the following support materials would you use if you needed an expert opinion to back your point?


Site qualified authorities

Testimony should match the person's credentials

Which of the following are environmental distractions?

The TV playing loudly, a hot humid day, and being sick


The branch of linguistics that studies language use rather than language structure


The branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of language

Which of the following are good guidelines for working in a group?

The group leader should be responsible for developing the outline. Conflict should be avoided. The work should be divided evenly. NONE OF THESE

We communicate more non-verbally than verbally


Words can have a positive or A negative connotation


You can often learn more about what a person feels to his or her nonverbal communication than by what he or sheSays


business e-mails, it is important to respond within twenty-four hours. True


conversation must be opened, maintained, and closed in a manner that is respectful to both parties


nonverbal communication to speak just as loud as verbal


Which of the following is not a good guy land for presenting statistics

Use the exact numbers and avoid rounding off

Flip chart

Useful for creating visual aids as the speech progresses

Which of the following would encourage cohesion in a small group? Select all that apply.

Using nicknames respecting and appreciating participation of all members emphasizing common goals


Verbal or nonverbal response to a message

Because of the possibility for misinterpretation in e-mail, which of the following should you do?

Very clear


Vocal non-verbal language

If you were going to give a speech on literacy in the United States which of the points would you discuss lost

Ways to increase literacy in the United States

Bobby is planning to interview his grandfather. His goal is to find out what it was like to be a soldier in World War II. Which of the following questions would best help him meet his goal

What did you do on a typical dat

What is the primary characteristic of constructive conflict?

concentrates on issues, not people

Which of the following are types of supporting materials?

estimonials illustrations explanations

Which leadership function is used to guard against groupthink?


Which of the following are characteristics of authoritarian leadership? Select all that apply.

single authority figure as the leader decisions made very efficiently


social exchange

Pharisees communication

socially significant messages used to open channels of communication


standard of conduct or behavior


sufficient to produce a desired result

the president of a company and one of the departmental managers


What would be the best way to respond to an unlawful interview question in order to promote a successful conclusion to the interview?

tactfully deflecting the question

focus group support group quality circle

task social task


technical language


the freedom to suggest unusual or unconventional ideas

Group think

the tendency of small groups to render a decision without the proper evaluation of ideas


to assess the quality or value

A keyword outline on note cards may include the full text of which of the following?

transitions quotations statistics conclusion introduction

A thesis statement should be clearly stated and narrowly focused.


Speaker cues for maintaining conversations include which of the following? Select

turn-maintaining cues and turn yielding cues

An "interview" usually includes

two people questions and answers a purpose


two people communicating

group leader is speaking to his group about the need to increase productivity. In order to avoid offending the group members, he is being vague and indirect. His comments are met with confused looks.

understanding productive conflict assertion

Which of the following characterize standard language? Select all that apply.

used in casual settings marked by a regional accent and appears in published works


working together to create a united whole

Relational dialect

competing desires or motivations that influence a relationship

Which of the following is an appropriate way to end a call?

"It was nice doing business with you." "Please let me know if I can answer any other questions." "Thank you for your time."

Does the topic interest you? Whether writing an essay or a speech, the subject matter needs to be interesting to you. If you are interested in a topic, you will be more enthusiastic about preparing your speech and delivering it. Audiences who sense a speaker's enthusiasm are more likely to become enthusiastic themselves about the topic. How much do you know about the topic? It is always best to write or speak about what you know. It's generally best to pick a topic with which you are familiar. You don't have to be an expert on the subject, but you should be acquainted with the basics. What information is available to you on this topic? You might have some knowledge about a topic that interests you, but if you can't obtain enough information on the subject to develop a speech, you will need to choose another topic. For instance, you might have an interest in the vermiform appendix; however, little is known about the purpose of this organ in the human body. It would be difficult to gather enough information to develop an effective speech on the purpose of the vermiform appendix. (The vermiform appendix is a formal name for the human organ we simply call the appendix. It is a small sac connected to the large intestine). A good place to start gathering information on a topic is online at the Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia generated by readers. Is the topic appropriate? In order for a speech to be effective, it must be appropriate for the situation. For example, if you are asked to give a twenty-minute informative speech on government health care benefits for the elderly, it would not be appropriate to choose a topic that would cause you to go outside those boundaries; consequently, the pitfalls of Social Security would not be an appropriate topic. It is also important to choose a topic that takes into consideration the interests or needs of the audience. Speaking to a room full of teenagers about preparing for retirement would not be appropriate to most members. Can you adequately cover this topic in the allotted time? To be effective, your speech must cover a limited topic. For example, you might choose to do a speech on football. While this topic is narrower than the topic of sports, it is too broad for a ten-minute speech. However, by narrowing the topic, it could become an effective speech. You could speak about a specific football training method, the recent success of your high school football team, or the dangers of dehydration when teams take inadequate water breaks during practice. Once a topic is selected, where do you start to gather the information? That takes us to the next idea for developing the topic.


brainstorming reviewing current news items consulting others using a mind map


Speaking, writing, reading, and listening

23%, 8%, 13%, and 56%

The optimum number of members in a small group is _____.

5 to7

During a telephone call, voice quality accounts for _____ percent of the overall impression.



A consensus occurs when all the members agree on a decision. As opposed to Authority Rule and majority rule consensus involves the satisfaction of every member


A democratic style of leadership requires that a leader provide direction while including all members in the decision-making process. A democratic leader is charged with functioning as a facilitator and a motivator, encouraging and stimulating other members to work together toward a common goal. Democratic leadership may consist of more than one leader. Members of groups led by democratic leaders are generally allowed more participation, with the goal of coming up with original and feasible ideas. As a result, members tend to feel satisfied with their participation and are highly committed to tasks. Democratic leadership is not a good choice, however, when decisions have to be made very quickly. Conferring with a group can delay a decision that needs to immediately be put into operation.


A miniaturized replica of an object


A short run phrase acronym or other mental technique used to ease the task of memorization


A tangible way to illustrate a point

Study group

Ability to influence


Acting upon eachother

Biting nails when nervous


focus on each other's good points



Age Gender Ethnicity Organizational Affiliation

Cultivating a relationship requires understanding the other person. Which of the following behaviors demonstrate understanding?

All the above

Overhead transparency

Allows photographs charts and graphs to be easily inlarged


An observable event or occurrence

If you forget a person's name, which of the following should you do?

Apologize and ask him or her to remind you. Mention your last encounter.


As we discussed earlier, groupthink is a trap that may cause problems for many highly cohesive groups. In order to prevent this from happening, leaders may encourage members to think critically about the group's ideas. A leader may accomplish this by asking members to consider the implications of an idea, clarify statements, summarize their positions, consider alternative perspectives, and think about the standards guiding judgment.

Which of the following are acceptable behaviors for telephone conversations?

Asking to put on hold

group member is concerned that her ideas will not be accepted by other group members, so she avoids contributing unless asked to.



Authoritarian leadership usually involves a single leader who operates as a figure of authority to influence and direct others. The leader assigns tasks, provides directions, resolves conflicts, and determines policies. This style necessitates less interaction between members, with the pattern of communication generally extending from leader to member rather than from member to member. Because authoritarian leadership does not depend on group discussion, decisions can be made very efficiently. The meetings of groups with an authoritarian style of leadership tend to be short



Guidelines for brainstorming

Avoid criticism A massive quantity of ideas Combine and elaborate on ideas Encourage freewheeling

Site testimonies accurately

Avoid taking quotes out of context

people do not want to spend time together


When you start removing details that are unimportant in a visual aid what criteria for visual aids are you applying

Be focused and keep it simple

hen you start removing details that are unimportant in a visual aid, what criteria for visual aids are you applying? Select all that apply.

Be focused. Keep it simple.

Which of the following are some of the guidelines for conversing clearly that James Morris gives in his book The Art of Conversation?

Be relevant be exact




Begins with an addition or next

To be a good conversationalist, which of the following is most important?

Being a good listener

Getting a pencil and paper ready for taking notes is an example of what?

Being prepared

How can you overcome Troublesome communication?

Being truthful, being kind, and seeking clarification


Best use with a slider LCD projector

relationship becomes more formal, publicly recognized


The number of charter schools in the US has grown steadily since 1991

Cause and effect


Causes such as ah or hmm

On an action in cooking show the chef explains how to make a chicken


During group meetings, which of the following facilitates the ideal physical arrangement?

Circular table

talk is reduced to everyday matters



Circumstances important to the situation


Combines with enlarging ability of a slide projector with the flexibility of a whiteboard

If you smell what she can hands and saying hello, your nonverbal communication is your verbal communication


Conflict Management

Conflict Management Conflict is a healthy part of the decision-making process. It is the responsibility of the leadership to ensure that conflict remains productive. A leader must keep disagreements among members focused on the issues being discussed, not on people. Conflict can be kept productive if leaders encourage members to do the following: Express ideas in a respectful manner. Each member should have an opportunity to express his or her thoughts. Respect begets respect. Members should express ideas or criticism without reference to personalities. If a member attacks another member, leaders should redirect the discussion to the issue. Encourage members to respond kindly, even when they are attacked. Kindness has a way of cooling hot tempers. Listen to and respect the ideas of others. Do not simply hear what the members have to say; try to understand their perspectives. Even if members disagree with others' basic premises, they might discover some aspect of the suggestion that can be useful. Emphasize common goals. This strategy is just as important for interpersonal relationships as it is for small groups. Draw attention to the group's goal. Help members to see how their differing ideas or opinions are related to the same objective. Be open to change. Small-group conflicts should strive for a win-win situation. Members should be willing to alter their opinions if necessary. Productive conflicts seek a solution that considers all members and responds to the group goal.

Paying attention to Texas's to handle room says an audience locations suggest you are paying attention to which visual a criteria

Consider the audience and make it big

When language conventions are observed, which of the following can still cause difficulties in communication? Select all that apply.

Context, ambitious words, levels of abstraction

Which area of individual competence best guards against groupthink?

Critical thinking

Which of the following are morphemes in the word "mailboxes"? Select all that apply.

Mail, es, box

organized audience concerted audience passive audience pedestrian audience selected audience

Group that fully agrees with the speaker and his message group bound by the same goals as the speaker group that is required to sit together and listen to a speaker group that spontaneously forms to listen to a speaker but shares no goals in common group bound by common interests but not necessarily those of the speaker


Having to do with hearing


Having to do with space

Asking a speaker question does which of the following

Helps us understand what he is saying, shows that we are listening, and encourages him to tell us more

Which of the following would not be appropriate to ask someone you'd just met?

How much money do you make

What would it be like to paint the same wall 30 x?

Hypothetical illusion

In which step of the problem-solving process would group members evaluate their ideas for feasibility?

Identify possible solutions.

Which of the following is a fixed, often colorful expression whose meaning is not tied to the meaning of its individual words?


Holding a hand above the ground to show the height of something



Implied meaning

At the business meeting mr. Smythe's S2 opinion about a company proposal to give bonuses to workers you go above and beyond


Order the methods of delivery from most to least in terms of interaction with the audience

Impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized

Identify sources

Include the person's name credentials and accomplishments

Growth and development in a relationship is _____ .


A conversation with friends out of Backyard BBQ


Is the following an informal or formal communication channel? e-mail to coworkers about a credit card scam


A conversation with friends

Informal language

Which of the following should be reduced to words or phrases in a keyword outline

Main points and sub points

Which of the following apply to a keyword outline

Information should be accurate and effective, only enough information to trigger memory, and complete sentences for transitions

first stage of relationship development


put the solutions into effect


stage in which "in-language" usually emerges


Which of the following is not included under audience demographics?


involves an increase in personal involvement


Eric and Lisa were watching a movie. Lisa Glenn cetera, who turned her away, smiled and took her hand in his

Intimacy, favors Lush disfavor, gender

A kindergarten teacher helps a student who scraped her knee at recess

Intimate Zone

If you are at a business function and have not been introduced, which of the following should you do?

Introduce yourself

A question

Invites the audience to participate

She made me hit him


The------ style of leadership uses a hands-off approach, allowing the group to direct itself.



Laissez-faire is French for "allow to do" or "do nothing." This leadership style follows a relaxed, live-and-let-live model. In the context of small group leadership, it involves a leader who functions in a role that can be quite opposite from that of an authoritarian leader. Laissez-faire leaders require a group to direct itself. The laissez-faire-styled leader is not charged with taking the initiative to order procedures, resolve conflicts, maintain group interaction, or take measures to avoid groupthink. In actuality, a laissez-faire leader must lead in a more hands-off kind of way, attributing most of the failures or successes of a group to the group itself.

astronomy club

Learning group

Four guidelines to effectively prison statistics

Limit the number of Statistics used, select reliable statistics, state statistics in a meaningful creative way and round off each statistic to the nearest whole number

Which of the following types of openers focuses attention on the listener?

Other references

Majority rule

Majority rule involves voting. Members cast their votes to decide which solution is to be implemented. It is an efficient method for decision making period but it can leave some members dissatisfied

When you design ideas to make visual aids professional-looking what criteria for visual aids are you applying

Make it attractive

Your best friend is Savella Victorian and has been asked to give a speech at the graduation ceremony


Which of the following are characteristics of a group? Select all that apply

Members interact according to norms. Members are interdependent. Members work towards a common goal

good conversationalist will be:

Mindful flexible honest

Not allowing prejudices or stereotypes to influence us is part of which aspect of conversation?


When Trish's best friend accidentally revealed that she's throwing a surprise party for Trish's 16 birthday Trish kept a straight face and pretended not to hear


Would the individuals in the following scenario constitute a group? tennis partners


Why would you want to use note cards rather than several pages of paper

No cards are smaller and easier to handle


Nonverbal behavior that involves touching

Nonverbal cues

Nonverbal behaviors that function as signals


Nonverbal communication that involves space


Nonverbal communication that involvesTime


Not active


Not concrete difficult to understand

What primary advantage do objects have over pictures

Objects help to make an argument stronger


Obsecurr no definite meaning

Shawn brainstormed with Steve to come up with a topic for a speech. They both agreed that Shawn would do well at trying to convince his fellow students of the importance of eating right. Shawn's general purpose would be to


Tom slap his friend John on the back to congratulate him on executing a double play


suggest reasonable solutions


relationships are primarily goal- or task-oriented.

Professional functional


Provides a way for audience members to remember and for their considered ideas after a speech is finished

The maxim of ----requires the speaker to tell the truth


identify the source of difficulty


Jerry crosses legs selection of Sharon Young and why his call he was speaking what is Jerry trying to do?

Regulate the interaction

If you left was saying that something is funny, your nonverbal communication is your verbal




Despite insisting that his story was true of the witness shifted uneasily in his chair and avoided eye contact with the prosecuting

Reveal discrepancies

work at the relationship even if it feels one-sided


casting someone as a host on a talk show


"Good morning. This is your captain speaking."

Self references

If you asked your friend to hand you a book and he handed you a pencil instead, which language system most likely broke down?


Athletic team


Which of the following are examples of mnemonics

The short run, and acronym, memorable phrases


The study of sound


The study of words and their structure


The systematic study of language

Authority rule

This method involves a leader whose thoughts or preferences superseded those of the other members. He or she has a right to make the final decision.


To make clear

Types of resources for research paper



Traffic congestion so severe that movement is impossible


Translates numbers into pictures

A spatial relationship can indicate how closely one person stands next to another in normal face-to-face conversation?


An "interpersonal relationship" is a relationship between two or more people.


Competent group communicators make an effective group.


Effective group participation requires group members to contribute to a common goal.


How you deliver a speech can make all the difference to the audience


Interpretation of nonverbal behavior is not the same across individuals


It is easier to detect happiness than sadness on a person's face


It is not necessary to use every type of supporting material when researching a topic?


Listening Styles must be adjusted according to the situation


News sources are helpful for generating ideas for topics tied to current events


Observing others nonverbal Behavior can help you communicate more effectively


The destination gives a journey purpose and direction just as knowing what you want to say and why will help you deliver a successful speech.


The word 'criticism' has a negative connotation even though many positive attributes can be derived from critcism.


The telephone could be considered an important business tool.


Would the individuals in the following scenario constitute a group? chess club members


You are giving a speech on study abroad programs in your introduction you first tell the audience the story about the Siamese Bend parents the rest of your speeches for pages long and your introduction is one page long what is true?

Your introduction is too long


a leader must prepare members for interaction. Preparation may involve supplying members with information and materials relevant to the meeting. The chairperson of a charity drive might distribute materials that explain the goal for the drive and the history of other successful drives. He or she might also show samples of items that will be given to people who make donations to the drive. A time of personal interaction or an ice-breaker activity might be necessary in order to begin a discussion among members. The leadership might facilitate this by introducing members to one another or initiating conversations unrelated to the group's purpose. An ice-breaker activity designed to help members get to know each other and trust one another would also be effective for this step.


a response to a message


a statement made to refuse responsibility for something


a statement that places a listener into a specific role and asks the listener to consider a problem from a specific perspective


achievable; possible


adapt; agree with

Which of the following are reasons why you might need to give someone your full attention in order to understand him or her?

ambiguous language body language both of the above


an assembly of three or more individuals who relate or cooperate interdependently and in an orderly manner over time to reach a goal.


arranged in order or succession


collective opinion; general agreement of all members

Conversational turns

behavioral cues that signal a change in conversation

What is the primary concern when implementing a solution?

being specific

What idea-generating technique allows members to spark each other's imagination through interaction?


Which of the following are areas of individual competence? Select all that apply.

critical thinking assertion effective listening skills

A group set up to decide how to improve a company's public image would most likely have which style of leadership?


Which leadership function involves keeping group members focused on the issue at hand?

discussion management

In order to provide depth and variety in the speech, an outline should have six to seven main points.



favorable; helpful

Low monitoring

feedback is given with little or no reservation


fixed and often colorful expressions whose meaning cannot be understood from the combined meanings of individual words

Which of the following are characteristics of productive conflict?

focusing on issues critically evaluating ideas Using I language

Which of the following can be part of analyzing a problem?

gathering and examining pertinent information evaluating the information for relevancy and truth redefining the problem


general truth or rule of conduct


good sense; tact

Which of the following is/are part of a proper handshake?

hand perpendicular to the ground fingers together Clasp and u clasp neatly

If you were giving a speech organized in a topical pattern, at what point would you discuss a topic that you wanted to especially emphasize?

he end of the speech

Which of the following are dysfunctional roles? Select all that apply.

help-seeker recognition seeker self-confessor

interviewing a celebrity about her latest movie


Which leadership function involves introducing members to each other or initiating ice-breaker activities?



involving or expressing a relationship

Which decision-making method requires that members vote?

majority rule

Which of the following are characteristics of democratic leadership? Select all that apply.

may consist of more than one leader all members included in the decision-making process

A meeting agenda includes which of the following? Select all that apply

meeting place and time list of topics that will be covered time span for each topic


messages that are sent prior to the business of conversation so that listeners know what to expect

Which of the following is an example of procedural norms?

method of making decisions format of discussion election of leaders


mutual assistance, support, and interaction


ordinary or familiar speech that is appropriate for informal or casual settings

Which of the following small group formats would most likely be used in a formal group that is focused on making decisions as efficiently as possible?

parliamentary procedure

Identify the five different audience types.

pedestrian passive selected concerted organized


person who makes group interaction easier


person who presides over a group discussion

calling someone who is behind on his credit card payment


Which of the following regulate the structure of a group?

procedural norms

What should an interviewee practice for a job interview? Select all that apply.

recalling background information giving examples of past achievements

Which of the following are good ways to rehearse an extemporaneous speech?

recording your speech while presenting with only speaking notes


references are usually innocuous because they are the least personal and direct of the four reference types.

Which of the following is preparation for both the interviewer and the interviewee:

research question development Practice


selection of a group of people or products to be used as representative; a random sample

Relationships tend to develop or deteriorate _____



serving to test or prove; furnishing evidence or proof

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