Ethics Comps

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Multicultural considerations were not given extensive attention in the ACA until

5th version adopted in 1995

The family Educational Rights and Privacy Acto of 1974 (FERPA) which is sometime referred to as the "Buckley Amendment"affects all a) community mental health centers in teh US B)public educational institutions c)public hospitals d)private hospitals

B)public educational institutions

The primary difference between a boundary crossing and a boudnary violation is

a violation involves a serious breach of the coad of ethics and the rsults in a cleint being harm

When a client accuses a counselor of wrongdoing through a complaint with the counselor's licensure board or through a malpractice law sui field in court

a) a client automatically waives his or her privacy rights and the counselor can reveal private info related realted to providing counseling services to the client

Proper maintainance of test security by cousleors includes all of the following EXCEPT a) letting clients take test home to complete b)locking up all test and test results in a secures file cabinet c)supervising the test taking process d)releasing test records only to those indiv whoa re qualifeid to receive them e)not allowing cleints to copy testing material

a) letting clients take test home to complete

All of the situations below may lead to client dependancy, EXCEPT a) managed care programs that limit the numer of counseling sessions b)the requirement in internship that counselors in training have a minimum number of client contact hours c) the belief that a counsleor is effective if the client returns

a) managed care programs that limit the numer of counseling sessions

From the perspective of principle ethics, a couselor who is cousleing a client planning a violent act against another person and who intervenes to notify family members is: a) sacrificing cleint autonomy in order to prevent harm and to do good b) sacrificing beneficence in roder to promote fidelity c) sacrficing fidelity in order to be truthful

a) sacrificing cleint autonomy in order to prevent harm and to do good

When a married couple divorced a)almost all states allow joint custody and in a few state courts, joint custody is the preferred b)all state prefer joint custody c)joint custody is preferred by judges in all state courts except for Montana d)although almost all states allow joint custody , only one state court favors joint custody as the preferred arrangement e)judges in almost all states prefer joint custody

a)almost all states allow joint custody and in a few state courts, joint custody is the preferred

Internet sites that contain career info taht might be helpful to clients a)are not monitored fro content or quality b)should be avoided because they usually contain inaccurate info c)contain better, more accurate info than printed sources

a)are not monitored fro content or quality

Counselors engage in many activities that could resutl in ethical complaints against them. They must report a)cases of susepct child abuse' b)clients who commit minor crimes c)child custody evalutors who are biased d)braches of confidentiality by counelsing group memebers e)directives from a supervisor that seem ill-advised

a)cases of susepct child abuse

Key points with respect to diagnosis include all of the following EXCEPT a)cleints must be told in writing the implications of any diagnosis that might be asigned to them b)counselors should cooperate with physiscians when clients may have a physical condition that is contributing to their mental or emotinoal problema c)counselors are guilty of insurance fraud when they do not diagnosis honestly and accuretely and they can be subject of both civil and ciminal liability

a)cleints must be told in writing the implications of any diagnosis that might be asigned to them

When you have an ethical question and you are having tourble making a decision you should a)consult with colleagues' b)take advice form an attorney c)ask the ethics committee of the state branch of ACA d)consult a licensing board e)avoid mention of your decision-making process in your case notes

a)consult with colleagues

the most accurate statement below regarding counsleor serving as expert witnesses is a)counselors have the education necessary to conduct certain types of evaluations and then serve as expert witnesses b)only counselors who have had specialized training as expert witnesses are qualified to give expert testimony in court c)counselors whould refuse to serve as expert witnesses if they have never done so before d)it is unethical for counselors to be prepared by lawyers before they testify as expert witnesses e)counselors do not have enough education to serve as expert witnesses

a)counselors have the education necessary to conduct certain types of evaluations and then serve as expert witnesses

In the process of explaining informed consent in family counseling, counselors should a)describe possible changes in family relationships that could occur as a result of family cousnling b)explain that one family mmeber will be designate as the "identified patient" for insurance c)assure family members that any changes made in family functioning as a reasult of counseling wil be acceptable to all family members d)counsel separately on an indivi baseis, any family member who expresses reluctance to participate in family cousneling e)require each family member to asign a confidential pledge and agree not to discuss topics raised in session druing the intervals between session

a)describe possible changes in family relationships that could occur as a result of family cousnling

the practice of providing cousneling services over the internet a)is controversial b)has never determined to be unethical by the AcA Ethics committee c)is rare d:is risky becuse no guidelines have yet been developed by professional associations

a)is controversial

School counselors have a legal obligation to do all of the follwoing EXCEPT a)obtain written parental permission bevore counseling students in most circumstances b)report child abuse if tit suspected c)inform parntes if the cousnelor detemine the child is at risk for suicide d)inform parntes if the cousnelor detemine the child is a danger to others e)secures parents informed consent before providing unusual cousenling services

a)obtain written parental permission bevore counseling students in most circumstances

The ACA code of Ethics requires counselors to explain to clients, before testing takes place, all of the following EXCEPT a)that clients may ask questions while they are taking the test f any items are confusing to them b)the nature and purposes of the test c) whether test results will be used as a screenig tool for membership in a cousneling group d)what conditions produce the best test results e)that they will recieve feedback about the test results

a)that clients may ask questions while they are taking the test f any items are confusing to them

The most important resource for counselor to use in learning about different racial, cultural or ethnic group is a)the client b) colleagues from the same racital cutlraual group c)books, professional journals

a)the client

Individuals who are being evaluated often are confused about the nature of their meetings with counsleors because a)the perons doing the evaluation is a counsleor and the process seems a lot like counseling b)evaluations are always court ordered, and counseling is often court ordered as well c)counselors are very non-directive during evaluations d)counselors do not tell clients they are being evalusted bacause they do not want the client ot act differntly thatn they normally do e)evaluations often include testing

a)the perons doing the evaluation is a counsleor and the process seems a lot like counseling

The primary purspose of the ACA code of Ethics is a)to guide our own behavior b)to address in an appropriate manner the behavior of the other mental health professionals that appears to be unethical c)to set standardd or ethics committees to use when complaints are filed d)to provide a means of punishment unethical counselors e)to prove to the public that counselors are professionals

a)to guide our own behavior

Counselors who function according to mandatory ethics a) belive that employers should require specific behaviors of counselors they hire b) Belive taht their duty is to comly with the basic "must"and "must not"statements in codes of ethics and nothing more c) Believe counselors should determine what is ethical based on the specific situation in which they find themselves

b) Belive taht their duty is to comly with the basic "must"and "must not"statements in codes of ethics and nothing more

External forces that can support counselors in their efforts to practice ethically include all of the following EXCEPT a)Supervision b) Intentionality c) Consultation d) ethics code e) continuing education workhops and seminars

b) Intentionality

If a formal ethics complaint is filed against you, you should NOT a)respond fully and in writing to each of the charges made b) contact the client who filed the complaint to see if you can work things out c)consutl with an attorney d)submit as much documentation as yo can that will help the ethics committee in its deliberations e)contact your professional liability insurance carrier

b) contact the client who filed the complaint to see if you can work things out

Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions ot their immediate supervosors and have received a response either from the supervisor of from an attorney who is advising them as to the proper course of action a)it is essential for counselors to seek a second opinion b) it is essential for counselors to follow legal advise given to them, even if they do not agree with it c) it is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, but only if they agree with it d) it is essential for counselors to ask the ACA Ethics Committee for their opinion

b) it is essential for counselors to follow legal advise given to them, even if they do not agree with it

With respect to the client's right to choose the time and means of his death, the ACA Code of Ethics a) requires counselors ot uphold the client's confidentiality when the client discloses such an intention b)allows counselors the option of counseling the client regarding this issue or referring the client to another helping professional c) requires counselors to warn a physician or family member taht the client is condiering taking his life

b)allows counselors the option of counseling the client regarding this issue or referring the client to another helping professional

Regarding counsleor's personal values, counselors a)must always avoid disclosing their own personal values to their clients. b)could disclose their values to the client, if it is possible to do so in a way that conveys to the client that the client values can be accepted or rejected without risking the relationship c)could disclose their values to a cleitn, but only if the counselor holds the same values than the client d)should disclose the values to show authenticity

b)could disclose their values to the client, if it is possible to do so in a way that conveys to the client that the client values can be accepted or rejected without risking the relationship

If you believe another counselor is behaving in an unethical manner, the first thing you should do is a)report the matter to the counsleor's admin supervisor b)discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to give him or her to change the bahvior c)file a complaint with the state licensure board d)file a complaint with the ACA ethics committee e)attempt to get another counselor to go with you to the counselor to confront him or her regarindg the issue

b)discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to give him or her to change the bahvior

The primary purpose of diagnosis is to a)label clients b)facilitate effective treatment c)Help clients gain future employment d)obtain insurance reimburesment e)show that a particular client has a verifiable mental disorder

b)facilitate effective treatment

Pre-screening of group members a)is a good idea but is not required by the ACA code of ethics b)is required by the ACA Code of Ethics c)is recommended, but nor required by the ACA code of Ethics d)is an ethical practice that all counselors adhere to e)is an ethical standard that is meant to protect counselor from being sued

b)is required by the ACA Code of Ethics

In return to the privilege of practicing autonomously, counselors must a)attend no less than 20hrs of continuing education experiences each year b)limit themselves to practicing within the areas in which they are competent c)join the ACA d)become certifidied by National Certified Counselors

b)limit themselves to practicing within the areas in which they are competent

Privilege communication status a) ensures that counsleors iwll never have to repeat information cleints tell them in counseling session b)protect clients from having confidential communications with their counselors disclosed in a court of law without their permission c) make it a crime of counselors to reveal confidential communications with their clients unless their clients give them written permission to disclose the information

b)protect clients from having confidential communications with their counselors disclosed in a court of law without their permission

If a counselor is asked to disclose privileged info about a client who cannot be located, then the obligation to assert the privilege rest with a)the cleints next fo kin b)the counselor c)clients attorney d)the client spouse , if any

b)the counselor

When the client is deceases and there is no statutory language with privilege and the death of the holder, the indiv who usually is allowed to assert the privileg is a)the clients last counselor b)the executor of the clients estate c)the clients spouse or next of kin d)the judge hearing the case

b)the executor of the clients estate

Certification is a process a)for schooling cousnelor exclusively b)through which official state agencies certify individuals as qualified to hold certain state jobs c)is always voluntary, while licensure is required d) that prevents individuals from practicing counseling unless they hold at least a master's degree

b)through which official state agencies certify individuals as qualified to hold certain state jobs

The testimony of expert witnesses a)is neutral and does not take a position in a legal controversy b)usually supports one side in a legal controversy and damages the position of the other side c)supports the defentant side in a controversy d)supports the plaintiff's side in a controversy e)is accepted by judges and juries as facts and experts cannot be corss-examined by lawyers ofter they have testified

b)usually supports one side in a legal controversy and damages the position of the other side e)is accepted by judges and juries as facts and experts cannot be corss-examined by lawyers ofter they have testified ???

In order for a counselor to be competent to engage in group work , the counselor a) Must be a member of ASGW b)must have the training outlined in the ASGW (Professional Standard fot the Training of Group Workers) c) Must have had a minimum of group work preparation and supervised experience d)must be certified by ASGW e)must have had at least two grad courses i ngrou work and have compelte a 600hrs internship

c) Must have had a minimum of group work preparation and supervised experience

All of the following are situation in which it is necessary to consult with colleagues EXCEPT A) When counsleors face issues taht require them to excersie judgement b) When there are no clear right or wrong answers c) When deciding whether to respond to a subpoema d) When it is possible taht clinicl decisions will be challenged later e) When they are not certain whether a client might be suicidal

c) When deciding whether to respond to a subpoema

While principle ethics asks the question "what should I do?", virtue ethics asks the quesion, a) What would an ethical counselor do?" b) what should counselors who ant to follow the law do? c) who should I be? d) Who am I?

c) who should I be?

The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that: a)if counselors study ethical codes and keep current iwth the professional literature, they can be assured of practicing in an ethical manner b)In order to practice in an ethical manner, counselors must always be in compliance with federal and state laws c)Because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical pracice questions, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important wihen making ethical decisions d)Because there are few absolute right answers to ethical practices questions, consultation with lawyers is very important when making ethical decisions

c)Because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical pracice questions, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important wihen making ethical decisions

The best evaluator in a child custody evaluation situation is a)a counselor who has previously counseled the mother, father, and children because they cousnelor knows the family members well b)a counselor who has previously counseld only one of the parents because that counselor can compare the other parnet's skills to those of the parent who has received counseling services c)a counselor who has no previous info about the family d) a counselor who has counselde one of the children at school e)a counselor who does not counsel children

c)a counselor who has no previous info about the family

Most legal issues faced by counsleor involve a)improper conduct complaints filed against them b)malpractice c)acting as a witness in litigation concering other people d)law suits involving insurance fraud e)sexual relationship with clients

c)acting as a witness in litigation concering other people

When it comes to determining who as the right to make decisions regarding a child's life, the law favors\ a) adult whith whom the child is living b)grandparents who are raising the child c)biological parents

c)biological parents

When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state statut to deterine all of the follwing EXCEPT a)who must make the report b)when the report must be made c)counselor liability for defamination of character d)whether past abuse must be reported e)whether a written report is required in addition to an oral report

c)counselor liability for defamination of character

Professionalism in counsleing includes all of the following EXCEP a)being intrinsically motivated to achieve best practices in couensling b)taking pride in one;s profession c)holding a doctorat in cousneling or a related area d)understanding the hisrpty and philosophy of the profession e)represetning the profession to the public in a positive and vigourous manner

c)holding a doctorat in cousneling or a related area

THe attorney on the other side will mininmize the impact of an expert witness testimony by each of the following actions EXCEPT a)objecting to the expert's credentials, arguing that the counselor is not expert enough to give an opinion in court b)offering another expert witness testimony to disagree with the counselor's conclusions and recomendations c)offering the counselor more money to not testify d)arguing that the counsleor compelted an inadequate evaluation e)claiming that the expert witness testimony is biased

c)offering the counselor more money to not testify

Whith respect to a clients privacy, counselors should a)guarantee privacy with no exceptions b)carefully explain each possible exception to a privacy before beginning the relationship c)promise the client privacy, but explain there are exception and give a general overview of them d) promise the client privacy, but explain that unless there is a privilege communication statute in the staes, the counsleor has no legal obligation ot keep information confidential

c)promise the client privacy, but explain there are exception and give a general overview of them

Registration is the form of state regulation of a profession that a)is the most rigorous form of regulation , in that only tohse who are registered may practice the profession in a state b)protects a title such as "professional counelsor"but anyone can practice the professionl without being registered c)requires members of a professionl to sign up with the government if they practice the profession in the state, but anyone may sign the registry without a review of their credencial d)grants a state credential if a person ahs a national certification e)is issued by a state agency, but never by an independent state board

c)requires members of a professionl to sign up with the government if they practice the profession in the state, but anyone may sign the registry without a review of their credencial

Regarding dual relationships between counselors and clients a)counsleor are in agreement taht such relatinshiops are always wrong b)experts all agree that such relatinshps are always harmful to cleitns c)thers is no consensus among professional as to which dual relatinshops are acceptable and which are not

c)thers is no consensus among professional as to which dual relatinshops are acceptable and which are not

Factors that can increase counselors vulnerability to impariment include all of the following EXCEPT a)personal trauma in the counselor's life b)pre-existant conditions c)working iwth significant number of clients who have manage health care plans d)working with significant number of traumatized clients e)having a history of substance abuse or depression

c)working iwth significant number of clients who have manage health care plans

The nature of the privacy concepts of confidentiality and priviledge communciation is a) confidentiality and privileged communication are both primarly ethical issues b) confidentiality and privileged communication are both primarly legal issues c) confidentiality is primarly legal issue and privileged communication is primarly ethical issues d) confidentiality is primarly ethical issue and privileged communication is primarly a legal issue

d) confidentiality is primarly ethical issue and privileged communication is primarly a legal issue

When attenpting to make an ethical decision, it is recommended that counsleors take all of the following steps EXCEPT a) tune into their feelings b) involve the client in the decision making process c) consider the moral principles d) consult with an attorney e) identify desired outcomes

d) consult with an attorney

When involuntary clients are required to sign documents waiving their privacy before beginning counseling session a)counselors should refuse to counsel these clients who have been forced into counseling b)counselors then have no rsponsibility to mainting the clients privacy c)the client in these situations is the agency forcing the client d) counselors should carefully explain to cleitns the limits of their privacy within the counseling relationship

d) counselors should carefully explain to cleitns the limits of their privacy within the counseling relationship

Distressed counselor or counselors suffering from burnout are terms used to refer to a)incompetent counselors b)counselros who ave committed malpracice c)counselors who have had their licenses revoked d) impaired counselors

d) impaired counselors

Because race, ethnicity, gender and social class are salient cultural variables for al peopple a)Ind. members of racial minority groups experience oppression b)privilege is experience only by White males c)race is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience privilege or oppression d) indiv. simultaneouly experience both privilege and oppression

d) indiv. simultaneouly experience both privilege and oppression

Informed consent in group counseling should include a)a reassurance that the counsleor will not allow any events to occur that might put group membes at physical or psychological risk b)a clear statement that there is no confidentiality in group settings c)an explanation that once the group starts, no one will be allowed to exit the group for the first month d)an expalantion of ways the group may be congruent and incongruent with individual members culstural values e)an expalanation that the members themselves are fully responsible for setting the goals, purspose, and ground rules of the group

d)an expalantion of ways the group may be congruent and incongruent with individual members culstural values

In determining whether a child is a danger to self or othes, the counselor should do all of the following EXCEPT a)Consult with a colleague b)consider the age oand maturity level oof the client c)follow the institutional poilicy on the issue d)assure the client of complete confidentiality e)docuemtn any action taken

d)assure the client of complete confidentiality

All of the following statements are true, EXCEPT a) counsleors should consutl with colleagues when they are unceratin about an exception to confidentiality b) confidentiality and privilege belong to the client, not the counselor. c)confidentiality and privilege are not absolute d)counselors should consult with colleagues wehn they are unceratin about an exception to privileged communication e) both confidentiality and privileged communication are based on the client's right to privacy

d)counselors should consult with colleagues wehn they are unceratin about an exception to privileged communication (because is a legal aspect, consult with a lawyer)

If you determine that another counselor is engaging in an illegal activity a)you must report th crime to the police b)you should tell the counsleor's admin supervisor immediately c)you shoud inform the counselor you are aware of the illegal activity and demand that the counselor refrain from such activity in the future d)you may decide to ignore the activity or take some kind of action, depending on the situation e)since you are not legally obligated to report crimes to the police, you should not get involved

d)you may decide to ignore the activity or take some kind of action, depending on the situation

When counselor trainees make audiotapes or videotapes of counseling session fo the supervision purposes a)trainees must retrieve the tapes after the supervisiors have reviewed them, and then erase the tapes b)supervisors must handle the tapes appropriately during the time the tapes are in the supervisor's possession c)supervisors should return tapes to trainees after the tapes have been reviewed d)the tapes should e labeded simply, in a manner that does not bring attention to the fact that the tapes are confidential records e) All of the above

e) All of the above

All of the following are steps toward professionalization EXCEP a) getting state laws passed that regualte the practice fo the profession b)changing names to reducd identification with other profession c)developing a code of ethics d) requiring members of a profession to possess specialized knowledge and skills e) offering services that are identical to services offered b othe similar professions

e) offering services that are identical to services offered by other similar professions

A cousnelor who is dealing with an angry cleint who is threatening to sue the counselor should a)respond directly to the person making the threat, if possible b)calm the person down, if possible, and listen to the conerns c)be careful and not admit to wrongdoing d)not say anything you would not want repeated or would not want to repeat yourself under oath at a later time e)All of the above

e)All of the above

Child custody evaluations must be all of the following EXCEPT a)unbiased b)objective c)conducted by a counselor other than the parent's ind counselor d)reported to the judge e)approved by each of the child's parents

e)approved by each of the child's parents

Each of the following groups might be considered to be vulnearble adults who are portecte form abuse in some states by statute EXCEPT a)developmentally disabled b)severaly metnally ill adults c)elderly adults d)physically disabled adults e)emotionally distressed adutls

e)emotionally distressed adutls

When counseling clients who are terminally ill and wish to explore end-of-life decisions , counselors should always do all of the follwing EXCPET a)help the client clarify their thoughts and feelings aobut end-of-life choices b)assist the client to deal with grief and loss issues c)examine their own values and belifs about death and dying before agreeing to counsel teminaly ill clients d)ensure they have the competency needed to work with this pop e)inform the temrinally ill clients family and invilve them in the decision

e)inform the temrinally ill clients family and invilve them in the decision

when local chapters, state branches, regions, and divisions of ACA receive ethical complaints agains members, they refer them to a)the supervisor of the counselor b)the APA ethics committee c)the state licensing board d)a certifications board e)the national ACA ethics committee

e)the national ACA ethics committee

Because cihldren cannot give their legal consent to participate in family cousneling a)parental consent should be obtained in writing from both biological parents b)they should not be included in family counseling c)it is illegal to include them in a family counseling session unless their parents have consent in writing d)a court order should be obtained e)they should be infrormed of the process of family counseling and their consent should be secured even though it is not legally required

e)they should be infrormed of the process of family counseling and their consent should be secured even though it is not legally required

A famili counselor who uses paraoxical directives or interventions could get into trouble becasue clients who follwo the prescriptions for behavior may be


It is impossible for counsleors to understand all aspects of the law but he best advice for counsleor who face legal questions is to

listen to their lawyer and do what the lawyer says

Parents who object to their childs participation in cousneling

may have the rights to demand the services to discontinue

When counseling clients who have been sexually exploited by a previous mental health professional cousnelor should

respect the clients decision to take action or not to take action against the offending professional

Dual relationships in school setting

should be avoided to the extent possible

To be a culturally sensitive counselor, when a client from a different culture offers a conselor a gift, the cousenlor

should evaluate the meaning the client attaches to the offering of the gift

When a spouse in a married couple demands that a counselor testify i ncourt as to what occrued in cousneling sessios, and the other spouse insists that the cousnelor not testiy, the best course of actions is for the counselor

to consult wih an attourney and follow his advice

Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entitiy, as opposed to treating individual family membres, and our laws

view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature

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