Ethics Quizzes
Which of the following principles happens to be Kant's first version of the categorical imperative?
Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law
Kant claims that the dictates of morality are:
Categorical Imperatives
What is the best (as in dominant) strategy in the prisoner's dilemna
Defect/Confess/Seek War
According to Thomson, if one grants that a fetus is a person form the moment at conception, then it follows that abortion is always wrong... True or False
Hobbes Foole is a person who keeps his agreements even when others refuse to do so... True or False
Warren argues that most elective (non-rape/ non-life-threatening) abortions are immoral.... True of False
`According to Hobbes, the state of nature is a peaceful place.. True or False
The letters in FLO stand for:
Future Like Ours
Marquis claims that contraception is:
Importantly different from abortion, and thus morally acceptable
According to Rachels, what is the biggest problem with social contract theories:
It does not protect the weak
Which of the following principles happens to be Kant's second version of the categorical imperative?
So act that you use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means
Which of the following is not one of Rawl's principles of justice?
Socioeconomic inequalities should be arranged so as to maximize overall happiness
According to Kant, the supreme principle of morality is:
Synthetic and a priori
According to Hobbes, humans are naturally equal.. True or False
Marquis argues that most elective (non-rape/ non-life-threatening) abortions are immoral... True or False
According to Kant, the only thing that is good without qualification is:
a good will
According to Rawls, we can enter the original position:
at any time, by simply following a certain procedure
Rawls claim that when his two principles of justice come into conflict:
first principle (concerning liberty) takes precedence over the second
According to Gauthier, deliberative justification:
ignores morality an seemingly replaces
Kant claims that an action is morally good only if:
it conforms to the moral law
According to Kant, moral laws are:
necessary and apply to all rational beings
The case of the violinist is meant to show that:
the right to life does not entail the right not to be killed
Gauthier claims that the best test of the justifiability of our existing moral practices:
whether they secure hypothetical agreement