ETR-Chapter 4-MC, ETR-Chapter 3 - MC, ETR-Chapter 5 - MC

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21. (p. 80) Which of the following refers to searching and capturing new ideas that lead to business opportunities? A. Innovation B. Entrepreneurial alertness C. Opportunity recognition D. Technology transfer


22. (p. 80) Researchers in the field of entrepreneurship and small business believe that _____ behavior is the most basic and important entrepreneurial behavior. A. opportunity recognition B. idea networking C. observational D. question-seeking


23. (p. 81) A special set of observational and thinking skills that help entrepreneurs identify good opportunities refers to A. innovation. B. opportunity recognition. C. technology transfer. D. entrepreneurial alertness.


24. (p. 81) All of the following pertain to entrepreneurial alertness EXCEPT A. entrepreneurs have a special set of observational skills. B. entrepreneurs have thinking skills that help them identify opportunities. C. it is the ability to notice things that have been overlooked. D. it involves launching a formal search for opportunities.


25. (p. 81) If an owner of a fast-food restaurant notices that customers are asking for substitutions of healthier ingredients to food items, she may be motivated to contact her suppliers to ask about getting new ingredients, changing the menu, and increasing the healthy offerings on the menu to keep customers satisfied. This is an example of A. creativity. B. technology transfer. C. innovation. D. entrepreneurial alertness.


26. (p. 81) According to the PSED, a majority of entrepreneurs indicated that A. the decision to start a business came first. B. the business idea came first. C. both idea and decision were simultaneous. D. they have no recollection of what happened with business start-up.


27. (p. 81) Working for a very large organization in the tractor manufacturing industry, John always heard complaints from customers about the parts and service aspect of the business. Taking an early retirement, John started his small business to address the customer complaints he had been hearing. Which of the following best describes the factor that led John to this business idea? A. A similar business B. Chance C. Work experience D. Family and friends


28. (p. 81) You might see a business in an area that intrigues you because you learn that there is a growing market for this business and you think of a way to expand on the opportunity. Which of the following factors is considered the business idea behind this? A. Serendipity B. Personal interest C. A similar business D. Work experience


29. (p. 81-82) According to the text, all of the following factors lead business owners to their business ideas EXCEPT A. work experience. B. government regulation. C. serendipity. D. family and friends.


30. (p. 82) When people find a way to turn their hobbies into successful businesses, which of the following factors is considered as leading them to their business idea? A. Family and friends B. Education and expertise C. Serendipity D. Personal interest


31. (p. 82) When you happen to be at the right place at the right time resulting in a successful business idea, which of the following factors can be said to be responsible? A. Family and friends B. Education and expertise C. Serendipity D. Personal interest


32. (p. 83) Many owners of consulting companies took their own skills and launched businesses by selling those skills to other companies who needed them. This is an example of which of the following factors leading to business ideas? A. Family and friends B. Serendipity C. Education and expertise D. Personal interest


33. (p. 83) According to the entrepreneurs studied in PSED, which of the following factors was the most frequently mentioned source that led to their business idea? A. Discussion with potential investors B. Education and expertise C. Family and friends D. Work experience


34. (p. 83) One powerful but rarely used source of ideas is A. family and friends. B. work experiences. C. existing customers. D. government agencies.


35. (p. 83) A _____ is a legal agreement granting you rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property. A. caveat emptor B. franchise C. set-aside D. license


36. (p. 84) The firm that obtains the rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property is the A. licensor. B. licensee. C. obligor. D. assignor.


37. (p. 84) The person or organization which is offering the rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property is the A. consignee. B. assignee. C. licensor. D. licensee.


38. (p. 84) _____ is a payment to a licensor based on the number or value of licensed items sold. A. Milestone payment B. Lump sum payment C. Royalty D. An exclusive right


39. (p. 84) Which of the following best describes a licensee? A. It is a person or organization offering the rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property. B. It is a legal agreement granting rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property. C. It is a person or firm obtaining the rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property. D. It is a person or organization offering the rights to use any piece of intellectual property.


40. (p. 84) In a typical I 2 P analysis, this is a nontechnical description of the concept simple enough for everyone to understand it. A. What is the market and its size? B. What is your product or idea? C. Why will customers buy your product? D. Who are the people behind the idea?


41. (p. 84) "Why might a cell phone that can play music MP3s be a better approach than a dedicated MP3 player?" pertains to which of the following questions? A. Is your product or idea innovative? B. Why will customers buy your product? C. Is your underlying technology unique? D. Who are the people behind the idea?


42. (p. 84) This question looks at the specific individuals, groups, or organizations you would approach first to buy your product or service. A. Who are the people behind the idea? B. Describe how you create value for your customers. C. How would you define the best initial set of customers? D. What marketplace need does your product address better than any other option?


43. (p. 84) Which of the following looks like the simplest question but is actually the hardest one? A. Is your underlying technology unique? B. Who will buy your product? C. What is your product or idea? D. What is the market and its size?


44. (p. 84-85) Which of the following is NOT a focus while answering the eight questions in a typical I 2 P analysis? A. People B. Product C. Market D. Intellectual property protection


45. (p. 85-86) "Beyond the start-up dollars that will be needed to buy any raw materials to make the product or develop the service, what information, relationships, and degree of effort will be needed to turn the idea into reality?" pertains to which of the following? A. Is your product or idea innovative? B. What resources are needed to take the idea and sell it to the customer? C. Describe how you create value for your customers. D. What marketplace need does your product address better than any other option?


46. (p. 87) "S" in the creativity tool SCAMPER stands for A. strategize. B. substitute. C. submit. D. solicit.


47. (p. 87) A feature that allows your customers to order directly from a Web site rather than visiting your store is an example of A. elimination. B. adaptation. C. magnification. D. substitution.


48. (p. 87) Which of the following is an idea trigger for the "substitute" cue in SCAMPER? A. What opportunities can you think of that come as a result of replacing something that already exists? B. What separate products, services, or whole businesses can you put together to create another distinct business? C. What could you adapt from other industries or fields to your business? D. What could I make more noticeable or dramatic, or different in some way from my competitors?


49. (p. 87) The idea trigger "What separate products, services, or whole businesses can you put together to create another distinct business?" pertains to which cue in SCAMPER? A. Substitute B. Magnify C. Adapt D. Combine


50. (p. 87) _____ is a process of producing an idea or opportunity that is novel and useful, frequently delivered from making connections among distinct ideas or opportunities. A. Ethics B. Creativity C. Imitation D. Flexibility


51. (p. 87) When a bookstore starts to sell videos, music, and coffee as well, they are using which element of SCAMPER? A. Rearrange B. Eliminate C. Combine D. Substitute


52. (p. 87) Which popular innovation strategy can be just as effective and much more likely in the real world, than business opportunities that result from radical innovations? A. Magnifying B. Adapting C. Eliminating D. Rearranging


53. (p. 87) Looking at the concept of "Book-of-the-Week" from Borders, if Olive Garden starts a "Pasta-of-the-Week", it would be an example of which element of SCAMPER? A. Adapt B. Magnify C. Combine D. Substitute


54. (p. 87) Rejecting existing ideas, and presenting a way to do things differently refers to _____ strategy. A. imitative B. cost leadership C. radical innovation D. integration


55. (p. 88) The microchip industry was born when someone asked the question, "What if we shrunk them?" This refers to which of the following cues? A. Rearrange B. Minimize C. Put to other uses D. Adapt


56. (p. 88) The idea trigger "Suppose you learned that all the traditional uses for your product had disappeared and that you have trailer truckloads out back with tons of product. What other uses might there be?" refers to which cue? A. Substitute B. Put to other uses C. Eliminate D. Rearrange


57. (p. 88) "M" in the creativity tool SCAMPER stands for A. manage. B. match. C. market. D. modify.


58. (p. 88) There is much a small business can do to create memorable images and advertising for itself, and it does not need expensive television ads to do it. Which element of SCAMPER is being referred to here? A. Magnify B. Substitute C. Combine D. Put to other use


59. (p. 88) When Crest toothpaste introduces "New and Improved" toothpaste, it is an example of which element of SCAMPER? A. Modify B. Substitute C. Rearrange D. Eliminate


60. (p. 88) Which element of SCAMPER involves thinking of ways to generate a high number of opportunities for a service beyond its traditional function? A. Putting to other uses B. Magnifying or modifying C. Adapting D. Combining


61. (p. 89) "What if people didn't have to leave their houses to go grocery shopping?" refers to which cue? A. Minimize B. Reverse C. Eliminate D. Substitute


62. (p. 89) Using paradox to challenge old ways of thinking such as using stimulants to calm hyperactive children refers to which of the following cues? A. Minimize B. Substitute C. Reverse D. Rearrange


63. (p. 89) Searching for opportunities that arise when you get rid of something or stop doing something refers to A. adapting. B. eliminating. C. rearranging. D. modifying.


64. (p. 89) According to Graham Wallas, the creative thought includes which of the following stages? A. Industry survey B. Elimination C. Combination D. Incubation


65. (p. 89) According to Graham Wallas, exploring the problem or opportunity in all directions is called A. illumination. B. incubation. C. preparation. D. verification.


66. (p. 89) According to Graham Wallas, thinking about the problem or opportunity in a "not-conscious" way is called A. preparation. B. verification. C. illumination. D. incubation.


67. (p. 89) The creative thought process, according to Graham Wallas, includes all of the following stages EXCEPT A. incubation. B. illumination. C. combination. D. verification.


68. (p. 90) According to the text, all of the following are techniques that you can try as you practice the business of innovation EXCEPT A. read magazines and trade journals about your area. B. have a "scan the environment" day. C. redesign your work environment. D. invite someone you have never included before to a meeting at which you are solving a problem.


69. (p. 90-91) All of the following are major pitfalls that business owners can become victims of when trying to become more innovative EXCEPT A. judging ideas too quickly. B. stopping with the first good idea. C. obeying rules that do not exist. D. getting the "bandits on the train."


70. (p. 91) You assume, as the business owner, that you need to do all the work, make all the sales calls, and solve everybody's problems. This refers to which major pitfall that business owners can become victim to when trying to become more innovative? A. Obeying rules that do not exist B. Judging ideas too quickly C. Identifying the wrong problem D. Getting the "bandits on the train."


71. (p. 91) An overall strategic approach in which the entrepreneur does more or less what others are already doing refers to A. imitative strategy. B. innovative strategy. C. incremental strategy. D. status quo strategy.


72. (p. 91) This model has the entrepreneur assess whether the situation faced is one that is the same as it has been traditionally or if it is changing. A. Business process modeling B. Opportunity identification process C. Pilot test D. Radical innovation strategy


73. (p. 91) Taking an idea and offering a way to do something slightly better than it is done presently refers to A. imitative strategy. B. incremental strategy. C. status quo strategy. D. innovative strategy.


74. (p. 92) _____ means the extent to which the idea is viable and realistic, and the extent to which you are aware of internal and external forces that could affect your business. A. Flexibility B. Consistency C. Feasibility D. Innovation


75. (p. 92) According to PSED, start-up entrepreneurs feel most confident about which of the following aspects? A. Complying with local/state/federal regulations B. Obtaining start-up capital C. Obtaining a bank's help D. Attracting employees


76. (p. 92) Feasibility studies consist of careful investigation of all the following areas EXCEPT A. product/service. B. industry and market. C. profitability. D. idea generation.


77. (p. 92) What is the goal of a feasibility study? A. To create additional value for customers through great products or services. B. To get useful ideas out of creative employees that affect the business's bottom line. C. To assess if an idea can be profitably brought to market. D. To assess how well a preliminary run of a business works and what problems it might have.


78. (p. 93) The business idea component of the feasibility study includes which of the following aspects? A. Stage of development B. Competition C. Market penetration D. You, your firm, and your fit


79. (p. 93) The product/service component of the feasibility study should include which of the following aspects? A. Stage of development B. Competition C. Market penetration D. Cost forecast


80. (p. 94) The industry and market component of the feasibility study should include which of the following components? A. Sales revenue forecast B. The competition C. Writing a business plan D. Pricing


81. (p. 95) The financial projections component of the feasibility study includes all of the following EXCEPT A. pricing. B. operating expenses. C. insurance requirements. D. cost forecasts.


82. (p. 95) The future action plan component of the feasibility study includes which of the following elements? A. Profitability B. The competition C. Legal restrictions and rights D. Writing a business plan


83. (p. 96) What refers to a preliminary run of a business, sales effort, program, or Web site with the goal of assessing how well the overall approach works and what problems it might have? A. Conversion rate B. Pilot test C. Incubation period D. Commercialization


84. (p. 96) The measure of the number of visitors to your Web site who have actually made a purchase from you is known as A. eyeball rate. B. frame rate. C. conversion rate. D. pilot testing.


85. (p. 98) _____ is at the heart of entrepreneurship, because every time people start a business or become the owner of one, it is a new start and often a new experience for them. A. Innovation B. Leadership C. Marketing D. Teamwork


86. (p. 82-83) Which of the following factors can be attributed to Rashmi considering the catering business idea? A. A similar business B. Serendipity C. Work experience D. Family and friends


87. (p. 84-86) In assessing the viability of the catering business idea, Rashmi should consider all of the following questions EXCEPT A. What regulations are supporting this idea? B. How would you define the best initial set of customers? C. What resources are needed to take the idea and sell it to the customer? D. What is the market and its size?


88. (p. 88) Rashmi appears to be applying which element of the SCAMPER tool in her cooking? A. Modify B. Substitute C. Rearrange D. Eliminate


89. (p. 90) All of the following are pitfalls that Rashmi should be careful to avoid succumbing to EXCEPT A. judging ideas too quickly. B. stopping with the first good idea. C. obeying rules that do not exist. D. getting the "bandits on the train."


90. (p. 92) In conducting the feasibility study for the "Tastes of India" idea, Rashmi should ensure a careful investigation of all of the following areas EXCEPT A. product/service. B. cultural diversity management. C. profitability. D. industry and market.


A loner, often socially isolated, a hard worker, a fast learner, and a risk taker seeking wealth represents the profile of a(n) A. idea person. B. classic entrepreneur. C. managerial entrepreneur. D. small business owner.


According to the text, there are three levels of professionalization. These are A. low, medium, and high. B. company, industry, and global. C. personal, team, and organizational. D. expert, specialized, and minimalized.


All of the following observations are true of the salesperson type of entrepreneur EXCEPT A. they work hard. B. they are very socially driven. C. they use their networks to minimize risk. D. they are most concerned with their wealth.


At which of these levels of professionalization does the entrepreneur do nearly everything in the simplest way possible? A. Expert B. Specialized C. Minimalized D. Global


Being asked if you want to supersize your order at a fast-food restaurant is an example of A. a key business function. B. a resource competency. C. a standard business practice. D. industry-specific knowledge.


Expert businesses A. are those which have owners who are passionate about one key business function. B. are those where the entrepreneur does nearly everything in the simplest way possible. C. usually lack good business procedures. D. are those in which you notice everything seems to be done in the best way possible.


Following certain "best practices" are typical of these types of businesses. A. Specialized businesses B. Expert businesses C. Minimalized businesses D. Factor businesses


For those businesses that do get started, the amount of _____ is what distinguishes the more successful from the less successful firms. A. effort B. opportunities C. subordination D. expertise


Getting organized and registered—which creates a boundary—is an example of a(n) A. financial activity. B. operations activity. C. human resources activity. D. management activity.


Idea people are not particularly driven by _____, but they are driven by _____. A. greatness; great wealth B. hard work; risk taking C. great wealth; having their idea achieve greatness D. fame; socialization


Identify the trait which all entrepreneurial personality types have in common. A. Loneliness B. Social isolation C. Risk taking D. Hard work


Key business functions and industry-specific knowledge are parts of _____ competency. A. resource B. basic business C. determination D. opportunity


Like classic entrepreneurs, small business owners are all of the following EXCEPT A. risk takers. B. socially isolated. C. often alone. D. hard workers.


The ability or skill of the entrepreneur at finding expendable components necessary to the operation of the business such as time, information, location, financing, raw materials, and expertise is called A. basic business competencies. B. opportunity competencies. C. resource competencies. D. determination competencies.


The competency suggested by _____ relates to the organizational and business processes of a firm. A. intention B. resource C. exchange D. boundary


The energy and focus needed to bring a business into existence relates to which of the following competencies? A. Determination B. Resource C. Opportunity D. Basic business


The forms of business-related expertise are called A. competencies. B. core processes. C. personalities. D. ethics.


The intention component of the BRIE model reflects _____ competencies. A. basic business B. opportunity C. resource D. determination


The middle level of professionalization is called _____, where as opposed to a "best" restaurant, there is probably a restaurant you know of with great food but so-so service. A. specialized B. minimalized C. expertise D. standard


There are certain fundamental activities that all businesses must perform, which are called A. engineering business functions. B. basic business functions. C. business accreditations. D. key business functions.


Unlike _____, _____ are actually risk-averse. A. idea persons; classic entrepreneurs B. managerial entrepreneurs; classic entrepreneurs C. sales entrepreneurs; idea persons D. classic entrepreneurs; small business owners


Which of the following deals with the actual process of exploring an opportunity for profit? A. Resource B. Exchange C. Intention D. Boundary


Which of the following does NOT hold true of the minimalized level of professionalization? A. The entrepreneur does nearly everything in the simplest way possible. B. Usually, there is no systematic accounting. C. Record keeping will vary between nonexistent and haphazard. D. Inspires the highest levels of trust among customers.


Which of the following is NOT a typical career path for entrepreneurs? A. Habitual entrepreneurship B. Harvest entrepreneurship C. Mature entrepreneurship D. Spiral entrepreneurship


Which of the following personality types is more concerned with their social standing and acceptance than their personal wealth? A. Salesperson entrepreneur B. Managerial entrepreneur C. Classic entrepreneur D. Idea person


Which of the following personality types is often very risk-averse, preferring to build wealth through careful planning and action? A. Idea person B. Small business owner C. Managerial entrepreneur D. Classic entrepreneur


Which of the following relates to expert businesses? A. The entrepreneur does nearly everything in the simplest way possible. B. All the major functions of the firm follow standard business practices of the industry. C. The founders are passionate about one or two of the key business functions. D. They are satisfied if other activities are no worse than other businesses in their market.


Which of the following relates to the skills necessary to identify and exploit elements of the business environment that can lead to profitable and sustainable business? A. Determination competencies B. Basic business competencies C. Resource competencies D. Opportunity competencies


_____ businesses have founders or owners who are passionate about one or two of the key business functions, such as sales or operations. A. Expert B. Specialized C. Minimalized D. Global


_____ refers to the extent to which a firm meets or exceeds the standard business practices of its industry. A. Standard operating procedure B. Organizational commitment C. Professionalization D. Intention

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