Eugenics & White Supremacy

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White Supremist Groups 5)Hyper-Nationlist Miltia

- Disaffected, rural right wing Christians - Most located in Southern & Western states - Racists & anti-jewish - Reacting against perceived attacks on white privileges & position - Anti-federal government - US citizens have right to form armed militia to stand up to Washington - Very fond of 2nd Amendment (right to carry arms)

White Supremist Groups 2. Neo- Nazis

- Emerged after WW2 - International with international networks - Many groups across Europe, former Soviet Union, North & Latin America, Nordic Countries - Most active amongst white supremist movement -Ideological inspiration is Nazi & fascist - Seeks to revive Nazi doctrines - Are ultra-nationalist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-zionist - Advocate cataclysmic violence to destroy jews & those "under control" of US federal government, United Nations, Media & US judiciary - Although structural differences between Neo-Nazis are stable & growing in size - Actively recruit youths & women

Target/Concern of Eugenic policies in USA

- Feebleminded prison & insane asylum populations - Newer (non-anglo Saxon) immigrants genetically inferior - People of mixed race possess characteristics of inferior race

Galton & Eugenics

- First to define Eugenics - "science which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of race & those that develop them to utmost advantage" - Humanity weaker through congenital imperfection - More than any other species (wild or domestic) - Promoter of positive Eugenics - Promotion of rising rate of sexual reproduction among individuals with desired traits - Only intellectually & morally superior should marry/breed - GOAL - outbreed inferiors & make them extinct

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs 2) Jews

- History of being targeted by racist groups - Have become primary target group (due to ties between US Racists & Neo-Nazis in EU) - Hate based on conspiracy theories of Jewish attempts to rule the world - Seen as inhuman - decedents of Satan - Treated as subhuman makes it easier to kill them - Anti-semitism is jews own fault -> Judaism = hostile religion (Talmud - hostile towards non-jews)

Eugenics in 20th C

- Intellectual & Social movement - Earliest movements (Germany, Britain & US) -> greater impact ideologically & politically - Content & style varies by country - Seen as miracle cure for society's problems - "Science" of "improving" people's lives by improving people - Concerned with social reform & improving society

Target/Concern Eugenics policies in Germany

- Mentally ill, psychotic, psychopathic & psychiatric patients - Physically disabled - all "useless eaters" - depleted scarce resources post WW1 - Interested in increasing number of fitter people in society (terms of social class, race) - Regard selves as Master race - Bad populations = detrimental to health, wellbeing & future of society

3 Distinct Era's of Activity 3) 1950s Small unconnected groups using the KKK name

- Opposed Civil rights Movement & desegregations - Used violence & murder to opress

3 Distinct Era's of Activity 1) 1860s - 1870s Rural Southern States

- Tried to overthrow southern republican state governments during reconstruction

KKK Today?

- Approx. 110 chapters - Continue to promote xenophobic agendas - Want to restrict immigrations - Is in serious disarray (disorganization) - Few members, antagonistic chapters - Remains lower middle & lower class rural & southern - Now classified as a hate group

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs 1) Race

- Belief that races are biologically & genetically different - Are organized hierarchically - white, red, yellow, black - Whites = genetically superior, genetic elite (responsible for Western Civilization - most technologies) - Non-whites = inherently different & inferior (intellectually, morally & in human value) Distinguish amongst whites - True whites = believers in white superiority & segregation - Traitors to white race = supporters of integration -Refer to eternal racial laws of nature - Nature decrees all species must look of for themselves - Non-whites = biological rivals & potential enemies of whites - Fear of extinction/genocide of white race (from miscegenation, increase birth rates of non-whites & abortions of white babies) - Believe that other races don't support equality - "They really want racial supremacy & privilege" EX: Jews seek domination & supremacy over other races (claim to be chosen people)

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs

- Beliefs not simply extreme versions of mainstream racism - Are distinctive types of reasoning - Intent is to indoctrinate members into racist & violent agenda of white supremacy - Consist of general principles around... 1) Race 2) Jews 3) Women's role 4) Patriotism 5) Religion

White Supremist Groups 6) Neo-Confederates

- Believe former states of Confederacy should secede from the Union & start own nation - Are racist & Dominionist (US government should be Christian based theocracy) - Some overlap with Christian Identity beliefs - Claim Celtic heritage - Scots, Scots-Irish & Welsh - Heritage needs to be preserved - Recent attempts to overcome distinctions between white supremist groups -Attempt to create alliances between groups EX: form 5th era of KKK - Involves adopting Christian Ideology - Involves mishmash & distortion of Christian theology - Claim Aryans = real lost tribe of Israel - Claim they are not about hate rather about racial pride

Eugenics social concerns

- Centred around -> Nationalism, race, class, rise of socialism, immigrations, prohibition, labour unions, poverty & wealth distribution - Calls for social stability ensuring secure future for the worthy - Social context - more dangerous eugenics flourished - Led to number of policies around negative eugenics

Black Stork

- Chicago surgeon (Dr. Haiselden) - Refused to treat terminally ill infants - Believed they would grow to be mentally defective - Once the doctor deemed child as defective mother chooses to let child die - Disagrees with saving of defective babies - Aims at liberating society from defective heritage - Became a movie

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs 3) Patriotism

- Formerly strong patriotic & nationalist - Eroded because of their belief in Jewish domination of politics, media & banking -Federal government is a complicit in this - No longer associate with "this America" - Allegiance non pan-aryanism or world wide Aryan supremacy

1990s USA Eugenics

- Golden age of Eugenics - Racist - if Eugenics not pursued will abandon country to lesser races (brown, blacks & yellows) - Need to popularize movement among general public in order for it to be successful - Ideologies need to be spread through popular channels - Movement took form of following 1) Courses offered at good schools 2) Chapters in HS textbooks 3) Books, Magazines 4) Museums, world fairs, international expos

Movie (Clansmen)

- Highly successful film - Used as recruitment method by KKK - Thomas Dickson Jr. (racist preacher) - Message - demonstrate to the world that the white man must & shall be supreme - Took viewers on a journey they had never experienced in previous films - Shows era of reconstruction as terror caused by blacks freed from slavery terrorizing whites - Movie ends with KKK coming to restore order & white supremacy - Realism of film, made audience believe it was absolute truth (blacks cannot be trusted) - Film = art & propaganda - First film played in the whitehouse - Movement against racism due to film - NAACP - Movie revived KKK - used film as recruiting tool - Membership grew largely - Jumpstarted civil rights movement - Seen as inescapable part of our history

White Supremist Groups 4) Racist Skinheads

- Ideologically similar to Neo-Nazis - Many affiliated with White Nationalist Organizations - Influenced by Mods, Jamaican Rude boy culture (involved both white & black british youth) - Early skinheads not neo-fascists nor associated with white power - Did however engage in gay, hippie bashing & racism towards Pakistanis - Late 1970's - Racist Skinheads emerge - Part of blacklash against commercialization of Punk music going mainstream - Punk was used to resist classism - White Nationalists found amongst this subculture - Membership increasing in recent years - Recruit young adults/teens via white power music scene - Racist skinhead subculture of partying & violence - Involved in street level violence - minor crimes, murder, attacks on synagogues, racial minorities & homeless - Place swatzica on Synagogues - Because groups are transient difficult to establish membership (approx. several thousand)

Target/Concern of Eugenic policies in Britain

- Increasing birth rates of congenital mentally ill & the degenerate - Urban working classes & poor homeless people - Concerned about increasing birth rates of working class, whereas elites is decreasing

Beginnings of Eugenic Philosophy

- Mid 1860s in Europe - Mysteries of genetics unraveled by collective works of Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel & Herbert Spencer (Sociologist) - Darwin's natural selection - translated to "survival of the fittest" by Spencer - Spencer against government funded social welfare programs because believed weak should die off & don't deserve help - Government shouldn't be responsible for wellbeing of inferior members of society because they take recourses away from worthy (rich & white) - His ethos termed "Social Darwinism" = Large popularity late 19th C - Natural laws based on biology - Formed ideological framework for Eugenics movement - Fittest in society will survive, therefore they're the only ones who should be helped

White Supremist Groups 1) Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

- Oldest & most recognized white supremacist organization in US - Has chapters in Canada (popular in Saskatchewan) - Originated in US rural south (post Civil war) - Established by Confederate soldiers - Feared what free blacks would do, since the end of slavery - Began as social group - inflicted savage violence on African Americans & Northerners - Although long history group historically discontinuous

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs 3) Religion

- Once predominantly Protestant (conservative & evangelical) - Catholicism & Judaism inferior & dangerous - Recently moved away from Protestantism - tend to denounce - under influence of Judaism - Religious right support for Israel - Some have rejected religion, declare atheism or follow pre-Christiam religions (paganism) - Others involved in Christian Identity - religion for white people - Anglo-Saxon, Germanic & Nordic people descendants of ancient Israelites & chosen people - Belief that non-whites are exterminated/enslaved in Heaven

3 Distinct Era's of Activity 2) 1915-1920s Urban areas of US (Midwest & West)

- Opposed Jews & Catholics (RC Church) - New immigrants taking white jobs

Positive Eugenics

- Promotion of increased rates of sexual reproduction amongst people with desired traits - Only intellectually & morally superior individuals should marry & breed (have as many children as possible) - Goal to outbreed inferior & over time & their existence


- Science which deals with all influence that improve inborn qualities of "race" & those that develop them to utmost advantage - Seen as miracle cure for society's problems - Science of improving people's lives by improving people

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs 3) Women's place (post 1980s)

- Seen as race warriors - Fight alongside male comrades - Retain role of mothers - Victim theme remains - Women's participation strengthens movement - Way to bring men into movement (boyfriend & husbands) - Use attractive women to advertise

Negative Eugenics

- Sterilization of populations with undesirable characteristics - Eventually become extinct - Implemented because its difficult to force people to reproduce

5 Core White Supremist Beliefs 3) Women's place (pre 1980s)

- Symbol & carriers of white race - Bare large number of children to ensure continuation of white race & remain numerically superior - Portray women as victims of black people (targeted for rape) & jews (exploited by business owners) - Belief that feminism ruins families & is an assault on the white race - Undermines efforts of movement

Types of White Supremist/Racist Groups

- Their are multiple but splinted into number of factions - Groups compete for members - Pursue similar agendas of white racial superiority - Jews have become main enemy & target of hate - White angry cause under influence of & manipulated by Jewish overlords - Recent shift away from African Americans - View all non whites as offensive & dangerous

White Supremist Groups 3)Holocaust Deniers

-Ideologically similar to Neo-Nazis - Claim academic associations - gives claims authority - Promote revisionist view of WW2 - Deny that Hitler tried to destroy Europe Jewry - Some claim that holocaust did not happen at all - Deaths = casualties of war - Others claim casualties = exaggerated - Jewish lie to gain reparations & bolster Israeli political interests

Eugenics & Race

-Scientific racism congruent with Eugenics philosophy - Supported & justified racism, racial inferiority of non-white & white superiority - Classified individuals by phenotypes into distinct races (ranked from superior to inferior) - Used to justify European imperialism - Also used to justify compulsory sterilization, anti-mescegenation laws & immigration restrictions

6 Types of White Supremist Groups

1) KKK 2) Neo Nazis 3) Racist Skinheads 5) Hyper Nationalist Militia 6) Neo- Confederates

4 Core principles of Eugenics (USA)

1. Social & behavioural problems increasing - Result of insanity, epilepsy, pauperism, alcoholism, feeble-mindedness, certain forms of criminality 2. Individuals bearing various defective traits breed at greater rate than normal population 3. Defects in mental function & behaviour = hereditary 4. Cause of criminality & deviance = inherited from parent's germ plasm - Fixing criminals = impossible - Bio = destiny These individuals = wasters - Bürden to society & taxpayers - Responsible for society's decline

Negative Policies/Procedures (USA)

1. Sterilization - Targets individuals in mental & penal institutions - Those defective likely to produce more who are socially defective 2. Marriage Restriction - Restricted between individuals with inherited conditions of diseases - Anti- Miscegenation laws - interracial marriage illegal 3. Segregation - Individuals deemed physically or intellectually unfit were institutionalized (Insane asylums) 4. Euthanasia - Proposed but never executed for those severely handicapped

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