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Edict of Nantes Lowered Taxes Infrastructure Divine Right of Kings (Absolutist)

Henry IV (The Great)

most powerful- home to the Navy


Area ruled by Haps Very diverse Nobles try to stop Absolutism Ethnically diverse region of Habsburg empire


King of Britain that was beheaded

Charles I

French monarch of the late 17th century who personified absolute monarchy. Nicknamed the "sun king". His most controversial decision was the removal of the Edict of Nantes.

Louis XIV

Mazarin was the cardinal who helped?

Louis XIV

Revoked the Edict of Nantes... poor Huguenots, saying that France can't be Protestant

Louis XIV

Revolts in France against this ruler; people hate taxes

Louis XIV

best example of Absolutism, sought personal control of his empire

Louis XIV (Sun King)

The Whigs were supporters of the:


The Netherlands rebelled against


Gateway to the West founded by Peter the Great

St. Petersburg

A representative from one of the 7 Dutch provinces, carried out ceremonial functions and was responsible for military defense.


Executive officer in each of united Provinces, position often held by princes of Orange


(1630-1635) Gustavus Adolphus goes to Germany Cardinal Richelieu gives cash Protestants win back some territory


Strips the rights of all people not following Anglican Church → Charles II converted (1673)

Test Act

The Thirty Years War helps this group:

The Austrian Hapsburgs

War divided into 4 stages: Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French. Very destructive to Central Europe both physically and economically. It was the last major religious conflict in Europe.

Thirty Years' War

United Provinces


soldiers who were not like the previously used soldiers, weren't as likely to abandon the cause of fighting, often drafted (Prussia)

professional soldiers

The Edict of Nantes was intended to....

promote religious and civil peace

Northern Army of Charles v. New Model Army Oliver Cromwell and "Rump Parliament" (1642-1649)

English Civil War

"The Great Elector" king of Prussia (1701-1713)

Frederick William

"Soldier King" (1713-1740) Solidifies ABSOLUTISM Conscription

Frederick William I

1st Tsar of Russia Defeated Mongols; Centralized Power

Ivan IV (The Terrible)

replaced Charles I, "the Lord Protector". His Protectorate established military dictatorship over England, placing 12 different districts under martial law.

Oliver Cromwell

Country with the best army and largest military


as a proportion of its population and national wealth, which of the following had the largest military establishment in the 18th century?


reasons behind the Thirty Years War

The Peace of Augsburg was dissolved, resulting in competing groups: The Catholic League and the Protestant Union. Stages go as follow: Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French. The major reason for the Thirty Years' War was religious conflict between the Catholic and the Protestant people in Central Europe.

In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Prussia, the Junkers supported the monarchy and served in the army in return for: a the right to sell their lands b control of an independent national parliament c toleration of their religious diversity d exemption from all taxes e virtually absolute power over their serfs


Colbert was a(n)

financial advisor

Time period of Thirty Years' War (the years)


(1618-1625) Catholics defeat Protestants First phase of the Thirty Years War Hapsburgs from HRE, Austria, Spain give them their armies Battle of White Mountain (1620)


phases of Thirty Years War (Chronological order)

Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, Franco-Swedish

Highest ranking members of Russian nobility


Country that focuses on the Navy


Explain French Baroque art

Captures "Catholic Reformation"- want to rebuild trust n such Intensely emotional Grandiose size Music- J.S. Bach and his use of the organ

succeeded Cardinal Richelieu as chief minster for Louis XIV. Fought to increase royal revenues to meet the cost of war (the Fronde).

Cardinal Mazarin

King Louis XIII's chief minister in 1624, first minister of the French crown. Extended the use of intendants which therefore increased the power of the centralized French state.

Cardinal Richelieu

Great Northern War (1700-1721) Increased Centralization King of Sweden (1697-1718)

Charles XII

Rural, out-law armies originally comprising peasants, will fight for Russian crown by 16th cent. - **all serve Tsar**


(1625-1629) Catholics beat Protestants Second phase of the Thirty Years' War Christian IV of Denmark will see Catholics roll He failed...


same goals of Absolutist and Constitutionalists

Defend and expand territory Raising "new" taxes Consolidating Central power Compete for colonies in New World

dominate shipping industry


Glorious Revolution was the establishment of a certain government in?


king of Bohemia Continues to grow Habsburg controlled territory into Bohemia Centralized control Habsburgs seizing lands Protestants persecuted

Ferdinand II

Country with the most noble officers (340,000)


(1635-1648) The last phase of the Thirty Years War balance of power Richelieu fears Habsburg rebound, so goes after Spain.


1648 Insurrection by Nobles to keep feudal power, and not pay taxes


William and Mary end of divine monarchy 1688-1689

Glorious Revolution

the bloodless overthrow of English King James II in 1688 and his replacement by William and Mary. Put an end to the idea of divine right monarchy

Glorious Revolution

Exploration of the West by Peter the Great

Grand Embassy

Religion in Constantinople

Orthodox Christianity

The first stuart king (out of 4)

James I

Manager of finance in France, believed in Mercantilism

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Louis XIV's finance minister who promoted mercantilism and fostered French manufacturing

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Nobility of Brandenburg and Prussia, they were reluctant allies of Fred William in his consolidation of the Prussian state - taxation without representation


The regent for Louis XIII was

Maria de Medici

the idea that a state's or nation's power depended on its wealth, represented by its supply of gold and silver.


The treaty that gave Netherlands independence from Spain Further unify to become independent nation jointly Netherlands gained more territory

Peace of Utrecht (1713)

1648 - ended Thirty years' war princes had the right to choose state religion. Put an end to major religious conflict in Europe for centuries to come.

Peace of Westphalia

Revolts in Spain against this ruler; no subsidies for bread

Philip IV

Explain the financial policies of France by Discussing Colbert

Policies based on mercantilism and a favorable balance of trade, sell more than you buy. Increase tariffs on foreign goods, provide subsidies to those starting domestic industries, encourage French industry over English industry (textile). Also he hoped to make Canada and the Louisiana territories a source of wealth and power.

Military dictatorship established by Cromwell's execution of Charles I (1653-1658)


1660, Cromwell takes power, end of the English civil war. Expansion of Parliamental role as the kingship is put to an end after Charles I

Restoration of 1660

The main leader in the making of an aboslute monarchy in France was...


The main leader in the making of an absolute monarchy in France was..


How did Louis XIV use the Palace of Versailles to increase his absolute control?

The palace was representative of the center of political, social, and cultural life. He housed the *nobles* there so that they have little influence in the city, also he can house his whole government there.

Act that required Parliament to be called at least once every three years

Triennial Act

Parliament summoned by King once every three years

Triennial Act

1682- Center of political, social and cultural life


Charles II muerto ----> Louis XIV claims Spain Balance of power

War of Spanish Succession (1701-1713)

Defend the following statement; Peter the Great was "the westernizer" of Russia

When Peter returned from his great embassy, he required - the removal of men's heavy beards in Moscow because he believed they didn't reflect western culture. - wear western clothing - require them to attend parties w/ both men and women

Believers of the Social Contract supported a the parliament b the king c cabinet d Divine


John Locke based his Two Treatises on Government primarily on which of the following views of human nature? a People are basically rational and learn from practical experience. b People are weak and sinful and need the guidance of organized religion. c People are fallible and need guidance from the cumulative wisdom of tradition. d People are quarrelsome and should be encouraged to revolt against state authority. e People are born with all knowledge, and learning is the process of remembering innate ideas.


What accounts for the tightening of serfdom in Eastern Europe at the same time peasants in Western Europe were freed from the land? a weak monarchs in Eastern Europe were forced to grant concessions to a strong nobility b poor weather led to a decline in agricultural productivity in the East and debt peonage c nobles in Western Europe dismantled feudalism because of Renaissance ideals of equality d successful revolts West of the Elbe River liberated peasants from oppression e enlightened monarchs in the West proclaimed the freedom of peasants


What was the consequence of Ra'ko'czy's rebellion for Hapsburg rule? a Hungary was never fully integrated into a centralized, absolute Hapsburg state. b The German nobility established itself as dominant within the Hapsburg lands. c The Bohemian nobility was crushed and replaced with new nobles loyal to the Hapsburgs. d The Catholic Church recognized the superiority of secular rulers over church lands in the Hapsburg Empire. e The Hapsburg lost control over most of their lands in Northern Italy.


After the defeat of King Charles I in the English Civil War and his execution in 1649, England was governed for a decade by

a commonwealth led by oliver cromwell

According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be a granted independence as soon as possible b acquired as markets and sources of raw materials c considered an economic burden for the colonial power d used as settlement areas for surplus populations e encouraged to develop their own industries


Which of the following was the most significant challenge faced by the Austrian Habsburgs after 1648? a loss of major territories to the Spanish Habsburgs b the difficulty of centralizing a multi-ethnic empire c continual raids by Muslim pirates in the Mediterranean d Russian efforts to expand in the Baltic e French aggression in the Seven Years War (1756-63)


In eastern Europe between 1500 and 1650, the growth of commercial agriculture was accompanied by the a growth of a small landowning class. b monarchy's seizure of land from the nobility. c consolidation of serfdom. d establishment of an independent peasantry. e establishment of many privileged towns as market centers.


The Fronde revolt in France from 1648‑52: a deposed Louis XIII from power b resulted in a short lived aristocratic oligarchy c was aimed against high taxes and foreign influence in government d led to a devastating civil war that ravaged the French economy for decades e led to French involvement in the Thirty Years War


The Mercantilist theory, postulated (good College word) that.... a government should not interfere in the economy. b imports and exports should be equally balanced. c economic activity should be regulated by and for the state. d overseas colonies were an unwanted drain on valuable gold bullion. e free trade would maximize the wealth of all nations.


The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was a reform of the Church b a belief in decentralizarion c the subordination of all groups and institutions to the monarchy d the sovereignty of the people e hostility to the Huguenots


Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment carried out by Peter the Great of Russia? a assertion of control over boyars b secular control of Orthodox Church c acquisition of Poland d building of St. Petersburg e defeat of Swedes and Ottomans


Which of the following was an economic policy of Louis XIV's finance minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert? a Raising money through internal tariffs b Encouraging international competition through lower tariffs and free-trade policies c Establishing detailed manufacturing codes to improve of the quality of French export goods d Opening France's colonies to foreign merchants and trade e Reducing military spending


Louis XIII let whom, run the country for him.


Trade with the New World - Decline of Trade - No New World monopoly - Overspending = inflation 30 years WAR Revolts in Portugal, bye bye fam (1688) Spain no longer world power FRANCE now on top

decline of absolutist Spain

How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history? a The German lands were finally unified under the German emperor. b Religious toleration was adopted throughout the Holy Roman Empire. c Backed by its American colonies, Spain was recognized as Europe's most powerful nation. d Central Europe emerged as an economic powerhouse. e Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end.


How did the Treaty of Utrecht resolve the problem of succession to the Spanish throne? a The leader of the Spanish House of Alba was placed on the throne by the nobility upon offering guarantees that he would protect the noble rights. b The monarchy was abolished and Spain declared a republic. c The German Hapsburg Duke of Austria was placed on the throne after the death of his cousin, the Spanish Hapsburg Charles II. d The two Hapsburg thrones of Austria and Spain were unified into the Grand Monarchy. e Louis XIV of France's grandson, Philip, was placed on the Spanish throne with the agreement that the French and Spanish thrones would never be united.


Which is the best characterization of the Treaty of Utrecht (1713‑14)? a it solidified the revival of Spain by enhancing its territories b it marked the success of Louis XIV's policy of expansion c it led to the decline of the Hohenzollerns d it destroyed the balance of power on the continent e it signified the rise of Great Britain as a commercial power


Which of the following was a primary result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

limitation of monarchy's power

Louis XIV's big fault was wasting money on


This was the tsar of Russia that Westernized Russia and built up a massive Russian army. Built St. Petersburg. Extremely absolutist ruler.

peter the great

a country where the authority to rule comes from the people

republic (form of gov)

The dismissed form of government only to be replaced by a better form later was

short parliament

Cromwell was called

the lord protector

Dissolving of Augsburg (1555) - Protestant Union (1608) - Catholic League (1609)

thirty years' war

The principal reason why Louis XIV (1643‑1715) built his palace at Versailles was to

tighten his control over the nobility

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