History Chapter 19 & 20

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In his 1972 campaign for reelection, Richard Nixon

Approved of "dirty tricks" that included breaking into Democratic offices.

Why were Nixon's overtures to the People's Republic of China unexpected?

Because China was perceived as an enemy.

President Reagan planned to balance the budget even though he had lowered taxes

By cutting spending on domestic programs

In May/June 1989, students & workers held demonstrations calling for democracy in


The main failure of Reaganomics was:

Greatly increasing the federal deficit

Jimmy Carter's major weakness as President

He was unable to get along with Congress

In January 1991, the United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf for what reason?

Iraq had invaded Kuwait.

Saddam Hussein

Iraqi leader who invaded Kuwait

What did the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) agreement do?

Limited the number of missile defense systems in the United States and in the Soviet Union

Executive Privilege

Nixon argued that recordings of White House conversations should remain confidential to protect national security; this is known as

New Federalism

Nixon's policy that dismantled a number of federal programs giving more control to state and local governments

One of Gerald Ford's first acts as President

Pardoning Nixon

Mikhail Gorbachev

Soviet leader who proposed the program of glasnost

This statement describes the Nixon Doctrine:

The United States would no longer step in militarily to protect Asian allies from communism.

How were the profits from arms sales to Iran used?

They were funneled to the Nicaraguan Contras to help finance their war against the Sandinistas.

George H. W. Bush

Vice President under Reagan who later was elected president in 1988

Bob Woodward

Worked with fellow reporter Carl Bernstein to break the story of Watergate in the Washington Post


a Nixon foreign policy idea that profoundly eased tensions between the Soviet Union and the U.S.

Jesse Jackson

a civil rights leader who founded "operation PUSH" and later ran for the US Presidency


a disease that weakens the immune system and lowers resistance to illnesses which became an epidemic during the 1980's

Moral Majority

a movement founded by Jerry Falwell backed by conservative candidates and issues.

What was the agenda for the second meeting of Reagan and Gorbachev in October 1986 at Reykjavik, Iceland, the agenda?

arms-control issues.

Rachel Carson

author of Silent Spring who sounded the alarm on the effect of pesticides on birds, fish, and other creatures.

The recession that began in 1990 was caused in part by the end of the Cold War, because the United States

began reducing its armed forces and cut back on military spending.

Sandra Day O'Connor

first woman supreme court justice

Jimmy Carter

former governor of Georgia who became president in 1976

In the 1980 presidential election, Ronald Reagan did well among blue-collar workers and others...

groups that traditionally voted democratic

What did revolutionaries in Iran demand in exchange for releasing 52 American hostages?

hand over the much-hated Shah of Iran.

Why did President Reagan make Central America a priority in his war against communism?

he felt that the national security of all the Americas was at stake in Central America

Camp David Accords

historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt brokered by President Carter

supply-side economics

idea that high taxes weakens the economy by taking money away from investors

The collapse of the Soviet Union's economy that began in the late 1980s was caused by

inefficient central planning and huge expenditures in the arms race.


means "openness", allowing more freedom of religion and speech in the Soviet Union

John Dean

member of Nixon's inner circle who leveled accusations against the president

The strong economic growth of the 1980s mostly benefited

middle and upper class Americans.

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

nicknamed "star wars"- developed weapons that could destroy incoming missiles

Iran-Contra Affair

profits from the illegal sale of weapons from Iran were used to support a group trying to overthrow the government in Nicaragua

Spiro Agnew

republican vice president who was forced to resign as a result of his illegal activities

Ayatollah Khomeini

revolutionary Islamic ruler of Iran

Henry Kissinger

secretary of state under Nixon who played a major role in shaping foreign policy

Helsinki Accords

stated that nations of eastern and western Europe recognized each other's borders, pledging economic cooperation and human rights

Gerald Ford

succeeded Nixon as president and then fully pardoned him from any crimes that he had committed

During his presidency, Reagan launched the largest peacetime buildup of

the United States military.


the combination of rising prices and economic stagnation

Anwar el-Sadat

the leader of Egypt who made peace with Israel at Camp David

Operation Desert Storm

the name given to the U.N. attack on Iraq because of their invasion of Kuwait

The accident at Three Mile Island raised concern about

the safety of nuclear reactors.

William F. Buckley

worked to spread conservative ideas to a wider audience by founding the magazine "National Review"

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