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What trade policy had the Japanese successfully enforced on the west from about 1640 to 1853? What changed this policy?

-1640 Japan seals off the country from EU to keep traditional Japanese culture~1825drove away foreign ships -To the west, Japan seemed hostile, duty to civilize +1853 Perry demanded diplomatic relations> Japan backs down b/c samurais got warfare>humiliated&treaties

How did Great Britain play the leading role in the expansion of world trade?

-1815 already IR and a colonial empire (1820 exported 50% cotton to EU and 6% to India> 1850 25% to EU 16% to India ~ b/c India couldn't put tariffs up which shows how India is an outlet for surplus products

During what two time segments during the period 1800-1913 did the international trade surge ahead?

-1840's continental EU surges ahead, 1900 Italy and Germany unifies and starts to IR

Who is John Stuart Miller?

-"On Liberty" (1859) how to solve the problem of protecting the rights of individuals and minorities in the emerging mass participation> wanted a practical and moral value to protect unpopular/ indv opinions

What enabled the North to defeat the South in the Civil War? How did a new American nationalism grow out of the war?

-(1861-65) N (union) wins b/c larger population 3:1, transportation, immigrants -S is a more close unit, believes in their cause, good leaders >Country is more unified: Homestead Act, 13th Amendment (1865 ends slavery), 14th Federal power (^)

Why was Leopold 2 of Belgium interested in Africa? Where did he establish a colony? Why was this significant?

-(r.1865-1909)lust for territories>gets Stanley to get Congo as hIs colony ~has rubber: labor extensive> slave labor +doesn't work financially> gives it to Belgium >initiates scramble for Africa, humanitarian efforts rise

What happened when William 2 came to rule? What did Bismarck predict in 1897?

-(r.1888-18) 1890 he forced Bismarck to resign, tried to help workers but socialist ideas still spread, by 1912 Social Dem were the largest group in the Reichstag -B said that there will be a great Eu war that will come from the damn foolish the Balkans, the Kaiser will end

What is temporal power?

-Power here on Earth (the Vatican church still has spiritual power)

What was the political and econ situation in the German Confederation after the failure of the Frankfurt Assembly?

-1848 Austria & Russia stopped German Unification> tension w/ Austria & Prussia grew (esp b/c Austria was excluded from the Zollverin> tries to undercut it) -William 1 of Prussia wants a bigger army> parliament rejected it in 1862 b/c they want main control> King called Bismarck to be new head of minister to defy the Parli

Who is Dr. Livingston? Who went after him? What are blood diamonds?

-1850 searched for the source of the Nile> goes crazy for 6 years and Stanley finds him at Lake Victoria -People found diamonds outside the Cartel> fights over them

Why did they the people elect Louis Napoleon as emperor later on?

-1851 the Assembly failed to change the constitution > Dec 2, 1851 coup d'état> dismissed the Assembly> crushed the protests> 92% voted for him for 10 more years> 1852 97% made him hereditary emperor> Napoleon 3~ republic is over

Why was the Crimean war (first IR war) a turning point in Russian History? When was it?

-1853-56 Russia wants a Mediterranean Port from the Otto> French steps in to protect Christ shrine> R looses -Humiliating defeat showed how Russia is backwards and needs to IR> Alex 2 frees the serfs in 1861 -modern nursing core is born- Florence Nightingale

What was the Sepoye mutiny and what caused it? What was the purpose of the Great Rebellion in India in 1857- 1858?

-1857 GBR hires Sepoye (Hindu & Muslim) to protect the white settlers> they had to put guns in pork/cow fat>war -GR: attempt by the established ruling class to drive away GBR w/ military force> GBR has to rule India directly

In what ways were ethnic rivalries and growing anti- Semitism related in Austria- Hungary?

-1871 Constitution of new German Empire brought Jewish emancipation and abolished Jewish restrictions > (: -1873 Stock market crash > anti Semitism b/c resentment against Jewish achievements/ threatened -Karl Luger (most famous anti Semitist) +Zionism forms: Jewish states> jews go to Palestine&USA

What were the causes and outcomes of the Dreyfus's affair?

-1880's edu reforms disturbed French Catholics>Pope Leo XII eased tensions> Dreyfus affair split church & state -1890's Alfred Dreyfus Jewish captain falsely accused & convicted of treason>Liberals, rep, Emilie Zola(realist who made it national) vs Army, anti-Semitics, Church had evidence against him -WW1 France is a divided republic> war efforts struggle

What were the major political developments and issues in Britain and Ireland in the late nineteenth century?

-2 Parties: Whigs(liberals) vs Tories(conservatives) -Disraeli PM broaden conservative base>1867 opens vote to all middle class >3rd reform bill 1884: male vote -vs.William Gladstone liberal PM wants Ireland home rule >tries to pass bill in 1886&1893 fails> Irish support the HOC for people's budget:(+)spending of social welfare (HOL didn't want it >then the king threatened HOL size) >Ireland gets home rule in return

To where did EU immigrants go?

-45% to USA, 20% to Asiatic Russia, 10% Argentina, 8% Canada, 7% Australia, 7% Brazil, 4% other

What were the long term effects of Bismarck's method of unifying Germany?

-After taking Alsace Lorraine, France is humiliated and wants revenge but needs allies +Bismarck makes alliances so the French doesn't> also encourages France to get colonies so they butt heads w/ GBR > Upsets Balance of Power

Why did Italy look to Piedmont Sardinia? What was their plan of unification?

-After the Congress of Vienna, PS had the most power +Mazzini was crushed by Austria in 1848 -King is Emanuel, minister: Cavour~ had a stable gov w/ a liberal constitution >wanted to conquer Italy to unite +wants Venice& Lombardy (Austria)> borrows French army> war w/ Austria, Italy wins> Treaty of villafranca: Austria gives France Lombardy> France gives Italy Lomb for Nice and Sovoy (but Austria still has Venice)

What new political arrangement emerged in Austria after its defeat by Prussia in 1866? How successful was Austria in defusing ethnic rivalries?

-After their defeat, the empire divided into dual monarchy w/ one monarch, common ministers: Austro Hungary empire~ together so they're stronger but they're expected to deal with their own state problems +Austria: Germans were 1/3 population >issue of language in gov & edu +Hungary: Magyar nobility ~only wealthy could vote, use of Hungarian language was resented

Did Napoleon 3 allow any political opposition to exist? Explain his political system and why it broke down.

-At first, he alone chose his ministers, restricted Assembly >1860s went downhill> problems in Italy& Prussia >people wanted less authority -"Public opinion always wins" Nap 3 so 1860 he gave Assembly & opposition power more power> 1869 new constitution -wants to start a war w/ Germany to unite people> looses in 6 weeks> 1871 new rep

List the post 1848 changes in European civilization?

-Austria, Prussia, French rev failed- liberalism failed> nationalism -Romanticism> Realism -Hegel's theory of undercurrent rose

What was the Berlin Conference in Africa? Who planned it and what were the purposes and outcomes of these conferences?

-Bismarck wanted peace, not war, international meeting Congo Congress: 1884-85 they establish ground rules for imperialism (effective occupation)

How was Germany unified? Describe Bismarck's methods?

-Bismarck wants to expand Prussian power> raise taxes to raise army, needs 3 wars 1.War against Danish king to get Schleswig & Holstein back: teams up with Austria so when they win in 1864, Bismarck can have a dispute with Austria 2.Austro-Prussian War 1866 7 weeks> defeats Austria@ Battle of Sadowa nice treaty: Austria is kicked out of GFed (>Austro- Hungarian),Venice goes to Italy so they unify 3. 1870 Spanish throne is passed to a Prussian> France): send a telegraph asking for no Prussian king> Bismarck takes this and edits it>Franco Prussian war> in 6 weeks Prussia defeats France& takes Alsace Lorraine, humiliated

Who said "One must always have two irons in the fire" and "Blood and iron" and what does it mean?

-Bismarck: 1. Keep your options open 2. Liberalism won't work, you need force

Summarize the reforms of Muhammad Ali in Egypt from about 1800-1849. What was positive and negative about these reforms?

-Built his state w/ large & strong army: drafted illiterate, peasants, and hired French& Italian army officers +reformed gov, encouraged commercial agric> new llords made peasants their tenants & forced them to grow cash crops "modernized", communications improved

What was wrong with Ireland's decision of unifying?

-Catholic S wanted home rule vs protestants (N. Ulster) > 1913 protestants gets an army> 1914 HOL made a compromise home rule bill that didn't apply to the north> rejected and original home bill is passed but suspended due to war in Aug 1914 > 1916 Easter rebellion~ Irish lost >1922Republic of Ireland(modified~N.Ireland is w/ GBR)

What were Cavour's hope for a unified Northern Italy saved after Napoleon 3 abandoned him?

-Central Italian nationalists revolted and toppled their prince & called for a fusion w/ Piedmont Sardinia > N and Central Italy is unified! (has Lombardy from Nap 3)

What were key episodes in China between 1860 and 1912 between traditionalists and modernists? Why did China go into shambles unlike Japan?

-China is less warlike, their culture is more passive -1860 Qing dynasty was on the verge of collapse> empress dowager Tzutlsi a good leader> 1894 to 95 Sino Japanese war: shows how China is helpless in war > 1891 Hundred Days of Reform: gov attempt to meet foreign challenge

What regulations had the Manchu Dynasty successfully placed on EU merchants up to 1820?

-Chinese civilization was self sufficient~ EU like their tea but had to pay hard silver -Manchu/Qing Dynasty regulated/isolated trade, refused to establish diplomatic relations w/ inferior EU, required all foreign merchants to live in Canton & only deal w/ monopolies > opium and exportation of silver=forbidden

What factors facilitated intercontinental trade in the 19th C? Where did most of the foreign investments in this period go?

-Conquest of distance: railroads were built, power of steam> transportation costs lowered -Suez Canal: lifeline to India, Panama Canal > better ports -Telegraph, Refrigeration, -By 1914 40 billion invested abroad

Why did the voters of France elect Louis Napoleon president in 1848?

-Dec 1848-male suffrage- won w/ 3x votes b/c, 1.Great Name: romantics turned the name into a demigod legend 2.Middle/Peasants/ Property owners: needed a tough leader for protection from socialism & urban workers 3.'Napoleonic Ideas' & 'The Elimination of Poverty': positive program to guide France 4.Promote Welfare by having a strong, authoritarian, and national leader w/ public works -4 yr term~shared power w/ conservative national assembly

What became of Napoleon 3 in France and why?

-Defeat from Franco-Prussian war in 1871 (captured Nap 3), lost Alsace & Lorraine > election and 3rd Rep is declared> Angry Parisians proclaimed the Paris Commune in March 1871 (3rd rep) > Adolphe Thiers ordered French army to crush the Commune

How did nationalism gain the support of the broad masses of society?

-Demagogic politics: leaders built extreme nationalist movements by making popular hate towards an imaginary enemy (Jews), or making public works -Parliaments are more responsible, coalition gov: more voices are heard (parties), there's school, public works

What is effective occupation?

-EU would actually have to colonize and plant their flag in order to claim it

List and explain the may causes of western imperialism in the late 19th century.

-Econ: raw materials, surplus for capital, not a real profit -Political/Nationalism: prestige> competition -Social Darwinism: strongest nation will have the greater colonies,"White man's burden"ideology to rule,not liberate -Divert attention from home domestic problems -Small IR groups, Religious groups

How did the Manchu Dynasty finally fall in 1912?

-Emperor lost his mandate of heaven: right to rule, opium -1900-1903 Boxer Rebellion: civil was> EU crushes them -1912 last emperor> uprising> loose coalition of revs called for a republic and an elected parliament

Why did the Prussian liberals make an about face and support their old enemy Bismarck after 1866?

-Federal/authoritarian gov compromised w/ old order & merchant class is formed- William 1 and Bismarck was in charge, legislature w/ equal 2 houses (appointed+voted in) -1871 new constitution- Reichstag: lower parliament based on universal male suffrage- has legislative not executive power +B expanded market

What was the Meiji Restoration in Japan? Why was it a turning point in Japan?

-Feudal society w/ Shogun: hereditary military gov w/ samurais> 1858-1863 the samurais sent a wave of terror & assignation towards EU in Japan> EU destroyed key forts >1867 group of patriotic samurais seized control of the gov, restored political power to the emperor

Summarize the key areas East and Southwest Asia that were conquered by the west from 1880 to WW1?

-France: Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) -GBR: India, China -Dutch: Indonesia -USA: Japan, Philippines, Hawaii

By 1914, which countries owned what in Africa? Which Countries weren't controlled?

-French: (NW) Sahara, Algeria, Madagascar -GBR: Egypt& Sudan(Nile), Gold Coast & Nigeria (W-mid Coast), South Africa -Germany: E Africa, SW Africa, Cameroon& Togo (W-mid Coast) -Italy: Libya (N) -Belgium: Congo (Middle) -Portuguese: Angola (SW), Mozambique (SE) -Spain: Rio De Oro (NW) -Free: Ethiopia & Liberia

In 1898, a British army faced a French army at Fashoda in north central Africa. How did each power get to such a location and was this confrontation solved? Significance?

-GBR @Khartown 1885 tried to enlarge but Muslim groups killed them> 1895 GBR built a railroad along the Nile for supplies> 1898 @Battle if Omdurman GBR killed the Muslims > But France is already at Fashoda -GBR wants to create a telegraph line from Cairo to Cape Town> France gives it up (Dreyfus, humiliated) >sig that GBR/Countries was willing to fight for colonies now

On what basis did JA Hobson attack imperialism?

-GBR economist 1902 "Imperialism": The rush to get colonies was due to the econ needs of unregulated capitalism, outlet for surplus capital, imp is not econ helpful for the country as a whole, divert attention from domestic problems

What was the nature and significance of Garibaldi's liberation of Sicily and Naples in 1860?

-Garibaldi is the son of a poor sailor, personified romantic & Liberalism of Mazzini. He wanted to unify Italy~ went to the South (tons of riots there to join Italy) and worked his way up north~ Led the 'Red Shirts' guerilla to the shore of Sicily on May 1860> liberated Naples too and was about to attack Rome until Cavour stopped him> diplomatic unification

Why Cavour so nervous about Garibaldi? How did Cavour resolve his problem and was everyone happy in the end?

-Garibaldi was preparing to attack Rome which was bad because an attack on Rome would bring the catholic countries to go through Italy to protect Rome> Garibaldi backs down for diplomatic unification>Cavour lets out a vote (small %) and the S votes to join Piedmont Sardinia -Vatican resentment/ looses temporal power,S hates the N,

Which country gave the first social- welfare laws? What were its origins?

-Germany, designed to win the support of working class +Law of 1833/34 established sickness&accident insurance +Law of 1889 established old age pensions& retirement

How did Russia progress toward IR from 1860 to WW1? Who is Sergei Witte?

-Gov encouraged railroads> construction+ factory workers form, stronger army, imperialism, 1881 Alex 3 -Follower of List: "System of political economy": need gov -Works to IR Russia> gold standard, trans- Siberian Railway (Moscow> Vladavoskav), use the West to make the West, encourages foreign investors (France helps)

What change in the west's share of total world population occurred from 1800 to WW1? Why?

-Great Migration~ 1800 188 million> 1900 432 million -EU 1800 22%> 1914 38%> 2015 11%

What were some motives of both the British merchants and the Chinese government in the opium wars of 1839-1842 and 1856-1860?

-Grown illegally in India>smuggled in China>1836Canton = independent GBR colony, wants China to open markets -Manchu wants opium trade to stop> prosecutes drug dealers, 1839 sent Lin Tse to Canton to order GBR to obey Chines laws> GBR refuses > War> uses Indian troops >gets a lot of coastal cities> Treaty of Nanking 1842 force China to cede Hong Kong & open markets w/low tariffs -1856 & 1860 thousand GBR/France attack>more treaties

What was the status of the Russian serf in the early 19th century? How beneficial was the reform of 1861 to the serf, what did it do?

-Horrible~ under the control of their lord> 1861 still bad -1861 Alex 2 freed the serfs, goal: make a new middle class 1. Mirs: established communes: (bad) land that was given to peasants > peasants can't improve Zemstvo: local gov that was elected -not financed

How well did the Japanese copy the EU? What EU ideas were most attractive to them?

-IR in 30 years by themselves, abolished feudal system> free and competitive gov, railroads, navy, army, Imperial powers: had some of Korea & China

What allowed the west such unprecedented success in subduing and often exploiting non western cultures during the late 19th C?

-IR> steam power: allows to travel rivers Vaccines: against Malaria Guns: kill people

What were the advantages and disadvantages of GBR rule for the Indians?

-Indians are treated as 2nd class citizens -Some GBR women educated some Indian women, modern system of edu in English, irrigation, railroads

Who still wanted all of Ireland to be united even after 1922?

-Irish Republic Army +Sinnfein: political wing of IRA

Who said, "My country isn't in Africa, we are now part of EU"

-Ismail, he was proud of his reforms and IR

How large was the income gap between IR and non IR regions? What did List warn?

-Large 25x uneven global development -List said that countries need to IR or become colonies

What programs and efforts allowed France to slowly from some stable sense of national unity after the disasters of 1870-71?

-Leon Gambetta~ prime minister moderate rep ~ preached a rep of truly equal opportunities, establishing absolute parliamentary supremacy, colonies, trade unions -Jules Ferry PM passed a series of laws between 1879&86 like, edu that's tax supported>loyalty of patriotic young -3rd rep let young teachers marry to be a good ex +effort to make a new secular culture> Pope Leo XII ease tension

Which EU leader first modeled the authoritarian& nationalism that has been often copied ever since?

-Louis Napoleon (Napoleon 3) showed how gov could reconcile popular& conservative forces in an authoritarian nation> modern dictatorship is born

What was the Paris Commune? What division in France did the Paris expose once again?

-March 1871 Parisians wanted to govern Paris w/o interference from conservatives +Rural vs IR people b/c France never fully IR -Thier's destruction of the Commune showed the 3rd rep is moderate and socially conservatives

What was the purpose of the socialist internationals? To what degree did they represent working class unity?

-Marx 1864 1st working man association "international" +collapsed because it was too radical -1889-1914 2nd meeting all of EU workers to one place +all go behind their flag, already content w/ life +May 1 (May Day) declared an annual international strike

What were differences in EU migration patterns among various EU states?

-Migration patterns mirrored social/econ conditions +GBR/Ireland: left in large numbers 1840+ +Germany left irregularly +Italians left till 1914

How were territorial expansion and the issue of slavery related in the United States?

-N is IR,gets immigrants,S:slave society, agric base~cotton +Constitution: vague, compact theory: states can determine what is/ is not -1848 Mexico cedes to USA> debate over influence there> 1860 Lincoln> 11 S states form confederation of A > +Lincoln wants to end the expansion of slave- EmancProcl

Why did nationalism become a universal faith in Europe between 1850 and 1914?

-Nationalism: new religion~ tool to control the mass/ loyal -Nation States: emergence of mass politics and mass loyalty to their nation b/c: people could vote, gov used nationalism to make it seem like there was a sense of unity

Was the new Germany a democracy? Where did the power reside in the Germany of 1871?

-No, Bismarck; it was a federal union w/24 states+Prussia but a strong national gov w/ chancellor& a 'Reichstag': elected lower house w/ leg power but not executive (German Particularism: not a unified nation state) +New constitution: universal male suffrage

What are two explanations for the rise of anti- imperialist leader in almost every corner of the non western world from 1900 and on?

-Outgrowth of education 1. Wanted human dignity which is incapable w/foreign rule 2. Westernizes justified their protest~ liberalism, civil liberties, home rule> modern nationalism

What was Russia like in the 1850s?

-Poor agricultural society, open field system, serfdom

What were the positive and negative effects of Khedive Ismail's rule in Egypt?

-Prince, son of Muhammad Ali, westernizing autocrat: large irrigation networks> cotton production/ export to EU boom, support Suez canal, Arabic= official language -Too impatient & reckless: projects were expensive>debt France & GBR politically intervened to protect EU bond, forced Ismail to appoint French& GBR to oversee finance

Only about 10% of Africa was controlled by EU prior to 1880, by whom? What were key areas of control before 1880?

-Prior: GBR took Cape town from Dutch> 1835 "Great Trek" Dutch settlers (Boers) went more into the interior where they fought the Zulus+ Xhosa -1880:coastal:France(t),Spanish,Portuguese,GBR(bottom)

Account for the rapid growth of socialist parties in Europe in the last quarter of the nineteenth century?

-Prosperous conservative citizens were greatly troubled by the socialist movement > conflict -Socialists believe that the problem are the rich people/ econ not ethnic groups. Econ is going down, collapse of 1870 > socialist parties gain followers and power

Describe Bismarck's temperament, political views, and training prior to 1862 when he became chief minister for Prussia?

-Prussian landowning, Junker heritage, angry, liked to drink, and dual -master of real politics very strategically smart, collected taxes against parliament's wish/ reorganized army 1.Alliance with Austria>2. Makes alliances w/ EU powers and defeats Austria out of German Fed 3. Uses nationalism to drive Austria out

What were push- pull factors? Who never planned to come back?

-Push: political oppression, lack of land, famine -Pull: more land, opportunities *Jewish and the Irish never planned to go back home

What were the general arguments of the revisionist socialists? Review the successes of revisionist efforts. Were the revisionist true Marxists?

-Revisionists wanted to revise Marx doctrines to match reality of the time> don't need violence, just keep the rich out of office (weren't radical b/c conditions improved) -1899 Edward Bernstein "Evolutionary Socialism"~ Marx was wrong, conditions are good> should gradually work w/ other progressive groups to socialism, no violence

Who were the most anti- sematic country? What did they do?

-Russia, Nicolas 2 (r.1894) uses them as scapegoats, 'Pogroms' > Mass migration of the Jews to the west +They also considered the Jews as a threat -last country to outlaw Anti-sematic rules

Why did GBR beat the Indians in the Great Rebellion/ Sepoye mutiny in 1857-1858?

-Sikhs: group of Hindu with Muslim traits supported GBR -Maharajah: supports GBR b/c they got wealthy -The Hindu and the Muslims hate each other

What were Swallows? Why was kinship ties important in migration? What were "great white walls"

-Swallows: Italians who harvested I Italy and in Argentina -Ties were important b/c family/friends follow, "migration chain" -"Great white walls": discriminatory laws to keep Asians out in 1880

What proved to be the more effective attack on imperialism? Recall examples of influential writers and politicians who led this attack.

-The moral concept, Joeseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness" 1902~shows dark side of human conditions (anti-sematic) +About a scholar who turns selfish; "Civilizing Africa etc

Explain the series of events by which GBR gained control over Egypt?

-They determined state budget & effectively ruled Egypt >violent nationalistic reaction> 1879 colonel Arabi formed Egyptian Nationalistic Part>Ismail abdicated to his son Tewfiq> anti-EU riots in Alexandria in 1882> GBR puts them down and occupies all of Egypt, "khedive"=puppet +tax reforms, peasant conditions(:~new model4expansion

Describe the progress Russia made toward political and social democratization before WW1.

-Wants territories-Japan> 1904 Japan attacks> 1905Jwins -Rev of 1905: Bloody Sunday: crowds of workers went to petition led by Father Gapon@ St.P> Nicolas 2 killed them Oct 1905: general strikes> October Manifesto: gives civil rights and an elected Duma w/ legislative power -May 1906 new constitution~Fundamental Laws: tsar has absolute veto>):< > Tsar dismisses 1st then 2nd Duma> rewrote electoral law so new Duma are landowners -Peter Stolypin~ agric reforms~ breaking down Mirs and redistributing the land> gulags: richer peasant class -By 1914 Russia is partly modernized conserve const mon

What were some of the benefits Napoleon 3 bestowed on his subjects?

-gov encouraged new investment banks, railroads, rebuilt Paris, public works> conditions/econ/ family rose & unemployment decreased +Pawn shops: sign of desperation, problem is crime> Nap 3 regulates goods

Why was Italy before 1860 merely a geographical expression?

-reorganized in 1815 congress of Vienna (Piedmont Sardinia gets more power) > regional identity -N&S were very different, N is IR, stable, prosperous, S is a mess: no one wants the S -Middle is papal state

What and when were the three phrases of aggressive expansion by the west into the non western world?

1. Crusades 1110-1300 forced Christianity to the world +get the holy land Jerusalem back (looses but gets spices) 2. 1453 Constantinople is taken over by ottoman turks> Atlantic economy emerges from med "Old imperialism" 3. 1850-1914 "New imperialism" -Africa, China, India -Inspired by stability after 1848, byproduct of nationalism

What was Bismarck's relationship (after 1871) with the Catholic church, the liberals, and the socialists?

1. Kultur Kampf: struggle for civilization. Bismark was alarmed by Pius IX making the loyalty to the church above their nation in 1870> B abandons his attack & helps them econ by high protective tariffs 2. IR but the liberals just want more but B doesn't want any colonies> sets high tariffs > won support 3. Feared socialism b/c their cause would transcend national boundary,stop its growth-law that controls S meetings & outlawed the Social Dem Party (stayed alive) +Bans them but gives them everything (rights)

What were the basic approaches to Italian unification? Which one prevailed?

1.Radical Giuseppe Mazzini wanted a centralized dem republic based on universal male suffrage >too radical 2. Vincenzo Gioberti, catholic priest wants federation under a pope +supported by Pius IX but then not b/c he was driven out of Rome 1848 "Syllabus of Errors" : denounced separation of church and state 3*: Look to the Autocratic kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia

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