EVR 1001 CH. 8, 9, 18, 23 QUIZZES

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Urban heat islands affect local air current and weather conditions including which of the following? 1) increased number of thunderstorms over cities in summer months 2) lingering dust domes over cities 3) stronger natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes 4) extreme cold temperatures in the winter and record-setting heat in summer A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 1 and 2

1 and 2

11) All of the following are possible problems associated with incineration EXCEPT: a) production of heat to produce electricity. b) air pollution containing mercury. c) particulate air pollution. d) large quantities of toxic ash. e) the release of dioxins.


14) Organic waste can be converted into valuable soil conditioners through the process of: a) composting. b) osmosis. c) dematerialization. d) incineration. e) reduction.


23) The most successful recycling program in the United States involves: a) aluminum cans. b) old computers. c) glass. d) old automobiles. e) paper.


26) Hazardous waste accounts for approximately what percent of the U.S. waste stream? a) 1% b) 10% c) 25% d) 50% e) 75%


28) Which of the following forms of hazardous waste is incorrectly paired with its source? a) PCBs - composting b) nerve gas - old military installations c) mercury - metal refining d) CFCs - air conditioners and refrigerators e) dioxins - combustion of chlorine compounds


30) Incineration is a particularly effective method to destroy _______. a) PCBs b) dioxins c) radioactive Wastes d) coal ash e) heavy metals


7) One of the problems associated with sanitary landfills is: a) the possibility of a methane gas explosion. b) leakage of radioactive waste. c) depletion of groundwater. d) transmission of communicable diseases. e) None of these choices is correct


8) Which of the following statements about landfills is FALSE? a) Most sanitary landfills in operation today meet current standards for new landfills. b) Landfills produce methane gas. c) Landfills have the ability to contaminate surface water and groundwater. d) Few new landfills are being opened to replace old ones. e) All of these choices are true


Which of the following does not apply to family planning measures used now or in the past in China? A. compulsory sterilization of fathers after males are born B. penalties and fines for a second child C. many newborn girls abandoned or killed D. abortion is common when the woman is pregnant with a second child E. education and publicity programs

A. compulsory sterilization of fathers after males are born

Which of the following makes it impossible to determine the carrying capacity for humans? A. quality of life and quantity of people are intertwined in this issue B. fertility rates differ between highly developed and developing countries C. contraceptives are not used uniformly on a global basis D. the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic has yet to be determined E. government policies on population growth vary dramatically between countries

A. quality of life and quantity of people are intertwined in this issue

Compact development benefits the environment in all of the following ways except: A. reversing the trend towards urbanization. B. reducing air pollution. C. preserving rural areas. D. utilizing brownfields, rather than natural habitats, for further development. E. minimizing the reliance on personal motor vehicles.

A. reversing the trend towards urbanization.

The challenges for countries with aging populations include all of the following concerns EXCEPT A. ways to deal with an increase in violent crimes B. a need to increase the age of retirement C. reduction in financial benefits for the elderly D. not enough young people to support the elderly population E. a greater demand for health and social services

A. ways to deal with an increase in violent crimes

The decline in genetic diversity within a given variety of crop plant results in loss of: A. color variations. B. flavor differences. C. nutritional differences. D. size variations. E. All of these choices are correct

All of these choices are correct

1) The three largest producers of solid waste in the United States are: a) agriculture, industry, and municipal solid waste. b) agriculture, industry, and mining. c) industry, mining, and commercial office buildings. d) industry, mining, and municipal solid waste. e) agriculture, mining, and municipal solid waste.


16) Which of the following should NOT be recycled? a) personal computers b) food scraps c) televisions d) cell phones e) All of these items can be recycled


22) Why are refillable glass beverage bottles rarely used in the United States today? a) increased concerns about disease transmission b) transportation costs of heavy bottles to and from centralized bottling plants c) most consumers prefer to purchase disposable containers d) legislation prohibits bottle reuse e) all of these choices are correct


27) All of the following are major categories of hazardous waste EXCEPT: a) acids. b) sewage. c) heavy metals. d) organic solvents. e) radioactive waste.


31) The largest dioxin polluters in the United States are probably: a) gas stations. b) hospital waste incinerators. c) nuclear power plants. d) automobiles. e) cigarettes.


33) The Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located along which U.S. river? a) Colorado River, Arizona b) Columbia River, Washington c) Mississippi River, Louisiana d) Ohio River, Ohio e) Potomac River, Maryland


38) Used tires: a) are one of the most successfully recycled materials in the U.S. b) can be recycled into a limited number of products including rubberized asphalt and playground equipment. c) are difficult to recycle due to their varied compositions. d) can be recycled into a wide variety of products including carpeting, automobile parts and clothing. e) from the United States are in high demand on the international market.


4) Over half of the solid waste produced in the United States is disposed of: a) by composting. b) in sanitary landfills. c) by incineration. d) in open air dumps. e) by recycling.


Which of the following is not true of highly developed countries? A. a list would include Japan, Australia, and Germany B. have high fertility rates C. have very low infant mortality rates D. have longer life expectancies than less developed countries E. have low rates of population growth

B. have high fertility rates

13) A significant problem with waste incineration is that: a) acid rain can cause the lime scrubbers to neutralize electrostatic precipitators. b) hazardous materials cannot be removed by air-pollution control devices. c) heavy metals in the fly ash must be disposed of in a hazardous waste landfill. d) the resulting ash takes up more space than the original waste. e) All of these choices are correct


2) The largest single component of municipal solid waste in the United States is: a) food wastes. b) glass. c) paper products. d) plastic. e) yard waste.


20) A good example of source reduction would be: a) burning old tires to generate usable energy. b) finding uses for discarded computers and other high technology equipment. c) the lighter weight of aluminum cans compared to 30 years ago. d) installing air pollution control devices in incinerators. e) increasing the percentage of paper, glass, and aluminum that is recycled in the United States.


21.) Which of the following statements about recycling automobiles is FALSE? a) Fluids are drained, recycled, or processed for disposal. b) About 75% of the weight of the car can be reused for parts. c) Recycling the scrap iron and steel actually produces more air pollution than using new materials. d) Recycling plastic is difficult. e) Catalytic converters are disassembled for the platinum and rhodium.


3) Which of the following does NOT contribute to municipal solid waste production? a) hospitals b) retail stores c) agriculture d) office buildings e) restaurants


32) In 1978, ________ became the first location ever declared a national emergency area because of hazardous waste. a) Hanford, WA. b) Times Beach, MO. c) Love Canal, NY. d) Three-Mile Island, PA. e) Gary, IN.


34) Which of the following statements about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is TRUE? a) Bioremediation has been effective in reducing radioactive pollutants. b) The Hanford site is second only to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, in terms of contamination from radioactive waste. c) The cleanup is being conducted under the direction of the U.S. Department of Energy. d) Once cleanup is completed, the site will be used for an extensive public park. e) Once cleanup is completed, the Hanford site will remain hazardous for approximately 100 years.


9) Tires are a problem in sanitary landfills because they: a) could be melted and reused for new tires instead. b) degrade too quickly, leading to sinking within the landfill. c) collect water and provide a good breeding place for mosquitoes. d) represent the largest component of municipal solid waste. e) All of these choices are correct


Which of the following represent the two regions of the world with the greatest food insecurity? A. Sub-Saharan Africa and South America B. Central and South America C. South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa D. South Asia and South America E. Central America and South Asia

C. South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

Which of the following is not a reason for high fertility rates? A. economic and societal roles of children B. high infant mortality rate C. educating women D. religious pressures E. desire for more male children

C. educating women

The ideas and customs of a group of people at a given period and passed from generation to generation is defined as:


10) Which of the following statements does NOT explain why there are fewer sanitary landfills today than 20 years ago? a) Many landfills closed after they reached capacity. b) Many landfills closed because they did not comply with environmental standards. c) Fewer landfills are needed because newer landfills are generally much larger than in the past. d) Fewer landfills are needed because less municipal solid waste is produced today than in the past. e) Many desirable sites are already taken, and new sites are often opposed by local residents


12) The materials in municipal solid waste that are best for incineration are: a) food wastes, glass, and paper. b) food wastes, paper, and rubber. c) glass, plastics, and paper. d) paper, plastics, and rubber. e) yard wastes, rubber, and plastics.


19) Which of the following correctly identifies one of the goals of waste prevention? a) increased use of disposable items b) decreased dematerialization c) increased consumption d) increased reuse of products e) decreased recycling of packaging materials


25) Integrated waste management refers to: a) the principle of dilute and disperse. b) national programs of source reduction. c) proper disposal of household hazardous wastes. d) waste management techniques that involve reusing, recycling, and reducing. e) handling problems of household, industrial, and sewage wastes all together.


29) Which of the following statements about dioxins is CORRECT? a) Humans are primarily exposed to dioxins through drinking water. b) Dioxin pollution can be reduced if medical and municipal wastes are incinerated. c) Dioxins are byproducts during the combustion of unleaded automobile fuel. d) Dioxins are known to cause several kinds of cancer in laboratory animals, but data on humans are conflicting. e) Human exposure to dioxins is mostly limited to people living in polar regions.


36) Bioremediation: a) is faster than conventional hazardous waste disposal methods. b) is much less expensive than traditional hazardous waste disposal methods. c) for toxic wastes has only been demonstrated in the laboratory. d) involves the use of either microorganisms or plants to clean up a contaminated site. e) is particularly effective in deep soil and groundwater applications.


37) Green chemistry can play a significant role in waste management by: a) converting radioactive waste into a less harmful byproduct. b) fertilizing plants that can break down hazardous waste into harmless compounds. c) making it more economical to recycle polyethylene terphthalate (PET) plastic. d) reducing the amount of hazardous materials used in industrial processes. e) all of these statements are correct


Which of the following statements about the relationship between economics and population growth is true? A. Population growth has no effect on economic development B. Economic development does not affect population growth C. If a country's standard of living is to increase, then its population growth must decrease to almost zero D. Economic growth in developing countries would profit from slower population growth E. The debt burden in developing countries is not affecting economic development

D. Economic growth in developing countries would profit from slower population growth

15) Which of the following represent potential markets for compost from municipal solid waste composting programs? a) landscapers b) greenhouses c) golf courses d) farmers e) All of these choices are correct


17) Which of the following acts contains provisions that attempt to reduce the amount of pollution at the point of origin, rather than mitigating the damage caused by the production and release of pollutants into the environment? a) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) b) Superfund Act c) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) d) Clean Water Act e) Pollution Prevention Act


18) Every ton of recycled paper saves approximately: a) 17 trees. b) 7000 gal of water. c) 4100 kilowatt-hours of energy. d) 3 cubic yards of landfill space. e) All of these choices are correct


24) One reason that only a small percentage of plastic is recycled is that: a) the supply of plastic waste is very limited. b) few applications using recycled plastics have been developed. c) it is more expensive to recycle plastics than to make the products from raw materials. d) there is no legislative support for recycling plastic at the local, state, or federal level. e) there are many different kinds of plastic found in consumer products.


35) Who pays for the cleanup of toxic sites on the Superfund National Priorities List? a) those who transported wastes to the site b) those who dumped wastes on the site c) prior owners of the site d) current owners of the site e) all of these choices are correct


5) A benefit of sanitary landfills over "open dumps" is that: a) clay liners at the bottom of the landfill help prevent groundwater pollution. b) a soil cover minimizes the escape and dispersal of offensive odors. c) they have systems designed to collect leachate. d) they tend to have fewer rodents than open dumps. e) All of these statements are correct


6) What factors should be considered to make an "ideal" sanitary landfill? a) geology b) proximity to nearby surface and ground water c) proximity to population centers, but far enough to not be offensive d) does not require high transportation costs to deliver solid waste e) All of these statements are correct


High fertility rates are generally encouraged in developing countries because: A. children contribute to the family's livelihood. B. children must care for aging parents. C. male children are culturally more desirable, so families continue to have children until male children are born. D. high fertility rates compensate for high infant mortality rates. E. All of these choices are correct

E. All of these choices are correct

Which of the following factors affects the total fertility rate for human populations today? A. Availability of family planning services B. Cultural and religious traditions C. Government policies D. Marriage age E. All of these choices are correct

E. All of these choices are correct

The involvement of governments in childbearing and child rearing is well established. All of the following are government interventions to influence population growth EXCEPT: A. In the U.S., laws governing the minimum age people may marry B. In the U.S., tax structures which provide allowances based on family size C. In China, enforcement of penalties and fines with the birth of a second child D. In China, preferential housing for couples who sign a pledge to limit themselves to a single child E. In Mexico, monetary "baby bonuses", paid maternity and paternity leaves, and government sponsored child care

E. In Mexico, monetary "baby bonuses", paid maternity and paternity leaves, and government sponsored child care

A program in Curitiba, Brazil which pays bus tokens, surplus food, or school supplies for filled garbage bags is: A. Trash to Treasure Program B. Rubbish Reward Program C. Debris Barter Program D. Garbage Purchase Program E. Waste Watchers Program

Garbage Purchase Program

The social construct that results in women not having the same rights, opportunities or privileges as men is

Gender inequality

Which of the following statements about organic food production is true? a. organic farming has allowed US agriculture to become the most efficient and productive in the world b. it may involve the use of antibiotic and hormones for livestock as long as no chemicals are added to crops c. the soil is fertilized with commercial inorganic fertilizer, with the use of cover crops every fourth year d. organic farms must be kept insect-free to allow for the crops to survive without the use of pesticides

NOT: organic farms must be kept insect-free to allow for the crops to survive without the use of pesticides

The two areas of the world with the greatest food insecurity are: A. South America and South Asia. B. South America and sub-Saharan Africa. C. China and sub-Saharan Africa. D. South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. E. the Middle East and South Asia.

South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

What is gentrification? A. The movement of wealthier people back to older, run-down homes that have been renovated. B. The remaining people in the city and older suburbs who find themselves the victims of declining property values and increasing isolation from suburban jobs C. The movement of more affluent citizens to the suburbs to avoid the noise and pollution of inner cities. D. The remaining of people in the inner city because of prejudice encountered when they seek to move out to suburban neighborhoods E. The movement of people to the suburbs to pay less in terms of taxes but more in terms of transportation costs.

The movement of wealthier people back to older, run-down homes that have been renovated.

A scientist who first sounded the alarm about the growth of the human population and the ability of the earth to handle a large population of humans was

Thomas Malthus

What county produces the most genetically modified crops? a. Germany b. Brazil c. Canada d. United States

United States

Each person who scales back unnecessary consumption lessens the effects of population growth. The way of life that involves wanting and spending less is:

Voluntary simplicity

Which of the following is/are currently used to increase livestock yields? a. maintaining a wide variety of genetically diverse livestock b. using genetically engineered foodstuffs c. implementing integrated pest management d. administering antibiotics and hormones

administering antibiotics and hormones

Genetically modified crops and foods: a. may have higher nutritional value than the original product b. may be resistant to pest, diseases and stressful weather/climate conditions c. may produce unexpected allergic reactions in some consumers d. all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

An age structure diagram shaped like a pyramid is characteristic of a country with:

an increasing population growth rate

livestock is an expensive source of food because: a. it is particularly rich in protein b. of the amount of land area needed to house the animals c. the antibiotics and hormones needed to support high yield are exceedingly expensive d. animals are inefficient at converting plant food into meat

animals are inefficient at converting plant food into meat

Unlike people who live in urban areas, people who live in rural areas A. are employed in occupations which involve industrial labor B. are far more heterogeneous with respect to race C. are far more heterogeneous with respect to religion D. are generally younger than those in the surrounding cities E. are employed in occupations which involve harvesting natural resources

are employed in occupations which involve harvesting natural resources

Two main reasons that the world grain stocks have dropped in the years prior to 2013 was due to: a. bad weather and increased consumption of animal products b. wars and political unrest c. increased disease and bad weather d. bad weather and wars

bad weather and increased consumption of animal products

Approximately what percentage of marine organisms captured in commercial fisheries is undesirable, and returned to the water as bycatch a. 5% b. 10% c. 25% d. 50%

c. 25%

according to india in nobel laureate Amartya Sen, what is the leading cause of hunger and famine? a. soil degradation b. per capital income c. climate conditions d. governmental type


What factors have contributed to the economic disparity between older neighborhoods and suburbs? A. declining inner-city property values B. gentrification C. relocation of jobs to suburban areas D. declining inner-city property values and relocation of jobs to suburban areas E. all of these choices are correct

declining inner-city property values and relocation of jobs to suburban areas

Over the past several years the world growth rate has:


Which of the following is not part of sustainable agriculture? a. integrated pest management b. water and energy conservation c. organic farming d. decreased biodiversity

decreased biodiversity

An improving socioeconomic condition of a country is generally correlated with

decreased birth rate and decreased population growth rate

All of the following are among the most important livestock species except: A. pigs. B. turkeys. C. goats. D. water buffalo. E. deer


The science of population structure and growth is called:


Which areas of the world are at the most risk for famine? a. developing nations in south america b. developing nations in africa c. western europe d. developing nations in both south america and africa

developing nations in both south america and africa

Which of the following fishing practices has been banned by most countries but continues to be used illegally? a. longlines b. bycatch c. trawl bag d. drift nets

drift nets

Important environmental benefits provided by ecosystems and which have been affected by industrial agriculture, are known as: a. evolution of genetics b. habitat exploitation c. ecosystem services d. natural products

ecosystem services

From the farmer's field to the kitchen table, which section of the "food pipeline" contributes the most greenhouse gases? a. transportation b. food production c. packaging d. marketing

food production

Based on our current understanding of genetically modified crops, which of the following statements is true? a. genetically modified crops are just as safe for consumption as organic crops b. no research is being done to analyze the effects of genetically modified crop seeds spreading uncontrollably c. genetically modified crops in North America have been already found to have harmful effects on the environment d. there are very lenient rules in areas of genetic modification research

genetically modified crops are just as safe for consumption as organic crops

Designing and constructing buildings that are energy efficient, economical, and made of recycled materials, is a trend called:

green architecture

All of the following are subsistence agriculture practices except: a. shifting cultivation b. slash and burn agriculture c. nomadic herding d. high-input agriculture

high-input agriculture

Urbanization: A. is growing more quickly in developing countries than in developed countries. B. currently accounts for housing about 75% of the global population. C. results in fewer employment opportunities in developed countries as compared to rural areas. D. refers to the migration of city people to the country to enjoy country living. E. describes a grouping of 10,000 or more individuals.

is growing more quickly in developing countries than in developed countries.

Which of the following identifies one of the problems associated with the "green revolution"? a. it did not produce enough food for developing countries b. it made developing countries dependent on high energy, imported technologies c. it was confined to highly developed countries d. it was rejected due to conflict with cultural traditions in developing countries

it made developing countries dependent on high energy, imported technologies

A process, either natural or manmade, that decreases the ability of land to support future crops or livestock is: a. habitat fragmentation b. slash and burn agriculture c. overgrazing d. land degradation

land degradation

To optimize the quality and productivity of their "crop" aquaculture farmers control all of the following except: a. predation b. breeding cycles c. market prices d. diets

market prices

In the future, all of the following factors are likely to contribute to an increased demand for rice, corn and wheat except: a. increasing demand for meat b. increased use of crop plants to produce biofuels c. increased population size d. migration away from productive growing areas

migration away from productive growing areas

Sustainable agricultural practices are characterized by all of the following except: A. crop selection. B. water and energy conservation. C. monoculture. D. use of manure as a fertilizer. E. increasing biological diversity to control pests.


Which of the following factors concerning South Asia and southern Africa suggest that people there will be increasingly food insecure as a result of a global climate change? a. people are dependent on locally grown in all food crops b. increases in extreme weather events will lead to a decrease in all food crops c. the warming climate will lead to an increase in production of certain crops d. uncertainty of climate projections

people are dependent on locally grown in all food crops

A type of intercropping in which many different species of plants are planted together: A. monoculture B. afroculture C. magniculture D. polyculture E. ambiculture


Germplasm: A. can only be distributed by government agencies. B. refers to only the seeds of traditional crop varieties. C. is the subject of a new international treaty governing the exchange and patenting of these materials. D. cannot be used to preserve or improve the genetic characteristics of livestock. E. All of these statements are correct

refers to only the seeds of traditional crop varieties.

Which of the following is not an environmental problem associated with industrialized agriculture? A. release of antioxidants B. soil erosion C. depletion of freshwater resources D. disposal of livestock wastes E. habitat loss

release of antioxidants

A type of subsistence agriculture which requires large tracts of land and consists of short periods of cultivation followed by lengthened fallow periods: A. slash-and-burn agriculture B. nomadic herding C. intercropping D. shifting cultivation E. Both slash and burn agriculture and shifting cultivation are correct

shifting cultivation

Which of the following statements about sustainable agriculture is false? a. an important goal of sustainable agriculture is to preserve the quality of the agricultural soil b. sustainable agriculture methods are less damaging to the environment, but have higher associated costs c. sustainable agriculture relies on beneficial biological processes and environmentally friendly chemcials d. sustainable agriculture involved diversification of crops and livestock

sustainable agriculture methods are less damaging to the environment, but have higher associated costs

Which of the following crops has not been significantly improved by the green revolution? A. potatoes B. wheat C. sweet potatoes D. rice E. corn

sweet potatoes

domesticated plants and animals: a. are characterized by high genetic diversity b. are less likely to succumb to new strains of disease-causing organisms c. tend to lose genetic diversity as the farmer selects for more desirable agricultural characteristics d. can readily survive in both cultivated and wild (natural) setting

tend to lose genetic diversity as the farmer selects for more desirable agricultural characteristics

One of the factors slowing expansion of aquaculture is: a. restrictive legislation b. that it is expensive c. lack of public willingness to purchase fish produced by aquaculture d. that the fish produced are of lower quality than wild-caught

that it is expensive

Modern cultivation methods combined with high yielding varieties or certain popular crops to increase the amount of food produced per designated area characterizes: a. organic farming b. the green revolution c. chemical enhancement d. self-yielding farming

the green revolution

The single most important factor affecting high total fertility rates may be:

the low status of women in many societies

Concern over the routine use of antibiotics in raising livestock centers around: A. the potential that bacterial resistance to antibiotics may increase as a result. B. violations of U.S. government policy that prohibits their indiscriminate use in livestock. C. the fact that the antibiotics may be toxic to small children. D. a tentative link between antibiotics and cancer. E. the excessively high concentrations of chemicals that are then found in the meat products.

the potential that bacterial resistance to antibiotics may increase as a result.

Zero Population growth is:

when the birth rate equals the death rate

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