EVRN 148 ch 09 Oceans questions

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in which of the following locations would you expect to find the largest fish populations? a. coastal zones b. intertidal zones c. abyssal zone d. pelagic zones in the middle of the large ocean basins such as the pacific and atlantic oceans

coastal zones

what are the characteristics of upwelled water? a. cold and nutrient rich b. warm and nutrient rich c. warm and nutrient poor d. cold and nutrient poor

cold and nutrient rich

oceans cover approximately __ of the earth's surface. a. 70% b. 33% c. 25% d. 50%


there is a large area of coastal ocean near the mouth of a large river where fish are dying and measurements of the water show low levels of dissolved oxygen. with these two observations, what type of activity is likely taking place upstream of the river mouth? a. nuclear power plant operations b. there is no way to answer this question c. heavy industrial activity such as steel manufacturing and oil refining d. agricultural activities, including large farming and livestock operations

agricultural activities, including large farming and livestock operations

an increase in ocean ph would use which of the following? a. an increase in carbonate ions available for marine life b. the breakdown of coral reefs c. an increase in bicarbonate ions d. a die off of clams, snails, and plankton

an increase in carbonate ions available for marine life

the deepwater horizon was a. a layer of the ocean within the abyssal zone b. an oil exploration submarine sank and imploded and leaked oil near galveston bay, texas c. an oil rig that exploded in the gulf of mexico in 2010 d. an oil tanker that ran aground off the coast of alaska in 1989

an oil rig that exploded in the gulf of mexico in 2010

which of the following statements regarding the pH scale is true? a. as ph increases, the concentration of H+ ions increases b. as ph decreases, the concentration of H+ ions decreases c. as ph increases, acidity increases d. as ph decreases, acidity increases

as ph decreases, acidity increases

why is surface water salinity higher in the tropic oceans than in the northern oceans? a. because of coastal upwelling zones b. because the salts tend to flow toward areas of warm water c. because there is more chemical weathering in this part of the world d. because the higher rate of evaporation concentrates the salts

because the higher rate of evaporation concentrates the salts

which of the following statements about deltas and estuaries is correct? a. deltas and estuaries are two different kinds of wetlands found at the mouths of rivers b. both are found at the mouth of rivers, but deltas are formations made of silt, whereas estuaries contain transitional ecosystems c. deltas are found at the mouths of rivers, whereas estuaries can be found anywhere along a coastline d. "estuaries" are called "deltas" in the southern United States, and the terms are technically interchangeable

both are found at the mouth of rivers, but deltas are formations made of silt, whereas estuaries contain transitional ecosystems

which one of the following statements about bottoms trawling is correct? a. bottom trawling is the preferred technique for harvesting corals for the aquarium trade b. bottom trawling often traps dolphins and whales c. bottom trawling is a newly developed technology that attempts to minimize negative impacts on marine ecosystems d. bottom trawling damages coral reefs

bottom trawling damages coral reefs

a la nina event typically results in ___ conditions in the northwestern united states a. colder and drier than average b. warmer and drier than average c. warmer and wetter than average d. colder and wetter than average

colder and wetter than average

the surface water in the arctic ocean has a density of about 1,000 kg/m^3 at 4˚C, whereas the surface water of a tropical ocean has a density of about 997 kg/m^3 at 20˚C. If this density difference is mostly caused by temperature, what does this tell us about the general influence of temperature on water density above 4˚C? a. density stays the same with temperature b. denser is highest where freshwater inputs to the ocean are the largest, and these also tend to be the coldest areas of the ocean c. density decreases as temperature rises d. density increases as temperature rises

density decreases as temperature rises

which of the following is the best example of non point-source pollution? a. the hull of a ship that sank off the coast of north carolina b. discarded plastic grocery bags that blew into the ocean c. oil spilled from the deepwater horizon in the gulf of mexico d. partially treated sewage released from a pipe into the pacific ocean 5 miles west of los angeles

discarded plastic grocery bags that blew into the ocean

increases in ocean temperatures often result in coral bleaching, which a. disrupts the relationship between corals and their algae b. causes water to become so cloudy that no light can reach the algae in corals c. dissolves away the calcium carbonate of corals, leading just the soft animals behind d. causes corals to release high levels of chlorine, killing the fish that are associated with the reef ecosystems

disrupts the relationship between corals and their algae

trade winds blow in which direction in the tropics? a. north to south b. east to west c. from south to north d. from west to east

east to west

trade winds weaken and warm water in the pacific ocean shifts toward the east during a(n) ___ event a. el nino b. upwelling c. oscillation d. la nina

el nino

el nino and la niña events affect weather patterns over the united states (and beyond). why? a. el nino events cause an increase in upwelling, which adds more nutrients to the surface water; these nutrients cause increased productivity, which pulls carbon dioxide out of the air and cools the climate b. el nino and la niña events change the temp of the pacific ocean and affect atmospheric circulation patterns that influence climate over north america c. el nino events bring warmer water near the coast of the united states, which causes more water to evaporate into the atmosphere and therefore changes rainfall patterns d. el nino evenets move cold water close to the us coast, which then leads to the climate cooling over the western portions of the continent

el nino and la niña events change the temp of the pacific ocean and affect atmospheric circulation patterns that influence climate over north america

which of the following statements correctly describes eutrophication? a. eutrophication occurs when aquatic organisms due from exposure to herbicides and other contaminants b. eutrophication occurs when algae and aquatic plant growth increase because of an increase in nutrient availability c. eutrophication occurs when aquatic organisms suffocate because their gills are coated with oil d. eutrophication occurs when aquatic organisms due from lack of nutrients in the water

eutrophication occurs when algae and aquatic plant growth increase because of an increase in nutrient availability

how do marine protected areas differ from marine reserves? a. the goals of creating marine reserves is to protect all marine species, while the focus of marine protected areas is to protect fish populations b. fish can be harvested from a marine protected area but not a marine reserve c. the two terms are actually synonymous. the terms only differ in their usage, in that the us government is the only government to officially use the term "marine protected areas" d. fish can be harvested from a marine reserve but not a marine protected area

fish can be harvested from a marine protected area but not a marine reserve

which of the following statements about the photic and aphotic zone is true? a. nutrient levels limit primary production in the aphotic zone but not the photic zone b. greater primary productivity occurs in the photic zone than the aphotic zone c. high levels of primary productivity occur throughout the photic and aphotic zones, as long as nutrients are available d. nutrients accumulate in the photic zone and are returned via upwellings to the aphotic zone

greater primary productivity occurs in the photic zone than the aphotic zone

which of the following statements about thermohaline circulation is true? a. thermohaline circulation is created by the expansion of ocean water as it cools and becomes less dense b. thermohaline circulation brings surface waters from the poles toward the equator, where the water then sinks and returns toward the poles c. in thermohaline circulation, surface waters become more dense as evaporation and cooling occur d. in thermohaline circulation, the upwelling of warm waters in the tropics circulates denser water toward the poles

in thermohaline circulation, surface waters become more dense as evaporation and cooling occur

which of the following statements about ocean water is true? a. ocean water has become more acidic over the past two hundred years because of fossil fuel combustion b. the ions in ocean water make it 30% more acidic than pure water c. the burning of fossil fuels has resulted in a lower concentration of H+ in ocean water d. carbon dioxide from the ocean is diffusing into the atmosphere at a greater rate than it did 200 years ago

ocean water has become more acidic over the past two hundred years because of fossil fuel combustion

sharks would generally be found in which of the following ocean zones? a. intertidal zone b. pelagic zone c. abyssal zone d. benthic zone

pelagic zone

which of the following categories of organisms are the primary producers in most marine food webs? a. benthos b. phytoplankton c. zooplankton d. nekton


what is the source of energy used by primary producers living in the abyssal zone? a. sulfur compounds b. primary producers cannot live in the abyssal zone c. sunlight d. organic material falling from above

primary producers cannot live in the abyssal zone

if you were to be placed in charge of responding to the threat of ocean acidification by reducing pollution, which of the following actions would be the most important action you could recommend? a. eliminate the disposal of acidic materials in households and businesses in cities and towns close to the ocean b. reduce the illegal disposal of plastics that decompose into acids when they sit for a long time in sea water c. reduce the emission of the nitrogen and sulfur compounds that create acid rain d. reduce the emission of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide

reduce the emission of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide

which of the following statements about sewage treatment facilities in the industrialized world is true? a. sewage treatment facilities generally remove solids but do not remove any pathogenic bacteria b. sewage treatment facilities remove pathogenic bacteria but do not remove solids c. most industrialized countries do not require the use of sewage treatment facilities and allow the discharge of raw sewage into the ocean d. sewage treatment facilities generally work well except in times of flooding

sewage treatment facilities generally work well except in times of flooding

The two most common ions that make up the salts in the ocean water are a. calcium and carbonate ions b. water and chloride ions c. sodium and chloride ions d. calcium and potassium ions

sodium and chloride ions

temperature, density, and salinity: which characteristic(s) of ocean water vary with depth in the transition later? a. temp, density, and salinity b. temp and salinity only c. temp and density only d. density only

temp, density, and salinity

which one of the following is the best example of a "fishery"? a. a fish canning factory in alaska b. a pet store that specializes in tropical fish c. a series of tanks used by the minnesota dept of resources to raise the fish needed to stock the state's lakes d. the Atlantic cod industry in maritime Canada

the Atlantic cod industry in maritime Canada

how is marine productivity limited in high-latitude and tropical oceans? a. the availability of light limits productivity in both high latitudes and tropical oceans b. the availability of nutrients limits productivity in high latitude oceans, while the availability of light limits productivity in tropical oceans c. the availability of light limits productivity in high latitude oceans, while the availability of nutrients limits productivity in tropical oceans d. the availability of nutrients limits productivity in both high latitude and tropical oceans

the availability of light limits productivity in high latitude oceans, while the availability of nutrients limits productivity in tropical oceans

imagine a hypothetical ocean where there was no circulation of water. how would the fisheries of this ocean compete to the fisheries of earth's oceans today? to answer this question, think about what factors control the primary productivity of the oceans because this provides the food supply for the marine food web. a. the fisheries of the hypothetical ocean would be less productive than the actual ocean because the primary productivity would be lower b. the fisheries of the hypothetic ocean would be less productive than the actual ocean because the warm water causes lower primary productivity c. the fisheries of the hypothetic ocean would be much larger and more productive than the actual ocean because the water would be warmer d. the fisheries of the hypothetical ocean would be much larger and more productive than the actual ocean because primary productivity would be higher

the fisheries of the hypothetical ocean would be less productive than the actual ocean because the primary productivity would be lower

which of the following statements about the gulf stream is true? a. the gulf stream carries warm water northward from florida toward the northeastern US and europe b. the gulf stream is a fast moving current of air that impacts weather and thermohaline circulation in the northern hemisphere c. the gulf stream circulates warm ocean currents in the gulf of mexico d. the gulf stream is a small river that carries runoff from the midwestern US into the gulf of mexico

the gulf stream carries warm water northward from florida toward the northeastern US and europe

which of the following sentences best describes how the surface of the tropical oceans would change if there was no water circulation in the ocean? a. the surface of the tropical oceans would be warmer and the water more dense b. there would be no effect c. the surface of the tropical oceans would be cooler and the water less dense d. the surface of the tropical oceans would be warmer and more saline

the surface of the tropical oceans would be warmer and more saline

if you compare the coastal water pollution found offshore of a wealthy country like the united states with a less wealthy country in africa, what types of differences would you observe? for this question, you can assume that the sizes of the populations in both countries are similar. a. there would be lower nutrient, sewage, and trash pollution off the coast of the united states b. there would be more nutrient, sewage, and trash pollution off the coast of the united states c. there would be more nutrient and trash pollution off the coast of the united states d. there would be more nutrient and sewage pollution off the coast of the united states

there would be more nutrient and trash pollution off the coast of the united states

how does the el nino/la nina southern oscillation affect pacific ocean fisheries off the coast of south america? a. upwellings caused by la nina events increase the productivity of these fisheries by delivering nutrients from the deep ocean b. these fisheries benefit from la nina events because they cause droughts in south america, decreasing runoff of agricultural fertilizers into the ocean, which allows offshore dead zones to recover c. upwellings caused by el nino events decrease the productivity of these fisheries by decreasing coastal water temps d. pacific ocean fisheries are harmed by el nino events because they create upwellings that cause hypoxic zones in areas sensitive to the increase in nutrients

upwellings caused by la nina events increase the productivity of these fisheries by delivering nutrients from the deep ocean

which of the following statements accurately describes temperature patterns in earth's oceans? a. water temp decreases with depth in the tropics but not in the far northern and southern latitudes b. ocean waters thoroughly mix, so temps generally differ by less than a degree (C) bxn the tropics and waters at higher latitudes c. because of the geothermal heating, temps in the deepest parts of the oceans are generally higher than temps near the surface d. ocean water temps are higher at higher altitudes because oceans at higher altitudes receive more intense sunlight

water temp decreases with depth in the tropics but not in the far northern and southern latitudes

if the thermohaline circulation were to slow down, move south, or actually stop, what might happen to wine production in france and why? a. wine production would potentially be reduced because france would get colder, and colder temps would reduce wine production b. wine production is completely unrelated to ocean circulation, so nothing would change c. wine production would be potentially reduced because many plant diseases are transported in ocean water d. wine production would decline because the north atlantic ocean would be colder

wine production would potentially be reduced because france would get colder, and colder temps would reduce wine production

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