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purple blocks, block/strike combo

-soft hand chicken wrist combo -crescent foot -outward block/full twisting punch

white belt - kicks

1 forward snap 2 rear 3 knife edge

white belt hand position (point of impact)

1. punch (first two knuckles) 2. hammer fist (bottom of fist) 3. back knuckle (two front knuckles) 4. middle knuckle fist (middle knuckle) 5 half fist 6 heel hand 7. sword hand (meaty part of thumb) 8. tigers claw 9. falcons talon 10 spiders flick

Y-2 technique: stripe, attack, technique

1st Headlock AB A: person in unassisted head lock, pressure on your temples, step forward fight stance, hammer fist to kidney and groin, left leg step in and back to cat stance, tuck your head and push near your ear against elbow, slide back to cat stance (right leg in front) B: person in assisted head lock (meaning they're pulling on their wrist), step forward into fighting stance, run hand along back, hook two middle fingers under nose, pull back and switch to hard bow, HEEL HAND tracing across solar plexus to chin

name all yellow belt material in order

1st Stances and blocks dancer headlock AB App 2nd bear hug free AB Bear hug pinned AB Kata 1 App 3rd Inward defense outward defense grasping talon AB Kicks App 4th crossing talon Cub AB Striking Set (R/L) App tech #2 App of all material

Orange material in order

1st Stances and blocks eagle pin AB Drawbridge AB App 2ns flashing wings handstaff ABC Kata 2 App 3rd Opening Cowl AB Kungfu Cross AB Kicks App 4th Snapping Twig block to counter set A Application 3 AB app of all material

P2 material in order

1st stances blocks clawing panther leap of death app of tech 1 2nd knee sweep crouching falcon kata 4 app of 2nd 3rd five swords AB 18 point staff kicks 4th darkness 18 point 2 man app tech 6AB app of all tech

white belt: name all material in order

1st stripe: stances and blocks, kimono grab, striking asp AB, app of 1st stripe of material 2nd: crash of eagle ABCD Blocking set 1 (R/L) App of 2nd stripe materials 3rd: full nelson AB Kick requirement App of 3rd 4th: Locking Arm AB Striking Set 1 (R/L) App tech #1 App of all material

6 and under: white belt material in order

1st stripe: stances and blocks, Front Grab, 2nd stripe:Striking Asp AB 3rd stripe: Crash of the Eagle AB, Kick Requiremen 4th stripe: Crash of the Eagle CD, Blocking Set 1 (R/L side) Application Technique #1 ]

Purple belt material in order

1st: Stances and blocks Rising knee crashing anvil three hands of china app of 1st 2nd plucking the bird from the sky advancing daggers kata 3 app of 2nd 3rd flash of silver AB primary fist two man kick app 3rd 4th thundering hammers block to counter CD app tech 5AB app of all material

O2 Material in order

1st: stances blocks, Dart AB Wingbreak App of 1st 2nd: Circle of China Prayer of Death Primary Fist app of 2nd 3rd Dance of Death Kicks Staff set 1 App of 3rd 4th Slashing wings Crashing elbow Block to counter set B App Tech #4AB App of ALL

6 and below: yellow- orange belt material in order

1st: Inward Defense, Outward Defense 2nd Stripe: Grasping Talon AB, Kata 1, 3rd Stripe: Crossing Talon, Kick Requirement 4th Stripe: Cub AB Striking Set 2 (R/L side) Application Technique 2

6 and below: yellow belt material in order

1st: Stances & Blocks, Dancer, Headlock AB 2nd Stripe: Bear Hug Free AB, kata 1 3rd Stripe: Bear Hug Pinned AB, Kick Requirement 4th Stripe: Application Technique #2

6 and under: white- yellow belt material in order

1st: Stances, kimono grab 2nd: Full nelson AB 3rd: locking arm AB, kicks 4th: striking set 1, app tech 1

W-3 technique: stripe, attack, technique

2nd Crash of Eagle ABCD pushing from behind TWIST STEP and chamber (one hand in air, one hand at guard), turn, ELBOW PIN, A: RISING ELBOW, SNAPPING BACK KNUCKLE to bridge of nose B: RISING ELBOW tigers claw/falcons talon/spiders flick C: no pin, pull to set half fist to throat D: ELBOW SMASH, ELBOW SNAP

p tech 4

2nd Stripe, attack: right hand punch left leg hope to side to get out of range of punch, cat stance to left 45, soft hand block, reverse hand punch while left hand comes to guard under arm, double chicken wrist to double heel hand to kidneys. Grab them by shoulder pull them into your center as you rotate to hard bow (if you stay in your fighting stance, you will get hit by their head), turn into hardbow facing right throw them to ground, scoop to heel

O2 tech 4 (SAM)

2nd stripe prayer of Death, right leg kick to torso start kneeling step forward with right leg, fork extended block left grab toe. right grab heel, turn and stand into hard bow facing 45 and unwind kick to groin and let go into double rising chicken wrist, double heel hand to kidney. right heel stop to tail bone

p tech 5

2nd stripe, attempted grab, left leg step forward, double outward extended fighting stance right palm up chop to ribs, hard bow left palm down chop to throat, fight stance right spear hand to solar plex, hard bow right leg knee to groin as you do thumb finger eye gouge pull into you, right leg steps so your hip to hip bring them in your center, throw them behind you by switching into hard bow, scoop to heel

p tech 3

3 hands of china, 1st stripe, two people at 45 angles, person at left is threatening, person on right is throwing left hand ? punch to face right: back knuckle fighting stance to side fist solar plex in broken bow, turn to left guy who is throwing left hand punch: outward parry pull in, left hand rigid claw to eye Step in the MIDDLE to cat cover

W technique 4 : stripe, attack, tech

3rd Full Nelson AB A: in full Nelson, hands not quite locked together yet horse stance and double ELBOW PIN, knee pop and chamber, ELBOW strike coming to chin (up and down motion) to hammer fist groin strike, cat cover to front left B: in full Nelson, hands starting to close together Horse stance, double ELBOW PIN, Knee pop, HEEL HAND to solar plexus, HEAVY HAND down to groin, grab with tigers claw and ELBOW SNAP, cat cover to front left

W-5 technique: stripe, attack, tech

4th Locking Arm AB A variation: person grabbing your arm from behind, their thumb is on the bottom so you can't COUNTER GRAB Left leg step back in fighting stance left ELBOW SMASH REAR unwind (twist step) to chop hand motion to work AGAINST THE THUMB B: person grabbing your arm from behind, their thumb on top so you can COUNTER GRAB Left leg step back as you COUNTER GRAB left ELBOW SMASH REAR, WRIST LOCK turn so their head goes down, head kick, hammer fist on elbow, FORWARD KNEE

O2 tech 6 SAM

4th Slashing wings Attack is right hand punch Left soft hand block, right hand chambered above head, To 45; Whip down right hand, raking back knuckle, into hidden hand hardbow Shift into fighting stance, left side fist to kidney Right fore knuckle To temple

W-technique 6: stripe, attack, tech

4th stripe Application technique 1 right hand punch attack outward block, two punch to pectorals, right groin kick, right step forward, left step forward, jump DOUBLE AXE HANDLE to meaty part of back, pull hair back, hammer fist to pectoral

App tech 5 AB

4th stripe, right hand punch A: Left leg step forward crouching stance, soft hand block forearm strike across body grab wrist with right hand, right leg go through center step back right leg back, pulling arm "elbow break" double forward snap kick to chest, right leg step back? outward parry open them up, left leg forward, double hammer fist, jumping double hammer fist they fall on ground, two punch to chest, groin grab to snapping side fist to face B: same up until fore arm across body right leg step to behind them (don't step too close because you want to turn body), chop to lats left leg pick up to go behind them, two side fist to meaty part of lower back shifting broken bows, right hand grab, right leg step back while turning them, right leg step forward in fighting stance, right hand chop across chest, elbow across chest, walking rear kick

app tech 6AB

4th stripe., A: attack right outside punch DOUBLE KNIFE HAND BLOCK to bicep and wrist, grab arm with left hand, double palm down chop, whipping back knuckle to temple, snapping side fist to peck, turn into broken bow behind you to break the arm, bring elbow up and back hips up into them to throw them, ground work: right hand palm up chop, left hand palm down chop, u hand tear the throat, side fist to chest B: right hand punch soft hand block outward parry??, extend to open them up, SLICING CHOP, whipping back knuckle to heel hand. side fist to left peck, chicken wrist strike? to right peck, hammer fist to peck, FOREARM SMASH? to chest, turn hammer fist to groin, turn right leg: fwd snap to groin, fwd snap to head, walking rear to head:

p tech 7

4th, right hand punch, thundering hammers crouching stance left hand soft hand block shift into broken bow, thumb knuckle to solar plexus, left hand chamber (big twist) above head turn to broken bow to back, hammer fist to base of skull, right hand to kidney, left leg step through center, fighting stance left leg back fighting stance, chamber for snapping back knuckle, as it comes back, go into cat stance, right hand big circle to falcon talon to eye, right hand clear as shift back to cat stance and pull talon out

P2 tech 5

5 swords AB. 3rd stripe, right hand punch, A: Inward raking to palm down chop, switch into broken bow, left hand spear hand, right hand open hand chamber by ear left leg step to back 45, hands chamber at ear, fighting stance, two finger eye gouge, slicing chop?, switch to broken bow, chop to throat B: Inward raking to palm down chop(slicing chop?), left hand ridge hand, right hand spear hand to solar plexus, left leg step to back 45, hands chamber at ear, fighting stance, two finger eye gouge, slicing chop?, switch to broken bow, chop? to throat, RISING HEEL SMASH

where is middle knuckle raking punch outward block/full twisting punch? in purple belt


Y10 technique: stripe, attack, technique

App tech 2 4th stripe right hand hammer fist step fwd into fighting stance, upward block, two pectoral punches, fwd snap kick groin, step back fwd snap kick head, step under, left leg fwd into hard bow right snapping side fist to stomach (other hand guard), right leg fwd, left leg fwd, jumping DOUBLE AXE HANDLE, pull hair (slight right leg adjust back) DOUBLE HAMMER FIST to pectoral, slide back fight stance, round house kick to chest

Y3 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Bear Hug Free AB 2nd stripe A variation: person grabbing from behind in bear hug, hands are free step right leg to side into horse stance, DOUBLE MIDDLE KNUCKLE FIST, double ELBOW PIN, CHINESE WRIST LOCK (grabbing on either side of middle knuckle), small step left leg, big step right leg into fighting stance to back 45, put pressure down so their head is down, fwd snap kick to face B: grabbing from front, arms free run hand up body, hook two fingers under nose while stepping fwd into fight stance (left foot behind them), snap head back and chamber for half fist, half fist to throat

Y4 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Bearhug pinned AB 2nd stripe A: from behind, arms pinned sink body, ELBOW PUNCH REAR to solar plexus, hammer fist groin, do on both arms, hidden foot (cross stance) away B: from front, arms pinned sink body, DOUBLE THUMB STRIKE, pull into hands at set while doing crane stance (right leg up, kneeing them in groin), right hand palm strike to right pectoral, knife edge to knee (usually left, but whatever is there), hidden foot

O sets and stripe

Block to Counter A (R/L) 4th stripe A: On right side, step fwd with left leg, soft hand block (hand at set!, ELBOW CUT (hand at guard), right hand grab head and right KNEE SMASH (set), right leg goes back and turns into broken bow facing back ELBOW DROP on spine (guard). same on left side

O2 Tech 3, (SAM)

Circle of China 2nd stripe kick to the lower part of the body start in kneel with right leg fwd simultaneously sweep left leg so your body is facing the left, reverse hand, other hand at guard right hand hammer fist toward groin keep eye on target, turn into pushup position toward back, right leg rear thrust, right leg step fwd, unwind, cat cover

p tech 2

Crashing anvil, 1st, right left hand straight punch fighting stance right hand soft hand block, left hand at guard, shift into hard bow, right hand outward extended, left hand forward palm chop to left collar bone left hand wrap around neck, knee to groin, guide them close to hip, left leg step back into hardbow facing the back, snapping side fist to kidney

O2 technique 7 SAM

Crashing elbows 4th stripe Right hand punch - Left soft hand block, step forward twist step 5p front left 45 elbow cut Unwind Twist step Elbow to temple, other hand counter balance

Y8 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Crossing Talon 4th stripe person grabbing left wrist with their left hand, leading with pinky go to COUNTER GRAB, TWIST STEP and chamber, hammer fist to elbow and pulling their wrist so that your hands are at set, ELBOW to temple, ELBOW RAKE down shoulder blade, crane stance, ELBOW DROP to spine

p2 tech 4

Crouching Falcon 2nd stripe, attempted choke, right leg hardbow, WEDGE ARMS TO SPIDERS FLICK TO THUMB GOUGE, switch to fight stance, elbow rising while grabbing shoulder with left hand, half step forward, falcon talon going downwards

Y9 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Cub AB 4th stripe A: unassisted forearm choke 4 things at once: tuck your chin to your left, pull their choking hand near your center, sink into horse stance, ELBOW PUNCH REAR to solar plexus, hammer fist to groin, BACK KNUCKLE to bridge of nose, twist step and twist to throw their hand off you to 45 B: Assisted forearm choke sink your body, solarplexus ELBOW PUNCH REAR, turn your head to take pressure off throat, right hand rigid claw to eyes, grab hand, side twist step to throw hands off

O2 tech 5 (SAM)

Dance of death Third stripe Right hand punch Left leg fwd soft hand block Sticking sword hand in hard bow (other hand at guard) Scoop up leg with hand Drive down with downward elbow Back knuckle, reverse knuckle, chop to groin Stomp on tailbone, step to 45 (not angled at 45 Step right hand chop in broken bow Right Stomp between shoulder blades Step at 45 and kick at 45, speed thrust to top of head

Y-1: technique: stripe, attack, technique

Dancer 1st stripe person choking you from behind side cross step (behind), CHOP to groin, tuck your chin and really rotate your neck to work AGAINST THE THUMB, go into horse stance and guard groin with left hand. SWORD HAND to groin right hand, right leg steps across and out and ~~dance away~~

P2 Tech 6

Darkness, 4th stripe right hand grab right shoulder, step to reverse fighting stance behind them, right hand outward parry near shoulder, left hand check left hand side cross step, two finger eye gouge, turn into fighting stance, pluck eye, snapping back knuckle right hand, left hand brace so they dont fall on you

O2 - Technique 1 stripe, attack, motion

Dart AB 1st stripe Attack: left hand punch A: left leg step back into heel toe, left hand at guard, right hand sticky hand into finger dart B: Left leg step back into heel toe, left hand at set, right sticky hand: yield and then lunge forward into hardbow left hand rigid claw

O2: technique, stripe, attack, motion

Drawbridge AB 1st stripe person has right hand on your left shoulder, A: grab right wrist, TWIST STEP and hammer fist to collarbone, grab broken collarbone, throw them through center in hard bow (let go of right hand), shuffle KNEE DROP into broken bow (hitting their ribs) and snapping side fist to face B: grab right wrist, TWIST STEP and hammer fist to collarbone, grab broken collarbone, throw them through center, right hand grab tricep, simultaneous pull upward and kick on armpit, right leg turn as left hand grabs bicep (as you do this, your right hand grip switches to palm down, arm break

yellow strikes

Elbow: drop, punch (rear), rake, knee thrust, knee smash, DOUBLE HAMMER FIST, , DOUBLE MIDDLE KNUCKLE, double thumb strike

O2 strikes

Finger Dart Double Heel Hand Raking Back Knuckle Fore Knuckle Back Sweep Chin Na (Little Wrap) Forward Palm Chop Reverse Back Knuckle Sets Spear hand

p tech 6

Flash of silver AB, Third stripe, A: threatening motion crescent foot right hand cover organs left hand cover neck, to wrist speed thrust (?) to knee B: swinging / slashing motion? hop back and chamber for speed thrust , speed thrust to knee

Y7 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Grasping talon AB 3rd stripe A attack: person grabbing your right hand with their left hand, their thumb is on inside step forward into fighting stance, leading with ELBOW to break grip (going against thumb), hammer fist to groin, snap BACK KNUCKLE to bridge of nose B: thumb on outside step forward while bending your elbow, fighting stnace, punching motion down while other hand in underarm guard, striking wrist and breaking grip (twist hand out of grab) into right leg hardbow, while your left hand holds their wrist near you, punch to kidney, automatic OVER TWISTING PUNCH to temple

O2 Stances*

Half horse (60/40) -1st move of primary fist Seventy thirty - rising block primary fist, downward forearm primary fist

Y5 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Inward defense: 3rd stripe right hand punch right inward block (stepping slightly to side), other hand at guard, chop to throat, cat stance, head kick

orange forms

Kata 2

O form

Kata 2 Left leg step back first, double inward block, step back right/left inward, hard bow pucnh Right hand move up to heel toe facing left, inward outward punch, step back same thing, Dont move legs, turn around elbow strike, right leg c-step inward outward punch, step back same thing Right leg move, kick block punch, step back same thing. Don't switch legs = shift into heel toe, tripple inwards, step back same left leg move south into heel toe facing left (relative to begnning direction), in ward 3x, step back same thing don't switch legs, c-step inward upward 3x, step back same thing right leg move to 3x kick block, step back same Left leg move to horse stance facing front, 3 downward forearm block (?), 3 reverse hand block. 3 knee block, two punch to: face, diagonal, side, 2x uppercut

W-1 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Kimono Grab 1st A: two hands pushing back, T: grab left hand and RISING FOREARM STRIKE (simultaneously) , INWARD DOWNWARD RAKING block? grip off you, palm down chop to throat

App technique 3AB, what belt and stripe,?

Orange, 4th stripe A: Attack-right lunch coming from side Step forward left outward extended Right double hammer fist Switch to hard now snapping side fist Right foot fwd Left foot forward elbow drop Turn to your right fighting stance Fwd snap kick to body Right leg down, left leg fwd into knee: right snapping side fist B: attempted two hand grab Step forward left leg, double outward extended Right hand punch, left hand punch, Switch into hard now right hand snapping Right leg double knee Right leg down, left leg step forward into elbow drop Turn fighting stance facing right, Fwd snap kick to body Knee down right side fist, left full twisting, double axe handle (all same pectoral)

P tech 1 (SAM)

Rising Knee, 1st stripe, right hand punch soft hand/chicken wrist parry with left hand, circle to reverse punch right hand hook over neck, knee to groin right leg step back guide their neck to your hip level, broken bow to back, chop to back of neck, broken bow to front chop to back of neck

O7 stripe, attack, motion

Snapping twig 4th stripe left hand punch to face Step back with your left leg in a heel toe fighting stance Double rising chicken wrist, body fwd and double soft hand bock sticky hand around forearm whipping hammer fist to temple into cat stance step fwd in fighting stance, elbow smash, hammer fist to groin, back knuckle to bridge of nose cross step away

difference between Snapping twig sticking hand and dart sticky hand

Snapping twig is more of a block since you already make contact whereas dart is an interception and redirect

O2 Blocks*

Sticky Hand - in snapping twig it's considered a grab. In dart is considered a block first then a grab Web HAnd Outward Extended Palm Downward palm

W-2 technique: stripe, attack, technique

Striking asp AB 1st .two hands bringing forward. A: WHIPPING SWORD HAND to groin, palm up chop to the throat, outward motion to clear block B: MIDDLE KNUCKLE FIST to solar plexus, simultaneously: Push hands down and chamber, hammer fist to temple to palm down chop throat

O2 App tech AB

Stripe: 4 Attack: attempted grab A: Heel toe left leg fwd: double outward extended, double forward palm chops, right left punch, right heel hand, fwd snap kick to face, little step: right left, stomp on groin, hop to your outside left: broken bow, snapping side fist B: Heel toe left leg fwd: double outward extended, double hammer fist, right left punch, right heel hand, fwd snap kick to groin, step back right leg into cat stance, left leg kick fwd snap kick to face, right leg wheel kick to chest

Purple belt Sets SAM

Stripe: 4th Block to Counter C/D C: Attack - overhead strike Right side --Step fwd left leg in heel toe, upward block, half fist, middle knuckle punch, shift into hardbow: sticking sword hand D Attack: right leg kick Right side: step back in heel toe and do kick block, shift into hardbow, right heel hand to chin or nose?* fwd snap kick to groin, step down into broken bow (right leg fwd) and do snapping hammer fist to top of head

O2 Blocks and sets SAM*

Stripe: 4th Block to Counter Set B: R Side Step at left 45, right hand outward parry, left at guard Chop to ribs right hand Grab wrist with right hand Move right leg (?) into fighting stance, elbow break switch to hard bow, left hand guard, right hand chop back of neck

white belt foot position

ball of foot, heel of foot, blade of foot

White belt - both sets: stripe, motion

blocking set 1 (R/L) 2nd stripe: horse stance inward, outward, upward, kick block. same on other side Striking set 1 (R/L) 4th stripe fighting stance to right: chop to throat, hammer fist to groin, SNAPPING BACK KNUCKLE, shift to hard bow punch same on other side

Yellow Sets: stripe and tech*

blocking set 2 (R right leg steps fwd on first move/L ) 2nd stripe Forward in fight stance: 2x inward, 2x outward back in fight stance: 2x upward block, 2x kick block, back leg C-step, step fed into two KNEE BLOCK, same on other side Striking set 2 (R/L) 4th stripe start with right leg back in fighting stance, shift into hardbow, right hand punch, right leg kick to groin , ELBOW SMASH as you land, hammer fist groin, KNEE SMASH, step back into fighting stance, same on other side

Orange stances

broken bow, rear cross step

p2 tech 1

clawing panther, 1st, right hand punch soft hand to outward parry to redirect shift to hard bow left hand at guard, right hand RIDGE HAND hard bow left hand grab left shoulder, right hand U-hand throat, right knee to groin right leg KICK BACK SWEEP behind them while throwing them down right heel stomp to groin, left fwd snap kick, left KNIFE EDGE STOMP to throat, rotate to tear it out

Orange kicks

crescent crescent to rear crscnt knife edfe wheel dbl block wheel Fwd snap to wheel

O1 technique: stripe, attack, technique

eagle pin AB 1st stripe two attackers: one behind in bearhug free, other in front right hand punch, A: simultaneous right inward, left hand at guard, right fwd snap kick to groin, FORK EXTENDED motion, double driving back and ELBOW PIN, c step behind, knee pop and chamber, ELBOW SMASH up chin (up and down motion), hammer first toward groin in hard bow. turn to right in cat stance, right speed thrust, retract and hidden step? away B: simultaneous right inward, left hand at guard, right fwd snap kick to groin, FORK EXTENDED motion, double ELBOW PIN, c step behind, knee pop, HEEL HAND to solar plexus HEAVY HAND down body, grab groin with tigers claw, ELBOW SMASH, hidden step

white belt strikes

elbow: smash (always involve grabbing head), snap, rising, pin, smash (rear), FORWARD KNEE, DOUBLE AXE HANDLE

O3 technique: stripe, attack, motion

flashing wings 2nd stripe left leg sep forward soft hand block, ELBOW CUT up ribs (other hand at guard), ELBOW STRIKE to kidney all one smooth motion: right neck chop, use left leg to switch into broken bow, left neck chop, use left leg to switch into hard bow facing front, neck chop to throat or bridge of nose (other hand at guard)

O4 technique: stripe, attack, motion

handstaff ABC 2nd stripe A: attacker is doing a right hand punch inward, outward extended to grab, pull them into a right leg round/wheel kick B: attacker shorter than your or your size, attacher overhead strike (club or hammer fist), fork extended block, right hand in back, right hand grab wrist, left leg twist step to back 45, unwind to hammerfist down on elbow C: Attacker bigger than you (overhead strike) same thing with fork extended block, right leg side cross step behind, right hand grab wrist, left hand transition into hammer fist on his elbow, as you spin to south and throw, when you finish, right hand will let go of wrist

Orange strikes

heavy hand Knee Drop Elbow cut upper cut punch Elbow sweep bicep break whipping hammer fist

yellow belt stances

hidden foot (cross stance) Side cross step

orange hand positions

hidden hand, U hand, chicken wrist, sticky hand

white belt stances

horse, fighting, cat, crane, hard bow, TWIST STEP

yellow foot position

inside heel

white belt - blocks

inward, outward, upward, downward, reverse hand, kick block

YB forms

kata 1

where are these in P2 upward block/reverse hammer fist lunging bow downward sweeping forearm heel hand rake

kata 4: lunging bow with reverse hammer fist Kata 4: DW sweep forearm 0 before whipping back knuckle leap of death before back knuckle to bone back nerve center near armpit

Yellow belt: blocks/escape

knee block, COUNTER GRAB, against thumb

fwd knee vs knee smash

knee smash involves grabbing head

p2 tech 3

knee sweep. 2nd, two people thumb on top grab wrist counter grab twist, right leg thrust to closest leg right leg step on outside of their foot, knee back sweep, speed thrust (?) to supporting leg, cat cover through middle

p2 tech 2

leap of death, 1st, right hand punch soft hand to outward parry to grab left hand use their right hand to guide and do back knuckle to bone back nerve center in armpit grab tricep, throw by hitting with hip JUMPING DOUBLE HEEL STOMP on kidneys, pull knee to spine. left leg on their neck, NECK BREAK, chop to back of neck horse stance, right hand snapping chop to throat hope over, round house kick top of head

Y6 technique: stripe, attack, technique

outward defense 3rd stripe left hand punch right outward block, other hand at guard, right hand jab (other hand pull back set)?, switch to hard bow, left hand punch, slide back into cat, groin kick

p2 kicks

power thrust jump fwd snap kick jump knife edge jump rear heel stomp power thrust to shuffle front thrust jump fwd snap to walking rear rear to fwd snap to wheel

purple strikes

reverse punch, middle knuckle raking punch, tumb finger eye gouge, thumb knuckle, whipping snap back knuckle

Yellow belt kicks in order

roundhouse Dbl Triple

purple kicks

shuffle front wheel cross over thrust shuffle front thrust walking rear spinning rear front leg wheel to thrust shuffle front wheel to walking rear scoop to heel stomp

O2 Kicks

snap wheel triple front rear thrust speed thrust front leg wheel fwd snap to snap wheel

purple stances

soft bow (block punch in kata 3), crouching stance (thundering hammers, app 5AB)

p2 block, block/strike combo

soft hand / outward parry outward parry to grab wedge arm to spider's flick to thumb gouge upaward block/reverse hammer fist downward sweep forearm double knife hand block inward raking

O6 technique: stripe, attack, motion

third Kungfu cross A: right hand punch right leg step back. outward extended to grab, other hand at set, kick to the groin (finish kick), step to the 45, bring hand over back and turn, right hand u hand strike to the thrown, pull it in to rip, hidden foot away B: left hand punch. left leg step back, outward extended to grab, other hand, step to 45, bicep break (off the hip, straight in front), hammer fist to groin, hidden foot

O5 Technique: stripe, attack, motion

third opening cowl A: two hands pull back. Left leg step back (not too wide), left inward, right elbow sweep to throw hands off, left hand punch, right hand punch to face Opening cowl b: two hands push forward: right leg twist step (make sure to land then twist), left outward black right punch, punch punch

difference between: twist step, side cross step (front/back), hidden foot (cross stance), rear cross step?

twist step- step forward and turn immediately to face opposite direction. it will always twist you into another stance hidden foot- step in position where foot is pointed in different direction (bear hug pinned : stepping fwd but foot facing side) side cross step - moving laterally (no diagonal), always turning rear cross step - (back leg stepping backward in a diagonal) opening cowl

orange blocks

wheel kick block soft hand outward parry fork extended outward extended inward to outward extended Outward Extended to Grab Double Outward Extended

O2 technique 2, stripe, attack, motion*

wingbreak, 1st stripe, attack: left hand on right shoulder. step into heel toe to right (in front attackers leg) Pin hand right arm rotate around into elbow pin, step to back 45 with left leg while rotating again, grabbing their shoulder, unwind to back 45 and throw to ground

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