exam 1 (extra)

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present level of performance

Nadia is a fourth grader whose learning disability inhibits her ability to complete math calculation associated with addition and subtraction. Currently, Nadia is able to successfully compute basic addition and subtraction facts. She is unable to complete addition and subtraction computations that involve regrouping. This is an example of a _____ for Nadia.


Research indicates that all families go through specific stages of reaction when learning that their child has a disability. T or F.


Since the 1970s, teachers have been trained to teach students with disabilities in the inclusive classroom. T or F.

Engage in activities that locate and identify students with disabilities

The "Child Find" mandate in IDEA requires that school personnel:

students with disabilities be educated with non-disables students to the maximum extent appropriate

The "Least Restrictive Environment" mandate in IDEA requires that:


The primary role of the prereferral intervention team is to complete a comprehensive special education evaluation. T or F.


The provision of home-based intervention is a common practice for preschoolers with disabilities. T or F.


Bobby using a calculator for mathematics calculations is an example of a


The model for fully including students with disabilities in general education classrooms was originally classed the "Regular Education Initiative." T or F.

teachers address individual needs of students by making key adjustments across a number of instructionally-related areas and provide effective instruction

The response to intervention approach to working with struggling students means that


Classroom rules and procedures should be taught, practiced, and reinforced in order to be effective

is necessary in all the above situations

Differentiation of material...

Mary Beth is not receiving any education at all

The year is 1955. Mary Beth is a fourth grader with emotional disturbance. Which of the following is the most likely scenario regarding her education?


____ are changes made during assessment, or to a child's education, that do not substantially change the curriculum content, the level of instruction, or the assessment criteria.

time out

____ is a limited or complete loss of access to positive reinforcers for a specific period of time


____ is a strategy in which students observe and record their own behavior.

legislation; parental advocacy

_____ and ______ have established a high level of parental involvement in the education of their children with disabilities.

informal tests

_____ are usually loosely structured and are closely tied to teaching.

classroom arrangements

_____ refers to the physical aspects of the classroom, including layout, wall space, and signage


Today, approximately half of all students with disabilities, ages 6-21, are educated in general education settings for most of the school day. T or F.

educated in general education classrooms for at least a portion of the school day

Today, the majority of students with disabilities are:


"Nondiscriminatory assessment" is required when a student is referred for a comprehensive special education evaluation. T or F.

family centered; child-centered

"Outcome statements" in the individualized family service plan are ____ rather than ____.

norm-reference test

A _____ is a test that provides quantitative information used in comparing the performance of an individual student to other in his or her age-and/or grade-appropriate peer group


A functional behavioral assessment should be conducted for students who may need a behavior intervention plan. T or F.


A teacher with good classroom management skills will spend considerable time designing classroom management strategies before the school year begins. T or F.

are more necessary now than ever

A teacher's skills in differentiating instruction...

siblings may develop exaggerated perceptions about their innate superiority over their sibling who has a disability

According to Meyer, which of the following is not one of the concerns expressed by the siblings of children with disabilities?


All students with learning and behavioral problems must receive prereferral intervention before a comprehensive special education evaluation may be undertaken. T or F.

birth to five

An individualized family service plan must be written for children within which one of the following age ranges?

all of the above (measurable, positive, student-oriented, relevant)

Annual goals on the IEP should be


Approximately what percentage of students with disabilities spend a substantial portion of each day in a general education classroom?


Approximately what percentage of the school-aged population is currently classified as disabled?


Assistive technology and services must be included in the IEPs of all students with disabilities. T or F.

students whose behavior impedes their own learning or that of others

Behavior intervention plans are required for which of the following groups of students with disabilities?

all students with disabilities whose behavior impede their learning or that of others

Behavior intervention plans must be written for which of the following groups of students?

dependent group contingency

Each of the members of Shelley's group are reinforced when Shelley earns 80% or more on her weekly spelling test. This type of group contingency is known as a

all of the above (be regular and useful, include both informal and formal means, be characterized by a sensitivity to cultural and linguistic differences)

Effective communication should


Except for extreme conditions in which a student is incapacitated, once a student reaches the age of majority, he or she must sign his or her own IEP. T or F.


Extended school year services are not required if a school district has less than adequate funds available. T or F.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Fifteen-year-old Sherry has attention deficit disorder and does not qualify for services under any of the IDEA disability categories. Sherry may still qualify for accommodations under which of the following federal laws?


For the majority of students with disabilities and other special needs, placement in general education classrooms for at least a portion of each school day is the most appropriate option. T or F.

all of the above (child study and referral, observations and assessments of the child, prereferral interventions, IEP development)

General and special educators should collaborate in which of the following processes?


General education teachers and special education teachers receive extensive preparation for communicating effectively with parents. T or F.

educated in the least restrictive environment in accordance with the student's IEP

IDEA 2004 requires that students with disabilities be:


IDEA 2004 requires transition services on IEPs for students beginning no later than age sixteen. T or F.


IDEA 2004 states that tests must be administered in the child's native language or other form of communication most likely to yield accurate information. T or F.


If a child with disabilities attends any regular education classes, the general education teacher must be involved in developing, reviewing, revising, and implementing the IEP. T or F.


If a student is determined to be eligible for services under Section 504, school personnel are required to provide reasonable accommodations for the student. T or F.

norm-referenced assessments

If an eligibility team seeks to compare the student's performance to his or her age-appropriate peers, which of the following types of assessments would be most appropriate?


If parents do not agree with their child's individualized education program, they may request a due process hearing. T or F.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

In 1990, the title of P.L. 94-142 was changed to the:

interdependent group contingency

In Mr. Hawkins' class, the entire class will have a pizza party if all students in the class make at least 80% on their weekly spelling test. This is an example of...

classroom climate

In Ms. Chen's classroom, students are often hostile and disruptive. In fact, when you enter the room, you can feel the tension. According to your textbook authors, this concern is reflective of the ____ in Ms. Chen's classroom.


In the nineteenth century, the special schools that were established primarily served students with sensory impairments. T or F.


Interviews and rating scales reflect what type of approach to assessment?

all of the above (transitional planning for students ages 16 or older, helping students with disabilities to access the general education curriculum, participation of a group of individuals who are knowledgeable about the student)

Key elements required in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) include:


Many parents feel that too little communication takes place between them and the school. T or F.


Mr. Long is often teased by his student as having "eyes" in the back of his head. This is because he is able to teach, stop students from talking, and provide prompts and reinforcements to students with apparent ease. According to Doyle, this ability is indicative of which of the following?

authentic assessment

Ms. Hale recently finished teaching a unit on making change with money. In lieu of a paper and pencil test, Ms. Hale assesses her students' "money skills" as they purchase items from the school supply store. This type of assessment is an example of....


Ms. Helms teaches her students the COPS strategy. Initially, Ms. Helms provides much guidance and support for students during instruction. Eventually, her students internalize the strategy and are able to use it independently. This is an example of..

criterion-referenced test

Ms. Smith give eight-year-old Shannon a test designed to measure her mastery of addition of whole numbers. This test is an example of :

students do not have "typical" role models

One of the disadvantages of the self-contained special education classroom approach is that:


Over half of all students with disabilities who receive special education services are identified as intellectually disabled. T or F.


Over the past fifteen years, one of the most significant changes in public education has been the movement towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms. T or F.


Prereferral intervention teams write the IEPs for students who need them. T or F.

for at least one grading period

Prereferral intervention techniques are generally implemented


Prereferral interventions have been successful in reducing the number of students referred for a special education evaluation. T or F.


Prior to the mid-1970s, many schools did not provide any programs for students with disabilities or the programs that were provided were very minimal. T or F.

Many schools did not encourage parents to participate in the education of their children with disabilities

Prior to the passage of Public Law 94-142..


Prior to the passed of Public Law 94-142 in the mid-1970s, students with learning disabilities and emotional disturbance were the two groups of students with disabilities who were most likely to receive special education services in the public schools. T or F.


Section 504 consideration should be given to any student who is referred for special education services but who does not qualify under the IDEA. T or F.


Siblings of children with disabilities may exhibit adjustment problems. T or F.


Significant departures from the general education assessment and/or instructional program are called


Special education teachers plan transition services with little input from general educators. T or F.

all of the above (drug and alcohol abusers, members of minority cultures, poor)

Students considered to be "at-risk" include those who are:


Students with sensory, motor, and multiple disabilities pose considerable challenges during the assessment process. T or F.

putting aside preconceived notions they have about various lifestyles

Teacher must be sensitive to the background of the family to ensure that cultural difference do not interfere with school-family relationships. They best do this by


Teachers should rely on e-mail as their primary source of communication with parents. T or F.

differential reinforcement of lower rates of behavior

Ten-year-old Miquel frequently gets out of his seat. This frequently results in a situation in which Miquel fails to complete his assignments in class. Rather than punish his out-of-seat behavior, Miquel's teacher decided to reinforce his on-task behavior. This situation is an example of..

parents must be involved in all decision-making activities regarding the special education of their child

The IDEA mandates that parents be involved in the special education process. Which one of the following activities is mandated by IDEA 2004?

attention deficit disorder

The category, other health impairments, includes students with:


The components of a written Section 504 accommodation plan have been specifically mandates and described in this federal law. T or F.


The continuum-of-services model provides a range of placements, from institutions to full-time general education classrooms. T or F.


The majority of students with disabilities have moderate to severe disabilities. T or F.


The need for parental involvement decreased with the child's age. T of F.

include the sibling in family and school meetings

The needs of siblings of children with disabilities sometimes are not addressed by both parents and educators. Which of the following might be one strategy for addressing the important needs of siblings?

present level of educational performance, measurable annual goals, and a statement of how the child's progress toward annual goals will be measures

The three major components of the IEP are

autism and traumatic brain injury

The two newest disability categories added to the IDEA in 1990 are:


The use of natural or logical consequences is designed to decrease undesirable behaviors. T or F.


The use of positive reinforcers is designed to teach or increase desirable behavior. T or F.

The Child Study Team will analyze the problem and help Ms. Largo to implement reading strategies in the general education classroom

Thirteen-year-old Tameka, a student who has never been referred for a special education evaluation, is exhibiting reading problems in her eighth-grade classroom. Her teacher, Ms. Largo, explains to her school's Child Study Team that she believes that Tameka does not belong in the general education classroom. Which of the following is the most likely action that will be undertaken by the Child Study Team at this point?


Twelve-year-old Carrey talks constantly in class without permission. After collecting observation data, Carrey's teacher decided that she is giving too must attention to Carrey's constant talking. Her teacher decided to ignore Carrey's talking. This situation is an example of...


Under IDEA 2004, inclusion in general education classrooms is mandatory for all students with disabilities. T or F.

all of the above (has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the individual's major life activities, has a record of such impairment, is regarded as having such an impairment)

Under both Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, an individual is considered to have a disability if that individual

reducing the amount of reading required

Ways to enhance comprehension for students who are struggling includes all of the following except..

Informal tests are typically closely tied to instruction. Formal tests are typically used to determine eligibility or to determine a student's standing relative to age-or grade-appropriate peers.

What is the most important distinction between formal and informal assessments?

to assure a free, appropriate public education for all students with disabilities

What is the primary purpose of IDEA?


When more attention is given to reactive intervention than to preventative intervention, classrooms run more smoothly. T or F.

nondiscriminatory evaluation

Which IDEA principle attempts to prevent bias in assessment?

the IEP team

Which individual below determine whether or not a child with disabilities qualifies for extended school year services?

all of the above (parent, classroom teacher, physician)

Which individuals below may initiate a special education referral?

all of the above (parents must be involved in the decision-making process for their children with disabilities, parents must be informed of any impending actions regarding their children with disabilities, school personnel must make due process rights available to parents of children with disabilities, parents have the right to a due process hearing, or engage in mediation or resolution if there is a disagreement with schools)

Which of the following IDEA 2004 provisions is required for involving parents in the special education process?

all of the above (denial and anger, grief, fear, and confusion, powerlessness, disappointment, and acceptance)

Which of the following are reactions that parents may experience when learning that their child has a disability?

all of the above (counseling, physical therapy, transportation)

Which of the following are related services under IDEA?

The reinforcer must be delivered immediately following the performance of the desired behavior

Which of the following is a basic principle regarding the use of positive reinforcement?

all of the above (parents may experience additional financial stress, parents may not have a realistic understanding of the child's disability and consequently, may have unrealistic expectations of their child, parents may face additional stress on their marriage)

Which of the following is a challenge parents may face when they learn that their child has a disability?

all of the above (child assistance team, teacher intervention team, teacher assistance team, prereferral intervention team)

Which of the following is a common term used to refer to a Child Study Team?

teachers have a positive attitude toward inclusion

Which of the following is a current perception of inclusion?


Which of the following is an attempt to resolve disagreements between parents and school personnel through the facilitation of a third party?

mandatory inclusive placement in general education

Which of the following is not a key component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?

group contingencies

Which of the following is not an example of a behavioral intervention designed to decrease undesirable behaviors?

administration of individually-administered, norm-referenced intelligence and achievement tests

Which of the following is not one of the four major phases in the preferral process?

determination of the behavior intervention plan

Which of the following is not one of the steps in the comprehensive evaluation process?

Formal assessments are typically criterion-referenced

Which of the following is not true of formal assessments?

to address the needs of students who exhibit learning and behavioral problems who have not yet been referred for special education

Which of the following is the primary purpose of the prereferral intervention team?

all of the above (student's attitude about school, authority figures, and their classmates, the teacher's disposition, competencies and skills, peer values and pressures, level of family support and involvement in a students education)

Which of the following plays a critical role in the climate of a classroom?

using a home-to-school notebook

Which of the following represents an effective communication strategy?

All of the above (referral of students for a comprehensive special education classroom, implementation of prereferral interventions, collaboration with special educators)

Which of the following roles are required of general education teachers in a resource room model?

all of the above (today's families face a host of challenges, including absent fathers, the constellation of today's families has changed dramatically in the last fifty years, today more mothers work outside the home)

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding today's families?

Janet, who is labeled an "at-risk" student

Which of the following students would not qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?

transition services

Which of the following terms describes a "coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an outcome oriented process, which facilitate movement from school to port-school activities?"

compensatory education

Which of the following was not a major contributor to the inclusion movement?

students with disabilities

Which of the following was the LAST group to obtain equal access to a public school education?

all of the above (breathing, walking, learning)

Which of the following would be considered a major life activity under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act?

access to physician care

Which of the following would not be considered a related service under IDEA?

residential school

Which of the following would represent the most restrictive setting for a student with disabilities?

all of the above (contracts should initially reward successive approximations of behaviors, contracts should provide frequent reinforcement, contracts should be fair, clear, and positive)

Which one of the features below is essential to writing effective contingency contracts?

the due process clause under the U.S. Constitution

Which one of the following ensures that no individual will be deprived of his or her rights or privileges without appropriate established procedures being followed?

daily lesson plans

Which one of the following is not a critical component of an IEP?

Criterion-referenced tests typically provide scores such as percentile ranks, standardized scores, etc.

Which one of the following is not true of criterion-reference tests?

a single test can be used to determine eligibility

Which statement below is false regarding special education evaluations?

All students with disabilities must be in the general education classroom for at least a portion of the school day

Which statement below is false?

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