Exam 1

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Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis longus?

2th metacarpal

Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis brevis?

3rd metacarpal

Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris?

5th metacarpal

Which of the following is an action of the middle fibers of the deltoid muscles?


Which of the following muscles performs abduction of the thumb?

Abductor pollicis longus

An action common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major is _______


All of the following are bony landmarks located on the humerus except?

Coranoid process

The stability of the glenohumeral joint is enhanced by it significant mobility.


The names of individual phases of sports skills may vary depending upon body part involved.


Which of the following muscles performs adduction of the wrist?

flexor carpi ulnaris

Which one of the following may not be determined from viewing an activity from an analysis perspective?

which angle of movmement will produce the greatest force

Which of the following are not actions of the pectoralis minor muscle?


Which of the following is not true regarding muscular strength and endurance in the shoulder area?

Increases performance in all sports

Anterior deltoid action is opposed by the posterior deltoid.


For the purpose of movement analysis, most sport skills involve 3 - 5 separate phases.


The pronator teres is innervated by the median nerve.


Which of the following is an origin of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

posterior crest of iilium

An action common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis and pectoralis major is ______


The muscles that perform radioulnar supination include all of the following except?


When viewed from the anatomical position which of the following is located posterior surface of the arm?


When viewed from the anatomical position which of the following is located anterior surface of the arm?

Anconeus Pronator Teres

The most common glenohumeral dislocation is ________.

Anterior and Anteroinferior dislocation

The glenohumeral ligaments include all of the following except?

Anterior gelnohumeral ligament

Which of the following muscles performs an action in the frontal plane?

Anything that performs adduction or abduction

All of the following are open chain exercises except for _____

Anything with a fixed distal end, ex a pull up or push up, Squat

Which of the following is the insertion of the flexor digitorum profundus?

Base of the distal phalanxes of the four fingers

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "follow-through phase" of sports skills?

Begins immediately prior tot he climax of movement phase (after not prior)

Which of the following is an action of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

Both internal rotation and extension

Muscles that primarily extend the elbow and supinate the forearm include all of the following except?


Radioulnar supinators include all of the following except?


Which of the following is not an action of the brachioradialis muscle?

Extension of the elbow

Which of the following muscles has its insertion on the four tendons to the bases of middle and distal phalanxes of the four fingers on the dorsal surface of the hand?

Extensor Digitorum

Which of the following muscles performs abduction of the wrist?

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Which of these muscles may be palpated just proximal to the dorsal aspect of the wrist?

Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus

An action common to the posterior deltoid, teres minor, and infraspinatus is ______

External Rotation

Which of the following is not a function of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

External Rotation

The olecranon process is located on the medial aspect of the ulna.


The only muscle involved in extending all of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the four fingers is the extensor digitorum.


The origin of the pectoralis major muscle is the coracoid process of the scapula.


The radial head sits inside of the capitulum and is held in place by the annular ligament.


The scapula and clavicle serve as the proximal attachments for the muscles that flex and extend the elbow.


The sternal head of the pectoralis major muscle is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve arising from C8 and T1.


During the return phase of a lat pull-down the elbow is performing flexion.

False (Extension)

All sports involve closed-chain lower extremity activities and open-chain upper extremity activities.

False (Most not all)

The range of motion of the glenohumeral joint in the frontal plane is 90- 95˚ for adduction and abduction.

False 90-95 for abduction, 0-75 for adduction

Muscles are usually grouped together according to their eccentric function.

False, Concentric function

Most physical activity, particularly those that involve the lower extremity, requires multiple joint activities involving single muscle groups.

False, Numerous muscle groups

While in the anatomical position the radius is medial with respect to the ulna.


Which of the following is the sole action of the brachialis muscle?

Flexion of the elbow

Which of the following glenohumeral motions is often restricted leading to a higher risk of injury among overhead throwers?

Internal Rotation

Which of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff group?


Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "recovery phase" of sports skills?

Involves more total force production by muscles than any other phase except for the movement phase

Which of the following is considered to be an extrinsic glenohumeral muscle?

Latissimus Dorsi

Which of the following is not an intrinsic glenohumeral muscle?

Latissimus dorsi

Which of the following is the origin of the flexor pollicis longus?

Middle anterior surface of the radius and the anterior medial border of the ulna just distal tot the coronoid process

Which of the following is the insertion of the pronator teres muscle?

Middle third of the lateral surface of radius

Which of the following muscles are agonists during a triceps extension?

None of the above choices are Correct (answer is triceps brachi)

The push-up and bench press are similar in that they both strengthen the ____

Pectorals major and serrates Anterior

Which of the following is not an action of the pectoralis major muscle?


Actions of the biceps brachii include all of the following except?

Pronation of forearm

Which of the following muscles does not act in flexion of the elbow?

Pronator quadratus

Which of the following is the origin of the flexor digitorum profundus?

Proximal 3/4ths of medial and anterior ulna

In order to obtain the greatest amount of active wrist extension you should place the fingers in ____

Relaxed flexion

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "Open Kinetic Chain"?

Requires movement of other joints in extremity

Which of the following is not a structure associated with the shoulder joint?


The 3rd metacapophalangeal joint moves in which of the following planes?

Sagital and Frontal

Flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm occur about the _____ and ____ axes, respectively.

Sagital and Longitudinal

Emphasizing the end of a push-up by exaggerating shoulder girdle protraction is an excellent strengthening exercise for the _______

Serratus Anterior

Which one of the following is not true regarding the analysis of most sport skills?

Stop action phase

Which of the following is not considered to be a muscle in the rotator cuff group?

Teres Major

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lifting phase of a chest press?

The elbow performs Extension

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lowering phase of a barbell press?

The elbow performs extension

With respect to the agonist muscles involved in performing a shoulder pull which of the following statements is true?

The shoulder girdle performs isometric adduction

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the pushing phase of a pushup?

The shoulder performs horizontal abduction

Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to the predisposition for injury at the glenohumeral joint?

Tight Configuration of ligaments

Bony stability of the elbow in full extension is enhanced by the olecranon process fitting into the olecranon fossa.


Exact names of the movement phases may vary from skill to skill to fit the various sports terminology.


Generally, a high rate of acceleration during the movement phase of a sports skill will result in a greater length and importance of the follow-though phase.


Motions of the finger metacarpophalangeal joints include flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.


Motions of the wrist joint include flexion, extension, abduction and adduction.


Muscles that are considered to be wrist flexors include the flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus.


The "Valsalva Maneuver" is when one holds his/her breath while attempting to lift heavy weights or trying to exhale against a open epiglottis.


The agonist muscles that perform glenohumeral flexion are the anterior deltoid and the pectoralis major.


The flexor pollicis longus is located lateral with respect to flexor digitorum profundus.


The infraspinatus muscle is innervated by the suprascapular nerve from C5 and C6.


The ulna is much larger proximally than the radius.


The ulnar nerve branching from C8 and T1 provides sensation to the ulnar side of hand, the ulnar one-half of ring finger, and the entire little finger.


The upper extremity is often one of the body's weakest areas.


There are eleven muscles that are considered to be "intrinsic" to the hand.


Ulnar flexion is movement of little finger side of hand toward medial aspect or ulnar side of the forearm.


When attempting extreme external rotation the total shoulder range of motion is enhanced by scapula adduction.


Which of the following is an action of the pronator teres muscle?

Weak flexion of the elbow

Actions of the brachioradialis muscle include all of the following except?

Weak flexsion of the shoulder

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the wrist and hand joints?

Wrist and hand joints are Condyolid

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "Kinetic Chain Concept"?

a system can be both open and closed simutaneously

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "stance phase" of sports skills?

allows more power to be transferred rom the body during the movement

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "Kinetic Chain Concept"?

both of the above choices are correct

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding a "Closed Kinetic Chain"?

involveer te body moving in relation to the relatively unfixed distal segement

Which of the following is not true regarding the "Valsalva Manuver"?

is considered to be proper when performing maximal lifts

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "preparatory phase" of sports skills?

is generally not the most critical phase in leading toward the desired result of activity

Which of the following muscles are antagonists during an arm curl?

none of the above (anser: elbow extensor, triceps brachii

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "Open Kinetic Chain"?

the proximal segment it not fixed while the distal is free to move in a single plane

The chin-up exercise is an excellent exercise for triceps brachii development.


Which of the following muscles has its origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?

Supinator Forearm extensors

The dumbbell bent-over row is an excellent shoulder girdle exercise due to its work on the _____

Trapezius and Rohmboids

"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" is swelling and inflammation from increased pressure in carpal tunnel that results in decreased function of the median nerve.


The muscles that perform radioulnar pronation include all of the following except?


Muscles that primarily flex the elbow and pronate the forearm include all of the following except?

Brachialradialis, Pronator Teres

Which of the following muscles is involved in both pronation and supination?


The radial nerve innervates all of the following muscles except?

Brachioradialis and supinator

Which of the following muscles may not be palpated on the dorsal aspect of the hand?

Can: Extensor Digitorum Extensor indicis extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollics brevis

Which of the following muscles performs extension of the index finger?

Extesnor indicis

All of the wrist and hand muscles are innervated from the radial and median nerves of the brachial plexus.


Because the glenohumeral joint moves from abduction to adduction and back again, the lat pull is a great exercise for deltoid development.


During the "follow-through" phase velocity of the moving body segment progressively decreases over a wide range of motion which is usually attributable to high concentric activity in muscles.


Each finger has three interphalangeal joints while the thumb is has only two.


Hitting the funny bone is actually a contusion to the humeral nerve.


Lateral epicondylitis is a condition that occurs less commonly than medial epicondylitis.


Muscles that are considered to be wrist extensors include the extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi radialis.


Positioning the forearm in pronation reduces the effectiveness of the biceps brachialis in flexing the elbow.


Posterior dislocations occur frequently at the glenohumeral joint.


Radial flexion is movement of thumb side of hand toward medial aspect or radial side of forearm.


Some athletes may begin follow-through too late which can cut short the movement phase.


Supination refers to internal rotary movements of the radius on the ulna.


Supraspinatus action prevents superior tr lation of the humerus.


The agonist muscles associated with glenohumeral diagonal abduction are the posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor, and biceps brachii.


The arm curl exercise is composed of two phases which are the lifting phase and the relaxation phase.


The coracobrachialis muscle inserts on the coracoid process.


The elbow joint is a hinge-type joint that allows for internal and external rotation.


The flexor digitorum superficialis performs its action in the frontal plane.


The flexor pollicis longus may be palpated on the posterior surface of the thumb.


The insertion of the biceps brachii muscle is the radial tuberosity.


The insertion of the brachialis muscle is the coracoid process of the ulna.


The insertion of the brachioradialis muscle is the proximal end of the radius at the styloid process.


The insertion of the deltoid muscle is the humeral tuberosity on the lateral humerus.


The median nerve and all of the flexor tendons except for the flexor carpi ulnaris pass through the carpal tunnel.


Which of the following muscles flexes the distal interphalangeal joints of the fingers?

Flexor Digitorium profundus

Which of the following muscles performs flexion of the thumb?

Flexor Pollicis longus

Actions of the elbow and radioulnar joints occur in all of the following planes except?


Proximal interphalangeal joint motion occurs about the _____ axis.


Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "movement phase" in sport skills?

Generally involves high amounts of eccentric activity

Which of the following is the origin of the flexor carpi radialis?

Medial Epicondyle of the humerus

Which of the following is the origin of the palmaris longus?

Medial Epicondyle of the humerus

Which of the following is not an origin of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

Medial lip of the inter tubercular groove of the humerus

Which of the following is the insertion of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

Medial lip of the inter tubercular groove of the humerus

The origin of the triceps muscle includes all of the following except?

Supraglendoid tubercle above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa of the scapula

Which of the following are not anterior muscles of the shoulder joint?


Which of the following muscles of the shoulder joint are located on the posterior surface of the scapula?


8. The "Kinetic Chain Concept" indicates that our extremities consist of several bony segments linked by a series of joints.


All of the wrist flexor muscles generally have their origins located on the anteromedial aspect of the proximal forearm and the medial epicondyle of humerus.


Glenohumeral joint stability is enhanced by the glenoid labrum.


Movements involving "Closed Kinetic Chain" are considered to be very functional, particularly for the lower extremities.


Muscles generally function in paired opposition to an antagonistic group.


Normally, the wrist has more adduction range of motion than abduction range of motion.


One of the functions of the supraspinatus muscle is to stabilize the humeral head in the glenoid fossa.


Opposition is movement of the thumb across palmar aspect to oppose any or all of the phalanges.


Overload may be modified by changing frequency, intensity, and/or duration.


Proper weight lifting technique involves exhaling during lifting and inhaling during lowering.


Subscapularis action is opposed by the infraspinatus.


The body will gradually, over time, attempt to adapt very specifically to the various stresses and overloads to which it is subjected.


The clavicular head of the pectoralis major is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve arising from C5, C6, and C7.


The coracobrachialis muscle is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve from C5, C6, and C7.


The deltoid muscle is innervated by the axillary nerve from C5 and C6.


The extensor carpi radialis longus muscle can perform weak extension of the elbow when contracting concentrically.


The extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris are the prime movers in ulnar deviation.


The extensor digiti minimi is innervated by the radial nerve (C6, 7, 8).


The insertion of the pectoralis major muscle is the flat tendon 2-3 inches wide to the outer lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus.


The insertion of the triceps brachii muscle is the olecranon process of the ulna.


The interphalangeal joints may be actively flexed to a greater degree with the wrist in slight extension as opposed to full flexion.


The muscles that are considered to be the agonists of phalangeal flexion include flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, and flexor pollicis longus.


The origin of the biceps brachii muscle includes the supraglenoid tubercle above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa.


The origin of the deltoid muscle includes the anterior lateral third of the clavicle and the lateral portion of the acromion process.


The origin of the pectoralis major muscle includes the medial half of the anterior surface of the clavicle.


The origin of the pectoralis major muscle includes the portion of the sternum adjacent to the costal cartilages of the first six ribs.


The push-up exercise is an excellent exercise for upper extremity development but does little for the rest of the body.


The rotator cuff muscle group includes the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles.


The teres minor muscle is innervated by the axillary nerve from C5 and C6.


When determining appropriate conditioning exercises one should consider the open versus closed kinetic chain demands of the activity through analysis of skilled movements.


When the arm is held in the anatomical position the radial tuberosity is in close proximity to lateral side of the ulna.


While performing the pull-up phase of a dumbbell bent-over row the wrist and hand perform flexion.


While performing the pulling up phase of a chin-up the shoulder girdle is adducting.


The most commonly injured ligament in the elbow due to throwing is the ______.

UCL Ulnar Collateral ligament

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