Exam 1 Multiple Choice 1-5

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1. Which situation is the most logical for using the Go To command?

Cell D10 is the active cell, and you want to go to cell D50.

1. You have a large dataset that will print on several pages. You want to ensure that related records print on the same page with column and row labels visible and that confidential information is not printed. You should apply all of the following page setup options except which one to accomplish this task?

Change the print page order.

9. When using the 1900 date system, the date 1/1/1900 is equivalent to what number?


7. Which chart element should you display to show exact values for a data series in a bar chart?

Data labels

3. Which statement is not a recommended guideline for designing and creating an Excel table?

Include field names on the first row of the table.

4. What should you do if you see pound signs (###) instead of values or results of formulas?

Increase the column width.

10. Assume that the data on a worksheet consume a whole printed page and two columns on a second page. You can do all of the following except what to force the data to print all on one page?

Increase the left and right margins

6. The label Souvenir Shop is in cell A1, and April Sales Report is in cell B1. What happens when you select the range A1:E1 and click Merge & Center?

Souvenir Shop is centered over the range A1:E1, and April Sales Report is deleted.

9. Currently, a column chart shows values on the value axis, years on the category axis, and state names in the legend. What should you do if you want to organize data with the states on the category axis and the years shown in the legend?

Switch the rows and columns in the chart.

6. Which conditional formatting rule is best suited to highlight sales value less than $300?

Less Than

6. Which of the following is not a comparison operator?


4. Which of the following characters is a wildcard in Excel?


4. You want to create a single chart that shows the proportion of yearly sales for five divisions for each year for five years. Which type of chart can accommodate your needs?

100% stacked column chart

7. Cell C6 contains the value 1.2546. How does the value display if you format the cell with Percent Style with 1 decimal place?


3. Cell A2 contains the regular price $100. Cell B2 contains the discount rate 15%. Cell C3 contains =A2*(1-B2) to calculate the sale price of $85. Which of the following formulas produces the same result?


2. What function would most efficiently accomplish the same thing as =(B5+C5+D5+E5+F5)/5?


5. Which of the following functions should be used to insert the current date and time in a cell?


8. Which of the following is an unqualified structured reference?


1. You used the Subtotal feature on a dataset containing states, major cities within each state, and populations. You intended to create one subtotal for each state; however, a subtotal row displays below each city. What caused this result?


10. When you create a clustered column PivotChart from a PivotTable, the field that was in the Rows area of the PivotTable Fields task pane creates what part of the PivotChart?


10. Which of the following conditional formatting rules cannot be applied using Quick Analysis?


7. Which of the following is not used when creating a calculated field in a PivotTable?

A cell reference to a value outside of the PivotTable

8. What settings should you select to apply a different color scheme and display a fill color for every other row or horizontal lines within the PivotTable?

Banded Rows and Banded Columns check boxes

3. What type of chart would display the names of seven city names (such as Jefferson City and Salt Lake City) on a category axis that is the easiest to read?

Bar chart

7. Which date filter option enables you to restrict the view to only dates between June 16, 2024, and June 30, 2024?


5. You created a PivotTable and changed some values in the dataset from which the PivotTable was created. How does this affect the PivotTable?

Changes in the dataset do not affect the PivotTable until you refresh the PivotTable.

8. Which of the following is not impacted when you apply a chart style?

Chart elements may display or be removed.

9. You want to create a PivotTable that uses fields from two Excel tables. What is the first step?

Create a relationship on a common field between the two tables.

10. What is the keyboard shortcut to create an absolute reference?


3. When you start to type =AV, what feature displays a list of functions and defined names?

Formula AutoComplete

2. You are working with a large worksheet. Your row headings are in column A. Which command(s) should be used to see the row headings and the distant information in columns X, Y, and Z?

Freeze Panes command

1. A worksheet contains columns listing new movie releases, total production costs, week 1 gross revenue, and week 2 gross revenue. Which of the following would least likely form a data series in a column chart?

Movie names

4. What value will the MAXA function return if given the values -.02, -.07, -.09, and NA?


8. The function =PMT(C5,C7,-C3) is stored in cell C15. What must be stored in cell C5?

Periodic interest rate

5. You just selected and cut column D. Now you want to move it to be located before data in column B. What should you do next?

Right-click the column B heading and select Insert Cut Cells.

6. You created a PivotTable for a major department store that lists department names (Shoes) in the first column and total weekly sales in the second column. How can you exclude Sunday sales from being reflected in the second column?

Set a filter for the Weekday field and deselect the Sunday check box in the filter menu.

6. The value axis currently shows increments such as 50,000 and 100,000. What option would you select to display the values in increments of 50 and 100?

Show Axis in Thousands

8. You want to copy the March worksheet to use it to enter data for April. After you right-click the March sheet tab and select Move or Copy, you click OK in the Move or Copy dialog box without changing any settings. What happens?

The March sheet is moved to the left of the first sheet tab. The worksheet is not copied.

1. If the function =XLOOKUP(H13,C4:C10,B4:B10,"Item Not Found",1,1) is used, what will happen if an exact match is not found?

The function will return the value #NA.

2. What is an advantage of using the Recommended Charts command?

The recommend chart is always the best way to represent the dataset.

5. Why would you add Alt Text to a combo chart?

To adhere to accessibility compliance for screen reader capabilities

2. When is Auto Fill appropriate to use?

To fill in a data pattern in one column based on data in an adjoining column

5. What should you do to ensure that records in a table are unique?

Use the Remove Duplicates command.

4. You created a PivotTable that shows total number of customers per day; however, you want to display the average number of customers per day. What would you do to change the PivotTable results?

Use the Subtotal feature to select the Average function.

7. Which function is best utilized to perform a lookup when the lookup array and return array are in different tables within the workbook?


9. Which of the following is not an aggregate function that can be applied in a total row?


3. After creating a blank PivotTable, you click a check box for a field that contains categorical data, such as state names, in the PivotTable Fields task pane. Where does Excel place that field?

Values area

10. You created a worksheet that tracks data for a basketball team. The range B10:F10 contains the difference in final points between your team and the other team. What is the recommended sparkline to create to represent this data?


2. Why would you click the collapse outline symbol above a column of outlined data?

You want to hide the detailed columns to focus on the result column.

9. A colleague emailed an Excel workbook that contains monthly sales data with each month on a separately named worksheet tab. When you print the workbook, the header always prints January. What caused this problem in which the other monthly worksheet printouts do not display the correct worksheet name in the header?

Your colleague entered January in the header rather than inserting the Sheet Name field.

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