Exam 2

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GAGs (glycosaminoglycans)

the ground substance that improves water retention in connective tissue

hyaline cartilage

which of the following is NOT a type of fibrous connective tissue

circumferential lamellae

The entire bone area of compact bone las harge circles going around the entire bone called ________


The four primary tissue types found in adult organs include all of the following except

sweat glands

The glands that secrete sweat, located in the dermal layer of the skin.

nail root

fastens the nail to the finger or toe by fitting into a groove in the skin

collagen fibers

make the bone flexible


makes bone hard


mature bone cells

synovial membrane

membrane lining the capsule of a joint

supportive connective tissue

cartilage and bone


Which mode of secretion is presented in this picture


large cells to recycle bones


no blood vessels

8th, 9th, & 10th ribs

which ribs are false but not floating


which tissue would be found lining the lumen of the small intestine


which tissue would be found lining the lumen of the trachea


which tissue would be found lining the lumen of the vagina

clavicle and scapula

which two bones of the pectoral girdle are located in the thoracic area but do not belong to the axial skeleton

smooth muscle

which type of muscle tissue is found in the walls of hollow organ?

cell body

which type of the following parts of a neuron receive and process information?

epithelial tissue

A body tissue that covers the surfaces of the body, inside and out

connective tissue

A body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts


A smooth, rounded articular process

histological section

A thin, stained slice of tissue mounted on a microscope is called a

simple columnar epithelium

An epithelium with a single layer of tall cells wound be classified as which type of epithelium

interstitial lamellae

Between each osteon, there are little incomplete circle called _______


Cavity within a bone, filled with air and lined with mucous membrane

muscular tissue

Contracts and moves the various parts of the body.

reticular layer

Deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients dense irregular connective tissue

Epi, thelia

Epithelial has its name because _________ means top and _______ means layer, basically meaning top layer

dense regular; dense irregular connective tissue

Fibroblasts and protein fibers are associated with both ______ and ________ dense regular; dense irregular connective tissue plasma; formed elements elastic cartilage; hyaline cartilage spongy bone; compact (dense) bone adipose tissue; reticular tissue

endochondral ossification

For long bones, _________ starts with hyaline cartilage replaced step by step (7 steps) from the shaft of the bone (diaphysis) to the end (epiphysis) by bone during oppositional growth (long and thick). Between the diaphysis and the epiphysis, the connecting line is called metaphysis, where the actual growth happens. So the chondrocytes (cells of hyaline cartilage) grow to become osteocytes.


For the first couple of days after fertilization, human stem cells have the potential to develop into any type of fully differentiated cell. Because of this, they are called ________ stem cells

urothelium; stratified squamous epithelium

Found in the urinary bladder, __________ resembles __________, but the apical cells are rounded, not flattened.

compound acinar

Glands that have branched ducts and secretory cells that form sacs at one end of the ducts are classified as ___________ glands.

nail plate

Hardened keratin plate that sits on and covers the natural nail bed. It is the most visible and functional part of the natural nail unit.

tight junctions

In the intestine, __________________ ensure(s) that most digested nutrients pass through the epithelial cells and not between them.


Living skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix area (cuticle)

Hyperextensible joints

Marfan syndrome is a hereditary defect in elastin fibers. People with this syndrome have

serous membrane

Membrane that lines a cavity without an opening to the outside of the body

mucous membrane

Membrane that secretes mucus that lubricates the surface of organs and keeps them moist.

tight junctions

Membranes of neighboring cells are pressed together, preventing leakage of extracellular fluid


OSteogenic cells are NOT osteoprogenitors cells ( bone stem cells)

alveolus process

Portion of the jaw that supports the teeth

alveolar process

Portion of the maxillary bones that form the support for teeth of the maxillary arch


Resting phase of hair growth


Round or oval opening through a bone

striated and voluntary

Skeletal muscle is described as

sutural bones

Small, irregular bones Found between the flat bones of the skull


Some simple columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelia have _________ cells, which produce a protective mucous coating over the mucous membranes.


Spongy bone is made of mesh like network called _____ which contain the red bone marrow


T or F Bone is supportive connective tissue


T or F In thick skin there are no hair or oil gland, but sweat glands exist


T or F The adult male pelvis is narrower and less flared, exhibiting an oval or heart-shaped pelvic inlet, and the angle of the pubic arch is less than 90 degrees. The adult female pelvis is usually broader and exhibits a round pelvic inlet, and the angle of the pubic arch is greater than 90 degrees.


T or F The hair bulb forms the base of the hair follicle. In the hair bulb, living cells divide and grow to build the hair shaft


T or F we need exercise, hormones, vitamin A, C, K and B12 for bone growth


The ________ has nerves which makes us feel things on our skin

nervous system; epiderm

The ___________ and the ________ both came from the ectoderm

ectoderm; nervous system and epidermis

The _______________ gives rise to the _______________.

osteocytes, endostium, osteoblasts, osteoid, osteocytes

The __________start early as osteogenic or osteoprogenitor cells (stem cells) from the __________ and develop into ____________.It is the osteoblasts that secrete all the _______ (bone matrix what makes the bone the actual bone) while growing to become older and stronger to become _________ ( which maintain bones) word bank endostium, osteoblast, osteocytes, osteocytes osteoid

epithelium; connective tissue

The basement membrane is found between _______ and _______


The lesser and greater trochanters are located on which bone?

extracellular fluid (interestital fluid)

The liquid between cells is called the

temporal bone

The mandibular fossa and the mastoid process is located on which bone?

Hydroxyapatite, collagen fibers

The matrix of bone is the mixture of __________ and _________

epithelium and lamina propria

The membrane that lines digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts consists of


The navicular bone is located on which group of bones?

2%, 66%, 32%

The osseous tissue is made of _____ cells (osteocytes), _______ ground substance hydroxyapatite ( calcium mixed with phosphate) and _______ protein fiber ( collagen)


The papillary layer of the dermis determines fingerprints


The papillary layer of the dermis has its name because it has ________


The period of active growth in hair


The period of break down and change of hair growth

Chondroblasts; fibroblasts

The rubbery matrix of cartilage is secreted by __________, whereas _________ produce the fibers and ground substance that form the matrix of fibrous connective tissue.

cutaneous membrane

The skin; composed of epidermal and dermal layers


The tibial tuberosity and the medial malleolus is located on which bone?


These cells determine skin color


This gland produces hormones

mesoderm; mesenchyme

This primary germ layer is the middle layer, called ______, and gives rise to a gelatinous material called ________________, which gives rise to different types of connective tissue such as bone, muscle, and blood.

Nueral Tissue

Tissue that conducts electrical impulses, carries information, generates nerve impulses, and detects changes and conditions inside and outside the body

unicellular exocrine

What type of gland is pictured at D

cuticle (eponychium)

Where does mitosis happen in the nail

ischium, illium, pubis

Which 3 bones are located in the pelvic girdle but do not belong to the axial skeleton?


Which bone has the manubrium?

calcified matrix

Which of the following is not a feature that connective tissues have in common?

elastic tissue

Which type of connective tissue is abundant in the walls of arteries, and in the airway?

phagocytize and digest tissue debris

With regard to the healing of a skin wound, macrophages ___________.


__________ are connective tissues from the mesoderm

stratified squamous; stratified columnar

________________ epithelium is the most widespread epithelium in the body, whereas _______________ epithelium is rare.


__________________ tissues respond quickly to outside stimuli by means of changes in membrane potential.

hypophyseal fossa

a depression within the sella turcica, holds the pituitary gland


an opaque white crescent at proximal end of nail

dendritic cells

antigen-presenting cells in the skin that stand guard against toxins, microbes, and other pathogens that penetrate the skin.


any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division

loose connective tissue

areolar, adipose, reticular

basal surface

attached to basement membrane


basic unit of bone formed by circles of lamellae with osteocytes

sagittal suture

between parietal bones

lambdoid suture

between parietal bones and occipital bone

squamosal suture

between temporal and parietal bones

liquid connective tissue

blood and lymph

transport nutrients

blood functions to ________ to the tissues




bone breaking process


bone formation process


bone matrix made by osteoblast


bones becomes porous, weak loss of bone density




calcitonin (bone growth) and PTH ( bone breaking) maintain


composed almost entirely of tightly packed cells

lamellar corpuscles

deep pressure receptors in reticular layer

sella turcica

depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland is located

dense irregular connective tissue

dermis of the skin that makes leather, capsules around organs

lamellae, canaliculi

each osteon is arranged as concentric layers called ________ around a central canal containing blood vessels with osteocytes laying in little areas called lacunae communication through small canals called________


excessive hair growth

intramembranous ossification

for flat bones or irregular bones where each bone start somewhere with its own little immature bone cells, not from cartilage. This one has 5 steps: mesenchymal cells become osteoblasts and secrete osteoid that is mineralized and grow into osteocytes in small pockets called spicules with blood vessels, making it look like spongy bone that is calcified with the osteoblast along with the connective tissues on the surface becoming the periosteum (the outer layer of the bone).

holding water and maintaining electrolyte balance

glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) help give the ground substance some of its qualities, including _______




hair loss


has an apical surface and a basal surface

true ribs (1-7)

have a direct attachment to the sternum via cartilage


immature bone cells

integumentary system

includes skin, hair, nail and associated glands


inside layers of bones lines the medullary cavity


inside the cell there is a gel type liquid called the


intertubercular sulcus is located on which bone

concentric lamellae

layers of calcified matrix making the actual osteons

tactile corpuscles

light touch


loss of bone tissue


middle germ layer; develops into muscles, and much of the circulatory, reproductive, and excretory systems


most membranes are composed of two or three tissue types. However, an example of an exception is the _____________ membrane

floating ribs (11-12)

not attached to sternum (only vertebrae)

hair bulb

the actual paste at the base where hair originates that becomes the hair

papillary layer

outer layer of the dermis, directly beneath the epidermis areolar tissue


outermost germ layer; produces sense organs, nerves, and outer layer of skin


outside later of bones

bith canal

passageway of the baby in the pelvis during childbirth


prevent cells from separating during contraction


prominent projection on a bone


promotes the growth of muscle

gap junctions

provide cytoplasmic channels between adjacent animal cells


replace other tissue with bone, endochondral, intramembranous

Pacinian corpuscles

respond to deep pressure and vibration

false ribs (8-12)

ribs that do not have a direct attachment to the sternum

sesamoid bones

round bones found near joints


sebaceous glands

sebaceous glands

secrete sebum (oil) into the hair follicles where the hair shafts pass through the dermis

apocrine glands

secrete sex hormones in the sweat that smell and released under stress, contain lipid droplets, example milk from mammary glands. The cells are cuboidal epithelium. The top part of the cell is gone with the sweat which makes it smell.

growth hormone

secreted by the pituitary gland, stimulate the synthesis of both osteoblasts and bone matrix


secreted by the thyroid gland, helps growth hormone to activitate bone growth

parathyroid hormone

secreted when calcium level is low so that it can stimulate osteoclasts to break the bone to release calcium. PTH activates the osteoclasts so the bone tissue is broken down to produce calcium, when the body needs it


secreted when calcium level is too high in the blood so that it can build calcium into bone to keep it away from the blood. It does this by stopping osteoclasts

tactile corpuscles

small epidermal structures with nerve endings that are sensitive to touch and pressure

apical surface

surface of an epithelial cell that faces away from the basement membrane

dense regular connective tissue

tendons, ligaments, aponeuroses


the inner germ layer that develops into the lining of the digestive and respiratory systems

piloerector muscle

the muscle that makes the hair stand


the name of the most popular cell on the skin, hair, and nails

chondrioitin sulfate

the only avascular connective tissue and the ground substance for cartilage


the science that studies cells is called


the study of the skin


the supply of nerves to a specific body part

coronal suture

the suture between the parietal and frontal bones of the skull

hair follicle

the tube in which the hair grows from


this gland produces digestive enzymes

Merocine glands

use exocytosis to produce sweat. Use stratified cuboidal epithelium

hair shaft

visible part of the hair

nail body

visible part of the nail


what cells are found in adipose loose connective tissue


what cells are found in reticular and adipose loose connective tissues

to generate heat

what is a function of this tissue

connect bone to bone

what is the function of this tissue

to conduct electrical impulses

what is the function of this tissue

to provide flexible support

what is the function of this tissue


what is the largest and heaviest organ in the human body 15% body mass

lamina propria

what is the name of the layer at B in this membrane


what is the name of the science that studies tissues


what type of tissue is found at B

lining the lumen of the respiratory tract

where in the human body would this membrane be found

biceps brachii

where in the human body would this tissue be found

calcaneal tendon

where in the human body would this tissue be found

spinal cord

where in the human body would this tissue be found


where would this tissue be found in the human body

cuboidal cells

which cells have functions such as absorption and secretion causing them to be in most glands


which of the following does not account for the gelatinous consistency of connective tissue ground substance

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