exam 2

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_____ is 2nd in the nation for AIDS cases

Baton Rouge

______ is 5th in the nation for HIV cases

Baton Rouge

_________ is the #1 producer of "coca shrub" (plant exclusively in northern/western South America


in 2017, 53% of all global AIDS cases in ___________ (total of between 19-20 million)

Eastern/Southern Africa

unintentional injuries

"accidents" no malice intended

antiretroviral treatment (ARV)

"cocktail" - several different HIV medicines to treat HIV infection - by combining different drugs that target different steps in the HIV life cycle ART is now very effective at preventing HIV from multiplying, and enables people who are on treatment to live longer, healthier lives - ART can he helpful for people who have AIDS when diagnosed and can be lifesaving - treatment is likely to benefit people who HIV no matter when started, but people who start ART soon after they get HIV experience more benefits from treatment than do people who start treatment after they have developed AIDS

colon/rectal cancer

"colorectal" cancer typically in people over age 50


"dissociative anesthetic" - schedule three powdered/liquid form and used as a anesthetic on animals, which causes hallucinations and no feeling of pain some users report an "out of body experience" known as a k-hole

innate system

"swelling" body first immediate reaction to increase blood flow to the damaged area (typical illness symptom)

Since 2006, Louisiana ranks _____ in primary and secondary syphilis


LA ranks ______ in gonorrhea cases and has an increase in ______ gonorrhea

#3; anal

annual cost of curable STIs

$742 million

overall waste in USA

- 220-300 million tons a year - we recycle 35%, but we bury majority of waste in landfills

USA food safety statistics

- 48 million sick - 130,000 hospitalized - over 3000 die yearly from food poisoning (bacterial & viral)

Pregnancy statistics

- 7% of sexually active college women become pregnant each year - LA has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the US


- 92% of world population breathes sub-standard air - country with most pollution deaths: Afganistan

Nexplanon (Progestin Only) advantages

- 99% effective - progestin only - once every 3 years - decreased risk of cancers associated with estrogen

in 1983...

- AIDS reported among female partners of men suggesting it is passed via heterosexual sex - in may, Pasteur Institute in France reported discovery of new retrovirus called Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus (LAV) that could cause AIDS - in june, first reports of AIDS in children hinted that it could be passed vis casual contact but ruled out--concluded directly acquired AIDS from mothers before, during, or after birth - CDC identified all routes of transmission--ruled out casual contact, food, water, air, or surface


- Daniel David Palmer's theory that anything is wrong with a person is due to a "misplaced spinal bone - involves a lot of manipulative therapy like massaging, pushing on back, stretching - the idea is that back misalignment keeps "positive nerve energy" from traveling - in most state insurance will cover this - issue: there is no science behind this, they cannot prescribe drugs (but use lots of vitamins and supplements which is expensive), more than one session is needed (which is costly) as a person needs x-rays before the realigning begins

STDs statistics

- LA is #1 in HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia - 25% of sexually active college students will contract at least one STD before graduating - 1 in 5 Americans have genital herpes, yet 90% of these are unaware that they have genital herpes - 66% of all STDs occur in people 25 years of age or younger - the most common STDs at LSU are chlamydia and HPV (human papilloma virus), or genital warts (condyloma)

HIV/AIDS Statistics

- LSU Students = approximately 300 - 1 in 250 Americans are HIV positive - cases are increasing 4 x's faster in women - rates in African Americans are 6 x's higher

Gaetan Dugas (patient zero)

- NOT TRUE--MYTH - worked as an attendant for Air Canada and had many transatlantic routes - traced at least 40 of the early HIV/AIDS cases to having sex with him (as he was one of the first recorded to die in 1984 from Kaposi's Sarcoma)

today sponge

- a polyurethane sponge with spermicide (nonoxynol-9) that is wet with tap water and inserted into the vagina - effective upon insertion up to 24 hours before - must stay in place for at least 6 hours after intercourse - perfect use for a woman who has never given birth (91% effective) - typical use for the same woman (80%)

no/low risk sexual behavior

- abstinence - hugging - kissing - massage - flirting - phone sex - snuggling - self/mutual masturbation

forms of illness

- acute illness - chronic - latent (dormant) - localized illness - systemic/generalized - contagious - lifestyle behaviors that raises chances of illness

illness factors we cannot control

- age - genetics - weather - environment - strength of organism (mutated virus)

long term effects of marijuana on brain

- alter brain development (especially when users begin as teenagers) - drug reduce thinking, memory, learning functions, and how brain builds connects between the area necessary for specific functions study showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily as teenagers and ongoing cannabis lost an average of eight IQ points between ages 13 and 38 and abilities did not return fully if quit as an adult those who started smoking marijuana as adults did not show notable IQ declines

ParaGard (IUD) advantages

- always in place - may be used for 10 years continuous (increases compliance throughout the years) - may be used when breastfeeding

nestorone-testosterone topical gel

- applied to the arms and shoulders daily - shuts down the gonadotropin hormones (stimulates testosterone production in tests) which lowers the sperm count to 1 million per milliliter - human trials in US, UK, Chile, Sweden, Kenya, and Italy


- applying pressure to specific areas on the feet, hands, or ears - the theory is that these points correspond to different body organs and systems; pressing them to positively affect these organs and a person's overall health

in 1984...

- april, national cancer institute announced cause of AIDS-retrivrius HTLV-III - Pasteur Institute announced identical virus LAV/HTLV-III

overdose methods

- asphyxiation-repeated inhalations leads to high concentrations of inhaled fumes, which displace available oxygen in lungs - suffocation from blocking air from entering the lungs when inhaling fumes from a plastic bag placed over the head - convulsion or seizures from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain - coma from the brain shutting down all bu the most vital functions - choking from inhalation of vomit after use - fatal injury from accidents, including motor vehicle fatalities while intoxicated

health conditions stimulants are used for:

- attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - narcolepsy - occasionally treatment-resistant depression - in rare cases obesity

spermicide advantages

- available over the counter - backup with condom use - predominantly one partner involvement

American trash statistics

- average per person a day: four pounds and up to 56 tons a year - Americans are 5% of the world population but 40% of trash - 2.2 billion tons of waste - americans throw away 99% of what we purchase within 6 months

more ways to reduce your risk for STIs

- be honest with yourself/partner - communicate about sex in advance - listen to your partner - learn your partner's sexual history - limit the number of your sexual partners - practice "mutual monogamy" - use water based lubricants - urinate before/after sex - practice good genital hygiene - wash with soap before/after sexual activities - treat sex toys the same as body parts - avoid sexual activities when intoxicated/high - be knowledgeable about STI symptoms - get tested

HIV transmission

- blood has highest concentration of HIV (including menstrual blood), semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk - CANNOT acquire through saliva, urine, feces, tears, sweat

Syphilis transmission

- body fluids - mucous membranes (anus, penis, vagina, vulva, mouth)

physical effects of marijuana

- breathing problems - smoke irritates the lungs - same breathing problems as tobacco - daily cough and phlegm - more frequent lung illness - higher risk of lung infections - increased heart rate for up to 3 hours after smoking which may increase chance of heart attack development problems from use during pregnancy, increased brain and behavioral problems in babies men decreased sperm count


- breathing slows/stops - decreased oxygen to the brain called hypoxia, causes come and permanent brain damage - NARCAN - nose spray used by EMS to counter overdose and save lives


- brown path or bump that changes shape rapidly - survival rate high if treated

signs that someone is in a risky situation

- change in sleep patterns - excessive crying - lack of interest of pleasure - increased irritability - anger outbursts - negative self-talk - excessive worry or panic - excessive energy - perfectionism - academic decline - self-harm (ex: cutting, burning, pulling hair) - withdrawal from relationships or activities - changes in appetite or eating patterns

male condoms

- condom should roll on the outside - do not "double up" because this causes more friction making it more likely to tear - buy condoms that are the right size - hold on to base of condom when withdrawing as not to spill - get a new condom after ejaculation

great pacific garbage patch

- connected pile of trash floating between Hawaii and California - patch size is bigger than Texas with 1.8 trillion pieces of trash - most common trash in it: fishing equipment

types of illness transmission

- contact - vector - arthropods - zoonotic

birth control mini pill

- contains only progesterone - advantages: similar to the combined pill - disadvantages: not as effective as the combined pill, may have more irregular bleeding, taken daily, decreased efficacy in obese women

Timothy Ray Brown ("Berlin Patient")

- cure for HIV in 2007 - only individual completely rid of the virus - diagnosed in 1995, taking anti-HIV drugs/antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 11 years--controlled HIV but developed leukemia - chemotherapy failed, so physicians did bone marrow transplant - successfully cured cancer, but also HIV dropped to undetected levels and never bounced back

abuse symptoms in college students:

- decreased interest in classes/extracurricular activities - drastic change in academic performance - shifts in sleeping patterns or weight - time spent in social circles - withdrawing from friends or acting secretive - changes in behavior/personality - uncharacteristic mood swings - depression/irritability

illness factors we control

- diet - exercise - substances like nicotine/alcohol/drugs - safe sex

skin cancer

- directly related to UV radiation from the sun (SPF 30+ for safety from UV rays) - three types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma

microwave safety

- do not cook ramen/mac n cheese without water - no aluminum foil - no olive oil

harmful effects of prescription opioids:

- drowsiness - confusion - nausea - constipation - euphoria - slowed breathing

parasitic illnesses

- dysentery - malaria - diarrhea - scabies (start on skin as mites and borrow underneath skin and lay eggs)

advantages of combined pill

- easy to use - does not interrupt intercourse - reversible - safe for most women - menstrual periods less painful and more regulated - may lower chances of getting PID, ovarian cysts, cancer of the ovaries and uterus, non-cancerous breast tumors, and anemia


- energy healing based on the idea "life force energy" flows through everyone's body - sickness and stress are indications that life force energy is low, while energy, health, and happiness signify a strong life force - a practitioner seeks the "transfer" life energy to the client by placing their hands lightly on the client's body or a slight distance away from the body - purpose is to promote relaxation, speed healing, reduce pain, and generally improve the client's wellbeing

natural family planning advantages

- enhances knowledge of reproductive physiology - increases male involvment

short term effects of cocaine:

- extreme happiness, energy, mental alertness - hypersensitivity to sight, sound, and touch - irritability - paranoia - extreme and unreasonable distrust of others effects immediate and disappear within a few minutes to an hour intensity depends on the method of use

medroxyPROGESTERone advantages

- extremely effective - contains no estrogen - no period, no ovulation pain, no menstrual cramps - may be used when breastfeeding - decreased risk of PID, ovarian/endometrial cancers - injections only 4 times per year

consequences of misuse/withdrawal symptoms of stimulants:

- fatigue - depression - disturbed sleep - hostility - paranoia - psychosis - high body temperature - irregular heartbeat - potential for cardiovascular failure or seizure

general symptoms of a bacteria illness:

- fever - pains - diarrhea - swelling - vomiting - fatigue - cramping - dehydration

Hepatitis A transmission

- food/water contaminated by feces of an infected person - anal sexual contact with an infected person

methane capturing system

- formed during trash breakdown - must be removed carefully so it doesn't explode


- healing power of nature - doctors trained conventional and alternative medicines, and look for cause of condition (exploring its mental, physical, and spiritual manifestations in a given patient) - typically involves a variety of treatment techniques including nutrition, behavioral changes, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and acupuncture

long term use

- heart damage - liver failure - muscle weakness - aplastic anemia (body produces fewer blood cells) - nerve damage (lead to chronic pain over time)

Pubic lice (crabs) transmission

- highly contagious, via contact, sheets, towels, clothing, mattress, toilet seat

in 1982...

- in june, cases among gay men in southern california suggested immune deficiency sexual and became "gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) - later disease reported in hemophiliacs & Haitians (many still believe HIV started in Haiti - CDC used the term "AIDS" (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) (september '82) - cases reported in many european countries

in 1985...

- in march, FDA licensed blood test, ELISA, to direct antibodies to the virus - U.S. Department of Health and Human Science and World Health Organization hosted the first international AIDS conference in Atlanta Georgia

heroin method of use:

- inject - sniff/snort - smoke - mixing opiates with crack cocaine is termed as "speed ball"

cocaine methods of use:

- injecting and smoking: produces quicker/stronger reaction but shorter lasting high (5-10 min) - snorting: high lasts for 15-30 min

bystander intervention

- involves developing the awareness, skills, and courage needed to intervene in a situation when another individual needs help - allows individuals to send powerful messages about what is acceptable and expected behavior in our community

medroxyPROGESTERone disadvantages

- irregular breakthrough bleeding - weight gain/bloating - breast tenderness - bone density decrease - delay in return to ovulation - stays for at least 3 month after injection

one should see a doctor if...

- itching on or around genitals - malodorous, discolored discharge from urethra or vagina - bleeding from urethra or vagina - sores, lesions, or growths on or around genitals - burning sensation during urination or ejaculation - painful intercourse

Trichomoniasis in men

- itching or irritation inside the penis - burning after urination or ejaculation - discharge from penis

Trichomoniasis in women

- itching, burning, redness, or soreness of the genitals - discomfort with urination - thin discharge with unusual smell that can be clear, white, yellowish, or greenish

landfill building

- key is "no oxygen" so it is right - moisture ruins a landfill


- killing another person (5/100,000) - may or may not be legal (self-defense/shooting intruders) - 64% with a firearm - justifiable = killing in defense - criminally negligent homicide = death results from doing something risky in a potentially dangerous situation (you should have known better); ex: texting while driving

natural family planning disadvantages

- lack of partner compliance - knowledge and understanding of reproductive physiology - day/date designated sexual intercourse

lung cancer

- leading cause of cancer death - directly related to cigarettes (chemicals in smoke)

STI screening prices are relative to

- location - insurance - private/public facility anywhere between$75 for a single or $249 for comprehensive

Hepatitis C symptoms

- long-term liver infection - cirrhosis - liver cancer

how marijuana affects a user's life:

- lower life satisfaction - poorer mental health - poorer physical health - more relationship problems - less academic and career success - higher likelihood of dropping out of school - more job absences - accidents and injuries - withdrawal symptoms in long term users (grouchiness, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety)

spermicide disadvantages

- may cause reactions (genital irritations) or yeast vaginitis - must be inserted before every intercourse - may be messy

ParaGard (IUD) disadvantages

- may experience pain and a heavy menstrual flow - increases risk of PID in first 20-30 days if STI is present at insertion


- medicine from India and around for thousands of years - practitioners use a variety of techniques, including herbs, massage, and specialized diets, with the intent of balancing the body, mind, and spirit to promote overall wellness

types of prescription opioids:

- methadone - morphine - Demerol - oxycontin - Tylenol with codeine - suboxone - ketamine - Vicodin


- mosquitoes - there are four different strains which make people sick - live and attack the liver - symptoms: chills, dangerous temperature, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, coma, can spread to blood vessels of the brain and swell, pulmonary edema, organ failure

human papilloma virus (HPV) symptoms

- most are asymptomatic - can be latent for many months or years - redness - swelling - development of painless warts (6 & 11) - cervical cell changes


- most common - 95% of all cases worldwide

basal cell carcinoma

- most common skin cancer - reddish area, sore that does not heal, bump that is raised and shiny - burn it off or use topical lotion to kill

prostate cancer

- most commonly diagnosed cancer in men (majority in men ages 65+) - starts as "polyps" growths in colon - use "colonoscopy" to determine if someone has it

felony murder

- murder while doing a crime (ex: robing a house but owner comes come so the owner is killed)

Skyla/Mirena (IUD) disadvantages

- must change every 3-5 years - risk of pelvic infection if STI present at insertion - bleeding and spotting in 1st 3 months

side effects of emergency contraception

- nausea and vomiting - breast tenderness - other hormonal side effects like heavy bleeding

human papilloma virus (HPV) complications

- neonatal infection - cervical cancer - cancer of the tonsils, upper throat and base of tongue, vaginal, vulvar, anal

male contraceptives

- nestorone-testosterone topical gel - polymer injectables - DMAU (dimethandrolone undecanoate) - non-hormonal/plant based pill - ultrasound - heat methods - BIMEK SLV

high risk sexual behavior

- oral, anal, or vaginal sex without barrier - multiple partners - sharing drug works - sharing sex toys without barriers

moderate risk sexual behavior

- oral, anal, vaginal sex with barrier method - digital penetration using barrier - sex toys with barrier - manual stimulation

parasite category #2 - worms/helminth

- pain, bloating, nausea, general malaise - ex: tape, flukes, hook, pin, round - found in undercooked meat and contaminated water - some have grown up to 80 feet long and lived inside someone for 30 years, feeds off your nutrients, lives around the intestines, bloodstream, muscles, and other tissue/organs - treatment: surgery or anti-parasite medicines, which essentially poison the parasite and it dies and comes out system through fecal matter; quinine is a drug used for malaria and acts like a poison

complications of untreated STIs/STDs

- pelvic inflammatory disease - cervical and testicular cancer - sexual dysfunction - sterility - ectopic pregnancy - death

tubal ligation advantages

- permanent - highly effective - private/personal - no additional contraception needed

vasectomy advantages

- permanent to some degree - highly effective - private/personal

reasons for violence

- personal - social - family - peer - economics - what type of home persons was born into - drugs/alcohol - mental disorder - exposure at home - poverty

unintentional injury death types (America)

- poisoning: most common (including drug OD) with 40,000-45,000 per year - car crashes: 39,000-42,000 per year (car crashes are the leading cause of unintentional death in the world with 1,300,000) - falls: 25,000 per year (2.8 million incidents per year) - fire: 23,000 per year - choking: 2,000-3,000 per year

lifestyle behaviors that raises chances of illness

- poor sleep - nutrition - exercise - smoking -dirt - poor food preparation - sharing towels - eating utensils - sponges - needles

massage therapy

- popular, but has conflicting data - can relieve stress in patient, but the effects will not last - sessions are expensive - proven that the results are great short term, especially in those terminally ill - different types have different focuses, pressures etc - 45 states in the US regulate therapists to avoid any fraud

resource depletion due to...

- population growth - pollution - waste - war - mining - erosion


- principle of treating "like with like," meaning a substance that causes illness when taken in large doses can be used in small amounts and treat those same symptoms (concept similar to allergy shots) - gather extensive background information on patients before prescribing a highly diluted substance, usually in liquid or tablet form, to jumpstart the body's natural system of healing - some clinical evidence of effectiveness

effects of inhalants

- rapid high resembles alcohol intoxication - initial excitation - drowsiness - disinhibition - lightheadedness - agitation - nerve damage due to lack of oxygen

in 1981...

- rare lung infection called Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) found in 5 previously healthy gay men in LA - reports of men in New York/California with unusually aggressive cancer (Kaposi's Sarcoma) - in December, first cases of PCP reported in people from injection of drugs - 270 reported cases of severe immune deficiency among gay men with 121 died

Pubic lice (crabs) symptoms

- red bumps - severe itching - irritation usually, you are unaware of this parasite can occasionally be found on other coarse body hair, such as leg hair, armpits, mustache, beard, eyebrows, or eyelashes

steps to saving the environment

- reduce fossil fuel dependence - keep water clean - preserve tree/forests (gives us oxygen and maintains healthy soil) - protect coastal ecosystems

Chlamydia complications

- reiter's syndrome in men (arthritis, redness in eyes, urinary problems) - PID in women - infertility

female condom

- requires additional lubricant - can be inserted hours prior to sexual penetration

Nexplanon (Progestin Only) disadvantages

- requires physician insertion & removal - irregular bleeding - change in cycles - increased risk of ovarian cysts - increased risk of blood clots with smoking

vasectomy disadvantages

- reversibility is difficult and expensive - requires minor surgery

tubal ligation disadvantages

- reversibility is difficult and expensive - requires surgeons and an opperating room

short term effects of heroin:

- rush (surge of pleasure/euphoria - dry mouth - warm flushing of the skin - heavy feeling in the arms and legs - nausea and vomiting - severe itching - clouded mental functioning - back-and-forth of conscious/semiconscious

additional tips for intervening in a risky situation

- safety first - approach everyone as a friend - trust your instincts - put yourself in others' shoes - be honest and direct whenever possible - you are still intervening when asking for help

birth control combined pill

- series of pills containing hormones estrogen and progesterone, taken orally for 3 weeks out of 4

Hepatitis B symptoms

- severe live infection (hepatitis) - long-term liver infection - cirrhosis - liver cancer

Hepatitis A symptoms

- severe liver infection (hepatitis) - sickness for up to 6 months

risky situations at college

- sexual assault - relationship abuse - alcohol/drug abuse - hazing - discrimination - mental health issues

Hepatitis C transmission

- sharing needles/syringes - contact with infected blood

disadvantages of combined pill

- side effects: nausea, headaches, depression, fluid retention, decreased sex drive - potential blood clots - risk of heart attack, strokes, high BP, glucose intolerance, gallbladder disease, live tumors - breast cancer risk is slightly higher - decreased efficacy in obese women

natural body defenses

- skin - sweat = enzymes kill pathogens - mucus membranes (lungs-cilia) = trap and eliminate pathogens - nose hairs - tears = wash away microbes - saliva = eliminate vectors spitting - stomach acid = kills pathogens - large intestine = good bacteria keeps pathogens from multiplying - urine = washes microbes out of body

herpes simplex (1 and 2) transmission

- skin to skin contact - oral-genital

Skyla/Mirena (IUD) advantages

- skyla = 3 years - mirena = 5 years - increases compliance - always in place - less spotting/bleeding - may be used when breastfeeding

short term effects of depressants:

- slow brain function, pulse, and breathing - lower blood pressure - poor concentration - dizziness - slurred speech - sluggishness - dilated pupils - disorientation - lack of concentration - difficulty/inability to urinate

methods of marijuana use

- smoke using hand-rolled cigarettes (joints) - pipes or water pipes (bong) - emptied cigars refilled (blunts) - mixed in food such as brownies, cookies, or candy (edibles) to avoid inhaling smoke, more people are beginning to use vapors these devices pull the active ingredients (including THC) from the marijuana and collect the vapor in a storage unit (person inhales vapor, not smoke)

cancer risk factors

- smoke/tobacco use - alcoholism - family history - lack of physical activity - poor diet/obesity - excess exposure to UV radiation (sun) - specific viruses - exposure to chemicals/posions

solid waste

- stored in "municipal landfill" (over 3K in the USA and over 12,000 filled up and closed) - different landfills for construction and inert materials such as tree stumps and/or limbs and leave, asphalt, concrete, rock

viruses can wake due to:

- stress - diet - sleep - exercise

needs to sustain life

- sun - water - food - temperature

cancer treatment options

- surgery - chemotherapy - radiation - immunotherapy - transplant

Chlamydia detection

- swab culture from the cervix (women) - urinate in cup for males

mental effects of marijuana

- temporary hallucination - temporary paranoia - extreme and unreasonable distrust - worsening symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and other mental health problems (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts)


- the idea of putting needles or knuckles (acupressure) on center areas of the body called "meridians" and based from ancient Chinese culture - each meridian in the body corresponds to a specific body part - can also be done for stress related disorders like migraines and has been so successful that the US government is studying this to find proof to demonstrate this is effective - insurance will cover this - sold in sets of three with additional vials of herbs which supposedly increases the success of their methods - issue: this cannot be measured

bacteria cause sickness by:

- toxicity: make poisons to damage cells in body - invasive: multiply and overwhelm immune system

hate crime

- traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias - for the purpose of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as "a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity 80% of all hate crimes total against a person/people and 20% of all hate crimes against property

Hepatitis B transmission

- transmit infection via blood/body fluid in an open cut (like during a fight) - getting tattoos and/or body piercings - passing from mother to child during birth - sharing toothbrushes and/or razors - having unsafe sex - sharing needles and/or syringes

bacterial vaginosis/gardnerella

- transmitted via sexual contact - 50% of women = no symptoms - men = no symptoms but carriers - vaginal infection, not only STIs - symptoms = increased gray discharge with unusual odor


- tropospheric ozone + fog - put certain people at risk for heart/lung problems


- uncommon and less infectious - generally diagnosed in Africa but a number of cases in US - time between infection and symptoms longer, less likely to progress and many infected remain lifelong non-progresses - during progression, CD4 counts remain higher and viral loads lower - has ability to mutate/change over time, within main types of the virus there are generally distinct subgroups


- unjustified killing with intent - conduct so reckless that it is punishable - malice aforethought


- unlawful killing of someone without malice - conduct so reckless that it is punishable types: voluntary, felony/involuntary, misdemeanor

activities that allow HIV transmission

- unprotected sex - blood contact/injection drug needles - transfusions - accidents in health care settings - blood products - mother to baby

latex/non-latex dam

- used as a barrier during oral sex on a female or for anal rimming - purchased them online at stores like condom mania, MOI, or SHEER glyde dams - comes in different colors and flavors - can also use non-microwaveable plastic wrap

food bacteria

- usually killed over 165 degrees - anything between 40-140 degrees is the "danger zone" for bacteria grow

things to keep clean for food safety

- utensils - plates - cutting board - hands (warm water and soap) be careful not to cross contaminate

how HIV works in the body

- virus attacks a type of white blood cell called T-helper cells (AKA CD4), which help us fight diseases and infections - makes new copies of itself inside T-helper cells--this damages the immune system and gradually weakens our natural defenses (this process is called the HIV life cycle) - symptoms of HIV can differ from person-to-person and some people may not get any symptoms at all for many years - without treatment, the virus will get worse over time and damage the immune system


- where trash is stored in layers and compacted daily - packed solid with lining between each level

Gonorrhea symptoms

- yellow or white discharge/drip - urethritis - frequent urination - bleeding between periods/after sex - heavier and more painful periods - lower abdominal pain - epididymitis 2-21 day incubation period

why are inhalants popular?

-mind altering - cheap - can be legally purchased - easy to find in house

methods of use for inha

-sniffing/snorting fumes from containers - spraying directly into the nose or mouth - bagging = sniffing or inhaling fumes from substances sprayed or deposited inside a plastic or paper bag - huffing from an inhalant-soaked rag stuffed in the mouth - inhaling from balloons filled with nitrous oxide

birth control pill effectiveness against STIs

0% none

_____ of LSU students reported having been diagnosed or treated by a professional for HIV in the last 12 months


simple 7 for heart health

1) avoid tobacco 2) healthy diet (avoid triglycerides - fats we eat or produced from carbs) 3) exercise 4) healthy weight (BMI) 5) healthy blood pressure - around 120/80 or less 6) healthy blood glucose (to avoid diabetes) 7) healthy cholesterol - positive balance of HDL (good/clear from arteries) and LDL (bad - stick to arteries)

HIV life cycle (four stages)

1) binding and fusion - HIV virus attaches itself to a T-helper cell and releases HIV into the cell 2) conversion and integration - once inside the cell, HIV changes genetic material and enters cell nucleus and takes control of it 3) replication - cell then produces more HIV proteins used to produce more HIV 4) assembly, budding, and mutation - new HIV particles released from hijacked T-helper cell into the bloodstream

four cancer classifications

1) carcinoma 2) sarcoma 3) leukemia 4) lymphoma


1) good - stratospheric: protects surface from UV sun 2) bad - tropospheric: ground level chemicals

two main types of HIV:

1) hiv-1 2) hiv-2

three factors to cause illness

1) host must be exposed to pathogen 2) host must be susceptible to pathogen by weakened immune system 3) environment must be right for pathogen to live

two part of the immune system

1) innate system 2) acquired system

three categories for all alternative/complimentary practices of medicine

1) mind-therapy 2) body-therapy 3) diet-therapy

two types of homicide

1) murder 2) manslaughter

five-step decision making model

1) notice the event 2) interpret the event as a problem 3) take personal responsibility to intervene 4) decide how you are going to intervene 5) take action

three types of white blood cells:

1) phagocytes 2 & 3) lymphocytes (t-cells and b-cells)

three classes of fungal illnesses:

1) superficial 1A) cutaneous 2) subcutaneous 3) systemic mycoses

Pubic lice (crabs) have three stages:

1) the egg ( AKA nit) 2) the nymph 3) the adult

over ________ normal products could be used as inhalants


unintentional injuries are leading cause of death from ages ______ and third leading cause of death for ages _____


approximately _______ people in the U.S. living with HIV today and ____% are unaware they are infected

1.1 million people/15%


100 times stronger than fentanyl and 10,000 stronger than morphine used to tranquilize large animals like elephants

____% of pregnant teenagers smoke marijuana, leading to negative effects upon the unborn child


seas/oceans weigh ________ pounds overall

14 billion

Louisiana rate by age group

15-19 = 858.4 20-24 = 920.8 25-29 = 459.0

in 2017, ______ died of HIV/AIDS in America with ____% of all deaths in Souther states of America


in 2017, _____ has stage 3, which is the worst diagnosis and have full blown AIDS


Edward Jenner - idea of "immunization"

1796 - developed the first vaccine realized people at his farm were not dying of small pox. they were getting sick but it was mild and called "cow pox." he took a young boy and gave him cow pox. then after a while exposed him to small pox and the boy did not get sick "cow pox" was injected to protect from small pox

_____% of Americans over the age of 26+ used cocaine at least one time in life and ____% used crack at least once in life

17; 4

of all new HIV diagnoses in 2017, _______ and in the _______

19,968 (52%)/Souther state of America

believed HIV originated in Kinshasa in...

1920 crossed species from chimpanzees to humans

Louisiana has the highest rate of Gonorrhea infection in the country with a rate of....

198.4 per 100,000 persons

CDC's new estimates show that there are _______ new infections in the US each year costing the US $__ billion in direct medical costs alone

20 million; 16

research shows if someone is alone witnessing a distressful situation, about 80% of people will intervene. However, if others are around that number drops to _____


the top year for deaths AIDS-related illnesses with a total of 1.8 million


_______% of Americans have a joint within 5 minutes of waking


sudden-sniffing death

22% of first time users die (heart attack, as it is a shock to system)

in Europe, average days used per month are...


______ of LSU students reported having been tested for HIV infection


27% of ALL cases are under ______

25 years old

from 2010-2016, annual new HIV increased between the ages of ______


Nexplanon (Progestin Only)

3 year single rod contraceptive

over _____ states (including D.C.) allow some sort of use


______ million Americans use monthly and ______ million used at some point in their lives

35; 78

in 2018, there were ______ new infections and out of those ______ were ages 13-24


________ people globally living with HIV in 2019 (______ are children. under 25 years)

38 million; 1.8 million 79% know they have it and 21% do not (8.1 million)

emergency room visits per year for injuries:

41-42 million

almost ____% of high school seniors admit using during life


______ million using marijuana once per month


_____ new cases of HIV per day worldwide


for those age 26 and over, _____% used crystal meth at some point during life


______% of all people living with HIV were accessing treatment (____% kids)


____ have some HIV medical care ____ have continuous HIV care ____ have viral suppression

63% 49% 51%

MDMA (ecstasy or molly)

7% ages 26+ use at least once in life in system for 3-6 hours, known as a party drug doapmine/serotonin flood mind symptoms include: sexual arousal, increased empathy, emotional connection, elevates mood, mental and physical euphoria, mild hallucinations (like color changes or heightened audio effects), dehydration, raises your body temperature

oral human papilloma virus (HPV)

7% of all Americans 10% of males 3.6% of females

only _____ of those infected in Louisiana are aware of their diagnosis


since US records started in 1981, _______ people died from HIV, and total infected since then are _________


every week, around ______ young women ages 15-24 years become infected with HIV this is 27 times higher men who have sex with men; 23 times higher people who inject drugs; 13 times higher female sex workers; 13 times higher for transgender women


______ people globally infected with HIV since the start of records in 1981 and ______ died since records started

77.3 million/35.4 million

________ people died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2018


_______% between ages 15-64 use, only behind the use of alcohol globally


80% of people that know are getting treatment and of those treated ____% are virally suppressed (medication is working)

81% total overall suppressed is 47%

____% of users become addicted (those starting as teens and people who use daily)


in addition, ____% of people ages 18-25 admit using at least once in lifetime


ischemic stroke

90% of all strokes brain artery blocked

doctor visits per year for injuries:

90-93 million

birth control pill effectiveness against pregnancy

99% (excellent)

medroxyPROGESTERone effectiveness against pregnancy

99% (excellent)


Food and Drug Administration foods, drugs, cosmetics, supplements


IUD/IUC intrauterine device/contraceptive

Countries overall use (all ages) most to least:

Iceland = 18% USA = 16% Nigeria = 14% Canada = 12%

top two sydchedelic drugs:

LSD (11% in life age 26+) and PCP (2% age 26+)

______, _______, and ________ grows the best coca shrub

Peru, Bolivia, and Chile

first know AIDS case in America:

Robert Raiford (unofficial 1968-69) was age 15 at the time of treatment

Syphilis is one of the 3 most common reported ______


most use of any city in the world followed by Karachi, Pakistan

San Francisco/NYC

stage 3 of illness progression from HIV to AIDS

Symptomatic HIV Infection (AIDS) - during this stage, there has been a lot of damage to your immune system - you are more likely to get serious infections or bacterial and fungal diseases that you would otherwise be able to fight off - these infections referred to as "opportunistic infections" - symptoms during this time: weight loss, chronic diarrhea, night sweats, fever, persistent cough, mouth/skin problems, regular infections, serious illnesses/diseases - without treatment, people who progress to AIDS typically survive about 3 years

leading opportunistic infection to kill from AIDS is ____ (33% of AIDS-related deaths)


count of 200-499 means __________ with HIV/AIDS

TB, skin infections, sinus infections, shingles, herpes

short term effects of marijuana on brain

THC quickly passes from lungs into the bloodstream, carries THC to the brain and other organs throughout the body the body then absorbs THC more slowly when the person eats/drinks it and user generally feels effect in 30 minutes to an hour effects: altered senses (seeing brighter colors), altered sense of time, changes in mood, impaired body movement, difficulty with thinking and problem-solving, impaired memory


United States Department of Agriculture grains and meats

Stages of Addiction

a - experimentation b - regular use c - risky use d - dependence e - addiction

DXM (dextromethorphan)

a drug the most people have tried without knowing it common active ingredient in cough suppressing medicines like Vicks, Nyquil, and Robitussin high doses can cause dissociative hallucinogenic effects like PCP or ketamine, however, it is less likely to cause addiction or dependence

diffusion of responsibility

a phenomenon in which a person is less likely to take responsibility to act when others are around


a phenomenon where the desire for consensus overrides people's common sense to present alternatives

polymer injectables - vasalgel

a polymer gel that goes in the vas deferens and blocks sperm it may be expected to be reversible, based on preclinical studies in rabbits

ketamine side effects

a precursor to PCP and synthesized for the same purpose, as an anesthetic for use in surgery symptoms include: sedation, memory loss as a side effect and restricted to veterinary use, causes similar effects to PCP has a low to moderate addiction potential


a psychedelic found in a number of southwestern cacti like peyote, the San Pedro cactus, and the Peruvian torch used for Native American's religious ceremonies illegal in the US but special exceptions made for groups that use it for religious purposes causes color enhancements, euphoria, and an increase in introspection users often report having personally epiphanies on while on the drug

viral set point

a relatively stable level of virus in your body


a special class of inhalants specifically used as sexual enhancers (cyclohexyl nitrite), isoamyl (amyl nitrite), and isobutyl (butyl-nitrite) known on streets as "poppers" or "snappers" poppers - enlarge blood flow, excitement, dizzy, and sexual pleasure

PCP (phencyclidine)

a synthetic dissociative/hallucination first synthesized as an anesthetic for medical use because of its side effects (including mania, delirium, and disorientation) human use discontinues in 1950s unlike other psychedelic drugs, considered moderately addictive and there is some threat of developing psychological issue

evaluation apprehension

a theory that proposes that the way we act is influenced by whether we believe the people around us will approve or disapprove us

second amendment

a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

natural family planning

abstinence during the fertile time requires regular menstrual cycles to monitor ovulation days


acquired immune deficiency syndrome

abuser v addict

addict not limited to substance abuse (become addicted to anything)

HIV and T-Cells

after illness clears, a small number of B and T cells persist in the blood with memory of the virus, allowing them to activate and destroy viruses more quickly the next time they enter the body the CD4 (AKA "CD4+T" are white blood cells that fight infection) count is like a snapshot of how well your immune system is functioning the more CD4+T the better as these cells kill HIV virus


age 26+ about 17% have tried at least once in life classified into three main categories: - serotonergic - empathogens - dissociative

most popular depressant


students most common addictions:

alcohol, adderall, marijuana, ecstasy


alters the DNA of the cancer can "target" specific parts of the body without harm to everything else


animal, person, microorganism, or insect that transmits disease (does not cause, just carries it) most are insects (mosquitoes are most common, fleas, ticks); makes both the human and animal sick

chlamydia treatment

antibiotics all persons need to be treated

bacteria illness treated by ______ which inhabits production of poisons within 24-48 hours



anything (germ) that can produce illness/disease (different categories)

the level of undiagnosed HIV cases is...

at an all time high


athlete's food, jock itch, candida

count less than 50 means __________ with HIV/AIDS

basically anything can infect ex: TB, cervical cancer, thrush, dementia, histoplasmosis, wasting, cancers/lymphomas, pneumonia


below skin and can infect bones if serious enough, small bump under skin which causes pain like arthritis

poisoning injuries

besides drugs, includes food bacteria and household products prevention: take medicines how intended, keep meds in the original container with instructions, secure household products, never mix products like bleach/ammonia, do not tell kids medicine is candy, use fan or open windows when using household chemicals to clean, have a carbon monoxide sensor, have anything fueling with gas, oil or coal-burning (like a heater or coal-burning appliances) checked yearly, never use anything in house that burns gas or charcoal (grill, camp stove, generator), don't heat house with gas oven, keep everything beyond 25 feet from windows, never run a car inside a closed garage even if window is open, make sure fireplace is vented, CO kills by lowering ability to get oxygen to the blood starving the cells organs

the highest rate of HIV diagnoses were among...

blacks and males primarily men who have sex with other men


blood flow to brain is impaired causing tissue in brain to die

systemic circulation

body pump blood to and from (left side of heart) = oxygen-rich blood to body and oxygen-poor blood back to heart

D - Dependence

body and mind must have it to function normally (physically and emotionally)

physical aspects of addiction

body functions (sleep, awake, relieve pain, etc)


bone marrow (originated for leukemia and lymphoma) works for some cancers but limited effectiveness

hemorrhagic stroke

brain artery ruptures and bleeds into brain tissue could be caused by head trauma or injury

count less than 100 means __________ with HIV/AIDS

can get toxoplasmosis and MAC

pure caffine

can of on one teaspoon (equals 5,000 milligrams) one milligram for every two pounds is the lethal dose and will kill instantly


can pass it from person to person transmitted in air, phlegm, sex, sneezing, etc.

malignant tumor

can spread to surrounding cells and can cause cancer


cancer spreading from its original location through the body


cardiovascular disease

fall injuries

cause by mix of reason including: physical health (vision, foot pain, arthritis, use of medicines), ice/water, trash in house, ladder prevention: keep high traffic areas clean, use 1/4 ladder rule, lighting by entrances, railing for stairs, slip bars in shower


central nervous system

Chlamydia symptoms

cervicitis, urethritis, proctitis 50% of men and 75% of women are asymptomatic


chemical that does not directly cause cancer, but can combine with something else to cause cancer two chemicals that when mixed can cause tumors, but not either one on its own


chiropractic, yoga, acupuncture, Reiki, Tai Chi

LA is #2 in cases of...


most costly STI


ozone is killed by _________, which is released into atmosphere when nitrogen in car exhaust is exposed to sunlight (resulting in brown color)


chronic bronchitis

chronic swelling; over production of mucus in lungs (smoking, pollution, constant cough, congestion)


classical psychedelic drugs stereotype when we conjure up an idea of psychedelic drugs LSD, DMT, and mescaline - drastic changes in your sensory perception, visual and audible hallucinations


clot that develops anywhere in body (mostly in heart) and travels to brain

london smog

coal based and black

Gray Death

cocktail of fentanyl, carfentanil, and U-47700

hormone contraceptives

combined estrogen-progestin birth control pills, patches, or the ring prevent the pituitary glands from releasing hormones that stimulate ovulation use a backup form of contraception for the first 7 days

environmental wellness

concept started to kill vectors, which were making people sick went to far--began damaging crops


considered permanent male tube tying

tubal ligation

considered permanent two small cuts are made, a scope for seeing inside the abdomen is put into one of the cuts, a tool for working on the tubes is put through the other cut both fallopian tubs are cut, the cut ends can then be burns, ties, or clamped shut

C - Risky Use

consistent use which causes noticeable behavior change (usually negative personality problems)

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission

contact of open skin/mucous membranes with infected persons fluids order of concentration (casual contact incurs no risk) 1) blood 2) semen 3) vaginal 4) breast milk 5) urine/feces


contraceptive injection - progesterone only research being conducted concerning potential bone density loss generic version of Depo Provera


coronary heart disease

felony/involuntary manslaughter

crime with death but unintentional (throwing a brick off a bridge and killing someone)

crystal meth

dangerous drug to make unlimited energy for days

systemic mycoses

dangerous, attack internal organs


depersonalization/derealization, feel a disconnect from the world, their surroundings, and even their bodies EX: PCP

how stimulants work on the brain and body

dextromphetamine (dexedrine/adderall) and methylphenidate (ritalin/concerta) enhance dopamine, euphoria, increase blood glucose, and open up breathing passages


direct (sex) and indirect (door knob or public computers), food, or perinatal (uterus)

direct action strategy

directly intervene, in the moment, to prevent a problem or situation from happening

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) symptoms

divided into 4 stages 1) infection and sero-conversion (3-6 months): flu like illness; about 2 weeks 2) symptom free: a few months to many years 3) early symptoms: fevers, herpes zoster (shingles), thrush (yeast infection); a few months to several years 4) AIDS - opportunistic infections (take advantage of the weakened immune system), Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, pneumocystis pneumonia, lymphoma, cervical cancer, dementia; a few months to years

components of marijuana

dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds contain the mind-altering chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) most commonly used illicit drug in the US, wide spread among young people

treatment for addiction:

drug substitution = methadone (for heroin) helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms


drug treatment (over 50 drugs for cancer) designed to alter the cell growth

motor vehicle injuries

due to second collision (those in car hit the inside of car) and poor driving (speeding, blinkers, distracted driving, etc.) prevention: brakes, tires, lights, wipers in perfect condition, defensive driving, seatbelts (half of deaths involve no seatbelts), distracted driving, follow traffic laws (speeding, blinkers, etc.)

marijuana trafficking in the US

either grown domestically or smuggled through Mexico or Canada most cannabis cultivation in the US occurs on public lands where cultivators take advantage of remote areas most than 3 million marijuana plants found and destroyed in National Forests in the US since 1997

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

emphysema + chronic bronchitis (short of breath and constant coughing) use oxygen tank normal

B - Regular Use

engagement in everyday life

prevention of multiple causation theory

engineering, education, and enforcement (laws/police)


entire body ex: flu, high blood pressure

a person stopping chemo and starting an unproven method of treatment that could possibly be harmful

ex of alternative medicine

continuing chemo but adding another treatment/practice in addition

ex of complimentary medicine

renewable resources

ex: air, water, solar

groundwater pollution

ex: chemicals seep into groundwater

non-renewable resources

ex: coal, natural gas

surface water pollution

ex: oil spill

nuvaring effectiveness against pregnancy


parasite category #1 - Protozoa

exclusively spread through a vector and multiply fast causing serious problems (amoeba) different types based on how they move around--some swim and some don't and cannot move when in adult stage

los angeles smog

exhaust based and brown

non-hormonal/plant based pill

extracts from plants traditionally known to have contraceptive effects experimental requiring intense research

natural family planning effectiveness against pregnancy


spermicide effectiveness against STIs


spermicide effectiveness against pregnancy


fatty streak

fat that accumulate in artery


fats/cholesterol in arteries "hardening the arteries" which restricts blood flow


fifteen minutes of painless treatment to the testes provides six months of contraception now seems more promising as a permanent method (nonsurgical alternative to vasectomy)


first line of defense of the acquired immune system works by surrounding and overwhelming the pathogen send a message to other forms of white blood cells to mobilize and assist in fighting the pathogen


foams, suppositories, creams, jellies, and film that contain sperm-killing chemicals and are inserted into the vagina


focus on blood and other fluids within cell tissue upon detection of antigen they product antibodies which attaches to an antigen and destroy it

virus treatment

focus on each symptom if it causes a secondary infection then you can have antibiotics

trends for simulant usage:

for cognitive functioning/non-medical use perceived safe (e.g., adderall), BUT abused to increase wakefulness, motivation, and aspects of cognition, learning, and memory militaries - use to increase performance, US armed forces allow limited use used by professional and high school/college students to increase productivity and academics

air pollution emergency

for one to occur must have: - temperature inversion - no winds (high pressure) - a source of pollution makes air stagnant and dangerous


found in connective tissue like bones, muscles, tendons, etc


found in epithelial tissue (tissue/cells that cover body surface like internal organ, blood vessels, urinary tract, or skin) ex: skin cancer


found in flood, starting in bone marrow


found in lymph nodes and glands

Psilocybin (mushrooms)

fungi that have been used since prehistoric times as an entheogen and hallucinogenic drug over 100 species of mushrooms that cause an increase in empathy, euphoria, and altered thinking

non-substance addictions

gambling, sex, internet, video games, plastic surgery, food, porn, shopping, relationships

most polluted body of water in the world:


26,000 of new HIV infections are ____________ and have the greatest risk

gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men

meth run

give up food and sleep and take drug for days at a time

at risk student groups for addiction:

greek members, athletes, students w/ mental health issues, student living on-campus housing/dorms, students w/ extreme stress

HIV cannot _____ or ______ on its own

grow or reproduce

Young people (ages 15-24) are particularly affected, accounting for _____ of all STIs, although they represent just _____ of the sexually experienced population

half (50%); 25%


hard mass of extra tissue that invaded the body two types - benign and malignant


harming someone with malice or intent forms include: physical, sexual, emotional, cultural, verbal, neglect, domestic

cardiovascular disease

heart and blood vessel problems leading cause of death overall for men and women in America (about 33% of deaths)

complications due to gonorrhea

heart, skin, joint problems, and infertility

cardiovascular system

hearts, vessels, arteries, and blood flow


helper-t is the radar and killer-t cells work with b-cells to actually do the fighting suppressor-t cells eventually slow down the immune system after its finished

emergency contraception

high dose of estrogen and progestin 1 pill taken as soon as possible, up to 72 hours seven out of eight women prevented pregnancy should not be used in place of regular birth control

count less than 200 means __________ with HIV/AIDS

high probability for pneumonia

misdemeanor manslaughter

homicide during a misdemeanor (theft, vandalism, traffic ticket)


hormone emitting flexible ring releases estrogen and progestin in amounts similar to oral contraceptive used monthly by inserting into the vagina on or before the firth day of the menstrual period and removed during the fourth week


human immunodeficiency virus

the most common sexually transmitted virus in the US is...

human papilloma virus (HPV)


illness present at expected rates


illness present at higher rates than normal


illness spread globally (usually out of control)


immune system look at something harmless but treats it like a pathogen (so you begin that innate phase) and full blown response (pollen, animal dander, trees, grasses, foods, mold, etc) basically anything the body mistakes to cause illness

effects for marijuana users

impairs ability to form memories and shift attention from one thing to another smoke has 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke


implanted device about the size of a gummy bear valve is closed, it diverts sperm cells by pushing them sideways, preventing them from reaching the seminal fluid = sterility not in use at this time

latent (dormant)

in body but "sleeps" causes symptoms when environment is right & immune system is weak ex: common cold

sporadic cases documented prior to 1980, but data suggest the epidemic started...

in the mid-to-late 1970s


includes mediation, relaxation techniques, hypnosis, and prayer


increase CNS activity used for asthma, weight loss, neurological disorders, other medical problems, alertness, attention, energy, elevate blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration potential for misuse/addiction apparent, so common medical conditions treated with stimulants decreased over time

Local Health Departments

independent to each parish/county restaurants


indian help plant "cannabis sativa" 47% of people over the age of 26 used at least one time in life, 11% one time per year, 8% one time per month 8% use one time a month


infest the body and live off the host best in warm and moist climates, transferred in water and in poor areas with no water treatment

fungi illness spreads by:

inhaling spores which spreads natural "mycotoxins" which kills healthy cells and hijacks resources the cell world normally use to survive can also make people ill by allergies


inside body like a tapeworm (usually cause the harshest problems)

long term effects of heroin:

insomnia, collapsed veins from injecting, damaged nose tissue for people who sniff/snort it, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses (swollen with pus), constipation, stomach cramping, liver and kidney disease, lung complications (pneumonia), depression and antisocial personality disorder, sexual dysfunction for men, irregular mensural cycles


insulin production compromised

second degree murder

intent to kill but no careful planning; out of passion (getting angry then killing)

distraction action strategy

interrupt the situation without directing confronting the individuals involved

A - Experimentation

introduction to behavior including more consistent desire to engage

viral infection works by:

invading host cells and replicating itself and can slightly change (mutate) from person to person which is a problem for medical science ex: common cold (rhinovirus) which are different types all slightly different

sudden cardiac death

irregular or weak heartbeat causing complete shutdown of heart

acute virus

is working

when coronary arteries do not get proper blood flow, then it weakens the heart muscle _______


normally, dopamine is present and used for response to rewards, then it recycles to cells that released it, shutting off good feelings. BUT when using cocaine...

it slows down and prevents dopamine recycling, which disrupts normal brain communication and causes cocaine's high


junk in artery wall (lipoproteins, collagen, etc.)


just skin or hair, causes itching and redness and that's about it, may infect a nail

bottom liner

keeps trash from the soil and water

voluntary manslaughter

killing due to extreme provocation, heat of passion, mental issue


known as t-cells and b-cells white blood cells that are in the bloodstream and lymph nodes when antigen is detected, they go to work


largest artery in body branches out to carry oxygen-rich blood to body using arterioles, capillaries, and smaller arteries

vena cava

largest veins carry the oxygen-poor blood from body to heart


lasts long periods of time (allergy), occasionally less painful but still need constant medicine or therapy (shots)


lays eggs on mosquitoes, ticks, or other flies and when human is bitten by either it deposits into the skin and body heat triggers growth or maggots which lay below the skin can eat tissue, reproduce causes itching, and pain, might even look like big boils under the skin maggots leave a small hole for oxygen


levonorgestrel IUD/ICU

unlike withdrawal from most drugs, withdrawal from depressants can be...

life threatening


liquid vaporize at room temperature ex: paint thinners/removers, dry-cleaning fluids, degreasers, gasoline, glues, and correction fluids/felt-tip markers


live on skin (flea, lice, and mites)

nestorone-testosterone topical gel side effects

lowers testosterone in the testes which lower blood levels which may cause lower libido or ejaculation problems

pulmonary circulation

lungs pumping blood to and from (right side of heart) = oxygen-poor blood to lungs and oxygen-rich blood to heart


lungs swollen (caused by allergy, tobacco, pollution, pathogens, obesity, stress)


made from morphine (schedule one) opium poppy plants grown in southeast/southwest asia, mexico, and colombia it is white/brown powder, or black sticky substance

Syphilis symptoms

many are asymptomatic primary phase: usually painless chancres on/in the sex organs, mouth, breasts, anus, or fingers secondary phase: flu-like symptoms, skin rash all over body, hair loss latent phase: usually asymptomatic but organisms still multiply in the body


medical anesthetics. household or commercial products most abused gases = whipped cream dispensers and products that boost octant levels in racing cars, butane lighters, propane tanks, and refrigerants ex: ether, chloroform, halothane, and nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

most common age range for opioid death:

men from ages 25-44

State Health Departments

milk/dairy usually managed by specific state department of agriculture

most polluted body of water in America:



mold, yeast, mildew grown best in warm and moist environments most of these illnesses begin in lungs or on the skin 1.5 million exist but only about 300 cause illness

electrocardiogram (EKG)

monitors and records heart activities

fire injuries

most common involve cooking, then electrical, candles, smoking in bed prevention: smoke alarms (check monthly), fire extinguishers (check every six months), escape plan, clean dryers/chimney, kitchen cooking areas, don't smoke in bed, blow out candles before sleeping/leaving room, do not overload circuits, keep heaters away from curtains, keep high traffic areas clear for escape, dust regularly, no cords under rug or close to curtains, stop-drop-roll

choking injuries

most common on food and small objections like marbles dangerous foods include: large meats (steak/hotdogs), cubes of cheese, seeds, raw veggies, peanut butter sandwiches, and hard candy prevention: clean house fo small objects like coins, staples, buttons, bottle caps, cut food in small pieces, chew thoroughly, don't rush when eating, drink water, heimlich maneuver


most common pollution cause is industrial waste 45% of American lakes too polluted to use


most common yeast illness which causes by yeast named "candida" it is ok if candida is in the mouth, intestines, or vagina at normal levels but causes sickness when it is not controlled symptoms: soreness, mouth and gum pain, white patches in mouth


most concentrated and potent form of cannabis containing high levels of THC

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)

most known psychedelic drug popularized by the 1960s counterculture/pop culture with public figures like the Beatles admitting to using it alters awareness and perceptions and causes hallucinations not chemically addictive but can cause some negative effects like anxiety and paranoia research shows an increased likelihood of developing psychological disorders like schizophrenia in adults with other risk factors


most popular illegal drug in history


most used drug since the beginning of time

Chlamydia transmission

mucous membranes ex: anus, penis, vagina, vulva, mouth, eyes

Gonorrhea transmission

mucous membranes includes: anus, penis, vagina, vulva, mouth, and eyes

causes of illness are...



needing more of a substance to feel high/drunk

herpes simplex (1 and 2) complications

neonatal infection (c-section recommended)

natural simulants

nicotine and caffeine some supplements (guarani, ginseng, b-vitamins, taurine, ginkgo) mistakenly believed safe because of "all natural" labeling, but serious effects occur when use is out of control

count of over 500 means ________ with HIV/AIDS

no major infections

medroxyPROGESTERone effectiveness against STIs


natural family planning effectiveness against STIs


nuvaring effectiveness against STIs


milk safety

normally OK for up to five days after expiration day

CBD (cannabidiol)

oil or candy as a treatment for epilepsy

the origins of cannabis

oldest written record on cannabis from Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. in 1545, cannabis spread to Western Hemisphere when Spaniards imported it to Chile for its use as rope fiber In North American, cannabis, in the form of hemp grown on many plantations for use in rope, clothing and paper Cannabis sativa grows wild in tropical/humid parts of the world Its seeds used for animal feed, its fibers for hemp rope, and its oil used as ingredient for paint

drain system for storm water

on top of the landfill from rain so it doesn't get into the inside


one category of vectors fleas, ticks, mosquitos ex: malaria, west nile virus, lyme disease

localized illness

one specific part of the body ex: cut on finger that gets infected, sting, sprained ankle

E - Addiction

out of control and unable to stop knows it is harmful and must alter behaviors to fix it ruins parts of life

fungi live:

outdoors in soil, trees, indoor surfaces (showers) and human skin (which can cause a rash)

if the heart muscle is devoid of _____ then it begins to die



pain (severe), pressure or tight feeling in chest where an artery is narrow

type 2 diabetes

pancreas produced normal insulin but body cells resist insulin causing glucose to build

Types 1 diabetes

pancreas produces zero insulin causing glucose (sugar) to build up in blood

most common product in landfill (by weight)


limbic system

part of the brain responsible for addiction (brain reward system) typical feelings for pleasure caused by "dopamine" - natural chemical; brain signals limbic system to release the dopamine what psychoactive drugs do is mimic dopamine & overproduce it in brain

commercial use marijuana

parts of marijuana and hemp plant--used for foods and drinks, cereal, candy, coffees, teas, body lotions, and makeup/shampoo

memory t-cells and b-cells

person usually develops an "immunity" to the specific pathogen learn the pathogen and remain in the bloodstream after the illness so if the same pathogen attacks the body in the future, the body can respond faster and more effectively


physical/mental feeling when drug is stopped or reduced in the body


physically remove cells

depressants also come in the form of:

pills, syrups, and injectable liquids


pink not approved for human use but amounts obtained online as a "research chemical"

first degree murder

plan to kill

most common product in landfill (by size)



pollution from many sources

single point

pollution from specific area

DMAU (dimethandrolone undecanoate)

potential pill steroid molecule with testosterone and progestin similar to the gel problem: more than one pill per day needed at this time

water treatment plan

primary - screening to remove big objects secondary - disinfection; removes dissolved organic matter tertiary - removes 99% of sediment and organisms to make people sick

cogestive heart failure

problem with blood pumping being inefficient causes blood to backup into veins in lungs, which causes fluid to seep into lungs and lower legs (swelling) difficult breathing, coughing, tires, confusions


problems with heart electric system heart beat is not rhythmic (either irregular or disorganized)


psychoactive drug naturally occurs in brain as a neurotransmitter used as anesthetic and for treatment of narcolepsy when used recreationally, users report effects similar to alcohol/MDMA used in clubs and at raves


release serotonin, giving users the feeling of euphoria, love, and increased attentiveness and awareness ex: MDMA


relieve pain (morphine), feeling of calmness, acts on parts of brain involved in feelings of pain/pleasure, and controlling heart rate, sleeping, and breathing

viral STDs/STIs

remain in the body for life include: HPV (human papilloma virus) and genital warts (vaccine), herpes (type 1 = oral, type 2 = genital), hepatitis B (vaccine), HIV

sinus node

responsible for electric signal to work the heartbeat grouping of cells in right atrium

polymer injectables - RISUG

reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance gel solidifies and anchors itself to the microscopic folds of the inner walls of the vas deferens as sperm come into contact with the polymer, the membranes of the sperm burst


ringworm ex: athletes' foot and jock itch

bacteria illnesses shaped as a ___, ____, ____, and sometimes protected by a capsid which is an outer layer over a cell wall and membrane

rod, cone, sphere

earliest known case of HIV-1 in human blood...

samples collected in 1959 from man in Kinshasa, Zaire (democratic republic of congo)

United States DEA classifies drugs according to a ___________


Most dangerous drugs are considered ____________

schedule one


schedule two - use in medical nose surgery coke, blow, nose candy, crack (rocks), snow works by increasing dopamine in the brain controlling pleasure and movement

inhalants are the most common drug used by _________

school age kids

prescription opioids

scientists in labs copy chemical structure of plants, used to treat moderate/severe pain, coughing, diarrhea people feel very relaxed (or high, can be addictive) overdoses/death are common schedule two and three - some medical use but highly addictive and carefully distributive & less potential for abuse

covering or "cap"

seals the top when at capacity and keeps environment safe


second category of vectors dogs, cats, or other animals transmitted to people ex: west nile virus, rabies

breast cancer

second leading cause of death for women

viruses usually causes a ______________ which is an illness that hits because of another illness

secondary infection ex: having the common cold which leads to getting a bacterial infection and having a sinus infection

delegation action strategy

seek help from someone else, including police or campus officals

t-cell count and opportunistic infections determines...

seriousness of HIV/AIDS

acute illness

short lived and intense ex: sinus infection, maybe food poisoning

human papilloma virus (HPV) transmission

skin to skin contact around mucous membranes

dormant virus



slow central nervous system (CNS), used to relieve insomnia and anxiety

benign tumor

slow growth and doesn't normally cause cancer

particulate matter

small particle mixed with liquid droplets

squamous cell carcinoma

small red hard nodule (bump/sore) from direct and unprotected sun exposure (including tanning bed)


smallest total number is anywhere from 350,000 to over three million need a host to survive unlike bacteria

long term effects of cocaine:

snorting: loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, frequent runny nose, and problems with swallowing eating/gums: severe bowel decay from reduced blood flow need injection: higher risk for contracting HIV, hepatitis C, and other blood borne diseases

classification system for inhalants

solvents, aerosols, gases, and nitrites, based on forms often found in household, industrial, and medical products


something that directly causes cancer


sometimes we are just unsure of what is actually happening

juice safety

sour taste means rancid

transient ischemic attack (TIA)

specific periods when blood flow is restricted to brain but resolves within many hours "mini-stroke" and could be a warning sign for large stroke

ventricular fibrillation

specific type of arrhythmia where a quivering feeling in lieu of a normal heartbeat


sprays that contain propellants and solvents ex: spray paints, deodorants and hair spray, vegetable oil sprays

students reasons to use substances:

stress, classes, experimentation, peer pressure

mental aspects of addiction

strong desire for the behavior, cannot keep from engaging in behavior

psychoactive drugs

substance (chemical) that changes brain functioning like consciousness, perception, or cognitive ability 6 different classifications

food expiration dates

suggested for freshness quality first and safety second


synthetic THC product control nausea/vomiting from chemo, stimulate appetite in AIDS patients in 1999, considered schedule three


synthetic opioid analgesic similar to morphine but is 50-100 times more potent schedule two prescription drug used to treat severe pain after surgery, or even chronic pain

binge/crash cycle

take more and more over specific period of time then crash when user stops or runs out


taking a healthy blood vessel and grafted onto coronary arteries to improve flow and function

freebase cocaine

taking all additives out of cocaine and getting it in its base/pure form for use ammonia used ether as a solvent, mixture dried powder form in some cases, ether actually dries into the final powdered cocaine product, users can develop burns on throat and nasal passages

syphilis complications

tertiary stage: brain, spinal cord, and heart problems, blindness, miscarriage, birth defects

testing eggs

test by putting in cup of water floats = rancid stinks = good

exercise stress test

test heart reactions during exercise (every three minutes)

heat methods

testes need to be slightly cooler than the rest of the body to properly produce sperm keep them warner for a shorter period of time (which testes-only baths for 45 minutes a day for 3 weeks every 6 months) contraception can be available for free

stage 2 of illness progression from HIV to AIDS

the asymptomatic stage (clinical latency) - once the seroconversion stage is over, many people start to feel better; the HIV virus may not reveal any symptoms for up to 10 or even longer (depending on age, background, and overall health), and some might progress faster - the virus will still be active, infecting new cells and making copies of itself - over time, this will cause a lot of damage to your immune system - people in this symptom-free stage are still able to transmit to others; the risk of transmission greatly reduces by HIV treatment - no new HIV infections linked to someone with very low or undetectable (suppressed) viral load - as the disease progresses, eventually your viral load will begin to rise and your CD4 count will begin to decline; as this happens, you may begin to have constitutional symptoms of HIV as the virus levels increase in your body before you develop AIDS

acquired system

the body "learns" when the body remembers the nature of the pathogen so next time it can fight faster

stage 1 of illness progression from HIV to AIDS

this is "acute retroviral syndrome" (ARS) or "primary HIV infection," the body's natural response to the HIV infection - within 2 to 4 weeks after infection, many, but not all, people develop flu-like symptoms, often describes as "the worst flu ever" - symptoms include fever, swollen glands, sore throat, rash, muscle/joint aches and pains, headache - starting treatment at this stage can have significant benefits to your health - during this early period of infection, large amounts of virus produced in your body - the virus takes over CD4, replicates itself this destroying CD4 cells in the process--CD4 cell can fall rapidly - the immune response will begin to bring the level of virus in the body back down to a level called a viral set point - at this point, your CD4 count begins to increase, but not to pre-infection levels

myocardial infarction can by caused by a clot called _____ or broken piece of plaque


long term effects of depressants:

tolerance develops rapidly as the user raise the dose to levels resulting in coma, death, depression, chronic fatigue, breathing difficulties, sexual problems, and sleep problems cravings, anxiety, and panic common if the user is unable to obtain more withdrawal - insomnia, weakness, nausea, agitation, high temperature, delirium, hallucinations, and convulsions

Pubic Lice (crabs) treatment

topical skin medications

parasitic STDs/STIs

topical treatment available include: public lice (crabs), scabies


total number in the world (5 followed by thirty zeros) with only 100-125 that cause human illness - spread by coughing, sneezing, direct contact (kissing/sex), indirect contact (sharing needles) - is a single cell (smallest form of life--can live on its own) - found everywhere (rocks, soil, water, humans, plants, etc.) - most enter the body through four places--skin, cuts/wounds, burns, eyes - some need oxygen to survive (aerobic) and some do not (anaerobic); all live between 60-140 degrees

bacterial STDs/STIs

treatable with an antibiotic includes: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, gardnerella, trichomoniasis, etc.

synthetic depressants

treats anxiety, stress, and panic attacks some are more sedating includes: valium, Librium, Xanax, Halcion, Klonopin, Ambien

immune system

triggered when it detects an "antigen" (a foreign substance in the body that is not normal - illness/allergy) natural defense system against - immune system uses the most energy to function of any other body system

alternative/complementary medicine

turning away from western medicine and does not utilize the scientific method

full-time college students

twice as likely to abuse drugs/alcohol as those not attending college

coca shrub only grow ________, which is why it is expensive

two months in a year

polymer injectables

two types: vasalgel and RISUG

_______ million people abuse opioids and nearly ______ percent of ODs from any drug at all involved a prescription/illicit opioid

two; 67%

white blood cells

typical human has one trillion keep the body healthy by functioning to identify, fight, kill, and remember invaders termed-pathogens (i.e., bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites)


ultrasound tool to view heart movement


uncontrolled cell growth

stem cell

undifferentiated (random) cells that can unlimitedly divide and could end as specialized cells due to the unlimited division, sells have a higher risk for cancer

Patterns of Addiction

unsuccessful attempts to quit, cue-triggered relapse, loss of control, no pleasure anymore, staying vigilant, cross addiction (substitute one vice for another), self-medication, genetic vulnerability

herpes simplex (1 and 2) symptoms

up to 80% asymptomatic primary infection: flu-like symptoms within 14 days, localized itching, tingling, redness, swelling, painful blisters that ulcerate recurrent infections: vary in frequency throughout lifetime, same localized symptoms, less severe than primary infection, cervical shedding


used for thousands of years by Amazonian tribes made from rainforest plants and brewed into tea the substance may be among the most powerful psychedelic drugs on earth, with potential for powerful visual hallucinations


used to manage glucose in blood more glucose (when eating) triggers insulin from pancreas which helps cells take glucose and turn it into energy or storage when this does not happen then too much glucose is exposed and can stress kidney, blood vessels, eyes, heart, and nerves

methods of depressants abuse

used with other drugs to add to high or to deal with side effects some types like GHB and Rohypnol misused for sexual assault teens obtain depressants from home medicine cabinet, friends, family members, internet, doctors, or hospital

multiple causation theory

usually no single cause of injury 3rd most common cause of death in America (over 200k per year/one every three minutes) up 10% since 2015 (due to drug overdose/47,000 just for opioid deaths)


usually overall plant based or specific natural foods to consume

meds for fungi

usually slow it down or dry it out


vaccine--anything to help the individual immune system fight cancer better


variety of chemical substances inhaled to induce psychoactive, mind-altering effects and rarely, if ever, taken by any other way than inhalation 9% of Americans over the age of 26 tried at least one time in life


very short period of time (minutes or seconds) where harm is not intended ex: driving, climbing up a ladder, drowning

#1 thing we can do to reduce illness

wash hands


weakness in artery wall if it tears it can cause sudden death

host cell

what and where the virus attacks

leachate collection system

whatever seeps into the landfill and is contaminated


when a person ingests a substance (e.g., drunks, alcohol) or engages in activity (e.g., gambling, sex) that is pleasurable but prolonged continuation becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary responsibilities and concerns, such as work, family, life, etc. behavior continues even when they know it causes problems


when air sacs (alveoli) in lungs become stiff or stop working at all (shortness/gasping) might use oxygen tank

myocardial infarction

when artery is totally blacks that causes a heart attack

coronary heart disease

when hardening of arteries occur in a coronary "heart" artery (directly related to heart) can cause heart attack


when invaders enter the body and a potion of the invader is consumer by macrophages

autoimmune disease

when the process gets screwed up and immune system attacks healthy cells (over 80 types)


when/where user decides to take drug contributes to how the drug makes the user feel EX: smoking marijuana at a party might make you feel different than smoking marijuana as a part of a medical experiment

most important component

white blood cells

community violence

wide range of events including riots, sniper attacks, gang wars, drive-by shootings, workplace assaults, terrorist attacks, torture, bombings, wars, ethnic cleansing, and widespread sexual, physical, and emotional abuse

fungi spores travel through:

wind, animals, water, clothing

183,000,000-238,000,000 use cannabis in a single year ____________ (2-3% of world population)


is marijuana addictive?


During the acute HIV infection stage...

you are at very high risk of transmitting HIV to your sexual or needle-sharing partners because the levels of HIV in your blood stream are extremely high for this reason, it is very important to take steps to reduce your risk of transmission your immune system tries to attack it by producing HIV antibodies called seroconversation

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