Exam 2

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Surveys in several European and North American countries in the early 2000s suggest that as many as _____ percent of women develop the full syndrome of bulimia nervosa.


It has been estimated that between _____ percent of people who suffer from severe depression commit suicide.

6 and 15

The rate of severe depression among adults under _____ years of age is about twice that of people who are older.


Jay went out partying with his friends and drank several beers. Which is the only method that will aid in sobering him up?

Allowing for time to pass

Psychodynamic theorists explain dissociative amnesia as:

a single episode of massive repression.

One who has heart palpitations and becomes furious when someone cuts her or him off in traffic is experiencing:

a stress response

Melancholic depression is characterized by:

a total inability to enjoy pleasurable events.

Repeated episodes of uncontrolled overeating are called:


Navin suffers from alternating or intermixed periods of extreme mania and extreme depression. This is known as:

bipolar disorder.

Shirley suffers from alternating or intermixed periods of extreme mania and extreme depression known as:

bipolar disorder.

Somatic symptom disorder is diagnosed when people become disproportionately concerned, distressed, and disrupted by:

bodily symptoms.

The central nervous system consists of the:

brain and spinal cord.

Which eating disorder is also known as binge-purge syndrome?

bulimia nervosa

Gregg has recently been hospitalized for an eating disorder, and his therapist prescribes an antidepressant. Gregg is MOST likely to have:

bulimia nervosa.

Some time after snorting cocaine, Frederico begins to feel dizzy and feels a headache coming on. Suddenly, he faints. Frederico is likely:


Sunna has been diagnosed with an eating disorder. Her therapist begins treatment and attempts to correct Sunna's _____ as quickly as possible.

dangerous eating patterns

Lisa purposefully injures herself to cause bruises on her extremities. Then she goes to her doctor and complains of unexplained bruising. Her behavior is most consistent with:

factitious disorder.

When a patient intentionally produces or feigns physical symptoms, it is called a(n):

factitious disorder.

Before 1950, MOST clinicians assumed sexual dysfunction was attributable to:

failure to progress properly through the psychosexual stages of development.

Marley has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. As part of her treatment, Marley has been correcting her eating patterns, addressing many of the psychological and situational factors that underline her eating disorder. She is also regularly taking medication. In addition to these interventions, Marley might also benefit from _____ therapy.


Since the birth of her son almost two years ago, Darja has had little interest in sex with her husband. She almost never initiates sexual activity and experiences little excitement and sensation when they do have sex. Darja is MOST likely suffering from:

female interest/arousal disorder.

Psychodynamic therapists first guide clients to uncover and work through the underlying _____ that they believe have led to the substance use disorder.

needs and conflicts

All of these are among the reasons why it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of treatment EXCEPT:

no people recover without intervention.

Phillip finds himself sexually aroused by women's shoes. His girlfriend indulges Philip's arousal by wearing high-heeled shoes during their sexual encounters. Philip would be diagnosed with:


A(n) _____ theorist might propose that a person confronted regularly by racism and discrimination would have a heightened risk of developing substance use disorders.


_____ is the sense that one's surroundings are unreal or detached.


Most bingeing episodes experienced by a bulimic take place over a limited period of time, often about:

2 hours.

As many as _____ percent of close female relatives of women with somatization pattern also develop it.


While it is difficult to know precisely the number of individuals who may experience sexual dysfunctions, one large study found that about _____ percent of men and about _____ percent of women in the United States will experience a sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives.

30; 45

According to the text, the onset of bulimia nervosa normally occurs between _____ years of age.

15 and 20

Between _____ percent of all cases of anorexia nervosa occur in females.

75 and 90

The "baby blues" are quite common; as many as _____ percent of women experience them.


Which statement reflects the person who is at greatest risk for developing PTSD?

A low-income woman who is the victim of a carjacking

_____ refers to an inability to experience any pleasure at all.


_____ is a disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme weight loss.

Anorexia nervosa

Charles survived a hurricane, but lost his home and all his belongings. He responded with intense panic, muscle tension, arousal, concentration problems, and dread. Which type of response did he NOT experience?


Which is NOT a symptom of PTSD?

Being less alert

_____-type anorexia nervosa involves excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, as well as vomiting after each meal.


_____ refers to a disorder marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania and depression.

Bipolar disorder

Which of these substances is prescribed to control pain?


Which turning-point event might cause a person to feel stress?

College graduation

Shaniqua is a chronic user of Ecstasy. Which is NOT among the problems she might report?

Decreased heart rate

_____ reduce tension and inhibitions and may interfere with a person's judgment, motor activity, and concentration. They also slow the activity of the central nervous system.


_____ is a low, sad state in which life seems dark and its challenges overwhelming.


According to the text, which of these is NOT among the most common triggers of stress disorders?


_____ mood dysregulation is characterized by a combination of persistent depressive symptoms and recurrent outbursts of severe temper.


Which feeling is MOST likely to stimulate more gambling in those with gambling disorder?


This technique involves having clients move their eyes from side to side in a rhythmic manner while flooding their minds with images of the objects and/or situations they have tried to avoid.


Which system is responsible for releasing hormones into the body?

Endocrine System

Jon was robbed at gunpoint. Which system released hormones into his bloodstream and on to the various organs in his body?

Endocrine system

Who experiences stress?


Edna snorts cocaine on a regular basis. What is she LEAST likely to experience immediately after use?

Feeling tired

_____ is the final merging of the subpersonalities in dissociative identity disorder.


_____ developed a theory of eating disorders that draws largely on the psychodynamic perspective.

Hilde Bruch

Monty felt neglected as a child. Although his physical needs were met, he lacked attention from his parents. Consequently, he joined the army as soon as he graduated high school. He served two years in Iraq and was discharged after being injured in combat. He returned home and could not find employment for over two years, and he was socially withdrawn because he could not relate to his friends. Which aspect of his life was MOST likely to trigger a stress disorder?

His combat history

Dr. Tike has a generalist practice in which he prescribes marijuana to help some of his patients. To which patient is he LEAST likely to prescribe marijuana?

His extremely obese patients on a weight loss diet

Two hours after ingesting _____, Jessa begins to experience hallucinosis. She sees imaginary birds, becomes obsessed with individual blades of grass, and her arms begin to tingle.


Kevin is a chronic user of a drug that caused him to have flashbacks—a recurrence of the sensory and emotional changes induced by the drug—even months after his last use. Kevin MOST likely took:


Pearl was at a party where several drugs that have hallucinogenic effects were being shared. She took a substance to which people do not usually develop tolerance and that does not cause a withdrawal reaction. Pearl used:


Luke took a drug that has both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. It gave him an energy boost and produced strong feelings of attachment. Luke MOST likely took:


Which is NOT an example of a stimulant?


Shelia has experimented with several drugs, including marijuana, alcohol, opioids such as heroin, and sedative-hypnotic drugs. Which of the drugs she has used is NOT a depressant?


Which is NOT a depressant?


J.T. decides to seek treatment for cocaine use disorder. He goes to one of the three most popular locations where people receive treatment. Where did J.T. MOST likely go?

Outpatient rehabilitation

Which statement does NOT provide support for Hilde Bruch's psychodynamic theory of eating disorders?

People with eating disorders do not allow their parents to define their needs.

_____ claimed that the mind, or soul, is separate from the body.

Rene Descartes

Jamie has visited the doctor several times feeling anxious about headaches because she feels she may have a brain tumor. Although past MRIs show that she does not have such a condition, she still worries and goes to see the doctor when she has a headache. Which of these is MOST characteristic of Jamie?

She is preoccupied with the notion that she is seriously ill.

Zoe works a demanding, full-time job as a corporate CEO. She has two young children who demand her attention, and she feels responsible for taking good care of her children. She prides herself on being a multitasker and maintains a flexible work schedule. She also hired a nanny to help with the children. Which statement reflects why Zoe is not likely to experience a negative stress response?

She sees herself as being capable and has resources to cope with her situation.

Cameron used a variety of stimulants. What is she LEAST likely to experience?

Suppressed central nervous system activity

What is NOT a result of stimulant use?

Suppressed central nervous system activity

Which of these thoughts would likely be MOST arousing to a voyeur while they are secretly watching a couple have sex?

That couple would be humiliated if they knew I was watching.

Which of the following differentiates gambling disorder from social gambling?

The addictive nature of the behavior

Which statement is FALSE regarding substance use disorders?

The disorder is unlikely to affect a person's social life.

Micah has a substance use disorder for which he is not receiving treatment. Based on what is known about substance use disorders, which statement is FALSE about Micah's condition?

The disorder is unlikely to affect his social life.

Which statement regarding unipolar depression is TRUE?

The rate of depression—mild or severe—is higher among poor people than wealthier people.

Which statement is FALSE regarding childhood experiences and stress disorders?

Those who were older than 10 when their parents separated or divorced appear more likely to develop stress disorders.

Linea has always had a fulfilling sex life with her husband. Recently, however, she has lost interest in sex. When she is intimate with her husband, she does not become excited or orgasm although she does orgasm when masturbating. This situation is affecting their marriage and Linea's mood negatively, and she is seeking therapy. Linea's sexual dysfunction would be labeled as _____ type.


According to the text, there are two goals in treating eating disorders. The first is to correct the dangerous eating pattern as quickly as possible and the second is to:

address the broader psychological and situational factors that have led to and maintain the eating problem.

According to the text, after correcting the dangerous eating habits associated with an eating disorder, the secondary goal of treatment is to:

address the broader psychological and situational factors that lead to an eating problem.

The fact that the prevalence of gender dysphoria drops significantly between childhood and adulthood has led many experts to advise against any form of physical treatment prior to:


Aversion therapy has been used to treat _____ more than it has been used to treat other substance use disorders.


Kurt has a problem with his emotions. He seems unaware of them and cannot describe or label them easily. Those around him think that he is devoid of emotion. Kurt MOST likely struggles with:


An antiandrogen would be MOST appropriate if a paraphilic disorder is caused by:

an inappropriate sex drive.

Louise is in the hospital, where she has been admitted against her own will. She is fed intravenously in an attempt to deliver nutrients directly into her bloodstream. She has been informed that if this does not work and she continues to refuse to eat, she may be force-fed through a tube. Louise is probably suffering from:

anorexia nervosa.

Quinn intensely fears gaining weight. He restricts his food intake, and his body perception is distorted. Quinn MOST likely suffers from:

anorexia nervosa.

Unfortunately, suffering from one sexual dysfunction often results in:

another sexual dysfunction being suffered as well.

Shontae was diagnosed with PTSD following her return from a tour in Afghanistan. Due to her repeated nightmares, flashbacks, and bouts of depression, her psychiatrist would likely prescribe:

antidepressant medication

People with an illness anxiety disorder:

are anxious about their health and become preoccupied with the notion that they are ill despite the absence of bodily symptoms.

Research suggests that sexual dysfunctions among same-sex couples:

are the same as those seen in heterosexual couples.

Jim developed conversion blindness but rarely bumps into anything, even in unfamiliar environments. This is evidence that Jim has:

at least some vision, even if he is unaware of it.

Mike is guided by his therapist to think about drinking and driving and suddenly dying in a tragic car accident. He is encouraged to imagine the effects on his family as well as the opportunities he will lose as a result of his death. His therapist has him engage in this process repeatedly over time. Mike goes out one night, and when he starts to order a beer he feels the sadness he felt when imagining his death. The process his therapist used is called:

aversion therapy.

According to the text, fear is the motivator of those with anorexia nervosa and _____ is the goal.

becoming thin

DSM-5 is suggesting that people may become addicted to _____ and activities beyond substance use.


Sometimes, Edna vomits her meal soon after she eats. At other times, she takes an excessive amount of diuretics and laxatives. Edna MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa.


Alyse is planning her wedding and making plans to move into a new home with her new husband. She feels stress because the demands of both situations require that she:


Jessica was arrested for overmedicating her child. She had been making him sick for weeks and had come to know hospital staff very well, who complimented her for being such a doting and nurturing mother. Jessica's behavior is best explained by Munchausen syndrome by proxy, and the law views her actions as a crime, a carefully planned form of:

child abuse.

Ellen has recently noticed that she is experiencing a host of unpleasant symptoms, including the yellowing of her skin. Her doctor tells her that after years of heavy drinking, she has developed _____, a condition in which her liver becomes scarred and dysfunctional.


Morphine and _____ are prescribed to control pain.


Fasting, forcing oneself to vomit, misusing laxatives, diuretics, or enemas, or exercising excessively are all examples of:

compensatory behaviors.

Herbert visited his psychologist after he was unable to leave his house for a week. Which of his reported symptoms would have caused the psychologist to decide that clinical depression was the most accurate diagnosis?

constantly feeling helpless

Neurological-like symptoms without a neurological basis are most likely a(n) _____ disorder.


According to the text, there are two goals in treating eating disorders. The first is to:

correct the dangerous eating pattern as quickly as possible.

Marcus is suffering from a serious painkiller addiction. His family has convinced him to enter a treatment facility to get clean. The first step to Marcus's recovery is undergoing _____, which refers to systematic and medically supervised withdrawal from a drug.


A range of studies conducted with Hispanic and African American people found higher rates of substance use disorders among those participants who lived or worked in environments of particularly intense:


Bindi suffers from anorexia nervosa. Bindi is MOST likely to experience:

distorted views of her weight and body.

Trey suffers from gambling disorder, and in monitoring his gambling patterns he notices that he tends to gamble more when he is feeling:


A person with a conversion paralysis is distinguishable from one with paraplegia in that the person with conversion disorder:

does not have muscles that atrophy.

James took some cocaine, which caused him to have a euphoric rush of well-being. His experience is attributable to the increased activity of this neurotransmitter:


Jasper occasionally has episodes where he feels his mind is floating a few feet above him. This sensation is known as:


Pain management, topical creams, and even surgery are used to treat:


Persons experiencing from gender _____ often feel that a mistake has been made by nature and that they were born with the body of that of the wrong gender. They often find their own genitals repugnant and may want to change them to that of the other gender.


Natalie is a female but feels most comfortable wearing men's clothes. She strongly wishes to be a man and is considering a surgical procedure to remove her breasts and make her body appear and feel more male. The MOST likely diagnosis for Natalie is gender:


In mutually cognizant relationships:

each subpersonality is well aware of the rest.

Amanda's sex therapist has discussed the physiology and techniques of sex with her and has offered her reading materials to take home. Amanda's therapist is stressing:

education about sexuality.

According to Hilde Bruch, a parent who correctly feeds a hungry child and comforts a fearful child is:


As a baby, Ilya had very _____ parents. They fed him when he was hungry, changed him when he was wet, and comforted him when he was upset.


According to Hilde Bruch, disturbed mother-child interactions lead to _____ in the child, as well as to perceptual disturbances that jointly help to produce disordered eating.

ego deficiencies

In addition to perceptual disturbances that help produce disordered eating, Hilde Bruch identified _____ as contributing to eating disorders.

ego deficiencies

According to Hilde Bruch, a child who has developed a poor sense of control and independence has:

ego deficiencies.

Gigi has always had a disturbed relationship with her mother. As a result, she never developed an adequate sense of control and independence, which are examples of:

ego deficiencies.

Hannah has never really gotten along with her mother. This may be one reason that she has never developed an adequate sense of control and independence. According to Hilde Bruch, this would be an example of:

ego deficiencies.

The four phases in the human sexual response cycle are desire, _____, orgasm, and resolution.


A new mother who sees motherhood as overwhelming and feels she does not have enough support to care for her child is likely to:

experience a stress response.

Brandon suffers from bulimia nervosa and has sought the help of a therapist. His psychologist, who ascribes to the cognitive-behavioral model, gives him instructions to eat specific types and amounts of food, but to resist the urge to make himself vomit. The hope is that Brandon will come to see that eating can be a healthy and constructive behavior that requires no undoing. Brandon's psychologist is using a technique called:

exposure and response prevention.

Carys is a psychology student studying gender dysphoria. After reading the literature, she finds that she agrees with the view of the _____ on gender dysphoria. Carys believes gender dysphoria is more than a variant lifestyle or a clearly medical problem. Instead, she feels that it is a psychological disorder.

fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)

According to the DSM-5, a major depressive episode is marked by at LEAST _____ symptoms of depression and lasts for _____ weeks or more.

five; two

Postpartum depression typically begins within _____ weeks after the birth of a child.


Richard used a technique to ingest cocaine whereby pure cocaine basic alkaloid is chemically separated from processed cocaine, vaporized with a flame, and inhaled through a pipe. Richard can be said to be _____ the cocaine.


Robert has an unusual sexual interest. He gets tremendous sexual satisfaction from placing himself in crowded situations, such as elevators and subways, and rubbing his genitals against unsuspecting strangers. Robert MOST likely would be diagnosed as suffering from:

frotteuristic disorder.

DSM-5 lists _____ as an addictive disorder alongside the substance use disorders.

gambling disorder

At an early age, Duncan knew he was different. Although socially not acceptable, he found himself more comfortable wearing typical "girl" clothing. In addition, he was often soft spoken and feminine in his behaviors and mannerisms. As he continued to age through puberty, his preferences became stronger, and he became increasingly dissatisfied with his gender. Duncan MOST likely would meet a diagnosis for:

gender dysphoria.

Xander and Carter both cross-dress. Xander enjoys cross-dressing because he becomes sexually aroused, heightening his sexual experiences with women (his preferred sexual partners). Carter has a deeper desire is to become a woman. Carter MOST likely would be diagnosed with:

gender dysphoria.

Each of these can elicit a stress response EXCEPT:

good health

Although purging after bingeing relieves the immediate sensation of fullness, it also affects one's ability to feel satiated. This often causes:

greater hunger and more frequent intense binges.

People with conversion disorder:

have medically unexplained physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory functioning.

Chris was in a car accident where his car teetered on the edge of a bridge while he awaited assistance. Neurotransmitters in his hypothalamus were released, triggering the firing of neurons throughout his brain and the release of chemicals throughout his body. His heartbeat quickened, his pupils dilated, and his respiration increased. His physiological response was due to:

his brain interpreting the situation as dangerous

After undergoing a total hysterectomy, Evangeline has experienced a marked decrease in sexual interest and desire, which is negatively affecting her self-esteem and her relationship with her husband. She is in therapy, but is also using a biological intervention in the form of:

hormone treatments.

The features of arousal and fear are set in motion by the brain area called the:


An exhibitionist exposes himself to a bystander. Which response would be the LEAST satisfying by the bystander for the exhibitionist?

ignoring the exhibitionist

A study found that men who developed alcohol problems had been more _____ as teenagers and continued to be so in middle age, a finding suggesting that this trait makes one more prone to develop alcohol problems.


In addition to repeated episodes of bingeing, followed by compensatory behaviors lasting 3 months, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) also requires _____ to qualify for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa.

inappropriate influence of weight and shape on appraisal of oneself

Hyperalertness and an exaggerated startle response are associated with this type of symptom.

increased arousal

Miley took both cocaine and methamphetamine at the same time. The combined drugs in her system likely:

increased the effects of both drugs.

Which of the following is NOT a focus of the treatment of erectile disorder?

increasing the number of partners for the man

Cyan's boyfriend has recently ended their relationship. Her boyfriend stated that he was ending their relationship because of Cyan's lack of sexual interest and arousal, a problem she admits she has experienced since she first became sexually active. Cyan's dysfunction is:


In support of the sociocultural perspective, a range of studies with Hispanic and African American people find higher rates of substance use disorders in those who:

live and work in environments of particularly intense discrimination.

After drinking for over 20 years, Shay is at risk for developing cirrhosis, a condition in which the _____ becomes scarred and dysfunctional.


Barbiturates are broken down by the:


Terry has been diagnosed with a paraphilia, specifically transvestic disorder. Terry is MOST likely to be:


A male dysfunction marked by a persistent reduction or lack of interest in sex is known as:

male hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Compared to people with anorexia nervosa, bulimics are at a greater risk for all of the following EXCEPT:


Pedro, a twenty-year-old university student, was asked to meet with a health care professional after fellow students witnessed some strange behavior. He breathlessly reported to the psychologist that climbing the railings in the courtyard brought him closer to God, especially when he raised his arms above his head and sang hymns. The psychologist is MOST likely to diagnose Pedro with:


A weaker drug in the cannabis family is:


All of the following are associated with sexual dysfunction EXCEPT:

mental illness.

The idea that the mind or soul is separate from the body is called:

mind-body dualism.

The decline in intellectual abilities during bouts of depression can be attributed to cognitive and _____ symptoms.


Traditional therapies are often combined with _____ to help those suffering from substance use disorders make behavioral changes in treatment programs.

motivational interviewing

In Alex's continuing substance abuse treatment program, a nurse empathizes with her and helps motivate her to recognize her problem and commit to making constructive choices and behavior changes in her life. This technique is called:

motivational interviewing.

One perspective identified several kinds of risk factors associated with an eating disorder. Adherents suggested that the more risk factors that are present, the MORE likely that the eating disorder will develop. This is known as the _____ perspective.

multidimensional risk

Against her doctor's advice, Marilyn did not stop drinking alcohol while she was pregnant and gave birth to an infant with fetal alcohol syndrome. The baby's symptoms likely included all of these EXCEPT:


Hector has a very rigid plan for his food preparation. First, he washes each vegetable thoroughly in water. Then, he slices each vegetable thinly and divides the slices into four equal amounts. When he eats one portion, he lines each strip up so they are all even. Hector's behavior is not uncommon for a person suffering from anorexia nervosa, because he will sometimes display:

obsessive-compulsive patterns.

Chase has lost his entire paycheck gambling, because when he loses bets repeatedly he:

often gambles more in an attempt to win his money back.

More than _____ of those who recover from severe depression experience at least one other episode later in their lives.


A _____ is a pattern in which an individual repeatedly has intense sexual urges or fantasies or displays sexual behaviors that involve nonhuman objects, children, non-consenting adults, or the experience of suffering or humiliation.


According to Hilde Bruch, disturbed mother-child interactions lead to ego deficiencies in the child, as well as to _____ that jointly help produce disordered eating.

perceptual disturbances

One personality trait that often precedes the development of anorexia nervosa is:


Ramone and Jolie have been instructed by their therapist to focus on sexual pleasure that can be achieved without demands to have intercourse or reach orgasm. They have been told to refrain from intercourse for now and to focus on kissing, hugging, and sensual massage. Ramone and Jolie's therapist is MOST likely trying to eliminate:

performance anxiety.

Research suggests that early childhood memories are influenced by all of these EXCEPT:


Rates of unipolar depression are _____ in Canada, England, and France compared to the United States.


As a child, Sara had cold and unnurturing parents, which left her seeking comfort from outside sources. In the process, she began experimenting with drugs and ultimately developed a drug dependency. This explanation of Sara's drug use is consistent with the _____ perspective.


Dr. Constantine is a substance abuse counselor who believes that people who abuse substances have very powerful dependency needs that can be traced to their early childhood years. Dr. Constantine is probably a proponent of the _____ view.


For the first half of the twentieth century, _____ theory was the leading approach to treating sexual dysfunction.


Hilde Bruch, a pioneer in the study and treatment of eating disorders, has developed a theory of the issues that draws largely on the _____ perspective.


Jordan was severely abused as a child. She came to fear the world as dangerous and pretended to be another person who looked on safely from afar. She unconsciously disowned her own thoughts about wanting her parents dead by assigning them to other personalities. This is a view espoused by the _____ perspective.


Cree attends sessions with other veterans who have PTSD to share experiences and feelings in a supportive atmosphere so as to develop insights about her experiences. Cree is attending this type of session, whose name is used interchangeably with group therapy:

rap groups

On a rainy night, Jeremy was robbed at gunpoint and shot. Years later, when it rains, he still has flashbacks of the event. This means that Jeremy is:

reexperiencing the event.

Delia wants to reduce the frequency and amount of her drinking. Her therapist suggests that she plan out her drinking behavior ahead of time. This includes what to drink, how much to drink, and when to drink. This approach is called:

relapse prevention training.

Renaldi has been diagnosed with a pedophilia disorder. He is currently undergoing treatment in which he learns which situations trigger his sexual arousal, and then develops strategies to avoid those situations. Renaldi is receiving:

relapse prevention training.

Therapists try to help clients with dissociative identity disorder with all of these EXCEPT:

repressing their memories.

Which is NOT a compensatory behavior?

restricting caloric intake

At least half of those with anorexia nervosa reduce their weight by:

restricting their intake of food.

When Frederika first began to develop anorexia nervosa, she stopped eating cakes and cookies. Then, she stopped eating pastas, meats, and fruits. Now, she only eats green vegetables, such as celery and spinach. Frederika MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa.


Preoccupation with pain to the point of having it disrupt one's life beyond what would be expected based on the severity and seriousness of the pain is typical of:

somatic symptom disorder.

Jay took the drug MDMA (Ecstasy) and experienced confusion, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and paranoid thinking for weeks after taking it. The drug he took had both _____ and _____ effects.

stimulant; hallucinogen

Smith works 60 hours a week and has to commute 45 minutes in one direction during peak traffic. These are examples of the _____ of life.


The events in life that create demands are called:


Some psychodynamic theorists believe that certain people respond to their early deprivations by developing a(n) _____, which leaves them particularly prone to drug abuse.

substance abuse personality

Individuals who are hypersensitive to stressful events and react to mild stressors with increased fear may have an overactive ____ nervous system.


The _____ is the network of nerve fibers that quickens the heartbeat and produces other changes experienced as arousal and fear.

sympathetic nervous system

After taking LSD, Chuck begins to feel and hear the colors of his clothing and furniture. He is experiencing:


Greg and Mitchell are in a committed relationship. Lately, however, Mitchell has been experiencing a sexual dysfunction, so Greg and Mitchell seek help from a sex therapist. Which techniques could be used to help Mitchell and Greg?

the same techniques used for heterosexual couples

Those suffering from anorexia nervosa often _____, resulting in a self-perception that differs from reality.

think in distorted ways

Conversion disorder is MOST likely to appear during:

times of extreme stress.

Which is NOT a goal of modern sex therapy?

to engage in more sexual activity

Shawn suffers from gambling disorder. He needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money to feel excited. His symptom is similar to the _____ reactions often found in cases of substance use disorder.


A person who is biologically male but identifies as a woman, and would like to live as a woman, is:


Tristian enjoys watching football and hanging out "with the guys." He works in a traditional male-dominated job, and although he is not married, he dates frequently and enjoys healthy heterosexual relationships. Tristian also likes to wear women's underwear and often wears them to work underneath his regular clothing. Tristian MOST likely would be diagnosed with:

transvestic disorder.

Conversion disorder is diagnosed _____ as often in women as in men.


Significant stress symptoms listed under the heading "Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders" in the DSM-5 do NOT include:

uncontrollable overeating.

Kevin has experienced extreme depressive symptoms but he has no history of manic symptoms. Kevin is MOST likely suffering from:

unipolar depression.

Lolita has experienced extreme depressive symptoms but has no history of manic symptoms. She is MOST likely experiencing:

unipolar depression.

Lolita has experienced extreme depressive symptoms but has no history of manic symptoms. She is MOST likely suffering from:

unipolar depression.

All of these can trigger dissociative amnesia EXCEPT:

unplanned pregnancy

All of these are among the areas of functioning that PTSD can affect EXCEPT:


Similar to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa most commonly occurs among:


Henry is a successful businessman who has been seeing the same woman for three years. He has resisted her "hints" that they should move in together because he is afraid she would find out his secret. When Henry gets home from work each night, he relaxes by putting on a very expensive wig, applying elaborate makeup to his face, and wearing various dresses or skirt/blouse combinations. Two or three nights a week he leaves the house dressed this way and goes to bars or clubs where he can socialize as a woman. MOST likely, Henry:

would meet a diagnosis for transvestic disorder.

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