Exam 2 Cultural Psyc

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your friend does not engage in self-enhancing. your friend also just failed a chemistry test. based on the biases that self-enhancers have, which of the following is your friend NOT likely to say 8

"Even though I failed this chemistry test, I can still do well in physics"

which of the following people would you expect to feel the need to maintain "face"? 8

"I prefer to avoid negative outcomes form happening"

which of the following people would you expect to feel the need to maintain "face" 8

"I prefer to avoid negative outcomes from happening"

you are an executive for a korean advertising agency, and you have been asked to create a TV commercial for a new condominium, targeting people from korea. based on kim and markus' research on advertisements in korea and the united states, which of the following would you most likely use in your commercial 8

"The architecture of this condo blends in well with the buildings surrounding it"

what is one distinction between "predestination" and "calling" 8

"predestination" refers to something after death; "calling" refers to something before death

you live in a culture in which people grow their own food and rarely have to buy food from others. one day, a researcher from the united states asks you to play the dictator game with a stranger....12


the textbook discusses that the likelihood of developing schizophrenia has clear genetic facts. so according to the textbook, if maria has schizophrenia, what are the chances that her twin sister, anca, willa also have schizophrenia 14


which of the following is NOT a part of how people view mental illness in the Yoruba 14


Given current research on acculturation and health, which of the following would you expect 7

Candice has acculturated to the host culture, which means she may develop unhealthy habits that lead to adverse health outcomes

which of the following people is most likely to experience an L-shaped acculturation curve 7

Crystal-Joy, who has moved to a culturally homogenous society

Hosea is an orthodox Baptist, and his neighbor, Henry, is a progressive Baptist...12

Hosea is likelier than Henry to say, "That ban is moral because it prevents people from succumbing to the sin of lust"

Ichiro, a japanese student, wants to sell his used book that he's had for a decade. kent, an american student, wants to sell the exact same book, which he has also owned for a decade. they price their respective books depending on how much they think the book is worth...8

Ichiro $30; Kent $60

which of the following people should NOT be expected to have good health outcomes 13

Ronaldo, who is low SES and makes less than $10,000 a year, but lives in a high-SES neighborhood

the "healthy migrant hypothesis" is conceptually most similar to which of the following 13

WEIRD people phenomenon

in which of the following circumstances is social facilitation most likely to happen 11

a 10-year veteran hockey goalie is playing in front of a crowd

code-switching is 7

a conscious response, unlike frame-switching

according to the secularization theory, which of the following findings seem the likeliest 12

a decline in the use of the ethic of divinity to determine morality

koro is manifested by 14

a female patient who is deathly afraid that her nipples are shrinking into her body

which of the following is an example of a gene having an opposite effect across cultures 13

a gene variant exists in one culture to decrease allergic reactions to pollen, while the sam gene variant exists in another culture to increase allergic reactions to pollen

in a study, five people are asked to taste test three sides, one of which tastes like garbage. they must then judge which dish was the best. however four of the peeople are confederates and are told to always say that the garbage dish is the best....8

a lot of participants from the individualistic culture would say that the garbage dish is the best one, but even more participants from the collectivistic culture would say the name

which of the following people would NOT be considered universally to be physically attractive 11

a person with an average-size body

the tendency for indians to sometimes bite their tongues reflects 10

a ritualized display

your friend Pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where he'll have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for him 7

a society that espouses values that match Pedram's personality

according to Rozin and colleagues, what are people most likely to say if asked how many peanuts people want to eat 13

a specific number of containers or packages

the relationship between income and health can be summarized as 13

absolute income predicts health outcomes for low levels of income, whereas income relative to those around one predicts health outcomes for high levels of income

one group of people has developed special lungs to breathe underwater, while another group has not; but with training, everyone can develop those special lungs to breathe underwater. what is this an example of 13

acquired biological variation

according to the studies profiled by the textbook, african-americans have higher levels of hypertension that european-americans apparently because 13

african-americans tend to experience more discrimination than european-americans

the most widespread theory of disease among traditional cultures is that disease is caused by 13

aggressive spirits, such as ghosts

which of the following situations would predict greater subjective well-being for alex, who is from a collectivistic culture 10

alex abides by his culture's norms

color terms form different cultures around the world 9

all correspond to a small number of different possible sets of terms

in research by murphy-berman and colleagues on reward allocation among indians and americans, the researchers did NOT find that 12

all of these statements are true

studies of rates of schizophrenia across nations find that 14

all of these statements are true

one frozen yogurt parlor has 10 flavors form which to choose (parlor X), and another parlor has more than 100 flavors (Parlor Z). you ask people to choose which one they want to go to. which of the following is most indicative of people's preference, given the research on choices as described in the textbook 8

although americans may say that they prefer parlor z, they actually would have a more difficult time choosing a flavor from parlor z than from parlor x

a group of east asians and americans have won a contest, and each person is allowed to pick a car from a selection of cars....8

americans will choose minority-colored cars

according to the propinquity effect, which of the following people are most likely to become friends 11

amy and alyssa, who meet each other at the bus stop every day

Which of the following is the best example of the "salmon bias" 13

an immigrant grandmother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and decides to head back to her home country to live out her last days

an example of communal sharing is 11

an office with a water cooler, where each worker can take as much water as he or she likes

a human, a giraffe, and a car. which one doesn't belong 9

analytic thinker; car; hollistic thinker; giraffe

people from cultures that do not have words for numbers beyond 2 or 3 9

are able to discriminate between rough proportions, but not for precise numbers

arranged marriages 11

are less common in cultures with nuclear families as opposed to extended families

according to research by atman, media, and colleagues, yukatek maya children 9

are more likely than euro-american children to project features from animals to humans

iyengar and colleagues' work on choice across cultures finds that 8

asian-americans prefer a task that an in-group chooses from them more than one that an out-group chooses for them

what can the basic emotions best be characterized as 10

at least functional universals

the postconventional level of moral development is most closely associated with what code of ethic 12


ayumi is a japanese student, and alice is a european-canadiana student. they are both participating in a study in which they are asked to provide some self-descriptions. which of the following is the likeliest outcome of this study 9

ayumi is likelier than alice to say that she is both considerate and selfish

Quang Giáp is from a society where people tend to attribute the behaviors of others as being the result of external pressures...7


what is the relationship between the propinquity effect and social facilitation 11

both are accessibility universals

how does the similarity-attraction effect relate to the conditionality of one's relationships 11

both are accounted for by relational mobility

a key distinction between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is that 14

bulimia is a culture-bound syndrome

your friend is experiencing stomach aches and goes to see a doctor. the doctor tells your friend that the problem is the result of forces being out of balance in his body, and gives him a remedy that is designed to bring those forces back into balance. what type of doctor is she most likely to be 13


when it comes to analytic reasoning tasks, east asians 9

choose family-resemblance responses if there is a conflict between rule and similarity-based judgements

at kohlberg's preconventional level of moral development, someone is considered to be moral when he 12

chooses to do a good deed because he is likely to be recognized by doing so

which of the following has NOT been known to lead to negative health consequences 7


raquel habitually engages in self-enhancement. she recently did badly on a sociology exam. which of the following would you NOT expect her to do 8

compare herself with how the best student in her class did

when comparing Minako, a japanese, with erica, an american, which of the following will likely be true 14

compared to erica, minkao will not be treated as negatively by others if she shows certain symptoms of social anxiety to her compatriots

research reveals that the French paradox is due to the French 13

consuming fewer calories

aaron believes that it would be acceptable for someone to have sex with a chicken if it were consistent with cultural norms. this is an example of 12

conventional moral reasoning

cross-cultural investigations of kohlberg's model reveal that 12

conventional moral reasoning is found among at least some adults in every society that has been investigated

contrasting the attributions made by indians and americans in research by joan miller reveals all of the following EXCEPT 9

cultural differences in attributions are evident in young children as well as in adults

which of the following is reliably associated with reduced acculturative stress 7

cultural fitness

the fact the people from some cultures lack an enzyme to allow them to digest milk reflects that 13

cultural practices can affect human evolution

according to the textbook, which of the following has NOT been noted as a result of becoming more acculturated to the host culture 7

decreased risk of coronary heart disease

based on the studies reported in the textbook on depression among chinese, if huang bo is diagnosed with neurasthenia in china, how can one alternatively conceive of his diagnosis 14

depression with somatization

davina was walking on the street when she happened to glance into a flower store. when she saw a particular flower through the window, she noticed that her heart rate sped up.....10

disagree; emotions cannot be determined from interpreting psychological reactions

you are walking with your friend when both of you see a person on the street trip and fall. you think that the person is a clumsy person, but your friend thinks the person was distracted by something across the street. in this situation, which of the following more accurately captures what you are engaging in 9

dispositional attribution

analytic thinking is argued to be associated with 9

dispositional attributions

the fact that the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches different parts of the world has left to the evolution of differences in skin color is an example of which of the following 13

distal cause

the department of chemistry is trying to understand how people solve problems in organic chemistry classes. students are given a series of complex organic chemistry problems to solve. which of the following will characterize the students' performance 9

east asian students will perform worse on the problems if they are asked to verbally articulate their thinking process; but their performance will be relatively unaffected if they recite their own names repeatedly

research on cultural differences in reasoning reveals that 9

east asians use analytic reasoning strategies in most math and science problems

during a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and throw him onto the ice...9

east asians will blame tony's family problems, and westerners will blame tony's nasty personality

derp has lived a privileged life and has always have very high subjective well-being. he is ready to change -- he wants to be unhappy and have low subjective well-being. based on the dynamic social impact theory, which region of the United States should Derp move to if he wants to become less happy and have low subjective well-being 10

east south central

which of the following examples most accurately portray research on cultural differences in communication style 9

endo, who's japanese, can't reach his friend, tanaka, because tanaka's cell phone is off, but endo had great difficulty leaving messages on tanaka's voicemail

sending your boss a christmas card after he had first sent you one would best be seen as an example of 11

equality matching

confucian scholars in 17th-century korea were concerned about catholic converts teaching koreans to not respect their ancestors, thus ignoring their obligations as dictated by the laws of nature. this way of thinking indicates concerns borne out of 12

ethic of autonomy

which of the following is not part of Shweder's model of moral reasoning? 12

ethic of justice

comparisons of asian-americans and euro-americans in their performance on raven's progressive matrices reveals that 9

euro-americans do worse on the task if they are reciting the alphabet

clarice believes that people in all cultures follow a progression whereby they must first develop preconventional thinking before attaining conventional thinking, which then allows them to develop postconventional thinking...12


anorexia nervosa is best considered a 14

existential universal

don is from an individualistic culture, and juan is from a collectivistic culture. according to a study by suh and colleagues, which of the following scenarios regarding subjective well-being is to be expected 10

experiencing more positive affect makes don happier than it makes juan

which of the following is a low context culture most closely associated with 9

explicit communication

which of the following statements is true of "face"? 8

face is more easily lost than it is gained

depression is a condition that is 14

found in every culture that has been explored

lloyd is politically very conservative, scores highly on the "loyalty to ingroup" moral institution, and greatly respects hierarchy..12


lumusi is a ghanaian teenager who reports having more enemies than does her american counterpart, lisa. according to research discussed in the text on ghana, which of the following explains why lumusi reports having more enmies than lisa 11

ghanaians are less likely to choose their relationship partners

claudia and hideki are math students. claudia has a promotion orientation, whereas hideki has a prevention orientation. what is the best way to make them both continue to put in effort to learn math 8

give claudia a very easy math test so she's rigged to do well, but give hideki a very difficult math test so he's rigged to do poorly

Clarice is a patient in a hospital, and the doctors are hoping to give her good health outcomes while she stays in the hospital...13

giving her control of visitation hours

just for fun, mary decided to tape the corners of her mouth so that she will appear to be smiling for the duration of that day. according to the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following emotions is mary most likely to experience as a result 10


jade, a european-canadian real estate agent, and jing, a chinese real estate agent, are trying to figure out what to tell their clients about the market's outlook. compared to jade, jing will 9

have predictions that are less linear given past patterns

Bjorn is a nonviable minority member, while Trang is a member of a visible minority. Trang is more likely than Bjorn to 7

have seperation acculturation strategies

a researcher asks a participant to organize a series of pictures in temporal sequence. the person organizs the pictures so that the temporal sequence goes from right to left. which of the following most likely describes the participant 9

he conceptualizes time as going from east to west, and is facing north

Idra, a European university student, has moved to another country indefinitely to state a new career....7

he will maintain these feelings if the host culture is homogenous

homare is a japanese student and heidi is a canadian student. they are both trying to make new friends. given the findings from research comparing japanese and candians, we would expect that 11

heidi would try harder to disclose more information about herself in an attempt to reveal shared attitudes or interests

which combination of different ways of thinking is most conducive to developing learned helplessness 8

high entity theory of the world; low in ability to exert primary control

your sister just got a new job. her role is to be surrogate sister for a teenage boy who has not unlocked himself from his room for a year. ultimately, her job is to try to get the boy to get out of the house. what condition does this boy have 14


according to research on facial expressions across cultures, if dixon, who's an american, makes facial expressions for the basic emotions 10

his expressions would be recognized above chance in virtually all cultures

according to the textbook, which of the following is a challenge that faces the evolutionist perspective of cultural diversity 12

how does one objectively find a way by which to evaluate psychological phenomena

as discussed in the textbook, which of the following questions does NOT represent a difficulty with defining what constitutes a psychological disorder 14

how is the particular condition in question being treated-medically or psychotherapeutically?

while traveling in china, a businessman contemplated whether to circumvent China's Great Firewall to access censored websites such as Facebook and youtube...12

i will try to circumvent the Great Firewall because the only law I abide by is that which was created by God

which of the following scenarios would best predict Basdeo using frame-switching more than Mel 7

if Basdeo were a cultural and Mel were a monocultural

yammen is an indian professor and jasmine is an american professor. they teach the same class at the same school by alternating the weeks when they lecture, and they also share the same office during office hours...12

if the student's claim was "I need these few extra points to get the position I'm looking for in this animation firm"

over the last 50 years, the average height of the people from the reclusive country of Druidia has been increasing. based on data profiled in the textbook, which of the following is likeliest to be associated with this increase 13

improved diet during infancy and adolescence

cross-cultural tests of Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning reveal that 12

in all cultures people reason in preconventional terms before they reason in conventional terms

a person is building a road to connect two towns, but the road is stopped by a mountain. the person can either build the road so that it follows the side of the mountain and continues on from the other side, or the person can just tunnel though the mountain. this person decides that people shouldn't get pushed around by nature, so decides to tunnel though the mountain. which of the following terms best describes this way of thinking 8

incremental theory of the world

which of the following statements about self-esteem is most accurate 8

independence is positively related to self esteem

trust towards strangers 11

is weaker in collectivistic cultures

based on research about the different roles and functions of happiness across cultures, how can one categorize the assumption that people necessarily want to be happy 10

it is an existential universal

which of the following is considered immoral by the standards of the ethic of community 12

jack disobeys his father's commands

which of the following products or services does NOT capitalize on universal bases of attraction 11

photo editing software that can mix different body shapes together

a catholic and a protestant walk into a abr. their names are jon and jack, respectively. they start discussing everything from social issues to psychological research. they agree that they have many similarities and differences. based on the textbook's research on catholics and protestants, which of the following is likely similar or different between the two of them 8

jack is much more individualistic than jon

the facial feedback hypothesis most closely approximated what theoretical perspective 10

james-lange theory of emotions

japanese and american emotional experiences have been shown to differ in that 10

japanese feel better than americans when they are experiencing interpersonally engaged emotions

several real estate agents have been convicted of several counts of real esate fraud. which of the following is the most plausible reaction from american and japanese news outlets 8

japanese newspapers are likelier than american ones to view the real estate companies to be at fault

jeremy and jason tok a test to see how high their individualism and collectivism scores are. jeremy's individualism score is 9 out of 18, and his collectivism score is 11 out of 18.....9

jason is likelier than jeremy to create novel inventions

which of the following is an example of anthropocentrism 9

joanne thinks that cows have all the emotions that humans have

two friends from two collectivistic cultures, jorge (latin americaN) and sayako (japanese), are visiting club booths at school to decide what clubs to join. based on research regarding preferences for emotions, which of the following scenario is likeliest to happen 10

jorge will choose a choir that features a lot of energetic and exciting music, and sayako will choose a buddhist reading club that features a lot of calming books

according to the "epidemiological paradox," which of the following people is likeliest to have the best health outcomes 13

juan, who immigrated to the United States from Mexico 2 years ago

you are a teacher who assesses your students' science knowledge by having them play one of many science games available on the computer, so you want them to take this task seriously...8

let other classmates choose the game for the asian-american students, but let the euro-american students choose for themselves

two families re claiming to be the family of a lost mystery child. you are a judge who uses holistic reasoning, and must determine which family is the correct one. this is before the days of SNA analysis, so you must use family resemblance as your guide...9

look at which family has approximately the same constellation of features as the child

research reveals that, in contrast to westerners, the most desired kinds of emotional states among east asians are 10

low arousal positive states

pidgin languages and creole languages differ in that 12

pidgin languages lack the grammatical structure found in creole languages

diagnoses of social anxiety disorder are 14

lower among east asians than among north americans

comparisons of the moral reasoning of people engaged in disgusting behaviors (such as having sex with dead chickens) find that 12

lower-SES Americans and lower-SES Brazilians were similar in that both groups tended to view the actions as immoral

according to gupta and singh's research on marriage in india, after being married for 10 or more years, which of the following most accurately portrays people's happiness in these marriages 11

males in arranged marriages > females in arranged marriages > males in love marriages > females in love marriages

lesotho lives in a nation with many islands. he is about to travel to another island to meet his girlfriend; but in his haste, he forgot to pray to the local gods. after his trip, he falls terribly ill and feels very tired. these symptoms compel his village doctor to diagnose him with 14


which of the following is TRUE about arranged marriages 11

many pre-industrial societies rely on love marriages rather than arranged marriages

which of the following is an example of the "epidemiological paradox" 13

marisol, who immigrated to the United States from Mexico a year ago, is healthier than her uncle, who immigrated to the United States from Mexico 10 years ago

you and a friend run into each other on the street, and you see that he is carrying a fish that he's just caught. you'd love to get that fish home and cook it to make your wife happy. you and your friend agree that the fish is equivalent to the corn you're carrying in your bag. the two of you then exchange the fish for the corn before heading off to your respective homes. what is this an example of 11

market pricing

benny and matthew are good friends. benny is jewish and matthew is protestant. given this information, which of the following should one expect to be true regarding the two friends 12

matthew is more likely than benny to believe that people can stop themselves from thinking about playing baseball

stereotype threat is 7

measured using dependent variables such as task performance and physiological signs

which of the following can be considered an accessibility universal 11

mere exposure effect

a tendency to view avoiding losses as important is 7

more common among people who are thinking about a team's performance

mike is an asian-canadian who just got shoved in the mall by another person. compared to a european-canadiana who experiences the same thing, mike is 10

more likely to dampen his physiological response to this event

a difference between frame-switching and code-switching is that code-switching is 7

morel likely to be a conscious process than frame-switching

when comparing morita therapy and naikan therapy, which of the following is TRUE? when comparing Morita therapy and Naikan therapy, which of the following is TRUE? 14

morita therapy encourages one to exercise secondary control, whereas Naikan therapy does not

you are a therapist who is hoping to treat a patient by asking him to understand his own past, accept that his past is a part of him, and to learn to feel gratitude and guilt toward those around him. what type of treatment is this 14

naikan therapy

which of the following is not an example of a culture-bound syndrome 14


social striving is something that is 11

none of these answers is correct

Kartika is a professor who is trying to decide which applicant to accept as a graduate student. she wants a graduate student who will come up with creative ideas. according to Maddux and Galinsky, which of the following applicants should have the most creative ideas 7

none of these applicants can be said to have ideas that are more creative than the others

what will a jewish person think of a man who is thinking about cheating on his wife 12

none of these choices is correct

based on kitayama and colleagues' study of emotions among japanese and americans, one would expect that, between jun, who's japanese, and jerry, who's american, 10

none of these statements are true

research conducted on east and west germany found that 8

none of these statements are true

cross-cultural comparisons of obesity rates reflect that 13

none of these statements is correct

anthropocentrism is 9

none of these statements is true

suicide rates 14

none of these statements is true

the relation between money and happiness is that 10

none of these statements is true

given the current research on personality and acculturation, you can predict that 7

none of these statements is true (Jaedong is other answers)

a culture-bound syndrome is, by definition a(n) 14


an expression that is considered a ritualized display is best categorized as a(n) 10


what is adams' argument for why west africans are more concerned about enemies than north americans 11

north americans only create relationships if they stand to benefit from them, and enemies are not a benefit to them

a person says, "I don't need to maintain my friendships. I know that they'll always be friends with me, and I'll always be friends with them." according to the textbook, this person is likely to 11

not care so much whether a friend is like him or her

stereotype threat occurs because 7

people are at risk for sometimes acting in ways consistent with stereotypes and thereby proving the stereotype and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy

which of the following was NOT a belief to emerge from the Protestant Reformation 8

people are inherently good

how is the protestant reformation relevant to the question of why westerners self-enhance so much 8

people are motivated to believe that they are predestined to go to heaven, and this leads them to interpret their behavior in an unrealistically positive light

Schacter and Singer's study of emotions found that 10

people attend to situational cues to interpret their bodily sensations

according to research on political identity and morality, which of the following is TRUE

people from most political identities value the ethic of community the least

shawn displays something can be characterized as being a ritualized display of excitement. what does this imply 10

people from other cultures likely can't recognize that he is excited

inderjit, an indian villager, came across a pot of gold white working in the fields. how is he most likely to distribute this gold after he brings it back to his village 12

people who ned more money receive more pieces of gold

the findings from acculturation research are less coherent than many other topics largely because 7

people's circumstances vary so much it makes it difficult to identify common patterns

self-esteem is related to acculturation in that 7

people's self-esteem comes to approximate the self-esteem norms in the host culture as they acculturate

joon-ha, a korean child, is trying to facially express that he is upset. which of the following people would be best at identifying that Joon-ha is upset 10

person D, who is korean

which of the following is not one of ekman's basic emotions 10


a study comparing protestant and non-protestant students in their interactions with a confederate found that 8

protestant men maintained a more detached relational style than non-protestant men in a serious work task, but not in a fun task

sanchez-burks' study of relational styles and work found that 8

protestants attend less to relationships than non-protestants when engaged in a work task

the fact the people who move to new york city are at increased risk of heart disease is an example of which of the following 13

proximal cause

based on research about mortality among hindu indians and americans, which of the following would you expect to occur 12

rahul, an indian, feels that attending a friend's birthday celebration is a moral issue and should be legitimately regulated

eric's medical results show that there is an infection in his pancreas. what is his american doctor most likely to do in response to these results 13

recommend antibiotics or surgery

pierre visited his doctor because he had been feeling sick for some time. given what we learned about medical practices around the world, we might expect that his french doctor would 13

recommend vitamins and rest

at kohlberg's conventional level of moral development, someone is considered moral when she 12

refrains from stealing from a store because it is illegal

four single japanese people are participating in a dating TV show. three of them serve as targets, and they each spend time with the remaining person (the chooser)....11

regardless of gender, the chooser will choose the person with bilateral facial symmetry

jeeyoung is an eat asian student who is going through a tough time. given her emotional situation, which of the following is she most likely to do to make herself feel better 14

remind herself of her connections with others

which of the following is an example of someone defining emotions using the james-lange theory of emotions 10

ryan thinks he feels excitement because his heart was racing after having help hi breath for a minute while under water in the pool

sanjay is an indian male who has been in an arranged marriage for 15 years. sana is an indian female who has been in a love marriage for more than 10 years. based on research by gupta and singh, which person is likely to be happier 11


Varun is a Fijian immigrant to Canada. after observing him over time, his friends felt like he wasn't really participating in Canadian culture, nor did he seem to have much to do with his Fijian roots. which of the following best describes Varun 7

separation strategy

mototeru is a japanese teenager who reports feeling very positive emotions. according to research by kitayama and colleagues on emotions associated with happiness, what other emotions is mototeru likely also experiencing for him to feel such positive emotions 10


how do social facilitation and social driving differ 11

social facilitation involves one actor being observed, whereas social striving involves one actor among many actors

gregory has been diagnosed with depression by his psychiatrist; however, he does not really report experiencing negative affect. he primarily experiences stomach and sleep problems. which of the following most accurately characterizes gregory's experience 14


which of the following most accurately portrays field dependence 9

someone who is better at the relative-line task than the absolute-line task

romantic love is 11

something that appears to exist in all cultures

different languages from around the world 10

sometimes do not have emotion words that correspond with each of the basic emotions

kosuke is a japanese student who just own a drawing completion. kent is a canadian student who also just won a drawing competition. immediately after the victory, they were asked create another drawing. compared to kosuke, what is kent more likely to do 8

spend more time drawing the kosuke

imagine that Georgi moved to Canada from Bulgaria about a year ago. we might expect that he is 7

struggling, as he feels a bit homesick and has not yet made many Canadian friends

from a health standpoint, retirees who move from New York City to the beaches of Flordia will 13

suffer fewer heart problems than Floridians who move to New York City

comparisons of surinamese and turkish immigrants to holland with mainstream dutch citizens of holland reveal that 10

surinamese and turkish immigrants expressed more relational concerns that dutch citizens

delilah was just in a graveyard and was extremely frightened by the fact that she felt she saw the ghost of her mother...14


analytic thinking is best characterized by 9

taxonomic categorization

the first nations tribe that has been most successful (of the ones studied) at adjusting mainstream Canadian settler traditions has been 7

the Tsimshiam

jordan received a botox injection for the area around her eyes, meaning that the muscles around her eyes would be paralyzed and look emotionless for a period of time, while the rest of her face can still move...10

the american friend likely will believe jordan's smile, but the japanese friend likely will not

which of the following about schizophrenia is TRUE 14

the course of schizophrenia is better for poplin industrially advanced societies than it is in less developed ones

the moral reasoning of people of orthodox religious sects tend to fit the best with 12

the ethic of divinity

which of the following statements is TRUE 13

the health advantages of Hispanic-americans over european-americans decrease the longer that they have lived in the United States

one foreign country has four aboriginal tribes. the kohlrabis live in the rainforest, culturally quite distant from the mainstream culture. the brackens live along the coast, and have very few connections to their traditional past.....14

the horabs

if a japanese and an american were each contacted by a stranger for help, we would expect that 11

the japanese would trust the stranger less than the american

which of the following regarding the research on political identity and morality is TRUE 12

the more liberal one is, the less one is concerned about loyalty to the ingroup

jinro walks along the same street every day and sees the same red tree swing during his walk. the more he is exposed to this tree swing, 11

the more pleasant affect he will experience when processing

Dr. House is a medical doctor in the United States. he is giving a seminar on health-related behaviors both to doctors form other countries, as well as ordinary American citizens. which group is most likely to agree with Dr. House 13

the ordinary american citizens will agree with him

if a person basks in the reflected glory of their group, which of the following is most likely 8

the person has a stronger endowment effect than east asians would exhibit

the kingdom of zorblax is about to colonize a bunch of aboriginal tribes living on a foreign continent. the culture of zorblax is characterized by a system in which people live on collective farms and take what they need from those farms. which of the following foreign aboriginal tribes will experience the least amount of acculturative stress under the kingdom of zorblax 7

the poranga, a tribe that heavily engages in communal sharing

according to the james-lange theory of emotions, which of the following qualifies as an emotion in a scenario where ed meets his boss for the first time 10

the profuse perspiration that ed experiences upon seeing his boss

in one experiment investigating anger responses, european-canadians and chinese-canadians differed in 10

the rate at which their physiological response returned to baseline

a professor signed a contract with a publisher to write a textbook for them by christmas, after which he will be paid $15,000. what is this an example of 12

the relationships in gesellschaft groups

you come from a family that hates immigrants. if you gave them an anonymous questionnaire on attitudes toward immigration and you averages their responses together, what would you find 13

their scores would yield a small and unhappy Chernoff figure

which of the following therapists is most accurately being described as demonstrating cultural competence 14

therapist C is familiar with his own cultural background's effect on his perspectives and strives to understand the cultural perspective of his clients

a group of participants is given a hammer. they are asked to collectively strike the hammer onto a pad as hard as possible. under which of the following circumstances would people try less hard on this group task than if they performed it individually 11

they do not have relationships with the other group members

charity abides by the idea that people should have emotional "smoothness". this means that she 10

tries to not have strong displays of emotions

karaoke abides by the idea that people should have emotional "smoothness".this means that she 10

tries to not have strong displays of emotions

based on the results from schacter and singer's experiment on the two-factor theory of emotion, under which of the following situations would darryl feel the most euphoria 10

when he ingests some stimulant that he was told would make him feel less aroused

when will you NOT see an adjustment phase after experiencing culture shock 7

when the person moves to a homogenous society

Jee-Yeong is a bicultural who has integrated aspects of her korean heritage culture and her canadian culture into her everyday life...7

will engage in more frame-switching

a chinese art critic, weiwei, and his american counterpart, william, are both looking at a painting of a group of people standing behind a vase in the middle foreground. if you were to compare the eye gaze of weiwei and william, what would you find 9

william spends more time gazing at the vase than does weiwei

working-class and upper-middle-class americans differ in that 8

working-class americans respond to a choice being taken away from them better than do upper-middle-class americans

working-class americans appear to differ from upper-middle-class americans in that 8

working-class americans, but not upper-middle-class americans, liked a pen that they did not choose as much as one that they did choose

your roommate is from a high context culture. as a result, which of the following is most likely to be an exchange between the two of you 9

you ask your roommate if you can use her hairdryer, and she responds with an uneasy expression and says, "I guess so"

which of the following would be an example of secondary control 8

you convince yourself that taking the bus to work isn't so bad after all

imagine that you have just taught yourself a new skill, such as juggling. you would perform your best at it if 11

you performed by yourself in a room

your friend basdeo would like to become more creative. which of the following would you recommend to him 7

you would not recommend any of these choices

your friend feels that there are few opportunities for him to make new friends and that he's permanently connected to the friends he has. knowing this, you can expect that 11

your friend does not prefer someone who is similar to him over someone who is not as similar to him

your friend immigrated more than a decade ago. while walking on the streets with your friend, he suddenly encounters a store that reminds him of his heritage culture. which of the following is likeliest to result from that 7

your friend is more likely to think in ways consistent with his heritage culture, at least temporarily

you try to portray people's attitudes about dogs using a chernoff figure. after averaging all their responses, you find that the chernoff figure for your sample has a very small face with very small and unhappy features. what does this figure represent 13

your sample has negative attitudes toward dogs

horatio and gil are debating the legalization of marijuana.....9

zhang would become less convinced that horatio's argument is true, but become more convinced that gil's argument is true

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