Exam 2

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What is the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to be considered 'driving under the influence'?

"safe driving limit" is 0.00, legal limit is 0.08

What is the purpose of distillation in producing alcohol?

can produce drinks with a higher content

What is the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana?


What is the impact of cannabis consumption on psychosis and mood disorders?

marijuana dependence impacts mood and anxiety disorders (users are much more likely to have any mood/anxiety disorder than the general population

What is the recommended daily limit for caffeine for a healthy adult?

no more than 400 mg for a healthy adult

Why is the alcohol in beer and wine absorbed more slowly than the alcohol in a single shot of distilled liquor?

-Lower concentration attributes to lower driving force for absorption (diffusion dependent)

List the ACUTE physical and psychological effect of THC.

-Physical/bodily effects - loss of coordination -Psychological --euphoria, increased awareness, sharpened sense of sight and hearing, a feeling of creative enhancement, altered sense of passage of time, deficits in tasks involving attention or memory, inability to concentrate, sedation/sleepiness, anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks

What 3 non-pharmacological factors are associated with smoking?

-Smoking cigs is more rewarding than isolated nicotine delivery -De-nicotinized cigarettes reduce craving and withdrawal -Sensory stimuli (visual & olfactory cues) associated w/ smoking are reinforcing

Why is the half-life of THC highly variable?

-THC is very lipophilic (stored in body fat) -causes half-life to vary

Explain the relationship between smoking and schizophrenia.

-The rate of smoking in ppl with schizophrenia is at least 2 or 3 times gen pop -68% smoke compared to 11% of gen pop -Most start as teens before their illness begins -Smoking is a risk factor for schizophrenia --Smokers have earlier onset illness and more severe symptoms

What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 alcoholism? Which has the strongest genetic association?

-Type 1 - may self medicate for anxiety, rapid tolerance development, binge drinking, later onset of alcohol related problems, do better in treatment -Type 2 - steady drinker, early onset of alcohol-related problems, largely male, the son of an alcoholic father is 9 times at greater risk for being an alcoholic, women with alcoholic fathers tend to develop somatization disorder (anxiety) alcoholism can skip generations

What factors contributed to the criminalization of marijuana?

-Victor Licata murdered his family with an axe in 1933, and had a marijuana smoking habit -Some historians attributed hashish use to a Muslim sect that was notoriously dangerous and who were later referred to as the Assassins -William Randolph Hearst had 28 newspapers and led crusade against marijuana "marijuana menace"

What was required by the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937?

-a tax act decreed you must possess a stamp/license to possess or distribute marijuana -obtaining the license involved self-incrimination -repealed in 1970 for being unconstitutional

Caffeine is an antagonist at ________

-adenosine receptors -adenosine plays a role in cardiovascular system, immune system, and the brain

Describe the changes in age restrictions on alcohol consumption since prohibition.

-after prohibition, the legal age was 21 in most states -in 1970s, 30+ states lowered their drinking age in response to the ratification of the 26th amendment -National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 -Age is now 21 in all 50 states -drinking levels didn't rise to above pre-prohibition drinking levels until late 1960s

Why do women have higher BACs than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol?

-body weight -Higher body fat=less volume/weight for alcohol retention?

What is the most common route of administration for caffeine and how long does it take for peak blood concentration to be reached?

-completely absorbed via gastrointestinal tract (ORAL) -peak blood concentration reached in ~60 minutes --enters brain quickly

What is a motivational syndrome and what data supports the diagnosis of the syndrome?

-describe a lack of ambition, diminished participation in social situations and activities, apathy -unclear whether this exists or not, no causal link

Are you more likely to overdose from drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana?

-drinking alcohol, no confirmed cases of mortality due to cannabis

What is the negative impact of e-cigarettes on the lungs?

-e-cigs expose lungs to: multiple carcinogenic and toxic chemicals from liquid, and toxic metal nanoparticles -not enough expose time and data collected

True/False: The LD50 of caffeine in humans is too high for overdoses to result from consuming caffeine in beverages.

-false -the LD50 is 150-200 mg/kg, for 150 pounds - 13,600 mg (this equates to 80-100 cups of coffee, 65 5 hour energy) -fatalities with non-beverage consumption

How are the 16th and 18th amendments to the US constitution related to prohibition?

-in 1913, the federal income tax replaced alcohol tax (16th amendment) -in 1917, country-wide prohibition of manufacture, sale, and transport of intoxicating liquors (18th amendment) - Volstead Act was passed to enforce this Amendment in 1919 --Prohibition began in 1920 --the 18th Amendment didn't prohibit consumption

What was the La Guardia Report? What were the finding reported?

-in 1939 NY mayor La Guardia formed a committee to examine the truth to claims about marijuana --smoking marijuana does not lead to addiction --marijuana use does not lead to morphine or heroin or cocaine addiction --marijuana is not the determining factor in the commission of major crimes --marijuana smoking is not widespread among school children --marijuana smoking is not associated with juvenile delinquency --the publicity concerning the catastrophic effects of marijuana smoking in NY is unfounded ---Anslinger condemned it as unscientific

What were the first 2 states to legalize recreational use of cannabis and what were the regulations?

-in 2012, Colorado and Washington (first states to do this since 1937) --possession of up to an ounce for adults 21 and over is legal --has provisions against intoxicated driving --personal cultivation of up to 6 plants is legal --commercial cultivation and sale is subject to taxes

True/False: More heavy cannabis users will develop physical dependence, but few will develop psychological tolerance.

-little/no physical dependance -FALSE

True/False: Caffeine acts as a natural pesticide for the plants which contain it.


True/False: Caffeine is the most commonly-used psychoactive drug.


True/False: Men binge drink more than women.


What role did Harry Anslinger play in the criminalization of marijuana?

-He testified that marijuana led to violent crimes (ex. Victor Licata), was a stepping stone to other drugs and was an "assassin of youth" -used fear of marijuana as a tool to build support for a uniform narcotics act -appointed 1st commissioner of the federal bureau of narcotics (1930-1962)

What are the withdrawal symptoms resulting from cessation of nicotine use? Which one symptom lasts the longest for most people?

-Hunger, Lack of concentration, Cough or nasal drip, Fatigue, Irritability, Constipation, Chest discomfort, Headaches, Insomnia, Dizziness -Craving for tobacco, 3-8 weeks

True/False: Smoking marijuana is associated with increased rates of chronic bronchitis and lung cancer.

-Increased symptoms of chronic bronchitis -a link between smoking cannabis and lung cancer has not been consistently demonstrated

What are the negative effects of alcohol that occur at BACs above 0.25%?

-(.25% to .40%) lapses of consciousness, anterograde amnesia, vomiting, respiratory depression, decreased heart rate, urinary incontinence -(.35% to .50%) depressed reflexes, unconsciousness, life-threatening respiratory depression, decreased heart rate

How do synthetic cannabinoids compare to THC in potency, negative side effects and addiction liability?

-2-100x more potent than THC -effects can be unpredictable and severe, even life threatening --rapid heart rate, vomiting, violent behavior, suicidal thoughts --can be addictive

What is the LD50 of nicotine in humans? What are the symptoms of nicotine poisoning (exclude eye exposure)?

-30-60 mg -Agitation, Drowsiness, Dizziness;Excessive salivation;High blood pressure, Increased heart rate; Lack of coordination, Twitching, Tremor; Abdominal pain, Nausea, Vomiting; Pallor, Sweating; eye irritation/blurry vision

What type of brain damage is seen in people with alcoholism?

-50% of alcoholics have problems with thinking and memory -alcoholic dementia -Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Describe how drinking patterns - current use, binge use, & heavy use - change across age groups.

-50.9% of adults in US are considered legal drinkers --current drinkers are adults who have had at least 12 drinks in a lifetime and at least one in the past year --highest age group of consumption is 21-25 --Russia is highest consumption area --people who are enrolled in full-time college binge drink more

Describe the metabolic process for alcohol. Which metabolite is toxic and associated with hangovers.

-90% of alcohol in the blood reaches the brain -metabolism - 90% occurs in the liver --average person can metabolise 6-8 g of alcohol/hour -alcohol is oxidized by alcohol dehydrogenase acetaldehyde -acetaldehyde is broken down by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase into acetate -alcohol metabolites are removed via urine (95%), and air (5%)

What are the main differences between the effects of Acamprosate and Disulfiram in treating alcoholism?

-Acamprosate - modulates alcohol disrupted brain activity - reducing craving, can cause diarrhea and intestinal cramps, muscle weakness, anxiety, depression (suicide risk) -Disulfiram - causes sickness when alcohol is ingested (DOES NOT reduce craving), can cause drowsiness, acne, delirium

THC is an ______ at cannabinoid receptors. Which type of cannabinoid receptor is in the brain and central nervous system?

-Agonist -2 types of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) --CB1 in brain and central nervous system --CB2 in peripheral organs (especially immune system)

Which of the negative health effects of smoking are associated with nicotine and which associated with other components of tobacco smoking?

-Associated with nicotine: cardiovascular disease, Reduced lung function, gastrointestinal disorder, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, loss of bone density, periodontal disease and stained teeth, decrease fertility, erectile dysfunction, premature aging, wrinkling of the skin -Associated with other: Increased risk of cancer, reduced lung function

What was the first state to legalize medical marijuana and what were the regulations?

-California in 1996 (Proposition 215) --with a doctor's note, a patient can grow up to 6 plants or possess no more than ½ oz --patients receive medical marijuana identification cards from the state --dispensaries can sell marijuana with a license from the state

True/False: More adults use e-cigarettes than adolescents.

-FALSE: 12.6% of adults have tired e-cigs, 3.7% regularly use e-cigs -3 million middle and high school students report using e-cigs (16% of high school students) (5.3% of middle school students)

True/False: Rates of binge drinking in men & women decreased between 1992 & 2012.

-False -Men - 36% in 1992, 27% in 2012 -Women - 20% in 1992, 20% in 2012 --men dropped, woman went up and down but ended at 20%

Alcohol is an indirect agonist at ________ receptors.

-GABA --also activates dopamine receptors and opioid receptors

What are the main points of the Family Smoking Prevention & Tobacco Control Act of 2009? How did the tobacco companies respond?

-Gave FDA the authority over tobacco products sold in US -Prohibited candy flavors -Required disclosure of ingredients and a graphic warning label -Prohibited marketing to youth --Tobacco companies respond by increasing prices and start marketing to other countries

What are the medical benefits of marijuana consumption?

-Glaucoma - lowers intraocular pressure by 25% -HIV/AIDS and Cancer - diseases where appetite is suppressed, marijuana benefits appetite; can also significantly reduce pain -Reduce spasms in Multiple sclerosis patients -some state laws allow prescription for these disorders: anorexia, arthritis, epilepsy, migraine

What are synthetic cannabinoids and how are they used?

-K2, Spice, Joker, Black Mamba, Kush, Kronic - human made mind altering chemicals sprayed on dried shredded plant material or vaporized

List the moderate withdrawal symptoms seen after short-term alcohol consumption and in stage 1 of withdrawal from chronic consumption.

-marked reduction dopamine release in nucleus accumbens -feeling of jumpiness or nervousness, anxiety, irritability or easily excited, rapid emotional changes, feeling of shakiness, fatigue, depression -Stage 1: tremors, hypertension, insomnia, loss of appetite

How is THC excreted and how long does clearance take? How is the length of clearance related to the variable half-life?

-metabolism occurs in the liver, 24 metabolites -metabolites excreted in urine (clearance can take 20-30 hours)

Describe the temperance movement that began in America in the 1800's.

-per capita alcohol consumption in America in 1830 was 5 drinks per day -in 1833 the supreme court allowed states to designate themselves "Dry" -by the 1850s, 12 states had legislation banning distilled liquors

What is the one known positive health and 2 negative health effects of caffeine?

-positive effect - headache relief -negative effects - disrupts sleep, increases risk of panic attacks in predisposed individuals

Alcohol reduces activity in prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. What is the result of the decreased activity in these brain regions?

-prefrontal cortex - decision-making -cerebellum - motor coordination and balance -hippocampus - memory

What withdrawal symptoms do chronic cannabis users report when they abruptly stop using?

-some people report craving and difficulty stopping use -abrupt cessation of use causes --emotion and mood disturbances, sleep disruption, gastrointestinal disturbances, physiological -tolerance usually only occurs at high doses/and repeated use

What are delirium tremens and why can they be life threatening?

-stage 3 of withdrawal is Delirium Tremens (DT) and can be fatal in 15% of alcoholics (because of cardiovascular collapse), but most patients recover in 5-7 days -occurs in 1-15% of alcoholics

What is alcohol by volume (ABV)? How does ABV compare to proof as a measure of alcohol content?

-the % alcohol in a given volume of beverage -proof is 2X the percent volume -standard drink size - 12 oz beer, 8-9 oz malt liquor, 5 oz wine, 1.5 oz of distilled spirits

How is alcohol produced?

-the fermentation of sugar, by yeast or bacteria - produces ethanol as a waste product -brewing is the production of beer from the fermentation of barley grain

What are congeners and how do they contribute to hangovers?

-they are byproducts of fermentation in some alcohol (many of them are toxic) -darker liquors and wines have greater amounts of congeners

Explain 'bootlegging'

-this term comes from hiding illegal liquor inside boots -homemade alcohol became a common way of circumventing prohibition laws

Describe how dose of caffeine, smoking and age affect half-life of caffeine.

-variable av. ~5 hours, range is 2.5-10 hours -age: newborn half life is 130 hours, once hit age of 4-9 months, the half life is between 3-7 hours

What change in the brain is responsible for withdrawal effects from caffeine? What withdrawal symptoms occur when you stop drinking caffeine?

-withdrawal can begin 12-24 hours after cessation of chronic use -due to upregulation of adenosine receptors in response to caffeine --withdrawal symptoms include: loss of consciousness, depression, constipation, headache, sleepiness, irritability, muscle pain, flu-like symptoms

In what year did the U.S. Surgeon General link cigarette smoking with lung cancer and coronary artery disease?


Which 2 age groups drink the most caffeine in mg/day? Which 2 age groups drink the most caffeinated soda?

35-50, 51-70 drink the most (188/230 mg/day respectively). 20-34, 35-50 drink the most soda.

In 1988, what did the Surgeon General's report conclude?

Cigarettes are more addictive than coke or heroin

Who made the first association between smoking and lung cancer and when was the association made?

German scientists in 1939

Why do tobacco companies try to get adolescents to start smoking?

Earlier onset of smoking predicts more severe addiction

True/False: The potency of marijuana has remained steady since the mid-1990's.


What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?

Hemp: Low THC strains of Cannabis sativa. Used for rope. Marijuana: Dried flowers, leaves and stems of the female cannabis plant. Also, called kief, hashish, bhang and many others

What is the most common route of administration for nicotine and how long does it take for nicotine to reach the brain via this route?

Inhalation. It reaches the brain within 10 seconds of inhalation

Describe the affects nicotine has that are similar to activation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system.

It is a stimulant that affects your glucose levels

What is the difference between marijuana and hashish?

Marijuana: Hashish: hashish is more potent than marijuana A paste from the sap of the plant

If you wanted to speed up your rate of absorption of alcohol should you drink your rum in Pepsi or Orange juice?

Pepsi: Carbonation facilitates absorption

True/False: Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit in the United States.


True/False: The availability of appealing flavors contributes to the use of e-cigarettes by adolescents.

TRUE: 81% of youth e-cig users cite the availability of appealing flavors as contributing to use

True/False: Egyptians produced wine and beer.

TRUE: Egyptians provide the first evidence of extensive beer brewing

True/False: If you stop smoking, your health will return to that of a nonsmoker within 15 years.

TRUE: risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker

In 1966, how did the tobacco industry try to "address the health issues associated with smoking"?

They added filters to cigarettes.

How did the tobacco companies respond to the early scientific studies linking smoking to lung cancer?

They disputed it. The "Frank Statement to Cigarettes Smokers" was written.

Describe how caffeine modulates the effects of GABA in regulating sleep.

adenosine is a neuromodulator increases GABA release triggering sleep, inhibits dopamine release in reward areas and prefrontal cortex, regulates glutamine release

Nicotine is an _______ at acetylcholine receptors.


What is the irreversible liver damage associated with alcohol abuse?

fatty liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis

Why was prohibition an important political issue?

previously, federal government was dependant on revenue from alcohol and tobacco taxes (no income tax)

How effective are smoking cessation treatments?

smoking cessation interventions double success rate but this is a change from 7-12% without help to 14-24% with therapeutics

What are the potential benefits and risks of using e-cigarettes?

there isn't a lot of known information (some have claimed that it helps in quitting smoking cigarettes but increase nicotine addiction)

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